
Order on the appointment of a responsible representative. Sample order. Sample fire declaration form

Regardless of industry or taxation regime, all business entities (organizations and individual entrepreneurs) are required to store accounting and tax records. In other words, maintain an archive.

An archival document is understood as a material medium with information recorded on it, which has details that allow it to be identified, and is subject to storage due to the significance of the specified medium and information for citizens, society and the state (clause 2 of article 3 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ).

We talked about the storage periods for accounting documents in a separate section, and about the storage of tax accounting documents and tax reporting in this one. Let us remind you that for certain personnel documents (for example, personal cards, personal accounts, employment contracts), the storage period reaches up to 75 years (Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

In general, the head of an organization is responsible for maintaining an archive. However, by his order (instruction), he can appoint another employee responsible for the archive. We will tell you in our consultation how to draw up an order appointing someone responsible for maintaining an archive in an organization.

We draw up an order about the person responsible for the archive

An order appointing someone responsible for the archive of an organization is drawn up in any form. It indicates the full name. and the position of the employee appointed as responsible for the archive, the date from which “archival” duties are assigned to the employee or the corresponding period of responsibility.

The order to appoint the person responsible for the archive of the institution (organization) must be familiarized to the relevant employee against signature.

We will provide a sample form for the order to appoint someone responsible for the archive.

It is extremely important for organizations and individual entrepreneurs to ensure complete and reliable storage of documents in accordance with the retention periods established for them. After all, for violation of the terms of storage of archival documents, the organization, individual entrepreneurs and their officials may be held accountable.

For example, the absence of primary accounting documents, accounting registers or financial statements is regarded as a gross violation of accounting requirements. This threatens a fine on officials in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. And for a similar violation repeated within a year, an official of the organization may be fined in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles or disqualified for a period of 1 to 2 years (part 1, 2 of Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For violation of the rules of storage, acquisition, accounting or use of archival documents, liability is provided for in Art. 13.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The absence of primary documents, invoices, accounting or tax registers also threatens liability under the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The fine is 10,000 rubles, and in case of violations during more than one tax period - 30,000 rubles (Part 1, 2 of Article 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, the lack of documents due to violation of the terms and procedure for their storage will not allow the organization, for example, to submit such documents at the request of the tax authority. And this is fraught with administrative and tax liability in accordance with

The appointment of a responsible person is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise or organization on the basis of administrative documentation. In addition to the order, its composition includes the development and approval of job responsibilities, instructions for their implementation, a protocol with a decision on appointments (justification for the need to introduce new positions). Documents relating to social guarantees and working conditions are necessarily reviewed by the trade union organization of the enterprise.

Execution of administrative documents is necessary when appointing financially responsible persons, employees responsible for safe working conditions and labor protection, as well as employees responsible for carrying out work at high-risk facilities (chemical production, high-altitude and electrical work, etc.).

In all these cases, responsible persons are obliged to organize and control safe working conditions, taking into account the specifics, in accordance with approved instructions.

The most common type of liability in enterprises is the responsibility of officials for labor protection and safety. The appointment of an employee is formalized by order, but before that he must be familiarized with the job responsibilities specified in the instructions, where the employee leaves his signature to confirm familiarization with the document.

Compilation rules

There is no unified form for an order to appoint a responsible person, but when drawing up, you should follow its structure and reflect all important information.

Sample order appointing a person responsible for maintaining, issuing, accounting and storing work books

A document is drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise, where the name of the organization is indicated at the top, the type of document is an order, and its registration number and date of preparation are indicated.

The stating part of the text should indicate the reasons for creating the document, with references to legislative and regulatory acts.

The administrative part of the order contains information about which employee will occupy the specified position, as well as who will be entrusted with the temporary performance of labor protection duties in the absence of the appointed person. The head of the enterprise endorses the order and writes it to the personnel department for execution.

It should be taken into account that in some cases, appointed persons must have special certificates of completion of training in electrical safety, familiarization with the conditions and specifics of work in hazardous and chemical industries, etc.

In this article we will talk about the order to appoint a responsible person. We will learn how an order is drawn up to appoint a person responsible for management, at the facility, for electrical equipment, and so on. We will find out why such a document is issued, what time frame it must be completed, what features and nuances this order contains. At the end of our article you can download a sample order for the appointment of responsible persons. And to begin with, a brief terminological reference that will help the reader immediately understand the essence of the issue and carefully follow the progress of our logical narrative.

Order to appoint a responsible person

In general, the order to appoint a responsible person must come from the head of the company, in strict accordance with the charter of this organization. Such documents include papers that determine the number and names of positions and requirements for them, a protocol that records new promotions or demotions in positions, and so on. The company's trade union must review papers that relate to social benefits and working conditions. All these documents belong to the category of administrative documents. It is these documents that are responsible for appointing a responsible person when working, say, in some dangerous or difficult area.

When a certain responsible person is appointed, the company, as it were, entrusts control over the work to him, so that the responsible person monitors the safety and correctness in his area of ​​authority

An order to appoint a responsible person is issued in the following situations:

  • In the case where the new position involves work in the field of labor protection
  • In cases where it is necessary to create safe working conditions in all areas of the company’s activities
  • In the event that an employee is needed who will be responsible for electrical equipment in the company

How to draw up a form for an order to appoint a responsible person?

Now we will focus on the form of the order to appoint a responsible person. Let’s immediately say that there are some requirements from the Legislation that apply to an order to appoint a responsible person, so a company can create a form on its own, but it must still meet all standards for the preparation of such documents.

It is necessary that duplicates of certificates are attached to the order form for the appointment of a responsible person, which will confirm the fact that the employee has undergone a certain master class, training, training, and so on. Here you can also attach a list of duties of the responsible person, in which the employee must sign and sign. It must be remembered that the employee’s signature and the date the document was drawn up are a very important document, because this is evidence and a guarantee that he has been informed regarding his occupation.

If we take the most popular types of orders to appoint a responsible person, then, naturally, the person who is obliged to monitor the correctness and legality of working conditions and safety “wins”.

How to issue an order to appoint a responsible person?

Let us immediately warn you that there is, as such, no single form of order for the appointment of a responsible person. But there are, as we have already mentioned, certain requirements that apply to such documents. To make it easier and more accessible for you to understand all the nuances and aspects of the design, we recommend that you download a sample order for the appointment of a responsible person, the link to which is at the very end of our article.

So, what is required to be indicated in the order appointing a responsible person? First, at the very top, we indicate the name of the company, the name of the document, the serial number and the date on which you are drawing up this order.

What follows is the narrative, that is, the main part of the order. You must clearly state why this order was created and its purpose. Do not forget to refer to any legal documents, for example, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Company Charter, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and others.

Next we write the part that is called administrative. Here we clearly state that such and such an employee has held such and such a position since such and such a date and is responsible for something. Also here you should write the name of the person who is the deputy responsible person in the event that he is temporarily absent.

After the order for the appointment of a responsible person is drawn up, the head of the organization redirects it to the personnel department so that specialists can familiarize all employees with it. Do not forget that it is not always possible to assign any employee to a certain position as a responsible person. Very often (this applies to, say, extreme or life-threatening work) in order to become a responsible person, it is necessary to have some kind of document in hand that will confirm that the employee has been trained on this issue and may be competent in this topic. Otherwise, an inspection by labor protection authorities may reveal violations that will entail fines and various sanctions.

Where else can you use an order to appoint a responsible person?

So, let's now go over in more detail the areas where the order to appoint a responsible person applies. Here are examples of several scopes of this document:

  • Responsible for fire safety in the company
  • Financially responsible employee of the company
  • Responsible for labor protection
  • Responsible for the education received for promotion or change of position
  • Responsible for the safety of the company's material assets
  • Responsible for the turnover of money transfers
  • Responsible for working in hazardous areas and many other responsibilities

When a responsible person is appointed to a particular position, a corresponding order is issued. The document specifies the type of responsibility, as well as the full name and position of the employee. Learn how to draw up this order, the form and an approximate sample of how to fill it out right now.

In any enterprise, it is important to establish not only specific job responsibilities, but also their scope of responsibility. The division of people into positions is carried out in accordance with internal labor regulations, as well as on the basis of confirmed data on their qualifications:

  • qualification of a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education;
  • data on internal training in the company or information on taking courses in third-party organizations (for example, retraining courses or additional education);
  • data confirming successful completion of a qualifying exam in accordance with your specialty.

Based on these data, an internal division of areas of responsibility and a list of related job responsibilities are established:

  • electrical safety (in this case, certain categories are assigned that allow a specialist to work with a certain type of electrical equipment);
  • fire safety – i.e. responsibility before the occurrence of possible emergency situations associated with a threat to the life and health of people and material values;
  • preservation of equipment, materials and other property objects from damage and loss (including goods) – financial liability;
  • responsibility for conducting operations, moving particularly valuable things - for example, cash, bank documents, metals, etc.;
  • the responsibility of people who work at an industrial enterprise and directly interact with sources of increased danger: this means production installations, hazardous chemicals, as well as special instruments for laboratory research.
  • responsibility for the protection of working conditions, i.e. maintaining normal workplace performance in accordance with accepted criteria.

Thus, the responsibility mainly comes down to ensuring safety and material assets during normal operation, as well as in emergency situations.

2019 sample

At the legislative level, there is no clearly approved form of order for the appointment of responsible persons, regardless of specific positions. Therefore, the organization has the right to independently approve the sample, which must contain the following information:

  • the full name of the company (for example, Limited Liability Company "Polyot"), which fully corresponds to the official name;
  • date of issue of the order, its number, and full name;
  • Full name of the responsible person who issued the order to appoint the employee (usually the general director, his deputy or employees who perform their duties);
  • the preliminary part of the text (preamble), which indicates the main task, a reference to the specific law on the basis of which the corresponding decision was made;
  • its actual essence;
  • then the director’s signature, dispatch and seal of the organization are affixed.

The following example can be used as a sample order for the appointment of a responsible person:

NOTE. A person who is appointed to a new position must put his signature, a transcript of the signature and indicate the position, as well as the date of actual familiarization with the text. The signature is also placed in the journal of registration of internal documents of the company, which also records the fact that the order was issued.

An example of a real, completed document:

It is possible to appoint one person or an entire team to different positions using one order.


Depending on the position for which the appointment of the responsible person is approved, the document may have its own design features. The most common examples are discussed below.

Appointment of a materially responsible person

These include employees who are directly responsible for property objects, mechanisms, equipment, as well as the safety of documents and funds:

  • cashiers, hall supervisors, salespeople;
  • some employees of banking organizations;
  • representatives of the administration who make important financial decisions affecting the development of the organization;
  • warehouse workers, as well as all employees who are responsible for the safety of company property;
  • drivers of cars transporting goods and other material assets;
  • accounting employees who work with financial documents.

As a rule, it is written in a separate line that we are talking specifically about financially responsible people. Typically this statement is included in the title of the document.

NOTE. Provisions on financial liability and possible penalties are always prescribed in individual and collective employment contracts. If these instructions are not available, even the fact of drawing up an order does not entail the employee accepting financial responsibility.

It should be understood that financial liability means the collection of funds from him or other measures for the damage caused. Moreover, material damage can be caused not only by actions, but also by inaction. The employment contract always specifies the occurrence and corresponding measures that are applied as penalties.

Other cases

All other cases can be conditionally combined into one group. The fact is that the conclusion of additional liability agreements is provided only in situations where we are talking specifically about financial liability. Therefore, if an employee, for example, receives additional responsibilities for maintaining personnel documents, it is enough to reflect this fact only in the order. One example is shown in the figure.

Thus, with its help you can assign any group of responsibilities to a person, for example:

  • maintaining, storing, tracking the movement of work books and other documentation related to personnel;
  • drawing up a vacation schedule, shift schedule, time sheet taking into account working hours, etc.;
  • transfer of responsibility from one employee to another or a group of people due to vacation, long-term illness or other reasons;
  • responsibilities to ensure uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with necessary materials, raw materials, equipment, etc.

As a general rule, a document comes into force on the day the director or other authorized person signs it. Sometimes the text itself contains a mention of the date from which it will come into force. Then you should focus on this day. However, it is important to keep in mind that in the case of the appointment of financially responsible persons, the order will receive legal force only after the signing of an additional agreement between the employer and employee.

How to draw up an order for the appointment of responsible persons and how to store it? In the article you will find a sample of filling out the order and you can download the finished form

Read our article:

How to draw up an order for the appointment of responsible persons

Any organization, especially a large one, faces many different challenges. Often there is a need to assign responsibility for the implementation of one of them to a specific employee. In this case, an order is issued to appoint responsible persons. The order is drawn up in free form, since there is no approved form for it, but it is necessary to follow a certain procedure when issuing it. It would be most correct to draw it up on the organization’s letterhead.

New liability for violations of personal data.

As with any other order, you must first enter the details - the number and date of publication. The document is usually titled “On the appointment of persons responsible for...”, followed by the area of ​​responsibility. This may be a specific area of ​​activity of the organization or one of its structural divisions.

The main part of the order on the appointment of responsible persons in 2019 should indicate the grounds for issuing the document with links to regulations, such as the Labor Code, rules, regulations, regulations, and internal orders of the organization. These acts will guide the responsible employee in his future activities. Next, the full name and position of the employee who is assigned responsibility and, in fact, the area of ​​his authority are written down.


The document can be drawn up for several employees, for example, if different responsible persons are appointed in different structural divisions. In this case, the appointment of each employee is prescribed in a separate paragraph.

Also, the order must be issued when replacing the responsible person during the absence of the main one (vacation, business trip, illness). In any case, it is also necessary to indicate the exact date from which the employee begins to bear special responsibility in the specified area.

In some cases, they indicate on what basis this particular employee is appointed responsible, and what documents confirm his competence. These can be certificates, certificates of completion of training in electrical, fire, environmental safety, labor protection in hazardous industries, the right to work with hazardous waste, etc.

If the order does not indicate the period for which the responsible person is appointed, it is considered unlimited; there is no need to reissue it at the beginning of the new calendar year. It is republished only when the responsible person is replaced (temporary or permanent) or at the end of the term of office (unless the need no longer exists). In parallel with the order, an additional agreement to the employment contract is concluded, especially if the appointment requires the employee to perform additional work.

In what cases is it required

Why do you need an order to appoint responsible persons? It would seem that the employment contract clearly states the responsibility of each individual employee. However, for various reasons at an enterprise, there is periodically a need to increase the responsibility of individual employees to solve important production tasks, such as, for example:

  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • safety precautions;
  • fire safety;
  • environmental Safety;
  • safety of personal data;
  • carrying out certain types of work;
  • organization of advanced training for employees, etc.

The law obliges the enterprise to have persons with increased responsibility for certain types of activities, such as, for example, fire safety or occupational safety - in all institutions. The specific nature of the activities of individual, mainly industrial, enterprises also requires that they have persons responsible for environmental safety or for the operation of high-risk facilities.

Topic of the issue

Also read about when the court will not allow dismissal for absenteeism, how to detain an employee who wants to quit and how to return the money you spent on an apartment.

How long is it stored?

The order on the appointment of a responsible person refers to orders for the main activity; they are stored permanently.

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