
Short skits for February 23 at school. Scenarios for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults. Movement at an accelerated pace

At any school party, dedicated to the holiday On the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, in addition to traditional congratulations and gifts, as a surprise from girls or friends, and also to make an interesting eyeliner under competitive program or an entertaining number, musical or theatrical scenes are always useful.

Z collected here skits for February 23rd for schoolchildren of different ages that will fit well into the program of this holiday

1. Sketch for February 23rd for schoolchildren “Three girls under the window”

(three girls in Russian folk costumes are sitting)

Leading: Three maidens by the window[

Dreamed about it in the evening..

. 1st Maiden: I wish I could get married soon,

I'm really tired of girls!

2nd Maiden: Just for anyone

I wouldn't go out!

3rd Maiden: I would marry a businessman

Like behind a stone wall!

Mom would love her son-in-law,

But where can you get something like this?

1st Maiden: Well, I'm sure

I would marry a sailor!

And while he swam in the sea,

I would live without knowing grief!

2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days,

This is simply a rarity!

I wish I could marry the military -

Strong, extraordinary!

I would be happy

With a guy as strong as a rock.

3rd Maiden: We're daydreaming, girls...

All the guys crushed

They could lie on the sofa

Yes, enjoy football!

Leading: Oh, these young people

All of you can't bear to get married!

May I get into the conversation?

I know where the guys are!

Not one, not two, not three...

Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!

Leading (points to the young men sitting in the hall):

Look here:

The guys are here!

Not warriors - so what?

Everyone is stately and good-looking!

One person per sister...

1st Maiden (points to one of the guys): C'mon, I'll take it!

2nd Maiden (points to another): I liked this one!

3rd Maiden (on the third): This one made me smile!

Girls(together): All the guys are good,

Just a holiday for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, persistent and self-confident. Therefore, let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts, and the way to the hearts of men is - you know - through their stomachs! (The girls invite everyone to a tea party or banquet)

2. Sketch for junior schoolchildren “Bogatyrs”.

(perhaps this sketch will become the basis, like “Thirty-three heroes”, written for kindergarten graduates)

Leading: Do you know, of course, who defended our Rus' in ancient times, who are the heroes of Russian epics?

(Children answer).

The song “Our Heroic Strength” plays, music. A. Pakhmutova, poems by N. Dobronravov.

Ilya Muromets enters with a spear and sword. He walks around the hall and stands in the center.

Ilya Muromets:

I'm from the city, from Murom.

From the village of that Karacharov.

And my name is Ilya Muromets


I stood for Rus' for many years and winters,

Sparing no effort and time.

So that Rus' never, for all time,

There was no one to fight or ruin.

And who remembers the names of my friends who fought with me for Mother Rus'?

(Children answer: Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich!)

Ilya Muromets:

That's right, here they come!

Alyosha Polovin and Dobrynya Nikitich enter to the music.

Alesha Popovich:

I am Alyosha Popovich by name, from Rostov the Great City. And my comrade - Dobrynya Nikitich!


One day, Prince Vladimir of Stolno-Kyiv gathered the heroes for a feast and gave instructions.

Ilya Muromets:

I want to fight my enemies in the field.

Alesha Popovich:

I must collect tribute to the prince.


And he sent me a tribute overseas to conquer.

Ilya Muromets:

To carry out all the instructions we must be strong, dexterous and courageous.

Well, brothers? Shall we show off our heroic strength?


Don't you, heroes, look at our good fellows and beauties!

Ilya Muromets:

With pleasure.

(Children play games and competitions with the heroes).

Ilya Muromets:

So, are there any fellows among you who are ready to show off their daring? Come out together, brave ones! (call 5-10 people each to join their team).

The Bogatyrs are holding a competition “Darling Well Done”, which consists of 3 tasks:

1. The task of the participants is, without exchanging a single word or sound, to stand in a line, according to the decrease in shoe size.
2. Participants are blindfolded. Without seeing, they must line up according to height.
3. Each team depicts a functioning mechanism (for example, a car, a vacuum cleaner, a computer), and all team members must be involved.

The Bogatyri winners are awarded sweet prizes and diplomas from “Dareful Fellows.”

3. A skit on February 23 for high school students “The Bogatyr and the Serpent Gorynych.”

(Show the skit in costumes and in a good mood).

(Ilya Muromets is standing in thought, and the Serpent Gorynych with three heads approaches him...)

Dragon: Ilya Muromets, are you aware that our boys have a holiday today - February 23?
Ilya Muromets: It’s you Gorynych boy, and I’m a man - the defender of the homeland.
Dragon: Ilya, can I also stand here... with you, protect...?
Ilya Muromets: Wait until...
Dragon: It’s quiet... maybe he’ll call his enemies, but the two of us are giving them a hard time...
Ilya Muromets: Enemies are those who come on their own and do evil, and the rest are opponents...
Dragon: Ilya, you know, I became a vegetarian... now I only eat cabbage..
Ilya Muromets: And what?
Dragon: nutritious... Ilya, maybe we should go to the village, there are girls hanging out...
Ilya Muromets: I'm married...
Dragon: What do you want to be given as a gift on February 23?
Ilya Muromets: Binoculars to look at the country, to see the adversary from afar...
Dragon: And I also want binoculars...
Dragon: Look, someone is running - an enemy, probably...
Ilya Muromets: No, these are eleventh grade girls running to school to congratulate their boys...
Dragon: And somehow they are running at a jump...
Ilya Muromets: It's so cold...
Dragon: Look, they're definitely enemies!!! and war paint...
Ilya Muromets: Yes, these are girls from the 10th grade, running to school, also so smart...
Dragon: Ilya, what are they doing there at school?
Ilya Muromets: Concert...
Dragon: Yes, then I’ll run and have a look too...
Ilya Muromets: Look there...
Dragon: Of course of course...
Ilya Muromets: Oh, SMC, they write, they invited me to a party, how could I not respect it... I’ll go...


4. Scene

There are three girls on stage.

Girl 1: Well, what are we going to give? (everyone is thinking)

Girl 2: No, why do we have to give them something every year?!

Girl 3: They give it to us?

Girl 2: Mimosa and Alpen Gold are not a gift, but a mockery. Moreover, in our country it is “International Women’s Day”, i.e. for all women. And they have “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Which one of them served?

Girl 1: Yes, guys are generally lucky in life. You can wear clothes and shoes until they tear, and not until a new collection appears.

Girl 3: You can also get a manicure done with your teeth for free.

Girl 2: A belly is not a reason for depression, but a sign of masculinity!

Girl 1: To calm your nerves, you don’t need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist, you just need to overhaul the carburetor.

Girl 3: If you come to work wearing something different from what you wore yesterday, everyone understands that today is your birthday.

Girl 2: You don’t know how much bread, cheese and sausage cost, but you have it all at home.

Girl 1: You can open a tin can with a knife. Then take the crumb, dip it in butter - that’s it, dinner is ready!

Girl 3: Girls, come on. That we attacked them. By the way, being a man is not only “advantages”, but also hard work.

Girl 2: For example?

Girl 3: For example, when buying sneakers, you need to choose a style so that you can go to the theater or to a birthday party. (everyone nods understandingly).

Girl 1: What are we going to do with the gift? As usual: shaving foam and lotion?

Girl 2: No, if a man has a bunch of accessories in his makeup bag, that means there’s something wrong with him, but if there’s only one toothbrush, then you’re a brutal guy. Let's give them toothbrushes.

Girl 3: And most importantly, our love (draw hearts in the air).

5. Musical scene for February 23 “How my own mother saw me off”






Laptop and here is a bottle of kvass (bottle with nipple)

Mother: Don't forget to take the first aid kit with you

Come back soon as a hero.

Father: Honestly, you serve everything while studying there,

So that your family can be proud of you.

(song “Slavyanka”. Grandmother baptizes, mother cries, father hugs, sister kisses. Leaves through the hall)

6. Comic scene on February 23 at school "I need a man!"

(Baba Yaga comes to find a man - a protector)

Leading: Oh, whose grandmother are you? Have you come to your grandson's holiday?

Baba Yaga: No, I’m no one’s grandmother, I’m Baba Yaga, I came to pick up a man, you say men, so I’ll pick one for myself

Leading: Why do you need a young man? What kind of grandfather would you choose for yourself?

Baba Yaga: I need a defender, to save Gorynych from the Serpent, to give Koshchei from the gate

Leading: And who will marry you of their own free will?

Baba Yaga: Yes, why do I need a husband, I’m not looking for a husband, but a protector to protect me, I’ll tie him up and be under supervision. Otherwise, the Serpent Gorynych has already overcome, he walks around every day and says to pour him your potion, otherwise he will confuse my hut’s legs..

Leading: Baba Yaga, our guys are young and strong, they will not sit on a leash, they will break free even worse than what will happen to the Serpent Gorynych

Baba Yaga: What should I do, poor thing?

Leading: Look for a defender in overseas countries, maybe someone who is meek will come across it

Baba Yaga: But I don’t know languages, I’ve lived my entire adult life in the forest

Leading: Here's your grandmother's phrasebook in several languages ​​( gives a book) And regarding the Snake, we advise you to contact the police...


Draft commission. In the corridor of the military registration and enlistment office there is a long line consisting of future defenders of the Fatherland. The line moves slowly, somewhere in the back a conversation arises between two conscripts Vasily and Eduard. Vasiliy is a simple Russian guy from the outback, and Eduard is a representative of advanced youth, the son of rich parents.

Edward (addressing Vasily): Well, bro, do you think they’ll draft you into the army?

Basil: The doctor said: “Healthy as a bull!”

Edward: Have you tried “mowing”?

Basil: Yes, I mow every summer, I’m already tired of it, so I decided: it’s better to join the army for two years and relax.

Edward: Right! I think so too! What is your name?

Basil: Vasya.

Edward: And I'm Edward. Listen, Vasya, where do you work?

Basil: Yes, I play music in the club.

Edward: Cool! I also work as a DJ in a nightclub. Who are your ancestors? I mean, what do parents do?

Basil: Father is a foreman.

Edward: Brigadier? My father also has his own team. Listen, who does he go under?

Basil: Under the chairman.

Edward: I have never heard of such an authority. Listen, I still have a brother.

Basil: And I have one, he grazes cows and heifers.

Edward: What are you talking about? My brother also herds heifers on Tverskaya. How are you doing on the personal front? Dude, I mean, do you have a mare?

Basil: Eat! Only she can barely walk lately.

Edward; Why?

Basil: Yes, I drove her! And recently he beat me with a whip.

Edward: Well, you're a maniac! Why didn’t your family excuse you? Probably, there are problems with grandmothers.

Basil: Not really. I've never had any problems with my grandmothers; they love me.

Edward: It's good to have cabbage, by the way, where do you store it?

Basil: In the bank.

Edward: That’s right, it’s safer, now there are so many assholes who are greedy for other people’s greenery.

Basil: Yes Yes! We had one such goat!

Edward: Why was it?

Basil: Yes, my father and I killed him.

Edward: How did you score?

Basil: So, they slaughtered it for meat.

Edward(scared): For meat? What a family!

Basil: Look, this line never seems to end. I’m already hungry, maybe we should go somewhere?

Edward(hysterical): No! No need! Not me! Save!

Edward runs away. Vasily, perplexed, remains alone at the back of the queue.

Basil: And how do they recruit such psychos into the army?

8. Sketch - monologue for February 23 for schoolchildren - “Insidious dating site”

(a high school student comes on stage, sits down at his laptop and at the same time talks on the phone with a friend)

Voice behind the scenes: It's no secret that schoolchildren are now the owners and creators of many websites, some have this as a hobby, some are making their first attempts to start a business... A skit about the misfortune of a dating site administrator.

Hello, well, I made a dating site, but no one goes...
- What am I doing? Every day I go and look - no one registers...
- Why add it yourself? And then people will immediately come to the site? Will they meet? You're talking business...
- Well, okay, let me try... Here I am writing, strong, muscular, handsome...
- What photo should I add?
- Love?
- I added a photo of Tarzan
- Let be?
- And here... I added... a girl... here's the link, look (pretends to send)
- Yes, I don’t know who it is....
- What about Peskov in a concert costume?
- Well, okay, I’ll add...
- Look, look! Someone came to the site and wrote something...
- Wow, he wants to meet... me.. (is reading) I'm Paris Hilton - added a photo...
- Now I’ll write that I liked him too... and let him also tell about himself...
- That writes?
- He writes why there are so many mistakes in every word that I had in Russian...
- I told him that Russian is bad...
- It’s noticeable - he writes that there are several mistakes in each word...
- I wrote to him that this is how to meet American women...
- Oh, look, someone else is writing...
- The girl is writing.
- That writes? He writes that I’m some kind of stunted... but it was written by a handsome, muscular man... but it’s not my fault, maybe the photo shows Tarzan as a child?
- I still read one message and that’s it...
- There is a military man in the photo... who does he want to meet there...
- What is it, he writes, waiting for me at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, in the spring for the army.
- No, I’m happy, I just didn’t expect that via the Internet... they would... send me... a summons...

The classroom is decorated with balloons, posters, and the song “Boys” by the Ranetki group is playing. (The boys are sitting, the girls come in. Poems of congratulations are heard).

Our boys are dear!
We have come to congratulate you!
You are the only one among us,
We couldn't find a better person than you!

Be brave guys
And study hard,
Let your childhood be
Kind, sweet, serene!

Vanya, my dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this excellent holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Rustam, we wish you health and happiness,
Always be active, brave and cheerful,
Smart, and generous, and smart, and kind!

Denis, we wish you good luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks,
To have true friends,
Happy was your life!

Nikita, I wish you the best!
Be athletic, cheerful, energetic,
Smart, patient, cute!

Stas, Let us wish you to be obedient,
So that every day is not boring,
So that all wishes come true,
All dreams came true
To become the happiest,
The kindest and most beautiful!

Vova, study well and be friends with sports,
You value your friends and loved ones,
Be smart and brave, strive for victories,
May life give you happiness and joy!

Danya, may you be lucky, my friend,
Let there be joy in life,
So that you find everything you are looking for,
Lost melancholy and sadness

Pasha, Never give up,
Persist, try.
Let the problems
Don't bother.
And on the men's holiday,
Despite everything,
Smiles of friends
Your happiness will be multiplied.

Vanya, you are a mischievous boy,
Restless, funny,
Very kind, positive,
Energetic and sporty!
Stay like this
And don't change a bit,
Just become more mature
Every day a little smarter!
Be happy and healthy
Ready for the test!

Kostya, don’t hurt me and help me,
And protect from failure
Don’t abandon your friend in difficult times,
If they offend you, fight back!

Elchin, Even though you haven’t served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious
The eye is sharp and the hand is steady,
Future Defender of the Fatherland!

Zhenya - you are a reliable friend!
And you will help if suddenly
I will need help!
And I'm proud of you!
And my heartfelt congratulations
Happy February 23rd!

Igor, I sincerely congratulate you
Happy Defenders of the Country Day!
I wish you only the best,
Good luck in your studies and in love!

Girls give gifts to boys.

Now let's play.

Sharp shooters

The teams line up in columns. Opposite each team is a bucket. Each participant in turn needs to throw two “grenades” (crumpled paper) into the bucket. For each hit a point.

Let's move on to the second edible competition. Well, what army can do without a field kitchen.

That's what the competition is called Porridge from an ax . The correctness of the named products and dishes is assessed, as well as the number of participants who gave correct answers. Each team member must name one ingredient of semolina porridge (milk, semolina, water, sugar, butter)

One participant from each team is invited: the strongest, the fastest.

The competition is called Faster and stronger . The team representative must inflate the balloon the fastest until it bursts. The team with the fastest balloon burst wins.

Mechanics competition.

Your task: use a spoon to transfer water from one vessel to another. Who will do this faster and more accurately? (props: 2 spoons, 2 plates, 2 glasses).

Doctors competition .

Look what the storm did to our bandages. Come on, doctors, put them in order. Task: twist the bandage. Who is faster and more accurate?

Mechanic competition

Fold an airplane from a sheet of paper. Speed ​​and accuracy are assessed.

Tug of War

And now summing up and drinking tea. As always, friendship won.

Rumiya Farkhutdinova
Scenario of congratulations “Oriental fairy tale for February 23” for male colleagues

Girls, do you want congratulate your male colleagues in an original way, use mine script.

Presenter 1: today we will tell you fairy tale, or maybe not fairy tale, which called: « East, it’s a delicate matter.”

Once upon a time I lived in a Western Siberian state, which was almost in the center of YUGRA, almost on EAST, one padishah. He kept his state clean and tidy, and always came to work regularly in a good mood because What:

All his subjects and colleagues greet him;

With a 100% feeling that you will never be left without work;

With the realization that raspberries are better than gooseberries.

Presenter2:Meet our padishah. As expected, he puts on his overalls and dances his ritual dance.

We put on a turban and a robe (to music. "If I were a Sultan", we place him on the throne.

Smiling girls from his large harem danced for him Eastern dance, by the way, look, just here they are

East Dance

Presenter2: But one day a delegation from the military registration and enlistment office came to him with propaganda and proposed their program of recruitment into the army.


Let's start singing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that -

We can be shy!

In our army according to fashion

They dress all the soldiers.

My fiancé Volodya writes to me:

They give you an outfit every day!

My darling, my darling,

Take it with you to war,

There you will fight,

I am to supply cartridges.

I fell in love with the lieutenant.

A major was walking along the road.

I looked at the major

Someone stole the lieutenant!

Red calendar day -

How many heroes are there!

Eh, lucky, women, bite!

We sang a song for you -

To the men here and there!

They confessed their love to you.

If only they weren't arrogant!

Presenter 1: but our girls stood up for him and said their weighty word:

“If necessary, we ourselves will go to serve in the army for him, we are also good at this.

Scene"army girls"

Girl 1: OK it's all over Now. Goodbye civil life! Now for two years my home is a barracks.

Girl 2: Yes, what did I do to avoid the army? And she pretended to be a pacifist, and she turned to the society of soldiers’ fathers, and she made eyes at the doctor. Nothing helped.

1 : Why run from the army? So I myself, I went voluntarily.

2 : What kind of fool is going to join the army herself now? There's chaos there right now! Babovshchina!

1 : What, what? What else "shchina"?

2 : Why haven’t you heard anything about womanism? Well, never mind, you'll find out soon enough.

1 : And my mother is like that said: “Lucy, if you want to become a real woman, go to the army, and don’t be afraid of anything!”

2 : Yes, of course! Wash your footcloths, clean your boots, stay on the nightstand! And run AWOL for deodorants!

1 : I also heard that in the army you need to give honor.

2 : Well, I do not! I will not give my honor to anyone. Well, maybe the general.

1 : And there you have to put on a gas mask in five seconds.

2 : What happens? I spent three hours doing my hair, doing it, and then five seconds - and a gas mask!

1 : It’s okay, they’ll cut it like Kotovsky, you’ll have your hair done in five seconds!

2 : One thing is good, a new uniform is coming soon will introduce: here are bows, here are ruffles, kirzachi with high heels and a neckline.

1 : You shouldn't be happy. The ensign will drink it all away anyway.

2 : How do you know everything?

1 : Yes, my sister recently came from the army. Biceps - wow! Shoulders - in! On the back there is a tattoo - DMB!

2 : We met for probably a week.

1 : Yes, we had a nice walk at my send-off too. I gave my friends a bucket of moonshine, so the three of us drank it all.

2 : And we invited the boys. Only they turned out to be weak. They all leaned heavily on champagne. They will drink two glasses, and walk: “Oh, I’m so drunk, hold me!”.

1 : And my boyfriend burst into tears on my chest. Like, how am I going to live here without you? I won’t even look at other girls!

2 : Everyone says like that. And a month will pass, and you won’t get a letter from them!

1 : It’s okay to cry, let’s go and clean up the ensign’s face!

2 : Exactly! In her face. (makes a slap in the face with your hands) Otherwise he’s acting too much like a greyhound!

Presenter2: We will not hand over the padishah to the army, he will serve us ourselves needed:

Who clears the paths and sprinkles sand? Our V.I.

Who fixes the sockets? Our V.I.

Who built a steam locomotive and a whole cart of cars? Our V.I.

And who needs to nail something, fix the door in the hallway? Our V.I.

Presenter2:Thank you, good padishah,

Why did we get you!

your smile of kindness

She's like light in a window!

We want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best padishah!

Presenter 2: Congratulations Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day to you and we wish you to always be with us

and presenting a gift

Defenders of the Fatherland Day is approaching, and you want to put funny scenes for male colleagues? Such a performance will help to amuse the guests and will be remembered by your colleagues for a long time.

Only representatives of the fair sex can participate in the productions, but several men can also be invited to the stage. Since the miniatures are small, it will be easy for them to learn their roles.

Short funny scenes for February 23 at work

The first skit on February 23 for colleagues involves three girls. They can be dressed in ordinary clothes or long sundresses with kokoshniks on their heads.

- Three maidens by the window
Daydreaming in the evening...

1st girl:
- I wish I could get married soon,
I'm really tired of girls!
2nd girl:
- Just for anyone
I wouldn't go out!
3rd girl:
- There are no good men,
This is now a rarity!
I would marry a businessman
Like behind a stone wall!
Mom would love her son-in-law,
But where can you get something like this?

1st girl:
- I wish I could marry the military -
Strong, extraordinary!
I would be happy
With a guy as strong as a rock.
2nd girl:
- Well, I'm sure
I would marry a sailor!
And while he swam in the sea,
I would live without knowing grief!
3rd girl:
– We’re daydreaming, girls...
All the guys crushed it.
They could lie on the sofa,
Have fun on the Internet!

Then, in this sketch of congratulations on February 23rd for men at work, he takes the floor presenter:
- Oh, these young people...
All of you can't bear to get married!
Let me get into the conversation.
I know where the guys are!
Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in unison):
– Where is this?! Speak!

Presenter(points to the men sitting in the hall):
- Look here:
The guys are here!
Not the military, so what?
Everyone is stately and good-looking!
One person per sister...

1st girl(approaches one of the men):
- C'mon, I'll take it!
2nd girl(approaches another):
– I liked this one!
3rd girl(runs up to the third):
- This one smiled at me!
Girls in chorus:
- All the guys are good,
Just a holiday for the soul!

- Girls, you are right - today we really celebrate a holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, courageous and self-confident, our knights and defenders. Let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

A funny skit on Defenders of the Fatherland Day will be completed by the performance of a reworked song based on the song “A Soldier Has a Day Off”:

Our dear men
Happy holiday again
We are on this February day
We are glad to congratulate you!
And brand new for you
Expensive suit!
And at least look at your shoes,
And expensive perfume
And expensive perfume!

We confess from the bottom of our hearts,
Why we admire you!
We are under your protection
Life is so easy!
We wish you prosperity,
Good luck in your endeavors,
And up the career ladder
Rise high!

Scenes for congratulating men at work on February 23

The following short funny skit for colleagues on February 23 involves a military commissar, his deputy and several girls.

A military commissar appears on stage:
– What kind of life... There are fewer and fewer conscripts every year, and they are somewhat frail. It's time to draft women into the army.

A deputy runs up to him with a piece of paper in his hands:
- Comrade military commissar! Your dream has come true! A corresponding decree has been issued, so you will have to recruit girls into the army. And here they are!

Brightly made-up glamorous girls appear in short dresses and high-heeled shoes.

One of the participants in this miniature congratulating men states:
- Well, finally we have equal rights with the guys! Otherwise they have a lot of privileges compared to us.

Military Commissar:
- What are these?
– Well, for example, you can wear clothes and shoes until they tear, and not until a new collection comes out.

The other girls continue:
– For them, the stomach is not a reason for worry, but a sign of masculinity!
– And you don’t have to worry about a manicure. It is done completely free of charge, and with teeth.
– And to normalize your nerves, you don’t need to visit a psychotherapist. It is enough to drink 200 grams of vodka or overhaul the carburetor.

The military commissar walks around the uneven formation, carefully examining the girls, and scratches the back of his head, then says:
- So, what else are we complaining about?

The girls answer:
– And guys don’t need to give birth! You can appear in the maternity hospital for only one hour, and only with beer.
“And you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours to cook dinner.” Just open it tin can, get the bread - and everything is ready.

Military Commissar:
- Well, we've talked and that's enough. Be equal, girls! Attention! Before you are drafted into the army, you need to see if you are fit for it.

In this short, funny production for February 23rd for male colleagues, the ladies will have to pass the appropriate exams.

The military commissar hands one of the girls an elegant handbag.
- Well, let's see how you do push-ups.

She begins to raise her purse to the commander’s count: “One, two, three, ....”

Military Commissar:
- Great! The fighter is good!
He approaches another girl.
- And you have another task - shooting with your eyes. Attention! Object on the left! Object on the right! Left! On right!

The girl shoots her eyes at the audience.

Military Commissar:
– Excellent result! And this fighter is good! Now I’ll check how you know the charter.

All the girls take out fashion magazines and read them.

Military Commissar:
- Wonderful fighters! Everyone is ready for service! And now they are in formation. Sing a song!

Participants funny scene On February 23, they perform for their male colleagues a reworked song based on the song “If only there were no winter”:

If there were no men,
Women would be bored!
Twenty third of February
It’s unlikely that they would have celebrated it!
Nails, lips and eyes
They would hardly paint it.
If there were no men,
If only, if only, if only!

If there were no men,
Dear girlfriends,
Who would then own his noodles
Was it hanging on our ears?
Who would I be for?
Feminine and weak?
If there were no men,
If only, if only, if only!

If there were no men,
Where can we get problems?
Who would we be talking about then?
Did you sing from this stage?
About whom every day
Would you think then?
If only there were no men...
If only there were women.

Laughter, fun, feasting - all this is a holiday on February 23rd. On this day, girls congratulate guys, give them flowers and gifts and good mood. And we give girls ideas that will help them make a surprise in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Watch and bring it to life!

Have you already started preparing for Defender of the Fatherland Day? First, you need to figure out how and what you want to do. If you intend to put on a whole show for your men at work, then you should consider showing them funny scenes on February 23rd. For colleagues at work, you can come up with completely different scenes, on different topics and different situations. We have several ideas that may be useful to you too. So let's see. What kind of scenes are these and how to act them out? Let's look further.

The scene is a conscript through the eyes of the girls.
In our country, girls are not accepted into the army. And they don’t even know what’s going on there at the military registration and enlistment office. And sometimes such dramas and tragicomedies are played out there that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!
And so, the military registration and enlistment office, there is a table, a nurse is sitting at the table. On the other side of the table are the conscripts.
(all roles are played by girls!)

The doctor runs in and addresses the nurse:
- what? What happened? Why was I called to work?

- the conscription has begun, and it’s Monday today, as if it’s time to go to work.

- Oh my God, I was thinking! Is it you who dragged me here because of Monday? Ha! I kept thinking, I kept thinking, that here the commission is looking for where the narcotic drugs have disappeared over the past three years, and here I am the commission! And so (rubbing my hands and turning to the conscripts) I congratulate you! And I congratulate you on my new renovation, on my new car and happy holidays on the islands! Or are you all fit for duty?

The conscripts shout in unison:
- no, no, I'm sick. And I generally have flat feet. But I have a picture from the surgeon, I can’t join the army. There it is!

Who said about the picture from the surgeon? Give it here (takes the X-ray and lifts it up to shine it and look at it.) So, what do we have here (puts the photo aside, and leaves a 1000 ruble bill in his hand. yes, this, yes, this is a deferment from the army for... for a year! Yes, with such a picture it’s too early to serve.

Conscript 2:
And I have a certificate. Look here.

The doctor takes a certificate:
- so, a certificate was issued to someone that he was really sick, sick... uh, sick with something... which was humanly impossible to write. If they took it and wrote it, he’s pissing! Otherwise they will write from textbooks. And here you are breaking your tongue from words and handwriting.

Turns to the nurse.
- Do you think I should believe it? Help anyway. Document. No matter how!

- Yesterday one of us died in a neighboring conscription office - they didn’t believe the certificate either. They thought it was just lying around on the floor. They thought he was foaming at the mouth because he drank the shampoo. But it turned out that the certificate was real.

- yes, here you can play out. How can you prove that the certificate is real? There are no watermarks on it, as on this certificate 9 shows a thousand rubles)

Conscript 2:
It has the doctor's stamp and signature on it.

- seal and signature... I myself know how many of these seals I have applied and signatures made. Okay, just kidding, you can go get dressed. Go, I say, get dressed, you’ll go to the navy, there’s a lot of water there anyway, no one will notice where and what’s wet.

The doctor takes a photograph out of his pocket and shows it to one conscript:
- what do you see here?

Conscript 3:
- I see two people in love here...

- look at the imagination! Look! And I see here my son and some kind of shal... shal... some kind of simple... simple... I just see here that someone wants to make my boy, my beloved son, into a tool with which to get out of the army. I told you not to go near him, did I? You're going to serve on a submarine!

Conscript 3:
- maybe in a submarine after all. A?

- no, everyone will serve in a submarine, and you in a submarine. Go! Well, are there any other lovers here?

Everyone shouts:
- yes, I have love!

- look how all the lovers are?! If you are all like this, then you first need to see a venereologist, and only then see me. Go.

The conscripts leave, and the doctor and nurse address the men:
- our dear men! We don’t know how hard it is to serve in the army, we don’t know a lot. But we know that we love you and are always waiting for you! Happy holiday. Happy February 23rd!

In general, on February 23, girls often show scenes of what would happen if girls were also drafted into the army. You can watch one of these options in the video below. Funny and great acting:

The scene is a congratulation from the most famous women.
What man doesn’t dream of being congratulated by one of the male celebrities on February 23rd? And now their dream has come true! In this scene, the following characters will congratulate your colleagues: Venus, Vasilisa the Beauty, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson.
To make the scene a success, you need to prepare stage outfits for all the heroines. And also find your own actor for each role. Remember. That Pamela Anderson has large breasts and is not shy about showing them off. But Vasilisa, on the contrary, is a very modest girl. So choose the actors wisely.
See the words of the scene:

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