
Advego spelling. Check with Advego: spelling is fine! Semantic text analysis on Advego


Download the latest version of Advego Plagiatus from the website of the program manufacturer - the Advego content exchange. The distribution is available both as an executable file in exe and zip format. No registration is required to download, the application is complete and works under any version of Windows.

Run the program installer. You will be asked to select the installation language and specify the folder where the application will be installed. You can also check the “Create a shortcut on the desktop” checkbox. Confirm the selected parameters, and in a few seconds Advego Plagiatus will be ready to use.

Before using the program for the first time, you must configure it. Click on the “Uniqueness Check” button and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. In the “Use proxy” field you can specify the proxy server address. This is done in order to hide your IP and not face blocking by search engines.

Set the timeout value in the Connection section. Timeout - the time during which the program will wait for a response from the site. The value depends on the speed of your Internet connection. For slow connections, it is recommended to increase this value to 50 seconds.

Additionally, in the Connection section, you can enter a data size limit. This will be useful if the web page you are scanning is too large and takes a long time to load. You can cancel the restriction at any time.

Carefully check the values ​​indicated in the Analysis section. Here are the main settings that affect the accuracy of the scan results. “Match threshold before completion” - stops checking the text when its uniqueness reaches the specified value. For the check to complete, you need to enter zero.

"Shingle size" - the most important parameter, which determines how many consecutive words the program will divide your text into to search for copied fragments. The smaller the shingle size, the more matches will be found. The recommended value is four.

Also set the “Phrase Size” parameter to four. The fact is that to determine the uniqueness, Advego Plagiatus sends several text fragments enclosed in quotation marks to search engines. Having detected duplicates, the application compares the found web pages with the text being checked. If you specify a size that is too small, many pages with matches will be found, but there may not be any duplicate text on them.

To avoid slowing down the program, disable unnecessary search engines. To obtain correct verification results, you should use two search engines - Google and Yandex. With their help there will be a fairly large number of web pages. If you have an Antigeit or ruCapthca service key, enter it in the “Decapture” section. Then you will get rid of the need to enter the captcha manually.

Now familiarize yourself with the program interface. At the top of the window there is a “Control Panel”, consisting of three lines. The first contains buttons for the main functions. By clicking on any of them, you will see a drop-down menu with a choice of possible actions. To speed up the work, these same commands are duplicated with icons on the second line.

On the third line you will see the “Address” field, designed to check the uniqueness of web pages. In the “Ignore domains” field, the domains that need to be excluded are indicated. If you leave it empty, the entered address will be included in the check and the uniqueness will be equal to zero. In addition, when checking the uniqueness of the site, click “Remove tags”.

Paste the text to be checked into the “Working field”, which is located under the “Control Panel”. Detailed test results will be shown in the “Results Field” located at the very bottom of the program window. Also, upon completion of checking your text, a pop-up window will appear, which will reflect the percentage of uniqueness. In addition, non-unique sections of text will be highlighted in yellow, and sections with rewrites will be highlighted in blue.

I haven’t used any checks to write my works for a long time, because the texts are original and do not tolerate any rewriting. I considered it necessary to write an article on this topic because I receive questions about how to use this program correctly.

I believe that the service is necessary and deservedly considered a working tool for many copywriters, content managers and other freelancers. The Advego Plagiatus program is necessary when writing SEO-optimized texts. Try to write 500 selling descriptions and not repeat yourself. Some phrases, simply involuntarily, automatically arise in your head and appear on the screen. Advego Plagiatus copes with this task perfectly and deprives you of the opportunity to repeat.

Then you need a service so that the article is as unique as possible and unlike other texts.

Setting up Advego Plagiatus

Let's start with where to get the check. It can be downloaded from the Advego website. Both downloading and subsequent installation are intuitive for all PC users.

Fig. No. 1. Where is it located and how to download the program.

After installing the Advego program, check the settings. For your convenience, the settings are installed automatically in the program. In my work, I use exactly these parameters by default. But the customer may have other requirements for the text, so knowing how to use the settings will be absolutely useful.

Rice. No. 2. Default settings.

  1. If you click the “use proxy” button, you will avoid the appearance of the captcha. What is captcha for? It checks the user for a robot. The “use proxy” service allows you to hide your IP address from search engines when checking large text to prevent captchas from appearing frequently.
  2. If the Internet speed is low, then it makes sense to set limits on the time it takes to wait for a response from the site. In this case, it is recommended to set the timeout to 50 seconds; I usually don’t set the text size, since I check documents with different numbers of characters, it’s the default and that’s fine.
  3. In the search section, set the uniqueness bar setting, this is the percentage match of material on different resources, for me it’s 1%. If you want the most unique text, set it to 0%.
  4. Change shingle size. This is the number of words in one phrase. The smaller the shingle size, the more matches there are with other resources. The phrase size takes into account not only words, but also punctuation marks. To avoid any misunderstandings, you can agree on the settings with the customer. I set the bar for myself to write with the greatest possible uniqueness and it is desirable that it be 100%. Although excellent text uniqueness starts at 95%. The optimal shingle size value is 4, which is considered the recommended value for deep checking. If you want to improve the text as much as possible, set the shingle size to 3.

Default settings

How to check text?

Paste the text into the program window. From the quick and deep scan, I always choose the deep scan; it analyzes the entire text and selects all search phrases, so they are checked most accurately. When finished, you will see text colored yellow for non-unique phrases and blue for rewriting. Ideal – white text. The main digital value, of course, is that the customer pays the most attention to this indicator on the left; the right number shows the coincidence of the rewrite.

Rice. No. 3. As you can see, the left value shows the number of matches with other resources, the right one shows the number of similar words that you simply replaced with synonyms.

The program produces a more accurate value when checking small texts, 1500 - 2000 characters each. Although I had to check very large articles, up to 10,000 characters or more.

Another plus of the program. If you want to find the resource that published your article, click on the address with the most matches that appears in the window under the text check. The program will show you the site where your text is posted, from there you can take a screenshot and place it in your portfolio.

Recommendations for improving text quality

Advego Plagiatus is one of the most accurate programs!

If you don't cheat, all novice authors use rewriting. Many people use various sources to get decent information. These include catalogs, textbooks, and simply articles that are not indexed on other resources. Advego will not allow texts to be copied and will not allow you to do a regular rewrite. Due to its accuracy, it is popular among customers. Let's look at how to make your article better and more unique.

How to get rid of non-uniqueness of a text document?

If you cannot rearrange the sentence, choose a synonym and throw out the non-unique piece. Or just dilute the phrase an additional word, to destroy the order of consecutive non-unique words, this way you will break the shingle and the phrase will become unique.

I won’t hide it, I myself was once guilty of this. And currently, when writing specialized texts on electrical engineering, I do rewriting. I believe that the definition of Ohm’s law, like the passport data of a particular device, for example, cannot be retold in your own words, since there is a danger of losing the meaning of the article. And it’s not for nothing that the English science articles are considered the best, because if there is a description of a transistor, then they write “transistor” and not “the product mentioned above”, this is both my opinion, because I worked with such texts, and the opinion of other authors.

What to do if you started writing a rewrite, and the program showed you a non-unique text. Use synonyms; after all, rewriting is better than plagiarism. When synonyms appear, it becomes possible to rephrase the sentence again, rearranging the words, perhaps eliminating some from the sentence altogether. Add more information, don't be lazy if new information is not copied by you from another resource, then the text will receive a higher rating.

Well, I’m teaching you how to rewrite and deceive the customer.

Now we have figured out how to increase the uniqueness of the text, check it for SEO analysis, try to get rid of spam and improve the document’s nausea indicators. Finally, let's look at the errors that will be shown in the lower verification window.

SEO-analysis of a text document

Text checking happens instantly, thanks to it you will see the shortcomings of your text.

Many people believe that modern text requirements are already outdated. The most relevant is “Glavred”, or “text analysis in information mode” on text - the - text.

Yes, I absolutely agree with them. Thanks to Maxim Ilyakhov and other developers of the new text quality checking service, you can write an excellent article, without water and other unnecessary bells and whistles. But perhaps I’ll write about this later.

SEO analysis allows you to determine whether the text on advego is nauseous, watery, and spammy in an article.

Let's look at some text indicators.

  1. Number of characters, words.
  2. The number of unique words, their repetition should not be more than once.

Fig. No. 4. Statistics indicators, as you can see, academic nausea in this text exceeds the norm, it is necessary to reduce the number of keys.

  1. Meaningful words are nouns.
  2. Stop words show pronouns, prepositions and connecting words.

Rice. No. 5. Number of stop words.

  1. Water is a percentage of the ratio of stop words to the number of all words in the text.
  2. Academic text nausea indicates how naturally your text is written. To keep the percentage normal, reduce the number of repeated words. You will see their number on the page demonstrated on the service below. Typically its value is 7%.

Rice. No. 6. Try to reduce the number of repeated words and you will see that the quality of the text improves.

  1. Classic document nausea is an indicator of “overspam”, a large number of duplicate keys, and is evidence that the text was written not for people, but for a search robot. The maximum possible value of classic nausea is 3-4%, otherwise you get an article that has a negative effect on website promotion.

And finally - spell checking, I want to say that to complete the picture it is better to check on the service Spelling. Regarding it, I say that the verification leaves much to be desired, and the developers, after conducting a certain number of sessions, constantly ask for money, supposedly for the development of the service. The service often makes mistakes, but one good thing is that it perfectly sees tautology and bureaucracy, and pays attention to extra spaces if you accidentally overlooked them.

Rice. No. 7. Spell checking on the Advego service.

I tried to give, if possible, a complete picture of using the Advego service, if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, I will definitely answer, I won’t bite.

Good luck in writing good texts!

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! In this material we will talk about free online services where you can check spelling both a single word and a large text. In my opinion, listed in the title online services can serve well both a simple Internet user and a novice Web master. And if after spell checking is done plagiarism check, then you can get very high quality text.

Many of us, as a rule, use the text editor Word to write text. And if there is a typo or mistake, this popular editor automatically makes notes. But not all words can be determined correctly by this editor from a spelling point of view. I think the text is best check spelling online resource Yandex.

Namely, the Speller service, which will help detect and correct spelling errors. Having a large number of Russian and foreign dictionaries in its database, the Speller online service checks spelling in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages. One of the advantages of this service is that the Web Speller application can connect any Web master to the pages of its website. In order for readers of my blog to take advantage of the capabilities of this online spell checking service, I installed the module directly on the page. This service is very convenient to use, for example, for editing text after recognizing it from images or photographs.

In order to check spelling online, type or paste the copied text into the form and click the “Check Spelling” button.

When working with texts, many Web masters, as a rule, run their materials through several online services to check spelling. But everyone knows and understands perfectly well that no program or specialized service can replace a person. For example, all the articles on this blog that I wrote were “face controlled” by my beloved wife. And at the same time it cannot be ruled out human factor. Quite often it happens that “the eye becomes blurry,” and then an error in a word slips through unnoticed. In such situation online spell check resource will be very useful. And when the article has already been published on the site, you can check the spelling Yandex Webmaster service. To check spelling, simply enter the URL (address) of the desired page into a special form. I recommend this resource to be remembered by users who are thinking about creating their own website or blog on their own. In the future, this service will become an excellent assistant for you.

Also, spelling online checks well online service of unique content Advego. In the results of a text spell check, this resource provides statistics on the number of characters and words, uniqueness, wateriness, document nausea, etc. Simply an excellent service for working with texts, for further optimization for search engines.

And here information resource I would like to highlight him for his wonderful help desk. In the archive of the help desk of this online service you can find almost any answer related to spelling. And if the answer is not found, you can ask the specialists.

Of course, there are a lot of online services where you can do a spell check. And each user uses those services that are most suitable for his tasks. Some Web masters install this button on the pages of their sites online Orphus systems. Quite a good way for readers who discovered an error and wanted to report it to the site owner. Although, in my opinion, text spell checking This method is most suitable for non-dynamic sites where there is no Feedback or the opportunity to leave comments on articles. But in most cases, many Web masters install comment modules on their sites, through which you can send a message to the resource owner. And installing such a button on the site, I think, loses its meaning (but this is my opinion).

I hope that the online services that I briefly described in this article will be useful to my readers. I would like to wish everyone success and good luck. See you again on the pages of the blog.

Hello everyone, my dear friends. As usual, Dmitry Kostin is with you and I have news for you, but they mostly concern copywriters and bloggers. The fact is that since yesterday it has become possible to check for the uniqueness of text using Advego Plagiatus in online mode.

So where is it new if it was before? - You ask. The answer is simple. Previously, this was a separate application that had to be downloaded to your computer. But since you often have to work from different places, it becomes very inconvenient. You won't install the program on every new computer. Am I right?

You can, of course, not bother and use other free services, for example, but for me, for example, Advego Plagiatus has sunk into my soul more, and other services have their pitfalls, for example, you will have to stand in line before the check is carried out.

What do you need to do to start checking? Well, of course, you need to be registered in the Advego. Therefore, when you log into your account, you will find a new item there, or rather a small icon. This is an online verification service. Click on it.

A new window will open in front of you. But I want to tell you, there is nothing complicated here. Just paste any copied text and write the name of the check. And if you want to exclude a site from the scan itself, then click on the scan parameters and enter the desired URL there.

Well, as you already understood, you need to click on the magic word “Check”, after which the desired result will be displayed.

Is all this free?

If you check one or two texts of 4-5 thousand characters, then I can confidently say that this service is free for you. But in essence this is still not the case. Now I will explain why.

From now on, you will receive 10,000 free symbols every day (at approximately 2-4 am). This is exactly the number of characters you can check per day absolutely free. Well, if you exceed the limit, you will have to pay extra. But I want to say that in fact it is not expensive at all. Checking every 1000 characters will cost you only 60 kopecks. So you don’t have to worry too much about this. Moreover, for large orders you can expect discounts from 10% to 30%.

But I want to make a reservation right away. Every day you are not credited with 10,000 symbols, but the amount that you need to reach 10,000. For example, if yesterday you used up 7,000 free symbols, then tomorrow you will be credited with 3,000, so that there are 10,000 of them again. I think this is all clear.

Example of work

To try out this service, I decided to check the uniqueness of this very article that I am writing in this moment. After we have inserted the text and started checking, we will have to wait a little while the service works. This actually doesn’t take much time, maybe a minute.

Sometimes an error may appear, such as "Correct the text". All this is due to the fact that the service is essentially still “raw”, so at first there may be some sins with it. In my case, it simply did not count the number of characters that I entered for verification, that is, it showed that there was no text there at all. To do this, just log out and log in again, then everything will work.

After that, I was given all the ins and outs: what percentage of uniqueness, what percentage of rewriting, how many characters were spent, etc. Well, as we can see, the uniqueness here is 100%, and the rewrite percentage is only 4. Well, that’s great. But I have never chased 100% uniqueness; I usually take a figure greater than 92%.

I have already tested two articles this morning, and now I have tested the third. More precisely, I tested one article 2 times

Well, with this I say goodbye to you. I hope that you liked my article today, and maybe now you will also use the service Advego Plagiarism online. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates and share article materials on in social networks. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Hello, dear blog readers. If you want to try your hand at writing articles and not just try, but also earn money, then first of all I advise you to look at an exchange like Advego. It is ideal for beginners, it allows you to really evaluate your strengths, and the requirements for written texts on this exchange are much lower than on similar sites. In addition to writing articles, you can earn money from comments, reviews, translations of texts, voting and surveys. There is a lot of work for Advego, a lot. There is more than enough for everyone.

Where to begin?

First, we go through standard registration. Enter the name of the mailbox and confirm it in your email. Next, I advise you to immediately fill out your profile on the website and link your electronic wallet (WebMoney). It will take you no more than 2-3 minutes to do everything. That's it, our profile is ready, you can start earning money.

So, on the site you have two opportunities to earn money.

Job search. Let's go to the tab of the same name. We will have access to all orders for writing articles.

What do we pay attention to?

1. Of course, about the task itself, what needs to be done, on what topic.
2. Cost of payment. Usually they indicate the full cost and the cost per 1000 characters.
3. Be sure to check the customer’s rating. We are interested in the percentage of failures and the percentage of revisions. In this case, great. A failure rate above 10-20% should alert you. That is, either the customer is too meticulous or not too conscientious.

Advice. Be sure to start with the simplest tasks. Let’s start with simple reviews, comments, perhaps very simple articles. Don't jump straight into high-paying orders.


As a rule, if you are a beginner, it will take you a lot of time to write the articles themselves due to your inexperience. Over time and with experience, you will write these same articles like cracking nuts, faster and easier. For now, let’s try our strength, get better at something easier.

Your rating will increase and your portfolio of completed work will accumulate. You can also gradually take more money for orders. Advertisers value those who can write well and are therefore willing to pay them more than others.

The second way to make money on Advego is putting your articles up for sale. Write on any topic. You set a price and that’s it...

How determine the price?

Look at the approximate cost of such articles (usually the price is for 1000 characters without spaces). To begin with, bet a little less. Remember to increase your ranking and gain experience. Gradually, when you sell articles, slowly increase the price.
By the way, Advego has now banned newbies from selling articles. To gain access you must complete 10 paid orders. It’s better for us, there’s less competition.

A prerequisite for working for Advego is complete uniqueness of the text. You can check the text itself for this very uniqueness directly on the website. To do this, download and install the program - Advego Plagiatus. Then just copy the text into the field and click “ check uniqueness»

Text that is not unique is highlighted in yellow.
A threshold of up to 80% is quite acceptable. But it’s better to strive for 100% uniqueness, thereby avoiding problems with customers.

Potential earnings

As I already said, the cost is based on 1000 characters. For a beginner, prices will initially be no more than $1-1.5 for these same 1000 characters. But this is at the beginning. Slowly, by completing tasks, we are building up a base of regular customers, gaining experience, and subsequently it is quite realistic to count on an amount of $3-5, and given that the text size in an article is usually about 2000-2500 characters, we get about 7-10 dollars. Usually it can be written in about forty minutes to an hour.

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