
Meeting after summer holidays kindergarten entertainment. Entertainment for children of older groups "A fun meeting of friends" methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic. Game “Obedient Ball”

Gulnar Shagvalieva
Project “Our kindergarten. Meetings after the summer" (senior group)

Project on: “Our kindergarten. Meetings after the summer"

Senior group

Goal: Learn to conduct a collective conversation, speak out on topics from personal experience.

Final event: collective album “Merry Summer”

Physical Health

Game exercise “Away” (developing the ability to behave correctly at the table, not to talk); exercise “Wet-dry” (teach children to independently identify wet things that need to be dried); Exercise “Palms-palms” (teach children to independently monitor the cleanliness of their hands); finger games “Late Autumn”, “Squirrel”, “Washing”, “Cockerel”; psycho-gymnastics “In the sun”, “On the sea”; breathing exercises “Leaves are flying” walking on a massage mat

Physical training

Strengthening ATS: running, walking in pairs, jumping. Base games: “Run to.”, “Sticky Stumps”, “Traps”, “Traffic Light”, “Jump-Jump”, “Painter and Paints”, “Catch-Up”, “Who Jumps Highest”, “Make a Figure”

Social Socialization D/i “Create groups” (subjects, “What is what?”;

S/r game “Chauffeurs” (plot “Long Flight”,

S/r game “We are coming to Kindergarten” to teach to follow the rules of etiquette when meeting and saying goodbye in kindergarten;

Looking at family photos summer holiday

Looking at photographs, postcards, calendars depicting flowers.

theatrical game “Winged, furry and oily”; D/i “Navigating in the room” (to strengthen children’s ability to navigate in space relative to themselves and other people)



“Catch-up”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Bear in the forest”, “Sly fox”, “Hide and seek”, “Toss-catch”, “Who will throw further”, “Make a figure”, “A trickle”, “Knock down the mace” ", "Make a figure"


Household work: wiping tables after breakfast; Labor assignments for cleaning toys, preparing the workplace for classes, watering plants (teach children to independently determine the need for watering by the color of the soil) At the site - clear paths; develop the ability to independently perform the duties of canteen attendants; “Our Workshop” (repairing torn books, gluing up boxes); strengthening the ability to put food in feeders.

D\i “Every thing has its place” (teach children to act as organizers general work); “Cleanliness is the key to health” (washing toys).


conversation “Caution, stairs!” teach the rules safe behavior when moving around the kindergarten

D/i “Well, look!” (to develop the ability to handle a fork correctly)

Conversation and examination of illustrations on the topic “Dangerous situations in nature.” Learn to take care of bushes and trees and avoid them.


“We are coming to kindergarten” Teach to follow the rules of behavior when meeting and saying goodbye in kindergarten, to form children’s ideas about the professions of adults working in kindergarten.

Experiments “Nature in the kindergarten area” form ideas about the nature of the immediate environment, about the properties of the soil.

construction of “Houses” Recall with the children the names of the parts building material and their structural properties. Strengthen the spatial concepts of “high-low”, “wide-narrow”, “long-short”.

tour of the kindergarten “Who works where?”

introduce the simplest kindergarten plans, conventional signs and symbols.

Observation in nature: “Rain”, “Autumn Wind”, “Clouds”, “Leaf fall”, “Birds”, “Rowan berries in autumn”, “Insects”, “Trees and bushes”, “Weather changes”, “Sky”, “At the flower bed ", "Gloomy Autumn"


Conversation about the past weekend; children compiling descriptive stories based on their drawings

conversation “My favorite toy” (developing dialogical speech); “Colorful mood” (to form in children the ability to pay attention to their actions, experiences, attitude towards others)

Retelling of N. Kalinina’s story “Is this how they play?” (Teach to expressively retell the text, activate verbs in speech, teach the formation of singular and plural forms of entities).

Reading x/l

Reading chapters from E. Janikowska’s book “I go to kindergarten”

Reading the stories of V. Dragunsky “What do I love?”, “What does Mishka love?”

Hood. creation

Drawing “.Happy Summer”

Goals: To teach children to draw simple scenes, conveying human movement; cultivate accuracy, develop speech.

(modeling) “Merry men”

Goals: To learn to sculpt human figures in a rational way from an elongated cylinder by cutting them with stacks; to develop an eye, to learn to understand the relativity of the size of parts.

On the street: We make patterns with shoe marks, stones, twigs; draw with sticks in the sand.



Listening to “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky; Playing musical instruments, a concert for toys “Favorite Songs”, listening to an audio recording of the noise of the forest; We listen and sing Zheleznova’s children’s songs. E.

Working with parents

Offer to prepare photo collages about summer vacations together with your child.

Festive circle in a mixed age group. Meeting with children after the holidays






You are welcome - welcome to visit!

Come, you won’t regret it if you have time.

Make yourself at home, don't be shy.

Rejoice and have fun together!

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a circle, saying hello:

Hello friend, hello friend!

Hello everyone around!

The song is performed: “A smile will make everyone warmer...”

Dyudyuka runs in.


I'm Dyudyuka's mischievous one,

You're a picky bitch!

Even though I'm smart and beautiful,

But terribly harmful!

I will do dirty tricks

Have fun, laugh,

And the kids are off to school today

I'll try not to let you in.


Guys, let's get away from Dyudyuki.

Children turn in a circle, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and sing a song:

“The locomotive is moving, moving

Two pipes and a hundred wheels,

Two pipes, a hundred wheels,

The driver is a red dog!”

Dyudyuka runs and shouts: “Stop!”


Well, guys, it's just amazing!

You drove beautifully!

I will not bother you,

I will only help!

Today is Knowledge Day! Do you know much? And can you guess the riddles?

First riddle.

Whines without getting tired

Because of every little thing.

Maybe the girl is sick?

No! Quite healthy!

Guess who she is?

Well, of course, … (roar) .

Guys, are there any roars among you?


Second mystery.

In the morning near the hill

I met Yegorka -

Dirty, angry,

Shaggy, unwashed.

I almost died of fear.

Here I came across... (slob).

Guys, are there any slobs among you?


The third mystery.

I asked Nadya:

Give me a doll to play with!

But she did not allow:

The doll really wants to sleep! –

Everyone understands you guys

Nadina's excuse...

It's not the doll's fault

Just Nadya... (greedy).

Guys, are there any greedy people among you?


We always play together

We don’t need unfriendly people

We don't need fighters

No need for crybabies either!


One two three four five

I invite everyone to play!

Let's sing songs

And get to know each other!


Hello guys!


Guys, do you know who came to us?


I am the Malvina doll!

I came to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

You will learn a lot of new things here,

Read a lot of books

Songs to sing and draw

A friendly kindergarten will help.

Dolls, bears are bored,

Pictures in children's books,

Waiting for the guys to come

Need to play with friends...

The game is being played.

The music sounds “...Pinocchio!” Pinocchio! Buratino!

Pinocchio appears.


Hello guys!

I'm a funny Pinocchio!

My nose is sharp, my nose is long.

I didn’t yawn either,

He quickly threw everything into the bag:

Cubes, plates, cups,

Multi-colored papers,

Pyramids, rattles...


What are you, what are you, Pinocchio!

What is this strange picture?

Well, why do you need toys?

Pyramids, rattles?


This is for our kids!


The kids came to us - the first ones!

The presenter names the newly admitted children, Buratino and Malvina give them gifts.


There are gifts for all friends!

Pinocchio and Malvina give gifts to everyone.

Malvina and Buratino.

Accompanying you to kindergarten,

We wish you success.

And a Russian proverb

We remind you all:

Learning is light

And ignorance is darkness!

Remember her, friends!

Goodbye, kids!

Fairy-tale characters go away to the music. Children leave the hall in groups, holding each other’s shoulders with the song “The locomotive is coming, the locomotive is coming...”

According to cognitive development

Planning educational work

Adamenko Veronika Vladimirovna, teacher of MDOBU
Children's school No. 17 "Pearl" Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Subject: “Meeting after the summer. It's good in our garden. Day of Knowledge".

Program content: Develop cognitive interest in school and books; to form motivation for learning at school. To consolidate knowledge about school, about why you need to study, who teaches what at school, about school supplies. To form positive ideas about the teacher’s profession and the student’s “profession”. Continue to talk about the social significance of the kindergarten and the work of its employees; remind once again about the rights and responsibilities of children.

Expected Result:

  • Creating an atmosphere of joy, creating a positive state for all participants in the educational process.
  • Creating psychological motivation for children's readiness for school.
  • Ensuring meaningful and technological integration of the activities of children, all preschool specialists and parents.
  • Development of children's abilities in various types artistic and aesthetic activities

Final event: musical leisure “Goodbye summer! Hello, kindergarten"

Date of the final event: Friday - 01.09.2014

Responsible for the final event: teachers, music director.

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