
New generation competition. X Open interregional competition of innovative projects for children and youth “New Generation. Details and payment procedure

Task 4.

Our project involves teams from 8 Russian cities: Andreapol, Balakovo, Zhigulevsk, Luchegorsk, Ocher, Samara, Svobodny, Tolyatti.

In this task you need to send one virtual letter on a trip in all cities of project participants. (the letter should NOT be returned to you)

Task 4.1.

  • Select one team of project participants from each city (do not select a team from your city).
For a list of commands, see page “Participants of the New Generation 2016/2017 project” .
  • Using search engines and the names of educational institutions, determine the exact postal addresses of educational institutions where children from the teams you have chosen study. ( don't forget to specify indexes)
  • Fill in form "Addresses on envelopes", in which enter the address of your OU (sender’s address) and 7 (seven) recipient addresses.
* Information “How to write the address correctly?”

Task 4.2.

To get from the sender to the recipient.

  • Compose tabular information model “Letter delivery times” between the cities of the project participants.
Deadlines for sending letters:
  • between sorting centers (between federal cities, administrative centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation) - determined according to the table ;
  • between the sorting center and the post office in a federal city - 2 days;
  • between a sorting center and a post office in a populated area located on the territory of a region, territory or republic – 3 days;
  • between post offices in settlements located on the territory of a region, territory or republic – 3 days.
  • Using the data from the tabular information model, draw weighted graph "Journey of writing"(between all cities of the project participants) indicating the delivery time and direction of delivery of the letter.
  • Analyze the information from the tabular model and/or graph and compose “The Letter Path” with minimal delivery time from your post office through all cities of the project participants.
Explanation: Imagine that you put envelopes of letters inside each other (like in a nesting doll). And so, you send this “thick” letter from the post office of your city. When the letter reaches the post office of the city you indicated on the top envelope, the postal worker removes the top envelope and sends the letter to the next city. Thus, the letter must sequentially visit all cities of the project participants. You need to write down a sequence of cities such that the letter will be in transit for a minimum number of days. Recording format:. p/o City - s/c City - p/o City - ... - p/o City Abbreviations:
  • p/o - post office; s/c - sorting center. Calculate how many days
the letter will be on the way. The timing of sending letters between cities is calculated by summation
  • relevant deadlines. Formalize your research.

in the "Team Diary" Non-profit organizations, institutions and initiative groups of citizens are invited to participate in the competition of social projects.

"Active Generation - 2016" Purpose of the competition

- support for civil initiatives aimed at solving local problems related to improving the quality of life of older people in local communities. Maximum grant amount for NPOs, institutions –.

up to 100 thousand rubles For the initiative group -.

up to 25 thousand rubles

  • Directions of the competition:
  • social and professional adaptation of older people, including education and retraining of older citizens and the creation of conditions for them to use the acquired knowledge;
  • development of interaction between generations, involvement of older people in the professional, spiritual and physical education of children and youth;
  • revival and support of family values ​​and traditions;
  • introduction of new social services for older people, mainly in rural areas;
  • developing entrepreneurship skills among older people;

developing volunteerism among older people, attracting volunteers to help peers and other target groups. Applications prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations are submitted by the applicant to the address: Petrozavodsk, Parfenova street, 8A (NKF “New Education”)

The competition is administered by the Non-Profit Foundation “New Education” with financial support Charitable Foundation of Elena and Gennady Timchenko.

Regulations on the competition, application form and recommendations for filling out .

Start of the competition "Active Generation 2017"

Non-profit organizations, institutions and initiative groups of citizens are invited to participate in the competition of social projects “Active Generation -2017”

All-Russian competition “Active Generation” is focused on supporting projects of non-profit organizations and initiative groups of citizens aimed at providing the necessary assistance to older people and involving them in active participation in society. This is especially true for residents of small towns and villages, where more than half of the local population are elderly. The development of society, and therefore our future, depends on the attitude towards older people and their quality of life.

The main instrument of the program is grants allocated on a competitive basis for the implementation of a wide range of civil initiatives. Thanks to small amounts of grants and the organization of competitive distribution through regional partners, access to financing is opened for projects in the most remote areas, including from individuals and unregistered groups of citizens. The competition has been running since 2012.

Competition goals

o Identification and support of local community leaders who are ready to propose and implement initiatives to support the older generation

o Improving the quality and accessibility of social services, creating a favorable environment for life, socialization and self-realization of older citizens

o Supporting activity and facilitating the unlocking of the potential of the older generation for the development of local self-government and solving problems of the local community

o Formation in society of a culture of attitude towards older people as a resource for social development

Funding priorities:

o Social and professional adaptation of older people, including education and retraining of older citizens, creating conditions for them to use acquired knowledge, development of volunteering and entrepreneurship skills among older people

o Development of interaction between generations, involvement of older people in the professional, spiritual and physical education of children and youth, revival and maintenance of family values ​​and traditions;

o Development of social innovations and volunteer initiatives aimed at improving the quality life elderly people in difficult life situations.

Projects that will have an advantage

o Projects that involve further development and sustainability.

oProjects aimed at achieving long-term social effect and developing new types of social services through the active participation of older people.

o Projects implemented in small towns (with a population of up to 52,000 people) and rural areas.

Participation in the competition

Applications for the “Active Generation” competition are accepted from April 13 to May 22 (until 17:00 Moscow time) 2017

Non-profit organizations and initiative groups implementing projects related to solving problems and improving the quality of life of older people can take part in the competition.

The application must be submitted electronically to:from a regional operatorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.;( This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Non-profit foundation "New Education").

All applications undergo competitive selection, and the list of competition winners is published on the website of the regional operator

Maximum financing amount For legal entities and TOS bodies -.

up to 150 thousand rubles For initiative groups -.

up to 25 thousand rubles

Competition dates

For questions regarding participation in the competition, please contact:

Stepanova Galina Vasilievna - competition coordinator in the Republic of Karelia

tel. 89114023090 Non-profit organizations, institutions and initiative groups of citizens are invited to participate in the competition of social projects “Active Generation -2016”. The purpose of the competition is to support civil initiatives aimed at solving local problems related to improving the quality of life of older people in local communities.

» for non-profit organizations, state and municipal institutions of the Republic of Karelia.

The purpose of the competition is to support civil initiatives that improve the quality of life of older people. Within the program“Society for the older generation”Charitable Foundation Elena and Gennady Timchenko supports open competitions for social projects aimed at involving older people in active participation in the life of local communities. The main goal of the Foundation’s program is to extend the active period of a person’s life and create conditions for the realization of the potential and resources of the older generation in social development. Currently the competition"Active Generation"

is held in 4 regions of Russia (Ivanovo region, Arkhangelsk, Republic of Karelia, St. Petersburg).

About the event

1.1. The open interregional competition of innovative projects for children and youth “New Generation” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held as part of the educational program “Science. Humanity. Progress".

The competition is held on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ulyanovsk State University" with the support of interested ministries, departments, and public organizations.

The main objectives of the Competition are:

· support for students prone to scientific and technical creativity, promoting their sustainable interest in professional self-determination;

· study of modern factors of intellectual self-realization of youth and infrastructure accompanying this process;

· searching for ways to create an effective information environment that increases the role of knowledge-intensive social activities based on the achievements of modern science.

The competition has been held in the Ulyanovsk region since 2007 and helps to attract public attention to the potential of children and adolescents, motivating schoolchildren for further research activities; activates the activities of children's public research communities and associations for the exchange of experience between participants of the Competition.


2.1. The competition is included in the list of Olympiads and other competitive events in 2016, held in the Ulyanovsk region within the framework of the priority national project “Education”, based on the results of which prizes are awarded to support talented youth.

The composition of the Expert Council of the Competition is formed and approved by the organizer of the Competition.

2.2. The organizers of the Competition are the Department of Additional Education, Upbringing and Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region, the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Ulyanovsk State University" (Faculty of Humanities and Social Technologies), with the participation of the regional state budgetary educational institution of additional education for children of the regional The Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Moscow) and the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol).

2.3. The Competition is managed by the Organizing Committee.

Tasks of the Organizing Committee:

providing information support for the Competition;

establishing an examination procedure and evaluation criteria for innovative projects;

approval of the composition of the Expert Council and the rules of its work;

determination of the order, form and location of the stages of the Competition.

2.4. Works submitted to the Competition will be included in a collection of scientific articles. The selection and review of scientific articles is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.


Participants in the Competition can be students of educational organizations.

Age of participants:

From 7 to 14 years (nomination “Research Debut”);

From 14 to 22 years old (main competition nominations).

The competition is held in the following categories:

“Research Debut” - projects, research works of Competition participants in the age category from 7 to 14 years.

“Man - technology” - high technology; interaction of computerized and social systems; computer physics; instrument making, design activities, etc.

“Man is a sign system” - a person in the information society; programming, networks, Internet; mathematical modeling, etc.

“Man - living nature” - biophysics, bioengineering, biotechnology; Agriculture; health and life safety technologies; modern computer technologies in science and education, etc.;

“Man is a man” - culture in the context of the emergence of a global communication space; sports, games, tourism, leisure; development of living systems, socialization of personality, etc.;

“Man is an artistic image” - audio, video, photography; project activities; design, etc.

Participants submit to the Competition:

inventions are material objects or processes created or transformed by them that are novel and have practical application. This can be: a device (structures and products), a method (the process of performing actions (operations, techniques) that lead to the creation of new or changes in known objects or their study, substance (physical compositions);

new Seince-technologies that have no analogues, a set of effective techniques and methods for obtaining, transforming, developing objects, products, means, methods for life;

social innovation projects (plans, ideas of organization, devices, foundations of ways of voluntary social interaction that are important for society, which will contribute to the effective development of society and indicating real ways to achieve this plan/idea).

Within the framework of the Competition, the following will be held: a scientific and practical conference “Development of the creative potential of the individual: a live dialogue between science and practice” with the participation of teachers, parents, and participants of the Competition; interactive classes with elements of creative training for participants of the Competition.

During the preparation for the Competition, additional information training is planned for participants, scientific supervisors on issues of pedagogy and psychology of creativity, consulting on the basics of protection and use of intellectual property, copyright and inventive activity.


6.1. The competition is held in two stages:

Based on the results of the first stage, the best competitive works and applications for participation in the second stage are sent to the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

To participate in the regional stage of the Competition, you must submit an application, competition work and consent to the processing of personal data (attached) to the organizing committee before May 1, 2016.

6.2. Rules for registration of competition works

The application must indicate:

Title of the development, brief description of the solution (5 - 7 sentences);

The name of the educational organization they represent;

Postal address with zip code, telephone (home and cell), e-mail (if available);

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the scientific supervisor (or other adult who helped to formalize the idea), contact phone number.

Materials are provided in printed and electronic versions in the form of one file (Word document format for Windows with DOC extension) with a volume of no more than 5 pages of printed text, font Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - single, page format - A4, graphic files ( photographs of developments, illustrations) must be attached separately. The list of used literature should be placed under the heading “Literature”.

After consideration of applications and materials by members of the Expert Council, participants are allowed to publicly defend themselves.

6.3. Criteria for evaluating the competition work:

Clarity of goal formulation, presence of a research question, research hypothesis;

Relevance and usefulness of the research problem;

Validity of the hypothesis, argumentation by existing research by scientists;

Availability of a review of scientific literature on the formulated problem;

Formulation of conclusions, compliance with their goals, objectives and research hypothesis.

Creativity in problem solving;

6.4. Criteria for assessing public protection:

Presentation (presence of visuals);

Logical, persuasive, well-reasoned presentation;

Ability to use your knowledge to answer questions.

Each of the Competition criteria is assessed using an 8-point system.


To sum up the results of the Competition, an Expert Council is being created consisting of teachers of educational organizations of higher education and teaching staff of additional education organizations.

The composition of the Expert Council is approved by the director of the Regional Children's and Youth Creativity Palace E.V. Pershina.

Based on the results of the work of the Expert Council, winners and runners-up in each category are determined. The winner in each category is determined by the sum of points for the evaluation of research work and public defense.

The winners and runners-up of the Competition are awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region. All participants of the Competition are awarded certificates of participation in the Competition.

The winner of the Competition (1 person) is nominated for a prize to support talented youth within the framework of the priority national project “Education”.

The candidate is determined from the number of winners in each nomination (age category from 14 to 22 years) based on the highest amount of points scored.


Competition coordinators:

e-mail: [email protected];


Ulyanovsk State University

The organizers of the Competition are the Department of Additional Education, Upbringing and Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region, the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Ulyanovsk State University" (Faculty of Humanities and Social Technologies), with the participation of the regional state budgetary educational institution of additional education for children of the regional The Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, the Skolkovo Innovation Center (Moscow) and the International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol).

Contact Information

Otmakhova Elena Sergeevna, tel. 89176295049,

e-mail: [email protected];

Address: 432600 Ulyanovsk, st. Minaeva, 50. Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (room 306).

Enyashina Natalya Gennadievna, tel. 89276331923

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Address: 432048 Ulyanovsk, st. Embankment of the river Sviyaga, 106, building 2. Ulyanovsk State University, room. 39 A

About partners


Otmakhova Elena Sergeevna, tel. 89176295049,

e-mail: [email protected];

Address: 432600 Ulyanovsk, st. Minaeva, 50. Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (room 306).

Enyashina Natalya Gennadievna, tel. 89276331923

e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Address: 432048 Ulyanovsk, st. Embankment of the river Sviyaga, 106, building 2. Ulyanovsk State University, room. 39 A

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