
New Year's greetings from the heroes of 12 chairs. Scenarios of holidays for children. School prom scripts for kids. Ostap Bender and Co.


Andreeva V.A., teacher

the piano

Ditlova L.V., teacher


Vorobyova L.A., teacher


New Year's skit scenario

Prologue : Friends! We will remember this hour
Heroes Ilf and Petrov.
The plot you know for a long time
We saw in a new light.

Music sounds, heroes exit. (Dance)

Ostap : My friends, I'm on stage again!
Do you recognize me? Yes, Ostap.
I have been the idol of many generations,
And I am incredibly glad to meet you.

Like a bird of paradise the soul sings,
I am on the verge of future achievements!

Kisa: Ostap, we don't have a penny in our pockets!
I don't hear any constructive suggestions.

Ostap: Learn to feel and live beautifully, Kisa!
Imagine the perfect feminine ideal
Add to this a solid capital….

Kisa: Look how you swept the beads!

Ostap: A gorgeous actress is waiting for us!

Kisa: What is her repertoire?

Ostap: Yes, God be with you, come to your senses, Kisa,
We only need a fee!

Song of Madame Gritsatsuyeva "Hello, Dolly"

Ostap: What passion in the eyes, what pressure,
To love her is my lot from now on.

Song and dance of M. Gritsatsuyeva and Ostap "Black Eyes"
Music, Othello's exit

Othello: Death and damnation!
I'll tear him apart!
I swear by you shimmering sky
I will take revenge on the villain.
Blood! Blood! Blood!

Ostap: Maybe he should still be given the key to the apartment where the money is?

Madam: Othello, my friend, my husband,
Please do not let go of your hands.
Hurry up and hide your dagger
You keep the whole hall in fear!

Othello: Tell him that this very hour
This debaucher disappeared from sight!

Ostap: Go crazy, what a type!
Yes, an unexpected passage.
Calm down, gentlemen,
I am leaving you forever.

Kisa's exit to the music (orchestra sounds) "In the city garden"

Kisa: Do not mash pa si zhur!
Gentlemen, give someone what they can to a deputy of the former Cadet faction of the former State Duma.
Goeben zi world bitte cents auf dem shtyuk!

Music is mixed

Ostap: Well, how do you like it?
A giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy!
Kitty, are you not ashamed ?!

Kisa: It seems to me that your sarcasm is inappropriate here!

Ostap: I never expected such artistry from you.
You have fallen, my friend, into senile insanity!
Did you do ballet as a child?

Kisa: What are you, Ostap, just like that, with greetings?

Ostap: Imagine: you are a soloist of a ballet troupe ...

Kisa: You dare not! I am a disabled person of the fourth group!

Ostap: A ballerina is coming to our tour.
Star of Paris, Rome and Berlin.
She is a widow, beautiful and rich.
In the near future, we are guaranteed a salary.

Tango. Ellochka's exit.

Kisa: I am happy to be with you on this stage!

Ellochka: Ho ho!

Kisa: What a batman tondu, what a pas de deux!

Ellochka: Beauty!

Kisa: I'd rather kneel before you

Ellochka: Darkness! Horror!

Kisa: Oh, my God, what a cleavage!

Ella: Hamish, lad!

Kisa: In this wonderful moment, allow me to offer
My hand, my life and my heart!

Ella: Don't teach me how to live! (leaves)

Ostap: Just look!
For three months now I have been singing, feeding, raising him,
And he gets into the third position,
And our grandiose plan fails with shame!

Kisa: Well, you know, comrade Bender,
And you are not ideal at all.
You insulted me to the depths of my soul.
I'm leaving you, shameless impudent!

Ostap: Eh, Kisa, Kisa, all the same you left.
We parted like ships at sea!

Mayakovsky's exit. (to the music "Time Forward")

Mayakovsky : Comrade Bender, let me introduce myself:
Vl. Vl. Mayakovsky.
As a senior comrade, intelligent and sensitive,
I am talking to you like a brother-in-law.
I don't want to brag about a brand new thought,
But, in my opinion, I affirm without the author's arrogance!
Enough to indulge in cheap plans,
Burn out your youth and play tricks!
I don't give a damn, comrades in the highest degree
For money, for fame, and for other crap.
May high goals inspire you,
So as not to exchange life for nonsense!

Ostap: Iron syllable, metal in the line,
Oh, it's a pity that I haven't leafed through your volume before.
Volodya, you are the most skillful speaker.
The great strategist bows his head before you.
However, everyone has their own philosophy.
I'm afraid that you and I will argue for a long time!

Leading: Friends, let me put an end here.
Let our story be unfinished.
We are in a hurry to wish you a Happy New Year,
And this song will sound for you!

The final song sounds.

“Let's strike with unrestrained gaiety on the reserve of philistinism, dullness, stupidity and boredom! We are not strangers at this celebration of life. I will command the parade ”!


The hall where the "12 chairs" banter show takes place is decorated in the style of the first five-year plans. On the walls there are slogans, banners, banners, portraits of leaders, quotes from the immortal works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov - "Breathe, you are more agitated", etc. At the entrance there is a New Year's buffet "The best friend of the stomach." On the counter there is a sign "Beer for union members only." At the buffet counter, Madame Gritsatsuyeva treats guests to champagne and distributes lottery tickets for the New Year's 3% loan.

Here guests are greeted by the characters of the works "12 Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" Ellochka the Ogre and Mikhail Samuelyevich Panikovsky, offering a photo for memory and "dancing" to the music of that time, which is performed by a jazz band. On the stage, the scenery for the program "12 chairs" and the banner "The ice is broken, I will command the parade."

The program is an auction from which the Grand Combinator sells 12 chairs from the "palace". In each of the chairs on display, there are original surprises from the program (golden weights, the cap of the great strategist, a strainer, the products of Father Fyodor's candle factory, etc.). After passing stylized theatrical contests and becoming winners, guests receive an auction lot - one or more chairs. One or more chairs (as agreed with the customer) may contain a cash bonus or a valuable gift from the company.Just know - this will be the best day of your life!

Corporate holiday with hosts Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov. You will find yourself in the atmosphere of the 20-30s of the last century in a club of the RSFSR model. The whole scenario revolves around those 12 chairs, one of which contains a treasure, the dream of not only the hosts, but all the invited guests. You will meet with Madame Gritsatsuyeva, Ellochka the Cannibal, auction, tango, step, story contests and quizzes, the winners of which will open the chairs. You will visit the Brazilian Carnival, where you will see sultry beauties from Rio de Janeiro. An unforgettable show program is waiting for you, in the style of that time and a lot of interesting things

Leading banter - show "12 chairs" theater actor and popular film TV presenter Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Aksenov.

Catch phrases
Emerging from the novel (listed in alphabetical order):

Don't you like money?
- You are a rather vulgar person, - objected Bender, - you love money more than necessary.
- Don't you like money? Ippolit Matveyevich howled in the voice of a flute.
- I do not like.
- Why do you need sixty thousand?
- From the principle!

Bravo, Kisa!
V best houses Philadelphia ...
In the county town N ...
Giant of thought
Blue thief
Ostap didn't like the mountains
Money up front!
Breathe deeply!
Europe will help us
Sultry woman
Kisa and Osya
Kisa, you are vulgar
Apartment key
The office writes!
The ice has broken
I rejoice with you!
The lover is beaten!
Mexican jerboa (fictional animal, jerboa live only in the Palaearctic)
"Nymph", where to swing her ...
Don't teach me how to live.
Are there brides in the city?
About Gavril
About Titanic paint
About tram
From a dead donkey's ears ("- From a dead donkey's ears. Get it from Pushkin. Goodbye, defective."
Political creed?
How much opium?
Simultaneous game session
Secret union
Bargaining is inappropriate here!
A man tormented by narzan ...
What is consent?
Chess club of four horses

Welcome drink
Collection of guests. A film of 12 chairs is broadcast on the screen. From time to time there is an insert with the company logo and the theme of the holiday. The girls invite guests to try their luck and draw out the cherished ticket. Only 12 will get numbered tickets. Everyone else will have New Year's wishes. Photographing at the press wall.
A magician with micromagic entertains the visitors.

I have collected this and other hit scripts, as well as cool contests for you in one book, which you can buy online or in print.

Who will benefit from this book?
Presenters, event managers and just those who want to organize an event, be it a wedding or birthday, corporate or team building.

1 part
The leader makes a congratulatory speech.
The theme of 12 chairs sounds.
Host (already in the image of O. Bender):
- We all know perfectly well what Ostap Bender and Ippolit Matveyevich were looking for in these chairs. But today we will not look for the family values ​​of the leader (as an example). Today we will be searching for the keys to happiness during the evening. However, not everyone will be able to try their luck, but only those who have numbers written on their tickets. So, 12 chairs, gentlemen !!! (Twelve chairs appear on the screen.)

The first lucky man appears on the stage, a chair is brought out for him, which he opens and performs the task,
Phrase from the movie: The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! The ice has broken! ..
A small bottle of vodka - task - you have to make a toast and drink vodka to the bottom.

The second lucky man appears on the stage, opens 2 chairs, performs tasks,
Phrase from the movie: Kitty! For a long time I wanted to ask you as an artist of an artist: Do you know how to draw?
Markers - task - You have to draw the house of your dreams.
The participant is invited to invite a female assistant from among the guests. He is blindfolded, and with the help of the assistant's tips, he draws a house on a sheet of Whatman paper held by the second assistant.
The third lucky man appears on the stage, opens 3 chairs, performs tasks,
Phrase from the movie: Submit former deputy The State Duma! Monsieur! Same ne mange pa sis zhur ...
Leaflet with French words written in Russian - Happy New Year to the company in French. (The text of the congratulation will be written on a piece of paper).
VIA appears in captain's caps, scarves. They are located behind the instruments. Playing main topic... Musical and gastronomic pause.
Magician, mini performance.

Part 2
For those who have been thinking only about the contents of one of the chairs all this time, I inform you: our next guest enters the stage, and in a few moments we will find out whether he is lucky or not ... The fourth lucky man appears on the stage, opens the 4th chair, performs tasks.

Phrase from the movie: What is your political credo? Is always! Russia will not forget you!
Advice book (something about life like Dale Carnegie) - the task is to give good life or professional advice.

The fifth lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 5th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: According to researchers, William Shakespeare's dictionary is 12,000 words. The dictionary of a Negro from the cannibalistic tribe "Mumbo-Yumbo" is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed thirty.
Sheet a4 with the vocabulary of Ellochka the Ogre - task - you must answer all the questions of the presenter using the vocabulary of Ellochka the Ogre. (if this chair went to a man, then the presenter proposes to transfer the task to a woman from among the department employees)

1. How do you like today's holiday? - Famous!
2. Are there already drunk men at your table? - Horror.
3. Have you already decided which of them will accompany you? - Don't teach me how to live!
4. What type of men do you prefer? - Thick and handsome!
5. Do you agree that there are a lot of guests? - Darkness!
6. How will you get home? - Let's go by taxi.
7. Can I go with you? - Your back is white!

The sixth lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 6th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: A sultry woman is a poet's dream!
Mirror - task: put on a wig to the music and portray Ellochka the Cannibal.

Musically gastronomic pause. Second block.

Part 3
We keep looking for a happy chair. In a few seconds, the participants will appear on this stage, who will open new chairs, let's see which of them will be lucky!
The seventh lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 7th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: - Excuse me, comrades! I have all the moves written down!
- The office writes!
Small chess box - task - You must depict any 3 chess pieces using gestures or pantomime.

The eighth lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 8th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: Money in the morning, chairs in the evening!
Can I have chairs in the morning and money in the evening? You can, but money in advance!
The 12 Chairs Book - Activity - You should recall some of the great phrases from the 12 Chairs book.

A lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 9th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: However, you can leave, but here, I warn you,
Long hands!
Box - task - hugging each other around the waist, the participants with the help of their free hands should make a gift box - tie a ribbon on it.

Musical and gastronomic pause. VIA third block

Part 4
- Whole chairs are less and less, and the chances of winning more and more! This is what I would like to note when inviting another participant to this stage! I wish you good luck, because this is a real lottery!

The tenth lucky man appears on the scene, opens the 10th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: Abroad will help us.
Music CD - task - say a toast, say some beautiful word or a phrase in any foreign language.

The tension is growing: there are only two chairs left !!! And also two of the most interesting, fun tasks await their completion! Who will get the main prize of the holiday, and who will be able to show their hidden abilities - the answer to this question - right now! Please go to the stage!
A representative appears on the scene, opens the 11th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: Maybe I should give you another key to the apartment where the money is?
A small lock - the task is to pick the correct one from a bunch of keys in 20 seconds.

A representative appears on the scene, opens the 12th chair, performs the tasks indicated in this chair.
Phrase from the movie: I tell you as a man tormented by Narzan ...
Bottle of Narzan - task - with closed eyes to identify one or another alc by smell. drink.

- Our today's holiday is based on the work of Ilf and Petrov "12 chairs"! As we remember from the book and the film, our main characters never found the jewels. But in our holiday the main thing is that no one will leave without a gift !!!

VIA Completion.
Disco. Competitions (optional)

From one of the activities carried out in this scenario.

Characters: Ostap Bender,
Kisa Vorobyaninov,
bully boy
The stage is festively decorated.
Voice. In May 200__, at ___ o'clock in the evening, a young man entered the city from the north-west, from the side of the pier.
The young man's name was Ostap-Suleiman-Berta-Maria Bender Bay.
There were so many schools in the county town of __________ that it seemed that people were born here just to learn.
A bully boy ran after the young man.
Bully boy. Uncle, give me 10 rubles ... Well, uncle, give me 10 rubles ...
Ostap. Maybe I should also give you the key to the apartment where the money is?
Voice. The young man lied: he had no money, no apartment where they could lie, no key with which to unlock this apartment.
At the same time, a giant of thought, the father of democracy, a person close to the emperor, was heading towards the center from the side of the embankment. They haven't seen each other for years.
Ostap. Kitty, what fate!
Kisa. Ostap Ibrahimovich! Are you spoiling the chairs again?
Ostap. No, Kisa. I calmed down, decided to stick to the quiet harbor. Here I choose a city. Do you know, Kisa, in this city there are brides and daring fellows?
Kisa. Who is the graduate bride.
Ostap. You know me, Field Marshal. I need a sultry woman, a poet's dream.
Kisa. Then you have come to the right place. After all, today at school number __ prom... The best representatives of this city gathered there.
Voice. Ostap Bender knew 1000 ways to make money. Now ripe in his head new plan which did not concern money.
Ostap. So, Kisa, we go to this very school.
Music sounds, guests are sitting. Ostap goes up to the stage.
Ostap. In that case, the ice is broken, gentlemen of the jury. I will be in command of the parade.
The heroes of the occasion are invited to the stage.
Music sounds, graduates come out, go up on stage, sit on chairs.
Kisa. Let me imagine (when a graduate is called, he comes forward, the girls curtsy, the boys nod their heads).
Equitable ___________
Charming _____________
Talented _____________
Clever _________________
Cheerful _________
Happy ________________
Patient _____________
Changeable __________
Gallant ______________
Judicious __________
Energetic _____________
Sincere _______________
Able _____________
Good _________________
Unpredictable _________
Strong-willed ________________
Strong _______________
Elegant _____________
Serious ______________
Modest _______________
Charming ________
Principal _________
Mysterious _____________
Stately _______________
Caring ____________
Ostap. Yes, there is where to roam.
Kisa. Oh, you will not see this yet!
Ostap. The meeting continues. We ask the nervous ones to leave. I will now interview the headmaster.
Dear _____________________!
1. What do you remember the most of the antics of these citizens?
2. And what was the difference between the girls of this class?
3. What do you think your graduates will be able to achieve in the future?
4. Tell me, who should I hit on?
5. How is this class different from all the others?
Kisa. You seem to have learned a lot, Ostap Ibrahimovich?
Ostap. Not really, Kisa, not really. Where can you get the information you need?
Of course class teacher ___________. The meeting continues.
Ostap is interviewing.
Is a homeroom teacher a dangerous profession?
Tell me, are there my successors in this class?
I am especially interested in girls. Which one is the prettiest?
What is the most memorable event in their life?
Who do you pin your greatest hopes on?
Who is the most soulful in the class?
What would you wish the guys?
Quiet music sounds, the class teacher speaks.
Kisa. Ostap Ibrahimovich, you somehow prolonged our evening.
Ostap. It is not important.
Kisa. What's the main thing?
Ostap. The main thing is that the suit fits. Look at how the suits of our graduates fit. So, they need to give the floor.
Lovely teachers!
Parting ahead
We love you so much
Here's a thing.
In life already big
The door is open for us.
It's sad to part
We are with you now.
Lovely teachers!
We wish you happiness
Let them go around
Grief and bad weather.
So that there is enough for everyone
Health and strength,
So that your dreams come true,
We really want to.
Graduates present flowers and souvenirs to teachers.
Ellochka Shchukina enters.
Ellochka. Ho ho!
Ostap. I'm not ho-ho, I'm hoo!
Ellochka. You are naughty, kid!
Ostap. Let me introduce myself, Ostap Bender. Do you know where you got to?
Ellochka. Darkness.
Ostap. Not a very talkative person.
Ellochka. Your back is white.
Ostap is spinning.
Ostap. Your jokes are inappropriate. Now we have a report with the participation of the first teacher of our chicks.
Who was the most obedient student?
Who learned to read and write the fastest?
What did your kids love to do?
What was your favorite subject?
What would you wish your little ones?
Speech by the first teacher.
Ellochka. The beauty.
Ostap. Ellochka, do you know how difficult it is to teach children?
Ellochka. Don't teach me how to live.
Ostap. Do you know what they write?
Ellochka. Ho ho.
Ostap. That you are all ho-ho, yes ho-ho. Here's what the guys leave their school.
Ellochka. Do you think I can read?
Ostap. It's good that at least everyone in school can read.
Graduates take out a poster with wishes to teachers and the school and give it to the class teacher.
Ostap. Now the moment of truth has come.
Music sounds, the director presents certificates to graduates.
Kisa. Ostap Ibrahimovich, did I bring you to the right place?
Ostap. In the most, that is, the real place.
Kisa. What's next, Ostap?
Ostap. The meeting is over, gentlemen of the jury.
It remains to wish our graduates:
The school is getting quieter
The last dunce dies down.
If you don't read it yourself, you will hear
How many miracles there are in life
Let your life become more beautiful
There will always be only victory in her,
Don't Forget What You Taught
You are a teacher in your school.
Ellochka. And I want to dance.
Ostap. And really, it's time to start the ball.
Music sounds. The ball begins with a waltz.

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