
Merchandising: practical application. Development of a technological process for manufacturing prescription glasses Give examples of placing goods on display

Product display is a trading tool that stimulates sales. It is thanks to a thoughtful display that you can influence the choice of a store visitor, encouraging him to make a purchase. How to master this art, which has the beautiful and incomprehensible name “merchandising,” and place products in the store according to all the rules?


1. Convenience

The main thing that professional merchandisers are guided by is creating maximum convenience for the buyer. A clear and aesthetic display of goods in the store will save your customer’s time, help them easily choose what is planned and encourage them to make an impulsive purchase.

2. Logic

The buyer must understand how to find this or that product without making any effort. Separate products by groups, package size, price or brand. The main thing is to form the layout in accordance with a single principle.

3. “Golden” shelves

The best sales will always come from shelves that are located at eye and chest level, the so-called “golden” ones. Identify the product that is in greatest demand and place it on the “golden shelf”. The lower shelves can be used for larger items or for storing products. At the top are expensive and unusually designed goods. The exception is toy stores - here the products that need to be sold first are laid out at the eye level of a child, not an adult.

4. Each product has its place

You should not place expensive product items next to cheap ones, this will adversely affect the sale of both. Always place consumer goods in the same place - at the end of the sales floor. This is done so that a visitor who comes to buy, for example, bread, goes through the entire store and grabs something unplanned along the way. 70% of store visitors first of all pay attention to the shelves and display cases to their right, so in these places it is necessary to place products that need to stimulate sales. Popular products are located on the left as you move.

5. Product face

Do not cover the product with price tags or promotional materials. This creates difficulties for the buyer, who focuses primarily on the brand, design and information on the packaging. When arranging display windows with information, try to make it unnoticeable. A unit of the same product that is laid out on a shelf facing the buyer (frontally) is called facing. The optimal number of facings to increase sales is from 2 to 4.

6. “The first 6 steps” and the “golden triangle”

A visitor who has just entered the store needs to get used to the new environment. That is why purchasing activity in the area of ​​the first 6 steps is usually minimal. But in the triangle - entrance - department of interest - cash register - customer activity is the highest. The wider the triangle, the higher the likelihood that a person will stay in the store longer and make more purchases.

7. “Two finger rule”

The height of the shelf should correspond to the height of the product plus two fingers from above. If you follow this rule and use additional shelves or stepped display, you can increase the retail space of the store several times.

8. Helpful neighborhood

The “Cross Pollination Rule” is another well-known marketing ploy that increases sales by up to 80%. The idea is to place products from different groups next to each other, for example, it could be pasta and ketchup, tea and candy, etc.

Types of product display in a store

With the help of product display, you can not only increase sales, present products, but also sell them in the shortest possible time, simply by arranging them in a certain way.

Horizontal and vertical

With horizontal display, products are laid out along retail equipment. This is the most common option, used everywhere. Vertical display - arrangement of goods in blocks, from top to bottom. Very easy to read, based on the principle of reading from left to right.


Usually used for high-demand goods. The peculiarity of its action is to attract the attention of buyers to a large number of products. When creating such a layout, it is important to ensure that it is not overly bulky. Otherwise, buyers, afraid of destroying the structure, will avoid it.

Display in bulk

An effective type of display when the goods are simply piled up. Used during sales. In combination with a sign about discounts or one low price, it has a hypnotic effect on buyers.

Display and pallet

Additional sales points located at some distance from the main location of this product. Most often they are located in the center of the hall, suitable for thematic exhibitions.

Another way to improve sales

Modern accounting programs help to correctly place goods at a point of sale, track sales dynamics, control balances, save time on audits and improve the quality of service in general. One of them is the online accounting system for business “Big Bird”.

In “Big Bird” you can:

  • automate retail and wholesale trade processes;
  • maintain operational, warehouse and financial records;
  • register sales through a simple seller interface;
  • evaluate work results using analytical reports: sales, reserves and warehouse balances, cash flow and others.

For small companies, all this is completely free. For larger ones - at the most affordable prices - from 590 rubles per month.

By following these simple rules and automating trading processes, you can achieve noticeable results and, therefore, increase your profits many times over. Good luck to you!

Alena Morozova, content editor of the project ""

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The interior of any store plays an important role in the organization of trade. The optical salon is no exception. Glasses are a specific product.

They equally play the role of a fashion accessory and a vital item for people with poor eyesight. Even sunglasses can be considered an item that everyone should have.

The organization of the retail space of an optical salon has its own characteristics. It is important to make the client see you. So that instead of another shirt or other thing, a person remembers the need to buy glasses.

In conditions of developed competition, store windows need to be designed especially carefully. Quality equipment is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Features of equipping the optical salon

Retail equipment for optics requires something different from others. It can be represented by the following options:

  • racks;
  • stands;
  • stand holders;
  • counters;
  • racks;
  • separate modules.
But they all need to be able to present multiple frames.

The equipment can be vertical or horizontal. Each can be useful, but the first option has more advantages.

Vertical stands and stands are striking from afar. It is more convenient for the buyer to browse the assortment while standing than bending over the counter. And most importantly, they take up significantly less space.

A very popular and convenient stand for glasses. Vertical design, where glasses in the open position are installed in rows in special holes.

Some have a built-in locking system. And for cheap frames, you can use simple designs without protection.

Glasses of the highest price category are displayed under glass display cases. They are equipped with lighting, and the product looks luxurious. Properly placed lighting can highlight the advantages of a good thing.

Transparent, clean glass windows shimmering under the lamps create a feeling of chic.
When you start choosing commercial equipment, pay attention to one thing.

All locks must have one key. A huge bunch will greatly delay the work; searching for the right key every time will be inconvenient. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase all equipment in one place.

In addition to the functionality, size and quality of commercial equipment, pay attention to the design. With the help of appearance and color you can create a suitable image. For example, dim models are suitable for a large optical salon.

They will not distract attention from the variety of glasses. The situation is different in a shopping center or in a gallery. Here the stand for glasses should be bright and eye-catching.

A random passerby will first see the image and distinguish the outlet from the rest. And only then will he take a closer look at the models.

What qualities should the equipment have?

To make the final choice in favor of one model or another, let's study the operational requirements for the equipment. It is important for every salon owner that his optical stands have all these qualities:

  1. Quality (use of the best materials, durable frame, wear-resistant glass).
  2. Protection against theft (simple locks or complex locking mechanisms that can protect goods from theft).
  3. Pleasant appearance, stylish design.
  4. A single key to all locking mechanisms.
  5. Functionality. The seller should not have any problems during the demonstration of the product. Each lock should work like a Swiss watch. And the shape, appearance and design of the stand should be comfortable and harmonious.
  6. Easy access to the product for the buyer. Models with the possibility of tactile contact with glasses prevail over others. Before buying, everyone wants to touch the product, or even try it on. Without feeling the consultant’s intrusive gaze. After all, in the case of glasses, minimal consultation is needed. The only thing that matters is the presence of a mirror.
The materials used in the manufacture of commercial equipment for optical salons are mainly aluminum profiles, plastic, chipboard, chrome pipes and stands, and, of course, glass.

Also of great importance is the closure system. Get a model with built-in locks rather than padlocks. If desired, you can purchase furniture with built-in lighting.

This can be a single lamp or a well-thought-out system lighting. To attract the attention of buyers, the light can even be colored or flickering.

Mirrors are built into the equipment. When you buy glasses, having a mirror is the most important thing. Having it will add advantages to you.

Stands and display cases can be purchased ready-made or ordered individually. Any of your wishes, even the most unusual ones, will be taken into account when designing custom-made furniture. Make your store truly unique.

Equipment for children's stores

The design of a children's store should be significantly different from others, since we are dealing with a special buyer. The interior acquires specific features.

Firstly, the store is aimed at several age categories, from newborns to teenagers. This involves dividing the room into sectors.

Secondly, the child needs to be interested. Create a festive atmosphere so that this pastime becomes not boring for the baby.

Thirdly, commercial equipment for children's stores must be of high quality and safe. To also inspire confidence in parents. After all, children do not go to the store on their own.

A store starts with a window

The first impression of the store is created by a beautifully designed display window. Looking at the window, a person decides whether to enter the room or not.

Store displays should be organized based on their location. For example, if the point is located in a shopping center, attract attention with special brightness.

To do this, work with color and lighting. Properly arranging lamps is a special task. Lamps that are too bright will irritate the eyes.

And no one will notice a poorly lit showcase. The light should be even, soft, emphasizing the beauty of the exhibits.

Mannequins look great in the window. The main thing is to regularly update their wardrobe in accordance with the season and fashion. Choose the brightest items from your assortment to decorate your mannequins.

Their task is to surprise, interest and attract new customers. Consider the mannequin's posture when dressing it. If he is on the move, then a sporty look will do.

And the upright model can be dressed up in a school uniform. An excellent solution would be a composition of adults and children in some situation (walk, game).

Do not overload your trade show displays with a huge assortment. Moscow is replete with bright offers, signs, and goods.

A crowded showcase will get lost in all this diversity. A couple of successful models will be enough to stand out from the crowd.

To enliven the picture, decorate the composition with toys or children's items. In this small space, create a feeling of celebration, fun and carefree life. And both children and their parents will reach out to you.

Interior decoration

The style of the room cannot be strict and classic. We are dealing with children! And kids need bright colors, cheerful music, balls and toys. Create your own little fairy tale.

Don't let your baby get bored. Equipment for a children's clothing store should be bright and colorful. Use bright colors and patterns in the interior. Place soft toys and other interesting items everywhere.

Use your imagination. Try a themed design. With characters from the popular cartoon.
And so that everything looks harmonious and the buyer is comfortable, arrange the goods correctly. Hang inexpensive items and accessories within the child’s reach.

Expensive, branded models - higher, in the adult’s field of vision. It wouldn't be right if a child sees a very expensive item and throws a tantrum in the store.

Not every mother can afford such a purchase. And how will this end? A child's cry will scare away other customers. And the embarrassed mother, grabbing the unfortunate baby, will run away.

And mind you, of course, without purchasing. Therefore, let adults decide for themselves how much they are willing to spend on clothes. Well, perhaps, with the exception of inexpensive little things. They will not hit your wallet hard, but will only please the baby and bring you additional profit.

For small items such as bottles and pacifiers, glass shelves and counters are suitable. Hang tiny items of clothing for newborns on racks.

Do not place this product too low, thereby causing discomfort to pregnant women. Window decoration for this category of goods looks better in pink and blue. For strollers and cribs, purchase podiums made of chipboard.

Make the seller's cash counter lower than usual. After all, children also want to participate in the purchasing process and communication with the seller.

Other nuances and safety precautions

To protect yourself and your little clients from accidents, take care of the convenience and safety of the structures. Purchase commercial equipment for a children's clothing store taking into account the specifics.

When it comes to the safety of children, you need to be especially careful. Let's try to figure out what qualities the equipment of a children's store should have.

  • do not use a lot of glass;
  • doors of cabinets and display cases must close tightly;
  • the structure must be stable;
  • no sharp corners;
  • The surface is well polished, without chips, peeling paint or splinters.
Retail equipment for children's clothing must have quality certificates and other necessary documentation.

Get creative when decorating your salon. Put your love into the interior. Create a unique design using furniture, toys, various items and your own ideas.

To attract the attention of kids, their parents and grandparents. And make them visit their favorite store more than once and never leave without purchasing.

And your income will begin to grow unconditionally. After all, there is no more necessary and profitable investment of effort and money than in creating beauty and comfort.

Arrangement of goods on the shelf (display)

The correct and rational arrangement of drugs on the shelves of a pharmacy helps the buyer, without spending a lot of time, to navigate the variety of products offered, allows the buyer to see the product available for sale and not distract the pharmacist with questions such as: “Do you have...?”

Favorable areas for the sale and placement of drugs:

  • · shelves on the right side of the customer flow (at a distance of approximately 160 cm from the floor);
  • · “meeting” zones, where the buyer sees the drugs located opposite the entrance;
  • · areas near the cash registers.

Unfavorable areas for the location of goods:

  • · sales zones on the left side of the flow of customers;
  • corners of the pharmacy;
  • · directly in the area near the entrance.

The principle of arrangement of goods according to the principles of action - drugs should be displayed in a section that clearly corresponds to the specified category: analgesics, vitamins, venotonics, gastrodrugs, antispasmodics, etc., i.e. those that are in high demand among the population.

There are also seasonal and thematic shelves. Seasonal shelves give good sales during certain times of the year. For example, in the spring it is good to place weight loss products or anti-cellulite drugs on them, in the summer you can organize a summer shelf or a traveler’s first aid kit, etc.

If the pharmacy area is small, then such shelves can be installed inside the display case. If there is enough space, then the goods should be distributed in a clear order: which of them will go on the main shelves, thematic, seasonal, etc.

Special shelves are designed for drugs from well-known manufacturers: Efferalgan, Strepsils, Coldrex, etc.

The principle of arranging goods by brand is the most acceptable, because it helps promote the company's brand. The human eye is able to mark the image of an object if it is in its field of vision for at least 1/3 of a second. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the buyer moves along the sales floor at an average speed of 1 m/sec. Based on this, at least 33 cm is required on pharmacy shelves to display the drug of one brand. If a space of 33 cm cannot be allocated on the shelf, in this case it is necessary to display the product in identical packaging in 2 rows - to create the effect of multiplicity of goods and attract the buyer’s attention to this drug.

It is also desirable that the products of one company and one brand be located nearby, complementing each other - and thus supporting each other's sales.

This arrangement of goods will be more efficient than if medications were placed separately. At the same time, one should not allow the crowding of goods of different brands in front of the eyes of consumers.

There is another method of attracting buyers' attention to a product. For example, there are so-called “magnet” goods, which are the goods most in demand by buyers. The placement of another product next to the “magnet” product significantly increases the salability of the “satellite” product.

Sales volume can be adjusted depending on the level of arrangement of goods in vertical display cases.

As a result of a study to identify the impact of the placement of drugs on display windows on the level of sales, the following data were obtained.

When placing a group of mineral waters, taking into account merchandising recommendations, their sales increased on average by 30%, with sales of Borjomi increasing by 68.7%, and Narzan by 42%.

An experiment conducted with the arrangement of drugs on the counter gave the following results: the total volume of candles from the analyzed group increased by 7.8%, and for “Relief” - by 20%.

Thus, for well-known drugs, the use of merchandising elements is most effective in provoking unplanned purchases.

Window design in a pharmacy organization is perhaps the most difficult process, because... a significant range must be combined with the capabilities of visual perception:

  • · do not overload the showcase with the number of visible elements (no more than 13 are adequately perceived by the eye);
  • · take into account the color combination of product packaging;
  • · buyer's eye level is the best sales zone.

Unlike the previous elements of merchandising, which can well be implemented by pharmacy employees, the implementation of the next element - presentation of medicines - is currently entirely within the competence of the supplying companies, because require significant costs for staff training and promotional material.

Analysis of literary sources shows that with presentation, sales growth can reach 800%. This variation is determined by both price factors and the professional skills of the promoter.

However, when planning sales volumes for a long period, it is necessary to take into account that after the end of the advertising campaign, sales of the drug decrease, often to the initial level.

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