
How to open a yacht club. Tailwind. How to make the yacht bring profit to the owner. Equipment and opening of the yacht club

The magazine often publishes messages about the organization of new amateur yacht clubs, but does not cover the legal registration of such organizations. In particular, we are interested in answers to the following questions:

How are amateur yacht clubs created? Is there a standard Yacht Club Charter and what is its content? How many members are needed to create an amateur yacht club? How to get permission to make a stamp, seals, emblem, badge and pennant of the club? Can an amateur yacht club have its own account with the State Bank? Where is the money stored and how is it spent?

Yu. Panteleev, Solntsevo, Moscow Region, S. Zaraikin, Saratov, A. Masny, Kremenchug, K. Sazonov, Yakutsk, and others.

The organization of an amateur yacht club begins with the creation of an initiative group of the most experienced yachtsmen who can be members of various voluntary sports societies. This group, using the standard charter of the yacht club, develops a draft of the future charter of the club, then applies to one of the DSO organizations with a request to allow the creation of the club and approve its Charter, adopted at the general meeting of future members. The Charter may also be approved by the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the City Executive Committee.

The model Charter of the yacht club was approved by order of the Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 237 dated April 25, 1972. The Charter contains the following sections: general provisions and tasks; activities of the yacht club; yacht club rights; yacht club facilities; yacht club management; public bodies of the yacht club (council of the yacht club; coaching council; board of judges; commissions: qualification, technical, for sports swimming, youth, cultural and audit), members of the yacht club, their rights and obligations; legal members of the yacht club; honorary members of the yacht club; liquidation of the yacht club.

The model Charter states that in order to ensure sports and financial activities, the yacht club, as an independent sports organization, can have its own stamp, seals, forms of established samples, a current account with the State Bank, as well as its emblem, badge and pennant.

On the basis of the approved charter, at the request of the chairman of the DSO, the relevant service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate issues a permit for the manufacture of a corner stamp and a round seal of the club according to the submitted samples for processing documentation related to the sports activities of the club.

The form of the membership card, the emblem of the club (badge) and the pennant of the club are reviewed and approved by the DSO, which will have jurisdiction over the club.

At the request of the DSO or other organizations that have assumed financial responsibility for the yacht club (this can be an enterprise, collective farm, institute), the district executive committee allocates a land plot to the club for lease, on which buildings, mooring walls and other structures are then erected.

Amateur yacht clubs can also be created at enterprises and other organizations. The Leningrad amateur yacht club "Mayak", for example, was created under the DSO "Trud", and the liability was assumed by the enterprise "Positron", whose employees formed the backbone of the club's members. The yacht club in Pushchino on the Oka was organized under the city committee of DOSAAF. A yacht club in the city of Kondopoga was created at a poultry farm; The charter of the club was approved by the city sports committee. The Dnepropetrovsk cruising yacht club was created by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Dnepropetrovsk City Council of People's Deputies, and the Charter was approved by the City Sports Committee.

The number of members of amateur clubs is not specified by anyone and depends on the material assistance of the organization that founded the club. If the club exists entirely at its own expense, although it is registered with the enterprise, then it must have at least 100 members who provide security and maintenance of the club on a voluntary basis. The technical and sports management of the activities of the yacht club is carried out by the board and relevant commissions elected from among the members of the club.

The board of an amateur yacht club is elected, as a rule, for 2 years in the amount of 7 people according to the structure of services of regular clubs: the chairman of the board, who is also the head of the club, the head of the port, the head of the educational unit, the head of the workshops, the chairman of the technical commission, the boatswain and the secretary of the board.

These people are enough for operational work in the club. Functional responsibilities are developed for each official.

A current account with the State Bank can be opened on the basis of a decision to establish a yacht club, provided there is a minimum amount of 2,000 rubles. Until the opening of an account, funds from fees (entry, membership, for the use of the territory) are stored in the savings bank and spent on the basis of an estimate of expenses for sports and household needs approved by the general meeting of the yacht club.

(marina, mooring, etc.) is at the intersection of interests of many controlling organizations both water and land, therefore, when designing it it is necessary to take into account the requirements of various existing legal documents of various departments.

Like any design, the creation of a yacht club project begins with drawing up terms of reference, which specifies:

  • object location ( there must be information on the location of the ship's passage in the construction area of ​​the facility) ;
  • water area type ( open water areas with difficult natural conditions, for example, the Black and Baltic Seas, Ladoga and Onega lakes; protected waters in inland water bodies where the wave is not significant, for example, the Moscow River, Khimki, Klyazma and Pestovskoe reservoirs);
  • maximum distance to the opposite bank (for water areas on inland waters);
  • maximum (minimum) water area depth based on Depth measurement act, which is an integral part of the Terms of Reference;
  • characteristics of the bottom soil (sand, stone, silt, clay, etc.), and when installing mooring facilities on piles, it is also necessary soil samples in the water area of ​​the facility;
  • hydro-meteorological characteristic of the object, which must necessarily reflect the speed and prevailing wind directions, wave heights depending on the wind direction and season, the presence of a current, its speed and direction, changes in water level, the presence of tides, their maximum value and speed , ice regime (static, shifts, ice thickness, etc.);
  • composition of the fleet (total number, distribution by length and types of vessels) and an approximate layout of vessels in the water area;
  • type of berthing structures (stationary on a pile foundation, floating from pontoons, etc.);
  • description of berthing structures (for example, so many reinforced concrete pontoons with a length X and a width Y ; access to the berths by steel gangways, length Aand width B; mooring of ships using long fingers C, D, E meters; installation of berths on piles or “dead” anchors);
  • the number and type of safety equipment (rescue ladders, security posts, fire equipment panels, etc.);
  • the number and type of columns (service and lighting, lighting, identification);
  • requirements for bank protection and dredging;
  • additional information on the organization of the coastal territory (the presence of an open storage area for ships, a boathouse (cold or warm), a yacht club building, a hotel, parking for cars, etc.).

To compile a complete terms of reference pre-development required Concepts, which will contain:

  • analysis of the possibility of the water area and coastal territory, taking into account the current legislation, regulations, other requirements and restrictions;
  • assessment of the yachting market situation and competitive environment;
  • determination of the main parameters of the yacht club (marina, parking) - the number and size of boats, types of services for yachts and crews;
  • determination of the main technological processes and methods for their implementation;
  • determination of the list and characteristics of the main port facilities, their engineering solutions;
  • placement of objects on the territory and water area, sketch of the general plan (several options are possible to choose from);
  • determination of the list of main works for the construction of the port, including preparatory work (possibly according to several options);
  • analysis and recommendations on the selection of possible contractors - designers, builders, installers, suppliers of process equipment,
  • determination of approximate financial and time costs for the construction of the port (comparison of options is possible);
  • recommendations on procedures for approval of a water body.

The design of a yacht club is usually carried out in two stages:

  • technical project;
  • working documentation.

The technical project includes the development of all elements of the yacht club and the estimated financial calculations necessary for the Customer-Investor.

The volume of documentation developed at this stage is sufficient for the necessary approvals.

At this stage, sections “Environmental Protection” (EP), “Fire Safety” and a construction organization project (POS) are also being developed.

The technical project consists of two parts - water and ground.

The water part includes:

1. General design documents:

    • Explanatory note on berthing facilities;
    • Master plan of berthing facilities;
    • Location of fingers, bollards, columns, safety equipment.

2. Documents on the design of berthing and wave protection structures, as well as their elements, for example (for floating berthing structures):

    • Reinforced concrete pontoon 12x2.4 m. General view and construction;
    • Fastening of the pontoon fender;
    • Fastening of wooden decking of pontoons;
    • Fingers 6.0; 7.5; 10.5 and 12.0 m. General view and construction;
    • Connection unit for pontoon transoms;
    • T-shaped connection of pontoons;
    • Finger attachment.

3. Documents on the anchoring or pile fastening system (for floating berthing structures), for example:

    • Reinforced concrete anchor holding force 1.2 t
    • Calculation of the system for fastening floating mooring branches;
    • Scheme of fastening of berthing facilities at anchors and to the shore;
    • Details of the anchor chain.

4. Documents on organizing access to berthing facilities, for example, for floating berthing facilities:

    • Steel gangway with wooden flooring 10x1.8 m. General view and construction;
    • Installation of a steel gangway 10x1.8 m.

5. Documents on service equipment and safety equipment:

    • Service column. General view and design;
    • Lighting column. General view and design;
    • Pier identification column. General view and design;
    • Fastening the column to the pontoon;
    • Rescue ladder. General view and installation;
    • Security post. General view and installation.

6. Documents on mooring equipment and its installation.

7. Documents for the production of dredging.

8. Documents on the electrical part of the berthing facilities, for example:

    • Schematic diagram of the AC network 220/380 V;
    • Calculation of the required allocated power, selection of cable cross-sections and selection of circuit breakers.

9. Documents on water supply of berthing facilities, for example:

    • Water supply. Schematic diagram;
    • Calculation of water consumption by ships based on berthing facilities.

10. Additional documents required in case of laying low-voltage lines to the berthing facilities (Internet, telephony, television, video surveillance systems, etc.), installation of non-self-propelled bunker ships, etc.

The ground part includes documents on:

1. General zoning, including the design of the coastline, landscape and road layout;

2. Bank protection;

3. The system of drainage, water supply, sewerage, lighting and electrical wiring of the coastal territory;

4. Parking;

5. Waste water system;

6. Infrastructure for servicing ships (service and repair area, area for lifting / lowering and moving ships, boathouse and open areas for storing ships);

7. Handling equipment;

8. Means of collection of waste fuels and lubricants and household;

9. Visitor service facilities (club building, changing rooms, toilets and showers)

10. Staff facilities (changing rooms, toilets and showers);

11. Other facilities on the shore, for example: a club building, a shop, a hotel, a restaurant.

A detailed list of documents developed for the ground part is extensive and is specified in each case.

Working documentation is developed for the manufacture and construction of non-standard structures, buildings and structures. Used for tendering and construction.

The term for the development of concepts for yacht clubs is about 3-4 months.

Technical design takes from 6 to 18 months.

Yachting is a modern hobby for active, dynamic people who appreciate new experiences, a healthy lifestyle, comfort and quality. Dmitry Solopov, the founder of TABI, spoke about his love for sailing, the specifics of the development of the yacht business, plans and prospects for Thirst.

History of the project

As Dmitry Solopov recalls, love for yachts and sailing accompanied him all his life. It all started from early childhood. Dmitry's parents met in Odessa, and, naturally, the family often visited the sea in Odessa. Both the father and all the relatives of the Solopovs are sailors. Any sailor in Odessa is a yachtsman, but Dmitry's father, Andrei, was an avid yachtsman. And, of course, he passed on his passion to his son.

Dmitry was 6 or 7 years old when his father first brought him to the Odessa Yacht Club. They got on a boat, 8 meters long, and went to sea. It was the beginning of the 80s. The boat was old, most likely received by indemnity after the war - a completely wooden classic Bermuda sloop. Dmitry climbed into the bow compartment, opened the anchor cover and watched, without climbing out onto the deck, how the bow of the yacht broke the waves on the sidewind with foam. These impressions, according to him, Solopov will never forget. He was completely infected by the sea - Alain Bombara's "Overboard involuntarily" became the young man's reference book.

Probably, Dmitry would have become a sailor - but the choice of a further life path led him to Moscow, where he continued his education and became first a philologist, then a journalist, and then a media manager. But the passion for yachts remained, and after a while Dmitry returned to his childhood and youthful passion. 10 years ago at the Moscow yachting school, he received a skipper's license and since then regularly, two or three times a year, took boats for charter. The first years he really liked to just go in for yachting, periodically go sailing. But gradually he began to see the shortcomings of the existing charter companies - the realization came that a youthful dream could be transformed into a promising business idea. With an experienced eye, the future founder of TABI found more and more opportunities to improve the quality of boat rental service, expanding the range of services offered to customers.

Getting Started, Investments, First Difficulties

TABI is a relatively young business project, but it already has a certain financial base. Naturally, in order to start effective work, significant investments were required.

Yachts are a capital intensive business. If we talk about yachts from 55 feet in size, this is almost 20 meters - they are not cheaper than 700 thousand euros. In addition, the process of technical and service support for such a boat is not cheap - in order to be in a decent, competitive condition, the vessel requires constant care and professional supervision. However, with proper business organization and marketing, its profitability can reach 20 percent per annum.

Dmitry Solopov: “We passed the last 2016 in test mode. Then we operated only one boat. Now we have several of them. In fact, initially there were two people in the team - me and Lev Rodshtein, the current CEO of our company. This season we were joined by Alisa Neladus, Commercial Director of TABI, and Alena Roman, Executive Director, who is responsible for interior comfort on boats. We pay special attention to this."

Work with clients

TABI is a brand that is being developed on the basis of the concept of improving the quality indicators of cooperation with customers and the formation of a loyal customer audience. The reputation of the company is a professional service, well-maintained yachts, a benevolent atmosphere. The company appreciates each client, and tries to do everything to provide him with a comfortable, pleasant stay, maximally focused on the implementation of a specific request.

Dmitry Solopov: “Today we have dozens of clients, and the main thing is that today we have a 100% return. That is, everyone who traveled with TABI last year returned this season as well. It's just wonderful! The average cost of a week of travel ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 euros, if we are talking about the base model of the 2017 season - the Beneteau 55 yacht. Not so much for a summer season in the Mediterranean or for a winter season in the Caribbean, given that the yacht comfortably accommodates three couples! Just compare that to the cost of a five star hotel. But to compare it in terms of impressions is impossible!

Effective management and teamwork

TABI is a young company and the team working here is also young and energetic. The people who came to the project clearly understand the goals and priorities of the company, are result-oriented and have a high level of professionalism.

Dmitry Solopov, as a leader, believes in the principles of effective distribution of obligations and functions, loyal modern management and friendly relations in the team. Strict control and supervision cannot achieve effective results if employees do not have the right motivation. And it is impossible to create it without understanding the importance of each employee, without corporate solidarity, mutual respect and tolerance. Of great importance is the initiative of employees, the ability to generate ideas and the willingness to implement them.

TABI practices daily communication of the whole team for creativity and brainstorming, joint development of story routes. This allows you not to fall into everyday routine work. It is also a great pleasure to hold working meetings outside the office, each time in a new place where you can drink / eat something new and thereby catch a good mood and inspiration.

Dmitry Solopov: “It is important that all employees understand perfectly what exactly they are selling, as they are personally familiar with the product and have tried it on themselves. We arrange special trips for the team so that they are saturated with the spirit of sailing adventures, they understand what the thrill is. Another important point is the implementation of the ideas of employees by management. For example, this is how we created an “adventure into the unknown”, when a person goes on a trip and does not know what places he will have a route to, what country he will sail to, what exactly awaits him on the shore. This adds even more piquancy – to look from the sea to the shore, to try to guess what kind of place it is, what language is spoken here, what is the name of the city.”

Integration into the competitive space

TABI's competitors are charter companies that provide clients with yachts for recreation and travel. However, the company boldly competes with any type of marine holiday, as it tries to convince customers that the best pastime is sailing. In addition, much attention is paid to ensuring the comfort and safety of movement on a yacht, developing interesting routes, and finding additional opportunities for organizing interesting and high-quality pastime for clients.

Dmitry Solopov: “While our prices are not below the market, we offer a number of advantages that a regular charter campaign does not have. First, the journey does not end where it begins, but at any point that the client desires. This makes it possible to see fundamentally more places and get more impressions than in the "loopback" route.

Secondly, we do not just rent a boat, but develop routes. We are studying which bay is more interesting to go for a swim, where it is better to stay for the night, which restaurant is a must-see. We reserve a table in this restaurant for our clients. We book places in marinas along the route of the yacht and at the same time we can book any marina at the first request of our travelers. We have a constantly working call center where the client can call at any time. Rest on a yacht is a luxury story, a luxury experience. And if you want a box of Moet champagne by the time you arrive at the marina, we will do our best to fulfill this desire.”

Achievements and plans

TABI is a project that is developing actively and dynamically, constantly expanding the range of services provided and increasing its financial potential.

The main achievement of the company is the formation of a professional, friendly team and a loyal client audience with a 100% return. The main value is only professional knowledge of yachts, seas, ocean. Here they are responsible for the lives of people, guarantee their safety. Without a deep knowledge of the topic, even the management of the company, and not just the skippers, it is impossible to build a productive dialogue, set constructive and feasible tasks. Each TABI employee is deeply immersed and understands the topic.

The company plans to further advance in the selected market segment, expanding the geography of its activities.

Dmitry Solopov: “This year we have entered the Russian market, next year we plan to enter the European market. We also plan to increase our fleet with larger yachts.”

TABI in facts and figures

Year of foundation

Starting investments

Purchase of 1 yacht of 55 feet, worth about 700 thousand euros.


Basic model of the season 2017

Yacht Beneteau 55.

Average weekly travel cost

The main purpose of the business plan is to evaluate the economic efficiency of the yacht club project in order to be able to use it as a basis for starting a business. The business plan includes an assessment of the relevant industry, a marketing and financial business plan for the yacht club and may be intended to be presented to potential lenders or investors. You can also familiarize yourself with business plans and, as well as find out the nuances of opening an equestrian club on our website.

Basics of the yacht business

The business plan is a project for the creation of a yacht club and its development over the first 2 years from the moment of opening. There are several main goals:

  1. – creation of an enterprise with a high level of profitability;
  2. - obtaining a stable profit;
  3. – creating a service for clients of the elite and middle classes and meeting the needs of the relevant market sector

To create and develop a business, it is planned to apply for a commercial loan. According to the financial part of the business plan, presented in the relevant section, a loan in the amount of 3 million 320 thousand rubles will be required to open and initially promote the yacht club. It is in this amount that the total cost of the project can be estimated.

Other important information that is included in the project summary is the following:

  • – the duration of the project, or its payback period – 2 years;
  • - interest rate on the loan - 14%;
  • - investor's income, or the total amount of interest paid on the loan over a 2-year period - from 207 thousand rubles;
  • — Estimated payback period from the start of the project is 4 months, including discounting — 24 months;
  • — total economic effect following the results of the 2-year period – from 50 million 121 thousand and more.

More detailed results of the financial component of the project are set out in the relevant section of the plan.

Yacht club as an activity

Yachting traditionally refers to the elite and prestigious activities. In fact, the yacht club unites yacht owners, professionals and sailing enthusiasts and provides an opportunity to participate in competitions, rent water vehicles. Since the main contingent for which this type of activity is designed is the wealthy segments of the population - yacht owners and yachting enthusiasts, this direction can be considered an elite and expensive one. Therefore, a yacht club is a profitable and highly profitable type of activity, but it requires huge start-up costs, which must be taken into account at the very beginning.

The specificity of this type of activity and the target audience requires the implementation of certain rules. Among them are the equipment of the club according to strict standards and providing customers with the most comfortable conditions, which will allow them to achieve high competitiveness. It should be borne in mind that although the main and most profitable category of clients will be yacht owners who rent a place, it is worth betting on ordinary visitors who want to have a good time on a yacht. Therefore, the business must develop in several different directions at once.

Before opening your own yacht club, you should study the current market and determine which class the future organization will belong to. Not all such structures are designed to serve exclusively the highest segments of society. There are also more budget clubs offering services of a different nature:

  1. – rent of yachts;
  2. - services ;
  3. - trading platform.

In this case, the main income items will be:

  1. - renting yachts;
  2. - rental of water bikes;
  3. – holding courses on yacht management;
  4. – organization of a trading platform for yachts;
  5. – renting parking spaces for yacht owners;
  6. - opening of hotels, restaurants and other establishments for.

When planning the opening of a yacht club, one should take into account its specifics - this type of activity is very expensive at the opening stage, and besides, it pays off for a long time. Nevertheless, if enough attention is paid to the quality of the services offered and a competent marketing campaign is developed, the company will begin to generate large and stable income over the indicated two-year period.

About how the created yacht club will look like - in the video:

Stages of creating a yacht club

When planning the organization of a yacht club from scratch, its founder sets the following main goals:

  • – carrying out preliminary work on the design of the club;
  • – study of the water area of ​​the future organization;
  • – registration of constituent documents, registration of activities;
  • – rental of places for water transport;
  • - arrangement, creation of the infrastructure of the club;
  • - recruitment;
  • - marketing campaign.

If we consider in more detail the stages of creation and development of the yacht club during the first 24 months, we can compile the following table:

Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Project start 1 - 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan The presence of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entering into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement 1 to 30 days
Location selection, paperwork Preliminary work 1 month
Landscaping Preliminary work 3 months
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receipt of investment funds Up to 1 month
Hiring Production activity Up to 30 days
Training End of the stage of organization of the production process Up to 30 days
Marketing Campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Thus, all the main procedures preceding the opening of the yacht club and the first stages of its activity must be carried out within 12 - 24 months.

Equipment and opening of the yacht club

The first stage - the implementation of design and survey work, includes the creation, study of the condition of those present on the territory and the execution of an official conclusion regarding their technical condition, as well as the development of the necessary project documentation. At the same stage, project proposals are drawn up, which will contain issues of bank protection, the creation of berthing facilities, technological facilities for ship-lifting devices, and so on. Appropriate conditions must be created for the seasonal storage of all kinds of watercraft - yachts, jet skis, water bicycles and rowing boats.

A yacht club is an important infrastructure facility that, if not properly organized, can be potentially dangerous. Therefore, the founder of the business will have to process the technical condition of the base in accordance with existing standards. The founder will have to coordinate his actions with the local authorities and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In connection with the change of seasons, the construction of additional facilities will be required. So, in winter, the boats will be in a heated boathouse, where repairs can be carried out. The boathouse should be large enough to accommodate vehicles of various sizes, and equipped with insulated gates of any type. For launching yachts and other means to the water and lifting them, the boathouse is equipped with special inclined slipways.

The water area of ​​the yacht club itself must be divided, each of which has sufficient space for parking several boats at the same time. Separately, the navigation depth in the water area and water approaches is calculated using the existing norms for the technological design of ports. With insufficient natural depth, preliminary preparation will be required, which consists in dredging. In the future, such work will be carried out periodically every 3-5 years, which will allow maintaining the initially set design dimensions.

The ship-lifting facility will be one of the main equipment of the yacht club. It usually consists of two overpasses, which are parallel to the shore and an inclined path. This structure should be made in accordance with the basic technological requirements, it will have a piled foundation made of steel pipes, and the upper part of the building will be made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

An indicative list of equipment for a yacht club will include the following main items:

  • - yachts, corvettes, schooners;
  • - jet skis, water bicycles and other water vehicles;
  • - berth;
  • - boathouse;
  • - luminous signs of navigation on the water (buoys);
  • — other navigational elements.

In addition to these basic items, be sure to purchase complete sets of tools for the maintenance and repair of equipment.

Owning a water park will be one of the most expensive elements of a business plan. For example, the simplest yacht will cost at least 100-200 thousand rubles. And to start the activities of renting boats, conducting water excursions and other similar events, at the start you will need at least 5-10 units of transport.

Team and marketing campaign

The size and qualifications of the staff of the yacht club will depend on the chosen specifics of its activities. First of all, you will need personnel to maintain yachts, both owned by the club and those renting places at the base. Recruitment is a long and rather complicated process, which is associated with the need to search for highly qualified specialists in various fields. Experienced mechanics will be needed to maintain and repair boats. For training in yachting, both individually and in children's groups, 2-4 certified instructors will have to be hired. To manage ships on the water you need to hire sailors. Their number will depend on the size of the water park. Of course, a separate item will be the recruitment of staff units for administrative and organizational work, including the organization of regattas.

Depending on the needs, a sufficient number of service personnel are hired for related structures - the administration, the hotel and restaurant complex and others. When selecting employees, be sure to pay attention to their qualifications and work experience, especially if the club is designed for an elite category of clients. Since the yacht club belongs to the institutions of an elite nature, the selection of employees should be carried out on a competitive basis. This process is planned to take approximately 1 month.

The marketing plan includes several main components. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the selected market segment, assess its current state and prospects. In this aspect, yachting has been developing unstable for a long time - the crisis phenomena of 2008 and 2014 significantly slowed it down and led to the closure of many non-competitive companies. In recent years, this direction has been characterized by slow but steady growth, and due to the general trend of the development of the use of maritime transport and water sports, yachting also has serious prospects.

First, you should analyze the number of yacht clubs that currently exist and correlate the resulting figure with the population in your city or area. Thus, it is possible to determine the approximate level of deficit of enterprises of this type and make a forecast regarding the development of the market. For example, with a minimum population in Moscow of 11.5 million rubles, the growth of the market in a two-year period is from 25%. According to statistics, the growth rate of this market in the next year will be about 40%. According to the results of calculations, the market deficit in the capital at the moment is about 54 enterprises. As for the regions far from Moscow, the figures there will be somewhat different, but in general, the market growth should be within the same 40%.

Analyzing the chosen industry, you should calculate what will be the ratio of existing clubs and the number of potential customers. Thus, with an approximate population of the country of 143 million people, the total number of organizations of this type is about 1220. In general, according to statistics, their number is growing by about 40% annually.

The emergence of special federations of water-motor and sailing sports, as well as associations of schools for managing small boats, also contributes to the growth of interest among the population. The elite sector of the yachting business is also gradually growing - more and more representatives of the middle and upper class buy or rent yachts of various classes for recreation, go in for regatta or sailing, and also celebrate holidays and celebrations on board the yacht.

And yet, despite the growing interest from potential consumers of the service, in general, their number has changed little, despite the fact that the number of yacht clubs is constantly increasing. This means that the main task of the new market participant will be to carry out a set of measures to form consumer opinion. The result should be getting rid of the stereotype regarding the elite class of yacht club services - choosing the right promotion methods will have to convince the target audience that they are available to everyone.

In addition, it is important to convince potential visitors that the yacht club service can be used in a particular club. This task can be achieved using the following methods:

  • — information on the Internet: creating your own website, groups in social networks, posting information on forums and announcement sites;
  • - advertising in the media, including specialized sources;
  • - advertising placed in various sports facilities;
  • – outdoor advertising informing about planned competitions on the basis of the club, as well as about additional services – rental of various types of swimming facilities, cafes, etc.;
  • — development of appropriate infrastructure and working conditions.

As you know, satisfied customers are the best method of advertising. If visitors and tenants are satisfied with the services offered to them, they will not only stay in the club, but will also recommend it to their friends. Therefore, it is important to provide visitors with not only a high level of services, but also a pleasant and comfortable pastime in the yacht club.

An overview of a successful yacht club according to the proposed model is in the video:

Business registration

A private business may take the form of an individual or a legal entity. The choice of a specific form depends on the scale of the enterprise, which direction it belongs to, and some other details. In a particular case, it is preferable to open a legal entity, the simplest and most common version of which is an LLC.

Registration of an LLC is carried out at the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service at the address of the founder's registration. To create a legal entity, it is necessary to fill out an application in a special form, where you provide personal data about each of the founders (if there are more than 1).

The following package of documents is attached to the application:

  • - charter of LLC;
  • - the decision to establish an LLC;
  • - decision on the appointment of the head (it may be the founder himself or one of them);
  • - if there are several founders - the minutes of the meeting of the founders of the LLC;
  • - receipt of payment of state duty.

A prerequisite for an LLC, which distinguishes it from the format of an individual entrepreneur, will be the contribution of an authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. It is the contribution of start-up capital that will guarantee the solvency and reliability of the enterprise for the lender, if borrowed funds are used to found the company.

When filling out the application, indicate the OKVED code suitable for the type of activity, which is selected according to the current classifier (). If, in addition to renting yachts and other watercraft, the company will offer other services, including visits to catering establishments, this fact should also be reflected in the documentation by selecting several different codes.

Licensing activities for yacht clubs is not provided. But some additional services may require a license. For example, if a club will operate a cafe or a store where customers are offered alcoholic beverages, you need to refer to a specialized federal law that defines all the rules and regulations:

An LLC will be the only possible option if there are several founders, which happens quite often due to the high cost of the business.

IP can also be used to register a yacht club. But this type of activity assumes a more serious scale than is envisaged by the format of individual entrepreneurship.

Financial plan of the yacht club

The financial part of the plan includes the following main aspects:

  • — exemplary pricing policy in the industry in general and in the structure being created in particular;
  • - the cost of opening and further development of the enterprise;
  • — risks and possible losses, as well as ways to overcome them.

The average pricing policy in the industry is the first thing that is studied in the financial part of the plan. Approximate prices for the main service - yacht rental, depending on the rental time, are as follows:

rental time Cost, rub.
10 minutes 3 000
1 hour 15 000
4 hours 38 000
8 ocloc'k 55 000
24 hours 75 000

Such prices, in addition to the rental of the boat for the specified period, also include the necessary fuel supply, the services of the captain of the watercraft, the provision of personal life-saving equipment and, if the client wishes, introductory driving training.

The next stage is the forecast of the income structure of the future yacht club. This indicator is determined based on several criteria:

  1. – analysis of consumer demand for this service;
  2. – analysis of the state and dynamics of the market for the provision of yacht club services;
  3. — general conclusions about the state of the selected market sector.

Taking into account the lowest threshold of profitability and possible risks, we can draw up the following structure of the company's income for the next billing period (24 months from the start of the club):

Period Type of service Sales volume per month (hours) price, rub. Sales proceeds, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Yacht rental From 120 hours From 15 thousand per hour 1 million 800 thousand or more
1 – 12 months of investment From 1200 From 1 thousand per hour From 1 million 200 thousand
Yacht rental From 150 17 thousand per hour or more From 2 million 550 thousand
13 – 24 month of operation Rental of jet skis, rowing boats, mountain bikes From 1500 From 1200 per hour 1 million 800 thousand or more

The business plan provides that the state of the market and its dynamics, taken into account during the presented calculations, will remain throughout the entire duration of the project (at the moment, the increase in the volume of services is 40%). In this case, the company will be able to achieve an annual increase in sales volumes of 396 million rubles or more.

When making calculations, be sure to take into account the main risks:

  1. - a large number of competitive companies in the industry;
  2. — high level of entry barrier to the market;
  3. — Significant investments at the start.

One of the important conditions for overcoming the existing barrier to entry into the market is the acquisition and use of high-quality equipment. Thus, yachts, jet skis, catamarans and other equipment purchased by the enterprise must comply with quality and safety requirements. The same applies to spare parts, fuels and lubricants and other components of the club's work.

Taking into account the listed features and factors, a table of estimated costs of the future project is compiled

Item of expenses 1 month 1 year One-time expenses, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Rent or purchase of a building, territory (from 80 sq.m) From 50 thousand From 600 thousand 100 000 700 thousand
Territory equipment 240 thousand 240 thousand
Purchase of equipment and yachts (10 yachts, schooner) 2 million 130 thousand 2 million 130 thousand
Purchase of computer equipment for the office (1 set) 30 thousand 30 thousand
Creation and support of the site, hosting, purchase of scripts 49 thousand 49 thousand
Recurring advertising expenses (for 12 months) 45 thousand 540 thousand 45 thousand 540 thousand
Salary (for 12 months) From 281.5 thousand From 3 million 378 thousand From 3 million 378 thousand
Taxes (12 months) From 90 thousand 1 million or more From 1 million
Unexpected expenses 259.4 thousand 259.4 thousand
Total 376.5 thousand 4 million 518 thousand 2 million 853 thousand 7.4 million

The tax component of expenses will be one of the main items of recurring costs. The standard list of payments that the organization will pay to specialized bodies is contained in the table:

The financial year traditionally begins in January, from this month the amount of mandatory tax deductions that the company must pay, regardless of its form of ownership, is calculated.

In general, the yacht club belongs to modern, promising and highly profitable types of entrepreneurial activity. The size of the initial investment is very high, but with a qualified organization and a competent marketing campaign, they pay off during the first year of operation. True, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to have a number of special and marketing knowledge, make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. With a combination of favorable economic factors, a well-thought-out business strategy and personal efforts of the founder, the yacht club will become profitable and develop a trend.

D To introduce yachting training in the club, you should familiarize yourself with the following material:

Comfortable access to high water both in Moscow and in the Moscow region - equipped berths for yachts and boats, boathouses or places for winter storage, well-maintained beaches for summer holidays on the territory of a residential complex - an exclusive offer, a great rarity and expensive pleasure. There are less than a dozen such projects in the Moscow region, and only a few in Moscow.

According to analysts at NDV-Nedvizhimost, 63% of waterfront properties in Moscow are positioned as business plus. But residential complexes that have a yacht club at their disposal - an unconditional sign of the high status of the object - account for no more than 1%.

The presence of a yacht club in a residential complex does not so much affect the price as it allows you to create an exclusive offer, commented in the press service of Capital Group (the developer of the residential complex "City of Yachts" on Leningradskoe Shosse, 37). Soho Estate General Director Elena Pervakova disagrees with this: “Villages and residential complexes near the water with infrastructure for yachting are about 30% more expensive than comparable projects located in the “field” in terms of other characteristics. Extensive service options for yacht owners definitely increase the investment attractiveness of the project. Andrey Boyko, the owner of the Burevestnik Group and the creator of the Burevestnik yacht club of the same name, agrees with the realtor: 1 sq. m of housing in a project with a marina is 20–30% more expensive than without it.

Pervakova cites the example of the Pirogovo resort near Moscow (a project of the Guta-Development company) on the Klyazma reservoir in the Ostashkovskoye highway area. There, in addition to expensive author's houses, there is a yacht club that lives an active life and is open to sail lovers: a rental fleet for practical exercises and regattas, a sailing school and its own infrastructure for storage and maintenance of ships (winter boathouse, berth for 40 yachts up to 25 m long). “There is no concept of a village for yachtsmen on the market similar to Pirogovo,” Elena Pervakova is sure, “although yacht clubs are not uncommon in premium villages near the water.”

There are also projects with their own yacht clubs in the elite segment of residential real estate in the Moscow region at the Khimki, Pestovsky and Ikshinsky reservoirs. For example, the Zeleny Mys settlement of the Comstrin company has a berth for 60 vessels up to 18 m long, a technical berth, lifts and a boathouse for winter storage. According to the press service of the developer, 20% of the residents of the village are members of the yacht club. They are provided with preferential rates for parking and servicing ships - about 40% lower than for third-party customers. For example, a boathouse for a resident of the "Green Cape" will cost 30 rubles. for 1 sq. m of vessel per day, and for a "non-resident" - 50 rubles. for 1 sq. m per day. The marina is managed by a unit created under Komstrin, headed by Harbor Master Yevgeny Makarenko.

“Yachting is one of the elite sports that attracts a wealthy and successful audience,” says Maksim Sukharkov, Director of Guta Development's suburban real estate sales department. “There is a certain and constant circle of people around yacht clubs – interested people, active athletes, business partners, etc.” To create not just a parking lot for boats of residents of the village or residential complex, but a fully functioning marina - this requires a detailed development of the concept. We need an analysis of the location, the state of the water area, transport accessibility both by land and water, and much more. “And above all, it is necessary to understand the feasibility of such construction,” Sukharkov concludes. Because it greatly increases the cost of a development project.

Dear toy

Building a yacht club is difficult and expensive, developers interviewed by Vedomosti admit. The creation of a yachting infrastructure alone can cost an investor an average of $6-7 million. For approximately this amount, Andrey Boyko is ready to enter the project of a residential complex under construction and create a high-quality marina in it.

Boyko already implemented a similar project a couple of years ago together with Capital Group in the City of Yachts residential complex in Moscow on the banks of the Khimki reservoir. Here, on the territory of the residential complex (total area - 60,000 sq. m, residential area - 30,000 sq. m), in a water area of ​​​​2.5 hectares, there is a marina capable of receiving 250 vessels up to 40 m in size, a restaurant and a wardroom. For residents in the "City of Yachts" preferential conditions for winter storage and maintenance of boats are also provided. As well as integration into the network of Burevestnik Group clubs. According to the press service of Capital Group, the cost of creating a marina in the City of Yachts amounted to approximately 20% of the total investment in the residential complex, which is estimated at $110 million.

According to Andrey Boyko, the agreement with the co-owner of Capital Group (Vladislav Doronin) on the creation of a modern marina in the residential complex under construction was long ago. About $ 5 million was spent in the "City of Yachts" only to break the mooring facilities already built there. “It’s cheaper to do everything from scratch,” says Boyko. He plans to bring the yacht club to payback in about 2.5 years.

Now Boyko is negotiating with a number of developers in the Moscow region. When asked if he was looking for clients or if developers were turning to him, he replied that they were already turning to him: Burevestnik offers a yacht club management standard that can be replicated, but for Moscow this is still a novelty.

Yacht Club Manager

There are different models of participation in a development project in terms of managing a yacht club. You can enter the project at the construction and design stage as a contractor for the construction of yacht infrastructure. You can provide the services of a service department or a management company. Or become an operator by renting a marina. Burevestnik Group, according to Andrey Boyko, is ready to come to the project with its own investments, independently design and build a marina, investing 100% of its own funds in this. “Of course, in this case we expect that we will manage the marina ourselves. However, we are ready to do everything on a turnkey basis and sell the marina to the developer, who, in turn, will manage it on his own,” he says.

Burevestnik Group already has several similar projects on its account. The first and most famous is the Burevestnik yacht club of the same name. It does not have residential areas, but all the main and related infrastructure is available. The second project, according to Boyko, where he acted as a consultant, was the yacht club in the Scarlet Sails residential complex, the first in Moscow in the city with an existing residential complex. In a fenced area near the water there is a berth for fifty yachts up to 20 m long and a draft of up to 2.5 m and a spacious room (361.3 sq. m) of a wardroom, from which a picturesque view of the river opens. A place for winter storage of small boats is organized nearby.

As the old-timers of Scarlet Sails recall, by the time the yacht club opened, more than 80 applications had been submitted for 36 vacant places, so the places were distributed at the auction. The cost of some berths reached $15,000.

Now the company "Grand Marine" manages the local marina. The press service of Don-Stroy says that they are thinking about selling this business to some operator. “A developer, as a rule, does not want to get involved with a business that is incomprehensible to himself,” Andrey Boyko talks about the model of cooperation between land and water developers.

The head of the GVA Sawyer representative office in the Southern Federal District, Yevgeny Panasenko, agrees with Boyko and believes that the developer can get more by giving the management of a non-core asset to a professional player. “Of course, the own management company of the village (residential complex) can “steer” the yacht club, then all the income remains with the developer. If a professional operator is involved (a management company with experience in managing similar projects), she will have to pay. But at the same time, a professional player will be able to increase the profitability and reputation of the yacht club,” says Panasenko.

The main sources of income for water developers in residential complex projects are: mooring in the marina, winter storage of yachts, maintenance, sports and entertainment infrastructure of the complex and, of course, membership fees (as a rule, the annual maintenance of the yacht costs the owner 10% of its value) . A land developer can count on an additional 20-30% from the sale of houses or apartments.

So far, owning a boat or yacht in Moscow is more of a toy for the owner and is used for walks, trips to a restaurant, and relatively short trips. Although many wealthy people would gladly use them to get from home to office without traffic jams and comfortably along the river. But for this it is necessary to create the appropriate infrastructure and conditions for the movement of small vessels, says Igor Lagutkin, director of the Moscow construction company Marina Development (the company designed the first Strogino yacht port in Moscow, the marina of the Pestovo golf club, the yacht port " Green Cape”, Royal Yacht Club, various private berths, etc.). “In 2007, we developed proposals for the placement of additional yacht infrastructure facilities for water taxis, and conducted research. We passed along the entire Moskva River and examined the berths for their suitability for mooring small (up to 20 m) vessels. It turned out that 80% of the berths were unusable. Most are designed mainly for motor ships and river buses,” he says. In such a large city as Moscow, the use of a small fleet is simply necessary, Lagutkin believes, and for this it is advisable to combine the efforts of public and private structures.

overseas experience

One of the largest foreign "new buildings" with a yachting component is Limassol Marina in Cyprus. The construction of artificial islands with a 4th generation marina (designed for 643 yachts ranging in length from 8 to 115 m) and a residential complex began in April 2010, and by the end of 2013 its implementation should be fully completed. According to experts from Sybarco (the developer of the project), the entire construction cost the company 350 million euros, almost 200 million of which were spent on the creation of the islands and the main breakwater. It is planned that the marina will provide high-speed refueling and repair services using a dry dock. In addition, this is the official port of entry into the country, where you can go through customs and complete all documents. Founded in 1782 and still the leading company in this field, Camper and Nicholsons will manage this grandiose project. Today, according to the company, almost 50% of the property owners in the project are Russians, but only half of them own yachts. The Russians are attracted not so much by the presence of berths, but by the “lifestyle on the water”. The large-scale yacht complex in Montenegro Porto Montenegro includes a marina and port with year-round navigation and a full range of services for yachts and superyachts (developer - Adriatic Marinas). In February 2013, a project was launched to double the number of berths here - from 245 to 490 by the spring of 2014. The Montenegrin company Yu Briv won a tender for the implementation of the second phase of the Porto Montenegro yacht complex project, including the expansion of existing berths and the construction of additional , based on projects developed by the British company Marina Projects. “The new marina infrastructure covers all segments of the market, especially for superyachts and megayachts, for which a new state-of-the-art complex repair and maintenance center will be created in the near future,” says Tony Brown, director of the yacht complex. Photo: Porto montenegro

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