
Intellectual game. Field of Miracles presentation for a lesson on the topic. Intellectual game Field of Wonders Presentation games in the world of wonders for children

Field of Dreams.

( personal competition between students in erudition).

Target: Intensifying the work of students in the lesson by involving them in the game. Mental development of logical thinking, the ability to reason correctly and consistently.

Tools: 1 . Playing field

2. Souvenirs for participants and winners.

Progress of the game:

1 . Presenter's opening remarks.

2. Rules of the game “Field of Miracles”.

3. Students from each trio of players are selected using logical tasks, each of which is presented in a presentation on a separate slide.

4. The winner is revealed and participants are awarded.

The rest of the rounds, the final, the super final and the game with spectators are also held.

(1-2 slide). Leading. So, we are starting the capital show game “Field of Mathematical Miracles”.

Your active participation is a guarantee that our meeting will be interesting, meaningful, and memorable. Everyone must participate in the game: players, fans, guests.

Qualifying round:

Based on its results, players from each trio are selected.

Qualifying round questions.

Top three players:

1. (3 slide)There are 4 dots in the square. Is it possible to draw a segment so that the square is divided into two parts and there is one point in each of them?

2. (4 slide)One corner of the rectangle was cut off. How many corners are left? (5)

3. (5 slide)What is the result of addition called? (Sum)

Second three players:

1. (5 slide)The room has four corners. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are three cats. There is one cat on each cat's tail.

How many cats are there in total? (4)

2. (6 slide)Is it possible to divide 188 in half so that each half contains 100? (188)

3. (7 slide).Is it possible to increase the number 66 by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it? (99)

Third three players:

    (8 slide).There were 6 birds sitting on a tree. The hunter shot and shot down one bird. How many birds are left on the tree? (None)

2. (9 slide).All corners of the rectangle were cut off. How many corners are left? (8)

3. (10 slide).A man was walking to Moscow, and three girls met him. Each of them had a bag, and in each bag there was a cat. How many creatures were heading to Moscow? (1 man)

Well done, the time has come for our game, I ask the first three players to take their place at the reel.

(11-12 slides).1st round

You started studying the subject of mathematics in 1st grade. Mathematics is a tool with the help of which a person learns and conquers the world around him.Mathematics is a word of Greek origin. What does the word “mathematics” mean in Greek?


(13-14 slide).2 round

In ancient times there was no such term. It was introduced in the 17th century by the French mathematician François Viète, and translated from Latin it means “spoke of the wheel.” What is this?


(15-6 slide).ROUND 3

The first Russian woman mathematician? (KOVALEVSKAYA)

(17-18 slide).the final

Who owns the words: “Mathematics should be studied only after that, because it puts the mind in order”?


(19-20 slide). SUPER GAME

Name the country that is the birthplace of Arabic numerals, which are used to record numbers in modern times. (INDIA)

The result of the game. Awarding the winner.


Intellectual game "Field of Miracles"

Mishkinene E.S.

MBDOU d/s No. 3 “Flashlight”

"Field of Dreams"

in the senior group

Program content:

ü Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the environment.

ü To develop children's creative imagination, the ability to liberate themselves and say whatever they think in a playful environment.

ü Create a gaming environment for the game “Field of Miracles” and get children to want to play it.

Leading educator: 1 slide

Today is an unusual day for us,
We are sincerely glad to welcome you!
Kids gathered for a smart game
It's time for us to start it!

Good evening, dear guests and participants of the “Field of Miracles” game!!!

I am glad to welcome you!

Dear guests of the game "Field of Miracles"! Listen to the rules of the game: slide 2

Rules of the game

ü During the game you cannot give each other hints.

ü The one who knows the answer must raise his hand (in the qualifying round and in the game with spectators).

ü If a participant names the letter incorrectly, the game moves to the next player.

ü If the arrow points to the "PRIZE" sector, the participant must choose a prize or game.

ü If the arrow points to the “BANKRUPT” sector, all previously earned points “burn out” and the turn passes to the next player.

ü If the arrow points to the "ZERO" sector, the turn passes to the next player

ü If the arrow points to the “PLUS” sector, he has the right to open any letter in the hidden word.

ü If the participant correctly named 3 letters, he has the right to 2 boxes, one of which contains a prize

ü All participants, even losers, are rewarded with prizes.

Educator: - The game will take place in three rounds. We need to select nine participants, three in each round. I will ask you riddles; whoever raises his hand first and says the answer will get to play. Remember the rules of the game!

Educator: 3 slide

And so, the first qualifying round!!! It is dedicated to ecology

Let's determine the players of the 1st round, remember the rules of the game!!!

Riddles for the 1st round:

1. Snow on the fields,

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen? (Winter).

2. The nose is a holey snout,

The tail is a small hook,

The body is overgrown with bristles,

They call her: (Pig).

3. Little legs,

Afraid of cats

Lives in a hole

Loves crusts? (Mouse).

Let's welcome the players of the 1st round: slide 4


Let's welcome the winner of the 1st round: slide 6

Educator: 7 slide

The second qualifying round is dedicated to mathematics, let's identify its players

Riddles for the 2nd round:

4. Not a tailor, but has been wearing needles all his life? (Hedgehog).

5. Look what it is:

everything burns like gold,

walks around in a fur coat dear,

is the tail fluffy and large? (Fox).

6. I'm a hunchbacked beast, do the guys like me? (Camel).

(the teacher asks riddles for round 2)

Let's welcome the players of round 2: slide 8

Listen carefully to the task for round 2: slide 9





Let's welcome the winner of round 2: slide 10

Educator: 11 slide

The third qualifying round is dedicated to cognitive development, let's identify its players (the teacher asks riddles for round 3)

Riddles for Round III:

7. Who walks in the forest angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf).

8. I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest,

in a hollow on an old oak tree,

Am I nibbling nuts? (Squirrel).

9. Does a fur coat and a caftan walk across the mountains and valleys? (Ram).

Let's welcome the players of round 3: slide 12

Assignment for round 3: slide 13 WHAT IS THE CALL OF THE COUNTRY IN WHICH WE LIVE? (RUSSIA)

Let's welcome the winner of round 3: slide 14

Educator: 15 slide

And now I announce the game with the audience!!! Question for viewers: CONTENTS OF WINNIE THE POOH HEAD? (Sawdust)16 slide

Educator: slide 17

And now the Final round of our game is announced, and its participants are the winners of the first 3 rounds:

1 participant: ………….. Let's welcome him!

Participant 2: ………….. Let’s welcome him!

3rd participant: ………….. Let’s welcome him!

Listen to the task for the Final Round: slide 18 AIRCRAFT WITH THE POWER OF ONE Evil Power? (Mortar)

Let's welcome the winner of our game, slide 19……….. Applause. He (s) scored ...... points. He/she can choose gifts for himself/herself.

(The winner chooses gifts for himself)

And now I want to ask if he (s) wants to play the Super Game, I must say that all the selected gifts will remain with the finalist.

So, Super - game, slide 20, listen to the task for the Super - game: RESULT OF THE DOCTOR'S FIGHT WITH CARIES? (Seal) You can name any 7 letters, if they are in this word, I will open them. (The child names the letters) I’ll give you a minute to think.

Let's welcome the winner of our game "Field of Miracles" 21 slides

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Slide captions:

Field of Miracles Field of Miracles

Prikazchikova Nina Nikolaevna Primary school teacher MBKOU SKO Shi VIII type Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region Information about the author of the game Back [email protected]

Rules of the game Using the reel, select the sector on which the indicators are located: If the player names the letter correctly, then he earns the specified number of points and can continue to rotate the reel or name the word. The letters are opened by clicking in the window with the hidden word. If a player names the letter incorrectly, then no points are added to his score, and the right to move passes to the next player. .  200 X2 50 100 + 150 250 Back Number of points scored Transition turn Your points are doubled Open any letter. B U K V A In the super game, in order for a hint from Yakubovich to appear, click on the frame with the question. Winter and summer in the same color This word has 4 letters. You can name 2 letters. After the super game, if the player named the word correctly, you must click on the red star E; if incorrectly, click on the blue star. Christmas tree

Sources of information http://proekt-volzsky.ucoz. ru Back

P O R T F An item that, instead of its direct purpose, can replace an umbrella, a shield, a football goal Next E L 200 150 250 X2  50 100 + 1 three players Exit the game

Who will be the hero now?! Let's start the second round! Field of Dreams

D E J U R In a certain situation, this word can be called a teacher, a student, a store. Next N Y  200 X2 50 100 + 150 250 2 three players Leave the game

We are starting the third round and choosing a finalist! Field of Dreams

C A N I K This word was used by the ancient Romans to call Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major Next U L A X2 250 200 150  50 100 + 3 three players Exit the game

If you haven't lost heart, we're starting the finale! Field of Dreams

LEARNING A word close in meaning to the word “mentor” Finish the game L L Supergame This word has 7 letters. You can name 3

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Slide 1

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W Q s b E Y Z There is no such letter! Round 1 The name of this flower translated from Greek means “rainbow” AND R I S There is such a letter! You earn 40 points! There are two such letters! You earn 180 points! There is such a letter! You earn 100 points!

Slide 2

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W Q s b E Y Z There is no such letter! Round 2 What animal is called “mother” in India, and in Ancient Egypt it was considered the sacred animal of the goddess Isis. K O R O V A There is such a letter! You earn 50 points! There are two such letters! You earn 160 points! There is such a letter! You earn 80 points! There is such a letter! You earn 60 points! There is such a letter! You earn 110 points!

Slide 3

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W Q s b E Y Z There is no such letter! Round 3 The ancient Egyptians depicted their gods and goddesses as people with the heads of birds and animals. What animal's head did the water god Sebek have? K O R O L D There is such a letter! You earn 50 points! There are two such letters! You earn 200 points! There are two such letters! You earn 140 points! There is such a letter! You earn 70 points! There is such a letter! You earn 100 points! I K There is such a letter! You earn 30 points!

Slide 4

A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C CH W Q s b E J J A document from three hundred years ago says: “The cost of one bulb of this flower is as follows: a barge of grain , two oxen and two sheep, five pigs, two barrels of butter, a thousand pounds of cheese, four barrels of beer, two skins of wine, a bed, clothes and a silver mug.” For one bulb of which plant did they give such a price? T Y U L P A N There is no such letter! There is such a letter! You earn 100 points! There is such a letter! You earn 50 points! There is such a letter! You earn 150 points! The final

Slide 5

What desert plant has saved people's lives more than once? 1st qualifying round cactus Fate separated brother Vanya from sister Mashenka in childhood. When they grew up and met, they fell in love and got married. But having learned about their relationship, in order not to be separated, they turned into a flower with a double color. What kind of flower is this? Ivan da Marya In ancient Rome, this flower was the sacred flower of the god of sleep, Morpheus. poppy Everyone is welcome to take part in the first qualifying round. There are 3 questions in the qualifying round. The one who first answers the question correctly becomes a player in the main part of the game (i.e. is part of the first three players) Answer: cactus. It contains a lot of moisture and thirsty travelers filtered water from its stems. When answering, it is important that the responder gives a detailed answer rather than a one-word answer. This will help if several students gave the correct answer at once. Answer: Ivan da Marya

Slide 6

2 qualifying round The tallest land animal. giraffe The largest fish on earth. whale shark What animals smell with their tongues? snakes and lizards Answer: giraffe. It can easily reach the roof of a two-story house. Answer: whale shark. Weighs as much as 14 cars, 14 tons. And it reaches a length of 15 meters. Answer: snakes and lizards. They constantly, very quickly stick out and stick their tongues in and thus “sniff” the earth and air.

Slide 7

3 qualifying round The Egyptians believed that amulets protected from troubles and brought good luck. Who was their favorite amulet? scarab beetle What served as the basis for making bricks in ancient Egypt? river silt What was the name of the shoes worn by the ancient Egyptians? sandals Answer: scarab beetle Answer: river mud... They kneaded the river mud with their bare feet until it became sticky. Then straw and crushed reeds were added to it, making the mud more dense. This mass was formed into bricks and dried in the sun to harden them. Answer: sandals. They were woven from reeds.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION "CHILDREN'S CREATIVITY CENTER" Work performed by: Svetlana Mikhailovna Lomakina, methodologist of the MBUDO "Children's Creativity Center" Chelyabinsk region, Trekhgorny city 2019 Interactive game on the theme "Plants and Flowers"

2 slide

Slide description:

Working with the presentation: Read the task on the slide. The participant spins the drum (move the mouse over the drum - click), names a letter. We click on the named letter, if the letter is present in the word, then it will appear in the corresponding cell of the task, if not, it disappears. If a participant names the letter incorrectly, the game moves to the next player. If the arrow points to the PRIZE sector, the participant must choose a prize or a game. If the arrow points to sector ZERO, the turn goes to the next player. If the arrow points to the “PLUS” sector, he has the right to open any letter in the hidden word. If the arrow points to the PRIZE sector, the participant must choose a prize or a game. When the word is guessed, follow the arrow to the slide of the guessed instrument. Then we move on to the next slide and work with it in the same way.

3 slide

Slide description:

In Russian folk medicine, this plant is especially loved. It is recommended for eye diseases, headaches, tumors. They are like snowflakes scattered on a green meadow. What plant are we talking about? A B C D E F G H H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V H C

4 slide

Slide description:

The birthplace of chamomile is America. A long time ago, like a weed, it fell into the hold of steamships along with the grain, then traveled along the railroad. There were cracks in the carriages, and its small seeds were scattered along the railway track. Soon the mounds were covered with soft and fragrant grass. That's how she came to Russia. And, probably, among all nations it is customary to guess on it: “loves - does not love.” Chamomile tea with honey and sugar is given to children to drink. Drink chamomile decoction at night - your sleep will be sound and restful. It is used for colds and coughs.

5 slide

Slide description:

There is a legend about how its healing properties were discovered. Two snakes were lying on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly a cart came around the bend. One snake managed to crawl away, but the other did not. People stopped and saw how the snake that crawled away brought the wounded leaf of one plant, and after a while they disappeared from sight together. What plant was it? A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C

6 slide

Slide description:

The name of this plant comes from the phrase “growing along roads” and this is true, because plantain usually grows near roads, in vacant lots, near our houses - that is, close to people, so finding it is not difficult. The leaves are used for gastrointestinal diseases, as an expectorant, and for application to wounds, cuts, and ulcers.

7 slide

Slide description:

It is a perennial plant with golden yellow flowers. It grows along the edges of dry coniferous forests, along roads, in forest clearings. They treat liver stone disease, lung diseases, and inflammatory processes. What kind of plant is this? A B C D E F G H H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C

8 slide

Slide description:

St. John's wort is called a herb for 99 diseases. This plant was considered magical, protecting against ghosts. There was a belief that devils and sorcerers were not afraid of a person who constantly carried this plant with him, and that a small bunch of this plant, attached to the door or hidden on the threshold, would certainly block the sorcerer’s path into the house. In addition, beautiful dyes for fabric are obtained from St. John's wort - red, red, green.

Slide 9

Slide description:

This plant can be found everywhere: under every fence, in a ditch, along the roads. But simple-minded people, whom it costs nothing to deceive, are called that... But what? A B C D E F G H H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V H C

10 slide

Slide description:

This plant has several names - burdock, burdock or burdock. It is considered a weedy, unpretentious plant that grows near human habitation - near roads, in vegetable gardens, in meadows, in fields. This broad-leaved plant received the name “burdock” because in the old days the leaf was called “lop”. They say that burdock can predict rain. There is such a folk sign: “Before the rain, burdock cones straighten their hooks.”

11 slide

Slide description:

Fate separated brother Vanya from sister Mashenka in childhood. When they grew up and met, they fell in love and got married. But having learned about their relationship, in order not to be separated, they turned into a flower with a double color. What kind of plant is this? A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C

12 slide

Slide description:

Ivan da Marya is one of the common strong herbs. It is believed that this herb allows the body to achieve harmony of yin and yang - energy, helps a person achieve happiness in life, attracts to him what he lacks. The grass removes all evil, because... awakens the body's reserve forces to resist it. This plant calms the nervous system; with constant use of a decoction of the herb, a person is noticeably transformed.

Slide 13

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The name of this plant comes from the Latin word for swallow. People call it swallow grass, pure grass. There is an ancient belief that blindborn chicks are treated with the juice of this plant. That is why they say that it blooms with the arrival of birds. What kind of plant is this? A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C

Slide 14

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A characteristic feature of celandine is the yellow milky juice that is released when the stems and leaves are broken. The whole plant is very fragile, and the slightest wound causes a copious secretion of viscous liquid. Droplets of a thick substance in the old days became the basis for superstitious beliefs about this herb. Alchemists were especially interested in celandine, trying to obtain gold from various plants. In their opinion, the noble metal is supposedly dissolved in celandine juice, which is why it turns it yellow. The juice was squeezed out of the grass and the moisture was evaporated from it.

15 slide

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Russian legend claims that one day the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave flower straightened up, straightened its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed him, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring. What plant are we talking about? A B C D E F G H I J J K L M N O P R S T U V X C

16 slide

Slide description:

The snowdrop got its name from the plant’s ability to break out of the ground and bloom with the first warm rays of the spring sun, when the snow melts a little. The Latin name of the snowdrop “galanthus” presumably has Greek roots, translated as “milk flower”. This name probably reflects the delicate snow-white color of the snowdrop. In addition, snowdrop is actively used in medicine due to the alkaloids it contains. This plant is of great value and benefit, because the use of snowdrop tincture can cure many different diseases.

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