
Wheel set measurement technician. Training and production center A course of lectures on the subject “Mechanical equipment of subway cars” for students in groups according to their specialty. Measuring the flange thickness of a solid rolled wheel

“Measurer” is a mobile application for measurers, installers, as well as any craftsmen who take measurements during the repair or production process.

Currently, this process is carried out using a notepad, phone and SMS - this is not convenient as information can be lost, and it also takes additional time. Therefore, I decided to develop an application that will help solve these problems and make the process more efficient.

Having experience in finishing work, as well as a number of partners from the repair industry, we decided on the minimum functionality of the application and started developing our own application. A couple of months later, we began testing the solution at our own enterprises (windows, doors, ceilings).

The application gave an excellent effect - the manager freed up to 50% of his time due to the automatic distribution of applications for measurements, the measurers are also happy because they see all applications online without additional calls, and also have a convenient online notebook for measurements. Conflicts with clients over delays have almost disappeared.

The main functionality of the application: the application will help you record measurements, keep records and history on them, notify the client and the surveyor about the planned application, and the program also allows you to send measurements by email or directly to the store’s CRM.

The advantage of the application is that it automates not only the measurer, but also part of the tasks of the store in which he works. For example, the system itself will distribute requests for measurements among employees and notify clients, and automatic loading of data on measurements and photos will reduce the manager’s time.

The goal of the “Gauge” project is to help highly specialized trading enterprises automate the customer service process, i.e. improve quality for the consumer. We invite shops and craftsmen to test the service to make it even better and more convenient for our construction industry.

Currently, the application is already used by about 50 companies in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The application is free and available for download on PlayGoogle -

2.1 General provisions

The wheel sets of freight electric locomotives VL22 M have a double-sided elastic spur gear with involute engagement with module 10. All other electric locomotives of later construction are equipped with wheel sets with a double-sided, rigid helical involute gear with a normal module 10.

Wheel pairs of passenger electric locomotives ChS have one composite gear, the spur gear of which is bolted to the hub of the wheel center, the tightness of which is checked with a mechanic’s hammer weighing 200 g.

The tires for all electric locomotives are the same in size: width – 140 and diameter around the rolling circle – 1250 mm.

In the mid-80s, the wear of tire flanges sharply increased, which was caused by a number of factors: a narrowing of the gauge from 1524 mm to 1520 mm, the transition to P75 rails, which are harder than tires, and the replacement of plain bearings in cars with rolling bearings, which eliminated natural lubrication rail, loss of elasticity of rubber-metal elements of axle box leads, violations of the technology for repairing locomotive bogies and cars.

In order to reduce flange wear, the Department of Locomotive Facilities (LC), with instructions for the formation and repair of wheel pairs, introduced several tire profiles, including profiles in accordance with GOST 11018–2009, with a flange height of 28 mm, Zinyuk-Nikitsky, DMetI profiles, medium tire profile wheel pair of electric locomotives of the ChS2 series. According to the instructions, new bandages are released from repair with the bandage profile configuration in accordance with GOST 11018–2009 and are ground to the above profiles in operation.

When operating electric locomotives around the rolling circle of the tire, wear appears, which is called rolling, the thickness of the ridge of the tire wears out, its profile changes with the formation of an undercut and a pointed knurl, and sliders (potholes) occur on the rolling surface.

To measure wear on the surface of bandages, special measuring instruments called templates have been developed:

– a template for measuring locomotive ridge tires with a profile. GOST 11018–2009 (rolling, thickness of ridges and sliders (potholes)) (Fig. 2.1);

– template for measuring locomotive tires with undersized and trimmed ridges (rolled up to No. 263, thickness of ridges and potholes) for electric locomotives ChS2, ChS2T, ChS4, ChS4 T;

– thickness gauge for measuring the thickness and local widening of the tire and rim of a solid-rolled wheel with a scale of up to 100 mm (Fig. 2.2);

– a template for determining the presence of a vertical undercut of the ridges (Fig. 2.3);

– universal template UT-1M (Fig. 2.4);

– tolerance template DO-1 (Fig. 2.5);

– complex parameter meter (portable) KIP-01, developed at USGUPS. The device is designed to measure rolled stock, thickness and flange steepness parameters directly under railway rolling stock without rolling out wheel pairs and transfer the parameters to an electronic database to predict wear and determine the period of turning and (or) repair of wheels.

Figure 2.1 – Template for measuring rolled bandage ( A) and thickness

bandage comb ( b)

Figure 2.2 – Measuring the thickness of the bandage

Figure 2.3 – Identification of vertical undercut of the ridge:

A) the comb is rejected; b) the comb is not rejected.

Figure 2.4 – Universal template (model UT-1M):

1 – vertical support; 2 – support roller 1 ;

3 , 4 – vertical support with a permanent magnet and holder;

5 – horizontal rod with ruler; 6 – vertical ruler;

7 - frame; 8 – clamping screw; 9 - frame; 10 – clamping screw;

11 – measuring leg; 12 – horizontal ruler;

13 – screw of the clamping horizontal ruler;

q K– ridge steepness parameter

Figure 2.5 – Template for tolerance control (DO-1):

A) the bandage is not rejected; b) the bandage is rejected.

2.2 Technical content and basic requirements for wheel sets

During service, to determine their technical condition, wheel pairs are subject to technical inspection, ordinary inspection and full inspection.

Technical inspection of wheel pairs is carried out under the locomotive:

– for all types of maintenance TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4, TO-5, current repairs of TR, TR-1, TR-2 and for each inspection in operation;

– during the first rolling of a new wheelset after a full survey, if no more than 2 years have passed;

– after crashes, accidents, derailments, if there is no damage to the wheel pair.

When inspecting the wheelset, check:

– on the tires and rims of solid-rolled wheels, the absence of cracks, sliders (potholes), caps, crushes, dents, chips, gouges (Fig. 2.6 and 2.7), weakening of the tires, shift of the tire, extreme rolling, dangerous ridge shape, weakening of the tire ring, pointed roll up;

– absence of cracks in the rims and spokes of wheel centers (Fig. 2.8), disc brake hubs, rims, signs of weakening and shifting of the hubs on the axle;

– on the open parts of the axle there are no transverse oblique cracks, abraded areas, electrical burns and other defects;

– no heating of axle boxes and motor-axial bearings; support bearings;

– condition of the gear transmission.

Figure 2.6 – Wheelset malfunctions

Figure 2.7 – Chips and gouges on the rolling surface of wheelsets

Figure 2.8 – Cracks in the rims and spokes of wheel centers

The distance between the inner edges of the tires for locomotives and cars operating at speeds up to 120 km/h is 1410±3 mm, at speeds of 120–140 km/h – 1440 mm.

In accordance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to release from maintenance and routine repairs and allow rolling stock to travel on trains with a crack in any part of the axle, rim, disk, hub and tire, as well as wheel sets with the following wear and damage when various bandage profiles given in table. 2.1.

When measuring with a UT-1M template, the thickness of the ridge must be controlled taking into account corrections in accordance with table. 2.2.

Table 2.1 – Dimensions of wheel pair elements and their limit values

Template and measured values Bandage profiles, dimensions, mm
GOST 11018-2009 up to 120 km/h and above DMetI (LR) up to 120 km/h and above Zinyuk-Nikitsky up to 120 km/h and above GOST 11018–2009 ridge 28 MVPS
1. Template for measuring locomotive ridge tires according to GOST 11078-87 (rolled products, thickness of pothole ridges) Rolled (rejection) Ridge thickness 7/5 33–25 – – – – 7/5 33–25
2. Template for measuring the vertical undercut of the ridge; vertical undercut (maximum) < 18 < 18 < 18 < 18
3. Universal template UT-1 Ridge height Ridge thickness Dangerous ridge shape (steepness parameter) 33–25 30–25 33–25 33–25
4. Thickness gauge for measuring the thickness and local widening of the tire and rim of a solid-rolled wheel. Minimum thickness of the tire of electric locomotives VL10, VL11, VL80 V/I, VL85, VL15, EP1, ChS
5. Slider length (potholes)

Table 2.2 – Corrections to ridge thickness values ​​during measurement

template UT-1, UT-1M

Ridge steepness parameter Rent on a skating circuit
5,5 +1,0 +0,8 +0,4 –0,5 –1,1 –1,8 –2,7
6,0 +1,0 +0,9 +0,5 –0,5 –1,2 –2,0 –3,0
6,5 +1,0 +1,0 +0,5 –0,6 –1,3 –2,2 –3,2
7,0 +1,0 +0,5 –0,6 –1,4 –2,3 –3,5
7,5 +1,0 +0,6 –0,7 –1,5 –2,5 –3,7
8,0 +1,0 +0,6 –0,7 –1,6 –2,6 –4,0
8,5 +1,0 +0,7 –0,8 –1,7 –2,8 –4,2
9,0 +1,0 +0,7 –0,8 –1,8 –3,0 –4,5
9,5 +1,0 +0,7 –0,9 –1,9 –3,2 –4,7
10,0 +1,0 +0,8 –0,9 –2,0 –3,3 –5,0

If the slide (pothole) on the rolling surface of locomotives, motor-car rolling stock is more than 1 mm, they are allowed to travel without uncoupling from the train to the nearest station at the speed indicated in the table. 2.4.

Table 2.3 – Length of the slider (pothole) depending on its depth

and wheel diameter

Wheel diameter around the skating circle Depth of the slider (pothole) at its depth, mm

The depth of the slider is measured using a band thickness gauge. In the absence of a template, it is allowed to determine the depth of the slider based on the results of measuring it along its length in accordance with Table. 2.3.

Table 2.4 – Permissible EPS following speeds at different

size of potholes (slides)

When releasing from TO-3, TR-1 and TR-2, a slider of more than 0.5 mm is not allowed.

It is prohibited to issue traction rolling stock onto trains with defective wheel sets:

– a chip, hole or dent on the rolling surface with a depth of more than 3.0 mm and a length: for a locomotive and a motor car more than 10.0 mm, and for a trailer car more than 25.0 mm;

– a gouge or dent at the top of the ridge more than 4.0 mm long;

– the difference in rolling on the left and right sides of the wheelset is more than 2.0 mm;

– weakening of the bandage on the wheel center, the gear on the hub and the wheel center on the axle;

– dangerous ridge shape (steepness parameter) less than 6 mm, measured by the universal template UT-1M;

– pointed roll of the ridge at a distance of 2 mm from the top of the ridge and up to 13 mm from the rolling circle;

– the flange thickness of the 2nd and 5th wheel pairs of electric locomotives ChS2, ChS2 T, ChS4, ChS4 T (up to No. 263) is more than 24 mm and less than 19.5 mm when measured with a UT-1M template;

– sharp transverse marks and scuffs on the journals of the axle and the pre-hub parts of the axles;

– a worn place on the middle part of the axle of locomotives with a depth of more than

4 mm, and on the axle of multiple unit rolling stock - more than 2.5 mm;

– local or general increase in the width of the tire or rim of a solid-rolled wheel by more than 6 mm;

– weakening of the banding ring in more than 3 places: along a circle with a total length of more than 30% of the ring circumference - for locomotives and more than 20% for MVPS, as well as closer than 100 mm from the ring lock;

– the thickness of wheel pair tires is less (in mm): electric locomotives VL10, VL11, VL80 V/I, VL15, VL85 – 45 mm, VL22 M, VL23, VL8, VL60 – 40 mm;

motor cars – 35 mm, trailer cars – 25 mm;

– a crack in the rim, disk, hub and bandage of traction rolling stock;

– ring-shaped excavations on the rolling surface at the base of the ridge with a depth of 10 mm and a width of more than 2 mm.

2.3 Purpose of the work

2.3.1 Familiarize yourself with the malfunctions of wheel sets, in which it is prohibited to put electric locomotives into operation.

2.3.2 Obtain practical skills in inspecting wheel sets and measuring the wear of their tires.

2.4 Equipment and measuring instruments

A wheel set with a helical gear with calibrated faults was installed in the laboratory.

2.4.1 Wheel pairs of electric locomotives VL11 with preparatory wear and malfunctions.

2.4.2 Universal template UT-1.

2.4.3 Template for measuring ridge caps of locomotives with GOST 11018–2009 profile (rolled material, thickness of flanges and potholes).

2.4.4. Template for measuring the vertical undercut of the ridges of the bandages.

2.4.5 Complex parameter meter (portable KIP-01). Developer: UrGUPS (for rolled products, thickness and ridge steepness parameters).

2.4.6 Thickness gauge for measuring the thickness and local expansion of the tire and rim of a solid-rolled wheel.

2.4.7 Tolerance template DO-1.

2.4.8 Vernier calipers for measuring the distances between the inner edges of the bandages;

2.4.9 Metal ruler 300 mm.

2.4.10 Bracket for measuring the diameters of wheel pair tires along the rolling circle during turning without rolling out.

2.5 Operating procedure

2.5.1 Inspect the wheelset of the VL11 electric locomotive to identify faults on the axle, wheel centers, axle boxes, and tires.

2.5.2 Measure the distance between the inner edges of the bandages.

2.5.3 Measure the diameter of the tires along the rolling circle and determine the difference in diameters of the tires of the wheelset.

2.5.4 At points on each tire, measure the thickness of the tire, the height of the ridges, the vertical undercut, the steepness parameters, the size of the pothole (slider), the distance between the inner edges of the tires, and the diameter of the wheels. Define rental.

- title page;

- Objective;

– description of wheel set malfunctions with which it is prohibited to put the electric locomotive into operation, description of measuring instruments, measurement diagrams;

– measurement results (Table 2.5);

– conclusions based on measurement results.

2.7 Security questions

2.7.1 Types of wheel set tire profiles.

2.7.2 Rolling, cutting of the ridge, parameter of its steepness, thickness of the ridge, thickness of the bandage, pothole (slider), how they are measured.

2.7.3 List the faults with which it is prohibited to commission and operate electric rolling stock.

2.7.4 How do wear of electric locomotives affect the performance of EPS and the safety of train traffic?

2.8 List of sources used

2.8.1 Instructions for the formation, repair and maintenance of wheel pairs of traction rolling stock on 1520 mm gauge railways. – M.: Transport, 1995. – 121 p. (as amended by the instructions of JSC Russian Railways No. TsTR-56 dated December 20, 2011);

2.8.2 Electric rolling stock. Operation, reliability and repair. Textbook for universities railway. transport / Ed. A.T. Holovaty. – M.: Transport, 1983. – 350 p.

2.8.3 Wheel pairs of traction rolling stock of 1520 mm gauge railways. Operation, maintenance and repair manual KMBSH.667120.001RE. JSC "Russian Railways" approved. 12/27/2005. – 133 p.

Table 2.5 – Wheelset measurement results

Wheel Distance between the inner edges of the bandages Bandage diameter, mm Bandage thickness, mm Ridge height, mm Bandage rental, mm Slope parameter, mm Ridge thickness, measured with template UT-1M, mm Ridge thickness correction, mm Ridge thickness adjusted depending on rolling and steepness, mm Comb undercut, mm Slider length (potholes), mm Slider size (potholes), mm Note
Rejection rate

Practical work No. 3

Since the advent of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency rate has been steadily growing - which is why many people preferred to store their savings in tokens. But the announcement of libra 2019 shook this trend. Of course, a decrease in the Bitcoin price from $12,000 to $9,800 is not a very significant loss for a person who bought the token in 2008 for $3. But for someone who purchased a coin at the beginning of the year for 10 thousand, this is already sensitive.

Reasons for depreciation

The fact is that the global banking system perceived the emergence of libra crypto as a threat to the existing order and activated regulatory mechanisms. And since libra comes into circulation only in the first half of 2020, pressure has hit existing cryptocurrencies.
This “preemptive strike” is due to the fact that Libra will rely on the multimillion-dollar audience of social networks Facebook and Instagram, and the course will be independent and formed by a special resource created by investor companies (there are 28 of them). Accordingly, its start will immediately be high, and financiers are afraid of not having time to react.
    At the same time, according to the stated characteristics, many will prefer buy libra because:
  • interest on transactions is expected to be purely symbolic;
  • it will be possible not to transfer Libra tokens into national currencies at all, paying directly with them for all goods and services around the world through applications running on blockchain technology;
  • complete anonymity - the token is “born” at the time of its purchase and “dies” upon payment.
In addition to the multimillion-dollar audience of users, the success of libra is also ensured by the seriousness of investors - these are transnational corporations in the field of electronic payments, media groups and innovative technologies.

", in which craftsmen can view applications, record measurements and photographs and send them to the store, and stores can search for performers and keep records. We pass the microphone.

My name is Fanil Mardanov, I am 26 years old, I am the head of the startup “Zamerschik”. For the last five years I have been creating and developing Internet services for specialized companies: taxi, transport, logistics.


Once I ordered new doors for my apartment with measurements and installation, but the master did not show up at the appointed time, and he did not come the next day. It turned out that the technician mistakenly wrote down the wrong date in the notebook, and the office manager, relying on him, did not control the process.

I was surprised that remote employees of such companies still take orders via phone or SMS, at best they used email or WhatsApp. I had experience working with the “dispatcher - performer - customer” model, and I decided that I could help these comrades.

  • Android application “Measurer” for craftsmen and measurers: with it you can accept orders from the office, record measurements and automatically send them to the office.
  • A simple web version for managers to enter orders.
  • API for receiving orders from 1C for those who don’t want to bother with the web version.

For whom

It is expected that the service will be useful to companies engaged in repair and finishing work: doors, windows, suspended ceilings, tiles, furniture, design projects, and so on.

What problems will the project help solve:

  1. It will be much more difficult for the master to forget about the planned order thanks to SMS or push notification.
  2. The manager will not need to randomly call measurers to place an order, and now many people do just that.
  3. If desired, the master will be able to work for himself and keep records in the application instead of a notepad, as well as work with several stores at once.
  4. Photo measurements will help resolve a conflict situation in case of an error.


The project is being developed by a team of 12 people who have experience in similar solutions. We develop using our own funds. We are currently testing the MVP, we have several dozen interested companies and about 100 craftsmen.

When inspecting wheel sets at the depot, the following control and measuring tools are used:

  • Vernier caliper - for measuring the diameter of wheels on a rolling circle

  • maximum pattern

  • template for measuring the vertical undercut of the ridge

  • absolute template

  • shtichmass - for measuring the distance between the elements of the wheelset and the inner diameter of the tire, for measuring the distance between the inner edges of the tires of the wheelset

  • device with an indicator head for measuring the depth of the slider

  • thickness gauge for measuring the thickness and local expansion of the rim tire of a solid-rolled wheel

  • caliper for measuring the width of bandages

  • ultrasonic flaw detector for sounding wheel pair axles, traction motor shafts, etc. to identify internal defects.

  • magnetic flaw detector for identifying surface cracks in rolling stock parts (shackle, gearbox suspension bolt, rail lubricator bracket, etc.)
The rolled material, slider, weld and flange thickness are measured using an absolute template. Rolling is determined by a rolling circle located at a distance of 70 mm from the inner edge of the wheel. When measuring the rolling depth, the risks must coincide. Having lowered the support bracket to the top of the ridge, you need to press the vertical edge of the template and the tab against the inner edge of the wheel rim. The rental is determined by the division of the scale on the engine against the marks on the leg. The slider and weld are found by the difference in readings at the site of the defect and at

^ Rice. Absolute template Fig. Indicator head

^ Rice. Maximum pattern and counter pattern Fig. Template for measuring vert. undercut


^ Rice. Vernier caliper Fig. Stichmass

unworn place. If the defect is displaced relative to the wheel's rolling circle, then the engine is adjusted before measurement. To determine the thickness of the ridge, the slider, installed at a distance of 18 mm from the top of the ridge, on which the support bracket rests, must be moved until it touches the surface of the ridge. Using the scale on the guide, installed against the mark, the thickness of the ridge is found. To identify a thin wheel flange, use a template cutout with a depth of 18 and a width of 25 mm.

Frequency of checking wheel sets using a test tool in the depot

^ Name of the tool or device

Check frequency


Maximum pattern

once every 6 months


Template for measuring the vertical undercut of the ridge

once every 6 months


Absolute template

once every 2 months


Device with indicator for measuring sliders (potholes)

one gas per year


Vernier calipers for measuring the width of bandages

once every 6 months


Thickness gauge for measuring the thickness and local expansion of the rim tire of a solid-rolled wheel

once every 6 months


Stick mass for measuring the distance from the center of the axle to the tire

once every 2 months


Bracket for measuring the diameter of wheels under the car

once every 6 months


Ultrasonic flaw detector


Magnetic flaw detector

once every 6 months and before starting work on the reference axis
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