
Where to get a business plan? Business plan: what is it and how to draw it up yourself

Let's give a simple example of a business plan. It should be borne in mind that this is only one of the possible options, and presented in a very compressed form.

Target: Produce confectionery products, mainly cakes, for city residents. Take a leading position in the upper price segment of this market.

1. Create a compact confectionery shop.
2. Provide the production process with the necessary raw materials and labor, some of which will be hired.
3. Initially occupy 30% of the market segment through the implementation of a developed marketing strategy, which involves squeezing out the main competitors with dumping prices and new recipes for the consumer.
4. Raise the missing investment funds from the bank using available real estate as collateral.

An example of drawing up a business plan for an enterprise

Let's look at an example of a manufacturing business plan. It is planned to open a small tailoring shop. Let's consider how promising this business is in a specific market.

1. Summary. Opening of small production on January 1, 2014. Form of ownership – LLC. The planned period is 42 months.

2. General provisions. Purchasing equipment that will allow you to use a variety of fabrics and perform different finishes. It is planned to partially raise borrowed funds for the purchase of equipment and rental of premises. The tailoring service will be provided to the population, as well as to legal entities in need of special clothing, as well as sewing curtains and bedding for subsequent sale.

3. Market analysis and marketing plan. Currently there are 350 enterprises represented on the market. Through strict adherence to deadlines and quality, it is planned to create a positive image of the company, which will allow it to occupy a niche in the market.

4. Costs. Estimated direct and variable costs, including wages and rent of premises, for 3 years will amount to 13.5 million rubles. Of these, 50 million rubles are own funds. The planned sales volume will be 15 million rubles, which, minus tax deductions, will allow the project to reach payback by the end of the third year.

5. Production schedule. Release of 1000 units of goods.

6. Investments. Attracting partners on the terms of joint business.

Brief example of a business plan

If you are about to open a shoe repair shop, then in the most general form, developing a business plan using an example looks like this:

  • – Fixed costs (equipment) – 300 thousand rubles.
  • – Variable costs (threads, glue, rent) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • – Investment required – 100 thousand rubles in the form of a bank loan at 23% per annum for 10 years with a progressive scale and deferred repayment for 1 year.
  • – Form of ownership – individual entrepreneur
  • – Tax deductions 24 thousand rubles.
  • – Planned revenue – 20 thousand rubles per month.
  • – Revenue for 1 year – 97 thousand rubles.
  • – Financial result – 73 thousand rubles.

As a result, the entrepreneur has reasons to invest money in this project. The margin of safety is large enough so that possible deviations from the predicted values ​​do not lead to financial collapse.

Example of a business plan with calculations

Opening a small store selling used children's items also requires a preliminary assessment. Enterprise business plan example:

The assessment of goods purchased from the population will be based on the cost of 1 kg.
To begin with, you will need to create an assortment of 100 units.
The cost of 1 kg is 400 conventional units. One product weighs on average 1 kg. Thus, the cost of the product will be 100 * 100 = 40,000 USD. The cost of replenishing working capital will be 100 units, which equals 10,000 USD. per month
The rent of the premises will be 10,000 USD.
Variable costs, including advertising and unforeseen expenses - 10 USD.

Sales volume in the first 6 months will be 130 products per month;
in subsequent years - 280 products per month.
The average unit price will be 250 USD.
Revenue for 1 year = 130 * 250 * 12 + 280 * 250 * 12 = (10,000 * 12,000 + 40,000 + 10,000 * 12 + 10,000 * 12,000) = 420,195 – 361,240 = 58,955.
The tax will be 25,000 USD.
Financial result – 33,955 USD

At first glance, the business seems attractive, given the low input costs and quick payback, but after performing a simple calculation, the entrepreneur will come to the conclusion that the profitability is very low and, although the risk is small (the product is in stable demand), it is unprofitable to engage in this business without achieving scale .

View an example of a business plan

Schematically planning, for example, growing vegetables looks like this:

1. Summary. A summary of the remaining pages is shown here.
2. Marketing part. Who will be the buyer and how will it be possible to conquer the market? Settlement part – 5 tons of carrots for 100,000 USD
3. Costs. Rent of land and equipment – ​​27,000 USD
Payment for hired labor – 30,000 USD.
4. Revenue– 23 USD
5. Sources of financing. Bank loan for 50,000 USD at 18% per annum for 10 years.
6. Financial result– 9 USD

This activity, if the pessimistic scenario is fulfilled, will not generate income at all in the first year. In addition, the entrepreneur will be able to work fully and invest in development only after repaying the entire loan amount.

Download ready-made examples of business plans

On this resource you can download examples of business plans for free. Downloading the file makes it possible to get acquainted with more detailed calculation options, which will allow you not only to understand the essence, but also to make, by analogy, your own calculation to justify the feasibility of investing funds.

If you have no experience at all, it is not at all necessary to order development from a specialized company. It is enough to get acquainted with an example of planning for a similar activity, where you can study in detail the features of market analysis and calculation of production costs for a particular business.

To download, click on the link:

Be sure to watch the video: “What is a business plan?”

Not a single entrepreneurial project is complete without a business plan. This document is a detailed instruction for opening a commercial business, which describes step by step the tasks that need to be solved to achieve the final goal (that is, obtaining maximum profit), as well as the methods and means that the entrepreneur is going to use. Without a business plan, it is impossible to receive investment in a commercial project or apply to a bank for a loan for business development. However, even if an entrepreneur does not plan to attract third-party funds, he still needs a business plan - for himself.

Why is this document needed, and what is its exceptional importance? A well-written business plan, which contains verified information and verified figures, is the foundation of a commercial project. It will allow you to analyze in advance the state of the market and the severity of competition, predict possible risks and develop ways to minimize them, estimate the size of the required start-up capital and the total amount of investment, as well as the expected profit - in short, find out whether it is advisable to take a financial risk and invest money in this idea .

"Business idea"

The basis of any project is a business idea - that is, for the sake of which, in fact, everything was conceived. An idea is a service or product that will bring profit to the entrepreneur. The success of a project is almost always determined by the right choice of idea.

  • Which idea is successful?

The success of an idea is its potential profitability. So, at any time there are directions that are initially favorable for making a profit. For example, some time ago it was fashionable to import yoghurts into the Russian Federation - this product instantly gained popularity among the population, and in proportion to this popularity, the number of companies involved in import grew. Only a completely unlucky and incompetent entrepreneur could fail a project in this area and make the business unprofitable. Now, the idea of ​​selling yoghurts with a high degree of probability will not be successful: the market is already oversaturated with domestically produced products, imported goods are unlikely to be favorably accepted by consumers due to the high price and customs difficulties, moreover, the main players in this segment have already established themselves in the market and established supply and sales channels.

Most entrepreneurs, when choosing an idea for making a profit, think in the categories of the majority - they say, if this business brings income to my friend, then I can also improve my business. However, the more “role models” there are, the greater the level of competition and the less opportunity to dictate their prices. In a mass business, approximate prices have already been established, and a newcomer, in order to increase its competitiveness, has to set prices below market prices in order to attract customers - which, of course, does not contribute to making a big profit.

Potentially highly profitable ideas now are those proposals that help an entrepreneur occupy a free market niche - that is, offer something that other businessmen have not yet thought of. To find an original business idea, sometimes all you need to do is look around and think about what consumers are missing in a certain area. Thus, a successful idea was the production of mops that allow you to wring out a rag without getting your hands wet, or special lamps that cannot be dismantled without the use of special tools - this know-how has significantly reduced the number of thefts of light bulbs in hallways.

Often, you don’t even need to generate original ideas yourself - you can use new products that have been successfully implemented in other countries or cities, but have not yet occupied the corresponding market niche in your region. By following this path, you will become the first to offer this know-how to consumers in your region or country, and, therefore, you will be able to set prices for this product (service).

However, originality alone is not enough for a successful business idea. There are two objective prerequisites for a business to be successful:

  1. - a potential buyer needs your product or at least understands its usefulness (for example, a person may not yet know about a certain medicine, but he realizes that something similar can cure his illness);
  2. - the buyer is ready to pay for your product or service) exactly the price that you plan to ask (for example, almost everyone wants to buy a car - however, as we know, not everyone can afford a car).

And one more note regarding innovative business ideas - excessive originality can only harm profits, since the potential audience may simply not be ready for your proposal (most consumers are conservative by nature and have difficulty changing their habits). The least risky option is to stick to the golden mean - that is, to bring already familiar goods or services to the market, but in an improved form.

  • How to determine if a given business idea is right for you?

Even a potentially successful business idea may not turn out to be successful in practice if it is not suitable for a particular entrepreneur. So, opening a beauty salon is relatively easy - but if you do not understand the intricacies of the salon business, then your brainchild is unlikely to bring you good profits. A business idea must be supported by the entrepreneur’s experience, knowledge and, of course, capabilities. What indicators indicate that your project will be within your capabilities?

  1. - Professionalism. You can have a specialized education in your chosen field, or you can just as easily be a passionate self-taught person. The main thing is that you have an understanding of the production process and other necessary knowledge in the chosen field.
  2. - Passion. You must like what you are going to do and offer. Moreover, you should like not only the final product, but also the process itself, because you won’t be able to give all your strength to a job you don’t like, which means it will be difficult to bring it to a good level. Remember the famous proverb: “find a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
  3. - Personal characteristics. If you are a closed and uncommunicative person and feel uncomfortable in the company of other people, then it will be difficult for you to negotiate. And if you, for example, are a convinced vegetarian, then there is no point in considering selling semi-finished meat products - even if this business can bring good profits, you will still feel uncomfortable doing it.
  4. - What you have (land, real estate, equipment, etc.). Starting any kind of production will be much less expensive if you already have the appropriate equipment. And if you inherited, say, a private house not far from the road, then this is a good opportunity to make a profit from roadside trading, because your competitors, if they are found, do not have such a good location, and this advantage can overcome even your inexperience.

Competition: how to become special:

As mentioned above, to apply your entrepreneurial efforts, it is most advisable to choose those areas where competition is frivolous or absent altogether. However, in most cases, entrepreneurs one way or another have to face competitors, and businessmen are faced with the question - how to stand out from them? This can be done due to the following advantages:

Competitive advantages

When introducing yourself to potential consumers, try to immediately draw their attention to the advantages that distinguish your offer from similar ones, so that buyers see that you can satisfy their needs in the best way. Don’t be shy to highlight your merits and don’t rely on consumers’ ingenuity - they are unlikely to guess why your product (service) differs from the product (service) of your competitors for the better. For example, if the recipe for the bread you bake involves enriching the product with vitamins and other useful substances, then be sure to convey this fact to your future customers. You should not position your bread simply as a tasty and fresh product, because your competitors have exactly the same product - it is unlikely that anyone will sell tasteless and expired goods. But vitamins are your competitive advantage, and the buyer must definitely find out about it, so advertising needs to be thought out accordingly.

So, we have examined some of the nuances of preliminary preparation for writing a business plan, and now we can closely pay attention to this particular document and its main sections.

1. Title page.

The title page is the “face” of your business plan. This is what your potential investors or bank employees see first when deciding whether to issue you a loan for business development. Therefore, it should be clearly structured and contain all the key information about your project:

  1. - Project name (for example, “Production of self-squeezing mops” or “Creation and development of a commercial Internet radio station called “XXX”);
  2. - The organizational and legal form of the project and the name of the legal entity (if there are several such entities, then a list indicating areas of responsibility is required);
  3. - Author and co-authors of the project
  4. - Abstract to the project (for example, “this document is a step-by-step plan for the founding and development of a commercial radio station...”);
  5. - Project cost (required starting capital)
  6. - Place and year of creation (“Perm, 2016”).


This paragraph is a brief description of the project idea, the timing of its implementation, the main goals and objectives for the implementation of the idea, the expected turnover and production volumes. forecast of key indicators - project profitability, payback period, initial investment, sales volume, net profit, etc.

Despite the fact that the summary is the first section of the business plan, it is compiled after this document has already been completely written and double-checked, since the brief description covers all other sections of the business plan. The summary should be concise and extremely logical and fully disclose all the advantages of the project, so that investors or a potential lender see that this business idea is really worth investing in it.

3.Market analytics

The section reflects the state of the market sector in which the project will be implemented, an assessment of the level of competition, characteristics of the target audience and industry development trends. It is very important that the market analysis is carried out on the basis of high-quality marketing research containing real indicators (falsified or inaccurate analysis reduces the value of the business plan to almost zero). If an entrepreneur is not competent enough in the chosen field, then in order to avoid inaccuracies and errors, he should outsource marketing research by ordering it from a trusted marketing agency.

This section usually takes up at least 10% of the total volume of the business plan. His approximate plan is as follows:

  1. - General description of the selected industry (dynamics, trends and development prospects - with specific mathematical indicators);
  2. - Characteristics of the main market players (that is, direct and indirect competitors), an indication of the competitive advantages and features of your business project compared to other entities;
  3. - Characteristics of the target audience (geographical location, age level, gender, income level, type of consumer and user behavior, etc.). Creating a portrait of a “typical client” indicating the main motives and values ​​that guide him when choosing a product (service), pessimistic forecasting (that is, the minimum flow) of consumers of the product (service);
  4. - Review of the most effective channels and ways to promote goods (services);
  5. - Review and identification of the most likely risks that an entrepreneur may encounter in this market segment and suggesting ways to eliminate or minimize them (it must be remembered that risks are external circumstances and factors that do not depend on the entrepreneur);
  6. - Forecast of possible changes in this market segment, as well as an overview of factors that may affect the profitability of the project.

4. Characteristics of goods (services) and their sales

This paragraph describes in detail the goods that the entrepreneur is going to produce, or the services that he is going to sell. Particular attention should be paid to the competitive advantages of a business idea, that is, what will distinguish this proposal from the general variety. However, you should not remain silent about the shortcomings and weaknesses of the idea, if any - it is better to play fair with investors and creditors, besides, they can analyze this point on their own, and in the case of a one-sided description, you risk losing their trust, and with it - and hope for financial investment in your idea.

The presence of a patent will make the idea described especially attractive - if an entrepreneur offers some kind of know-how and has already managed to patent it, then this fact must be reflected in the document. A patent is both a competitive advantage and a basis for a greater likelihood of obtaining loans or investments.

The chapter must include:

  1. - brief description of the idea;
  2. - ways of its implementation;
  3. - description of the life cycle of the product (service);
  4. - percentage of secondary purchases;
  5. - the possibility of creating additional product lines or service options, the possibility of segmenting the offered product;
  6. - expected modification of supply in accordance with changes in the market situation and factors affecting profit.

5. Ways to promote business (marketing and strategic plans)

In this chapter, the entrepreneur describes exactly how he is going to inform potential consumers about his product and how he will promote this product. Shown here:

6.Description of the production process

A production plan is a detailed description of the complete algorithm for producing a product from its being in its raw material state to the moment when the finished product appears on store shelves. This plan includes:

  1. - a description of the necessary raw materials and the basic requirements for them, as well as the suppliers from whom you plan to purchase these raw materials;
  2. - reception, processing and pre-production preparation of raw materials;
  3. - the technological process itself;
  4. - yield of the finished product;
  5. - the procedure for testing the finished product, its packaging and transfer to the warehouse and subsequent delivery to the buyer.

In addition to the actual description of the production process, this chapter should also reflect:

  1. - characteristics of the equipment used, as well as the premises where the production process will be carried out - indicating all the necessary standards and requirements;
  2. - list of main partners;
  3. - the need to attract resources and borrowed funds;
  4. - calendar plan for business development - from the launch of production until the time when the funds invested in the project begin to pay off.

7. Enterprise structure. Personnel and management.

This chapter describes the internal scheme of the functioning of a business project, that is, the administrative and organizational plan. The chapter can be divided into the following subsections:

  1. - organizational and legal form of the enterprise (LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.);
  2. - internal structure of the enterprise, distribution of responsibilities between services, channels of their interaction (it would be best if this sub-item is further illustrated by appropriate diagrams);
  3. - staffing table, list of responsibilities of each employee, his salary, channels and criteria by which personnel will be recruited;
  4. - list of activities on the personnel policy (training, training, personnel reserve, etc.)
  5. - participation in business development events (competitions, conferences, fairs, grants, government programs, etc.).

8.Risk assessment. Ways to minimize risks.

The purpose of this paragraph is a preliminary assessment of possible negative circumstances that will affect the achievement of the desired indicators (business income, customer flow, etc.) - the basis for this assessment is again marketing market research. Risks are divided into external (for example, tougher competition and the emergence of new strong players in this segment, increased rental rates and utility bills, natural disasters and emergencies, changes in tax legislation towards increasing rates, etc.) and internal (that , what can happen directly inside the enterprise - equipment breakdowns, unscrupulous workers, etc.).

If an entrepreneur has information in advance about what exactly he should be wary of in the implementation and promotion of his project, then he can think in advance about the ways in which he will neutralize and minimize negative factors. For each risk, a number of alternative strategies should be proposed (a kind of table of emergency measures). You should not hide certain risks from investors or creditors.

Special attention should be paid to such a form of protection as insurance against various risks. If an entrepreneur plans to insure his business, then this must be mentioned - indicating the selected insurance company, the amount of insurance premiums and other details related to the matter.

9.Forecasting financial flows

Perhaps the most important chapter of a business plan. Because of its importance, it should be written by professionals if the entrepreneur himself does not have a financial and economic education. Thus, many startupers who have creative ideas, but do not have sufficient financial literacy, in this case resort to the services of investment companies, which later put their certification visa on the business plan - this is a kind of guarantee of reliability of calculations and will give the business plan additional weight in the eyes of investors and creditors.

The financial plan of any business project includes:

  1. - balance sheet of the enterprise;
  2. - calculation of expenses (employee payroll, production expenses, etc.);
  3. - profit and loss statement, as well as cash flow statement;
  4. - the amount of required external investment;
  5. - calculation of profit and profitability.

The profitability of a project is a key indicator that has a decisive influence on investors’ decisions regarding investing in a given business. Calculations on this topic cover the period from the entry of start-up capital and third-party investments into the project until the moment when the project can be considered break-even and begins to generate net profit.

When calculating profitability, the basic formula R = D * Zconst / (D - Z) is usually used, where R is the profitability threshold in monetary terms, D is income, Z is variable costs, and Zconst is fixed costs. However, in long-term calculations, the calculation formula should also include such indicators as the inflation rate, renovation costs, contributions to the investment fund, increases in wages for enterprise employees, etc. As a visualization method, it is again advisable to use a Gantt chart, which is convenient for tracking the level of growing income and reaching the break-even point.

10.Regulatory framework

All documents that are necessary for legal support of a business are indicated here - certificates and licenses for goods, permission for certain types of activities, acts, permits, etc. – with a description of the conditions and terms of their receipt, as well as the cost. If the entrepreneur already has any documents in his hands, this must be indicated, and this fact will also become an advantage in the eyes of investors.


At the end of the business plan, the entrepreneur provides all calculations, diagrams, graphs and other supporting materials that were used to draw up financial forecasts, market analysis, etc., as well as all materials that visualize the points of the business plan and facilitate its perception.

“The main mistakes when drawing up a business plan”

At the end of the article, I would like to say a few words about the most common mistakes that inexperienced entrepreneurs make when drawing up business plans. So, what should you avoid if you don't want to scare potential investors away from your project?

Excessive bloating and bulk. A business plan is not like homework, where large writing increases the chances of a good grade. The approximate volume of a business plan is usually 70-100 sheets.

Difficulties of presentation. If an investor reading your plan cannot understand your idea after reading two or three sheets, then there is a high probability that he will put the BP aside.

Lack of necessary explanations. Remember that an investor is not required to understand the area of ​​the market in which you are offering him to invest money (and in most cases, he really does not understand it, otherwise he would have already launched an independent business). Therefore, you need to succinctly introduce the reader to the main details.

Streamlined phrases-characteristics (“huge market”, “great prospects”, etc.). Remember: only accurate and verified information and forecasts.

Providing approximate, unverified or deliberately false financial information. We have already focused on this topic above, so no comments.

When starting any activity, it is important to have a clear idea of ​​where to start and what to achieve.

Without clear planning, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to consistently move towards the intended result.

Goals and objectives of the business plan

A business plan is an integral part of any enterprise aimed at success. The result of the future company depends on the quality of its preparation. Business planning is an important stage in the development of a future enterprise and contains certain goals and objectives.


  • determine whether the project is worth financing;
  • provide complete information about the project to the investor or bank.


  1. Outline the goals of the future company, develop strategy and tactics.
  2. Choose a direction of activity.
  3. Analyze all costs.
  4. Plan the necessary marketing activities.
  5. Consider possible risks.
  6. Create a budget relative to your current financial situation.

Principles of compilation

A business plan is a document that gives a detailed idea of ​​the project and allows you to answer the question of whether it is worth financing. The project can be financed by either a lender or an investor. Since the goals of these individuals are different, the methods for evaluating a business project are also different. Therefore, before drawing up a project, you must immediately decide who will receive it.

In any case, the business plan should be well formatted and easy to read. The average document size is 40 pages. If the content is greater, it is optimal to include some documents in appendices, but if it is less, it will be considered that the project was not compiled properly.

If complex terms are used in the description of the organization, then a glossary of terms should be compiled at the end of the document.

It is important in drawing up a business project to focus on the target market and meet the needs of consumers. It should be noted what benefits the consumer will receive by using a product or service from this enterprise compared to a competitive one.

It is good to highlight the uniqueness of your enterprise: the possession of certain patents, the presence of people in rare professions on staff, the advantageous location, etc.

The completed project must reflect a realistic picture that shows what the organization can achieve with appropriate funding. The lender must have confidence in the repayment of the loan, and the investor must have confidence in receiving high profits.

How to write a business plan yourself?

If you plan to draw up a business plan yourself, then this issue should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Only a carefully thought-out project can help achieve the goal of making a profit. Of course, to launch a huge company with multimillion-dollar investments, it is unlikely that you will be able to do it only on your own. But it’s enough to start your own small business. This video describes how to independently develop a business plan:

The process begins with a business idea. An idea is just a figurative idea of ​​what you want to do. But the idea must be realistic in order to be implemented.

Having decided on the direction, we move on to planning on paper. Most often, the preparation of this document is necessary to attract investment. In this situation, we pay special attention to the section with financial planning and guarantees of return on investment.

We highlight all the factors that can influence the implementation of the idea. We indicate all the reasons that, in your opinion, will contribute to the success of your endeavor.

We draw up a detailed financial plan, which indicates the necessary financing, its sources and possible costs. Don’t forget to note the size of your investment - this is important for a potential investor.

In the marketing strategy we indicate ways to sell and promote products. It is better to provide several options. We also indicate the persons responsible for these activities.

Don't forget about possible risks. It is important at the initial stage to be able to anticipate potential negative consequences and ways to manage them. This can directly affect the lifespan of your business.

Standard structure

Of course, each business plan can have an individual structure depending on the direction of the enterprise and the planned results. However, the basis of any project is always a standard structure.

The diagram shows possible options for using a business plan

The standard structure in a compressed form contains the following sections:

  • summary;
  • company characteristics;
  • description of products and services;
  • marketing plan;
  • production plan;
  • organizational plan;
  • financial plan;
  • risk assessment;
  • applications.

What information should be contained in the sections


An introductory part containing brief information about the essence of the project. It depends on its content whether the reader will become interested in the project or not.

Company characteristics

It contains information about the company itself, the stage of its development, the profile of its activities, its competitiveness, development plans for the future, etc.

If the company is not newly opened, then in this section it is necessary to indicate the technical and economic indicators of development over the previous few years.

Description of products and services

This section should provide detailed information about the goods produced by the enterprise or services provided. Here you should talk in detail about the features of the product, the possibilities of its use, etc.

If there is a list of experts or consumers who are already familiar with this product/service and are ready to give positive feedback, then this will be an additional plus.

Marketing plan

A marketing plan is used to conduct a detailed market analysis and draw up a marketing strategy, which includes:

  1. Pricing methods.
  2. Market coverage plan.
  3. Development of new products/services.
  4. Product marketing method.
  5. Advertising strategy.
  6. Enterprise development strategy for future periods.

Production plan

This plan contains all the nuances of the production process:

  • required raw materials, supplies and terms of their delivery;
  • technologies used for production;
  • equipment and its power;
  • need for labor resources;
  • product renewal plan;
  • production development plan;
  • work schedule.

Organizational plan

This section should show how the entire business project is planned to be implemented. This includes a strategy for implementing the main plans, as well as monitoring their implementation. You can also note the motivation to complete plans on time.

In the event of changes in the internal or external environment of the organization, it is necessary to indicate how it is planned to regulate the processes for implementing the main plans.

Financial plan

This type of plan should reflect all parts of the document. This section contains the cost expression of all components of the company’s development:

  • forecast of production volumes;
  • forecast of planned costs;
  • balance of income and expenses;
  • company budget;
  • Management of risks;
  • main indicators of enterprise performance.

Risk assessment

All possible risks and ways to insure against them are analyzed here. Preventive measures are planned to combat potential risks, as well as measures that should be taken if unplanned risks arise.


Documents that supplement or confirm the information contained in the document are attached here.

The most important section of a business project is the financial part, which contains a detailed analysis of all cash flows arising in the enterprise.

How to use a business plan

To prevent your business planning from becoming a mere formality on paper, it should be regularly reviewed, analyzed and adjusted. To get the most out of it, it is important to turn it into a core company management tool. It will optimally reflect all current conditions and new information collected over a certain period of time.

All changes occurring in the field of activity of your company and the conclusions drawn on their basis should be reflected in the business plan. This will allow you to plan the enterprise development strategy for the future.

It is necessary to regularly outline the main stages that you plan to implement in the next month. This information should be shared with your team members, along with a time frame for implementation.

At the end of each period, it is important to compare current results with planned plans. Draw appropriate conclusions and make adjustments taking into account actual indicators. Based on the results obtained, forecasts are made and new plans are drawn up.

If you regularly use a business plan, the planning process will not take much time. But there will definitely be positive results.

When starting your own business, do not be lazy to plan it conscientiously. If you are not sure that you can handle it on your own, you can seek the help of specialists. Of course, this will require additional financial costs, but it will protect you from financial losses in the future.

Business plan for a small business from scratch: recommendations and samples with calculations

How to write a business plan correctly? We share recommendations, convenient methods, samples and calculations.

Business plan is the document from which implementation should begin. If you do not first calculate expenses and income, do not take into account demand and the presence of already operating competitors, you can waste your budget. In our article you will find a sample business plan with calculations and learn how to prepare it for yourself.

But when the development of a business plan for a small enterprise is needed specifically for investors, guarantors, and creditors, then the document must comply with the requirements of the Federal Small Business Support Fund. You can learn how to draw up a business plan in accordance with these requirements from, and we will look at the brief structure of the plan here.

Structure of a business plan from the Federal Small Business Support Fund:

If you follow all the recommendations of the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business, then it is quite difficult to draw up your own business plan. But there is another way to calculate the prospects of your project - using the SME Business Navigator.

How to write a business plan yourself

If you decide to open such a store, you will need to find the missing amount of 1.7 million rubles. Of course, you can take out a loan, especially since Business Navigator offers you to choose one of the partner banks. However, we must not forget that such interest-bearing borrowed funds increase the cost of the project and extend its payback period. You need to carefully weigh whether this is worth doing.

If you do not want to attract additional funds to the project, especially borrowed funds, then the navigator will prompt you to select the type of business based on the volume of investment. We go to the appropriate tab and see an extensive list of projects that you can start using only your own funds. All that remains is to select several areas that interest you and calculate their payback.

Now you know how to make a business plan with calculations for a small business in a specific situation. On the Internet you will find many more methods for writing and drawing up business plans, samples for different businesses (coffee shop, car service center, beauty salon, etc.). But remember - you need a business plan for your specific business, an individual one, and no one has ever written one for you. This video briefly and succinctly describes how to do this “on the fingers of a milling machine operator”:

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A business plan is a short-term course of action for a business entity. The document contains information about the company and ways of its further profitable operation. It contains information and proposals for the production of a new product, the provision of a service, the sales market is assessed, calculations of the necessary materials and equipment, marketing moves are made, and a conclusion is drawn about the feasibility of implementing the project from a financial point of view, the profit received and the payback period are predicted.

A business plan is an important strategy, management and planning tool. Any investment agreements and transactions are concluded subject to the mandatory availability of this document. Having seen the forecasts set out on paper, confirmed by real figures, investors will make a deal with the entrepreneur, enter into a contract, and invest the necessary resources.

When issuing loans to start-up entrepreneurs, the bank needs a guarantee of repayment of funds. The provided business plan informs the credit institution about the existing or future activities of the businessman in a succinct, understandable form. By and large, such a document answers the question that interests every business owner: is it worth investing in a particular project?

Writing a business plan is a long, labor-intensive process that will require the author to have extensive knowledge in the subject area and the ability to analyze - in total, this data will allow you to clearly define tactics and strategy to achieve the desired result. There are 3 ways to become the owner of a finished document:

  • Compose yourself. In this case, the entrepreneur will need knowledge of the economy, legislative acts, all the nuances of his business, and, finally, the rules for drawing up a business plan.
  • Use the services of specialists. There are companies that, in a number of services provided, prepare and compile similar documentation. The negative aspects of this method include the high cost of the service and the subjectivity of the information presented.
  • Download from the Internet. Rather, this option is recommended to help the first.

You can see how to correctly compose such a document in the following video:

Stages of document preparation

A competent business plan should contain maximum information about the company’s activities.

Its approximate structure:

  1. Summary.
  2. Review section.
  3. Description of the product (service).
  4. Marketing plan.
  5. Production plan.
  6. Financial plan.
  7. Assessment of upcoming risks.

Although a summary belongs to sections, it should be written separately, after completing the entire document. It performs the function of an extended output, a summary. After reading it, the investor, lender or business owner will have a general understanding of what is written below.

A standard resume is 1 page in A4 format.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
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Overview section

The purpose of compiling this paragraph is to provide information about the enterprise. The section should provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is the organizational and legal form of doing business?
  • The main activities of the company?
  • Job profile: sales, production, intermediary, etc.?
  • What does the company intend to offer to the potential target audience?
  • What goals does the organization pursue in implementing this project?
  • In what geographical area does the company plan to develop?
  • What is the main difference between this company and its main competitors?
  • How does the company see its development prospects in the next few years?

At the end of the paragraph, the legal details of the organization must be provided: address, contact phone number, website (if available).

Description of the product (service)

The main objective of this section is to present in a concise form the features, qualities and characteristics of a product or service offered by a specific business. The section should contain a physical description of the product or service, a description of the benefits, possibilities of use, problems that the described product helps to solve, and the stage of readiness to enter the market.

It would not be amiss to indicate the data of experts and consumers who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the products and give positive feedback. If we are talking about a product, it is recommended to attach high-quality photos from different angles.

Marketing plan

The section allocated for marketing research is one of the largest and most important parts of the business plan. The main task of the compiler is to explain how the described business will influence the market and respond to its rapidly changing trends in order to ensure the sale of goods in the stated volumes. The marketing plan should reflect the following aspects:

  • demand for the products offered;
  • market expansion opportunities;
  • analysis of competitors, factors influencing the internal and external environment;
  • market research results;
  • projected sales volumes.

To confirm the information described, one can cite ready-made versions of SWOT analysis tables. To summarize the point, a description of the marketing strategy is given (the expediency of using marketing means is explained, in particular a description of sales strategies, product promotion, advertising, pricing, and sales promotion).

Production plan

The purpose of creating this section is to describe the technological process of product production. A general approach to organizing production is indicated. Characteristics are given to suppliers of raw materials and auxiliary materials that will be used. A description of the main technological processes is attached. Options for purchasing equipment, its main characteristics, and power are considered.

A separate paragraph indicates the qualification requirements for personnel involved in production. Divisions are formed (if we are talking about a large business). The terms of payment, labor incentives, and proposed changes in the personnel structure as the enterprise's capabilities expand are considered.

Below it is recommended to draw up a production flow diagram that will clearly demonstrate the processes of receipt of raw materials and components, the processes of their processing into a finished product, where the goods will be stored, how and where they will be delivered from the enterprise.

In the case of the provision of services, the scheme will have a slightly modified form. It should reflect the way in which services are provided to clients, where the initial stage will be the provision of the necessary tools and materials.

The following aspects of the production process should not be ignored:

  • estimated production capacity;
  • need for land, buildings, structures;
  • the need to purchase equipment;
  • terms of supply of raw materials;
  • quality control of received materials;
  • requirements for sources of energy, water, gas;
  • quality control of manufactured products.

Financial plan

An important condition for drawing up a business plan is to determine the financial indicators of the business. These calculations are based on taking into account costs and sales (income) forecasts. The result of the calculations will be the amount of profit that the enterprise will receive from the implementation of this project. In essence, this is basic information that is of interest to investors and credit institutions.

Investment costs (to start a business):

  • registration of an organization;
  • purchase or lease of production space;
  • arrangement of the premises;
  • acquisition of equipment and auxiliary materials;
  • registration of a license.

Basic costs are usually divided into fixed and variable.

The volume of fixed costs does not change depending on the increase (decrease) in the volume of output:

  • rental of premises;
  • depreciation of fixed assets;
  • employee salary (rate);
  • tariffs for water, heating, electricity, gas, communications;
  • equipment servicing;
  • payment of taxes.

As a rule, the basis for calculation is a time period: month, six months, year, etc.

The volume of variable costs is directly proportional to the volume of output:

  • costs of raw materials;
  • salaries to employees (piece-rate form of accrual);
  • transportation costs (gasoline, etc.);
  • payment for communications equipment.

To determine operating profit, it is necessary to subtract expenses from the cost of production. An important condition for making correct calculations is the construction of a break-even point - a graph displaying the minimum permissible volume of production and sales at which costs will “cover” income. This means that the production and sale of each subsequent unit of production will bring profit.

To calculate the level of profitability of production, it is necessary to relate the cost of goods for a certain period to the amount of costs. The calculation of the payback period for production is carried out by the ratio of investment costs to net profit.

Risk assessment

This section provides an approximate assessment of the risks that are most likely to occur for this project. In addition, a number of preventive measures are proposed to prevent or minimize their negative impact on business.

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