
Gdz on the surrounding world profession project. Project "my parents' profession" - presentation. “bestowing healing and protecting from disease”

Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school No. 34 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union N.D. Zakharova

Environment project


2nd grade student

Shklyaeva Danila

Objective of the project:- development of cognitive activity and outlook; - awakening interest in a person’s professional activity; - formation of moral values.

Project objectives:

  • get to know different professions and their characteristics;
  • provide knowledge about the qualities that a person who wants to acquire a particular profession must have.

There are so many professions, and all are good: Everyone is able to find something for the soul.

The pastry chef prepares cakes and muffins,

The driver brings the cargo by car.

A brave fireman will put out the fire,

An artist dances on stage to the accordion.

A fisherman catches pike perch and cod,

Clowns in the circus will disperse the melancholy.

And the sellers sell it to us.

In the workshop, tailors will sew clothes,

Every business is valuable in its own way,

And it will always come in handy!

Can you understand now

What do you want to become next?

Where to work, who to work with,

Who should I go to study?

Yes, the questions are complicated

But there is a solution, guys!

You need to try, dream,

Go to different circles,

To understand who you want to be!

To be useful to society is the main goal of every person. And for this you need to work. Choosing a profession is a difficult and important stage in life. But this choice determines whether you can succeed in your business. You need to love your profession, and then the work will not be difficult.

All professions are needed, all professions are important!

Project "Professions"

On these pages, present a story about the professions of your parents (other relatives, acquaintances).

My mom is a cook
The profession of a cook is for all times. This profession is in great demand.

The first cooks appeared as soon as people learned not only to get food, but also to cook it. Although everyone can cook something themselves, sometimes you want to visit a cafe or restaurant, order a tasty and beautifully decorated dish, and just enjoy it while sitting in pleasant company. My mom cooks very tasty food
This is a very noble profession. The teaching profession is a way of life.

People who choose it must listen to their hearts and make a choice with their souls. This is not just the transfer of knowledge, it is the education of the younger generation. No matter what educational institution a teacher teaches, he should always be an example for his students.
My mom is a hairdresser

The profession of hairdresser has been known since ancient times. High society in all countries could not do without him. Everyone needs a hairdresser these days. Which makes the profession of a hairdresser even more attractive.
My mother is a universal hairdresser, she knows how to work with women's and men's hair. At first glance, it seems that this is a simple job, but the master must be familiar with such sciences as chemistry, physics, and ethics. The hairdresser has great responsibility for the further well-being and image of the client.

My mom does wonderful hair.
My mom is a saleswoman

The salesperson is the most popular profession of our time. People have been engaged in trading since time immemorial. The seller has such qualities as politeness, responsibility, patience, and the ability to correctly structure his speech. Selling is both simple and difficult. A salesperson must have a good understanding of human psychology in order to successfully sell products.
My mom does a great job with this.

My mother is an accountant
The name of this specialty comes from the Latin word “ingenium,” which translated into Russian means “capable of inventing.”

Those. An engineer is a person who can create something new.
Not a single enterprise can do without engineers, from food processing plants and factories to the most complex military production. Dad has an interesting and important job.

My father is a programmer
In our age of rapid progress, the profession of a programmer has become one of the most popular activities. A programmer is a specialist who, based on special mathematical models, develops algorithms and computer programs of varying complexity.

In other words, he creates software. Now it’s hard to imagine our life without computers; my dad’s profession is very necessary.
My dad is a policeman

The policeman is the main guardian of public order. No major event can be imagined without police officers. And on other days, police officers patrol the streets of every city as part of their duty.
The policeman ensures that the health and property of law-abiding citizens is completely safe. My dad’s profession is very important for all residents of our city.

My dad is a driver

1. My mother's profession
2. My dad's profession
3. My grandfather's profession
4. What would I like to become?

How do I evaluate my work on the project (was the work interesting, easy or difficult, how was the collaboration with adults, was the work successful).

I was interested to know about my parents' professions. Mom and Dad talked very interestingly about their professions.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Dad, mom, grandparents.

MY MOTHER'S PROFESSION My mother, Oksana Vladimirovna, works as a senior accountant. This is a very responsible profession. An accountant needs to be able to count quickly and know a lot of computer programs. My mother, Oksana Vladimirovna, works as a senior accountant. This is a very responsible profession. An accountant needs to be able to count quickly and know a lot of computer programs.

DADDY'S PROFESSION My dad is a military man. The military profession is a type of public service. In Russia, at all times, military service has been a matter of honor, a school of courage and dedication, and the military profession has always been treated with special honor and respect. Military bearing, officer's honor, soldier's valor - this is not a complete list of what attracts young people when choosing this profession. However, not everyone can do it. My dad is a military man. The military profession is a type of public service. In Russia, at all times, military service has been a matter of honor, a school of courage and dedication, and the military profession has always been treated with special honor and respect. Military bearing, officer's honor, soldier's valor - this is not a complete list of what attracts young people when choosing this profession. However, not everyone can do it.

DADDY'S PROFESSION A military career begins with a good education, so young people who decide to connect their lives with this profession while still in school should think about choosing an educational institution. A military career begins with a good education, so young people who decide to connect their lives with this profession while still in school should think about choosing an educational institution.

I would also like to be a military man because it is prestigious. All military personnel are well-mannered, disciplined, cultured and educated people. I would also like to be a military man because it is prestigious. All military personnel are well-mannered, disciplined, cultured and educated people.

THE WORLD OF PROFESSIONS IS DIVIDED INTO: Man - nature veterinarian, agronomist, florist, etc. Man - equipment turner, service technician, repairman, etc. Man - salesperson, teacher, psychologist, etc. Man - artistic image Man - sign system designer, photographer, composer, etc. doctor, teacher, journalist, musician, etc.

My mother's profession is a salesperson! SELLER Well done seller! He sells goods: Milk, sour cream, honey. And the other is carrots, tomatoes, he has a rich choice! The third sells boots, shoes and sandals. And the fourth table and wardrobe, chairs, hat hangers. The sellers know the goods, they don’t waste time, they will sell everything we ask. This is their usual work!

This profession is associated with selling goods to the public, assisting the buyer in choosing goods and providing services related to a detailed description of the product of interest. In his work, the seller must know mathematics well! Workers come to the store before it opens. They need to have time to prepare the goods for sale, put them on display and on the counter. The seller must know his product perfectly, its properties, remember prices, sizes, and location of goods. This means that the seller needs a good professional memory! Agree, you don’t want to buy goods from a gloomy, sloppily dressed seller! But the main thing, of course, is a kind, respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, and a charming smile.

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