
Cherkizon area. The former owner of Cherkizon, businessman Telman Ismailov, was declared bankrupt. Attempts to fight crime in Cherkizon were still successful

Finally, it became clear why the Cherkizovsky market was closed. It was not the golden rain of Telman Ismailov, which rained down on Monica Bellucci and Richard Gere at the Mardan Palace Hotel and, as many thought, enraged Vladimir Putin, that became the reason for the defeat of Moscow Khitrovka. And not the weakening of the positions of Yuri Luzhkov, who was a good friend of Telman Ismailov, a man who knows how to be friends in such a way that for 15 years no one came close to Cherkizon. No - emotions, intrigues, scandals and investigations have nothing to do with it. And the investigations began after that.

The authorities acted wisely and with perspective. The closure of the market followed Viktor Khristenko’s report on the strategy for the development of light industry until 2020 (and the report still had to be prepared, therefore, the topic had been warming up for a long time). The Minister of Industry and Trade cited terrifying figures: due to the shadow trade in manufacturing, the state is missing out on $19.6 billion in tax revenue. Shuttle trade has killed light industry: despite $2.5 billion in government investment, the industry remains in a critical situation. The country's mobilization needs, the report says, are met by only 17-36 percent, and according to the state security law, the share of Russian products should be 51 percent.

It is clear that the Turkish and Chinese underground workers, who flooded Russia with counterfeit goods, and the illegal Vietnamese seamstresses and motorists who sewed Gucci and Versace in underground hangars near Cherkizon are to blame for everything. It's actually alarming. If there is a war tomorrow, there will be no place to get T-shirts and socks. The Chinese will immediately cut off supplies, and we have lost the habit of wearing our own underwear. It's time to raise the Russian light industry from its knees.

The turn of the topic is unexpected, but quite logical. And it’s very good that the authorities, albeit late, still came to their senses. They tore off the head of the contraband reptile, now they will chop it into pieces. The domestic manufacturer will find a place in Moscow, Yuri Mikhailovich promised, but the Chinese and Vietnamese must leave.

Who will come? Who will provide us with leggings and windbreakers, jeans and shorts, leopard-print fur coats and bags made of oilskin crocodile leather? This is how the question stands now. The closure of the “Cherkizovsky boutique” - as the capital’s snobbish fashionistas mockingly called the market - is not hungry migrant workers stealing iPhones on dark streets, it is a problem of supply and demand. Already now there are empty hangers dangling in provincial shops - subsidiaries of the all-Russian Cherkizov boutique, prices have already crept up and there is a shortage. And what will happen next? Next, Khristenko will raise the Russian light industry, which will overwhelm us with quantity and crush us with quality.

That is, we are talking about the fact that Russian industry is uncompetitive and cannot exist without protectionism - it is outright losing to Chinese and Turkish. I would gladly kick the light industry for all the nasty things it did to me as a child: ugly dresses, stiff shoes, scratchy sweaters and scarves, mittens with elastic bands and a fur coat made of chicken weighing ten kilos. I would have kicked it if it weren’t for the fact that the light industry of developed countries (capable, unlike ours, of producing beautiful and comfortable things) did not lose to the Chinese in the same way. But no shuttle trade on such a scale is observed either in France or in Italy. Moreover, the manufacturer quickly adapted to the situation. Is it cheaper to sew in China? Great - we will sew in China. A couple of years ago, I personally inspected the headquarters of a very famous Italian brand that produces everything from bags to coats. Of the entire assortment, only coats are made in Italy, the rest is unclear where. The Italians avoided answering the direct question. But things - high-quality and beautiful - are sold under an Italian brand and by Italians, filling the Italian budget with taxes. And there are no Chinese nearby. Why do you need Chinese jeans in Italy if you have native ones at a reasonable price?

But the dear Italian pants, when they reach Moscow, become three times more expensive. But what about it? Transportation, customs, warehouse, salespersons' salaries, inspectors' salaries of all stripes, glossy advertising campaign - God forbid, at least earn something. At least something is not the European measly percentages from retail. At least something is three ends, they are three hundred percent. And in the Cherkizovsk boutique they sold according to the same scheme - Chinese consumer goods at the price of Italian ones in Rome and Milan.

Trade in Russia pays taxes regularly - in cash and into the pockets of officials. The state’s intention to direct this flow into the budget pocket is commendable. But Khristenko took it from the other end - the problem is not with the Chinese, but with the fact that Russia, in terms of production, is never Italy. It is impossible to produce high-quality pants, differentiated by colors and brands - there is no fashion industry, no fabrics, technologies, specialists. There are also complaints about buttons. Since Soviet times they have been poorly sewn, no matter what Raikin says.

To be deprived of the Chinese and their pants and left alone with the Bolshevichka garment factory is a nightmare that I would not want to relive. I wouldn’t want to revive the consumerist vocabulary of those times when boots were “thrown away,” sheepskin coats were “taken out,” jeans were “brought in,” and in general, “no more than two pairs were given to one’s hands.”

The specter of light industry hung over the country again. He's scary, but we're not scared. Hard-working migrant workers will open production in any dungeon, and corrupt officials will not give up the joy of shopping in Milan even under pain of torture for Chinese counterfeit goods.

This is unlikely to make domestic production any hotter. But the domestic consumer will work harder to buy at least a few Chinese pants. The price for them will now be higher than for Italian ones on Via Monte Napoleone.

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    ✪ Cherkizon dvizhnyak



Most of the market (“Old AST”, “New AST”, “Small AST”) was controlled by the AST group and its subsidiaries. However, the Cherkizovsky market included 12 trading zones controlled by other entrepreneurs, including “Ilievsky” (CJSC “Iliev”), controlled by Zarakh Iliev and God Nisanov, “Rosklas”, “Shchebenka”, controlled by Nizam Yusubov, “New Eurasia” , Tradex, SDL shopping center, Lilac Fair, Vernissage and Cherkizovsky shopping center. Parts of the land plots under the market belong to the Russian government and Moscow authorities. The largest landlord is the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture (RGAFK).

Terrorist attack

Economic significance

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Nikita Krichevsky, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, spoke about the role of the Cherkizovsky market in the Russian economy in 2009:

I would not exaggerate the importance of the Cherkizovsky market as a Russian center of small retail trade. Yes, many resellers purchased goods here. But to say that this is almost the only place in the country where you could buy cheap goods in bulk is, to say the least, not serious. Take the Chinese trains that go through Russia. At every station and stop, thousands of resellers come to them. The same goes for trains from Central Asia. So there is no need to worry about the fate of resellers.

Representatives of the Russian government explain the closure of the market in the summer of 2009 as a measure to protect domestic producers and support light industry. According to the Minister of Industry of the Russian Federation Viktor Khristenko, which he cited in his report at a government meeting on July 1, 2009, despite approximately $2 billion of government investment in technical re-equipment in the late 1980s - early 1990s, the state of light industry enterprises the mid-1990s is consistently rated as critical. Enterprises were losing production volumes and began to resell equipment to Turkey and China, where a boom in light industry was just beginning. At the same time, an opaque and uncivilized shuttle trade market emerged, which acquired a semi-criminal character, the budget annually loses about 650 billion rubles in unpaid taxes, and price discrimination on the part of illegal goods “literally strangled” domestic production

« Each point on the Cherkizovsky market meant a stopped workshop in Russia"- calculated Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Stanislav Naumov.


The official press organ of the Government of the Russian Federation “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” called the Cherkizovsky market a “black hole”, where laws do not apply, where there are many illegal migrant workers, where they sell contraband goods, the head of the Moscow consumer market and services department, Vladimir Malyshkov, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that Rospotrebnadzor has already repeatedly given orders to eliminate violations of sanitary and trade standards identified there, most of which were not implemented, and Malyshkov also argued that, according to his assessment, at least 40 percent of trade turnover there, as, indeed, in any Moscow market based on the situation in 2009 year, were illegal.


As of 2009, they tried to close the Cherkizovsky market three times since 2001, but the market continued to operate, while for a long time the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, which decided to clear the territory occupied by trade, was ignored. The closure of the entire market territory was also complicated by the fact that of the 72 hectares occupied by the Cherkizovsky market, Moscow accounts for only 20 percent of the territory, the rest of the land is federal, owned by the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. A criminal case was also initiated against the former rector of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, suspected of abuse of power when leasing a land plot for the Cherkizovsky market, the case was opened under Part 3 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers) . According to the investigation, the state suffered damage in the amount of 77.6 million rubles.

“In the near future we will ensure that this disgrace in the center of Moscow is finished once and for all. This shithole needs to be closed, and we will bring this matter to an end in the near future."

Alexander Bastrykin also noted that an operational headquarters has been created on the situation at the Cherkizovsky market, which included representatives of law enforcement agencies. According to RosBusinessConsulting on June 30, 2009, the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov said the following:

After the market closed in June 2009, Chinese citizens, who made up a significant part of the traders, moved to other Moscow markets - the Moskva shopping center in Lyublino, Sadovod on the Moscow Ring Road and Luzhniki (which later moved to the territory of the Moscow Bearing plant on Dubrovka ) .

The life of the Cherkizovsky market did not end after its closure. In 2013, an underground city was found on its territory, which contained a tailoring factory, living quarters, a cafe and a chicken coop. They were liquidated.

International resonance

According to Adyl Sadykov, deputy executive director of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Kyrgyzstan, almost 40% of light industry products produced in the republic were sold at the Cherkizovsky market:

Successor markets

As of December 2009, instead of the closed market, several new ones are being built, located both in Moscow and in the Moscow region. The construction of new markets is accompanied by protests from the local population, dissatisfied with the future neighborhood. Journalists even came up with a new term “ Cherkizonophobia”, implying by this the well-founded fear of Muscovites that giant markets will appear under their windows, where migrant workers and Chinese will trade.


One of the “successors” of the Cherkizovsky market is organized on the territory of Balashikha, next to the “Stroyka” station of the Gorkovsky direction of the Moscow railway. The relationship between the closed Cherkizon and the new market is not hidden and is emphasized even in the name - "Lilac of Balashikha"(the old Cherkizovsky market was located on Sirenevy Boulevard). Rumors about moving the market to the territory of a city near Moscow spread immediately after its closure (in June), however, the administration of Balashikha and the Moscow region stubbornly denied the fact of construction of a successor market. Despite protests from local residents, construction, which proceeded at a record pace, was completed. The market is functioning successfully.

At the next meeting of the anti-terrorism commission of Balashikha, the general director of the Balashikha Vodokanal, Igor Vasiliev, noted that the Gorky water pipeline in the area from the largest water intake node in the region No. 11 (built in 1984; with 3 reservoirs with a total capacity of 40 thousand cubic meters) Western communal zone to the gas station, located on the 17th kilometer of the federal highway M-7 "Volga", can be destroyed at any time. The cause of the destruction may be the construction by the management of the Lilac Balashikha shopping complex and the MBM Center Limited company in the security zone of the water pipeline (20 meters) of road passages and parking for vehicles, including heavy vehicles. Before the start of construction, the Star Max company did not coordinate with the water utility the projects for water supply, sewerage, storm sewerage and landscaping of the territory of the new shopping complex. Also, the water workers were not presented with a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on permission to build a market in the immediate vicinity of the water intake point. As experts note, the Lilac Balashikha market has become a potential source of a man-made disaster for the city.


The press has written more than once about the construction of new shopping places in the town of Kotelniki near Moscow, without touching on such serious problems as crime, the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation and the catastrophic social consequences that await the residents of Kotelniki, Lyubertsy and Zhulebino. The construction of a new wholesale market was approved by Boris Gromov, who is now in his third term as governor of the Moscow region, despite mass protests from residents and obvious violations of the law by the developer. At the site of the future market, it was previously planned to build social facilities: schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and a sports complex. Instead of socially significant facilities, StroyInvestGarant LLC is rapidly building a huge wholesale market. It is planned to implement a project involving the construction of more than 9,000 retail outlets for foreign wholesalers, threatening the environmental, transport, criminal and social security of residents of the surrounding areas. All this is done without public discussion and without taking into account the needs of residents of surrounding areas. [ ]

"Hermitage" Abramtsevo

As of December 2009, the existing construction market on 103 km of the Moscow Ring Road is expanding by 4,000 new retail spaces.

In April 2009, Novaya Gazeta journalist Natalya Chernova spoke about the origin of the slang term, which is often used in relation to the Cherkizovsky market by both Moscow residents and the media:

see also

  • "Cherkizona. 

Disposable people" - a multi-part television film about the life of the Cherkizovsky market (2010)

  1. Notes
  2. [email protected]: The demolition of the Cherkizovsky market will cost Moscow billions
  3. "Cherkizon". 

Investigation of Arkady Mamontov // Vesti. Ru

Republic Cherkizon // Newspaper. Ru

With $2 billion, he opened the most luxurious hotel on the Mediterranean coast in Antalya. It's hard to say how many stars there are. The cost, according to the most conservative estimates, is $1.5 billion. From what kopecks does the owner of the market make his fortune and who feeds from this table?

“Ladies and gentlemen! Please greet with applause the organizer of this great holiday, Mr. Telman Mardanovich Ismailov!” - said actress Monica Bellucci at the opening of the superhotel.

Telman Ismailov is a co-owner of the largest flea market in Russia - the Cherkizovsky market, in common parlance - Cherkizon. He spent 1 billion 300 million dollars on the construction of the superhotel. The opening was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of his late father, who, as Sharon Stone explained, was very respected in his native Caucasian village and was called Mardan. Hence the name - Mardan Palace.

"This is the most magnificent hotel on the planet. It was made with such love and generosity! This is especially important now that the world is in an economic crisis," said actress Sharon Stone.

The crisis is only beneficial. The more inaccessible normal stores are to people, the greater the turnover of Cherkizon. There is nothing more naive than asking local traders for a certificate for a product.

“Certificate of quality? Here is a young man selling fur coats. You can buy a certificate of quality from him - it costs 100 rubles,” smiles one of the market saleswomen.

Whether for felt boots from Gucci or skullcaps from Dior - a complete set of “linden” - from hygiene certificates to customs invoices.

“We will do everything - we will cast the seal, and make checks, and a delivery note, an invoice,” assures one of the sellers. “Any whim for your money.”

The largest market in Eastern Europe - 70 hectares dotted with shops, warehouses, and shelters. The Tajik diaspora in Cherkizon alone is 17 thousand people! Most traders do not leave the territory for years - firstly, there is a problem with documents, and secondly, with the language. They don’t know Russian and don’t want to learn.

The smells are Vietnamese, the honesty in payments is Arabic, the Chinese newspapers are yesterday's and, as the seller said, tomorrow's. There is also a consulate here - Tajik - the only one in the world opened right at the flea market.

The security service of this market includes several thousand retired police officers, intelligence officers and military personnel. Last year, it took them about a minute to throw the film crew out of the gate.

At the sight of a television camera, former captains and majors, “lowered” at Cherkizon to the level of ordinary security guards, are required to transmit a prearranged signal on the radio, meaning - no less than a combat alarm. Twenty seconds - they started working quickly.

“Cherkizovsky market is a state within a state. To carry out an inspection there, you need to have considerable courage. For example, if we go to detain certain individuals who, according to operational information, are selling drugs there, we naturally enter the retail outlet. Our service security doesn’t let us in. We introduce ourselves as employees of the Criminal Investigation Department, they immediately report a coded word on the radio,” said the former head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, Evgeny Kharlamov.

The villains, notified by the guards, immediately scatter in all directions. It is almost impossible to catch someone in the back streets of Cherkizovsk. The situation on the market can be described as a deliberately maintained criminal lawlessness of the early 90s.

“The district management simply forbids employees to appear there. This is an oral order. But everyone knows: if he appears there, he will be fired,” said Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the independent trade union of Moscow police officers. “One day our union member came in in uniform to buy a pie, met one of leaders of the district, who was carrying a suitcase handcuffed to his hand. What was this diplomat with?..”

A gigantic shipment of contraband worth two billion dollars, which Vladimir Putin mentioned the other day, was found in Cherkizon warehouses. This same week, Kaliningrad, Omsk, Makhachkala customs detained dozens of wagons with Turkish and Chinese counterfeit goods. All invoices are fake. The cargo was heading to the Cherkizovsky market.

In Balashikha near Moscow. She was unable to compete with free smuggled products - she went bankrupt - after which she rented out her workshops to certain entrepreneurs who promised to set up something useful here.

We've fixed it. Four hundred illegal immigrants, kept in terrible conditions, sewed Gucci dresses and Yves Saint Laurent blouses around the clock. On the day of the workshop, up to two tons of illegal products were issued.

“During the raid, police officers identified four underground workshops for the production of clandestine products. They were produced by citizens of Vietnam and intended for further sale on the territory of the Cherkizovsky market,” said Artur Mishin, deputy head for combating crime in the consumer market.

The unfortunate workers slept on three-story bunks, ate from a common boiler and used one latrine for all. They were not allowed on the street, and they were paid little even by Vietnamese standards - one hundred dollars a month.

So, another underground production is closed, the owners are put on the wanted list, the goods are awaiting destruction, the workers are in a special detention center and deported - this was officially announced. Several days passed. The same factory, the same workshop locked from the inside. We climb into the same window into which the riot police so valiantly climbed just recently - the same allegedly arrested Vietnamese, behind the same seemingly confiscated cars, continue to sheathe the same Cherkizovsky market, which has long been signed for demolition. By the way, its owner, Mr. Ismailov, has already submitted an application for Turkish citizenship, but this, apparently, does not change anything - his “Moscow business empire” continues to bring dividends. A million customers pass through Cherkizon every day. This market generates a billion net profits per year.

Text: News of the week

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested in absentia a major Moscow businessman, the former owner of the famous Cherkizon (Cherkizovsky market). He was accused of organizing a double murder and illegal weapons trafficking. Ismailov's story is unique: he was once one of the most powerful people in the capital, but soon after the market closed in 2009, his star began to fade - and now he faces life imprisonment. I remembered how Ismailov’s career developed and tried to figure out where and when the businessman took a wrong turn.

Disgraced Cherkizon

Residents of the east of the capital, which emerged in the early 1990s, have always disliked the Cherkizovsky clothing market, comparing it with the famous Khitrovka. However, the market existed successfully until 2009, including due to its social function: low-income city residents could easily dress up there for modest money. In addition, the market has become a wholesale base for small businesses throughout European Russia from Murmansk to Derbent. Cherkizon was a unique phenomenon for its time - a kind of state with its own unwritten laws, around which an entire infrastructure grew up, designed to satisfy the various needs of visitors and workers. The authorities repeatedly tried to drive out the traders or at least improve the territory of the huge market, but they did not achieve success in this matter soon.

In 2009, a massive campaign against Cherkizon was launched in the media. TV stories talked about abuses in the market, and the appearance of some dangerous goods was directly linked to the name of the main shareholder of the market - Telman Ismailov (net worth $0.6 billion, according to). Who exactly and why launched the attack on the capital’s largest market is still unknown. However, it was Cherkizon who had the then Prime Minister in mind when calling to fight smuggling. “Smuggling is a separate issue, and the fight seems to be going on, but there are few results. In one of the markets there are goods worth more than two billion dollars, they have not yet been destroyed and there are no owners (...) The result of the struggle should be imprisonment. Where are the landings?” Putin said at a meeting of the government presidium on June 1, 2009.

According to one version, Ismailov incurred the wrath of high-ranking officials by opening the seven-star Mardan Palace hotel in Antalya, Turkey, in 2009, which became the most expensive hotel in the Mediterranean: its cost was $1.4-1.6 billion. Special sand was brought from Egypt especially for the beach of this hotel, which does not burn your feet in the heat; Gold leaf and natural crystal were used to decorate the interiors, and guests were offered wine at a price of four thousand dollars per bottle. World celebrities were present at the presentation of the hotel; the ceremony was hosted by the actress.

The Russian authorities might be outraged by the fact that all this luxury was created with the profits from smuggling and other crimes of Cherkizon (he, according to some sources, brought the owners one million dollars a day in 2009). But Ismailov’s special cynicism was that the businessman invested one and a half billion dollars (45 billion rubles) in the Turkish coast, while the whole country chipped in to build facilities for the Sochi Olympics. By the way, their total cost, including donations from Russian businessmen, according to official data, amounted to 214 billion rubles.

Following the media, the security forces attacked the market. On June 7, 2009 (SKP) announced an investigation into the discovery of hazardous goods for consumption at the Cherkizovsky market. It was noted that a group of unidentified persons brought and placed in Cherkizon warehouses more than six thousand containers with clothes, shoes and other goods without warehouse and shipping documents.

According to the Investigative Committee, children's clothing and shoes were found in 58 containers that did not meet sanitary and epidemiological standards - they were subject to destruction. The investigation opened a criminal case under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Production, storage, transportation or sale of goods that do not meet safety requirements”). At the end of June 2009, Cherkizon was closed. High-ranking officials discovered unsanitary conditions, smuggling and brothels in the market, then control services came and the market stopped working forever.

To the Turkish shore

Soon after Cherkizon was dealt with, on August 6, 2009, SKP investigators with operatives and special forces soldiers went to the famous Prague restaurant on Arbat. Like Cherkizon, it belonged to the AST group of companies headed by President Telman Ismailov. The security forces, in the best traditions of the “mask show,” effectively carried out a search in “Prague” and seized documents.

Officially, investigative actions took place as part of the investigation of a criminal case brought against, the former rector of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (RGUPFKSiT). He was accused of abuse of official position: Matytsin allegedly leased a plot of university land with an area of ​​about 665 thousand square meters to the KBF AST company. This site was used by Cherkizon for trade, but the land was in federal ownership, which means that the ex-rector had no right to lease it.

However, AST’s lawyers then stated that the case about university lands was only a pretext for searches, and investigators seized documents related to Telman Ismailov’s business. In particular, the lawyer said that investigators had already seized documents relating to land leases during searches in Prague in 2007, which means that in 2009 they were apparently looking for something else. As a result, late in the evening of August 6, investigators took away several dozen boxes of papers and computer system units from Prague.

Telman Ismailov's entourage connected both the closure of Cherkizon and the searches in Prague with part of a large campaign against the entrepreneur.

“Telman Mardanovich still hopes that his troubles were organized by one of his competitors and in the end, even with some losses, the situation will be resolved. But for those who are closely familiar with what is happening around his business, it is already clear that the orders come from the very top,” a close acquaintance of Ismailov told the media.

Already at that time, the owner of Cherkizon took steps to minimize the possible consequences of the campaign against him. Ismailov moved to Turkey and began obtaining citizenship of this country.

Telman Mardanovich Ismailov is a Russian entrepreneur of Azerbaijani origin, who also has Turkish citizenship. He was the owner of the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow and is the founder of the famous AST group.

Telman Ismailov began his biography in 1956 in the city of Baku and became the tenth of twelve children in the family. His father was Azerbaijani by origin, and his mother, in addition, also had Jewish roots. Mardan Ismailov was engaged in trade, and he worked hard and with amazing diligence, which is why he constantly needed helpers. Already at the age of 14, Telman began not just to help, but to work full-time with his father, and soon became the director of the first and only commercial store in Baku at that time.

In 1973, Ismailov entered the Baku Institute of National Economy, but after compulsory military service he transferred to a similar educational institution - the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Georgy Plekhanov. By assignment, the young man works as an economist at the Ministry of Trade, and later as an expert at Vostokintorg. Then he met, who at that time worked as the chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee. And 20 years later, already being the mayor of Moscow, Luzhkov will personally congratulate Ismailov on his anniversary with the words: “Telmann! You are our brother! We walk with you through life!”.

When the enterprise was launched, businessman Telman Ismailov asked Turkey to give him a second citizenship, and this request was granted.

However, in November 2015, the public learned that ownership of the Mardan Palace hotel was transferred to the Turkish bank Halkbank through an auction sale, since the Russian entrepreneur had a lot of debts to Turkish companies. Today Telman Ismailov is not among the richest people in the country. In 2015, he was officially declared bankrupt by the Moscow Region Arbitration Court, and the shareholders of the AST group he founded are now his sons.

In March 2016, the court's decision on the businessman's bankruptcy was overturned. But already in August of the same year, the court again resumed the procedure for declaring the ex-owner of Cherkizon bankrupt. In January 2017, the amount of his debts reached 31 billion rubles. In February, the Arbitration Court included another 8.9 billion rubles in the register of creditors' claims. In March 2017, he decided to start selling his property at auction.

Personal life

In the personal life of Telman Ismailov, everything is stable. He has been married for a long time and raised two sons, Sarkhan and Alekper, who succeeded him in business. Some of the entrepreneur’s many brothers are also known to the public. For example, Fazil Ismailov several years ago served as prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. And recently another brother, Rafik Ismailov, became infamous. He is suspected of organizing the murder of two businessmen - the founder of Lyublino Motors, Yuri Brilev, and the owner of a chain of shopping malls, Vladimir Savkin.

Soon Thälmann was also accused of this crime. The Basmanny Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the businessman in absentia, since at that time he left Russia.

Telman Ismailov is a very generous person. Everyone around him was used to receiving gifts. Also, the man did not deprive his celebrity guests of similar attention. For example, he gave the singer a villa in Turkey, the actress a diamond necklace, TV presenter and psychologist Ilham Mirzayev a gold Koran, and the singer a platinum watch. In addition, among Ismailov’s acquaintances there are such celebrities as, and others.

More than once they became guests at his birthday. There were rumors that he provided his plane more than once; at that time she was still the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. But this at least looks illogical. In one of his interviews, he said that he knew each other, and their children became friends and even visited each other.

The main hobby of an entrepreneur from Azerbaijan is collecting wristwatches, of which there are over two thousand pairs in his collection. Thälmann also tried twice to become a co-founder of a football club. In 2010, he became vice-president of the Terek team from Grozny, but took over the club only three years later, organizing a friendly match with the Israeli Beitar from Jerusalem, during which two profitable transfers of football players were formalized. At the same time, Telman was going to acquire ownership of the Israeli team, but the fans ruined this deal, after which the businessman lost interest in football.

Telman Ismailov now

All the latest news about Telman Ismailov is related to the criminal case and the “sale” of his property.

In May 2018, a shopping center on Izmailovskoye Shosse, which also belonged to the AST holding, went under the hammer.

Also this year, Mehman Kerimov, a defendant in Ismailov’s criminal case, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. At the moment, according to the investigation, Telman is the organizer of this crime, while Kerimov was the perpetrator. The former owner of Cherkizon has been put on the international wanted list. And where he is today is unknown.

But the seven-star Mardan Palace hotel will soon be operational again. Despite the fact that news constantly appeared in the media that the hotel was being plundered, the general director of the hotel said that they were negotiating with travel agencies, discussing the prospects for the 2018 summer season. He also noted that 200 people continue to work in the state. And the main event of the upcoming season will be an Indian wedding with a budget of $10-15 million.

Condition assessment

In 2006, the Cherkizovsky market was the largest center of small wholesale trade in terms of financial turnover. Telman Ismailov himself was 76 on the Forbes list in 2007. His fortune totaled $260 million.

In 2015, he was included among the 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes with a fortune of $600 million.

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