
Presentation on the topic social protection of the unemployed. Presentation on the topic "social guarantees for unemployed citizens under the legislation of the Russian Federation" History of the emergence of labor exchanges

In accordance with Art. 28 of the Law on Employment, the state provides unemployed citizens with the following types of social support: - payment of unemployment benefits; - payment of a stipend during the period of professional training, advanced training, retraining in the direction of the employment service authorities, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work; - the opportunity to participate in paid public works; - reimbursement of costs in connection with voluntary relocation to another area for employment at the suggestion of the employment service; - support for small businesses.

If a citizen is registered as unemployed, then the periods of time during which he, in accordance with the procedure established by law, receives unemployment benefits, a scholarship, and takes part in paid public works, do not interrupt his work experience and are counted in his total work experience.

Unemployment benefit is state-guaranteed material support for the unemployed in the form of periodic payments. Unemployment benefits are paid from the federal budget. Benefits for unemployed citizens dismissed for any reason are set as a percentage of average earnings calculated over the last three months at the last place of work.

... are determined according to the rules established by Art. 33 of the Law on Employment, and amount to: - in the first three months of unemployment - in the amount of 75 percent of their average monthly earnings (salary), calculated for the last three months at the last place of work (service); - in the next four months - in the amount of 60 percent; - in the future - in the amount of 45 percent, but in all cases not higher than the subsistence minimum calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, and not lower than 20 percent of the specified subsistence minimum. At the same time, the amount of unemployment benefits should not be less than 100 rubles.

... can be carried out at the direction of the employment service authorities, if: - the citizen does not have a profession (specialty); - it is impossible to find a suitable job due to the citizen’s lack of necessary professional qualifications; - it is necessary to change the profession (specialty, occupation) due to the lack of work that meets the professional skills of the citizen; - the citizen has lost the ability to perform work in his previous profession (specialty).

Public works refers to work activities that have a socially useful orientation and are organized as additional social support for citizens looking for work. Public works can be organized in the following areas: construction of highways, their repair and maintenance; carrying out agricultural work; housing construction, reconstruction of housing stock; maintenance of passenger transport, work of communication organizations;

Special program “Grants for starting small businesses to create their own business” The program provides for the free allocation of grants to small businesses in the form of subsidies to reimburse costs in the form of mandatory payments associated with the state registration of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, costs associated with starting a business, financing targeted expenses for paying the first installment when concluding an equipment leasing agreement, payments for the transfer of rights to a franchise

“Labor Market and Employment” - Plan. There are nominal and real wages. I.2 Typology and structure of the labor market The labor market has a complex structure. The labor market occupies an important place in the system of economic relations. Relevance of the topic. In connection with the restructuring taking place in our country, the labor market is also undergoing a restructuring.

“Features of the labor market” - Was formulated in the 19th century. Law of diminishing returns. Some or at least one of the factors of production. Negative values ​​of the marginal product of labor. Marginal product of labor. Formula. Owner of a small company. Labor market. Labor market. Result. How will the total product of labor change?

"Labor Market" - Farm growing tomatoes. Types of labor markets. Demand on the labor market. Features of the product in the labor market. Should construction workers be included in the labor market supply? Fill the table. What is the labor market? Nature of labor services. Owners. Labor mobility. Statement. How demand is formed.

“Labor Resources of Russia” - Analysis of the use of labor resources. Application (use) of forecasting methodology. Additional need. Calculations of additional requirements. Calculation of additional demand. Workforce planning. Planning of public education. Forecast of the balance of labor resources in Russia.

“Supply and demand for labor” - Demand and supply for labor. Structure of the labor market by profession. Market volume. Job search. Labor supply. Satisfied demand. Labor competition. Unemployment statistics. Labor resources. Labor market problems. Structure of the labor force and human capital. Labor force conditions.

“Employment of the population” - Active population in retirement and pre-retirement ages. Demographic load level. Reproduction of labor resources. Self-employed. Suitable and unsuitable work. Consequences. Factors of social differentiation in the structure of employment. Growth of the working-age population in Russia. Working potential of the country.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Social guarantees for unemployed citizens under the legislation of the Russian Federation © Microsoft Corporation, 2007. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the United States and/or other countries. The information contained in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not reflect the views of Microsoft Corporation at the time this presentation was written. Because Microsoft is sensitive to changing market conditions, Microsoft does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided subsequent to this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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The unemployed as an object of social protection The unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have work or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find suitable work, are looking for work and are ready to start it.

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Registration of unemployed citizens is carried out by employment authorities at the place of residence in the following order: 1) registration of citizens in search of suitable work; 2) registration of unemployed citizens; 3) selection of suitable work.

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The status of unemployed implies a number of powers, which in turn guarantee the rights of citizens to employment, these are: 1. the right of citizens to choose a place of work; 2. the right of citizens to consultation, vocational guidance, assistance in moving and relocating to another area for employment, psychological support, vocational training and additional vocational education, obtaining information from employment services; 3. the right of citizens to professional activity outside the territory of the Russian Federation; 4. the right of citizens to appeal the actions of employment service bodies and their officials.

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Guarantees of social support for the unemployed Unemployment benefits Additional benefits for the unemployed who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster Scholarship for unemployed citizens One-time subsidy for unemployed citizens to create their own business Compensation payments to the unemployed related to the costs of registering a business Opportunity to participate in paid public works Early assignment of a pension Social material aid

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Unemployment benefit Unemployment benefit is state-guaranteed material support for the unemployed in the form of periodic payments.

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Scholarship for unemployed citizens One of the forms of social support is a scholarship for unemployed citizens, which is paid during the period of undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service, and receiving additional professional education in the direction of the employment service, including during periods of temporary disability.

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One-time subsidy for unemployed citizens to create their own business One-time subsidy for unemployed citizens to create their own business is provided in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” approved by the Resolution Government “On additional measures aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.” The amount of subsidies for the unemployed to create their own business in 2017 is 58,800 rubles.

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Opportunity to participate in paid public works Paid public works are various low-skilled activities that have a socially useful orientation. These include landscaping and landscaping, cleaning courtyards and house entrances, cleaning stations and bus stops, agricultural work, restoration of monuments, road repairs, retail trade, consumer services, office work in government agencies, care for the sick and elderly, social work with teenagers , as well as newspaper distribution and mail delivery.

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The first task is to ensure flexibility of the labor market and reduce illegal employment, including: - ensuring a balance between the cost of labor, social protection measures for workers and maintaining the competitiveness of manufactured products; - ensuring compliance with established norms and rules in the field of regulation of the labor market and labor relations, increasing the efficiency of control and supervision over their implementation; - reducing the level of illegal employment; - development of social partnership; - increasing the efficiency of using labor resources in the public sector; - stimulating the development of flexible forms of employment, including those that do not require constant presence at the workplace.

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The second task is to improve the quality of the workforce and develop a system of personnel retraining, taking into account the priorities of the development of the regional economy, including: - development of in-house training for employees of organizations subject to release; - development of a system of retraining and advanced training aimed at increasing the competitiveness of workers in the labor market, including in-house training; - development of vocational guidance programs for youth aimed at increasing the prestige of blue-collar professions and stimulating the growth of professionalism of workers; - orientation of schoolchildren, increasing their motivation to work in professions and specialties in demand in the labor market, as well as to engage in entrepreneurial activities; - development of a system of psychological support for the population.

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The third task is to ensure employment growth and efficient use of labor, including by increasing the territorial mobility of labor resources, including: - improving the quality of services in the field of promoting employment; - encouraging unemployed citizens to actively search for work; - development of information resources and ensuring their accessibility in the field of employment; - stimulating labor immigration, improving the system of providing state support to citizens and members of their families moving for work, including subsidizing the costs of relocation and settlement; - development of mechanisms for partnership between business, local and regional authorities, public organizations to ensure effective employment of the population, protection against unemployment, social adaptation, retraining of workers released from their jobs due to the modernization of enterprises, the introduction of labor-saving technologies; - creation of new jobs through the opening of new enterprises, introduction of new production facilities at existing enterprises;

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One of the main institutions of labor law is the institution of employment and employment. The importance of this institution is due to the fact that issues of employment and employment - and above all the problem of unemployment - are relevant for almost all states of our time. In the Russian Federation, the main legal act regulating relations in the field of employment and placement is the Federal Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”

The state implements policy in the field of employment and employment through a system of special bodies - state employment authorities. The main functions and responsibilities of employment authorities are: - analysis and forecasting of the state of the labor market; - informing citizens and employers about the availability of available jobs and free labor; - assistance to citizens in finding suitable work, and to employers in selecting the necessary workers; - assignment and payment of unemployment benefits, provision of material and other assistance to the unemployed and persons supported by them; - registration of unemployed citizens; - a number of other functions assigned to them by law.

In labor legislation, employment is understood as the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and which, as a rule, generates labor income from earnings. Various types of such activities are considered as forms of employment.

In accordance with the Employment Law, the following citizens are considered employed: - working under an employment contract, including those performing work for remuneration on a full-time or part-time basis, as well as having other paid work, including seasonal, temporary work, with the exception of public works, which organized specifically for the unemployed; - engaged in entrepreneurial activities; - those employed in auxiliary industries and selling products under contracts; - performing work under civil contracts, including copyright agreements; - members of production cooperatives; - elected, appointed or approved for a paid position; - undergoing military service; - undergoing full-time training in educational institutions; temporarily absent from work for a valid reason; - who are the founders of organizations, with the exception of organizations whose participants do not have rights in relation to their property - public and religious organizations, charitable and other foundations.

In accordance with labor legislation, a citizen is recognized as unemployed if he: - is able to work; - has no job or income; - registered with the employment service authorities at the place of residence in order to find a suitable job; - looking for a job and ready to start it; - is not employed within 10 days from the date of his registration in order to find a suitable job; - submitted to the employment service authority all the necessary documents - a passport, work book or documents replacing them, documents certifying his professional qualifications, a certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work, and for first-time job seekers who do not have a profession - passport and education document.

Opportunity to participate in paid public works; - reimbursement of costs in connection with voluntary relocation to another area for employment at the suggestion of the employment service authorities. The legal status of the unemployed is characterized by a number of rights and obligations. The core of this status consists of state guarantees of social support for the unemployed. In particular, the state guarantees the unemployed: - payment of unemployment benefits, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work of the unemployed; - payment of a stipend during the period of professional training, advanced training, retraining in the direction of the employment service authorities, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work;

The most important responsibilities of an unemployed person: - undergo re-registration with the employment service authorities on time and in the prescribed manner; - report to the employment service on time to receive a job assignment; - upon the direction of the employment service authorities, appear in a timely manner for negotiations with the employer about employment.

Unemployment benefits are the most common type of government support for unemployed citizens. For citizens dismissed from an organization for any reason during the year preceding the onset of unemployment, and who had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks during this period, benefits are accrued: - in the first three months of unemployment - in the amount of 75% of their average monthly earnings calculated for the last three months at the last place of work; - in the next four months – in the amount of 60%; - In the future – in the amount of 45%.

In some cases, benefits may be suspended. The basis for this may be: - refusal during a period of unemployment from two options for suitable work; - the appearance of an unemployed person for re-registration in a state of alcohol, drug or other intoxication; - expulsion of a citizen sent for training by the employment service from the place of training for guilty actions; - violation by an unemployed person without good reason of the conditions and terms of his re-registration as an unemployed person; - some other cases provided for by law.

The main types of training for the unemployed are: - vocational training for the purpose of accelerated acquisition by students of the skills necessary to perform a specific job or group of jobs; - retraining of workers to acquire new professions to work in these professions; - training workers with professions in second professions to expand their professional profile and gain opportunities to work in combined professions; - advanced training of workers in order to update knowledge; - professional retraining of specialists to obtain additional knowledge, skills and abilities; -improving the qualifications of specialists in order to update theoretical and practical knowledge; -internship of specialists for the formation and consolidation in practice of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities;

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