
Anniversary script "car signs". Games and competitions for Motorist Day Interesting competitions for Driver Day

Very soon the last Sunday of October will come, which means that we will celebrate a holiday called Motorist Day. We have prepared a funny holiday scenario for you on Motorist Day. Cool script with competitions that can be played, like current drivers, and future drivers. But the main feature of this scenario is that it is universal. You can hold it in the square, in the park or on the stage in any cultural center.

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with beautiful speeches and funny poems. Give people spectacle and entertainment! Therefore, we will spend our motorist day like this: alternate competitions with games and entertainment. After all, it’s better, more exciting and interesting than listening to poetry and long monologues. Ready? Start the engines. Go!

And we’ll immediately play a question-answer game, in which all the questions and, accordingly, all the answers are dedicated only to motorists. We play like this: the first one takes out a card with a question, says to whom he is addressing his question, and reads it out. And the person to whom the question is addressed takes out a card with the answer and reads out the answer. After the second, he himself takes out the question, says who he is addressing it to, and so on.

1. Do you really love cars that much?
2. Do you like girl drivers?
3. Do men wink at you while driving?
4. Do you dream at night about someone else driving your car?
5. Do you like to sleep in the car?
6. Can you drive while drunk?
7. Is running a red light your thing?
8. Would you like to become a personal driver of the VIAGRA group?
9. Do you give bribes to traffic police officers?
10. Have you had a romantic dinner under headlights?
11. Can you drive, talk on the phone and at the same time swear at cars passing by?
12. Do you like to get stuck in traffic jams?

1. And you get into my car and you will see everything for yourself!
2. Yes, but not in the morning!
3. Do you guarantee my safety after my answer?
4. Let's do this: I answer you honestly, and you sleep with me!
5. If only I'm wearing shorts!
6. And at the same time I wear rose-colored glasses!
7. Yes, and I’m not ashamed of it!
8. This is my favorite activity!
9. Am I a millionaire?!
10. Do you have an extra battery?
11. I can also light a cigarette with my feet!
12. Let me answer you after a hundred grams?!

After such a competition in the form of a warm-up, you can move on to gaming competitions.
But first, ask drivers what word or expression they say as soon as they are fined and get into their car! While everyone is laughing, you prepare the playground.
You need toy cars. Place them the way you usually park cars on the roads of your city and call it parking. And tie a rope to one machine. The task of the competition participants is to park this car on the ropes. Therefore, do not forget to leave a couple of spaces to park your car. And let the participants try not to hit standing cars and park their car: first in front, and then in back.

And now a competition for taxi drivers!
We invite taxi drivers. They sit on chairs with backrests. Their task is to “take away” as many passengers as possible at one time. Therefore, they seat passengers on their laps, on their necks, and generally wherever they can. When each taxi driver has seated his passengers, the game can begin.
The presenter invites them to start the engines (taxi drivers must imitate the sound of the engine). And since there are people sitting on taxi drivers, it’s hard for them and they will make such funny sounds that it will immediately become funny. After the engines have started, you can move away. They are driving along the road and the first turn is left (the driver must turn left, while he must actually lean to the left, and his passengers must not fall). Afterwards immediately turn right. And then there’s a bump and an uphill climb. And so on, come up with any tests.
When the taxi drivers have brought the passengers to the desired location, they are awarded prizes if they have transported all the passengers!

Let's move on and we have a pantomime competition ahead!
Two participants are called. The first shows, the second guesses, naturally showing everything without words, only with gestures and facial expressions. You can play out completely different situations from road life. For example:
1. The driver has run out of gas and asks the second driver to go to a gas station, pour gasoline into a canister and bring it back to him.
2. The driver stopped to go to the toilet. While he was walking, his car was stolen. And he asks the second driver to take him with him and take him to the police to file a report of theft.
3. Road repairs are ahead. And the road worker explains to the driver that he needs to take a different road.
And so on. You can take situations from real life.

And now the competition is the same words.
The task of the competition participants is to name as many words as possible that are necessarily related to cars and something else. For example:
Disc – for the wheel and CD for the player.
Candle - both a scented candle and a candle for light.
The program is on TV (Field of Miracles) and is switched in the car.
Windshield wipers clean the streets and help clear the rain from the windshield of your car.
And so on. There are many such words, but when asked to remember them, everything is immediately forgotten.

And finally, some music and dancing. You need to stock up on karaoke songs about the road. There are many such songs. And turn them on one by one. Each participant has a special klaxon in his hands, with which he gives a signal if he knows the song. When he gives the signal, he says his version, and if it’s correct, he sings this song in karaoke.
Sample songs:
"Roads, roads" Gazmanov
"Oh, roads" (Oshanin - Novikov)
"Big Road Radio" Syutkin sings
And many others.

Thanks to such interesting competitions you can organize fun party for motorists, and they will thank you.

And so, the last Sunday of October is about to come and, according to tradition, on this day professional holiday all motorists note. We have come up with funny and interesting competitions for Motorist Day. Our competitions are suitable for both drivers and those who are just about to join the million-strong army of car and driving enthusiasts. Cool, sometimes childish, but still interesting, competitions will help make your holiday the best.

And we’ll start, perhaps, with what we already have on the website for motorists and their holiday. And this:
And no less bright;
So be sure to follow the links and watch it all.

And we will begin to describe the competitions.
And the first competition will help us, in a humorous way, understand whether the driver bought a license or passed it honestly. To do this, you will need cars with ropes attached to them, as well as cars that will simply stand in a row. And in this row there should be one place for one car. And our drivers need to park their car on a rope exactly in this empty space. At the same time, without touching other cars, everything is like in real life. And if it is easy to drive in front, then problems will arise in the back. But the drivers passed their licenses and didn’t buy them, so they will succeed!)))

Now the improvisation competition.
Participants perform in pairs - a man and a girl. The man has a wonderful one. Expensive car (put two chairs). And the man invites the girl for a ride in his car. All this must be done without words, only with movements of the arms, legs and facial expressions. And the girl should play along with the man, admire the car, interior and speed. The couple that shows the most artistry wins.

Competition with signs traffic.
This is not an ordinary competition, and in this competition we will not test knowledge of signs. In this competition, drivers need to decipher traffic signs as funny as possible. You show them the usual signs, and they have to tell you something funny about them. Whoever deciphers the funniest will receive a prize for winning this competition.

The exam is in reverse.
For this competition you need to recruit teams of four people. And make a track that resembles a snake, that is, put pins that you will have to go around like a snake. Participants stand one after another and grab the waist of the person standing in front of them. Three participants from the team - the second, third and fourth. Blindfolded. And the first one, he is the driver, can look how and where he wants. His task, moving backwards, that is, he will go last, gives commands to his team members to go around all the pins. Whichever team shows the fastest time to complete the course and does not knock down the pins is the winner.

Professional holiday - Workers' Day road transport and road facilities has been celebrated in Russia since 1996 on the basis of the Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 1435 of October 14, 1996 “On establishing the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers” on the last Sunday of October.

Cool short competitions for Motorist Day, toasts, corporate party script: congratulations in verse

The professional holiday of Russian drivers has quite a long history - this year it turns 42 years old. Conceived as a holiday exclusively for professional drivers, over time it became one of the national holidays celebrated by all motorists, including amateurs.

Everyone who knows a lot about cars,

Who is just an ace behind the wheel,

Who is used to long roads,

Happy holiday to you!

Don't let your car let you down.

No nail, no rod for you!

Sun - in any weather

And in spite of any winds!

Happiness to families, strength, good luck,

Friendship, joys, victories.

Let dreams loom close,

Keep the light green.

Magnetic storm schedule for December – early January: accurate forecast

Who has been driving for more than a year,

Who knows every turn

Congratulations to Togo today

And we wish you well from the bottom of our hearts.

Let the road be easy.

We wish you much health.

May there always be luck.

Well, neither rod nor nail!

I wish you only green light,

Have a great road in winter and summer,

No breakdowns, no accidents,

Never meet traffic police on the route,

Fair wind, comfort on the road.

Always turn the wheel in good spirits!

May the road be easy and joyful,

Let them wait at the doorstep to return to the house,

Let the green shine everywhere and always,

The route avoids any trouble!

Let your iron horse never know fatigue,

Let the Angel take away the slightest dirty trick,

Let the traffic police baton wave only forward

And the oncoming light will blink at you along the way!

Let everyone who has a car and license

They will never turn away from the path for anything, ever.

Always achieve all goals, routes,

May it be welcoming every morning!

Early in the morning, early in the morning

You sit down at the steering wheel,

You press the pedal

And in the car you rush into the distance!

Difficult track winner,

Wonderful driver

Accept congratulations,

Celebrate the holiday with joy!

And may on Motorist Day

The route will be smooth and clean.

May there be plenty of luck.

No nail or rod for you!

The road is smooth - without bends,

The weather is clear - no rain.

So that the traffic police do not slow down.

And faithful, devoted friends!

So that you can look forward to it at home,

So that there are no traffic jams around,

To be in a great mood

You were driving, my friend!

Episode 19 of Dancing on TNT from 12/08/2018, who left the project

Cool short competitions for Motorist Day, toasts, corporate party scenario: holiday scenario

Since the script includes all kinds of competitions and quizzes, prizes are a must. Buy inexpensive memorabilia themed trinkets: car fragrances, rear view mirror hanging toys, interior wipes, car shampoo, car themed key chains, condoms (this is for the first aid kit, of course) and other little things.

You can start the evening introductory words and congratulations in verse on your professional holiday.


Hello friends, we are glad to see you all!

But what have you all forgotten here today?

Are you planning on drinking heavily?

For the fact that everyone didn’t drink and drive for a whole year!

Well, dear ladies and men!

Then I’ll say a toast: let’s drink to our friends -

For our faithful, that is, for the cars,

Let's raise our glasses, gentlemen, quickly!!!

Then the sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and inspector Rublevsky appears with the words:

“We’re violating, citizens, we’re violating.” Show your documents! (the inspector approaches each of the guests and asks to show their driver’s license. Those who do not have them are taken to the center of the hall to participate in the competition).

Competitions for Motorist Day

The competition requires men and women, at least three pairs. In the center of the hall, two chairs are placed side by side - these are improvised front seats of a car. The competition is to get into a car while listening to the appropriate music and give your girlfriend a whirlwind ride in it.

As a rule, participants use all their acting skills - open a virtual door, steer, jump over potholes on the road, start or forget to start the car.

In the Maryino district of Moscow, porn was shown on the screen at the entrance instead of advertising for 6 hours

Young ladies at this time also try to portray their behavior during a car ride as funny as possible: they smoke, talk on the phone, paint their lips, push the driver in the side, and the like. The one who comes out funniest will win. Everyone should have different music, but on a car theme - “And I’ll get into a convertible” by Uspenskaya, “Black Boomer” by Seryoga, “Your Cherry Nine” by Combinations.

After the winner is determined, everyone returns to the feast, and after a few minutes in the process. Guests are invited to take part in a quiz.

Quiz Road Signs

Inspector Rublevsky checks guests' knowledge of road signs.

In this case, the signs should be quite unusual, but such that you can guess. For example: “Careful, there’s a blonde around the corner,” “The traffic police are in the bushes,” or “Entry is prohibited after 3 drinks.”

You can invent and draw anything you want. It depends on the sense of humor and imagination of the organizer. The answers will be very varied, and that’s where the fun lies.

Competition for women Car brands

You can hold a competition “Catch the Inspector by the Tail”

Four people and inspector Rublevsky are called to participate. Everyone stands next to each other and grabs the previous participant’s waist from behind. The very last one is the inspector, to whom a striped tail is tied, the color of his working tool.

Fast music starts and the fun begins: the front participant must chase the inspector, trying to grab his tail, while he tries to dodge. At the same time, three more participants move between them in a bunch, holding tightly and not letting go for a moment. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's very fun and funny.

Motorist Day, like any other holiday, happens only once a year, so you need to celebrate it fun and in a way that is memorable. The more fun games, competitions, warm words and laughter, the more likely it is that the holiday will be a success.

Fun team game “Valuable Cargo”

For this game, two equal teams are recruited, each of which chooses the most careful driver in their ranks, in their opinion, who can be entrusted with valuable cargo. For the game you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with a long rope, plastic, preferably small, cubes (according to the number of participants) and two pencils.

Game conditions: Selected drivers stand opposite the dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, next to them there is a pile of cubes. The task of the members of each team in turn (one at a time) is to take a cube and run to their dump truck, load the cube and run back when they return to the team – the next player runs. When all the cubes are “loaded”, the driver begins to wind the rope from his dump truck onto the pencil, trying to do it quickly, but so as not to lose the cubes.

The team whose dump truck wins will come first and with minimal losses.

Motorist Day is celebrated in the fall, on the last Sunday of October. Besides the feast dedicated to the holiday, although motorists are teetotalers, it is advisable to add an interesting entertainment program for guests.

To do this, you don’t need much at all - a suitably decorated hall, a presenter and a cheerful script for the holiday for Motorist Day, congratulations, poems, games, humor, competitions for Motorist Day.

The room can be decorated in the style of Formula 1, the obligatory attribute of which is checkered flags. You can print funny pictures from the Internet related to motorists, cars and traffic police. If possible, bring a few car tires and place them around the hall.

Motorist Day holiday scenario

Since the script includes all kinds of competitions and quizzes, prizes are a must. Buy inexpensive memorabilia themed trinkets: car fragrances, rear view mirror hanging toys, interior wipes, car shampoo, car themed key chains, condoms (this is for the first aid kit, of course) and other little things.

You can start the evening with introductory words and congratulations in verse on your professional holiday.


Hello friends, we are glad to see you all!

But what have you all forgotten here today?

Are you planning on drinking heavily?

For the fact that everyone didn’t drink and drive for a whole year!

Well, dear ladies and men!

Then I’ll say a toast: let’s drink to our friends -

For our faithful, that is, for the cars,

Let's raise our glasses, gentlemen, quickly!!!

Then the sound of a police siren is heard in the hall and inspector Rublevsky appears with the words:

We violate, citizens, we violate. Show your documents! (the inspector approaches each of the guests and asks to show their driver’s license. Those who do not have them are taken to the center of the hall to participate in the competition).

Competitions for Motorist Day

The competition requires men and women, at least three pairs. In the center of the hall, two chairs are placed side by side - these are improvised front seats of a car. The competition is to get into a car while listening to the appropriate music and give your girlfriend a whirlwind ride in it.

As a rule, participants use all their acting skills - open a virtual door, steer, jump over potholes on the road, start or forget to start the car.

Young ladies at this time also try to portray their behavior during a car ride as funny as possible: they smoke, talk on the phone, paint their lips, push the driver in the side, and the like. The one who comes out funniest will win. Everyone should have different music, but on a car theme - “And I’ll get into a convertible” by Uspenskaya, “Black Boomer” by Seryoga, “Your Cherry Nine” by Combinations.

After the winner is determined, everyone returns to the feast, and after a few minutes in the process. Guests are invited to take part in a quiz.

Quiz Road Signs

Inspector Rublevsky checks guests' knowledge of road signs.

In this case, the signs should be quite unusual, but such that you can guess. For example: “Careful, there’s a blonde around the corner,” “The traffic police are in the bushes,” or “Entry is prohibited after 3 drinks.”

You can invent and draw anything you want. It depends on the sense of humor and imagination of the organizer. The answers will be very varied, and that’s where the fun lies.

Competition for women Car brands

You can hold a competition “Catch the Inspector by the Tail”

Four people and inspector Rublevsky are called to participate. Everyone stands next to each other and grabs the previous participant’s waist from behind. The very last one is the inspector, to whom a striped tail is tied, the color of his working tool.

Fast music starts and the fun begins: the front participant must chase the inspector, trying to grab his tail, while he tries to dodge. At the same time, three more participants move between them in a bunch, holding tightly and not letting go for a moment. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's very fun and funny.

Motorist Day, like any other holiday, happens only once a year, so you need to celebrate it fun and in a way that is memorable. The more fun games, competitions, warm words and laughter, the greater the likelihood that the holiday will be a success.

Motorist Day holiday script, congratulations, poems, games, humor, competitions for Motorist Day

Very soon the last Sunday of October will come, which means that we will celebrate a holiday called Motorist Day. We have prepared a funny holiday scenario for you on Motorist Day. A cool scenario with competitions that both current drivers and future drivers can play. But the main feature of this scenario is that it is universal. You can hold it in the square, in the park or on the stage in any cultural center.

Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with beautiful speeches and funny poems. Give people spectacle and entertainment! Therefore, we will spend our motorist day like this: alternate competitions with games and entertainment. After all, it’s better, more exciting and interesting than listening to poetry and long monologues. Ready? Start the engines. Go!

And we’ll immediately play a question-answer game, in which all the questions and, accordingly, all the answers are dedicated only to motorists. We play like this: the first one takes out a card with a question, says to whom he is addressing his question, and reads it out. And the person to whom the question is addressed takes out a card with the answer and reads out the answer. After the second, he himself takes out the question, says who he is addressing it to, and so on.

1. Do you really love cars that much?
2. Do you like girl drivers?
3. Do men wink at you while driving?
4. Do you dream at night about someone else driving your car?
5. Do you like to sleep in the car?
6. Can you drive while drunk?
7. Is running a red light your thing?
8. Would you like to become a personal driver of the VIAGRA group?
9. Do you give bribes to traffic police officers?
10. Have you had a romantic dinner under headlights?
11. Can you drive, talk on the phone and at the same time swear at cars passing by?
12. Do you like to get stuck in traffic jams?

1. And you get into my car and you will see everything for yourself!
2. Yes, but not in the morning!
3. Do you guarantee my safety after my answer?
4. Let's do this: I answer you honestly, and you sleep with me!
5. If only I'm wearing shorts!
6. And at the same time I wear rose-colored glasses!
7. Yes, and I’m not ashamed of it!
8. This is my favorite activity!
9. Am I a millionaire?!
10. Do you have an extra battery?
11. I can also light a cigarette with my feet!
12. Let me answer you after a hundred grams?!

After such a competition in the form of a warm-up, you can move on to gaming competitions.
But first, ask drivers what word or expression they say as soon as they are fined and get into their car! While everyone is laughing, you prepare the playground.
You need toy cars. Place them the way you usually park cars on the roads of your city and call it parking. And tie a rope to one machine. The task of the competition participants is to park this car on the ropes. Therefore, do not forget to leave a couple of spaces to park your car. And let the participants try not to hit standing cars and park their car: first in front, and then in back.

And now a competition for taxi drivers!
We invite taxi drivers. They sit on chairs with backrests. Their task is to “take away” as many passengers as possible at one time. Therefore, they seat passengers on their laps, on their necks, and generally wherever they can. When each taxi driver has seated his passengers, the game can begin.
The presenter invites them to start the engines (taxi drivers must imitate the sound of the engine). And since there are people sitting on taxi drivers, it’s hard for them and they will make such funny sounds that it will immediately become funny. After the engines have started, you can move away. They are driving along the road and the first turn is left (the driver must turn left, while he must actually lean to the left, and his passengers must not fall). Afterwards immediately turn right. And then there’s a bump and an uphill climb. And so on, come up with any tests.
When the taxi drivers have brought the passengers to the desired location, they are awarded prizes if they have transported all the passengers!

Let's move on and we have a pantomime competition ahead!
Two participants are called. The first shows, the second guesses, naturally showing everything without words, only with gestures and facial expressions. You can play out completely different situations from road life. For example:
1. The driver has run out of gas and asks the second driver to go to a gas station, pour gasoline into a canister and bring it back to him.
2. The driver stopped to go to the toilet. While he was walking, his car was stolen. And he asks the second driver to take him with him and take him to the police to file a report of theft.
3. Road repairs are ahead. And the road worker explains to the driver that he needs to take a different road.
And so on. You can take situations from real life.

And now the competition is the same words.
The task of the competition participants is to name as many words as possible that are necessarily related to cars and something else. For example:
Disc – for the wheel and CD for the player.
Candle - both a scented candle and a candle for light.
The program is on TV (Field of Miracles) and is switched in the car.
Windshield wipers clean the streets and help clear the rain from the windshield of your car.
And so on. There are many such words, but when asked to remember them, everything is immediately forgotten.

And finally, some music and dancing. You need to stock up on karaoke songs about the road. There are many such songs. And turn them on one by one. Each participant has a special klaxon in his hands, with which he gives a signal if he knows the song. When he gives the signal, he says his version, and if it’s correct, he sings this song in karaoke.
Sample songs:
"Roads, roads" Gazmanov
"Oh, roads" (Oshanin - Novikov)
"Big Road Radio" Syutkin sings
And many others.

Thanks to such interesting competitions, you can organize a fun holiday for motorists, and they will be grateful to you.

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