
Export of gold jewelry from the Russian Federation. Customs clearance of jewelry and costume jewelry Registration with the Assay Office: list of obligated persons and features of the procedure

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 1994 N 35 “On the procedure for the import into and export from the Russian Federation of goods containing precious metals, precious stones, amber and products made from it” provides for the following procedure for the export of these goods by subjects of foreign economic activity.
The export of products containing precious metals, precious stones, amber and products made from it is carried out under licenses issued by the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation on the basis of applications according to the samples established by this Ministry, previously agreed upon with the Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones.
The Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation has the right to issue general licenses for the export of goods containing precious metals, precious stones, amber and products made from it only by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of a proposal from the Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones.
The basis for issuing licenses for the export of goods containing precious metals and precious stones are quotas approved annually by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Precious Metals and Precious Stones, taking into account the needs of the domestic market and international agreements concluded by the Russian Federation.
In particular, the export of goods specified in the appendix to the Regulations on the procedure for import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of goods containing precious metals, precious stones, amber and products made from it is subject to licensing.
To approve applications for licenses, the applicant submits the following documents to the Gokhran of Russia:
- a covering letter addressed to the head of the Gokhran of Russia;
- application for a license (permit), filled out in accordance with the rules determined by the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation (applications for a license (permit) are drawn up for each type of product, indicating the specific content of precious metals and for each contract (agreement) separately);
- a copy of the contract (agreement) and specifications of imported or exported goods made of precious metals and precious stones, which reflects the full range in quantitative and cost terms;
- in case of import and export of electronic scrap and waste or ores and concentrates containing precious metals, a copy of the certificate of the chemical composition of the imported or exported goods, issued by certification centers;
- a copy of the agreement between the exporter and importer and the manufacturer or consumer of the goods, if the applicant is an intermediary;
- copies of documents indicating the source of precious metals and precious stones;
- a copy of the registration certificate of the Assay Supervision Inspectorate at the place of registration of the applicant for the right to work with precious stones, precious metals, products made from them and goods containing them;
- copies of constituent documents;
- copies of registration documents;
- for legal entities - certificate of state registration;
- for individuals - a certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur with a tax authority stamp.
Copies of documents must be bound and certified by the seal of the applicant, who is responsible for the accuracy of the documents submitted.
The decision to approve an application for a license (permit) or to refuse it is made within 10 days from the date of registration of documents in the general department of the Gokhran of Russia.
If additional consideration of newly submitted documents is necessary, the decision-making period may be extended, but not more than 3 days from the date of submission of revised or missing documents.
The period for making a decision on issuing approval or refusing to approve applications for licenses (permits) for the import (export) of rough diamonds and polished diamonds is 14 days from the date of registration of documents in the general department of the Gokhran of Russia (order of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, storage, release and use of precious metals and precious stones dated June 18, 1997 N 123).
In the case of the export of products of cultural value in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 N 4804-1 “On the export and import of cultural property” and not prohibited for export from the Russian Federation, the only basis for the export and temporary export of cultural property from the Russian Federation is a certificate for the right to export, issued in the prescribed manner by the Department for the Preservation of Cultural Property of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies for the preservation of cultural property, which, based on an examination, make decisions on the possibility or impossibility of export or temporary export of cultural property.
The examination of cultural property declared for export or temporary export is carried out by specialists from museums, restoration and research organizations and other specialists authorized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to carry out this activity.
The procedure for obtaining permits for the export of cultural property from the Russian Federation is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 1998 N 503 “On approval of instructions on the procedure for monitoring the export and temporary export of cultural property.”
To obtain a certificate for the right to export (send by post) cultural property from the Russian Federation, its owner submits a written application in advance to the relevant territorial body for the preservation of cultural property.
The application is accompanied by two copies of lists and photographs (size 8 x 12 cm) with a description of each item proposed for export. In the case of export of cultural property by its author, it is also necessary to provide a photocopy of a document confirming its authorship.
If necessary, documents certifying the value of cultural property declared for export (receipts, labels, etc.) are also presented, as well as, in some cases, confirming ownership of them.
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial body for the preservation of cultural property, based on the submitted materials, appoints an examination of cultural property declared for export, the period of which should not exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the application.
Examination of cultural property declared for export is carried out on a paid basis.
Based on the results of the examination of cultural property declared for export, based on the conclusion of the expert commission and verification of the submitted documents, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial body for the preservation of cultural property makes a decision on the possibility of their export (transfer) from the Russian Federation and the issuance of the appropriate certificate.
The certificate is valid for three months from the date of its issue. If the applicant receives a certificate, a special fee is paid to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial body for the preservation of cultural property for the right to export cultural property abroad.
The list of cultural property that is subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Export and Import of Cultural Property” and exported on the basis of a certificate from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as the list of goods that are not subject to this Law and exported without permission from the Ministry of Culture, is given in the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated July 21. 99 N 528.
Customs clearance of products made of precious metals and precious stones (in the area of ​​activity of the Central Customs Administration) is carried out at the customs post for registration of export and import of precious metals and stones of the Moscow Northern Customs (Moscow, 1st Mytishchinskaya St., 17).
At the same time, we inform you that the period for processing documents for the purpose of exporting jewelry outside the Russian Federation, as a rule, ranges from 3 to 6 months.

Plus, it will also play a role for what purpose the products were purchased

Jewelry, jewelry, products made of gold, silver, precious stones - customs clearance, limits, restrictions

The procedure for individuals moving jewelry, stones and precious metals for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union is provided for by the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the procedure for individuals moving goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and performing customs operations related to their release" dated June 18, 2010 and the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

When exporting products made from precious metals and precious stones, only valuables worth no more than 25 thousand US dollars can be recognized as goods for personal use. If the value exceeds the norm, the goods are subject to customs clearance in accordance with the general procedure.

The classification of goods transported by individuals across the customs border as goods for personal use is carried out by the customs authority based on:

) statements of an individual about goods being moved (orally or in writing using a passenger customs declaration) in cases established by the Agreement on the procedure for individuals moving goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and performing customs operations related to their release dated June 18 2010;

2) the nature and quantity of goods;

3) the frequency of crossing by an individual and (or) movement of goods across the customs border.

Meanwhile, some Russians bring jewelry and other products made of precious metals from abroad, many times exceeding the permitted volume, “forgetting” to declare the goods in the prescribed form, thereby violating customs legislation. Here are some examples. More detailed information can be found on the websites of customs authorities.

In 2014, the department for combating especially dangerous types of smuggling of the Central Operational Customs successfully carried out a number of operations to identify and suppress the illegal import of jewelry, precious stones and goods made of precious metals into Russia.

Thus, the implementation of operational investigative measures together with Domodedovo customs made it possible to initiate two criminal cases (Part 1 of Article 194 and Part 1 of Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against a Russian citizen who tried to smuggle 44 diamonds into our country. During a personal search of a passenger arriving from Israel, customs officers found 44 precious stones in specially made secret pockets of his underwear. The examination estimated the total cost of smuggling at 6 million 600 thousand rubles. The amount of unpaid customs duties accordingly amounted to 2 million 382 thousand rubles.

The Russian citizen who illegally brought four pieces of jewelry worth over four million rubles from Europe to Russia was also not distinguished by her originality. During a personal search of the woman, 4 items with precious stones surrounded by diamonds were found in the secret pockets of her underwear. The amount of unpaid customs duties is one million 300 thousand rubles.

In April 2014, Sheremetyevo customs officials, during customs control of the New York-Moscow flight, found two diamond pendants worth about 20 million rubles in the luggage of a Russian citizen. There were no corresponding documents for the product. In connection with this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual). The amount of unpaid customs duties amounted to 5 million 737 thousand rubles.

In May 2014, Astrakhan Airport Astrakhan customs officers, while attempting to cross the customs border through the “green” corridor, detained three Russian citizens, natives of Dagestan, who arrived on a flight from Turkey (Istanbul). The women tried to smuggle about 9 kilograms of jewelry without declaration - chains, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, watches, bracelets. Also, coasters, vases, and boxes made of white and yellow metal were found in the luggage. The products were hidden among children's and women's clothing, bed linen and were discovered during customs inspection. Based on this fact, cases of administrative offenses were initiated under Part 1 of Art. 16.2 (failure to declare goods subject to customs declaration in the prescribed form), jewelry and other items (stands, vases, boxes) were seized and sent for examination. At the moment, court hearings have been held in two cases of administrative offenses; the court has decided to bring the person to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense and choose a preventive measure - confiscation.

At the beginning of November 2014, at the customs post of Volgograd Airport of Astrakhan customs, during customs control, post officials detained residents of Volgograd who arrived on a flight from Egypt (Hurghada). Undeclared goods were found in the luggage - jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, earrings, necklaces), the total weight of which was 2.6 kg. All jewelry was seized and sent for examination. Based on these facts, cases of administrative offenses were initiated under Art. 16.2 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (non-declaration in the prescribed form of goods subject to customs declaration).


Question: I am a citizen of Russia, permanent residence in Canada, I would like to import 925 sterling silver pendants (without chains) from Toronto to Moscow, in the amount of 30 pieces, weighing 18 grams each. total cost 1,535 Canadian dollars (approximately 45,000 rubles), receipts available. Do I have to declare and pay any duty? I’m bringing products as gifts to relatives and friends, but I guess that the customs office is unlikely to believe my generosity (although this is less than half of my monthly salary). Please dispel or confirm my suspicions.

Answer: It’s not that they won’t believe in your kindness. The fact that you are bringing the same gifts to different people will cause great suspicion. A gift is an individual thing. Who needs a book? some candy, some a scarlet flower. And you have identical chains with a total weight of half a kilo. I confidently say: “They won’t believe me.” Think about something else. There are five different things no matter what, but no, it won’t work.

Question:I have lived in London for more than 10 years, I am a British citizen, and I also retain Russian citizenship. I come to Moscow 5-6 times a year to visit my elderly mother, sister and nephew and, of course, friends. On October 20, 2009, I once again went to Moscow for 5 days for the wedding of a close friend. On this occasion, I put on a gift from my husband for my 50th anniversary (which was in 2006) - a bracelet with diamonds and hoop earrings. I also had a small butterfly pendant on my neck (3 items - nothing else). I always wear these jewelry to special events and have been to Moscow with them several times already. In London there is nowhere to wear them - the culture is different. While crossing the border along the green corridor, they stopped me, asked me to take these things off (I didn’t hide them) and took them away!!! They kept me for about 4 hours. They sent the items for examination and valued them at many times more than their value. 150,000 thousand!!! I can take a document from the Graff company (the company that produced these items) that they never valued these items at that amount. My husband bought these items for £13,000 (about $20,000) a few years ago, for which we have an invoice. But even if they valued them at that amount, do I really have to declare my things every time? I remember, when leaving Russia, I asked the customs officer if I needed to declare my jewelry and he waved his hand and said, if it’s his own, then it’s not necessary. Please help me with advice on what documents are needed to take my things back. And do I have any rights due to the fact that I do not live in Moscow at all, but only come for 5-6 days. I live in London, work here, pay taxes, etc. Would it be easier to get them when I go to London? I looked at many sites on the Internet on this topic. Yours is the best.

Answer: Next time you will probably have to stay in Russia. Prepare all possible documents about the origin of the jewelry. From the store, etc. Everything that is. Photocopy and send to customs for inclusion in the case file, if any. In general, you need to complain to the Federal Customs Service or directly to the Prosecutor's Office. What they did to you is a blatant violation. I would say customs chaos. They had no right to detain anything. By putting the jewelry on yourself, you “declared” it, i.e. didn't hide. Everything must be returned to you with an apology. Maybe you didn't write everything. What document were you given regarding the seizure of jewelry?

Question 2: Thank you very much for the answer. I was wearing jewelry and I pointed it out myself when the customs officer asked if I had anything valuable - here, they say, are my jewelry. She ignored my answer, called more people, and one of them asked me to take off my jewelry, they put it in some kind of plastic glass and I was led into the room. The glass was on the table. Then there was a personal search, about which I have a report, during which nothing was found. They also gave me a Customs Inspection Certificate, where it is not written anywhere that the jewelry was on me (at that moment they were already in the glass). It says there - the goods were presented - 1 place. (Why one? Things - 3 items). And a letter that my goods (!!) have been placed in a customs temporary storage warehouse for examination, in order to establish the purpose and cost, as well as the presence or absence of an offense. I also wrote a statement in which I wrote that I was wearing the things, that I was going to a wedding, that I had already been with them in Russia. But they did not give me a copy of it! Can they destroy it? I’ll be honest, as a person raised in the Archiperlag Gulag, I was very scared and sat quietly as a mouse, which was probably not at all right. But the way they treated me was terrible. And I don’t want to go to Russia at all, because I read on the Internet that if it costs as much as they wrote, it’s already a criminal case. But, of course, I’m ready to leave with documents. but I can’t be there for a long time, since I work in London and vacations are very strict here. Although I still don’t understand whether all Englishmen who come to visit Moscow must declare the clothes they are wearing. Is there such a law? Is there a law that says that I must declare things purchased a long time ago every time? Do you have a good, knowledgeable lawyer in Moscow who is as well versed in customs law as you are? Maybe you can recommend it to me? Thank you very much,

Answer: I was right, this is ordinary chaos. You urgently need to write a complaint addressed to the head of the Federal Customs Service Belyaninov A.Yu. The address is on the website. You must have a document confirming the seizure of jewelry with an accurate description and weight. Describe the entire inspection procedure. Were you asked to write a declaration before the personal search? Was there a resolution from the head of customs on the declaration to conduct a personal search? All this is important, I suspect that there were many violations. The Gulag was a long time ago, now we need to defend our rights. What did you violate if you entered the country? There are too many questions. You can write a letter to Duma deputy Valery Gavrilovich Draganov, he was the head of the Federal Customs Service ( and will understand everything. Unfortunately, I don’t know any lawyers in Moscow, but you can search on the Internet.

Question: On December 30, I bought defective earrings worth about a thousand euros at a diamond factory in Amsterdam. The breakdown was discovered in Russia. Tax Free has not yet been received. What should I do? Return, replacement or repair. As where? I sent an email to the factory with a photo of the breakdown and questions... alas, silence Again, buying a tour to Holland is expensive, and it’s not a fact that my words are recognized as true. The defect is obvious, the seller could not have known about it, but took advantage of the rush of tourists... Dear Alexander Mikhailovich, please advise. Thank you.

Answer: There are two options. Go to Holland and demand repair or replacement. Or take it to your local jewelry repair shop. There is probably nothing more to be done.

Question: A gold bracelet and two rings with precious stones were sent in a letter from America. They were purchased at an e-bay auction by a friend in America (the price for which they bought was much lower than what they could value at customs), the invoice is new, the letter was not included. detained at customs.What do I need to do? bring checks to customs or they will still evaluate it in their own way (and this will be a very large amount). And is it possible to send everything back if there is a very high duty?

Answer: I think you have a problem. Money and valuables are usually not sent in letters. Perhaps customs has already opened a case of administrative violation. If so, then the problem is big. You can send the invoice, but it is unlikely to help. The duty is not calculated on the actual cost. You could buy this for a ruble. And for the customs value of goods, if it is impossible to determine the value based on the transaction price, then the customs office uses other methods for determining the customs value, including the value of similar goods. Buying cheap is good luck, but the duty will still be high. Try to recall the parcel. I don't know if this will work for you.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich. I am going to import copies of jewelry and watches from Asia, weight up to 15 kg, some silver, for sale. I am ready to pay all duties. Which is better: through the red corridor or DHL, as a physical person. person or individual entrepreneur? And will there be any questions about whether these are copies? All goods will be without documents, purchased on the market. Thank you in advance

Answer: Don’t go into the “green” corridor. You should go through the "red" and declare everything as a commercial shipment, duty, excise duty and VAT will have to be paid in full. However, in general I don't like your idea. You will have serious problems and I doubt that anything will be released to you. You call them copies, but in customs parlance they call them counterfeit products. All over the world they are fighting against the import of counterfeit goods. So you don’t have many chances to sell these goods.

Question: Hello, I’m planning a trip to Europe on vacation, this is my first time going abroad. Since I wear silver jewelry, I will have a silver chain with a pendant, silver earrings with topaz and a ring with a semi-precious stone - this is what I will be wearing. As a gift, I am bringing a gold chain with an engraved name pendant and two engraved training rings with names, (all bought in Moscow) one for my fiance, and the second for me, with whom I will return back to Moscow. Do I need to fill out a declaration and what should I write in it? Can I go to the green corridor?
Answer: It is not necessary to declare this amount of jewelry.

Question: Good afternoon! please help me find out how customs clearance will happen
jewelry ordered via the Internet for personal purposes, the cost of which, including shipping (shipping), does not exceed 65,000 rubles. If the products come from the USA, Indonesia, Turkey, etc. - does customs clearance depend on this? Delivery takes place via Moscow internal mail.

Answer: I naively believe that items sent from different countries are sent not by domestic mail, but by international mail. In addition, it follows from your question that you intend to streamline the import of jewelry. So, mind-blowing difficulties await you. It’s okay if you get one cheap (worth up to 10 thousand rubles) ring once a year. Then maybe they will give it to you duty-free at the post office, where the postal department of the Moscow customs operates. Regularly receiving parcels of jewelry from different countries of the world is another matter. The fact is that customs clearance of gold and other jewelry falls under the competence of the Central Excise Customs, which is not present at the post office. This is where the problems begin. It’s completely out of place for you to mention 65,000 rubles. On my website it has been repeatedly explained which rules apply in which cases. Let's take a look again and try to formulate your question.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich, please advise how much gold (jewelry) can be taken out without declaration from Dushanbe to Moscow? And how much can you take out?

Answer: You can bring as much as you like into Moscow, but I don’t know how much you can export from Dushanbe. "East is a delicate matter"

Question: Dear Aleksandrovich Mikhailovich, please tell me, I want to take gold earrings with diamonds worth 24,000 rubles from Russia to the USA as a gift. Do I need to include them in the declaration and what duties must I pay? Thank you in advance!

Answer: Take it calmly and give it as a gift. You don’t have to declare it and go through the “green corridor” if, of course, there is nothing else that needs to be declared.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich, I have the intention of importing silver jewelry (in small quantities) from Peru. I want to try to place an order with a manufacturer-seller for a small order for 2-3 thousand dollars as an individual. And if it works out with the implementation (via the Internet), then I’ll register an individual entrepreneur in order to “live in peace.” From your correspondence I realized that it is best to do this through DHL, TNT, etc.

Tell me, is it possible and does it make sense to order you to draw up schemes for optimizing customs payments and deliveries?

Answer: Such shipments will be considered commercial and therefore you will need a customs broker. Your job is to find a serious broker or one who will optimize payments, constantly risking your money and your freedom. It seems to me that it is better to find a good professional broker and, having concluded an agreement with him, live and work in peace. By the way, UPS, DHL and TNT all have a customs broker license and can provide a full range of services. If you live in St. Petersburg, I can advise you, but understand correctly, this is already a paid job.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich! I intend to import jewelry to Russia from sunny India, registered as an individual entrepreneur without a legal entity. Please tell me how much it will cost for customs clearance of 10 kg of silver jewelry with semi-precious stones (topaz, zircon, amethyst, black star, ruby ​​star, garnet, pearls) with a purchase price of 200 thousand rubles. Thanks in advance,

Answer: According to the Constitution and the Customs Code, you have every right to the proposed actions. The duty on jewelry is 20% of the customs value of the goods, which includes the cost itself plus delivery costs. VAT -18% is charged on the amount of customs duty and accrued duty. So consider it.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich, please help me understand the following question:
A foreign company wants to give its representative office in the Russian Federation 585 gold award badges with the company logo to encourage its employees. Registration will be carried out at a specialized TsAT post. Is it necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations for customs clearance if the supply is not commercial between non-residents? Please tell me the regulations on customs clearance of imported jewelry. Thank you in advance!

Answer: According to the certificate for products of group 7113, 7114, a license may or may not be required. This is regulated by Order of the State Customs Committee No. 150 of March 19, 1996. Given the limited supply and free delivery, it most likely will not be needed. The main thing is to choose the right product code.

Question: Hello! Please tell me, I am going to import jewelry from Denmark to Russia; currently, in accordance with the Tax Code, products made from precious metals are not included in the list of excisable goods. In this regard, is it necessary to clear customs jewelry at excise customs? What payments and in what amount will I need to pay when importing these products?

Answer: Payments are very simple. Duty 20% and VAT 18%. There really is no excise tax, but certain types of products require a license. Regarding the place of customs clearance, it is necessary to look at the orders of the Federal Customs Service on the competence of customs authorities in specific regions. We have one excise customs office; there are posts in all regions. Customs posts located at international airports are usually authorized to carry out customs clearance of jewelry. And it is unlikely that you will transport jewelry by sea in a container.

Question: I want to buy diamond earrings in India for 2 thousand dollars. In Russia, these cost 3 thousand dollars. At what price will customs officials value them? And if you buy earrings for 5 thousand dollars. How much will customs duties be? Thank you

Answer: If there are only one earrings, then no one will notice them. It's up to you to decide whether to take risks or not. They fit into the norm for duty-free import, there is nothing to be afraid of, then you can save the receipt. The main thing is that this is your first trip in a month.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich.
Please advise how to properly arrange jewelry (gold, precious stones, about 1 kg), which are imported into Russia as samples (for negotiations) and will be exported back. Do I need to pay duty, excise tax, VAT? If you need to leave some of the jewelry in Russia, will it be possible to pay customs duties after the fact when leaving the country and how problematic is this? Thank you in advance.

Answer: For samples imported temporarily, it is most correct to issue a customs declaration under the temporary import regime. Customs has the right to request security in the form of a deposit or other guarantees for payment of customs duties. When it becomes clear which of the products will remain in Russia, they will need to be declared for free circulation, and the rest will need to be exported by registering for return export. I warn you in advance that it is necessary to have a detailed specification indicating the cost of each product. Also, do not forget that jewelry is processed only at excise customs and their posts.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich If my family (4 people), me, my husband, children 9 and 14 years old, are going on vacation abroad. Upon departure, we can carry 3000 $$ x 4 people = 12,000 $$ in cash? And upon returning things 35 kg X 4 people = 140 kg or 65,000 rubles X 4 people = 260 thousand rubles? And also, what does it mean to describe jewelry in detail in the customs exit declaration? Description: name and shape of the decoration, name of the metal, name of the stones, their number, diameter in mm? If I do not take declared items with me on a trip and only $3,000 in cash, then upon arrival I can safely walk along the green corridor, only after checking my luggage? Where can I read about the norms for imported perfumes (perfumes) and alcoholic beverages without duty, I can safely multiply these norms in my case by 4?

Answer: You can indeed export up to $12,000 for 4 people without declaring. However, I advise you not to do this. Take some cash, and the rest is easier and more convenient to transport in the form of a plastic card or even several. It is not necessary to describe your jewelry in great detail; it is your right to declare them for temporary export, so that no questions arise upon re-entry. Sometimes the sample is indicated, but there was no detailed description before. If you do not declare anything and your currency is less than $3,000, then you can really go along the “green corridor”; by the way, in this corridor your luggage may not be scanned. By the way, black caviar is limited for export, 150g per person. Upon entry, alcohol is limited to no more than 2 liters per person who has reached the age of majority. Perfumes and other perfumes are imported in quantities necessary for personal consumption. In total, you can import 65,000 rubles or 35 kg of purchased goods, but this is only if you have not been abroad for more than a month. In general, I advise you to take a minimum of things with you. Why burden yourself with a trip? I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! I am planning to travel to Paris as a tourist. I take a few personal items with me, and on the way back I plan to buy clothes and jewelry for personal use worth at least 50 thousand euros. Please tell me what duties and VAT I am required to pay. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: Tourists, as a rule, do not purchase clothes and jewelry for the amount indicated by you. Tourists come for impressions and souvenirs. The rules provide for duty-free import of goods worth up to 65,000 rubles and weighing no more than 35 kg. Anything above this amount is subject to a duty of 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 euros per kg. Goods exceeding the amount of $10,000 are issued under the customs declaration and are subject to duty in accordance with the tariff, plus excise duty on jewelry and VAT on everything. Trying to hide anything is unlikely to succeed. You will receive a tax free refund. Thus, your tourist trip will be overshadowed by lengthy proceedings at customs upon your return. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Hello, dear Alexander Mikhailovich! I am going for permanent residence to the USA, I am a citizen of Russia. I would like to clarify the permissible norms and rules for the export of jewelry, currency and the maximum weight of luggage when passing through customs control. Thank you in advance.

Answer: I advise you to find out at the American consulate the rules for importing things into America. There are almost no export restrictions from Russia. Jewelry can be exported in any quantity, but not older than 100 years, otherwise it is already a work of art. Currency: up to $3,000 without declaration, up to $10,000 must be declared. Over $10,000 - on a credit card. Pay attention to the air ticket. The allowed amount of luggage is indicated there. Beyond this - for a fee. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Good afternoon, I want to import jewelry from Thailand to Moscow. I am interested in: 1) how much goods can I carry in my hand luggage 2) if I arrange cargo transportation, what tax will be charged?

Answer: The movement of goods across the border is possible for different purposes: for personal use and for commerce. For personal use, they are admitted at a preferential rate, but limited, “for an amount of no more than 65,000 rubles and weighing no more than 35 kg.” Anything exceeding the specified restrictions is subject to a customs duty of 30% of the customs value of the goods. You can receive parcels by mail, but not more than 10,000 rubles per week. However, if you say that you are carrying or receiving goods by mail for commercial purposes, or customs decides this on its own based on the weight, quantity or frequency of movement, then you will pay duty. Your question is especially interesting because when the “shuttle” business is already “tied up”, you suddenly decided to engage in the difficult “shuttle” business. Well, I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Hello, dear Alexander Mikhailovich! I am interested in the following question. I heard that a US citizen can take with him personal items worth $10,000 when flying out of the States. Is it so? And at our Russian customs, how does this issue stand? How much can he import personal items for? The fact is that my friend (US citizen) wants to bring his mother (Russian citizen) a set of diamond jewelry worth about $1000, perhaps even keeping the receipt. Will he need to pay customs duties when entering Russian territory? If yes, how much? Thank you!

Answer: Regardless of how much can be exported from the United States, any citizen (even the United States), entering Russia, has the right to import duty-free goods worth no more than 65,000 rubles and weighing no more than 35 kg. If the set of diamond jewelry does not exceed this norm, then there is no need to pay a duty. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Hello, Alexander Mikhailovich! I'm interested in the following question. If a piece of jewelry (worth approximately $250) is sent to me from the United States by mail or courier service (as a gift), will I or the sender pay a duty upon receipt? What is the fee? Thank you in advance!

Answer: You can receive duty-free parcels no more than once a month for an amount not exceeding 10,000 rubles. Thus, your necklace must be released duty-free. But this applies to mail. Courier services may not be properly licensed and this will not be considered a postal item and may be subject to a 30% fee. I wish you success, A.M. Puchkov.

Question: Dear Alexander Mikhailovich! Let me ask you a question. I am planning to purchase jewelry from a store located in India by ordering online and paying via PayPal (the store is trustworthy), I am interested in the question of the cost of customs clearance of jewelry and how this is actually done, that is, if the product is sent to me, Let's say UPS or TNT, do I receive goods already cleared through customs from them or should I fill out the customs declaration myself? What is the amount of customs duty for jewelry. And one more question, a friend from Germany is going to send me a shawl (1 piece, boo), is customs duty paid? I thank you in advance and wish you health, success and patience in your difficult task!

Answer: UPS and TNT issue parcels already cleared through customs. They pay the duty and charge for customs clearance, which I know is very reasonable. The customs duty is 20%, and if it is jewelry made of base metals, then the combined customs duty rate is 20%, but not less than 4 euros per kg. At the same time, I would not recommend buying jewelry online. The product may differ greatly from the picture. The cost, apparently, is not small, the duty is high. It's easier to send a shawl. Let your friend indicate some cost. Low, so as not to overpay, but not too low, so that customs does not swear and conduct its own assessment. If you still decide to buy Indian jewelry, try to ensure that the parcels arrive within a month. Thanks for the kind words. I wish you success and health, Puchkov A.

Question: Hello, I am a private entrepreneur and I want to import costume jewelry to Russia from Sweden in small quantities (up to 50,000) for resale, with a frequency of approximately 1-2 times a month, what documents do I need to fill out at customs, if I import jewelry as luggage and its weight? will not exceed 6 kg. Regards, Tatiana

Answer: Due to the fact that you intend to import jewelry for commercial purposes, the “green” corridor is contraindicated for you. You will fill out a simplified cargo customs declaration (CCD) and pay duty and VAT. Duty-free import rules do not apply to you.

Question: I'm going to return to Russia. Abroad, I was given jewelry with an approximate value of $3-4 thousand. will I have to pay a fee?

Answer: Formally you have to pay a fee. The norm for duty-free import into Russia is 65,000 rubles (the limit of 35 kg does not apply to you). However, this raises the question: will you declare the purchased gold yourself or not? Will customs be able to prove that you are importing these jewelry again? Or maybe you exported them temporarily, but did not declare them, and now you are importing them back and again do not declare them? After all, you are not required to declare them. Assess the risk and act. I told you the norm.

When exporting goods to countries participating in the Customs Union (Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan), customs clearance is not carried out and customs duties are not paid. For each consignment of goods, a statistical form is issued, which is submitted monthly to a specialized customs post of the Central Excise Customs (CAC). Customs clearance of jewelry is still carried out exclusively at specialized customs posts of TsAT in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Kaliningrad and Yekaterinburg. A prerequisite for the exporting company is registration with the regional State Inspectorate of Assay Supervision of the Assay Chamber of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and passing state control of the exported batch of jewelry, which is carried out by inspectors - employees of these regional inspections. In general, the export (export) of jewelry is regulated by the following legal acts:
1. “Customs Code of the Customs Union”, ratified by the Federal Law of June 2, 2010 No. 114-FZ (Chapter 31).
2. Federal Law of November 27, 2010 No. 311-FZ “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation” (Chapter 28).
3. “Regulations on the procedure for import into the customs territory of the Customs Union and export from the customs territory of the Customs Union of precious metals, precious stones and raw materials containing precious metals”, given in Appendix No. 2, approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated August 16, 2012 No. 134 (clauses 2.9, 2.10).
4. Order of the Federal Customs Service of May 12, 2011 No. 971 “On the competence of customs authorities to carry out customs operations in relation to precious metals and precious stones.”
5. Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2012 No. 138-i “On the procedure for the submission by residents and non-residents of documents and information related to foreign exchange transactions to authorized banks, the procedure for issuing transaction passports, as well as the procedure for authorized banks to record foreign exchange transactions and control for their implementation." The algorithm of actions of a Russian company exporting jewelry may be as follows:
. registration with the regional State Assay Supervision Inspectorate;
. searching for a foreign company willing to buy Russian products and concluding a contract (agreement) with it;
. registration of an export transaction passport in an authorized bank;
. receiving an order for the production of a specific batch of goods, its production and drawing up a specification for the contract (agreement) with a description of the terms of the transaction and products at the assortment level, indicating their quantity and weight;
. preparation of an invoice (invoice) for the supplied consignment of goods;
. issuing a certificate of origin, form ST-1, for the exported consignment of goods when exporting to the CIS countries;
. payment of fees for customs operations;
. state control of a consignment of goods in the regional Assay Supervision Inspectorate with the execution of an act of the established form;
. customs clearance of a consignment of goods at one of the specialized customs posts in electronic form using the Internet and issuing two paper copies of the goods declaration;
. sending a “customs-cleared” consignment of goods from the customs territory of the Customs Union by selected transport (road, air or sea).
The customs clearance period does not exceed four hours. The goods can be stored in the warehouse of the exporter or carrier.
Physical placement of a consignment of goods in the customs control zone is required only at the request of the customs authority when the FCS Risk Management System is triggered. In this case, a customs inspection is carried out. However, this happens extremely rarely. It should be noted that existing Russian legislation does not allow the sale of jewelry abroad at retail at exhibition events. For the purpose of studying foreign markets and promoting Russian products there, there is a customs procedure for “temporary export”. But this question requires a separate and not very short conversation.
Thus, the existing procedure for exporting products from precious metals contributes to the active growth of foreign economic activity of Russian jewelry enterprises and, in our opinion, should not cause them any particular difficulties in organizing this process. And if any problems arise, our company is always ready to provide clear and detailed advice.

Yuri Antonov, Deputy General Director of Admiral LLC

Magazine "Jewelry Russia", No. 42"2012

Customs clearance of jewelry and costume jewelry (customs clearance of jewelry) is one of the areas of work of Art-Service LLC. We have been working since 1998, we employ only experienced specialists who have undergone appropriate training, and we provide professional support and assistance at all stages of the work.

Customs clearance of jewelry: stages and features

Customs clearance of jewelry involves the provision of a large number of documents, interaction with a number of government bodies (not only customs, but also the Assay Office, as well as others. During the clearance process, you need to be prepared for customs control, as well as customs inspection. If you order customs clearance of costume jewelry and jewelry, you get the following advantages:

  1. Representation of your interests in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.
  2. Representation of your interests in the Assay Office.
  3. Assistance at the stages of customs inspection and control.
  4. Development of internal control rules.
  5. Production and registration of a name plate.
  6. Obtaining the necessary extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and other registers.

Art-Service LLC carries out customs clearance of costume jewelry and jewelry on a turnkey basis. If necessary, you can order from us only one separate service that interests you. Terms of cooperation, cost, list of procedures are agreed individually with each client.

Registration with the Assay Office: list of obligated persons and features of the procedure

Special registration is required for organizations of any form of ownership, as well as individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) carrying out activities related to precious metals and precious stones. Registering (if you have not already done so) is required for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs that work with:

  1. sales of precious metals, as well as stones and products made from them;
  2. with the purchase of products of their precious metals and stones;
  3. processing of stones, precious metals and products;
  4. using precious metals, products and stones for non-commercial purposes;
  5. using these objects as collateral legal relations (pawnshops);
  6. transportation, storage, and transportation of precious metals, stones and products made from them.
  7. With other areas of activity (you can check with our customs representative for more detailed information).

Development of Internal Control Rules (ICR)

Rosfinmonitoring and the Central Bank check companies for compliance with anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) legislation. If you do not have such documentation, you risk receiving fines. Our specialists will help you avoid risks and develop internal control rules in accordance with established legislation, as well as government recommendations and regulations. The list of organizations required to develop such rules includes microfinance organizations, insurers, credit organizations, pawnshops, individual entrepreneurs purchasing precious metals and jewelry, as well as many others (you can check with our specialists for more details).

Production and registration of a name plate (if necessary)

They are produced in full compliance with the requirements of the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate and must meet established standards. Registration of the name is carried out in the Assay Office.

Calculation of the cost of cargo delivery

Calculate the approximate cost of cargo delivery by our company to Moscow

cost of delivery of your goods

will be: 15,960 €

cost per tilt car 82m 3

This calculation is indicative and may vary up or down depending on seasonal and economic factors. Check with our specialists for the exact cost.


Follow the rules for moving jewelry across the customs border

The procedure for individuals moving jewelry, stones and precious metals for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union is provided for by the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the procedure for individuals moving goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and performing customs operations related to their release" dated June 18, 2010 and the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

According to the law, jewelry is imported into the country on a general basis, like other goods. Import of jewelry without paying customs duties is possible for goods classified as personal use. But only in the case when the cost of these goods transported by air does not exceed the amount of 10 thousand euros (by other modes of transport - 1.5 thousand euros) and the weight of the goods does not exceed 50 kg. If the value or weight standards are exceeded, the declaration of goods is carried out in writing with the payment of customs duties at a flat rate of 30% of the customs value, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram. Quantitative norms for the import of commercial consignments of goods are not limited by law.

When exporting products made from precious metals and precious stones, only valuables worth no more than 25 thousand US dollars can be recognized as goods for personal use. If the value exceeds the norm, the goods are subject to customs clearance in accordance with the general procedure.

The classification of goods transported by individuals across the customs border as goods for personal use is carried out by the customs authority based on:

1) statements of an individual about goods being moved (orally or in writing using a passenger customs declaration) in cases established by the Agreement on the procedure for individuals moving goods for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union and performing customs operations related to their release dated 18 June 2010;

2) the nature and quantity of goods;

3) the frequency of crossing by an individual and (or) movement of goods across the customs border.

Meanwhile, some Russians bring jewelry and other products made of precious metals from abroad, many times exceeding the permitted volume, “forgetting” to declare the goods in the prescribed form, thereby violating customs legislation. Here are some examples. More detailed information can be found on the websites of customs authorities.

In 2014, the department for combating especially dangerous types of smuggling of the Central Operational Customs successfully carried out a number of operations to identify and suppress the illegal import of jewelry, precious stones and goods made of precious metals into Russia.

Thus, the implementation of operational investigative measures together with Domodedovo customs made it possible to initiate two criminal cases (Part 1 of Article 194 and Part 1 of Article 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against a Russian citizen who tried to smuggle 44 diamonds into our country. During a personal search of a passenger arriving from Israel, customs officers found 44 precious stones in specially made secret pockets of his underwear. The examination estimated the total cost of smuggling at 6 million 600 thousand rubles. The amount of unpaid customs duties accordingly amounted to 2 million 382 thousand rubles.

The Russian citizen who illegally brought four pieces of jewelry worth over four million rubles from Europe to Russia was also not distinguished by her originality. During a personal search of the woman, 4 items with precious stones surrounded by diamonds were found in the secret pockets of her underwear. The amount of unpaid customs duties is one million 300 thousand rubles.

In April 2014, Sheremetyevo customs officials, during customs control of the New York-Moscow flight, found two diamond pendants worth about 20 million rubles in the luggage of a Russian citizen. There were no corresponding documents for the product. In connection with this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual). The amount of unpaid customs duties amounted to 5 million 737 thousand rubles.

In May 2014, Astrakhan Airport Astrakhan customs officers, while attempting to cross the customs border through the “green” corridor, detained three Russian citizens, natives of Dagestan, who arrived on a flight from Turkey (Istanbul). The women tried to smuggle about 9 kilograms of jewelry without declaration - chains, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, watches, bracelets. Also, coasters, vases, and boxes made of white and yellow metal were found in the luggage. The products were hidden among children's and women's clothing, bed linen and were discovered during customs inspection. Based on this fact, cases of administrative offenses were initiated under Part 1 of Art. 16.2 (failure to declare goods subject to customs declaration in the prescribed form), jewelry and other items (stands, vases, boxes) were seized and sent for examination. At the moment, court hearings have been held in two cases of administrative offenses; the court has decided to bring the person to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense and choose a preventive measure - confiscation.

At the beginning of November 2014, at the customs post of Volgograd Airport of Astrakhan customs, during customs control, post officials detained residents of Volgograd who arrived on a flight from Egypt (Hurghada). Undeclared goods were found in the luggage - jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, earrings, necklaces), the total weight of which was 2.6 kg. All jewelry was seized and sent for examination. Based on these facts, cases of administrative offenses were initiated under Art. 16.2 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (non-declaration in the prescribed form of goods subject to customs declaration).

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