
How to open a consulting company business plan. Planning a consulting company. Download a ready-made business plan for a consulting firm with calculations and an Excel financial model

Today every second person who has their own financial resources, wants to open some kind of business. But often these people are not savvy in many issues necessary for organizing a business. Therefore, more and more often we have to turn to consulting organizations. Are you interested in this kind of business? Then this article for you!

Consulting organizations provide services in the field of legal, accounting, economic, technical and other assistance. That is, this business consists of consulting manufacturers and buyers, legal and individuals. These companies can be either broadly specialized or provide assistance services in specific areas.

The popularity of the services of such companies is growing more and more every day. If previously organizations on the verge of bankruptcy applied for help, now, on the contrary, “newly created” companies apply. This is dictated by economic instability, constant crises and changes in legislation.

The specificity of this business is that it is purely intellectual. This means that your success directly depends on your employees. Currently good specialists There are practically no people who have a broad outlook and knowledge in various fields. Your main task will be to find such valuable personnel. The advantage of a business is that its organization requires small financial investments. Business profitability according to statistics reaches up to 150%. It pays for itself in about six months. Legislative registration is no different from any other form of ownership.

For successful and effective development business, you must first draw up a clearly planned business plan. You can find such examples below.

promising areas of business development - contains a business plan consulting company Acme Consulting. The mission and goals of the company are presented. The key factors for business success in the field of consulting services are described. The table provides a summary of initial (start-up) costs. Plan developed initial formation authorized capital. The market of potential competitors is analyzed, their strengths and weaknesses are highlighted. The list of services provided by the organization is considered and the sales volume is analyzed. Organizational and financial plans. The results of the market analysis are summarized.

Marketing policy - a business plan for the consulting firm "Modelier" is presented. Contains a list of services provided by the organization. Calculations of the main economic indicators were made. These include sales volumes, revenue, production and sales costs. In addition, the sales market was assessed and segmented according to various criteria (income level, commitment, age). The table evaluates competitors and their Comparative characteristics. Much attention is paid to marketing policy, its goals and objectives are highlighted.

Calculation of basic technical and economic indicators - contains a business plan that describes in detail all organizational stages of the business. The chart provides a summary of initial (start-up) costs. A complete and detailed market analysis was carried out. All participants are highlighted: competitors and consumers. The main economic indicators of the project's effectiveness have been calculated. A graph has been constructed showing the break-even point of the business. In addition, a financial report has been developed, which presents indicators of income and expenses, and the planned movement of liquidity. All cost indicators are reflected.

Justification of the feasibility of creating enterprises - a business plan is presented, which contains a theoretical description of the activities of the consulting company. Possible difficulties and nuances of business that need to be paid special attention to are presented. Contains the development of the organization of activities of the enterprise "Style". Possible competitors in the market are identified. Tips are given to eliminate management difficulties. From this business plan you will learn how to make your organization a leader, promising directions for further development and how to find individual approach to every client.

Promising areas of development - a business plan has been developed for the Hi-Tech Consulting organization, which is engaged in marketing high-tech products. Produced short description market, possible keys to success were found. Presented by marketing research market with identification of strong and weaknesses competitors. Particular attention is paid to the issue of pricing; cost calculations are made in the tables. Sales strategy developed and calendar plan organizations. Presented organizational structure, which contains staffing table workers.


Western business plan for a consulting company for small businesses

This business plan is about creating a consulting company offering a wide range of services, mainly for small businesses.

The main specialization of the new agency is consulting on business planning issues. This plan provides the main directions of the agency’s work, an analysis of the situation in the consulting services market, an overview of competitors, business strategies and implementation, as well as the necessary financial information.

The company plans to provide comprehensive consulting to the business community. Particular preference is given small companies with a staff of 25 to 175 people. The list of services provided includes seminars and practical lessons on drawing up business plans (from development to writing), financial analysis and balance sheet restructuring, evaluation of purchase or sale agreements, analysis working capital, analysis of computer software and equipment, as well as their installation, updating and training of personnel to work with them.

In addition, the company is developing video courses on writing business plans and updating software. As marketing tools, it is planned to use direct mail, advertisements in specialized magazines, as well as distribution of the company's products at seminars held by the company.

The consulting agency has one founder and a small staff of qualified consultants. As starting capital It is planned to use a loan in the amount of $65 thousand, in addition to $17 thousand in tangible assets and from received grants.

Revenue for the first year of operation is expected to be more than $288 thousand, and net profit after paying all taxes – $6,143.

By the end of the second year of operation, according to the business plan, revenue could reach $970 thousand, and net profit - about $110 thousand.

The third year is estimated to bring about $1.9 million (net profit - $260 thousand).

High profits based on the results of the third year of operation are due to the company achieving a certain level of development, winning and retaining new and old customers, high demand for seminars and master classes and sales of audio, video courses and books.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Business plan

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Reviews (18)

Consulting is still a completely new service for our country, but despite this, its demand on the market is already quite high. Opening a consulting agency is an opportunity to start with minimal costs and achieve a good amount of profit in a short time. This is due to the fairly rapid development of this market sector and the favorable environment surrounding the start of this activity.

In order to open a consulting business, large capital investments are not needed, and this is the main advantage of this type of business. Important has experience in this field, respectable appearance, and the presence of psychological stability. Businessmen who are too young have a lower chance of success; as a rule, business consultants over the age of 30 are trusted by clients.

Before opening a consulting agency, you need to clearly define in which area you plan to provide services. This could be accounting, economics, finance, etc. The final choice depends on the level of competition, as well as how much knowledge you have in a particular area. Customers may have a variety of questions, and you should have an answer to any of them.

Opportunity quick start in consulting attracts many entrepreneurs to this business. And most of them are confident that organizing a consulting firm does not present any problems. This is a misconception that can be costly. At first glance, to open your own business related to the provision of consulting services, you really don’t need that much.

As the experience of creating a consulting company shows, for a successful start you need an office located as close as possible to the city center, establishing contacts with prestigious companies, as well as competent promotion of information about own services. But of particular importance is the correct determination of possible directions for the development of a consulting company.

Competition in this market sector is quite high, and only the most persistent can stay afloat. As a rule, these include entrepreneurs who took the basis for creating their company professional example business plan for a consulting company with ready-made calculations. With this document, opening a consulting firm or company from scratch is guaranteed to take place without serious difficulties. Thanks to a business plan, you will be able to fully understand all organizational issues, which will allow you to profitably present your services.

Reviews for (18)

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    Business plan for a consulting company

    Surprisingly, the business plan actually works. Your help was invaluable in opening our company. When you start a new business, your head is a mess and you often don’t understand what to do right. The business plan helped to develop a clear strategy of action. Thank you very much.

    Alexey, thank you for your feedback. Yes, a business plan is created precisely in order to outline a clear path to achieving the set goal. It allows you to calculate all the pros and cons, take into account dangerous moments and avoid mistakes. We wish you success in creating a consulting company.

    Business plan for a consulting company

    After working in the company for several months, I realized that my knowledge was not enough. I started looking for information and came across your business plan. It was very interesting to meet you. I learned a lot of new things for myself. Thank you.

    Christina, thank you for your response. We are glad that the information from the business plan of the consulting company was so useful for you. We hope that your new knowledge will allow you to climb several steps up the career ladder. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

    Business plan for a consulting company

    Thanks, good business plan. The theoretical part is well written. Detailed calculations. Everything became clear what and where.

    Elena, thank you for your feedback. It’s great that we were able to clarify the situation with the organization of the consulting company. We hope that you will have enough courage, perseverance and self-confidence to bring the matter to the opening. We wish you good luck in business.

The proposed business plan for a consulting company will become an invaluable assistant in building a strong own business. Any enterprise needs a quality audit and monitoring of its financial condition, as well as periodic analysis economic activity third party organizations. These consulting services are in demand, because thanks to the clear actions of professionals, the provision accounting services With competent advice, it is possible to avoid many unpleasant moments when reporting.

A ready-made business plan for organizing an accounting services company will allow you to start activities in this direction with minimal costs. Careful research will help you choose the right office, distribute work responsibilities, organize a clear workflow and find clients. of this document. The audit firm begins to bring instant profit to the owner, subject to a balanced scientific and economic approach. Project feasibility studies will help you with this endeavor.

Having studied the business plan for opening an audit firm, you will gain open path and invaluable advice, because the chances of successful development Consulting agencies are great. Pay attention to the paragraph describing the list of requirements for consulting companies. And also take a look at the list of services that may be provided in the future, including legal assistance and personnel selection.

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