
Finding the right shots. How and where to find an employee for work? Don't discriminate

Modern employers use various options to find employees. Some people turn to friends, acquaintances or relatives, while others, without hesitation, open a browser and look for potential employees via the Internet.

In this article, we tried to consider all the most effective ways to find personnel, both permanent for registration in the company’s staff, and temporary for performing one-time work.

Method No. 1. Search through recruiting sites

At the moment, there are a large number of specialized personnel search sites on the Internet.

Unfortunately, many of them are paid, but with their help, as a rule, you can not only easily create and publish the required vacancy, but also immediately select the most suitable resume from the current database of applicants.

In the table below we have compiled a list of the most popular and in-demand online HR resources:

Website Region Access to resume database Access to job postings
HeadHunter Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan Paid Paid
Job Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan Paid Paid
Superjob Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and some other CIS countries Paid Paid (demo access available for posting one vacancy)
Salary Paid Mostly paid, but you can add vacancies for free with the ability to edit once every 14 days
Work in Russia
(Federal portal)
My Circle
(IT specialists)
Russia Free (you must register as an employer to gain access)
(Bulletin board)
Russia Free
"Hand to Hand"
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan Free Free (you must register to post a vacancy)
Yandex.Work This service is an aggregator of vacancies from major employment sites (most of them are in this table). You cannot add a resume or vacancy directly through the Yandex service itself.

Method No. 2. Search through remote work and freelance exchanges

Today, there are many specialists who provide their services remotely or as freelancers (designers, programmers, accountants, models, builders, etc.).

As a rule, relationships with such performers come down to performing some kind of one-time or temporary work, although it is not uncommon for freelancers to collaborate on an ongoing basis and even become part of the company’s staff.

The table below shows the most popular and popular sites for remote work and freelancing:

Category Website Note
Performers of different specializations Freelancer The world's best freelancing exchange (about 20 million performers in 850 categories). There is a Russian interface
Freelance One of the largest exchanges on the Runet (formerly a forum). Inconvenient registration on the site
Popular exchange among freelancers
Copywriters and translators Etxt One of the largest copywriting exchanges (very user-friendly interface)
Textsale One of the oldest exchanges for copywriting, translations, etc. (not a user-friendly interface and quite a large commission)
Programmers and IT Freelansim Excellent freelance exchange (many good programmers and IT specialists)
Devhuman Another good service for IT specialists and startupers. You can easily assemble a team to complete an IT project
Lawyers and accountants Legal Excellent service for obtaining professional legal assistance
In fact, there are many more sites for remote work and freelancing. Similar resources can be found using a search engine or Yandex.Catalog

Method No. 3. Search via social networks

Another good source for finding employees and performers is social networks. This method really works, but the likelihood of success, as a rule, directly depends on the number of friends and subscribers of your account.

If your social page is not very popular, then you can try posting a vacancy in a thematic group within a social network or, for example, asking friends with a large number of followers to repost your post.

At the moment, the most popular social resources are:

Method 4. Recruitment agencies and HR managers

If you are unable to find the right candidate on your own or simply do not have enough time for this, then you can try contacting a recruitment agency.

Personnel (recruiting) agency is an intermediary in the labor market who provides services to the employer in searching and selecting the necessary personnel. Similar organizations exist in almost every city.

To find the recruitment agency you need, you can use this directory. In addition, you may find the service useful, on which a large number of personnel specialists are registered who are involved in personnel selection throughout Russia (about 12,000 performers in 288 cities).

Method 5. Students in universities

Another popular place to find potential employees is higher education institutions.

Unfortunately, as a rule, most students lack the necessary skills and work experience. But, on the other hand, young specialists are willing to undergo a probationary period, and for some employers it is much easier to retrain an employee than to retrain him.

Listed below are some catalogs of higher educational institutions in Russia:

In addition, I would like to separately mention the paid service This resource was created by HeadHunter and is intended for students who are looking for a job or internship. Accordingly, this site can also be very useful for employers.

Method 6. Search among friends, acquaintances, etc.

As practice shows, specialists who apply for a job based on the recommendations of their friends or acquaintances are several times more likely to meet the requirements stated in the vacancy.

Therefore, if none of the above methods gives the required result, then you can always try to find the right candidate by contacting friends or acquaintances (including current employees).

Advice. Every new employee is a potential source of qualified personnel. Therefore, always ask newcomers if there are anyone among their acquaintances who is looking for a job or wants to change their place of employment. Even if you don’t need new specialists now, such a database of business contacts may still be useful to you in the future.

Not long ago I was looking for a specialist for a project related to the development of web applications, and during the search I caught myself thinking that not only applicants make mistakes and incorrect tactical moves in their resumes, which automatically reduce their value in the eyes of the employer. Employers also give out such pearls that make you laugh (if it’s a small office) or sad (if it’s a large company). Having reviewed dozens of resumes and several dozen offers from employers in my region for the vacancy for which I was selecting a person, I realized that in the eyes of the applicant, 90% of all offers look, if not strange, then at least incomplete. Below is a list of the most common mistakes made by employers that are worth taking into account and which not only startups, but also large office structures need to combat.

State your requirements clearly

Job vacancies with wordings like “All details about the job are at the interview” are reminiscent of financial pyramids, marketing sects and other similar things. Are you expecting something in terms of professional skills, experience, knowledge and responsibilities of a future employee? However, with the exception of banking structures and IT companies, other employers persistently provide a very meager list of information about what the future employee will have to do, where to work and under what conditions. For some reason, there is often no mention of the Labor Code or the nature of the contractual relationship between the applicant and the employer.

Please indicate at least an approximate salary

With the exception of hourly wages and project work, where wages can be determined depending on experience and skills, it would be generally good for a candidate to know, if not the exact amount, then the salary range for a specific position. I know from my own experience that even after receiving an invitation to an interview from a recruiter or HR manager, you don’t know at all about the amount of monetary remuneration (especially during a series of interviews). Perhaps this is a tactical move on their part to keep the applicant interested, but in practice it turns out the opposite.

Don't ask your employees to share your values.

The phrase, worn out by all HR people, about stress resistance, friendliness and the ability to share corporate values ​​smacks of green melancholy. From my first office job back in 2007 to this day, I am absolutely sure that corporate jumping and antics at team building events have nothing to do with a person’s ability to work for results. The ability to effectively spread office gossip, wipe corners near the coffee machine on the HR or project managers floor, and whine to the boss in meetings will make such a new employee valuable and important in the short term. But without concrete results and skills, no one will need him in six months, and in a couple of years - maximum - he will be fired.

Separating political views, religious values, sexual orientation and preferences in computer games and dress code for 80% of companies (except for government agencies, law enforcement agencies and financial institutions) makes no sense and does not have any real impact on the final result. The real result is formed in the form of sales, profits, growth of the client base and net revenue, and not in the form of a large number of trips to corporate games in the forest, where everyone drinks in an orderly manner and rejoices under the control of the HR department.

Relative value of communication skills

When they write about communication skills, what is it like? An office girl who never stops talking on the phone or shuts her mouth for a minute, but from whom it is difficult to get intelligible answers to a specific question - is she good at communicating? A system administrator who communicates little with other employees and you can’t get an extra word out of him, but at the same time the intracorporate network works like a clock, and there are no problems with security and Internet access - is he sociable? It’s a good idea to decide whether you need narrow-minded people who smile and are ready to talk on any topic, or specialists who do their job perfectly, even if their nature did not endow them with the talent of Cicero.

All your employees should know at least basic English

Have you ever seen how an office manager cannot read a letter received from a company’s foreign partners and therefore takes it to the marketing department to be read there, otherwise he needs to report to the director, but it is not clear what? And I saw it :) And it was not some distant 90s, but quite 2009. In 2013, lack of knowledge of English at least in high school or the first three years of college is unacceptable for managers, programmers, marketers, sales departments, secretaries and office managers. Still don't know? Sign up for courses, study with a tutor, try online language learning services, finally. An excuse like “we only had German in school” is stupid and unfunny. Both for your employees and for you as an employer.

Is the number of hours worked really important to all employers?

Banks, hospitals, government agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, metallurgy, chemical industry, services and the food industry - these are, perhaps, all areas of activity where the presence of a person at the workplace for a strictly established time (from 8 to 12 hours a day) is a prerequisite for performing the job. For the rest, the lack of a flexible schedule and the need to come and go at strictly set hours without the opportunity to work at home or outside the office is just a race of cast iron asses. The longer you stay in 1st place, the better employee you are.

Office translators, marketers, developers without a flexible schedule - generally some kind of nonsense in 2013. But they still exist. Employers still, in 80% of cases, want exactly these people: those who sit in a chair for 8 hours, and do not complete the assigned tasks in 4 hours and go about their business.

The longer the job description, the less likely it is to be filled.

Huge sheets of text, lists and lists of responsibilities and requirements are the other extreme of employers, the opposite of what was mentioned in the first paragraph. Nobody finishes reading them. The more requirements and conditions, the higher the chances of scaring off an applicant who does not want to delve into so many subtleties (people generally do not tend to delve into a large amount of data at once: they need to highlight the main thing).

Contact details of contact persons

Yes, most job search sites are equipped with a button for sending a resume to a vacancy of interest. Yes, there is a feedback form. And it’s still more pleasant and reliable to send a resume with personal data to a specific person at a specific email address, call and clarify your questions at a specific phone number.

  • How to find a good employee.
  • Ways to find personnel.
    • Internal methods of personnel search.
    • External methods of personnel search.
  • Effective personnel selection.

How to find a good employee

In order not to work alone for the entire company, it is necessary to select productive, efficient and motivated personnel. But how to do this in the shortest possible time and so that the specialist’s further work is of the same quality as in the first months of employment.

To do this, you need to know the main stages of employee selection:

  • make hiring a management function;
  • decide which specialists you need;
  • create an interesting advertisement specifically for those candidates you need;
  • find a method for quickly and efficiently processing submitted resumes;
  • select the main criteria for selecting candidates;
  • obtain additional information about the employee from independent sources;
  • introduce a new employee to the position.

Personnel search methods

Any organization needs new personnel from time to time. The methods used by HR employees to find new employees are different for everyone. They may depend on the number of required workers, the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, as well as on the professional skills of the personnel employee. But the actions that a manager or recruiter needs to perform before finding employees for a job are basically the same for everyone.

Internal methods of personnel search

Methods of searching for new employees can be divided into groups - internal and external. The internal method implies that in any large organization there is a personnel reserve, and the question of where to find employees for work for free disappears by itself.

When a vacancy becomes available (during the expansion of the company, new positions are introduced, employees are transferred to other positions, etc.), managers can select personnel from existing employees. Moreover, if the organization is trying to provide opportunities for career growth, then this method guarantees the creation of a strong personnel reserve.

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From this article you will learn:

  • What sequence of actions is needed to find an employee for a job?
  • How to find the right employee using the best methods
  • What are the common mistakes that prevent you from finding an employee?

How to find good employees? As you know, all employers face this difficult task. Indeed, the question is quite complex. The labor market does not always give the desired results in a short time. Every manager tries to carry out the hiring process as quickly and efficiently as possible. This article has answers to all questions regarding the selection of suitable personnel.

Sequence of actions to find an employee for work

How to find the right employee who, for example, could competently work with the company’s accounting documentation? This question worries many managers, but most of them forget about a very important detail: before looking for an employee for the company, it is necessary to build a clear structure for this process. It also happens that “the best of the worst” is hired for a position. An incompetent employee will cause a lot of trouble and losses, while a professional in his field will bring prosperity to the company. And therefore you should not save and rush.

Preparatory stage

When your company needs to find an employee, you should pay attention to consultations with the company's managers about the requirements for the new employee, as well as what qualities he should have and what his main responsibilities are. Determine the list of required skills and personal qualities of the proposed candidate. This list will act as a plan for a competent and understandable vacancy announcement and the basis for conducting an interview with the applicant. Be sure to coordinate and discuss all the nuances with the company’s managers. This is the only way you can find an employee who will meet your requirements.

Drawing up an ad

Announcement plan. To find an effective employee, describe the vacancy in detail (include in the description a complete list of responsibilities, exact work schedule, conditions). It is extremely important to determine the most important requirements for the applicant, which will be fundamental for selection. Offer in your ad some bonus that is attractive to the candidate. To quickly find employees for your office, do not overdo it with complex terminology when creating an ad. Include only necessary and clearly defined criteria.

Appointment of performers

Identify the managers who will conduct the interviews. The number of interviewers depends on your desire. Conduct a preliminary conversation with them, describe in it all the details that need to be taken into account during the interview. It is important that it is as effective as possible in selecting a candidate. To find an employee for a company, take care of how and who will evaluate the applicant’s experience. Of course, this should only be done by specialists.

Publication of an advertisement

How can I find an employee for free? Tell your employees about the vacancy. Perhaps they have friends in mind who are looking for work. Post an ad online. If you need “young blood,” study the resumes of specialists from university career development centers. This is a great way to find an employee using a resume for free.

Selection process

When an advertisement has been drawn up and a conversation has been held with the managers of the level where you want to find an employee, you can begin to select applicants. First of all, you should review their resume in accordance with your list of criteria. Once the most suitable candidates have been identified, interviews can be conducted. This work is usually entrusted to the company’s HR manager or a recruitment agency specialist. It is important that the applicant review all of your requirements before the interview. This will help you save quite a lot of time.

Conducting an interview

To find an effective employee, you must be confident in the competence of those conducting the interview. Let's assume that each interviewer has his own tasks: the first must evaluate the applicant's professionalism, the second - literacy and ability to correctly formulate his thoughts. It is very important that their tasks do not overlap and do not create confusion. Once the first round of interviews is complete, have each of them evaluate all the applicants individually. Add the best candidates to the list for the second stage. It is worth considering that interviews are an excellent procedure for familiarizing applicants with your organization, and therefore it is necessary to leave time for additional questions from prospective employees. Undoubtedly, this way you will be able to get to know the candidate better.

Second round

For the second stage, you need to invite other interviewers. For example, these could be employees of the department where this vacancy is open. If you want to find an employee who must communicate with consumers, it would be a good idea to invite several regular customers for selection. This will help them decide on the employee who seems most competent and pleasant to communicate with.

Final choice

Based on the overall results of the entire interview, it is necessary to select a new employee. It is worth considering the following detail: if the candidate’s responsibilities will include working with secret data or financial transactions, it is better to make sure that he does not have a criminal record or any involvement in various offenses. Such operations can be carried out with the help of special agencies or through good connections in the police. If you need to find an employee who will trust you, be sure to take his written permission to review personal information.

How to find an effective employee? Use the plan presented above. You should not save time on this, because a good employee is the key to the success of the entire company.

How to find a good employee based on a personnel application

It is the personnel application that is the first stage of the process of searching for a candidate for a position. It helps eliminate incompetent applicants. Is it possible to make a small plan to find a good employee? Yes, it's not difficult when you consider a few things about the HR application.

There is an opinion that such an application is needed only by special recruitment companies, which use it to identify suitable candidates, the most competent of hundreds of possible applicants for a certain position. However, any head of a company who cares about his subordinates must submit a personnel application. This is the only way to find an employee who will bring benefits to the company rather than losses.

A list of responsibilities and qualities, clearly stated in writing, will help you find the employee you need, as well as competently analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular applicant. Otherwise, recruiters or your managers who must select candidates will not have a clearly defined task. In the end, having saved the time needed for selection, management will spend more resources working with an incompetent employee.

Step 1. Formulate responsibilities

The preparation of a personnel application should begin with a clear formulation of all the responsibilities of the applicant for the position. As practice shows, after drawing up an application, the director of the company stops selecting candidates altogether. Having outlined all the responsibilities of the company's employees, management understands that it is best to modernize the activities of a particular department rather than recruit new personnel.

If an organization still needs to find an employee for a job, a detailed description of his responsibilities is the main thing that needs to be indicated in the application. In the same paragraph it is necessary to provide information about possible business trips.

If the personnel document is sent to the appropriate agency, it will not be enough to record only the name of the position. The manager must clearly describe all the candidate's responsibilities. For example, interest in specialists in the field of logistics is now growing, and therefore companies are turning to agencies with instructions to find such employees. However, they have not decided whether they need a warehouse specialist or, say, a head of the purchasing department (these are completely different areas of activity). To find the employee you need, you need to correctly formulate both the job title and his responsibilities.

Step 2. Compile education and experience requirements

Now you need to indicate all the criteria that the applicant must meet. First determine for yourself what kind of employee you need to find so that he meets all expectations and brings benefits to the company.

The level of education is what is first indicated in the application. It is worth considering that not in all cases it is necessary to require a higher education from the candidate. Everyone knows that often a diploma with honors does not indicate the deep knowledge and professional skills of its owner.

Step 3. Write down personality characteristics

The document should also indicate the desired appearance and social status of the applicant for the position. If you want to find an employee using a resume, then indicate in the application that these points must be included in it to make it easier for you to select candidates for the vacancy.

This may seem strange to some, but clarifying such points is quite understandable. A neat appearance is the key to attracting clients. In addition, an employee who lived in an intelligent and wealthy family will be able to easily sell expensive goods. A person who comes from a dysfunctional family is often simply uncomfortable talking about large sums of money.

And now the most important thing is the individual characteristics of the candidate.

To find an effective employee, it is very important to focus on the basic personal qualities of the applicant. Some of these qualities do not particularly affect job responsibilities, and therefore should not be highlighted as key ones.

Experience proves: to find an effective employee, you should not indicate more than three individual characteristics of a person. Often one quality is synonymous with another. When it is not possible to single out just three qualities, use a simple method: write, for example, ten characteristics, and then, after weighing the pros and cons, try to reduce this number to the required minimum. Of course, the main qualities also imply some secondary characteristics. For example, a responsible employee will also be attentive, hardworking and self-confident.

It also happens that the application also contains requirements for attentiveness, communication skills, the ability to quickly work with calculations, and the presence of leadership qualities. Finding an employee who meets all the criteria at once is extremely difficult.

Many employers put forward their own requirements for personal qualities (those that they would like to see in a future employee). If these characteristics are not specified, you may spend more time trying to find an employee who matches them. The recruitment agency will send candidates to the company who ultimately turn out to be unsuitable. It will just be a waste of energy.

It's worth giving an example. The head of a company that sells photographic and video equipment and electrical appliances indicated his own requirements for a specialist in the sale of cameras. The requirements were as follows: the applicant for the position “must see the future in scientific and technical achievements”, “must understand the latest models of cameras and various techniques of photographic art.” To find the employee the company needed, its owner chose from those applicants who, like him, were interested in developing the business.

Step 4. We announce the salary amount

The last and very important point. What is the salary you plan to give out? Do you offer, for example, a benefits package? Does your company have employee benefits that give you an advantage over other companies? To find an effective employee, you need to clearly answer these questions.

An excellent solution is to add financial instructions for each item to the list of components of the social package. How much money are you willing to allocate for insurance for a job candidate? How much do you expect to invest in employee development? Applicants for a vacant position simply need to know these conditions, because they vary greatly in each organization. If you indicate specific amounts, the new employee will definitely pay attention to them. It also happens that the social package is one and a half times higher than the salary. To find an effective employee, take care of the motivation factor.

In the financial support clause, it is also necessary to stipulate the prospects of the new employee, which imply a higher salary. Many organizations conduct professional suitability tests on their employees. These checks affect the salary. The personnel application must contain these points.

To find an employee, you need to send an application to a specialized agency or post it on the Internet or in the press. Finding an employee for a vacant position is not easy, because each of these resources requires a different design of the personnel announcement.

To send an advertisement to a company specializing in personnel selection, you need to disclose it as much as possible. The application should include a description of your company, the direction of its activities, the department where the employee is needed, a list of criteria that the applicant must meet for this position (everything listed above), and, finally, some questions asked during the interview, which will help you find the right employee.

The advertisement should not contain “either-or” criteria (for example, “either knowledge of English, or willingness to learn the language on your own”). These requirements increase the number of candidates. When it is not possible to specify specific conditions, categorize them (“necessary,” “welcome,” and “excluded”). For example, an application may be of the following nature: “a higher education is required, experience working with foreign citizens is welcome, applicants who do not have their own car are excluded.” This is the only way you can find the right employee.

19 best ways to find the right employee

Method 1. Selection based on competition.

This is a very popular way to find employees for a vacant position. Candidates from other cities, regions and even countries can participate in such competitions. Of course, certain bonuses are guaranteed for winning. These competitions are aimed specifically at identifying universal workers, professionals in their field. As a rule, the organization hires the top three or ten strongest participants.

The competition involves various tests. Their results make it possible to find employees admitted to the second round. The difficulty level of the tasks gradually increases, and the number of candidates decreases.

It is assumed that promising specialists, born leaders, accustomed to achieving the highest results, will pass the tests.

Of course, such competitions need to be advertised. If you want to find an employee to work for free, you need your organization to be very popular among applicants. Otherwise, you will still have to invest some money in PR.

Method 2. Poach employees from competitors.

Of course, you can try to find an employee this way, but sometimes this does not lead to a positive result. Will your competitor be willing to cooperate with you in a difficult situation for you after you have “taken away” a valuable employee from him? Hardly.

Method 3. Creation of regional offices.

Many successful companies have branches and representative offices. This is a great opportunity to find employees who will benefit the company. It is worth taking into account the population size in the city, as well as the level of technological support in the region, average salaries of people and other aspects you need.

At the first stage, a search for a certain number of remote workers is carried out, then office space is organized and the head of the representative office is determined. When the budget allows, it is not forbidden to first hire a boss and rent office space, but the best option would be to create a representative office first.

Method 4. Carrying out thematic events.

Where can I find employees for work? At a thematic meeting organized by you, which will definitely be attended by many advanced professionals in their field. Large companies that want to find an effective employee often set up a special stand for this purpose. In addition, it is also worth preparing a good speech in which you can promote all the advantages of working in your organization.

This is the answer to the question of how to quickly find employees for work. Many employees have connections that can help you select candidates for a vacant position. Yes, you will have to invest a certain amount of money here, but the result is worth it. Which specialist would recommend an incompetent employee?

Method 6. Creating vacancies with percentage payment.

If you need someone to work on a project, you can offer a percentage payment to applicants. Post-industrial countries have been practicing this system for quite some time. Employees here act as independent sales specialists who have the opportunity to work on several projects at once. The CIS countries are not accustomed to such a system, but it also applies to them. The advantage for the company is the following: free salespeople can always be hired, several people at once. With this approach, it does not require much effort and time to find the right employees. This system is especially relevant for the sales sector, because this is where a large number of specialists are currently required.

Method 7. Create a section with vacancies on the website.

A serious company always has its own section for vacant positions. Of course, it will bring the greatest impact to large organizations whose Internet resources are visited by many people. To find employees, you must provide a complete list of vacancies, contact details of HR managers, a photo gallery of office space, as well as other important data.

Method 8. Maintaining a reserve list of personnel.

It also happens that there are no vacancies for some time, but suddenly a promising applicant for a particular position appears. Such candidates must be included in a special list. This way, you won't have to waste time searching for when a vacancy appears. You simply open a talent pool, choose a position and contact applicants until one of them agrees to join your company.

Each potential candidate is entered into a registered personnel reserve, which contains data about a particular applicant. Here it is necessary to include personal characteristics of the person, his resume, the results of interviews conducted with him, and so on.

Having such a list, you have the opportunity to help your partners in personnel matters, as well as avoid meeting with incompetent and irresponsible employees. To find the right employee, be sure to acquire such a database.

Method 9. Contract employees.

Today, this method of finding employees is very popular in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.

Workers enter into an agreement and are hired to create a specific project. While working on it, employees are located in the same office space. The applicant and the manager sign a contract for a specific period or until the required work is completed. The scheme is similar to hiring freelancers, but the contract allows the manager to directly monitor the progress of work. Here you won’t be able to quickly find employees, since you need a close-knit team that can direct all its efforts to developing the project.

Method 10. Search on thematic portals.

Where can I find employees for free? On special sites where the required target audience is located. Such resources are directly related to the field in which the company operates, and therefore they are very useful in recruiting.

Method 11. Interview your friends.

This is a very common way to find employees for a vacant position. Your friends can not only recommend the right employee, but also vouch for him. However, this method has its drawbacks:

  1. It is not easy to work with such a specialist, since he may expect some privileges from you. This is completely unacceptable in a team environment. The staff perceives the appearance of “favorites” negatively.
  2. This is, one might say, a one-time method. When it is necessary to continuously expand the staff, it becomes ineffective.
  3. You do not have the opportunity to find an employee on your own or independently assess his professional suitability. What if the employee does not meet expectations? Then you have wasted your time and energy in vain.
  4. It also happens that a person has already found a job, and therefore you need to either look for another option or try to lure the candidate.
  5. Few people have enough connections to find the right employee. If we are talking about professionals engaged in rare or special fields of activity, then this method should not be taken into account at all. Of course, an experienced applicant has a lot of acquaintances who could recommend him for a particular position, but it is not a fact that he will be the “ideal employee” for you.

Method 12. Hire freelancers.

Freelancing is a whole labor exchange where people do their work without visiting the office and without having a clear work schedule. There are many freelancers who can be invited to work permanently for your company.

Method 13. Grow a specialist within the company.

It is not necessary to set yourself the task of finding employees if they can simply be retrained or trained within the company. If your employees are looking for career growth, why not make them the best professionals in their field? You can also find employees later, when your company can independently train promising candidates, entrusting this work to its specialists.

Where can I find employees to work for free? Of course, on the Internet. Often, the global network is closely related to finding employees through connections. In America, more than 50% of applicants for all vacancies use Internet resources to search for work. In our country, the figure is not so high, but there is an increase in the popularity of this method. According to the opinions of domestic employers and organizations specializing in personnel recruitment, from 10 to 50% of job seekers post their advertisements on the Internet.

When you post a recruitment ad on Facebook, you have the option to share it using the Like or Share functions. You can get acquainted with the resume of an applicant for a vacant position by visiting his page, on which specialists often publish not only their contact information, but also work experience, level of education and other useful information. If you want to quickly find employees through the Facebook network, you can buy online advertising for a certain period.

Special Internet resources are necessary so that job seekers and employers can acquire business connections that will help them find a job/find the right employees. Pages like this act as a summary. LinkedIn is the world's largest social network dedicated to job search. There are over five million potential candidates here. A $35 deposit is required to place an advertisement that is subsequently presented to potential applicants for the position. Payment is monthly. The Russian website “My Circle” provides this service for free, however, the number of specialists here is several times smaller.

Method 15. Search in specialized schools.

Don't forget about specialized training programs. Here a lot depends on how big the city is and how developed such structures are in it. The managers of such institutions need their graduates to take good positions. To find the right employees, offer good bonuses, help courses organize a training program that will be aimed at ensuring that graduates know all the intricacies of working in your particular field of activity.

Method 16. Use a student internship.

Each university annually sends its students for internships in certain organizations. Unfortunately, the quality of our education leaves much to be desired, and therefore any internship is a huge burden for educational institutions. To find the right employees, you can arrange several students for internships in your company, who will learn from professionals in their field. Of course, students are not assigned responsible tasks, but management, as a rule, takes a closer look at the candidates and selects future employees for their company.

In addition, there is targeted advertising placed on the Internet. More detailed requirements for candidates are indicated here.

Method 18. Involve recruitment agencies.

When you don’t have time to work with applicants on your own, contact specialized companies. Employees of such organizations can easily familiarize themselves with the database of potential candidates, organize interviews and help you find the right employee. It may be like this: you will be given the opportunity to personally choose a specialist from 2-3 applicants. For the work done by the agency, you will need to pay an amount equal to 1-3 salaries of the applicant.

Yes, the costs are quite high, but they are worth it. You will be guaranteed a professional resolution of the personnel issue. You only need one thing: clearly formulate all the requirements for applicants. It is important to note that the contract with such organizations often provides for a partial payment for the work done (with interest). In addition, you should discuss the situation with replacing the employee. Don’t miss this point, because the main thing for you is to find the right employee.

Method 19. Find on specialized resources with vacancies.

On various Internet resources you can find an employee who may suit you. The most common sites in this matter are HeadHunter and Superjob. There are also free search sources, for example You can select applicants here either by reviewing the posted resumes of potential candidates, or by posting your own vacancy. There are, of course, a huge number of applicants, and therefore you need to spend time choosing the most suitable ones.

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