
Landing page for a service agreement: an investment with a guaranteed return on investment. How to make a great brief for Landing Page development. Attached is a sample for downloading. Agreement for the creation of a landing page

It is very important to correctly describe the product or service in order to attract the maximum number of visitors. And, if you do everything correctly, the final step in completing the transaction will be filling out the feedback form landing page. The most important thing is to keep the client at this stage.

Landing studio

Landing studio HEURISTICS will help you promote your business by creating competent landing page. You can always trust our highly qualified professionals; we carefully study your business, all the nuances of the specifics of your work or the services you provide. We determine yours and analyze your company’s product. The specialists of our landing studio give you a guarantee of high-quality performance of their duties and maximum effect from the services we offer. We occupy a leading position in the market, and you can confidently trust us.

How to layout a landing page

Landing page creation agreement

Landing page creation agreement You can sign with management HEURISTICS. In it we will outline all the terms used and their meaning. Then we will publish the subject of the agreement and the procedure for its implementation. The next point will be to highlight the rights and obligations of both parties, both the contractor and the customer. We will record all calculations and payment procedures for the services provided, mention the responsibilities of the parties and the validity of the agreement over time. If necessary, we will indicate a clause with additional conditions. The final stage will be recording the legal addresses and details of the parties. We are specialists in our field and reliably protect our clients and ourselves with high-quality contracts.

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Good day, dear readers. When will customers stop teaching designers how to work? No matter what you create and no matter how much you work, there will always be some bastard who will say that everything is wrong and let’s redo it.

Probably one of the most difficult moments in the work of any developer is handing over the project and talking with the client. Of course, we often come across good clients who understand why we are studying and trust us completely with the work, but for this we need to prove ourselves and create the right impression. This is not possible for everyone and not always.

Today we will talk about what the brief for a landing page should be and how to communicate with the client in order to gently show him who is a pro here and who is a mere mortal who does not understand anything about design, and therefore should not get involved in this work and command where not should be, even though the customer is always right.

How to be an alpha male that clients don't argue with

First, let's discuss some general points. This is very important, because all further work and the amount of time that will then be spent on delivery and acceptance of the project depend on them.

The most important thing in our business is to present yourself correctly right away. There is a very fine line here. On the one hand, you need to be friendly so that a person recommends you (so wonderful) to their friends, and on the other hand, you need to prove yourself to be an alpha male (female), with whom it is better not to argue again, you will do everything cool without unnecessary advice and instructions.

The main mistake of mid-level web studios, which does not allow them to advance further. Don't do this and you can achieve more.

On the portals of some companies you can see briefs on the Landing Page. The client goes to the website, downloads, fills out and waits for the project to be ready. Of course, I understand that these companies most likely have a heavy workload and they can afford this.

However, it would be much more effective if a manager worked with each client. This could allow them to raise the price. Those who are able to pay big money want to be licked and treated with respect and awe, he eventually pays.

Quality service is the basis of any business in the 21st century.

Naturally, I also recommend that you use this approach to work; communicate via Skype with the customer, or better yet, meet. Fill out the brief yourself and only then send it for approval along with other documents.

Firstly, the client immediately feels a special attitude and interest on your part. The first sign that the project will be successful. Secondly, while you are communicating, you can find out more details in terms of wishes.

Clients do not always know what they want and may not answer all questions. You must lead them in this conversation. You're an expert. Thirdly, you create a competent impression of yourself and place it during a meeting or communication. It won't be that difficult to do. Both of you are interested in a favorable ending to the cooperation.

Step-by-step guide: the perfect client meeting

What should your action plan be? You come to the meeting, take out the development brief and fill it out. After that, come home, fill it out in pdf, and send it by mail to the client to make sure that everything is compiled correctly.

Considering that you are blocking access to editing, a person will be able to write all his other wishes either in a letter or in a text document. Believe me, there will be much more of them if you open access to edits directly in the document. This is a little trick, use it.

Next, you meet with the customer again and give him a design contract, a creation brief, an estimate, to sign. All this is in separate files (I don’t mean a computer term), on each document are your contacts, phone number, logo.

Believe me, this is such a small thing, and they will find fault with you less.

I already wrote about that, it’s very simple. Well, a logo can be made professionally, efficiently and cheaply using . Well, this is in case anyone needs it.

If it is not possible to meet the client in person, you can easily obtain all the necessary documents via the Internet. Don't forget about the ability for people to print and scan, although in some cases you can use FedEx or something like that. Can you imagine how cool and professional you will look?

How to write a brief correctly

So, you meet with a client (or communicate with him via the Internet), take out the brief on the landing page and start asking him questions. Write down as much as possible. All this may come in handy. Even if you don't squeeze it into the final version for signing, you will know it. Super. There is no such thing as too much information.

If you use my document, which can be downloaded at the end of this article, please note that some questions are repeated there. This is how it should be, this is right and good.

By rephrasing the question you can get more useful information. A person may get used to being asked about benefits and answer automatically, but if you are interested in how his company differs from a specific competitor, then something new may appear here.

In addition, the customer himself does not want to look like an idiot; he will try not to repeat himself and look for different answers to the same questions.

Let's now look at my example and talk about what you need to find out from a potential client. What important questions and categories are there?

  • Contacts

This will be useful to you in any case, and the more contacts, the better. Even if you already have the customer’s phone number, ask for Skype, VKontakte account, and so on. Be sure to give it to him in case he needs something. Show interest in him and show him that you are ready to make contact.

Don’t forget to ask if the company has its own website. There you can find a lot of additional information that will help when creating a landing page. Probably the worst mistake a developer can make is not looking at the website of the company he is working with.

  • About company.

The target audience is one of the most important issues. Even your earnings will depend on it!

Let's say you are going to do a one-page job for a door store. Part of the product range is designed for buyers of luxury goods for whom price is not at all important. For them, the priority is solid oak and the fact that the tree grew on the southern side of the Ural Mountains in sunny weather.

They are willing to pay any amount for wood that has been processed by real beavers and protected from the weather by squirrels. Naturally, even the mention of a discount can make them doubt the quality of the product and the activity of the squirrels.

Another part of the doors in the same store are cheaper, they are designed for people who are primarily concerned about discounts. Why not offer the client to make two landing pages? By the way, for some products you can and should create several landing pages.

If this information is new and interesting for you, then I recommend that you look course by Sergei Sadovnikov . Here you will find a lot of useful information on how to create cool sales pages, work with clients and quickly shoot one project after another.

The course consists of two parts. The first contains a lot of theory regarding what benefits the customer, and therefore increases the professional level of the developer. And the second part is devoted to the technical part, about how to spend no more than an hour on this work.

  • Information about goods and services.

If you look at my sample, you will see that this point is nothing more than the concentration of one multiplied question: name the advantages of your product, how your service differs from others, by what criteria are you better than competitors.

To prevent the customer from thinking that you are an idiot, try to engage in the dialogue as much as possible in this part of the survey. I don’t recommend that you simply ask one question after another from a list, otherwise the client will get tired of answering you and will be very upset that he has to communicate with an asshole. He doesn't know about your insidious plan.

Use your speaking skills, ask additional questions that will help direct thoughts in a different direction. If you feel that the client is starting to lose his temper, let him go and move on to the next point, and return to this a little later.

  • The target audience

For whom will we create a one-page website? Who benefits from this offer? If these are women, then we will use ornate fonts in the design. If for men, then blue, simple and straightforward.

I repeat once again, if you have a lot of information, then you are free to choose from it, and if something is missing, then you are provided with gags and nonsense on the site. Don’t be offended, lack of information reflects poorly even on the work of professionals, although they will never make such a mistake. Be sure to ask exactly as much as necessary.

  • Blocks that should be on the site

This is another reason not to show the brief to the client right away. You are a professional, you don’t need to let the client get into something he doesn’t need to get into. It was not enough for him to teach you how to work! Mark everything yourself and then approve. Naturally, you will have to remove from the list those blocks that you consider unnecessary.

Let's say you think that for an iron for 300,000 it is not necessary to organize and describe a promotion. Isn’t it better to describe how exclusive and wonderful it is, we remember the squirrels with their tails, which this time they used to polish the surface.

Naturally, few people will fall for the offer just because you drop a couple of thousand on delivery. People who are ready to buy an iron for 300,000 are not interested in the shares. In the text (and not only there) you need to pay attention to the incredible quality of materials, the uniqueness of the product and the big names that use this thing.

Your customer catches his eye on the “brilliant” idea, seeing the “Promotion” module in your brief, and says that it is vital for him. This is cool, let's give the iron a handkerchief as well!

Remember, your client may not be their target audience themselves. He can’t even buy a car for that kind of money, but don’t tell him that. You know better how everything should look, but there is no need to argue. Sometimes it is better to simply hide some information and not provoke a conflict.

  • Setting a goal

The goal will not always be a sale, especially if there is no corresponding button. How can a LP visitor buy something from you if the most you have on the page is a button to order a call back? Of course, in this case the goal will be different.

After the brief is filled out and signed, you can create the website. By the way, this document should become an annex to your agreement. Despite the fact that it is drawn up in free form, it still has legal weight.

Download my Brief and use it for your health

If you liked this article, be sure to subscribe to my blog newsletter. You will be able to receive more useful publications that will help you organize your work on the Internet competently. See you again and good luck in your work.

Filling out the brief is a responsible matter, on which the fate of the entire project and the effectiveness of communication between the customer/performer largely depend. To help you figure it out, we have written our manual. Read!

Basic Concepts

Brief (from the English “brief” - instructions, summary) is the most important document that allows you to note the key items of the order and specify the client’s needs.

Creating a list has one goal - to simplify the interaction between the customer/performer, to tell how, what, and why the project needs to be completed. It is advisable to begin cooperation between the parties by filling out such a document (note that this is relevant for all areas of business).

The list helps to describe in detail the essence of the order, introduce the contractor and the client, therefore, traditionally, it includes several main sections (contact information, history of the company, product/service, wishes regarding the future project).

A landing page brief is a prerequisite for working on one-page websites. Today we will analyze in detail the main sections of the standard manual, give explanations, and provide materials for downloading.

A little ahead of the topic, let's say the following - when filling out the form, you cannot leave the lines of the document empty. It is better to study all the columns several times, clarify various points with the contact person/performer, but write everything necessary. A large amount of information here will only have a positive effect, it will stimulate creativity, so to speak.

So, we offer our manual.

The “header” contains contact information of the customer’s representative with whom direct communication will take place. It is very important to write contact details of one/two people responsible for a specific project, because this will greatly facilitate the work of both parties and will definitely increase efficiency.

So, the “header” usually contains the following items:

  • company;
  • contact person, position;
  • contact number;
  • website;
  • email;
  • another type of communication (Skype, ICQ).

About company

The next section offers complete information about the brand. We list the main forms offered for filling out:

Each of the points you described will be directly or indirectly used for quality work on the project.

For example, the presence of a brand’s corporate identity will give impetus to the work of designers. In addition, the compliance of the web resource with the special unique style of the company always looks presentable and attractive.

The same applies to the logo. Its presence is a prerequisite for a quality landing page. If there is no logo, it is advisable to order its development.

Here is a clear example of a corporate identity, a “talking” logo from the developers of LPgenerator.

Also regarding the geographical location of the office and distribution of goods. If you work with all of Russia, be sure to indicate this point. If you are limited to one region or several, also indicate. This information is required. Traditionally, it is placed immediately on the main page (see previous example).

The following example, by the way, demonstrates the importance of promotions and discounts - a marketing technique almost always works, increasing conversion.

Description of the product/service is a mandatory part of the plan. The user must see what he is buying, and most importantly, why. Here we smoothly move on to the topic of benefits. Below is an example of a header, where the specified question is immediately revealed in the offer.

In the context of benefits, it would be appropriate to mention an interesting split testing, it was carried out by marketing specialists from a company from New Zealand - SpaceShips. Its field of activity is car rental. Experts decided to check which home page image would bring more conversions.

The first illustration shows the driver looking at the beautiful landscapes, the car is almost invisible in the frame.

The second is satisfied tenants of a good car; attention is focused primarily on the car.

Surprisingly, the first version won. Marketers found an explanation: the visitor’s emotional connection with the product played a role. The beautiful scenery demonstrated the benefit to the user from renting a car, because he can see many beautiful places just by getting behind the wheel. Conversion increased by 8.5%. Here is such a “profitable” fact.

Brand benefits are perhaps the most favorite section among businessmen. A well-known expression: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you :) Landing is a platform where moderate laudatory texts are very welcome. We present to you a successful example, which reveals several of the main advantages of a company organizing a fire show, but, note, there is no feeling of intrusiveness.

I would also like to highlight the “brief history of the company” - unfortunately, clients of web studios often neglect brevity, thereby making a big mistake. Visitors are not interested in reading long opuses; the buyer only needs to know why they can trust you. This is what a successful solution from a catering brand looks like.

Certificates, diplomas, reviews, letters of gratitude - all this is social proof; they serve as a convincing argument “for” your company. Never neglect this block, otherwise you risk negating the entire marketing effect of the web resource.

When filling out this section of the landing page development brief, remember our main recommendation more often. It’s better to write more, such a decision will always have a positive impact.

About Landing Page

Let's move on to the third section of the document, it is devoted directly to the project. We put the following components there.

  1. Conversion action expected from the user: make a purchase, leave contacts, download a file, etc.
  2. Desired style of the future landing page (strict, business, vintage, ultra-modern, other)
  3. Special preferences regarding colors
  4. What sections would you like to see? We remind you that the following are considered mandatory:
    • header (where the offer, logo, CTA elements are placed);
    • product information;
    • company advantages;
    • customer interaction section (lead form, call-to-action elements);
    • social proof;
    • footer (address, location map, legal address).
  5. What graphic materials can you provide for working with the site? For example, label design, slides, etc.
  6. Desired CMS of the site
  7. Do you need to adapt to mobile traffic?
  8. Is integration with social networks and internet statistics systems necessary?
  9. Do you need counters (promotion timer)?

So, in order. The conversion action required by a business owner is the determining factor when we talk about designing a landing page. The choice of structure, call-to-action elements, and finally, what text to write depends on the goal. As an example, we offer you a number of examples of different CTA buttons, depending on the chosen goal.

Here the conversion goal is purchase (select products).

Here, they receive the user’s contacts, so they only offer to make a calculation.

As for the desired style/color scheme, the desire of the site owner is unlikely to be an immutable truth. Of course, his opinion is taken into account, but in reality, design ideas change several times, especially design ones, they are “adjusted” very persistently (colors, fonts, block sizes, and much more change).

Regarding the sections that an online entrepreneur wants to see. The standard structure traditionally does not change, since it is the only correct one leading to conversion. You can add other blocks, for example, a mini-catalog with prices, if appropriate, examples of work, again, when the company’s field of activity allows it.

Here, for example, the rules for placing an order are described.

Adaptation for mobile traffic is a must. In this way, the interests of visitors who often surf the Internet using smartphones, tablets, and search engines are satisfied. Yandex, Google, search giants, identify “naughty” ones using special algorithms and pessimize mercilessly.

By the way, using LPgenerator, you can immediately develop mobile versions.

Counters - perhaps so much has been said about them that even repetitions are pointless. Just know that they increase conversion by creating a feeling of time pressure for the user. Feel free to place such blocks on your website. Be sure that there is not a single layout without a counter :) You can look at split testing on this topic.

Additional requirements

This is the name of the next section of the one-page creation list. Each company puts its own points into additional requirements, but usually these are things that cannot be attributed to others. Applicable to a landing page - the technical component of the resource (does it require selection of a domain name, administration, hosting). Also here you can ask the online entrepreneur if he will order copywriting separately, or ask him to provide the resources he likes in order to understand his taste and wishes.

For the customer, the advice is the same - write as much as possible. If you don’t want to bother yourself, trust the contractor to choose a suitable domain name, just be sure to indicate your requirements.

Users of the LPgenerator platform benefit here. We provide comprehensive services: from choosing a layout, consulting with specialists, and ending with hosting and domain selection.

An example of technical specifications for a landing page, developed by me in close collaboration with a large Russian-German web studio specializing in sales letters and professional landing pages with high conversion. Any Landing page begins with a “data brief for the production of a landing page,” which is filled out by the customer. Based on the questionnaire, the copywriter creates a concept for the future project. The confirmed concept becomes the basis for the formation of technical specifications, which, in turn, are passed on to the designers and programmers of the studio. In the labor-intensive process of creating a Landing page, a copywriter plays one of the most important roles - the concept and technical specifications of the landing page. This is a very responsible task that requires not only proper professionalism and creativity, but also impeccable adherence to certain rules and techniques.

As an example, I chose the technical specifications of an already completed project, commissioned by a qualified lawyer and expert in all areas of jurisprudence.

Technical specifications landing page, example “Qualified legal assistance”

On the day of publication of the article, for the official representative office of Metida Group UG (Germany), Notos Group LLC, I developed eight concepts and technical specifications for selling websites, as well as one technical specification for a selling letter.

Of course, you want your landing page to bring maximum profit. But this is not always possible to achieve; you can even make a loss due to the work of the performer. To avoid this, enter into a contract wisely.

10 basic rules for concluding an agreement to create a landing page

1. Landing is an object of intellectual property. They create it under an author’s order agreement - in no case under a contract or paid services. The conclusion of an “incorrect” contract may entail its requalification, the inability to properly protect one’s rights, or even recognition of the contract as not concluded.
The parties to the author's contract are the customer and the author, but for ease of understanding we will call the latter the performer.

2. Specify exactly what the contractor must do, what criteria the landing page must meet, what it should look like, and what functions it should have. The more detailed you describe the desired result, the better. Be sure to indicate the meaning of all definitions used in the contract.

A vague description of the subject of the contract may lead to the recognition of the contract as not concluded.

3. I recommend including in the contract a condition on the alienation of the exclusive right to the work. This means that all rights to the landing page will belong to you. Without this condition, the exclusive right to the landing page belongs to the performer, which means that the same landing pages may appear on any client of the performer, which can cause you to lose traffic and customers.

4. The terms of execution of the contract must be strictly defined. The absence of exact deadlines leads to the recognition of the contract as not concluded. Indicate at what point the performer must begin work and at what point - finish it and hand it over.

5. Determine when payment is considered made. For example, from the moment money is written off from the customer’s account or credited to the contractor’s account.

This must be taken into account, because several days may pass between the debiting of money from one account and the transfer to another. Because of this, disputes sometimes arise, including the collection of penalties and the postponement of deadlines.

6. The Contractor must guarantee that he will not unlawfully use other people’s intellectual property. This applies to the landing page design, images, videos, text, and branding featured on your landing page. These guarantees are important because in case of misuse, you face fines ranging from 10,000 to 5,000,000 rubles for each violation.
For example, for using four photographs on a landing page that do not belong to you and for which you do not have a license, you face a fine of 40,000 to 20,000,000 rubles. And even the court cannot reduce the lower limit of the fine.

7. Establish liability for violation of the terms of the contract. This will protect you from losses and serve as an additional incentive for the contractor.

It is not worth establishing liability “in accordance with the law”, because in this case, if the contract is not fulfilled, you will only be able to compensate for real damage and lost profits, the amount of which can be difficult or impossible to determine. So you risk being left with nothing.

8. Since the landing page is a subject of copyright, the customer is obliged to indicate the name of the author on it. This can be avoided if you include in the contract a condition on the anonymous use of the landing page. According to this norm, you will be able to freely use the landing page without signatures like “site made by I.I. Ivanov."

9. To avoid traveling from Moscow to Khabarovsk in the event of a dispute, include a clause on contractual jurisdiction. It establishes in which court disputes are resolved. It is necessary to indicate a specific court, and not “in the court at the location of the customer” - this wording is often considered invalid.

10. Once the landing page agreement is drawn up, both parties must sign it. A common problem: the customer and the contractor are located in different cities. To sign an agreement remotely, it indicates the email addresses of the parties and stipulates that these addresses are available only to the parties to the agreement and that the email addresses are a simple electronic signature of the parties.

To conclude an agreement, send it to the contractor in .pdf format with an explanation that your letter is an offer. Indicate what the contractor needs to do to accept the terms of the contract.

For now, the most reliable option is for the parties to send each other pdf files with personally signed contracts. You can duplicate the contract by mail.

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