
What work is relevant today? Current professions on the labor market: a list of the most in-demand, new and disappearing specialties. Big Data Manager

Job opportunities in Russia are endless. Today, highly qualified specialists in the fields of industry and construction, medicine and education, science and law are in great demand among employers.

Trends in the modern world are changing at an unprecedentedly fast pace, and therefore some professions are in enormous demand these days.

IT sphere


We live in a world of computerization, innovation and information technology. Computer technology has become an integral part of our lives.

Programmers and webmasters occupy a leading position among the most in-demand workers. The virtual network will firmly hold its leading position for many years to come.

Nowadays, IT specialists are at the peak of popularity. They are needed in any field of production and services. Every enterprise or organization needs professional programmers, whose work is recognized as one of the most highly paid.

Almost every firm, company, and organization pays considerable attention to the development of new software for their own needs. Here, qualified employees are developing new programs to protect all available information that is stored in working computer databases.

Thanks to information technologists, their knowledge and skills, the horizons of the commercial sphere expand, enterprises receive greater profits, develop and improve.


Many modern applicants prefer medical professions. Today they occupy one of the first places in the ranking of in-demand specialties. The profession of a doctor never goes out of fashion. Many young surgeons, oncologists, gynecologists, cardiologists devote all their strength and energy to their activities and put their acquired knowledge into practice.

The demand for doctors in Russia is confirmed by the opening of new medical centers that carry out diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic and health measures.

Dentists are incredibly popular. We can confidently put ourselves in the hands of an experienced dentist, who will do everything possible to ensure that our smile is no worse than Hollywood and will help us gain confidence in ourselves and our beauty.

The nursing profession is in demand throughout the country. These people come to our aid in difficult moments of life, provide enormous assistance to people with disabilities, and help them regain health after a serious illness or injury.

Bank employees

Finance graduates, as well as young people who graduate from higher educational institutions to study business and banking, easily and quickly find work throughout the country. The number of banks in our time is constantly growing, so specialists in this field are simply necessary. Large banks and their branches provide excellent working conditions for young professionals, offering high wages and the opportunity to have a good rest during their vacation.



The prestige of legal specialties is growing every year. Lawyers, advocates, and notaries are in demand by our society today, as they were in many previous years. Professional reputation plays a huge role in resolving many controversial issues, both among legal entities and individuals.

Professionalism, knowledge of laws, regulations and documents allows experienced lawyers to easily find work, carrying out their activities competently and efficiently, showing respect and empathy for clients, acting thoughtfully and honestly.

Lawyers are representatives of one of the enlightened sections of our society.


The origins of psychology date back to ancient times. Despite the fact that psychology is a controversial subject, an increasing number of the population are using the services of psychologists. Our daily life is associated with constant stress, nervous overload, and psychological tension. Psychologists in educational institutions, companies, organizations, and enterprises are no longer news. They help solve many problematic situations in your personal life or at work.

A psychologist is one of the most popular professions in Russia.



The profession of logistics has become one of the most needed these days. Today there is an oversaturation of the manufacturing market with products. To manage its flows, the help of qualified logisticians is required. The demand for representatives of this profession is growing every year, and in the near future it will only increase .


Humanity has been involved in ecology for many, many years. In these days of natural disasters, gas pollution, and industrial development, this profession has become one of the most in demand. Many large cities in Russia suffer from air pollution, which subsequently leads to various undesirable consequences that adversely affect the health of people, both adults and children.

The work of ecologists is aimed at intensifying the fight against such factors; they take a number of preventive measures, which include reducing the adverse impact on the environment. The demand for specialists in this category is increasing.

Working specialties

Our existence is unthinkable without builders, tilers, carpenters, and electricians. Today, these specialties are more in demand and popular than ever. We build private houses and cottages, develop summer cottages and suburban areas. It is impossible to do without workers here. Working specialties are among the first and most necessary for each of us.

Technical specialties

Tech workers are in demand today more than ever. The modern world is inextricably linked with the extraction of natural resources, as well as with the search for alternative energy sources. This is where chemists come to the rescue, having become one of the most sought-after professions in our time, because the future of the country lies with such highly qualified specialists. Professionals in this field are highly paid professions, and the need for them in the Russian Federation is growing every year.

The country's economy is developing at a steady pace, and the demand for industrial and residential premises is constantly increasing. This suggests that the need for specialists in the field of architecture and engineering is constantly growing. Graduates of higher educational institutions in this field enjoy considerable attention from managers of construction companies and organizations that need help from engineers.

Manufacturing automation and the construction industry are at the peak of development, requiring well-trained specialists.

Foreign language specialists


Close cooperation between Russian specialists and foreign partners requires knowledge of foreign languages ​​for free communication and establishing business relationships. Linguists and translators occupy a leading position in the top ten most in-demand professions.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is becoming mandatory for work in many modern companies.

Service sector

The service sector is in great demand.

None of us can do without the help of hairdressers, cosmetologists, tailoring specialists, and hotel complex managers. The demand for service specialists is confirmed by our lifestyle, because they help solve simple issues in our busy and hectic lives.

Considering that the entertainment industry is at the top of its popularity, it cannot do without service personnel. Adults can entrust their children to an experienced entertainment center employee while they shop in supermarkets or enjoy relaxing in a cozy cafe or bar.

Managers are traditionally considered to be the leaders in terms of salary in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of main business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper limit is usually hidden behind the wording “by agreement.” This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, managers' earnings are close to a million rubles.

In second place are highly qualified specialists in the IT field. Recruiters claim that this direction is more promising. A mobile application development specialist who has proven experience can, after only 3–4 years of work in the industry, qualify for a salary that a manager can reach in 10–12 years.

Also among the highest paid specialists are airline employees. Managers (for example, technical director) are offered from 300 thousand rubles, the pilot-in-command - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines typically pay employees annual bonuses based on performance.

Aeroflot recently introduced one-time payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the second pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paying vacancies of July in Moscow

  1. Marketing director / head of marketing department in a pharmaceutical company - up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of Accounting, Reporting and Tax Planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the procurement department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of External Logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles (the average salary of the highest paid workers in the industry is 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communications - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and petroleum products; chemicals and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects?

Good salaries can be earned by specialists who are not specialized (like pilots, for example) or who are not the most experienced (like managers with extensive experience).

Superjob analyzed employer proposals for employees with at least average qualifications and one to three years of work experience.

Here's what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of Software Testing Department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found that the most in-demand employees today are qualified workers in metalworking and engineering production, high-level specialists from the fields of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.

Hello, dear readers! I am very glad to see you!

In previous articles, we began to talk about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most in-demand and highly paid professions today (article). From this article you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be in demand as a specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped from the industrial era into the post-industrial (or digital, information) era. A new technological revolution has occurred. High technologies are changing the needs of humanity at an extremely fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial era became unclaimed. They have been replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

We can answer this question easily by noticing the trend of a shortage of specialists in the labor market at the intersection of specialties. Analysts from recruiting companies talk about the shortage of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company, a business analyst and a systems analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of specialists working at the intersection of professions. So, increasingly, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require the following skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain throughout your life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Willingness to move cross-culturally (willingness to work in different countries due to globalization)
  • Knowledge of the basics of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to teach yourself, because technology development will be rapid
  • Have a soft skill (think softly, positively, patiently, kindly achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to Sparks & Honey, an American research company

The research company's report has left many parents wondering if they are giving their children the right knowledge. More than 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade do not yet exist!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • Productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Alternative currency traders
  • Managing social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • Virtual reality architects
  • Drone management managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D printer specialists

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read In this article .

Amazingly, many of these professions of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch a story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years, according to Forbes magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbes - are professions at the intersection of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composites engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, including in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Builder of smart roads. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs “smart” road surfaces using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs “smart” signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Intellectual Property Appraiser. Engaged in assessing the value of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates interaction between investors and authors of projects.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular nutritionist. Engaged in the development of individual nutrition plans in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of a person’s genotype.
  9. Genetic consultant. Conducts genetic analysis to provide conclusions and recommendations for treatment regimens.
  10. City farmer. He is engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. Healthy Aging Consultant. Creates optimal sets of physical activity for older people, recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition.
  13. Foreman-watcher. Construction consultant evaluates and adjusts construction progress using digital building designs.
  14. Eco-evangelist. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Specialist in overcoming environmental disasters. Deals with the prevention of disasters that can be realized by people gradually: environmental pollution around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Designs software for diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, creates databases of physiological indicators of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and cosmogeologist. The cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A cosmogeologist is engaged in mining minerals on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technology solutions that make homes and offices responsive to user needs.
  19. Network lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, and resolves issues related to the protection of virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in servicing electric vehicle filling stations.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in designing layouts and structures, selecting optimal components for printing them.
  24. Mining systems engineer. Controls the entire development of fields, from prospecting and exploration to field closure.
  25. Digital linguist. Engaged in the development of new communication interfaces between computers and humans, processing text information (semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can get (basic) knowledge in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbes magazine, Russia analyzed modern educational institutions where one can obtain knowledge for these professions of the future. You will find a list of educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future in this article from Forbes magazine, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company Fast Future?

“Fast Future” presented a scientific report with sensational data on the professions of the future:

  1. Nano-medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with genetic technologies
  4. Memory Augmentation Surgeon
  5. Consultant for older people
  6. Scientific ethics expert
  7. Space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. Weather police
  11. Quarantine Specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Alternative transport developer
  15. Address broadcast specialist
  16. Data and information recycler
  17. Virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. Social worker of social networks
  20. Personal brand manager

Are you interested in the description of each of these mysterious professions of the future? You can find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly relearn. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times You must choose a profession according to your liking and calling. Then your whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession based on your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession you like!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Stay up to date with the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and your children!

The period has passed when the professions of astronauts and pilots were popular and every schoolchild dreamed of them. The time of admiration for the ubiquitous lawyers and economists is also behind us. Every year there are dramatic changes in the labor market, and 2016 was no exception. Forecasting experts have revealed a ranking of the most popular and in-demand professions for the next decade. Let's look into the future and find out what these professions are and what skills the representatives of each of them have.

IT specialist

The Internet is occupying more and more space in people's lives. If earlier an information technology specialist was considered strictly a programmer or webmaster, today this broad concept includes everyone who is in one way or another connected with the sphere of global space. Salespeople, logisticians, marketers and designers - all these professions have smoothly migrated to the virtual network and will occupy leading positions for a long time.

The ability to quickly learn and flexibility of thinking are the main qualities of a successful IT specialist.

Translators and linguists

Successful cooperation between the Russian government and Asian countries has turned the camp of translators towards Eastern languages. Of course, true English language gurus will not remain idle, but Chinese experts are becoming more and more in demand and popular every day. Excellent memory, keen hearing and the ability to accurately reproduce are the key to success for specialists in this field.

Automotive technicians

This profession is for practitioners and those who are used to working with their hands. There are only a few truly talented craftsmen in this area. In addition to “golden hands,” a modern automotive technician must speak foreign languages, be aware of the latest technical developments and have a broad outlook.


The medical field is suffering more than ever from a shortage of professionals. Heavy workloads and meager salaries have forced many specialists to change their favorite profession to a more profitable one. Although in recent years there have been significant changes in this situation. The state is working to provide talented young professionals with everything they need for a decent life. Now this profession is no longer prestigious, but it has rightfully become the most respected. Love for people, patience and good education are the main qualities of a modern doctor.

Design engineer

Industrial production has always needed competent specialists. The contribution of Western capital to Russian industry has led to the demand and prestige of engineering professions. Now these are not just “techies”, but highly erudite people who combine economic, technical and legal knowledge with excellent English and other European languages.

Beauty specialists

The earnings of professional hairdressers and makeup artists tempt school graduates; they bypass higher education and, after completing courses, go to work. But it’s unlikely that they will make good masters, because they only come from well-educated people, with knowledge of psychology, marketing and an excellent technical base.


People are coordinators, capable of solving several problems at once. They carry out the complete delivery chain: coordinating the warehouse, purchasing and transport. It is not easy to get such a job; employers place high demands on candidates: in addition to knowledge of languages, specialized education and good work experience, they must know the specifics of the production process and customs legislation.


The oversaturation of the market with goods and services has led to the emergence of this interesting profession. There was a need to track consumer preferences and, thereby, increase the level of the company’s turnover. Excellent marketers will be people who have a strategic mindset and are able to manage the system.

Sales Representative

This promising and in-demand profession is classified as difficult. Not everyone can succeed in this field. Constant stress, psychological work with customers, constant driving through city traffic jams - this is only a small part of everything that a sales representative will have to face. This job is created for positive people who know how to win over people, who are ready for daily stress.


Chefs still do not give up their leading positions. Their average salary remains at the level of 50-70 thousand rubles. But ordinary chefs have become truly popular; their salaries have increased by more than 12 thousand rubles in just a year, this makes it possible to start earning money now with a good prospect in the future. Talent, enthusiasm and good aesthetic taste are a good start to start a career.

Whatever profession you choose, it is important to remember that specialists with basic skills and knowledge are always in demand. Enthusiasts with the ability to learn and vital energy will be able to try their hand at any field and achieve success in it, making a dizzying career.

Engineering specialties will not lose their relevance in the foreseeable future. One of the most promising areas of engineering is the creation and maintenance of robots. In fact, this area could include a whole set of separate specialties - creators of home robots, industrial robots, medical robots and entertainment robots.

To master these professions, the future specialist must have a good understanding of automated systems, programming, process control, not to mention fundamental knowledge in the field of physics, mechanics and electrical engineering.

According to Cisco experts, the number of home robots in cities in developed countries is now doubling every 9 months. After 2020, industrial, home, children's and medical robots will become an everyday reality and necessity. Industrial production will become approximately 90% automated. Robots will completely replace people in the most dangerous jobs - in mines, during underwater and construction work. Combat robotics will actively develop.

Such promising industries will appear as the creation of neural interfaces for controlling robots, that is, technology that will allow you to command machines with the power of thought.

The basics of robotics can already be studied in Russian universities: similar courses and educational programs are available at MIPT, Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow Institute steel and alloys, MSTU "Stankin", as well as at the Far Eastern Federal University and others.

In the future, roboticists will be trained at corporate universities, as well as at leading online educational platforms such as Coursera and the domestic Stepik.

Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in robotics. As part of the “Intelligent Robotic Systems” profile, teams will have to create robotic equipment for a logistics center. Based on the TRIC constructor, it will be necessary to build a ground mobile platform configured to perform the main task, as well as obtain reliable information during the work. For the device, it will be necessary to write a control program that will allow the robot to independently move around a model depicting the territory of the logistics center

And as part of the “Water Robotic Systems” track, competitors will have to build two underwater robots and establish communication between them: one of the robots will have to follow data from cameras, and the other will have to receive signals from the first.

Food engineer

The world's growing population requires a solution to the problem of hunger. To provide food for all people, existing agricultural areas are not enough today. The challenge of food engineering of the future will be to create large quantities of proteins and carbohydrates on a small area of ​​land and with minimal energy consumption.

Food engineering is a cross-industry profession. Food technology specialist as a profession still exists today, but in the future the tasks of this specialty will change. Using knowledge in biology, chemistry, genetics and materials science, food engineers will have to literally design new products, preferably from cheap and widely available raw materials - from plants, algae, even waste.

Such experiments are now being carried out all over the world. In the USA, for example, in the Impossible Foods laboratory, how to obtain a complete meat substitute from plant products - not only in terms of nutrition, but also in taste and texture. Technology has made it possible to make burgers with patties that are said to be indistinguishable from real beef. However, it contains only soy, wheat, potatoes, coconut oil and flavorings.

Experts from the “Atlas of New Professions” indicate that the problem of world hunger in the future will be solved by representatives of two professions - GMO agronomists and city farmers. If the former will use biotechnology to create new products with specified properties, then the latter will develop mass food production in urban areas. Farms of the future will be placed directly on the roofs and walls of skyscrapers and in modular farms inside buildings.

As part of the program, young biotechnologists will also have to show their knowledge. Two age groups will compete in the “Engineering Biological Systems” profile - schoolchildren in grades 9 and below and schoolchildren in grades 10-11.

Juniors will need to improve the operation of the hydroponic setup. They need to create an algorithm for automating the collection of key indicators of aquaponic systems and automating the introduction of the necessary reagents into the installations.

In the older group, children will need to solve genetic problems, in particular, identify key point mutations in the gene under study with their subsequent detection by molecular biology methods in a laboratory test site.

Virtual Reality Architect

In fact, the entire IT sector will continue to develop rapidly in the coming decades. Information system developers, data specialists, interface developers (including the already mentioned neural interfaces), artificial intelligence specialists and other professionals of the digital era will be in constant demand in the foreseeable future. And all because computers will not learn to program themselves for a long time - not because they do not have enough “knowledge” for this, but because the goal of programming will always be human needs, about which no one knows better than the person himself. In other words, computers will not be able to predict for a long time which application, social network or video game people will be interested in.

A virtuality architect is a profession that requires thorough knowledge in all areas of IT. And this will be a typical profession of the future, when more and more activities begin to move into virtual reality. If today digital worlds exist more for entertainment, then soon people will be taught, worked and even treated in them, which means that specialists in creating entire worlds “to order” will be in demand.

Today, the basics of virtual reality programming are taught in many technical universities, including in Russia - at MIPT, MEPhI, NRU ITMO, Tomsk Polytechnic and Tomsk State Universities, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R. E. Alekseev and others.

By the way, if you are interested in this topic, then there is a direction “Virtual and Augmented Reality”. Participants will need to create their own game from ready-made elements and in a given genre. In the process of creating an application, teams will need, using a starting set of content, not only to create a game application for a given topic, genre and setting and using the required technology, but also to develop a unique product with interesting mechanics, using the features of the technology.

Smart environment designer

The world's largest cities are rapidly getting smarter. In New York City, the street security system automatically detects the sound of gunshots and determines the location of the shooting. The city also has a system that predicts the likelihood of fires in buildings. In Moscow, a smart traffic management system reports traffic jams and regulates traffic congestion. In Barcelona, ​​smart waste containers notify the utility when they are full.

Existing Smart City technologies open up limitless opportunities for the development of the human environment. They will help make life in cities safer, more pleasant and more harmonious. The smart environment designer will create system solutions for cities. They will combine various networks, devices and sensors with the physical habitat of a person - home, street, transport, place of work.

This profession (which unites a whole cluster of narrow specialties) will require deep knowledge in IT, big data processing, the Internet of things and hardware. “Smart living environment” in the future also implies the integration of composite materials and sensors, that is, a specialist will still have to understand chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology.

In addition, the designer of a smart environment must have very developed systems thinking - like an architect who conceived the construction of an entire city from scratch. Therefore, such a specialist also needs to have a good understanding of sociology and modern urbanism. Of course, this is one of the most difficult professions of the future, but also one of the most interesting and noble.

To begin to master the “architecture of the future,” you need to enter universities with strong fundamental and technical preparation, as well as show an interest in the humanities and sociological sciences.

Speaking about the professions of the future, one cannot help but imagine the future exploration of space and other planets. Despite the fact that over the past two decades children have no longer dreamed of becoming cosmonauts as much as generations of Soviet people, in the next 20-40 years the prestige of this mysterious and heroic profession will still grow. And even though in our country astronautics is still marking time and reaping the benefits of Soviet achievements, in the West private astronautics is already rapidly developing and the colonization of the nearest celestial bodies - the Moon and Mars - is being discussed.

Robots are actively used to work in space, and one would think that soon machines will displace people from this dangerous field of activity. However, the factor of simple curiosity should be taken into account: no matter how dangerous it is in space, people will never stop flying beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

The authors of the “Atlas of New Professions” believe that in the future the astronaut profession will be more specialized. There will be cosmobiologists who will study the behavior of organisms in zero gravity and on other planets, cosmogeologists who will explore and extract minerals on celestial bodies, and even space explorers who will lay routes in interstellar space. And as a separate type of business, space tourism will actively develop, because more and more people will be able to afford flights to low-Earth orbit or to the Moon.

Currently, future cosmonauts in Russia are trained mainly by aviation and technical universities, including military ones: Moscow Aviation Institute, Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School (Military Institute) named after. Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Unmanned systems developer

Developers of unmanned vehicle systems are now in demand among large technology companies. In June 2017, Yandex posted a vacancy for a driverless car developer. Applicants needed to be able to work with car sensors, controllers and activators, develop car control algorithms, design and test equipment. They were also required to have excellent knowledge of C++ and Python, experience in Linux programming and multi-threaded programming. Apparently, the company found the right specialist quite quickly, since the vacancy was soon filled.

Google, Facebook, Uber, Amazon and Microsoft are also actively developing their own projects to create unmanned vehicles, aircraft and other vehicles. Not to mention the many specialized companies and startups.

In the next 20 years, the demand for specialists in unmanned systems will only grow. In parallel, many specializations will appear - developers of drones for various purposes (military, postal, surveillance, engineering), developers of unmanned vehicles, developers of underwater drones and interfaces for controlling vehicles. At the same time, developers of intelligent dynamic dispatch control systems will be in demand; in other words, dispatchers for organizing drone flights. Analytics of data collected by drones will become a separate specialty.

The profession of unmanned systems developer is similar in complexity to the automotive industry. At the same time, in addition to deep engineering knowledge, the specialist will need to have an excellent understanding of programming and architecture of control systems.

Today in Russia such knowledge is provided at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Military Aviation Engineering University in Voronezh and Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev.

The profile “Unmanned Aircraft Systems” is provided, in which participants will be asked to write a program for a firefighting drone and test the drone in a testing ground.

Preventive Medicine Specialist

In the future, people will not stop getting sick, but they will get sick less often due to the development of preventive medicine, which is aimed at preventing the causes of the disease rather than treating the consequences.

Medicine will take a huge step forward in the next 20-30 years: many incurable diseases will be defeated, doctors will understand the mechanism of mental disorders, robotic prostheses with feedback will begin to be used with all their might - a person will be able to feel the touch of an artificial hand. Research in the field of genetics and biotechnology will make it possible to identify the prerequisites for the disease at a very early stage and stop them even before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Such developments are carried out in large companies and through the efforts of small startups. In the US, the Verily project, founded by former Google employee Andrew Conrad, is developing technology with which wearable gadgets - smart watches and bracelets - will be able to collect data on human health and analyze it to determine whether the owner is prone to dangerous diseases. The startup is also developing smart contact lenses that can detect blood sugar levels.

According to, in the next five years the market for medical gadgets will grow from 2 to 41 billion dollars.

A specialist in preventive medicine will have a good understanding of both medicine itself and IT areas - big data analysis and algorithmization. At the same time, future doctors will do most of their work online - medical consultations, prescribing treatment, prescribing medications, and even diagnostics will be carried out by so-called “network doctors.”

Experts from the Atlas of New Professions call network doctors one of the specialties that will appear everywhere before 2020. They will be focused on early diagnosis and prevention of diseases. It would be a professional failure for them to discover an advanced disease or even an acute disease in their patient.

Such doctors will see most patients via video link, so the concept of queuing at the clinic will become a thing of the past. Hospitals will remain only for high-tech treatment and operations, during which surgeons will be assisted by robots.

A number of leading Russian medical universities today train specialists who can retrain as specialists in preventive medicine or independently begin to develop medical systems of the future. These are the medical academies of Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and the capital's medical universities - named after Sechenov and Pirogov in Moscow, named after Pavlov in St. Petersburg.

Financial technology specialist

Fintech is one of the fastest growing technology industries of our time. And yet, as of 2017, the industry occupies no more than 1% of the entire financial sector of the world economy. The volume of venture capital investments in fintech in the United States reached $13.6 billion in 2016. By comparison, the country's entire financial industry is $11 trillion.

Experts name five main directions for the development of financial technologies in the future - payments and transfers, loans and borrowings, capital management, insurance, and the foreign exchange market. That is, in all these industries the role of information technology will increase.

A specialist who combines knowledge of financial and technological instruments will be in demand more than ever in the coming decades. Areas such as the use of big data to assess risks in insurance, the use of artificial intelligence in asset management, the development of individual pension programs and others will be actively developed.

At the same time, some familiar professions in developed countries will become a thing of the past - accountants, cashiers and even, possibly, stock traders.

Good financial training with a technological component is provided by courses from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University.

Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of fintech. They will have to create a decentralized application at the intersection of blockchain and Internet of Things technologies to ensure interaction between manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles, service centers that provide quick replacement of batteries, and electric vehicles. Teams will have to develop a solution that can check replacement batteries for counterfeit, confirming the declared quality and current wear. Issues of economic interaction will also not be left aside: the service station is fully automated, which means that schoolchildren will have to transfer all monetary calculations to an automatic basis, including determining the optimal parameters for making transactions.

Online teacher

A teacher is an eternal profession, just like the professions of a doctor and a builder. And this is a profession in which humans will probably not be replaced by machines for quite some time. Even with the creation of full-fledged artificial intelligence capable of transmitting the experience of generations, we are unlikely to entrust the upbringing and education of children to a computer. Therefore, teachers will always be in demand. But this conservative branch of knowledge is changing.

Online pedagogy is becoming increasingly popular. Various advanced training courses and training in new professions attract thousands of students around the world. Platforms like Coursera are revolutionizing the educational process. In the next 20 years, people will receive a significant part of their knowledge on the Internet - independently or with the help of online teachers.

In addition to simple video communication (two-way or multi-channel), teachers of the future will use interactive tools that can receive feedback from students and immediately test their knowledge. The learning process will become even more “alive” than in a traditional school classroom.

Game forms of learning will be actively used, especially in primary and secondary school age. Virtual reality will become an important part of educational content - in it, students, accompanied by a teacher, will be able to simulate space, visualize abstractions and simply watch reconstructions of historical eras “as it was.”

Currently, again due to the conservatism of the teaching profession, online teachers are not trained anywhere. One can only predict that with the wider introduction of new educational technologies, traditional pedagogical universities after 2020 will pay attention to this still nascent branch of pedagogy.

Nanomaterials designer

Nanomaterials design, along with the development of robotics and biotechnology, will be another cross-industry profession of the future. These specialists will be involved in modeling the properties of materials and predicting their life cycle using digital tools. The materials designer will need to have a good understanding of nanophysics and nanochemistry and, of course, be able to program.

Nanomaterials will be used not only in industry, automotive and aircraft manufacturing, the creation of tools and equipment, but also in housing construction. Thus, houses created from composite materials with built-in chips will change the temperature of the walls in the room in accordance with the weather or the desire of the resident, as well as change color or transparency.

Nanotechnology specialists are trained at Russian universities - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, National Research University "MISiS", Russian University of Chemical Technology. D.I. Mendeleev, Ural Federal University named after. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and other educational institutions.

Participants in the “New Materials and Sensors” profile can also demonstrate their knowledge in the specialty of the future. Teams will need to quickly create an active chemical substance, assemble a sensor system for it, and demonstrate their functionality.

Recycling specialist

Addressing environmental issues will be key to sustainable development in the future. Environmental specialists will be in demand in all sectors of production and transport. And environmental protection issues will also be resolved with the help of high-tech tools.

One of the promising industries will be recycling - processing materials and their reuse. Recycling specialists will be engaged in the development of new environmentally friendly and cheap technologies.

Today, recycling technologies are developing rapidly. Companies are investing heavily in this area, and the government is supporting progressive initiatives. Environmental specialists are trained by a number of large educational institutions, starting with Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Systematic understanding of ecology can be obtained at classical and technical universities with a specialty in “Ecology and environmental management.”

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