
Sharp who is the manufacturer. Sharp is a story of Russian failure. A really big refrigerator

The Japanese company Sharp is a manufacturer of reliable and high-quality home appliances. Currently, Sharp is one of the world's leading manufacturers of the entire range of household appliances, which, in particular, include refrigerators.

history of the company

The Sharp brand was first introduced to consumers in 1912 after the highly talented self-taught mechanic Tokuji Hayakawa introduced hole-free belt buckles and slide bushings for umbrellas. The production of such products was originally established in a room resembling an ordinary barn. In 1915, Hayakawa invented and patented the mechanical pencil that is still very popular today. Its hallmark was the ability to remain sharp at all times. This feature of the pencil prompted the inventor to name his company. Sharp ("sharp") - a brand that is always ahead, at the very edge of production and science.

Tokuji gradually expanded his field of activity. And as a result, from a small business, he came to the creation of a large high-tech production. It is noteworthy that it was Sharp that launched one of the first assembly lines in its country.

One of the black pages of the company's history falls on 1923. A strong earthquake completely destroyed the factory that produced mechanical pencils. The bulk of the workers suffered and were left homeless. Hayakawa did not pass the tragedy either. The earthquake killed his entire family. However, the inventor did not give up. He restored his factory in a new location - in the city of Osaka. And by September 1924, the production of such popular ones was established.It should be said that the headquarters of Sharp is still located in Osaka.

In 1925, Hayakawa began producing radios. The company took the risk. The fact is that at that time Japan did not have its own radio broadcasting, and receivers were not in demand in its consumer market. However, everything soon changed. Radio broadcast networks swept across the country and the receivers went off with a bang. After such a victory for Hayakawa, even many skeptics recognized the entrepreneurial spirit of the former "pencil maker". So, in fact, it happened. Over the past half century, the company has released the first Japanese calculator and television, an auto-rotate stereo player, a refrigerator, and many other types of electronic products. All of them successfully compete not only in the domestic, but also in the world market of household appliances.

Refrigerator production

The first food storage unit was released by Sharp in 1952. It was not easy to break into the consumer market during this time. The company had such a huge number of competitors that in order to interest the buyer, it was necessary to stand out from their background. The firm's specialists have carefully studied the consumer market in order to find out the interests of housewives. As a result, in 1973 the company mastered the production of a large three-door refrigerator equipped with a special compartment for storing vegetables. This model was developed by the firm's specialists after conducting a survey of 10,000 Japanese consumers. In 1989, the company introduced the Sharp two-door refrigerator. This device consisted of two separate boxes. Each of them opened with its own door. In addition, the Sharp brand was one of the first to use the No Frost system.

Where are Sharp refrigerators made? Today the company produces household appliances and electronics at 21 production sites located in thirteen countries around the world. Moreover, the staff of its employees is more than fifty thousand people. And the volume of annual consolidated revenue is at the level of USD 24 billion.

In Thailand, which is one of the countries where Sharp refrigerators are made, in 2013 they released the ten millionth unit, which went to the market of countries located in Southeast Asia.

As for the Russian Federation, there are no Sharp production sites on its territory. Only the sales representative of the company operates, with offices in some large cities of our country.

The advantage of Japanese refrigerators

It is difficult to imagine a modern apartment without various household appliances. An indispensable assistant for any housewife is a device that allows you to keep the freshness of the purchased products. Sharp refrigerators will undoubtedly adorn any kitchen interior. At the same time, each of the buyers will find among a wide range of similar equipment that model that will suit his taste and will correspond to the color scheme of the kitchen. Sharp is a global innovator in the refrigerator market. For example, she released models in which the doors can be opened from both the left and right sides, without even outweighing them.

Sharp refrigerators allow you to keep food fresh or frozen for a long time. Models of one- and two-chamber devices have been developed. Moreover, they all differ in design and capacity, volume and power, and the presence of certain functions. Which refrigerator will you choose? This will depend on personal preference.

Sharp refrigerators have many proprietary features. This is an air flow ionization system, and keeping vegetables fresh, etc. As for the prices for these units, they differ depending on the model. Thus, each customer can choose exactly the refrigerator of this brand that will easily fit into his budget.

The Sharp refrigerator deserves consumer reviews as a fairly roomy unit. The assortment line of models includes appliances for every taste with two and three doors. But there is also an exclusive in this series. This is a Sharp multi-door refrigerator, in which as many as four sections can be opened separately. Some of the models offered by the company have a volume exceeding 450 liters. At the same time, they remain energy efficient, which is important for buyers.

Design and dimensions

A modern person pays great attention to the interior of the kitchen. And this is not surprising. After all, a lot of time is spent in the room where the whole family gathers. At the same time, despite all the variety of existing household appliances, the refrigerator still belongs to the central place in the kitchen. This device complements the entire design and emphasizes the individuality of the room.

Sharp refrigerators will be an excellent purchase for any consumer. With all the variety of models, no one will have any problems with the choice of sizes. The company can offer both a compact device and a wide Sharp refrigerator with two doors swinging open in different directions. The latter type, called Side by Side, is perfect for those consumers who do not like frequent shopping trips and buy groceries for future use. The only drawback of such a unit is its impressive dimensions. A wide Sharp refrigerator, according to customer reviews, gives reason to think about the place where it will stand.


How energy efficient are Sharp refrigerators? The instructions attached to these devices indicate their high class A. According to consumer reviews, the savings from the operation of such a refrigerator are felt already at the first receipt of an invoice for electricity. LED lighting is also low cost. Despite the brightness, it is quite economical.

Using innovative systems

Sharp is one of the first refrigeration equipment manufacturers to use a fundamentally new way of storing food in their models. With No Frost, frost does not form on the walls of the inner chambers. Customers appreciate that there is no need to defrost the unit.

A proprietary development is also a dynamic system that chills food in all corners of the refrigerator. This flow of air masses allows you to constantly maintain the temperature selected on the display.

In addition, Sharp engineers have developed the following systems:

Plasmacluster, saturating the air with ions and deactivating harmful microorganisms;

Hybrid cooling system, which does not allow food to be chapped;

Dual Swing, used to open the doors, depending on the desire, to the right or to the left;

- "dry" and "wet" zero zones, in which different types of products are placed;

Honeycomb Deodorize, which protects the mixing of smells from the food, which allows you to preserve its original taste.

In addition, Sharp refrigerators use an antibacterial coating made of silver ions. Additional convenience in operation is provided by sensors that collect information about the operation of the unit on the built-in microcomputer, which, if necessary, automatically adjusts the parameters.

Let's consider some of the innovative systems in more detail.

Zero camera

Almost all Sharp refrigerator models have a Fresh Case. This is the so-called zero chamber, which the manufacturer has specially developed for storing poultry, fish and fresh meat. The company's specialists have conducted certain studies, noting the fact that the freshness of products at a temperature of minus five degrees is lost faster than at zero. Moreover, the rate of spoilage at a lower temperature almost doubles. It is impossible to create such conditions in a freezer or refrigerator. Therefore, refrigerators began to be equipped with an additional zero chamber. In it, food remains chilled, but at the same time it is not frozen. This fact is very attractive to potential buyers.

A similar camera is available in all models of the Sharp brand. Place it in the upper part of the refrigerator compartment. The location is very convenient. The zero chamber has two compartments. One of them is "dry" and the other is "wet". The first is the zone for preserving freshness. In the "dry" compartment, poultry and meat can be stored for seven days, and fish and seafood - much longer. The storage conditions that are created in such a zone are close to the climate Here, the humidity does not exceed fifty percent at zero air temperature.

Vegetables, herbs and fruits are placed in the "wet" compartment. All of these remain fresh for twice as long as in the refrigerator. The relative humidity in such a compartment is within ninety percent. This climate allows you to preserve all the taste of the product, as well as the vitamins and nutrients it contains.

New offers of the company

Sharp "Standard Plus" and "Premium" are represented on the market of household appliances today. These are extremely spacious units that will allow you to store a large amount of food.

Such refrigerators have wide shelves without central partitions. This allows you to put any oversized dishes (baking trays, serving dishes, large salad bowls, etc.). The capacity of the freezers is 150 liters. This is one of the most impressive volumes available in modern refrigerators.

To improve visibility in the cameras, the models are equipped with LED bulbs. This illumination is well dispersed thanks to the glass base of the refrigerator compartment, which has a stylish chrome frame. This solution allows you to provide bright and uniform lighting even when the refrigerator is full of food.

In addition to the large storage space, the new models are easy to use and energy efficient.

Modern design

Sharp's new refrigerators have a high-quality, durable glass front. This allows the appliance to perfectly fit into the interior of any kitchen. At the same time, housewives should not worry about fingerprints. The refrigerator has extra-long handles (158.5 cm), which will allow you to easily open the doors for both adults and small children.

A really big refrigerator

What models deserve special attention of those consumers who want to have units with impressive volumes? This is the Sharp SJ SC59PVBE refrigerator. It can store a large number of products, and thanks to the use of innovative technologies for a very long time.

The Sharp SJ SC59PVBE refrigerator has a total volume of 583 liters. Large provisions can be stored in his freezer. Its volume of 150 liters allows it. Inside this section is a tempered glass divider shelf. There is also a double ice container. There are two more shelves on the inside of the freezer door. Put in the main operating mode, this section maintains a temperature of minus eighteen degrees. The freezing capacity is seven kilograms of food per day. The refrigerator is equipped with a No Frost system. Therefore, defrosting is not required.

The refrigerating chamber of the 433-liter unit has four shelves made of high-strength glass. In addition, there are two plastic containers for fruits and vegetables. On the inside of the door of this model there are two long shelves, three shorter ones and one with a lid. Defrosting in the refrigerator compartment follows the same principle as in the freezer, that is, using the No Frost system. The antibacterial coating of the walls prevents harmful microorganisms from multiplying. A zero chamber is also provided in this model. Perishable food can be stored in it for a long time.

Sharp two-compartment refrigerators of the SJ SC59PVBE model are free-standing units. This allows them to be placed anywhere in the kitchen that suits the size. The width of the unit is 80 cm. Its depth is 72 cm. The height is 185 cm. The color scheme of the model is beige or silver. Despite its impressive dimensions, the refrigerator is economical. Its energy consumption class is A +. The unit doors can be re-hung at the discretion of the owners.

Gadget manufacturers

Sharp Corporation is a Japanese company that designs and manufactures electronic devices. By the spring of 2014, more than fifty thousand people around the world were working in it. Its name was borrowed from the first invention of the founder of the company - the mechanical pencil Ever-Sharp, the creator of which was Tokuji Hayakawa. Previously, Sharp Corporation was also the fifth largest TV manufacturer in the world - after, and.

Sharp was founded in the fall of 1912 when Tokuji Hayakawa opened a metal workshop in Tokyo. Then the future corporation was called Hayakawa Kinzoku Kougyou. In 1912, Tokuji invented and patented the "Tokubijo" buckle belt that could be attached without the need for additional holes on it. The success of this product prompted him to take up metal recycling. In 1915, he invented the Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil.

Tokuji Hayakawa was born in Tokyo. Due to the difficult home situation, he was adopted into another family by the name of Ideno. True, Tokuji himself did not know that he was an adopted child until he grew up. After the second grade, he left elementary school due to family poverty and became an assistant to a metal jewelry maker. Tokuji worked hard, earning the trust of his master, and at the same time improved his own skills and learned the basics of trading.

Despite the fact that buckles have been used since antiquity for accessories such as shoes and armor, they began to be used for men's belts only in the 15th century, and appeared on women's clothing only in the 19th century. Tokuji thought about using buckles from two points of view - practical and decorative.

When Hayakawa invented two types of buckles by 1912, Japanese demand for them also increased due to the Wild West fashion. True, Hayakawa and other artisans did not wear such clothes before. Tokuji was watching a silent movie when he noticed that one of the actors in the movie had a belt unfastened.

It's funny, but this is what inspired him to invent a new type of belt that can be adjusted at your own discretion. As a result, a buckle belt was invented that could be fastened to any length without piercing it. The master Tokuji worked for admired his ingenuity and recommended that he apply for a patent. He also suggested the name "Tokubijo", adding one letter to Hayakawa's name ("b" from the word "belt", that is, belt, belt). The very first order for these buckled belts was huge: 4,752 units.

In the fall of 1912, due to pressure, Tokuji decided to open his own shop. He hired workers and continuously filled orders. Along the way, Tokuji worked to improve the production process and expand the business so that over time, a large factory was opened. Already in 1913 Hayakawa acquired a patent for an innovative water faucet, and in 1915 he developed a prototype of a mechanical pencil, which he subsequently successfully sold for many years.

After that, he proved to be a genius manager when he expanded his electronics production and began producing radios, cassette recorders and televisions. Tokuji was also active in social security programs. He lived a long life and died at the age of 86. Hayakawa is also known for winning a number of medals and awards.

As already mentioned, the Sharp company got its name due to the invention of the Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil in 1915. Unfortunately, in 1923, this business was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake, which almost completely destroyed Tokyo, for which the firm had to move to Osaka and start working on the first generation of Japanese radios, which went on sale in 1925. TV production began in 1953.

In 63rd, the first transistor calculator was developed, which was estimated at $ 1.4 thousand. Its development lasted several years, since at that time the company had absolutely no experience in creating computing devices. Two years later, in 1966, Sharp introduced their first IC calculator, which cost about $ 1,000. In 69, the LSI calculator was introduced. It was the company's first pocket calculator, priced at less than $ 300, and therefore gained particular popularity.

In 1973 Sharp released the first LCD calculator. In the 1980s, the company partnered with Nintendo to license the Sharp Nintendo TV in North America and a number of other products. All of these devices are considered collector's items in the aftermarket. One of the main inventors of LCD calculators was Tadashi Sasaki.

In 1997, the company's mobile communications division, the Mobile Communications Division, created the world's first commercial, J-SH04, which came out in Japan. Since 2000, Sharp has invested heavily in LCD panel factories. One of these factories, Sakai, is still one of the leading factories in the world. However, the 2008 financial crisis led to a decline in demand for LCD panels. In addition, in mid-2012, Japan underwent an almost complete transition to digital TV broadcasting. The Japanese government has also issued vouchers for digital TVs.

In 2007, the company acquired a majority stake in Pioneer Corporation. In the summer of 2009, the two firms agreed to form a joint venture.

In the spring of 2012, renowned Taiwanese electronics company Foxconn agreed to acquire a 10% stake from Sharp and half of the LCDs produced at the Sakai plant. 2012 also marked the company's 100th anniversary, even though it was Sharp's worst fiscal year. In the fall, the firm announced job cuts. In 2014, Sharp was able to stop losses and managed to generate net income during the first quarter.

The brand's main products include LCD panels, solar panels, mobile phones, entertainment equipment, video projectors, multifunction printers, microwave ovens, air conditioners, cash registers, flash memory and so on. The first camera phone entered the Japanese market in the fall of 2000. The latest products also include an ultra-light laptop, personal digital assistant and AQUOS flat-screen TV.

The company produces consumer electronic products marketed under the Aquos brand, mobile devices, microwave ovens, home theater and audio systems, fax machines, air purification systems, and calculators. For the business market, Sharp also manufactures projectors and monitors for a variety of copiers and laser printers, in addition to electronic cash registers.

Sharp Solar is a silicon photovoltaic solar cell supplier. In the first quarter of 2010, the company received strong revenues from the production of solar photovoltaic systems.

One of Sharp's most famous mobile devices is the 500SH. It refers to the company's third generation phones. The device is equipped with a 1.3 megapixel main camera and a front-facing camera for video calls. It was a mid-range phone capable of working 370 hours of standby time and up to 4 hours of talk time. It weighed 98 grams, had 20 MB of internal memory, support for Email, Bluetooth and WAP.

Sharp 703 also belonged to the middle segment. It turned out to be a phone for 3G networks, equipped with all modern communication means at that time. It also had a 1.3 megapixel main camera and a front camera for video calls. It had 8 megabytes of internal memory, as well as a slot for a micro-SD memory card. Support for WAP, Bluetooth and GPRS was provided. This device was followed by the 705SH and 770SH models.

The 880SH phone was made in a slider form factor. This thin device could already work on HSDPA networks. It was equipped with a 2 megapixel main camera and a front camera, as well as a slot for a memory card. An FM receiver, video player and MP3 player were built into the phone. It was a fashion device with a thin black body and a sufficient amount of internal memory. It had WAP, GPRS and Bluetooth support. Like previous phones, it could sync with a personal computer.

The TM200 mobile device was the first GSM camera phone with a 2 megapixel camera and 8x digital zoom. It was a clamshell with various communication capabilities and 40-voice polyphony. An MP3 player was also built in.

The GX29 received very good reviews, although it was not too different from other Sharp mobile devices at the time. The phone appeared in 2006 and became a device for Vodafone. It was a slim clamshell with a 1.9-inch display and GSM support. The manufacturer has also provided an external monochrome display.

In the fall of 2014, the company announced that the Slovak electronics firm UMC was going to acquire from it an exclusive license for the brand, as well as its audio business and Polish factory. In turn, Sharp will support the development and development of UMC's television business under the Sharp brand. At the same time, Sharp announced an agreement with Vestel in Europe that Vestel would sell household appliances under the Sharp brand (refrigerators and microwave ovens made in China and Thailand). Sharp's remaining European business will focus on the business sector, as well as multifunction printers and energy solutions.

Unfortunately, not everything in the history of Sharp's development has gone so smoothly - in particular, it has been repeatedly accused of violating antitrust laws. In the fall of 2008, the Justice Department announced that Sharp had agreed to pay a $ 120 million criminal fine. According to the prosecution, the company was involved in a conspiracy to fix the price of TFT LCD panels for computer monitors and laptops (2001-2005), Motorola Razr phones (2005-2006) and iPod from the company (2005-2006). In the winter of that year, the Japanese Trade Commission forced Sharp to pay a criminal fine of $ 3 million for conspiring to hold back the price of LCD panels for Nintendo.

In the winter of 2011, Sharp was ranked 11th in the Greenpeace Best Electronics Guide, which includes 15 electronics manufacturers in line with their climate change mitigation and sustainable product practices and policies.

The corporation's environmental performance was summarized by Greenpeace as follows: "Sharp supports the new renewable energy law in Japan, but shows poor sustainability in its operations." According to the Product Criteria, the company received a 3/10, where it was awarded for the energy efficiency of its products with the latest Energy Star standard.

In addition, it was said to reduce CO2 emissions by 2% per unit of production compared to the previous year, although a clear benchmark was still not set. Appreciation was expressed for the public support for clean energy after the Japanese government promoted increased use of renewable energy sources. Sharp scored the lowest scores on some criteria - in particular, due to the fact that they did not pay due attention to chemicals and did not commit themselves to phasing out harmful substances.

It was also noted that the company did not take the initiative in solving the problem of conflict minerals and paper received from suppliers, thereby indirectly participating in illegal deforestation.

Sharp was the main sponsor of Manchester United Football Club from 1983 to 2000, and it was one of the most lucrative and long-lasting sponsorships in English football history. For seventeen years, the Sharp logo has been on United's clothing, during which time the team has won seven Premier Leagues, five FA Cups, one English League Cup, one Cup Winners' Cup and one European Cup. In the summer of 2012, the company also became a sponsor of the UCI World Tour cycling team, which became known in this regard as Garmin-Sharp.

Sharp is one of the leading manufacturers of household appliances. Refrigerators are not the last in the line of manufactured equipment. They are characterized by original design and the highest quality. Sharp was formed by a young Japanese locksmith Tokuji Hayakawa from Tokyo on September 15, 1912. In 1989, the company launched the world's first two-door refrigerators.

Sharp has truly enjoyed tremendous success in the global electronics and home appliance market. The fundamental principles of the company are creativity, sincerity and the use of advanced technologies to ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of life for people around the world. Sharp is actually consistently and successfully creating a new standard of living for the 21st century.

Sharp is one of the most popular, well-known and sought-after manufacturers of household appliances and electronics in the world. The list of products manufactured by this company can be enumerated indefinitely. There is so much here: TVs, audio equipment, communication devices, and refrigerators.

As for refrigerators, Sharp's lineup consists of many models with different dimensions and volumes, functional features and color schemes. Sharp refrigerators allow us to bring all our most daring designs to life.

Sharp was one of the first to use the No Frost system in its refrigerators. Sharp refrigerators meet all international and Russian standards. They are of high quality and original design. The freezer compartment on all refrigerator models is located on top, and has walls that do not need manual defrosting. There is a freshness zone that takes up the largest volume in the refrigerating chamber. Thanks to the presence of this zone, food is kept fresh for a long time at zero degrees. Multi-compartment refrigerators can have up to four doors. Refrigerators and freezers come in a wide variety of colors. Sharp has existed on the Russian market since the Soviet era, and during this period its products have gained immense popularity among Russian buyers. Due to their high performance characteristics, Sharp refrigerators are highly reliable and very convenient in operation, which attracts Russian buyers.

All Sharp refrigerators use cutting edge technology. For example, there is a unique system for ionization and air purification, hybrid cooling systems, even chambers for heating food. The entire range of refrigerators is equipped with a No Frost system, air fresheners and freshness zones.

Electronics maker Sharp has embarked on a restructuring of its European division. The company has formed strategic alliances with local firms and announced job cuts - all of which will cost the Japanese vendor tens of millions of dollars.

Sharp will donate part of its audiovisual business to Slovak TV manufacturer Universal Media Corporation (UMC). He will be able to produce and sell TVs under the Sharp brand in Europe. At the same time, the Japanese company undertakes to assist its partner in the design and development of products.

As part of the deal, which is scheduled to close before the end of this year, Sharp will sell a TV factory located in Poland to UMC. The Slovak company intends to increase the staff of workers at this plant and return the once high production volumes there.

Founded in 2003, UMC has representative offices in China, Great Britain, Germany and Switzerland. The company, with more than 700 employees, produces electrical goods under the brands Blaupunkt, UMC, Eternity and E-motion, soon to be joined by Sharp. In addition to TVs, UMC will sell audio equipment under the brand of the Japanese manufacturer.

Previously reported that the right to produce and distribute Sharp TV products in Europe can be obtained by the Taiwanese company TPV Technology, which in 2011 took control of the unprofitable Philips TV business. Sharp is the fifth largest TV maker behind Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic, Reuters notes.

Europe brings only 5% of revenue to Sharp's budget, so the company struggling with losses decided to focus on more profitable regions such as Southeast Asia, writes the Nikkei edition. Sharp has previously curtailed the production of solar panels in Europe, and is now abandoning consumer electronics.

Sharp has also entered into an agreement with Turkish electronics manufacturer Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret AS, which, according to the terms of the contract, will take over the partner's home appliance business. This will enable Vestel to manufacture and market a variety of household electrical goods (microwave ovens, irons, etc.) using the Sharp brand.

By reorganizing its operations in Europe, Sharp will also cut about 300 jobs in its factories in the region. The transformation of the European business will cost Sharp 6.4 billion yen (about $ 58.7 million), which the company will deduct from its quarterly profit. For the entire fiscal year, which ends at the end of March 2015, Sharp plans to write off approximately 10 billion yen ($ 91.7 million) at a loss due to the reform of European operations.

Despite this, the company still predicts annual net income of 30 billion yen ($ 295 million). For the last fiscal quarter (April-June), the company recorded a net loss of 1.8 billion yen (about $ 17.4 million).

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