
How to make a birdhouse from plastic panels. An elegant birdhouse made from a bottle. How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle: choosing materials

Manufacturing instructions

Mark the bottle as shown in the picture. Once the lines are drawn, make cuts with a hacksaw and finish with scissors. Plastic is quite easy to cut. The first photos show what the bottom of the house will be like, the last ones show the roof.

From the bottom, the bottle needs to be cut in half, but not all the way. To prevent it from breaking further, limit the end of the cut to a small hole. The photo shows 4 more holes, two on each half, they will be needed to attach the roof to the house.

Cut off the part of the bottle where the cap is screwed on, with a small margin. Cut a hole in the lid for the birds.

In the façade of the house, make a hole of suitable size and secure the structure with a cut-out lid.

From below, under the entrance, make a perch to make the birds comfortable. It should be strong enough to support a small bird, but not allow predators to get inside.

Interior decoration
The nest can be covered with a special mat sold in a pet store, or crocheted yourself. The nest can be secured through two holes in the bottom of the house.

To attach the roof of the house, make two holes in the back and tie the body and roof together. If you have a suitable piece of plastic, you can secure it together and, after cutting a hole, hang it on a tree.

A love for birds or a simple desire to get rid of pests on their property makes many summer residents think about making a birdhouse. Not everyone knows that not only starlings, but also many other birds can live in a birdhouse. For example, small owls can live in a birdhouse and will hunt for small rodents, and if you manage to place singing birds in your dacha, then you will be able to enjoy their beautiful trills throughout the warm season. In addition to practical and aesthetic benefits, making a birdhouse together with your children will help develop their love of nature and work.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands, and what types of birdhouses there are, you can find out by reading our article.

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Professional ornithologists advise using hardwood boards to build a birdhouse:

  • Alders.
  • Aspens.
  • Birches.

Softwood boards are not recommended because they release resin that can harm birds. There is also no need to make a birdhouse from plywood, because it has poor thermal insulation properties and the birds will be cold in such a house. In addition, plywood does not transmit sounds well, and this negatively affects the reaction of birds when predators appear. You should absolutely not build a birdhouse from chipboard or fiberboard; first of all, such a birdhouse will fall apart after the first heavy rain, and secondly, particle boards are made using toxic substances that can harm the health of birds.

Larch boards

In addition to hardwood boards, you will also need:

  • Hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Drill.
  • Chisel.
  • Measuring tape and ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Nails.
  • Wood glue.
  • Water-based paint (if you want to paint the birdhouse).

Consider one more important point, no matter how much you would like to build the most beautiful birdhouse, under no circumstances should you treat the surface of the boards with a plane! The boards should not be planed; this is necessary for the chicks to be able to climb up the walls of the birdhouse.

Making a birdhouse

Referring to the drawing below, perform the following procedure:

  1. Make markings by transferring the dimensions of the parts from the drawing to the boards.
  2. Using a jigsaw or hacksaw, cut out the parts according to the markings.
  3. Using a drill or chisel, make a hole with a diameter of 40 millimeters in the front wall of the birdhouse.
  4. Place the side walls in a vertical position and glue the front wall with the manufactured tap hole to them. It is very important to avoid gaps when gluing.
  5. After the glue has dried, strengthen the connections of the side and front walls with nails.
  6. Coat the lower ends of the connected walls with glue and glue the bottom of the birdhouse to them. After the glue has dried, also nail the bottom to the walls.
  7. Attach the back wall in the same way.
  8. Make the roof of the birdhouse by connecting the holding spike and the lid.
  9. Place the roof on the birdhouse. There is no need to nail or glue the roof, since it must be removable so that the birdhouse can be cleaned.
  10. Additionally, for the convenience of the birds, you can install a bar or pole in front of the hole.

A simple birdhouse made from boards is ready! All that remains is to hang it correctly on a tree or pole.

Simple birdhouse

How to make a simple birdhouse, see also in the video:

Birdhouse placement

In order not to harm the trees, you should not nail the birdhouse to a trunk or branch. Many people hang birdhouses on metal wire, but this method also harms the trees, because over time the wire damages the bark and the wood begins to rot. It is best to hang the birdhouse from a thick rope made of organic material or from a wooden crossbar sandwiched between branches.

Methods for installing a birdhouse

When placing a birdhouse, take into account the height; if you hang it very low (less than two meters), then wild and domestic predators can easily reach the clutch or chicks.

When hanging a house for birds, take care of their comfort, give the birdhouse a slightly tilted forward position, this will allow the birds to easily move from the bottom to the entrance.

When choosing a place for a birdhouse, do not place it near thick branches, which in windy weather can damage the structure of the house.

Install a birdhouse with a partner

Since the work on attaching the birdhouse takes place at a fairly high altitude, be sure to work with a partner who will insure and help you on the ground. It is also advisable that you have a mounting belt tied to the tree.

Birdhouses made from scrap materials

You can make an original birdhouse not only from wood. There are many objects from which wild human imagination can create a bird house, let's look at some of them:

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

From plastic bottle You can make both a large and a small birdhouse, everything depends on the displacement. As a permanent home for birds, plastic birdhouse It won’t work, but it will work well as a winter feeder.

To make a birdhouse:

  1. Take a five liter plastic bottle.
  2. Cut a hole with a diameter of 3-4 centimeters at the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Cover the edges of the hole with tape or adhesive tape to prevent birds from getting hurt by the sharp edges.
  4. The fastening of the birdhouse-bottle can be made in the form of a loop protruding from the neck and clamped with a lid.
  5. Additionally, you can insulate the birdhouse by wrapping it with felt and tape.
  6. Finally, you can place dry straw at the bottom of the birdhouse or simply sprinkle bird food.

If you are a creative person, you can also paint the bottle or decorate it with decorative elements.

There are many options for feeders and birdhouses made of plastic bottles, but the manufacturing principle is the same for all, this is cutting out a notch, a fastening device and your imagination for the design.

Instructions for making a birdhouse from a plastic bottle are also in the video:

Birdhouse made of cardboard

Despite the absolute lack of resistance of cardboard to water, it is quite possible to make a birdhouse out of it that will last at least a year. Below are a drawing and instructions for making a birdhouse out of cardboard.

To make a cardboard birdhouse:

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard or disassemble one or more cardboard boxes. The denser and thicker the cardboard, the longer the birdhouse will last.
  2. Draw on the sheet the pattern you see in the picture.
  3. Cut out the drawn parts.
  4. Bend the pieces along the fold lines.
  5. Take wide tape and cover the inside and outside of the parts with it. Also, instead of tape, you can use any waterproof material and glue. On the inside of the front wall, under the hole, stick a piece of coarse fabric so that the birds can easily climb from the nest to the entrance.
  6. Glue the gluing areas with universal glue.
  7. Reinforce the glued corners by placing strips of tape on them.
  8. Use scissors to cut a hole for the tap hole.
  9. Cover the inside of the tap hole with tape.
  10. Make a hole and insert the pole.
  11. Paint the birdhouse with paints or decorate it with decorations.

It is worth noting that it is better to glue the roof in such a birdhouse using tape and, as needed for cleaning, cut the tape with a knife and remove the roof.

Birdhouse made of cardboard

The birdhouse is made of cardboard and is very light in weight, so if it is not fastened well, it can be blown away by the wind.

You can also learn how to make a birdhouse out of cardboard from the video:

Shoebox birdhouse

A birdhouse made from a shoebox is made according to the same principle as a birdhouse made from cardboard. The main task is to make the parts of the birdhouse absolutely waterproof. This can be achieved either by gluing a waterproof film, or by coating the parts with water-repellent paint.

Birdhouse made of thick logs

This type of birdhouse is closest to the natural habitat of birds living in tree hollows. To make it you will need:

  • A piece of log with a diameter of 20-3 centimeters and a length of 40-50 centimeters.
  • Chainsaw or two-handed saw.
  • Powerful drill with wide drill bit.
  • Large wide chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Clamps (for clamping logs during cutting and drilling).
  • Nails.

Leave the walls 3-4 centimeters.

The technology for making a birdhouse from a log is quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to produce this work with a partner.

  1. Clamp the log with clamps.
  2. Cut two dies of 4-5 centimeters thick from the log; they will serve as the roof and bottom of the birdhouse.
  3. Take a drill and start drilling out the inside of the log. When drilling, leave walls 3-4 centimeters thick along the edges of the log.
  4. If the drill length is not enough for through holes, drill from both sides.
  5. Using a chisel and hammer, shape the inside walls of the birdhouse into their final, round shape.
  6. Drill a hole for the tap hole and install a pole or strip underneath it.
  7. Nail the bottom of the birdhouse.
  8. The roof of the birdhouse can simply be attached to a few nails so that it can be easily removed if necessary.

Birdhouse made of logs

Never make a birdhouse from wet wood, otherwise, after drying, it may crack and fall apart. It is also advisable to treat the bottom, roof and areas of the birdhouse unprotected by bark with water-repellent paint.

You can see another option for making a birdhouse from a log in the video:

Birdhouse made from wine corks

The name of the birdhouse is not entirely correct, since wine corks serve only as decoration. The name would be more correct: a birdhouse decorated with wine corks. In addition to its decorative properties, a wine cork has good thermal insulation characteristics, therefore, birds will be warm in a birdhouse decorated in such an unusual way.

Birdhouse decorated with wine corks

If you decide to decorate your birdhouse with wine corks, then prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Lots of wine corks.

There are three ways to decorate with wine corks:

  • The first method involves cutting the cork into several round dies. After which, the dies are glued to the roof and walls of the birdhouse.
  • The second method is to cut the cork longitudinally into two semicircular parts and then decorate the walls of the birdhouse with them.
  • The third method eliminates cutting. The cork is glued in its entirety.

Multi-apartment birdhouse decorated with corks

There is no point in choosing just one way to decorate; the birdhouse will look more beautiful if you decorate it in all three ways. For example: the roof - with dies, the side walls - longitudinally cut, and the front wall - with whole plugs.

Options, design and decorative elements of birdhouses

There are many options for birdhouses unusual shape and design, we offer you photographs of some of them:

    • Birdhouse - “barrel”. It is made from half-bent slats and round blanks glued together. Plastic elements imitating vines and hemp rope were used as decoration. Such a birdhouse is difficult to make and is not recommended for making by people who do not have experience in carpentry.

    • The “three-room” birdhouse is made of three sections of different shapes, connected to each other. The peculiarity of the birdhouse is that it uses the front wall as a removable element, and not the roof as in conventional models.

    • Birdhouse - “shoe”. A budget option for a birdhouse made from an old shoe. Boards and galvanized iron were used as protection against precipitation.

    • Birdhouse from the body of an old rotary telephone. The birdhouse is not environmentally safe, since substances harmful to birds can be released from the plastic body when heated in salt licks.

    • Birdhouse from an old canister. A successful design solution, but the use of metal products for nesting birds is not recommended by ornithologists, because in the summer it is hot in such birdhouses, and in the cold season the birds can freeze.

    • Birdhouses decorated with stones. A beautiful option for birdhouses, but a significant drawback can be the weight of the product, especially when installed at a height.

  • The birdhouse - “hut”, is made of laminated veneer lumber, folded together from a rustic log house. A beautiful birdhouse, but very difficult to make.

Thanks to human imagination, houses for birds will always be replenished with new options; it may turn out that you will become one of the authors of the new birdhouse design!

A good thing is to work and hang a birdhouse. And necessary. Both for the birds and for the person himself.

The tradition of building artificial houses for birds is deeply rooted in history.

Birdhouses are needed for birds. Previously, birdhouses hung in almost every yard where there were trees. That was the tradition. Which, they say, has deep historical roots. It is not known when it all started, but birdhouses can already be seen in images dating back to the early 16th century. Made of wood and clay.

This was noble, in essence, and very feasible human assistance to our smaller brothers, so that there would be somewhere to hide from the rain, build a nest and raise chicks. After all, it was man who drove the birds, for example, out of the city. Often, either next to the birdhouse itself, or in the immediate vicinity of it, a feeder was set up, into which, with enviable consistency, caring people poured cereal, millet and other delicacies for the birds.

Birdhouses were inhabited, naturally, by starlings, tits, sparrows, flycatchers and other bird brethren. Now, apart from sparrows and pigeons, well, perhaps also crows and swallows, the city dweller does not know any birds. Yes, it happened that woodpeckers and even squirrels moved into birdhouses.

The process of making a birdhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands is described in detail.

Would need:

  • two 5l plastic bottles. for a house, as well as 2l. for cutting “tiles”;
  • wooden perch;
  • scissors;
  • marker;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • brush;
  • paints;
  • acrylic facade varnish;
  • burlap for the interior decoration of the birdhouse;
  • various decorative elements (small sticks, flowers, butterflies, bells, ladybugs, etc.).

Making a birdhouse begins with cutting out “tiles” for the roof of the house according to the template. A template is attached to the inside of the 2L. bottle, the outline of which is transferred with a marker onto the plastic and then cut out.

Below the entrance, there should be a perch. It is attached very simply, a mark for cutting is drawn on the bottle with a marker, an incision is made along the lines and a perch is inserted.

Through the entrance of the birdhouse, burlap is glued to the inner walls of the house! The chicks will not be able to get out of the house on the smooth walls of the bottle, so their surface should be rough and textured.

Afterwards, using glue or double-sided tape (not important), “tiles” are laid over the entire area of ​​the birdhouse roof.

In the end, the result was such a wonderful preparation!

Then the birdhouse is painted. Birds prefer dark and secluded places, so the house is completely painted over. Can be used acrylic paints or even gouache, since after painting the surface of the birdhouse is varnished!

When painting a bird house, creativity and boundless imagination will make the birdhouse very original.

The main thing is to let each layer of paint dry properly!

Gradually the workpiece takes on a finished form.

The top of the bottle is painted to resemble brickwork. And then, in order to hide the end of the last level of tiles, a rope is wound over the top.

The “tiled” roof, with the help of different shades, is given a “live” look.

After painting, you can start decorating the birdhouse, final stage in creating a bird house.

Using sticks, a fence is created. The sticks are first glued in the bottle and then tied with rope until the glue dries completely.

The resulting fence can be painted, if desired.

Also, in addition to the fence, the entrance (entrance) of the birdhouse is decorated with branches and an edge is created around the house. Decorative ladybugs are evenly distributed throughout the house.

The perch is wrapped with rope, having previously secured it with double-sided tape or glue. The end of the perch is decorated with a bell.

That's all!

A fabulous birdhouse made from plastic bottles is ready!

Do you think you need to run a charitable foundation to help nature?

This is wrong!

Everyone can contribute by building a birdhouse with their own hands.

All you need is instructions and minimum set tools. The latter is up to you, and you will find the guide below.

DIY birdhouse: necessary materials

Bird houses are usually made from boards or plywood. Such birdhouses are more attractive to birds, but it is not always possible to obtain suitable material. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use improvised means.

To make a cool birdhouse, you need one or two plastic bottles and a little imagination. The amount of material and the list of tools depend on the method of manufacturing the structure.

Specifically for our example we will need:

  • two plastic bottles - 2 l and 5 l;
  • gouache paint;
  • glue "Second";
  • straight wooden stick;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • sackcloth.

Note: five liter bottle must be intact, since due to the extra holes the birdhouse will be blown out, which will scare away the birds.

A set of tools for making a birdhouse can be found in any home.

All you need is large scissors, a utility knife, a marker, and a few brushes for applying paint and varnish.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands from a bottle

Once the material has been collected, begin manufacturing. First, we’ll make the blank with our own hands, and then we’ll start finishing and decorating the birdhouse.

For convenience, we divide the process into several stages:

Stage No. 1. Making a roof.

At this stage it is necessary to make “tiles” for the decorative roof. Don't worry: you won't need clay or a kiln. We will cut out all the elements from a two-liter bottle.

Cut off the neck and bottom from it. Cut the middle crosswise and unfold. Using a marker, draw the outlines of the “tiles” onto the plastic and cut them out with scissors.

Note: To make it the same size, use a cardboard stencil.

Stage No. 2. Birdhouse base.

At the top of a five-liter container, draw an even circle with a diameter of 4-5 cm. Next, cut a hole along the contour.

Down from the entrance, at a distance of 2-3 cm, make two intersecting short cuts. Secure a wooden stick in the resulting hole using glue.

Important! Glue the burlap on the inside of the bottle. This is necessary so that the birds can get out. If you ignore this step, the slippery walls will make the birdhouse not a home, but a death trap.

Stage No. 3. We lay the “tiles”.

Start gluing the roof elements from the bottom edge and gradually move towards the neck of the bottle.

Do not forget that the lower part of the roof should serve as a canopy, so do not glue these parts completely.

Stage No. 4. The final.

Birds prefer shady places to make nests, so it is necessary to darken the plastic bottle.

Cover the base with light paint and the “tiles” with dark paint. When the gouache is completely dry, treat the birdhouse with acrylic varnish. This is necessary so that the gouache is not washed away by the first rain.

The birdhouse is ready, all that remains is to make it more attractive.

How to decorate a birdhouse

When decorating a birdhouse, try to make it look like a natural object that birds will prefer.

Use wooden sticks, branches, twine, decorative leaves, insects, etc. for decoration.

Wrap string around the perch to make it easier for the birds to sit. Paint the bottle cap under the chimney, and hide the places where the “tiles” are attached with the same twine.

Make a makeshift fence at the bottom of the birdhouse. To do this, glue sticks around the bottle and tie them with felt. If desired, cover the decorative fence with paint or varnish.

Cover the entrance to the birdhouse with branches in a circle in the shape of a nest. Tie them with rope and secure with glue.

The end result will be a cozy home for which the birds won’t even have to take out a mortgage.

To protect birds from predators, secure the birdhouse as high off the ground as possible. Poles are not the best choice for this, so give preference to trees.

Each of us still has school years the arrival of spring is associated not only with warm sunny days, the first young tender greenery, swelling buds, running streams and the singing of birds, by March 8, but also with the making of birdhouses for birds.

It is only at first glance that it seems that making a “house” for starlings is not at all difficult and does not require special skills and knowledge. In fact, making a real, practical and convenient birdhouse is quite difficult, even if you have a basic understanding of carpentry.

Having noticed a birdhouse hanging on a tree, pole or anywhere else, few people think that it is not enough just to make and hang it; it turns out that it also requires annual “maintenance”. Every year at the beginning of spring, the birdhouse should be opened, cleaned and debris caused by former guests removed, so that newly arrived birds can safely build a nest in it and have offspring. Therefore, when making a birdhouse, it is very important to make it collapsible or with at least one opening wall.

In our article, we would like to offer you three options for making birdhouses, each of which is accompanied by detailed drawings and an intelligible description, thanks to which you can easily, quickly and simply make your own house for songbirds and look forward to their settling.

1. So, DIY birdhouse, entitled "Blue Finch"

The front wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x170x325 millimeters from softwood lumber- one joke;

The back wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x170x260 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The side walls of the birdhouse, measuring 20x175x225 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Decorative birdhouse board, size 20x90x240 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The bottom of the birdhouse, measuring 20x150x90 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The roof of the birdhouse, measuring 20x235x190 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Perch for a birdhouse, 8 mm in diameter, 75 mm long, made of beech dowel - one piece.

DIY birdhouse - step by step description work.

Step one. To begin with, using the proposed sketches and the indicated dimensions, it is necessary to make templates from fiberboard, six millimeters thick, for the front wall of the birdhouse and two decorative boards, using which in the future you should transfer, using a simple pencil, the outline of the sketch one to one on a pine board, twenty thick millimeters. Next, you should cut out all the drawn parts using a jigsaw, and also drill an inlet hole on the front wall with a diameter of thirty-two millimeters.

Step two. Using the template made for the front wall of the birdhouse, you need to once again transfer the outline of the part onto a pine board, twenty millimeters thick, and cut out the back part without making an entrance hole.

Step three. The side walls of the birdhouse must be cut out of pine boards, one hundred and seventy-five millimeters wide. The upper edges of the walls should be beveled at an angle of sixty-seven degrees, and the lower ones at an angle of seventy-eight degrees, after which the length of the side walls, measured from the inside, should be equal to two hundred and twenty-two millimeters

Step four. Then, from a board one hundred and fifty millimeters wide, you need to cut out the bottom of the birdhouse, the right and left edges of which should be beveled at an angle of seventy-eight degrees.

Step six. After that, the finished parts of the side walls must be attached to the front of the birdhouse using screws (32 mm) and waterproof glue, so that the edges of the side walls protrude 6 mm beyond the front wall.

Step seven. Then, using the same screws and waterproof glue, you need to attach the bottom of the birdhouse.

Step eight. Then you should fasten the roof to the side and front walls of the birdhouse without touching the back wall.

Step nine. Previously made decorative boards must be attached to the birdhouse using finishing nails or waterproof wood glue.

Step ten. Now you need to cut a board to install the birdhouse and at a height of ninety-five millimeters from the bottom edge of this board you need to attach the back wall of the birdhouse.

Step eleven. In the front part of the birdhouse, stepping back thirty-two millimeters from the entrance hole, it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of eight millimeters, a depth of twelve millimeters for a perch and glue a manufactured dowel into it, seventy-five millimeters long.

Step twelve. The finished birdhouse should be coated on the outer surface with finishing paint for exterior use; the inside should be left in its natural form.

2. Simple DIY birdhouse for small birds.

Necessary materials for making a birdhouse:

The front wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x100x290 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The back wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x100x245 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The side walls of the birdhouse, measuring 20x145x235 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Decorative birdhouse board, size 20x50x175 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The bottom of the birdhouse, measuring 20x100x120 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The roof of the birdhouse, measuring 20x150x200 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Birdhouse mounting board, size 20x75x450 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

Simple DIY birdhouse- step-by-step description of the work.

Step one. To begin with, you need to cut out the front and back walls of the birdhouse from a pine board, one hundred millimeters wide, and saw off their upper ends at an angle of 60 degrees, thereby forming a ridge.

Step two. Next, at a distance of two hundred and fifty millimeters from the top, it is necessary to saw off the horizontal lower edge of the rear wall, and on the front wall, cut out a semicircular lower edge and, seventy-five millimeters from the top, drill a hole with a diameter of 032 millimeters.

Step three. Then you should cut out the side walls, as well as the top edges and bevel them at an angle of sixty degrees.

Step four. The manufactured side walls must be attached to the front wall of the birdhouse using screws and waterproof wood glue.

Step six. After that, from a board two hundred millimeters wide, it is necessary to cut out the slopes of the roof of the birdhouse and bevel each one at an angle of sixty degrees. Additionally, the front edge of the roof slopes can be made shaped.

Step seven. The manufactured roof must be attached to the side and front walls of the birdhouse, without touching the back.

Step eight. Lastly, you need to cut out the board for attaching the birdhouse measuring 20x75x450 mm, and attach it together with the back wall to the birdhouse itself.

Step nine. The finished birdhouse should be coated, the outside should be coated with finishing paint for exterior use, in no case covering the inside of the birdhouse.

3. Roomy DIY birdhouse for small birds.

Necessary materials for making a birdhouse:

The front wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x165x300 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The back wall of the birdhouse, measuring 20x115x260 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The side walls of the birdhouse, measuring 20x135x245 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Decorative birdhouse board, size 20x65x175 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The bottom of the birdhouse, measuring 20x115x135 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

The roof of the birdhouse, measuring 20x175x215 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - two pieces;

Birdhouse mounting board, size 20x75x450 millimeters, made of softwood lumber - one piece;

Spacious DIY birdhouse for small birds - a step-by-step description of the work.

Step one. To begin with, you need to cut out the front wall from a pine board one hundred and sixty-five millimeters wide, the upper end of which should be made triangular, with an angle at the apex of one hundred and twenty degrees, and the lower end figured.

Step two. Then, in the front wall of the birdhouse, you need to drill an entrance hole with a diameter of thirty-seven centimeters.

Step three. Then the back of the birdhouse should be cut out in the same shape, but with a horizontal lower edge at a distance of two hundred and sixty millimeters from the top of the wall.

Step five. Using nails, screws and waterproof wood glue, the front wall of the birdhouse and two side walls are fastened together, then the bottom, roof, back wall and the birdhouse mounting board are attached.

Step six. If desired, the birdhouse can be decorated with decorative carved elements.

Step seven. The finished birdhouse is coated only on the outside with special wood finishing paint for finishing work.

But it turns out that birdhouses can be made not only of the traditional type from wooden planks; easily accessible, waste material - plastic bottles, can also become the basis of a birdhouse for songbirds, and it looks no worse in appearance than.

Birdhouse made from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Necessary materials for making a birdhouse:

Plastic bottle, two to two and a half liters in volume - one piece;

Plastic bottles, one and a half liters in volume - three or four pieces;

Landscape sheet of paper;

Simple pencil;

Glue gun;


A round stick, about three to four millimeters in diameter, seven to eight centimeters long;

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