
Young BA course: What is a business analyst? Business analyst: duties, job description The ideal analytics department in an it company

How to learn business analysis for free without leaving your home (online)? This article provides online courses and presentations on the Internet that will help you master such a field as business analysis.

What is a business analyst

Let's first define who a business analyst is, what qualities he has, what knowledge and skills he has.
Business Analyst is:

  1. : A business analyst is a person who uses business analysis techniques to analyze the needs of an organization's operations in order to identify business problems and propose solutions.
  2. : Business analyst (Business Analyst) - a specialist whose task is to study the structure of the company in detail, identify problems and find ways to successfully resolve them.
  3. : A business analyst is a person who analyzes the business needs of an organization, and also formulates ways and schemes for improving business processes, and carries out strategic planning.
  4. : Business analytics - the study of the business processes of the customer company for the most effective implementation of information systems.
  5. : A business analyst in information technology is a person who acts as an interface between IT and business, who can speak the same language with representatives of both areas and can organize joint work on the subject area. A business analyst in business is a person who is able to analyze a certain type of business or process (continuous production, retail business, project management, etc.) or a range of tasks in a business (marketing, inventory management, budgeting, etc.) .
  6. BABOK v.3: A business analyst is any individual who performs the business analysis tasks described in the BABOK manual, regardless of their position or organizational role. The business analyst is responsible for discovering, summarizing, and analyzing information from various sources within a company, including: tools, processes, documentation, and stakeholders. The business analyst is responsible for identifying the real needs of the stakeholders (which often includes parsing and clarifying the expressed wishes) in order to identify the main objectives and identify motivations. Business analysts are actively involved in ensuring that the solution designed and implemented is aligned with the needs of the stakeholders.
  7. : The business analyst is the agent of change in an organization. Business analysis is a disciplined approach to implementing and managing change in an organization.

What do you need to know and be able to do business analytics?

To begin with, I want to describe how I understand the profession of a business analyst. Personally, I see the specialization of a business analyst in two planes - in business and in the field of IT. In my opinion, these are two fundamentally different specialists in terms of skills.

IT Business Analyst:

Business analyst is a versatile specialist who must be able to:

  • communicate with various stakeholders (this can be top management of the company, or middle management)
  • communicate with business users
  • communicate with team members (developers, analysts, project managers)
  • use various tools to systematize requirements (namely, tools - almost always Excel)
  • know and be able to anticipate what requirements are needed for each specific project and who to ask questions
  • be able to correctly formulate questions and “pick out” information from people (this is a very difficult process, especially when hidden resistance begins)
  • conduct requirements interviews
  • understand the "politics of the game" of various stakeholders and the impact of this process on the outcome of the project
  • see influential people and be able to convince them
  • be able to exclude interfering members of the working group from the project (one who constantly wastes the team’s time or takes the project in the wrong direction, it is advisable to transfer to another activity within the company and apply only for individual consultations)
  • be able to clearly formulate abstracts, draw clear conclusions
  • be able to conduct workshops to clarify requirements
  • be able to conduct general constructive meetings (the purpose of the meeting, the problem, possible solutions should be described before the meeting in order to exclude unnecessary blah blah blah)
  • understand the principles of building systems, be able to transform project goals into business requirements, and business requirements into functional and non-functional requirements (i.e. the trace should be in that order)
  • be able to generate new solutions
  • know sql, principles of building data models, business processes
  • know and be able to use visual tools to present information

Roadmaps for the Business Analyst Profession by IIBA.ORG

Online courses

Below are the courses on the website, which can be useful for both novice business analysts and professionals.

business intelligence

  • Data Warehouse Design for Business Intelligence Systems Applications

Business Modeling

data mining

Decision Models

project management

  • Project management in accordance with the PMI PMBOK standard

software engineering

Other courses

  • Analysis of requirements for automated information systems
  • Life cycle models and methodologies for developing enterprise systems

Business Analyst Documentation Tips

1. Always write documentation for uninitiated people in the concept and internal content of the system, therefore:

  • Include an introductory part about the system in the documentation (or a link to a document that describes the system)
  • Include a list of abbreviations in your documentation
  • If highly specialized terminology is used, add a dictionary to the document, or create a separate document and attach a link to it
  • Strive to accompany large sections of text with diagrams that show the interaction of various components of the system
  • After writing instructions or documentation, imagine yourself as a person who has not previously worked with this system and read the instructions / documentation. If something is not clear - rewrite / add

2. How to document system scripts (if required):

  • The document should contain a general conceptual description of the sequence of launches of certain scripts
  • You can imagine a map of calling scripts from system components, you can make a kind of “map” according to scripts (mindmap)
  • The scripts themselves do not need to be described in the document. Scripts should be self-documenting, i.e. the code should contain comments that are filled in by developers (including to clarify the business meaning of the script)

3. Always strive for a balance between pictures and text. Absence or excess of pictures - not the best options for documentation

Relations with subordinates

  • No matter what position you hold and how much experience you have - respect your subordinates, discuss difficulties, lack of knowledge or problems in work. Do not blame them, otherwise, at any opportunity, they will dump you (they will dump you and will not even think about the difficulties that have arisen sharply for you when you lose a specialist).
  • Set tasks correctly and correctly
  • Discuss with the subordinate always in advance about the need to stay late at work - remember that subordinates have a personal life and free time that they are not required to spend on the employer (or you will always work with not very outstanding specialists, because good employees on occasion fall down 😉)
  • Much more can be found in the published materials of (I participated in their conferences and seminars - and I advise you)

How to get a job as a business analyst

  1. Open HeadHunter;
  2. We find 20 vacancies in business analysis;
  3. We write out from them the main points that are expected from business analysts;
  4. We make a list of the 7 most important (common for all vacancies) that you do not own;
  5. We study quickly in a week;
  6. We go to an interview (get feedback);
  7. Learn more;
  8. We repeat the cycle of points 6-7-6-7-… until you are settled;
  9. First, go for an interview in those companies that you do not want to get a job in (so as not to lose a chance if the outcome of the interview is bad).

Useful Presentations for Business Analysts

Technopark lectures:

Natalia Sveshnikova:

Modern society has a lot of different professions. Now you can choose any of them, guided by the satisfaction of intellectual needs, career prospects or economic stability. This article focuses on a special profession called a business analyst. It is in demand in a field that opens up new opportunities for this world, develops your mind, teaches the ability to communicate and think, and also helps any financial company develop.

About the profession, its main characteristic features

A business analyst is a specialist working in a particular company who studies its structures, trends, opportunities, growth forecasts, analyzes information and actively communicates with the opposite side - customers. He must know what is required of his company so that its products are in demand, revenues grow, and buyers do not make claims. Therefore, the terms of reference of this specialist include close communication with customers in order to clarify all their requirements.

The responsibilities of a business analyst include:

  • Analysis of the company's capabilities.
  • Development of new models of work.
  • Definition of prospects.
  • Activity automation.

It can be rightly argued that this profession is an integral part of every company and helps it develop, earn prestige in society and improve its reputation among customers.

History of appearance

Western Europe and the United States of America became the official initiators of such an interesting profession. It was they who realized 20 years ago that companies around the world are completely lacking in new ideas for growth, prospects for improvement, and visual distribution. From this it follows that they began to look for qualified personnel who would help them in this. It can be concluded that the profession of a business analyst is quite young and is a developing and productive specialty.


A business analyst, like any other company specialist, has a list of duties that he must treat with responsibility. He must understand that the future of the company depends on his assessment of the market and the work of the enterprise. Also, a business analyst needs to maintain close business cooperation with the customer, find out what he wants to see the products supplied to him, and resolve all disputes related to this issue. He is obliged:

  • For the benefit of the enterprise, of which he is an employee, analyze customer requirements for the product, study standards, discuss production conditions and product improvements, collect information and formalize it, as well as coordinate it, be a confident PC user.
  • Work with business models. To carry out the compilation, analysis, processing of models of the company's development.
  • Develop new effective business methods. Consideration by a business analyst of the company's promotion processes is an important point in his activity.
  • Be able to work with documents. This type of activity will become an integral part in the professional activity of an analyst.
  • Make presentations for entrepreneurs, customers, employees of this company to evaluate the developed ideas.
  • Actively compare the achievements of various companies in order to more effectively promote the case.

As we can see, the duties of an employee include a fairly decent number of functions that he must perform in the course of his professional activities.

Are there specific requirements

Each highly paid and promising vacancy implies high requirements for applicants. The business analyst profession is no exception. Often people cannot find a job due to the lack of some items that are on the list of requirements:

  • The presence of higher education.
  • Experience as a business analyst. He will be needed. Knowledge in and activity as an information data analyst is also welcome.
  • Experience in writing and maintaining documentation, regulatory resolutions.
  • Correct and effective analytical thinking.
  • Competent speech, both oral and written.

If you are the owner of all these favorable qualities, then your calling is to work in this area. You do not need to get involved in activities in which you are completely ignorant. This applies not only to this profession.

How to become a good specialist

Anyone who has graduated from mathematical, financial, economic, technical universities, as well as those who have the analytical ability to draw up regulations and submit demanded proposals, can apply for the vacancy of a business analyst.

Vigers Carl, in his book Software Requirements Engineering, says that analysts are born, not trained to be. To work in this rather complex area, you need to have your own distinctive features, and not learned material. Thus, the author emphasizes that real analysts, namely those who were born for this business, are few.

business analyst salary

Since this is a highly demanded profession that requires a special mindset and skills, it is perfectly fair to assume that the employee's salary will be high. This is true, especially in the field. Depending on the level of your skills and abilities, education and opportunities, length of service, nature of production and other factors, the salary may vary somewhat. The average salary of a worker in this area in Russia is 80 thousand rubles. But it can be at the level of 40 thousand and reach up to 150 thousand rubles a month.

As you can see, business analytics training is sure to pay off when you get to work. In addition, the profession is in many ways useful and interesting, with the prospect of self-development, which is a very important criterion for those who care about self-improvement.

Become a real analyst!

Many see themselves in this field, but few really want to understand what it takes to become a business analyst. The advice of people who have already succeeded in this area will help us figure it out. It should be noted that professionals in the field of analytics feel very independent and confident in the world of modern business. To achieve this, you need to follow these guidelines:

  • Develop your communication. If the analyst is in the same building/room with the customer, he definitely needs to visit him, talk, clarify the details of the joint project, ask how much the customer likes this proposal, clarify with him how he wants to see the results of cooperation.
  • Draw diagrams, tables, business situations for easier and more organized work. This very often helps people to quickly cover all the material and make a decision.
  • Create and play various situations of development of events. Analysts often have to complicate their tasks in order to achieve a more effective result. You can work equally productively with simplified options, because you need to be able to foresee all the ways in which events will develop.
  • Don't hesitate to make comparisons. The job of an analyst is to constantly compare the activities of different companies. Professionals should also compare their own work with the achievements of other professionals from the general field. This is one of the components of the business intelligence system. Advanced training, the opportunity to communicate with more experienced workers in this area - that's what you need to strive for.
  • Approach problems analytically. When a problem occurs, the main goal of the analyst is to eliminate its root. To do this, you need to analyze all the data on the work done, "get to the bottom" of the problem and eliminate it.
  • Correct speech delivery. This point is important not in terms of literacy (also very necessary), but in being able to correctly and accurately state your capabilities to the customer. Misleading is one of the most common problems, and not just in business.

How to identify the most important tasks of a business analyst for yourself.

It is necessary to compare existing processes with the detailed desires of customers, offer them options for optimizing these processes, and consult with developers and testers. At work, the analyst weighs all the pros and cons, providing the economic justification for each decision he makes. People of this profession help customers and contractors (manufacturers of goods) find a common language, build a business in such a way that mutual benefit and a desire for further cooperation develop.

There are many business analyst jobs. They can be found in completely different areas. These can be banking companies, construction companies, trade, IT, industrial enterprises. In each of these areas, these vacancies are highly paid and promising.

Work in big cities

In megacities it is much easier to find a suitable job, as there are many promising areas where you can carry out your career growth, use your knowledge and skills. There are also enough vacancies for a business analyst, since every enterprise needs to conduct its business with maximum benefit.

While following all the above explanations about the requirements for hiring analysts, you also need to take into account some of the wishes of the employer regarding the expected work for you. Business analysts in Moscow must be fluent in several foreign languages, as capital companies quite often cooperate with foreign business partners. The work experience required to have an analytics in a leading company must be at least ten years.

The same is observed in other large cities, such as Kyiv, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Minsk. Business analysts in these major centers can also find jobs easily. Just as employers can require you to comply with their obligations, so you have the right to demand decent conditions for your work from them. Sometimes there are situations when a specialist refuses to work in a company due to unsatisfactory conditions that are provided to him.

The work of a business analyst is multifaceted and can be used in many areas of activity. Sometimes people in this profession simultaneously perform the duties of a manager or quality manager in the company.

Cons of the profession

Professionals working in the field of analytics note the following problems that they have to face:

  • Difficulties in communicating with customers, the inability to agree or compromise.
  • The need to study a sufficiently large amount of information, analyze and process it in a short time. In addition to studying and developing their projects, a specialist must keep new technologies and approaches under control, as well as be able to analyze business models.

However, business analysts in companies discuss their tasks in advance, that is, unforeseen situations most often do not happen. The employer must discuss with the applicant both the pros and cons in the future work, thereby taking responsibility for all misunderstandings that may arise in the future.

Every business has a different perspective. There is a lot to learn to become an analytics manager or a qualified professional to provide consulting services. When starting your own business, you also need to analyze the profitability of the business. The profession of an analyst is indeed diverse. Despite the disadvantages that are present in all areas of activity, and not just in analytics, here you can significantly raise your level of self-awareness and implement the most ambitious projects.

Summing up

The profession of a business analyst is difficult, but quite interesting, making you think. To get a job, you need to have many skills: work experience, the ability to communicate with people, the ability to analyze the situation, be able to draw up plans, models, developments, navigate in many other areas, because all this knowledge can be useful in work. There are many business analyst vacancies, so you can always find a place for yourself.

The activity of the analyst leads to organizational changes. He is responsible for determining what changes and methods will be proposed to ensure stable growth in the company's profits. The main goal of the analyst's work is also considered to be the ability not only to analyze the received data and develop new ones, but to have the ability to communicate - to communicate with people so that the offer suits both the company and the customer. Only a few succeed, which makes the work of a specialist so important and significant.

Summing up the information about the business analyst profession, we can say with confidence that it is very necessary in the modern world. This specialty improves the work of companies, positively affects their reputation, the development of new ideas and products, and also improves interaction with customers - the lifeblood of every entrepreneurial business.

You have to love your job and give it your all. Then it will be of great benefit not only to you, but also to those around you.

The business analyst is the primary person responsible for identifying, analyzing, documenting, and validating project requirements. This is the main communication channel between the client group and the development team (Figure 4-1), although it is certainly not the only one: there are others. The analyst is responsible for collecting and distributing information about product and the project manager for sharing information about project.

Rice. 4-1 Responsibilities of the requirements analyst: building communication bridges between the client and developers

Business analyst- this is one of the roles of the project participants, and not necessarily the title of the position.

They are also called requirements analysts, systems analysts, requirements engineers, requirements managers, application analysts, business systems analysts, IT analysts, and simply analysts. The title of this position varies greatly from organization to organization. One or more specialists can be assigned to this role. In addition, the functions of an analyst can be performed by other team members in parallel with their duties, for example, a project manager, a product manager, a product owner, a domain specialist, a developer, and even a user.

It's important to note that when the person in the Business Analyst role has another role on a project, they're doing two different jobs. Imagine that the project manager is also a business analyst in it. The manager must create and manage plans, including schedule and resources, based on the work done by the business analyst. The project manager should help manage the project scope and adjust the schedule as the project scope changes. Now he may be doing the role of a project manager, and in a minute he will be doing the job of a business analyst. But these are different roles requiring slightly different skill sets.

In consumer product organizations, the role of analyst is often filled by product managers or marketers. In essence, the product manager acts like a business analyst, often with an added emphasis on understanding the market landscape and anticipating the needs of external users. If the project has both a product manager and a business analyst, the former usually focuses on the external market and user requests, while the latter translates this information into functional requirements.

Agile projects also require business analysis. In such projects, there is usually a product owner role that performs some of the traditional tasks of a business analyst. And some teams prefer to have an analyst role as well (Cohn, 2010). The business analyst helps introduce users and understand their needs, and performs additional business analyst activities described later in this chapter. Regardless of the title of the position, the person performing the tasks of an analyst must have the appropriate skills, knowledge and personal qualities.

Attention! Do not think that any talented developer or experienced user will automatically, without education, reading literature and training, become a professional requirements analyst. All these roles require different skills, knowledge and personal qualities.

The success of the project depends on the talent of the analyst. One client I consulted concluded that requirements specs created by experienced analysts can be learned twice as fast as those created by newbies because they have fewer flaws. In the Cocomo II model, which is widely used for project evaluation, the experience and ability of the requirements analyst strongly influences the material and labor costs associated with the implementation of the project (Boemn et al., 2000). By hiring experienced analysts, you can reduce the labor costs associated with the project by a third compared to similar projects where inexperienced analysts are employed.

Do Belarusian companies need business intelligence? The advertisement says that this is one of the most sought-after professions in IT, that it is not so difficult to get it, salaries are measured in thousands of dollars, and there are an incalculable number of vacancies on job search sites. Is it really? And how to become a business analyst if you are far from IT?

Who is a business analyst and what is the essence of his work?

The main task of a business analyst is a detailed study of the structure of the company, the search for problems and the best ways to solve them. Most often, business analysts analyze the financial activities of an organization, develop a new or improve an old business model, optimize the work process, and do their best to increase the company's profit.

Business analysts are needed by large enterprises, banks, construction organizations, and, of course, IT companies.

For example, the company was contacted by a client whose sales fell. The business analyst needs to find out why this happened: low-quality content on the site, high prices, complex interface, lack of communication on social networks. The business analyst then details the results of his research and proposes a solution to the problem.

creative work

Creative work: you need to understand what the customer needs, see ways to implement the idea, offer new solutions for the development of the company, decide which technologies will be used in the work. The business analyst is the creative face of the team, as it is he who communicates the client's requirements to the developers and formalizes them properly.

At the same time, a business analyst must be able to politely communicate with a client and resolve conflicts, be accurate and attentive to details, be able to present the project at its final stage and be, as they say, “two steps ahead”.

Project Management Methods

Project management methods are one of the key requirements for employers. In simple terms, project management is the management and organization of all processes that will lead to a goal, whether it be a competitor analysis or a marketing campaign.

The difficulty lies in the fact that all projects are different, which means that each needs its own approach. For this, a whole system of project management methodologies has been developed, and, of course, employers will demand this knowledge.

What should be a business analyst?

What other requirements apply to a business analyst?

  • Teamwork skills,
  • Knowledge of a wide range of software
  • Knowledge of software development methodology
  • Activity and desire to develop,
  • English language.

If your level is below Upper-Intermediate, getting a business analyst position will be quite difficult. Indeed, in IT, most often clients are Western companies.

How much do business analysts earn?

A good business analyst can expect to earn at least $1,200. According to statistics, the median salary of a business analyst is $1,600. Senior receives about $3000. Of course, everything will depend only on your professional skills and desire to develop.

Why is project management so important to business analysts?

Why is project management so important to business analysts? Talks about it Alena Volchek, PMI specialist, AGILE (scrum, kanban) and teacher in

- Now the most demanded in the labor market are the so-called "universal specialists". I call themPM- BA". I myself often had to collect requirements from the customer, write technical requirements and specifications. A project manager can be a good business analyst, but the opposite doesn't always work.

For guys who need to decide whether to go into business analysis or project management, this course is ideal. Since there is a base for business analysis and project management. And where to specialize further, already depends only on them.

Now project management is very important for Belarus, especially the last year and a half. The project approach is being introduced everywhere, not even inIT, but, say, in the restaurant business, tourism. The question is only in frames. There are few good project managers, and those who understandITspecificity is even less.

Is there a division into the humanities and techies here? Humanitarians, as a rule, choose the specialization "Business Analysis", and as for techies, it seems to me that everything is subject to them, if it does not bother the fact that in "Project Management" or "Project Management + Business Analysis" you need to constantly communicate. Not all techies can do it.

Our Academy is worth choosing for a very comfortable atmosphere! The groups become so united during the course that by the end of the course many become real friends, help each other with employment. Teachers build the course program, taking into account the interests of each particular group, and focus on the topics that the group needs.

Topics in the classroom will be very interesting: these are interviews and the features of team formation, protection from manipulation and negotiations and meetings. And also a “mix” in the management of classics and light methodologies, i.e. agile and pmi!

It is very possible to find a job after the course. From the group, at least 2-3 people find work in the first months after the end of the course. But these people are very interested in learning and are ready to change jobs. At the same time, they understand that without work experience it is impossible to immediately count on a salary of $ 1,500, and you need to start small, about $ 400. But the level of responsibility of the assistantPMmuch lower.

As for the best graduates, everything here is like at a university. You can be the best in theory, but fail in practice. Therefore, for me, the best ones are those who quickly master project management programs, grab ideas on how to combine them. Gaps in theory are easily filled, but you need to know the main points by heart: risks, deadlines, cost and team.

If you decide to change something in your life, in your profession, doubt less and do more. Without trying, you will never understand if this is your profession or not. In the meantime, you think, someone has already signed up for your place in my group!

Humanitarians have a place inIT

Vitaly Borodin, a practicing business analyst and educator, talked about why humanities can be better than techies, and why projects can fail without business analysts.

- The importance of the profession of a business analyst is explained very simply, and at the same time quite complicated. Let's try to figure it out. In the classical sense, BA is an intermediary between the customer and the developer, but what is behind this in practice? Hard intellectual work, which does not come down to a simple relaying of the customer's desire.

I know many projects that did not become successful precisely because of the lack of a business analyst. How it all happened: the customer says: "I want ...", and the developer implements the customer's desire. The customer looks at the result and understands that what he wanted was implemented, but it is completely impossible to use it due to some list of reasons.

In the case when a business analyst is involved in the project, he first of all analyzes the customer's business, identifies bottlenecks, the reasons why the activity is not as successful as it could be. After that, he determines and agrees with the customer the identified needs, approaches to satisfy them, determines the concept of a solution that can be associated not only with the development of a new software product, but also with the modernization of business processes. If the proposed concept is accepted by the customer, then work can continue. At the same time, the business analyst must also remember that in some cases it may be necessary to leave everything as it is, and this will be more effective.

Five or seven years ago, analysts were not so popular with us, as we traditionally lag behind in many areas. Now companies are learning to operate more intelligently, and come to understand the need and importance of the role of a business analyst. Yes, business analyst rewards may be high, but they pay off in reduced development time and the creation of better software solutions.

Business analysis is not as simple a profession as it seems. And there are many explanations for this. First of all, the software you create should not be just a program. The ideal option is when it is possible to create a new philosophy of conducting the company's operations, which is integrated into business processes, and in some cases even using a software product to build business processes, regulate and regulate the activities of each employee.

For example, who can imagine a modern company that does not useCRM? Or some kind of accounting software product? Now imagine a company, each software product of which has an integration with another, when you can get the information that you need at the moment in several manipulations in the same software environment. Just? Hardly.

Theoretically, anyone can learn to become a business analyst, but with one condition: there must be a clear motivation and understanding of why this is needed. In addition, it is necessary to clearly understand that business analysis is studied all the time while it works. You never know what project will be next: a website, a search engine, an online store, a reference and information system, a payment service, a graphic editor.

Young professionals with off-scale ambitions often completely forget that for high salaries it is necessary to work hard enough, and theoretical knowledge alone, even if obtained in a prestigious educational institution, is absolutely not enough.

I do not know of any profession where you can get big money on the go. In any case, you need to get some set of basic knowledge, practical skills. Then there will be the first project, the first bumps, again a new project, a lot of new knowledge, and so on ad infinitum. This is an experience. That experience and knowledge that a business analyst receives with each project can turn into a coefficient by which the beginner's remuneration will change. And after some time, it may be a few months, for someone a few years, you can get to the concept of "earn a lot."

I am a supporter of the fact that this profession is more suitable for the humanities, since they think a little differently, for them the word “impossible” does not exist, they are more creators than hard workers. The main thing to remember is that the creation meets the interests of the customer. The technical specialist thinks in formulas, while the humanist describes the essence itself.

Our IT Academy "BelHard" has all the necessary resources and infrastructure for successful learning. First of all, it's frames. All teachers are practicing specialists, each of them has various projects in their portfolio, thanks to which the “dry theory” is explained on practical examples and specific decisions that were made during the implementation of projects. In addition, the course is designed in such a way that anyone can learn, regardless of his age and knowledge.

Let me give you a few tips for beginners. Make sure that there is motivation and desire to explore a new direction, there is a willingness to learn a lot, and after completing the course, start a career almost from the very beginning, and, regardless of age and past merits, become a beginner who after some time will become a specialist and will be able to hear , as a satisfied user will say: “What a cool program, a genius came up with it!” But there is a difficult and long way to go.

How to become a business analyst?

If you are still confident in your motivation to become a part of IT, then you should find out where you can get this profession.

IT Academy "BelHard" offers an integrated course. Here you will learn how to design an information system and manage its development, learn how to effectively collect user requirements, formalize them in a form that is accessible and understandable to all interested parties, learn how to manage the collaboration of teams that solve different problems and learn how to create a finished product.

This course differs from ordinary business analysis in that you will learn not only to analyze a business and propose a development strategy, but also to manage projects, human resources, and risks yourself. You will acquire skills in two specialties at once, and this will double your chances of finding a prestigious and well-paid job.

Also, BelHard IT Academy has developed a course after which you will become a real business analyst!

In the courses you will learn about the features of software projects and modern software development methodologies, get acquainted with the functions performed by a business analyst, as well as the basic skills of a business analyst, learn the necessary tools and software, gain invaluable experience in compiling and processing technical specifications.

By the way, if you want to become a true professional in the field of business analysis and study this area a little deeper, then you can take a course. You will learn the UML modeling language, learn what user stories are, and learn how to manage requirements.

All courses at BelHard IT Academy are aimed at practical training in order to achieve the highest results. At the end of the course, all participants submit a project, according to which the final certification will be carried out. And remember that the main investment in your life is an investment in yourself and your knowledge!

Business Analyst Responsibilities

Greetings. One of my friends, Fedor, considers himself a genius in various financial and economic matters. But he has been out of work for three years already, and he proves all his knowledge to a neighbor on the site during drunken gatherings in the kitchen.

I tried to help him somehow and found a place where he could try to show himself. A new firm has opened and offers a position for a business analyst.

I decided to prepare Fedor and told him about the duties of a business analyst so that he understood the necessary requirements. I will share with you the nuances of such positions.

Career in IT: Position Business Analyst

A business analyst is a specialist who investigates a customer's problem, looks for a solution and draws up its concept in the form of requirements that developers will be guided by when creating a product.

According to the DOW, the average business analyst is 28 years old, has a salary of $1300-2500 and has 3 years of work experience.

Tasks and responsibilities

The main task of a business analyst is to identify the problems of the customer's business and find the most effective solution. To do this, he must have knowledge in the subject area.

The business analyst works with requirements at all stages of the software development life cycle and constantly acts as an intermediary between the customer and the programming team.

The work of a business analyst includes the following steps:

  1. Identify the needs of the customer, understand the problem that he wants to solve.
  2. Formulate a solution concept independently or with the help of a team.
  3. Turn the concept into a technical task with specific requirements for the future product. For this, various business analysis techniques are used - building models of processes and structures, user interface prototypes, use cases. At the same time, an accurate assessment of labor costs and duration of work is made.
  4. Detail each requirement in the form of specifications.
  5. Advise programmers and testers during product development, discuss controversial issues with the customer.

The range of tasks can be described in simple words: work with requirements. This involves both interaction with stakeholders on the customer side and with team members who are responsible for the solution development process.

In world practice, the career map of analysts looks like this. In Ukraine, not all projects involve a dedicated analyst.

There is also a reverse situation, when the analyst additionally performs the duties of a project manager, quality specialist or technical writer.

In large projects, the roles of Business Analyst and System Analyst are sometimes separated. The responsibilities of the Business Analyst include identifying the customer's business goals, thinking through solution concepts, and generating requirements.

The duties of the System Analyst are formalization and specification of requirements, writing technical specifications at the level of functional requirements and software implementation.

The responsibilities of a business analyst include:

  • Analysis of the customer's business needs;
  • Drawing up requirements for the future product (communication with interested parties - developers, customers, end users);
  • Requirements analysis (application of various methodologies and notations - prototyping, questioning, polling, brainstorming, analysis of existing documentation, competitors);
  • Analysis of problem areas and suggestions for improvement;
  • Formalization of requirements (separation of requirements into business, functional, non-functional, writing requirements specifications);
  • Requirements management (processing of change requests, analysis and description of the impact on existing requirements);
  • Translation of requirements between developers and the client.

An analyst can have good English, fluent language and write perfect documentation.

But if he does not understand the subject area, cannot understand the customer and convey this to the developer, then his projects will fail.

A typical business analyst day is:

  1. Meetings with the project team and with the customer;
  2. Development of conceptual solutions;
  3. Working with analysis tools: diagrams, diagrams, models, prototypes;
  4. Working with requirements: collecting, writing technical specifications and specifications;
  5. Consulting developers and testers;
  6. The study of standards.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the profession of a business analyst is the ability to penetrate into the essence: to understand what works, what parts it consists of, how they are connected and interact with each other, and then describe complex things using simple but useful models.

Business analysts help different parties understand each other, and the result is an implementation that satisfies everyone.

Another plus is the importance and significance of the activity, since it is the results of the business analyst's work that determine the progress of the project.

Among the shortcomings, there are difficulties in communicating with the customer, when it is not possible to convey good ideas or time and budget restrictions interfere.

Another complaint is the need to learn large amounts of information in a short amount of time. In addition to studying directly his project, a business analyst must constantly keep abreast of new methodologies, approaches, and study the basic principles of new platforms.

How to become a business analyst and where to go next?

There are 2 ways to become:

  • An IT specialist who is closer to communication than writing code. Such an analyst will understand the development process, know the capabilities of the software, and understand what a developer needs to know for quality work. However, he needs to separately acquire business knowledge in the area that is being automated.
  • A specialist without an IT education who is a professional in a particular subject area. Such an analyst understands all the nuances of the business and speaks the same language with the customer. But he will have to figure out what exactly is subject to automation and what data developers need to work with.

Analysts often grow out of testers. Those who have come this way know the “inner workings” of IT and have the material to distinguish well-written requirements from poorly written ones.

For the work of a business analyst, it is important:

  1. know the methodology of collection, analysis and formalization;
  2. know the subject area to be analyzed;
  3. understand the software life cycle in accordance with various methodologies;
  4. know the basics of programming, testing, algorithms, economics.

An analyst must get rid of the narrow-mindedness of an IT specialist, be able to see the whole picture, notice shortcomings.


The better he manages to go “beyond”, the more successful the work will be.

As for personal qualities, it is necessary:

  • have analytical thinking;
  • easy to understand in an unknown area;
  • be able to analyze the current situation in comparison with the past;
  • be able to make decisions;
  • love and be able to learn;
  • have excellent communication skills;
  • be attentive to details;
  • express your thoughts clearly and concisely.

You need to be able to decompose what you want to explain into simple components, so that it is clear to everyone and everything what the idea is.

The future analyst is required to understand software development processes, study the theory of business analysis and software requirements, have a good level of English, be able and willing to think, look from different angles and heights.

A general technical background is also desirable - either experience in IT or a technical university.

Business Analyst Career Opportunities:

  1. To improve as an analyst, to master a growing range of analytical tasks.
  2. Delve into the system component and become a Business or Enterprise Architect
  3. Develop along the managerial ladder, project (Project manager -> Program Manager -> CTO) or business (Product manager).

Perspectives are different. Become the head of the analytics department, become a qualified specialist, provide consulting services.

Even opening your own business, you need to analyze the profitability of the business. And in an already established business, it is necessary to analyze and predict the results of work.


business analyst profession

Business analyst (Business Analyst) - a specialist whose task is to study in detail the structure of the company, identify problems and find ways to successfully resolve them.

For example, the functions of a business analyst may include financial analysis of the organization's activities, automation of business activities, or the development of a new, more efficient business model that includes optimization of processes and work of personnel, cost reduction, profit increase, etc.

The business analyst profession is highly paid, prestigious and promising.

Such specialists are in demand at large enterprises in various industries - mainly in the banking sector, in construction, trade and mining, as well as in IT companies and consulting.

History of the profession

The need to optimize and automate business processes arose about twenty years ago in Western Europe and the USA.

Globalization and the active spread of digital technologies have begun to dictate new business opportunities and created a shortage of qualified specialists capable of finding new ways for companies to develop.


Business Analyst responsibilities include:

  • collection, formalization and coordination of requirements with customers;
  • collection of information, description and modeling of business processes;
  • analysis of efficiency and development of proposals for optimizing processes;
  • development of documentation;
  • preparation of a comparative analysis of the company's activities;
  • Preparing presentations for management and clients.


The most common business analyst requirements are:

  1. higher education (preferably in finance, economics, accounting);
  2. experience with CRM, analytical data processing systems or banking information systems;
  3. experience in business analytics;
  4. experience in writing technical specifications;
  5. experience in the development of regulatory documentation;
  6. PC knowledge;
  7. analytical thinking and the ability to systematize information;
  8. Correct oral and written language.

How to become a business analyst

Graduates of economic, financial, technical or mathematical faculties with theoretical knowledge in the field of analysis and modeling of business processes can apply for the position of a business analyst (Business Analyst).

It may also require knowledge of information systems, accounting, financial and management accounting.


The salary of a business analyst depends on the level of professional skills and work experience of a specialist.

Today it fluctuates between 45-150 thousand rubles a month. The average salary of a business analyst is in the region of 80 thousand rubles per month.

Source: http://site/

Business analyst

Large companies have many departments in their structure. In order to improve the exchange of information between them and optimize business processes, enterprises organize information computer networks (ERP systems) - a set of applications that allows you to create a single automated system for managing an enterprise or its key business processes.

They are developed by a systems analyst. He either upgrades an existing system in the enterprise, or models a new one.

His responsibilities include collecting requirements for the product being created through questionnaires and user interviews.

The system analyst develops the terms of reference for the creation of software, designs the documentation of the system and software architecture of the IT system, sets tasks for development and testing.

And at the end of the project, he explains the rules of work to users and solves the problems of functioning at all stages of the life cycle of the information system.

The specifics of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • it is a well-paid job;
  • creative work each project is unique and requires its own approach to development;
  • the tangible benefits of activity are visible when the workflow in the company has a clear style and sequence;
  • acquiring communication skills, as well as expanding the circle of useful acquaintances through projects in various organizations.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  1. the work of a system analyst is not always limited to one city, and therefore people in this profession have to spend a lot of time on business trips;
  2. the client is not always able to understand the difference between one system and another, hence disagreements, disputes, misunderstanding;
  3. high working rhythm;
  4. often users have a negative attitude towards the introduction of a new information system;
  5. often the customer cannot formulate the task.

Place of work - in large companies: banks, financial corporations, fuel and energy complexes, etc. In integrator companies, at enterprises where there are systems analysis departments.

Personal qualities

Patience, patience and more patience. You will need a lot of it: both when discussing project details with customers and when communicating with users, and when solving technical problems.

You need to be able to find a common language with everyone with whom you have to communicate, and you will have to communicate a lot.

During the discussion, quickly get up to speed, capture the essence and optimize the scope of work (sometimes the task is much easier than the customer suggests).

Career - in large companies: banks, financial corporations, fuel and energy complexes, etc. In integrator companies, at enterprises where there are systems analysis departments.


It is impossible to work in the IT field as a system analyst without knowledge of information systems. However, there are times when people who have received a variety of education, both technical and humanitarian, become system analysts.

So, for example, techies experience fewer problems with technical issues, and it is easier for humanitarians to negotiate with customers.

And one more nuance. It is difficult to become a systems analyst right after graduation. Although there are many vacancies, professionals with experience are required everywhere. In this case, you can start your career as an Assistant Analyst Trainee.

Source: http://website/

Young BA course

Recently, the profession of an analyst in the field of software development (in the future we will write software so that the abbreviation does not cause you bewilderment when you stumble upon it on specialized sites) is rapidly gaining popularity among representatives of not only the IT sector, but also "non-IT" specialties.

Students, young professionals, long-term employees, many have a passionate interest in the enigmatic and intriguing phrase "business analyst".


And on everyone's mind is the main question: how to become one? We are launching a series of articles for beginner analysts, the purpose of which is to tell you about business analysis, help you make a choice and suggest in which direction to move on.

The most simple and closest to IT definition: an analyst is an intermediate link between the customer of a software product (as well as its future users) and its developers.

Imagine that you decided to build a house and hired a team of guest workers from nearby sunny countries for this.

What is the probability that, by explaining to them the essence of your wishes, you will not waste your nerves trying to convey to them the idea that what they are doing is not “beautiful and convenient”?

And how will you react to their statements like “you need a convector in the floor”? Undoubtedly, you will eventually find a common language with them.

But now imagine that in the software development industry, specialized slang / concepts / principles of building systems are many times more complicated and voluminous, and programmers often show much more unwillingness to understand you and communicate with you in ordinary human language (sorry, programmers who read us; you are not all like that .

This is where this very analyst comes to the rescue. The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) defines a business analyst as a professional who “understands business problems and opportunities in the context of requirements and recommends solutions to enable an organization to achieve its goals.

In practice, the essence of the work of an analyst may vary depending on the role of the analyst on the project.

The most common types of IT analysts are:

  • Business analyst
  • Systems Analyst
  • Requirements Analyst

Business Analyst (BA) - as a rule, this is a specialist engaged in the study and modeling of a specific subject area.

In other words, he must find out the wishes of the customer, analyze them, supplement them if necessary, arrange them in a certain way (build models, document at least the general wishes of the client) and transfer them to the development team.

The business analyst is the face of the team, sociable, tactful, easily finding a common language with the customer.

Technical knowledge (or, using the fashionable word now, background) is not at all necessary for a business analyst, much more important is knowledge of the customer's language and the characteristics of his culture.

System Analyst (SA) - an analyst much closer to the development team than a BA; a specialist who must translate to the team the high-level software requirements received from the business analyst in the form of detailed functional requirements for the system, naturally, in the language of the development team.

Often he also has to propose a specific technical solution and design the system architecture.

Requirements Analyst (RA) is a cross between BA and SA.

In the official classification of the EKSD RB, this position is absent, however, in many Western theories, RA is present as a specialist who is responsible for extracting, analyzing, documenting and modeling requirements, i.e., in a simplistic way, for writing requirements specifications for their further transfer to developers.

Unlike a BA, it is not enough for a requirements analyst to simply figure out the high-level requirements - he is also responsible for developing a detailed description of the system being designed.

At the same time, it is not necessary for an RA to have deep knowledge in IT and develop a system architecture, since there are dedicated architects and system designers among programmers for this.

Most analysts in any outsourcing company in our country (that is, a company engaged in custom software development) are requirements analysts.

A rare company in our conditions can afford to keep a "pure" business analyst who is well versed in any one subject area, plus keep him on constant business trips, closer to the "customer's body".

In addition, loading such an analyst with at least 80% of work will be very problematic, while the cost of maintaining it is quite significant. Although, it is worth noting that we have such companies and such analysts.

As for system analysts, without having a BA on staff, they make little sense, except when you come across a customer with business analysts on their part, or a professional customer who knows and knows how to convey his “Wishlist” to the team (yes- Yes, not all customers know exactly what they want).


So, the main qualities / skills of an ideal analyst (note that some qualities are innate, while others are developed, some quickly, and some quite long.

Analytic mind. This is the ability to analyze or, in other words, the ability to put information on the shelves and build logical chains. This is one of the characteristic styles of human thinking.

An analytical mindset is not inherent in everyone from birth, but any of us can develop analytical abilities in ourselves, so do not despair.

The ability to notice details, attentiveness and systems thinking. On the one hand, these qualities are characteristic of a person with an analytical mindset, but still these are separate skills, or even habits that can and should be developed in oneself.

communication skills and communication namely:

  1. the ability to listen and hear.
  2. the ability to express one's thoughts clearly and concisely.
  3. the ability to establish and establish contacts and relationships with other people.

Knowledge of IT and software development fundamentals(the so-called technical background).

Knowledge of foreign language(most often English) in terms of written and oral application. Domestic outsourcing is mainly directed to foreign countries.

Naturally, in unique situations, when you know that you will build your entire professional career exclusively on interaction with Russian-speaking customers, you can safely ignore this item.

Learnability. Moreover, learning is not only at the stage of learning. In principle, it is important for analytics and it is necessary to constantly improve, “pump” in one area or another, follow new technologies, tools and approaches, filter information flows.

Creativity. We have not in vain noted that these are the qualities of an ideal analyst.

In life, you are unlikely to meet a person who has these qualities / skills from birth or who received them in full at school or university. They will have to be developed and developed.

Let's say more: as you move up the career ladder (and we will write about this later), you will have to develop and acquire additional skills, no less complex and interesting.

We must not forget that every profession has both advantages and disadvantages.

And if you, most likely, have heard a lot about the merits, because it was not in vain that you were drawn into business analysis, then you may not know about the shortcomings. But for the sake of completeness of the picture, we will present both.

Why you might like the job of a business analyst:

  • this is interesting (of course, not always, of course, depending on the company and the project, but still ...)
  • work involves constant communication (unlike developers and testers, an analyst will not be able to sit in front of a monitor all day, and this, in our opinion, is great)
  • a variety of activities (here you have communication, and information analysis, and documentation, and design, and problem solving, and team management, and lecturing - and that's not all)
  • the possibility of growth in breadth and upwards (if there is a desire, of course)
  • the material side of the issue
  • the opportunity to visit other countries and all the benefits that follow from this.

Why you might not like the job of a business analyst:

  1. it’s boring (again, it depends on the specifics of the project and the company – sometimes you will have to do monotonous and routine work, or work that you don’t like)
  2. the need to communicate (more precisely, you willy-nilly have to communicate, and, in most cases, not only in Russian, plus periodically make public speeches)
  3. the need to switch between different activities and, as you progress, between several projects that are completely different in nature
  4. the need to make decisions and take responsibility for their decisions.

Everything here is purely individual, plus a lot depends on where you will work (in which company / with which customers / with which team / on which project / in which subject area).

Source: http://site/

Career Business Intelligence

A business analyst is a relatively new profession for the modern labor market.

Initially, many of the functions of a business analyst were carried out by a project manager (gathering high-level requirements) and a systems analyst (developing functional requirements).

Moreover, at present, in some companies, there is still no clear delineation of the duties of a project manager and a business analyst, and in some places the functions of a project manager and a business analyst are carried out by one person.

If you are inquisitive, have well-developed communication skills and analytical skills, then this promising direction may interest you.

By acting as an intermediary between the client and the IT team, the business analyst translates business needs into software and organizational solutions.


  • Gathering information by conducting surveys, market research, interviewing the customer and other interested parties in order to identify their current and future needs.
  • Development of proposals and recommendations that can meet the real needs of the customer.
  • Presentation of the solution to the client.
  • Advising the customer on the optimization of his business processes.
  • Writing the necessary documentation independently or under the guidance of a senior business analyst.
  • Effective interaction with the development team and the customer throughout the entire project cycle.

Junior Business Analyst Competency Model

Threshold competencies: customer orientation, information gathering, persuasive communication, analytical skills.

Differentiating competencies: teamwork, responsibility, quality orientation.


The salary of a business analyst varies from 500 to 3500 USD per month, depending on work experience and place of work.

The salary of a junior business analyst without work experience varies from 500 to 600 USD per month.


Business analysts must be able and know much more than ordinary employees. Their field of activity is the area of ​​strategic planning, budgeting, analysis and development of business processes.

People in this profession lead the business to the peak of maximum efficiency, making it competitive and potentially profitable.

The main task of a business analyst is to propose and implement changes that will benefit the organization.

A business analyst is a principal researcher who, based on the analysis of specific indicators of business processes, must calculate areas where changes will have a positive potential impact on the overall result.

A person of this profession plans effective strategies, ways and schemes for their implementation and predicts the effect of their implementation.

Business analysts are in demand in the government, corporate sectors, as well as in the areas of financial and corporate services.

The profession appeared not so long ago. For a long time, the function of analyzing all processes in the company was shifted to the heads of areas and departments. Very often they did not have the necessary knowledge for this and relied solely on their practical skills.

With the active development of business technologies, representatives of companies and state corporations have a need to hire highly qualified specialists.

So, a business analyst is engaged in the analysis of internal corporate processes, he especially studies the work of the company, seeks to minimize costs and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.


He evaluates the applied business model, finds "breakdowns" - unprofitable actions and solutions, suggests other optimal approaches to work.

This process is called "reengineering", or business engineering (it was singled out as a separate branch of doing business recently - at the end of the last century). In fact, it is a process of getting rid of non-working mechanisms and introducing new ones.

A specialist of this profile often has more than one higher education, colossal managerial experience, as well as certificates of many special training courses.

Traditionally, people with higher education in mathematics, cybernetics or economics are taken to the position. Often, these specialists additionally go to universities for knowledge in that narrow area, which becomes the main area of ​​their analysis.

Thus, the business analyst is easily oriented in related industries. For example, if a specialist has a degree in IT, and in order to take the position of a business analyst, he should receive an education (take courses) in the field of financial management or economics.

It is almost impossible to predict what a business analyst needs to know to perform tasks in a particular corporation.

In the process of immersion in work, already at the initial stage it will become clear where the specialist has gaps and how to close them.

A business analyst of a “general profile” usually has in his list of job responsibilities such items as automating the processes of accounting, marketing and storage of commodity items.

If he gets an additional specialization, he will be able to research and improve the production process in more detail.

Experts believe that the optimization of specific areas of business and reengineering should be entrusted to a narrow-profile analyst who focuses on a specific manufacturing industry.

This reduces risks and potential costs. General analysts should be engaged in drawing up a strategy as a whole for the entire company.

In the figure, inside the figure outlined by the red dotted line, standard tasks are indicated, and the shaded area represents the actual duties.

What should a BA be able to do?

Most importantly, a business analyst must be able to understand, analyze, predict and formulate strategic plans for business development.

Also, a business analyst must have special knowledge, for example, in the field of design in a special modeling language (UML).

That is, among the skills of a specialist, not just the ability to provide a report in the form of numbers, tables and diagrams in PowerPoint, but to work out business models in detail is welcome. The latter is carried out in the following programs: BPWin, RRose, ARIS and others.

Having built graphical models, at the end, the specialist formulates detailed recommendations for modernizing business processes.

Most often, business analysts are expected to have competencies in the field of CRM, data processing systems, data analysis.

Also, a specialist in this profession should have experience in writing technical specifications, developing regulations, computer skills, especially in modeling programs.

A good business analyst is distinguished by analytical thinking, a systematic approach and the ability to systematize and work with any amount of information, as well as the ability to speak correctly and write thoughts.


General Analyst deals with:

  1. collection and systematization of analysis results;
  2. creation of business process models;
  3. analysis of efficiency and preparation of proposals for optimizing work;
  4. development of regulations, documentation, reporting systems;
  5. comparative analysis with competitors of the organization's activities;
  6. making presentations for managers or customers.


This profession is highly paid and is considered very prestigious. Business analysts are director-level specialists. Where do business analysts work and get decent pay?

A promising profession in the banking and trade sectors, the construction industry. And the most profitable in the mining industry and the IT sector.

The salary of an analyst depends on his professional skills and experience. Today, the level of salaries, depending on the region of Russia, ranges from 40 to 140 thousand rubles a month.

The average salary of a business analyst per month is about 60 thousand rubles. The given figures are typical for the Moscow region, in the provinces the level of wages is somewhat lower.

Where to begin?

From education. Graduates of universities in the specialties of economics, finance and mathematics can apply for the position of analyst. It is important that the applicant has excellent theoretical knowledge in the field of business process analysis.


In Russia today it is difficult to find suitable training programs, immersion in which will allow you to become a generalist in business analysis. But there are professional retraining programs.

For example, the School of IT Management at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation offers a program for project managers and business analysis.

Applicants for the position of financial analyst are graduating from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. MIPT offers a program for students wishing to become a systems analyst.

The HSE Faculty of Business Informatics also trains business analysts, but only in the field of information technology.

And specifically, the program of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow is devoted to the direction of analytics.

For an analyst, practice in the financial sector is no less important, albeit small at the initial stage. It is worth paying attention to the development of communication skills in order to get along with colleagues and build close working contact with subordinates.

The future analyst should develop coaching and recruiting skills.

This will come in handy during work meetings with employees when they have to communicate changes in the business process and do it in a way that motivates people to continue productive work.

A business analyst career can start at the junior staff level: as an assistant, manager, deputy, etc. You will have to work under the supervision of others for some time in order to gain experience and practical knowledge.

You should choose a specialty for exams - advanced level: financial management and performance management.


According to's survey of the most in-demand professions today, more and more companies are looking for a specialist in business analysis.

It is becoming more and more difficult to approve the expenses of companies for the implementation of new projects, so they must be absolutely justified in terms of achieving business goals. And the collection of the evidence base can only be entrusted to a professional analyst.

According to, today, generalists are becoming more and more in demand, capable of a global approach to the analysis of business processes, and not of its individual areas of activity, such as human resources management, marketing department, development department, etc.

At the same time, they must be competent not only in the field of IT (which is already a template in relation to the business analyst profession), but also in general in doing business.

If a business analyst is able to assess the situation from the outside, while deeply understanding the features of the proposed solutions, he becomes a valuable asset in the company.

Reengineering has been used in Russia quite recently, and with the growth of business requirements for the pace of development, the need for specialists is constantly growing.

Today, the demand for such specialists is so high that the market for proposals cannot yet satisfy it.

HR executives and corporate directors are publishing forecasts that the need for systems analysts will increase markedly in the future.

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