
Photos in the pool ideas. This is the essential accessory for a pool photo shoot this summer! Separation in underwater photography

What is initially dangerous in the third semester is easily realized in water; a pregnant woman wearing high-heeled shoes is completely safe at this moment.

Today our favorite was our guest, now she is on and shared with us her feelings after visiting the pool for mothers. Honestly, it was a discovery for me that there was such a highly specialized pool. After listening to an enthusiastic story about the sensations of a pregnant woman in the pool, I decided to read a little about aqua aerobics for pregnant women. And in between times I came across a page with the works of Adam Oprish. This photographer takes a lot of photos of pregnant women underwater and we should note that we liked many of the photos.

Adam Oprish specializes in wedding photography, family photography and underwater photography. In the photo it is interesting to see pregnant women in such an unusual environment. As he writes himself, he likes nature, openness, he has a love for everything natural. Living next to the ocean has become the basis of a great love for water, and the opportunity to see beauty in the unusual allows you to take unusually beautiful photos of pregnant women in the water element.

The extraordinary feeling of lightness of this photograph creates a feeling of flight, the flight of a pregnant woman underwater is beautiful and charming.

In this photo, a pregnant woman underwater resembles a mermaid on vacation, a pregnant mermaid on vacation, one feels relaxed and comfortable in the position.

One element for all angels, the expectant mother and child perfectly conveyed the angelic mood, it is clear that both of them enjoy it.

While expecting a child, a true romantic will share the feeling of joy under water, and after a little time the parents will not only talk, but will show their child evidence of how beautiful the mother was during pregnancy and how the father kissed the pregnant mother’s belly all the time.

A pleasant dive, a fairy-tale mermaid, an unusual situation, a pregnant woman with a white flower underwater.

Have you ever sailed at night? The photographer managed to capture a pregnant woman's nighttime dive underwater.

Only a passionate couple will be passionate underwater, but only in this case will a pregnant woman succeed in everything easier, the couple soars, if you don’t know that this is underwater photography, you might think that they are flying.

The first thing that comes to mind is this expression - the flight of the Valkyrie, the beautiful pregnant Valkyrie.

A bright kiss, a bright couple, under the bright sun at the depths of a clean pool.

This photo gave us all a feeling of tenderness and joy.

Underwater dance gives us joy; when you look at this photo, everything seems so easy and simple, but is it really so?

They say that a pregnant woman is mysterious, unusual, beautiful, and a photo of a pregnant woman underwater emphasizes her fantastic nature.

A happy couple during pregnancy remains happy underwater.

Bright, beautiful photo, the bright train emphasizes the unusualness of the composition.

How do you like this? While showing their album, the couple will say, and this is our Aquatan during our pregnancy.

Remarkably conveyed weightlessness, lightness and elegance of a pregnant woman.

Everything is like in ordinary life, but only under water.

The birth of a riddle, or even the revelation of a secret, perhaps we really came out of the water

Hello, how do you like our swimming together, let's both enjoy the pleasant sensations.

Which in fact was confirmed to us with all responsibility. Time in the pool flies by in an instant and the pregnant woman doesn’t want to leave it at all.

Many photographers love the quality of the pool. The sparkling blue water makes for some great photos. Almost every famous actress, model or singer at least once in her life showed the world her photographs in the pool, which arouse only admiration.

Ordinary girls can achieve a similar effect. Find good photographer, and our tips will help you prepare well for a photo shoot in the pool and get beautiful pictures.

Ideas for a photo shoot in the pool

  1. Photo session in the water. To do this, you may need an air mattress or chair, a nice swimsuit, and sunglasses. Lying on a mattress in the middle of the pool you will look very beautiful. An open swimsuit or a closed one is equally suitable for this. You can wear large jewelry, they will be appropriate in this case.
  2. Photo session near the pool. You don't have to be in the water to take beautiful photos. For example, lying on a sun lounger, against the backdrop of turquoise water, the photos will be very bright. Another option is to lie down nicely or sit on the side of the pool. The main thing is to choose a good pose that will best demonstrate the charms of your figure.
  3. Various swimsuits, shoes, accessories. A girl’s photo shoot in or near the pool is a great opportunity to demonstrate your good taste. Change your clothes more often, change your swimsuits and shoes, let your hair down and tie it up. You will look different in every photo.
  4. Photo session of a couple in the pool. Photos of lovers in the pool are sensual and original. If possible, take a couple of photos underwater. True, this experiment requires special equipment. If not, take a photo hugging in the water. You can fool around, splash around, or lie together on a large inflatable mattress.

How to take photos in a swimsuit without damaging your self-esteem

After looking at the photos clicked by a well-wisher on the beach, I want to switch to a diet of boiled water. And go to a monastery. To some deserted monastery. Calm down, it’s not you who’s crooked, it’s the photographer who’s crooked. Next time just let him read this article.


Don't try to take a beautiful shot by facing the bright sun. Firstly, the skin will appear lighter and this will visually add a couple of kilograms to you. Secondly, you will definitely squint and make faces. What a beauty it is when your face looks like a chicken tail.

Use the moments when the sun goes behind the clouds for a photo shoot. Better yet, run to take photos at dawn or sunset - the light at these moments is warm and soft, in such lighting even bluish skin seems slightly tanned.

Don't stand in front of the sun if you don't want the photo to be just a black silhouette. Although this is a good solution, especially if you have complaints about your skin and figure - no redness will still be visible, and besides, you will seem a little thinner than you are.


Just, for the love of God, don’t act like a soldier on the honor guard. You're not on the parade ground, relax.

Get on your knees, pulling in your stomach and slightly pushing your butt out, you can throw your hands behind your head or play with your hair. In this pose, your hips look slimmer, your waist is thinner, and in general you look like a sea nymph.

If over the winter and spring your stomach has lost some of its tautness, stand with your back to the camera and, turning your body a little, look at the lens over your shoulder with fatal passion in your gaze. Great angle for a beautiful butt.

It’s also a good idea to lounge right on the sand - just without a rug, it spoils the view. Bend one leg at the knee, put your hands behind your head, and turn your face towards the camera. Any stomach in this position looks flat, and the legs appear longer.

If you are photographed standing, cross your legs and stand on your toes. This not only lengthens your legs - in this pose, your buttocks tighten and tighten, so the rear view will also be beautiful, as if you were running to the gym all May, and not to the refrigerator.

You shouldn't lie on a sunbed like a fur seal. Lie on your side, put your legs together, prop yourself up on your elbow, and casually place your free hand on your stomach - it will cover it if you don’t want to show it off.

Another way to hide your family's sides is to lie on your stomach, playfully dangling your legs in the air and leaning on your elbows. This pose emphasizes the breasts, adding at least one size to them, and hides the rest.

Don’t go too far in terms of creativity - all successful angles have long been known, they are used in the tail and mane in advertising. Unusual doesn't always mean cool.


There are a lot of dangers on the beach that can ruin the whole thing - either a corn seller wandering along the sands, or someone's irresponsible baby taking off his pants in the surf. Plastic bottle lying around. The bent old man froze, staring at you. Ask the photographer to look not only at your charms, but also at the world. And to the horizon - of course, you can correct the frame in any simple photo editor, but then, it is possible that the edge of the frame will cut off a piece of your leg.

A gentle girl’s body looks cool in contrast to rough, rough textures - pebbles, stones or sand, so all kinds of rocks and stones are your best friends. Roll in the sand so that it sticks to your butt and shoulders - it looks erotic and wild in a good way. In addition, sand can cover a scar or an inopportune pimple on the butt.


On the beach you need to look like a beach person, so forget about elastic bands and slick hairstyles - be shaggy and wild. To get the desired volume at the roots, use styling powder or simply massage your scalp with your fingers.

Use oil - it will add shine to the skin and completely hide all the unevenness and “orange peels”. And if it also has bronzer, it’s totally cool, you’ll look like a hot Caribbean chick, even if you last saw the sun last year.

Don’t forget about all the summer paraphernalia like wide-brimmed hats and pareos that you can wave – your hands will be busy and there will be a beach flavor. They can also cover those parts of the body whose photogenicity you doubt. Palm leaves, by the way, also work great in this direction.

Text: Olga Lysenko

Original photo shoot in the pool affordable rates offered professional photographers, registered on the website You can order water photography on Yuda for:

  • filling the family album with bright and unusual photographs
  • professional model portfolio, etc.

An aqua photo session offered by Yudu performers is carried out in a specially equipped studio with a swimming pool. Its dimensions are safe (the water level does not exceed the average human height). If you don't know how to swim or want to order a children's photo shoot, a professional will take a series of underwater photographs at a suitable depth using special equipment.

Prices for water photography

On the Yudu website you can order a photo session in the pool, which will be performed by professional photographers at a low cost. Approximate prices for the services of performers are indicated in the price list located on the website The exact cost of an aqua photo shoot in Moscow will become known to you after all the details of the order are clarified. To receive detailed information on prices for underwater filming, please indicate the nuances of cooperation in your application to Yuda. Among them:

  • number of people who will participate in the photo shoot
  • convenient date for filming
  • participation of children in a photo shoot

Range of services of Yudu performers

Specialists from Moscow, registered on, offer various photo sessions. Order shooting on the Yuda website:

  • family
  • wedding
  • portrait
  • romantic
  • themed (floral, cowboy, etc.)

Also on the YouDo website you can find a hairdresser and stylist who will help you create the desired look for photography. Our specialists will do makeup, hairstyle, select an outfit, and also suggest the most spectacular and beautiful poses for pictures. Each Yudu performer has his own price list, which can be viewed after placing an order for services.

  • Availability of professional equipment for various photo sessions (underwater, studio, outdoors, etc.)
  • provision of services on weekdays and weekends
  • the opportunity to travel to any district of Moscow
  • availability of a price list indicating the cost of services

If you are interested in a photo shoot in the pool, contact Yudu performers now.

Photographing objects located underwater allows you to create unusual, beautiful, unique photographs. Such shots have their own magic, which is difficult to describe. A professional underwater photo shoot is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process that requires the use of special equipment. The photographer must have diving skills - he has to stay under water for some time, freeze for a few seconds in an absolutely motionless position, fix the camera, take a photo and not breathe or breathe with the help of special equipment. Not every specialist is able to create truly high-quality underwater photographs.

For the photographer you need to highlight it under water working area, which is not always possible in cramped conditions. All these factors cause many specialists to refuse to work underwater, because even a small experiment will require labor-intensive preparation, not to mention regular professional underwater photo sessions.

Few people know that you can create beautiful underwater images without using waterproof cases, without experiencing inconvenience during shooting, and without being underwater at all. You don't need to study to get great photos. special technique underwater photography, purchase expensive equipment and take urgent diver courses. All you have to do is arm yourself a good camera and have a photo shoot in a glass-walled pool. How a transparent pool is revolutionizing photography will be discussed in this article.

Surely many photographers will be skeptical about the idea of ​​shooting through glass. After all, everyone knows how much a glass surface can distort an image. Glare, reflections, halos - all these troubles can appear in a photograph when shooting through a regular silicate glass. The camera will capture even small dirt and fingerprints with great pleasure, turning them into huge cloudy spots on the photo. But we hasten to draw your attention to key point: for glazing the pool, not ordinary glass is used, but acrylic - and this is a completely different material with special properties. The following characteristics of acrylic make it an ideal material for underwater photography through glass:

Interesting ideas for underwater photo shoots in a glass pool

Here are a few basic ideas that can be implemented using a glass pool.

A swimming pool with acrylic glazing can become the epicenter of a real “photo boom”. This is an effective opportunity to create gorgeous shots with minimal labor costs. Experts from the Poolglass company recommend using underwater photography in a glass pool for professionals and amateurs who want to experiment in the field of photography.

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