
Ways to increase the efficiency of using an enterprise's labor resources. Increasing the efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise How to increase the efficiency of labor resources

Ways to improve the efficiency of using labor resources

Kolesnikov Alexey Vladimirovich,

student at Kerch State Marine Technological University.

The article discusses the essence and characteristics of labor resources. The main problems limiting the development of labor resources of the enterprise and the country as a whole have been identified. The main directions for improving the development and use of labor resources are proposed.

Keywords:labor resources, efficiency of use, unemployment, education.


Currently, market transformations are taking place in the Russian economy, affecting the entire sphere of social reproduction, as a result of which changes are also taking place in social and labor relations. All this determines the need to ensure increased efficiency in the development of various sectors of the economy, which in turn is not possible without regulating the movement of labor resources.

In addition, the development of society is primarily determined by the number and composition of the population, which is understood as the totality of people living in a certain territory - in a country, region, municipality of a district, city. However, the factor of economic growth is only that part of the population that can be classified as “labor resources”.

The purpose of the article is identifying the main problems impeding the development of labor resources, as well as proposing measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of use of Russian labor resources.

Presentation of the main material

For the first time, the term “labor resources” was used by academician S.G. Strumilin in the 20s of the twentieth century. In addition, this problem is covered in the works of Kibanov A.Ya., Vechkanov G.S., E.S. Eremina, Odegova Yu.G., Maguri M.I.

Table 1.

Definitions of the term “labor resources” by various authors.


Kibanov A.Ya.

“Labor resources” are the working-age part of the population that has physical and intellectual capabilities and is capable of producing material goods or providing services.

Vechkanov G.S.

“Labor resources” as an economic category expresses the relationships that develop between society, the workforce and the individual regarding the production, distribution, redistribution and use of the formed working capacity, corresponding to their interests, social needs and the level of development of scientific and technological progress.

Magura M. I.

Labor resourcesthis is the part of the country's population that, due to its physical development, mental abilities and knowledge, is capable of working in the national economy.

Ostapenko Yu.M.

"labor resources"- this is the number of the population that can be forced to work, that is, which is physically capable of working.

Summarizing the opinions expressed above, it can be argued that labor resources should be considered from the point of view of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. On the qualitative side, the country’s labor resources are characterized by the level of education, professional and qualification training, quality of health, spiritual and moral level of the working population, as well as creativity and mobility. On the quantitative side, labor resources are characterized by the size of the population of working age.

A characteristic feature of each economic system is that one of the powerful factors in improving the quality of products and services provided, increasing productivity and efficiency of labor, and generally expanding the volume of social production is the improvement of a person’s natural and acquired abilities to work.

In modern economic conditions, the development of labor resources in Russia and in particular Crimea is not possible without eliminating or reducing the influence of factors that limit their development. These factors include the low quality of healthcare and socio-cultural services, the negative demographic situation, the growth of open and hidden unemployment, the low level of the system for the reproduction of qualified personnel, the “brain drain”, the worsening environmental situation, as well as the overall instability of economic development.

Consequently, state policy in the field of increasing the efficiency of development and use of labor resources should be aimed at the transition of the Russian economy from a resource-based orientation to an innovative developed economy, with developed production, intellectual potential, and advanced technologies.

It is advisable to group the main directions for increasing the efficiency of using labor resources (Fig. 1).

Thus, the most relevant reserve for increasing the efficiency of use of labor resources by enterprises of various forms of ownership is the reduction of staff turnover as a result of improving the microclimate, optimizing conditions of payment, work and rest, providing housing and improving the service sector.

Rice. 1. Directions for increasing the efficiency of using labor resources.

However, the implementation of these areas will be effective only with the intervention and support of the state, which should primarily be expressed in improving the legislative framework, as well as providing support for young professionals at the state level. Obviously, the state’s task is to redistribute labor resources in favor of labor-deficient areas and cities by increasing the geographic mobility of the population, expanding the scale of labor migration, as well as stimulating the interest of workers in mastering new professions and territories.

The most acute problem at this time is the growth of unemployment in all its forms, especially this situation concerns regions remote from the central part of Russia. In table Figure 2 presents data from the Federal State Statistics Service on the number of unemployed in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Table 2.

Number of unemployed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on average per year (according to sample surveys of the population on employment problems), thousand people.

Federal District







Russian Federation







Central Federal District







Northwestern Federal District







Southern Federal District







North Caucasus Federal District







Volga Federal District







Ural federal district







Siberian Federal District







Far Eastern Federal District







One of the options for solving this problem may be to increase employment in small businesses, which would become possible as a result of taking additional legal measures and reducing the interest rate when applying for a loan. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the growth of small businesses, which in turn will reduce the unemployment rate.

Subject to increasing employment of the population and increasing the efficiency of its reproduction, the state will be faced with the task of directing greater volumes of investment in housing construction, education, culture, healthcare, science, as well as in other sectors of social infrastructure.

To solve these problems, a large amount of financial resources is required, as well as improving the legislative framework. One of the sources of financing could be funds from the population, accumulated in order to create financial mechanisms for long-term lending. In addition, at the initial stage of implementing the state policy for the development of labor resources, financial resources could be obtained by redistributing part of the national wealth that is privately owned as a result of violation of the law.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Table 3), the largest share of the country's population is employed in wholesale and retail trade, repairs, as well as in the hotel and restaurant business.

Table 3.

Employed population of the Russian Federation by type of economic activity at the main job, on average for the year, % .

Employment share








Agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming


Manufacturing industries







Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items, hotels and restaurants







Transport and communications

Financial activities, real estate transactions, rental and provision of services

Public administration and military security, social security


Health and social service provision

Other economic activities

Particular attention should be paid to improving labor legislation. In this direction, it is necessary to tighten the liability of unscrupulous employers for violation of labor laws.

The development of the education sector also remains a pressing problem. Modern trends are such that over the past 10-15 years the professional and qualification structure of the employed has changed significantly. This is due, firstly, to a decrease in the share of engineering and technical specialists of all profiles and areas (the main reason for this phenomenon is the decline in production and low wages), and secondly, to an increase in the number of managers, financiers, economists, as well as workers with new professions in the service sector and tourism business.

As a result, the supply for most specialties exceeds the need for them, and every year the number of specialists who do not have the opportunity to demonstrate their professional qualities in practice is growing due to their oversupply. This discrepancy occurs as a result of the fact that most educational institutions train specialists in those specialties that are popular among the population, but are not in demand in the real labor market.

This situation is typical both for all of Russia as a whole and for the Republic of Crimea, where the main problem of the development and effective functioning of labor resources is the overabundance of university graduates who have mastered the most popular specialties (economists, financiers, lawyers) and the lack of workers in engineering and technical specialties, the need which is increasing due to the new state policy towards the Republic of Crimea, aimed at the restoration and development of industrial and agricultural enterprises.

In this regard, financial investments in the field of education should be targeted and directed to those areas and industries that are in demand in the real labor market.


Thus, at present, the main factors that hinder the effective development and functioning of labor resources are the instability of the economic system, the discrepancy between supply and demand for skilled labor and certain specialties, insufficient government regulation of employment and the need to improve labor legislation, taking into account the interests of not only employers, but also workers.

At the state level, interaction between leading entrepreneurs and heads of state corporations with state higher educational institutions should be ensured in order to identify the need for certain specialists and their training under special programs.

Subject to the implementation of these measures, it will be possible to direct the necessary resources to national revival, which will ultimately contribute to increasing the efficiency of development and use of labor resources.


1. Vechkanov G.S. Problems of labor resources in Russia: Socio-economic research / G.S. Vechkanov. – St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 1995. – P. 20.

2. Kibanov A.Ya. Human resources management: textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 284 p.

3. Magura M.I. Personnel performance assessment: Practical. a manual for managers at various levels and HR specialists. / Magura M. I., Kurbatova M. B. - M., 2001. - 347 p.

4. Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics: textbook. village / Ostapenko Yu.M. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 296 p.

5. Fedyakin V.V. Formation of a strategy for motivational management of labor resources at an industrial enterprise / Fedyakin V.V. // Entrepreneurship. – 2007 – No. 5. – pp. 84-91.

When forming directions for improving the use of labor resources of Ilim-Service LLC, it is necessary to take into account the main negative trends identified during the analysis:

decreased labor productivity;

decreased labor motivation;

increased loss of working time;

increase in staff turnover.

The main measures to improve the use of labor resources of Ilim-Service LLC are as follows:

Organizing training and advanced training for employees in order to reduce staff turnover.

Optimization of staff working time through the introduction of the concept of time management.

Improving the staff motivation system.

The employee training and development program will include:

  • ? trainings - for all categories of employees;
  • ? advanced training - for all categories of employees;
  • ? retraining - for employees who have worked for more than 3 years.

In the proposed training system, it is proposed to focus on training in the form of trainings.

The topic “Time Management” is proposed as one of the main topics of the trainings. At these trainings, employees of Ilim-Service LLC will learn effective time management techniques. The last measure (improving the staff motivation system), in addition to direct effects (improving motivation and increasing labor productivity), will also have an indirect effect - reducing staff turnover, since well-motivated employees will “hold on” to their jobs and the number of voluntary dismissals will decrease.

The optimal system of labor motivation largely depends on the organization of remuneration. Today, enterprises can quite legally use any forms and systems of remuneration that best take into account the specifics of organizations and their personnel composition, including in relation to establishing the dependence of remuneration levels on the qualifications and actual performance of employees.

Let's consider some of the options for improving (improving) material incentives that can be applied at Ilim-Service LLC.

1. Bonuses based on the results of work for the month. Additional remuneration is paid monthly to employees of many enterprises based on the results of financial and economic activities. Practice shows that this is a fairly effective form of motivation. Knowing about the possibility of receiving such a reward at the end of the month, the staff strives to help improve the economic performance of the enterprise. There is a harmonization of the employee’s personal interest (in the form of his bonus, total income) and collective interest (in the form of the organization’s profit, the implementation and conclusion of highly profitable contracts, etc.).

However, the mechanism for calculating additional remuneration (two or three salaries each, etc.) should not be simplified by paying it to all employees. For the enterprise, there is not much benefit from this when paying bonuses, it is important to ensure that all employees understand the direct relationship between their labor contribution to the final results of the enterprise and the amount of remuneration. Only when the bonus will be an incentive to work with full dedication, to an energetic search for contracts beneficial to the company, and a creative approach to their implementation. To do this, for each employee (manager, specialist), several specific indicators are determined and approved by the manager, which affect the amount of the bonus based on the results of work for the month. The number of these indicators should be minimal: no more than two positive ones, increasing the base salary, and no more two negative ones, reducing the base salary. This is the essence of individualizing personnel wages depending on the actual results of work and contribution to the overall financial and economic results of the company.

It is on these provisions that incentive systems are now built in leading companies in France and Germany. Japan. Equalization disappears, and its place is taken by motivation and stimulation of the team to perform highly effective work. It is important that Russian enterprises understand the importance of this aspect for the actual organization of their business.

The problem of developing individual indicators affecting the size of the premium is not so difficult. The main thing here is to follow two rules:

do not confuse or complicate the accrual system;

indicators should be as specific as possible, reflecting the key functional results of employees’ work, excluding subjectivity in their assessment.

After the indicators that increase and decrease the salary have been determined for each employee, it is necessary to establish the degree of their allocation to the level of remuneration in the form of a percentage, respectively increasing it or decreasing the base salary. The bonus percentage and the degree of influence of indicators on its basic level depend on the financial situation of the enterprise and are approved by order of the manager.

2. Bonuses for experience. The experience accumulated by managers, specialists and employees over the years of work in one organization, as a rule, helps to increase their professionalism and productivity, responsibility and production culture, dedication to their enterprise, which in turn is objectively reflected in the improvement of the final results of its business and financial activities . Therefore, it is economically justified and logical to introduce special flexible bonuses to employees for length of service, which can become a powerful incentive for highly efficient and high-quality work, minimizing staff turnover and stabilizing the workforce.

Bonuses for length of service cannot be turned into a formality; they should help the organization’s management solve strategic problems by increasing the professionalism of staff. When talking about the size of bonuses for length of service, we must keep in mind two fundamental circumstances:

  • ? they should not be very low, because otherwise they will go unnoticed by the employee, that is, they will not achieve the important goal for which they are established;
  • ? It is irrational (or rather, harmful and dangerous) to set too high (more than 10% per year of the employee’s official salary) the amount of bonuses for length of service, since they can reduce the incentive potential of the basic salary received by personnel for performing their functional duties. The employee will not so much try to work creatively and productively as he will calmly wait for another year to pass and he will receive a significant increase in his earnings.

One more circumstance should be taken into account. This bonus does not have a positive effect on all employees. Much depends on the position, importance for the enterprise, age, etc. Therefore, in an ideal case, it would be more correct to establish not the same, but different standards for bonuses from the employee’s official salary. It is most advisable to establish an allowance at Ilim-Service LLC for work experience of more than 3 years.

Also, in organizing work activities, it is very important to accept the entire arsenal of material incentives in that part that relates directly to the organization of work, better use of the labor potential of the enterprise and increasing labor productivity due to organizational factors.

Group student



"increasing the efficiency of use

Labor resources at the enterprise"


Coursework Coursework

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Explanatory note 52 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 7 sources, 30 formulas.

Personnel, Labor resources, profession, specialty, qualification, industrial production personnel, payroll, wages, wage structure, forms and systems of remuneration, wage fund, labor incentives, personnel policy, personnel management, labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

As a result of the analysis, a measure was proposed to put new equipment into operation.

As a result of the implementation of the measure, coal production will increase, the working conditions of workers will improve, the average monthly wage of the enterprise's employees will increase, which in turn will increase the interest of workers in work, and their labor productivity will increase.

use of labor resources 30

Labor force, as interpreted in economics courses, is the totality of a person’s physical and mental abilities, his ability to work. In market conditions, the “ability to work” makes labor a commodity. But this is no ordinary product. Its difference from other goods is that, firstly, it creates value more than it costs itself, secondly, without its involvement it is impossible to carry out any production, thirdly, the degree (efficiency) of the use of basic and working production assets.

The concept of efficiency is a complex of factors and criteria for the rational organization of labor: conscientious work of employees; productive work, which ensures a high level of productivity not only depending on a combination of factors, but also on the desire of workers; efficient use of working time; favorable working conditions for employees; establishing the correct relationship between the results of labor and its payment; stimulation of high-quality work with minimal expenditure of resources and financial responsibility for low-quality work.

Therefore, it is possible to achieve high production and economic results of the enterprise by achieving high efficiency in the use of the enterprise’s labor resources.

One of the important factors influencing the efficiency of the use of labor resources in an enterprise is working conditions and remuneration, which should be simple, accessible and understandable. It is working conditions and wages, and often only it, that is the reason that brings a worker to his workplace. Wages have a motivational effect: money forces a person to work, and their quantity stimulates labor activity and increases labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise, analyze the current system and forms of remuneration. Taking into account the research results, develop measures to improve the efficiency of using the enterprise’s labor resources.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed.

First, it is necessary to determine the essence of labor resources and industrial production personnel.

Secondly, consider modern remuneration systems, determine the basic principles of organizing wages and study the system of organizing remuneration at the enterprise, analyze labor productivity, payroll and wages at the enterprise.

Thirdly, develop specific measures that could increase the enterprise’s labor resources and employees’ satisfaction with their wages.

The object of the study is to increase the efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise.

The subject of the study is to increase the use of labor resources in the branch of OJSC "Southern Kuzbass" - "Sibirginskaya Mine".

The production of each country and each industry depends on a number of factors. Such factors are personnel, labor and wages.

Labor is a purposeful human activity. The enterprise uses the labor of people of various professions

Personnel are the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. In general, production efficiency depends on the qualifications of workers, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of products produced and the use of material and technical means /1/.

That is, the use of an enterprise’s labor resources is directly related to changes in labor productivity. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.

Labor resources are a part of the population of both sexes, which, due to psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods and services and being in social and labor relations with a certain enterprise /5, p. 101/.

A sufficient supply of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and increasing production efficiency.

In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms, and as a result - the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the enterprise's supply of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Age limits and the socio-demographic composition of the labor force are determined by a system of legislative acts.

Labor resources include:

1) the population of working age, with the exception of war and labor invalids of groups I and II and non-working persons receiving pensions on preferential terms;

2) working persons of retirement age;

3) working teenagers under 16 years of age.

According to Russian law, teenagers under 16 years of age are hired when they reach 15 years of age in exceptional cases. It is also allowed, in order to prepare young people for work, to employ students of secondary schools, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions upon reaching the age of 14 with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him, provided that they are provided with light labor. Does not cause harm to health and does not interfere with the learning process.

The enterprise's labor resources are distributed according to professions, specialties and qualifications.

A profession is a special type of work activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

A specialty is a type of professional activity that has specific characteristics and requires additional knowledge and skills from workers (economists: planners, marketers, financiers, and so on).

Qualification is the degree to which an employee has mastered a particular profession or specialty.

All workers at the enterprise are divided into two groups: industrial production personnel (employed in production activities) and personnel of non-industrial divisions (workers employed in housing, communal and subsidiary farms, health centers, dispensaries, educational institutions) /5, p. 101/.

Industrial production personnel (IPP) are employees of main and auxiliary workshops, plant management staff, laboratories, research and development departments, and computer centers engaged in production activities and production services /5, p. 101/.

Industrial production personnel include the following three categories of enterprise personnel: employees, workers and students.

Employees include managers (for example, of enterprises and workshops), specialists and technical workers.

Managers are employees who perform managerial functions. These include the director, chiefs, managers, chairmen, foremen, chief specialists (chief accountant, chief engineer and others) and their deputies.

Specialists are hired workers engaged in engineering, technical, economic and other work. These include administrators, accountants, dispatchers, engineers, inspectors, mathematicians, standard setters, sociologists, marketers and others.

Technical performers are hired workers who carry out the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, and economic services. These include agents, clerks, statisticians, stenographers and others.

Workers are workers directly involved in creating products or ensuring the normal course of production.

Depending on their participation in production, workers are divided into main, auxiliary and service workers (junior service personnel) /5, p. 102/.

Basic workers are hired workers who directly create the commercial (gross) output of the enterprise and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, that is, changing the shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers are hired workers engaged in servicing equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms. They can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, instrumental, utility, warehouse and so on.

Maintenance workers or junior service personnel (LSP) are hired workers who occupy positions that care for office premises (for example, janitors and cleaners), as well as for servicing workers and employees (for example, couriers and delivery boys).

In the practice of personnel accounting, a distinction is made between payroll, medium-term and attendance numbers of personnel.

The list of employees of an enterprise is employees hired for permanent and temporary work related to the main and non-core activities, for a period of one day or more.

The roster includes:

Actually working;

Those who are idle and absent for any reason (for example, on business trips) and on annual additional leave, who did not appear with the permission of the administration;

Involved in agricultural work;

Those who did not show up due to illness;

Performing state and public duties;

Vocational school students who are on the balance sheet of the enterprise;


Working part-time or weekly;

Those on maternity leave;

Those on unpaid additional parental leave.

The average number of employees of an enterprise (MSN) is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date, taking into account the employees hired and retired for that day, calculated by the formula

the sum of the number of employees on the payroll

composition for each calendar day of the month, including

holidays and weekends (1)

SSCH = number of working days of the month

Attendance is the number of employees on the payroll who actually show up for work during the day.

The difference between the attendance and payroll number of labor resources characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, business trips, and so on).

The ratio of different categories of employees of the total number characterizes the structure of the labor resources of the enterprise and its divisions.

The structure of an enterprise's labor resources can also be determined by such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, work experience, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, and more. The structure changes all the time: one employee leaves, others are hired, their qualifications improve, and so on.

To analyze (reflect) changes in the number and composition of labor resources, various indicators are used.

Personnel turnover is the ratio of the number of all those who left (dismissal turnover) or newly hired (reception turnover) for a certain period of time to the average number of employees for the same period

Personnel turnover is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the number of employees dismissed at their own request over a period of time to the average number of employees for the same period /5, 102-104/.

Ks.k. = 1 – Р УВ /Р+Р П, (2)

where R UV is the number of employees who left the enterprise of their own free will due to violation of labor discipline during the reporting period, people;

P – average number of employees at this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period, people;

R P – number of newly hired employees during the reporting period, people.

Number of core workers Co.r. determined by the formula

Co.r. = 1 – R V.R. / R R, (3)

where R V.R. – average number of auxiliary workers at the enterprise, in workshops, on site, people;

Р Р – average number of all workers at the enterprise, in workshops, at sites, people.

Along with the quantitative assessment, a qualitative assessment of labor potential can be given according to the degree of its compliance with the nature and level of the tasks being solved by the subject of management. The amount of deviation from the ideal state (D), taken as 100%, can be determined as follows

where R – available labor resources, people;

N – labor resources required to solve these problems, people.

In a market economy, wages express the main and direct interest of employees and employers, as well as the state, which is interested in the process of reproduction of the population (labor resources). Finding a mutually beneficial mechanism for implementing and respecting the interests of the specified tripartite partnership (tripartism) is one of the main conditions for the development, in particular, of production and, in general, of the organization’s economy /6, p. 114/.

Wages - a set of remunerations in cash and/or in kind received by employees for work actually performed, as well as for periods included in working hours /1, p. 242/.

Wage planning should ensure: an increase in the volume of products (services, works), an increase in production efficiency and its competitiveness; improving the material well-being of workers.

There are monetary (nominal) and real wages. Nominal wages are expressed by the number of monetary units received by the employee. Real wages are characterized by the consumption power of the national currency. The comparison is carried out through the so-called consumer basket, which represents a certain set of food products, services and consumer goods per person of working age.

Real wages depend on nominal wages and the prices of purchased goods and services. The percentage change in real wages can be determined by subtracting the percentage change in the price level from the percentage change in nominal wages /4, p. 86/.

There are four main functions of wages:

1) reproductive, which consists in ensuring the possibility of reproduction of the labor force;

2) stimulating (motivational), aimed at increasing interest in the development of production;

3) social, promoting the implementation of the principle of social justice;

4) accounting and production, characterizing the degree of participation of living labor in the process of formation of the price of a product, its share in the total costs of production.

To achieve high final results, it is advisable to build wages for managers, specialists, and workers in a market economy on certain principles of wage organization, that is, objective, scientifically based provisions that reflect the operation of economic laws and are aimed at a more complete implementation of wage functions.

Enterprises are guided by the following principles for organizing wages.

Firstly, the main criterion for differentiation of wages across enterprises should be the final result of their work. Wages should be increased only in proportion to the growth of the final results of the team’s work.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure faster growth in labor productivity compared to wage growth, since this is an indispensable condition for the normal development of production and productive forces.

Thirdly, it is advisable to combine individual and collective interest and responsibility in the results of work.

Fourthly, the remuneration mechanism should stimulate the improvement of workers' qualifications and take into account working conditions.

Fifthly, remuneration systems should be simple and understandable to all employees /1, p. 250/.

The factors on which the stimulating role of wages depends can be divided into internal and external.

The internal ones include the organization of wages - building and ensuring the relationship between the quantity and quality of labor and the amount of its payment, as well as a set of constituent elements (rationing, tariff system, bonuses, additional payments and allowances).

External factors include, for example, the transformation of the management system, organizational structures of production, legal framework and business norms, matching supply and demand for goods and services, eliminating postscripts, bribes, other types of unearned income, and so on.

The structure of remuneration shows which components are included in the wages of an employee, in which items of cost and profit they are reflected, what is the share of a specific element in the total amount of material remuneration /5, p. 115/.

In general, the wage structure is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Salary structure for an employee

Figure 1 shows that an employee’s remuneration is paid at the expense of cost and profit, and also consists of basic and additional wages, bonuses, rewards for the final result and material assistance.

The basic salary is payment for time worked, it includes: wages at piece rates, tariff rates, salaries (direct wages); additional payments and allowances to tariff rates for professional skills, combination of professions and positions; compensation payments related to working hours and working conditions, and so on.

Additional wages are payments for time not worked and include the following types of material remuneration: annual and additional leave; preferential hours for teenagers; downtime is not the fault of workers; forced absences and more.

Rewards for the final result are paid from the wage fund for achieving certain results of the organization and its structural divisions. Such remunerations include: an increase in the volume of marketable products (works, services); growth in labor productivity (output); improving the quality of products (works, services) and other types of results achieved.

The bonus for main results stimulates the achievement of the final results of the organization, structural unit, and is paid from the profit of the organization.

Material assistance is paid from the material incentive fund at the expense of profits and is aimed at providing social guarantees and benefits for employees at the expense of the organization, that is, compensation payments in emergency or extreme situations: the death of an employee of the organization or his close relatives; wedding of an employee of the organization or his close relative; for the purchase of medicines or paid treatment for an employee of an organization, and so on /5, p. 116/.

Forms and systems of remuneration are designed to ensure that wages take into account the quantitative and qualitative results of labor, to create among workers a material interest in improving the immediate results of their work and the overall results of the enterprise (organization).

The form of wages refers to the method of calculating an employee's wages.

Forms and systems of remuneration differ in the procedure for calculating wages depending on its effectiveness.

There is a tariff system of remuneration, which is a set of regulatory materials regulating the level of basic wages depending on qualifications, working conditions, the position of the employee, and the size of the enterprise. It is a tool with which most principles of wage organization are practically taken into account. The tariff system is developed by government authorities and is recommended for use in enterprises. Business entities independently decide on full or partial use of recommendations. The state sets the minimum subsistence level, below which wages cannot fall.

The tariff system includes: tariff rate (hourly or monthly); tariff coefficients by category (tariff schedule); tariff and qualification reference books; regional coefficients; surcharges and allowances to tariff rates.

The tariff schedule is an element of the system that regulates the differentiation of tariff rates for workers, and in the conditions of application of the Unified Tariff Schedule (UTS) also for managers, specialists and employees, depending on the complexity of the work. It is a set of categories and tariff coefficients that show differences in the complexity of labor and qualifications of workers /5, p. 121/.

Rank is an indicator of the complexity of the work performed and the worker’s skill level.

The tariff coefficient shows how much the tariff rate of a given category is higher than the tariff rate of the first or previous category.

The assignment of work performed by workers to pay categories (tariffication of work) and the assignment of qualified categories to workers (tariffication of workers) is carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS). ETKS includes general provisions and tariff-qualifying characteristics, combined by type of production into more than 70 issues, including about 160 categories.

One of the main elements of the tariff system is the tariff and qualification reference book - these are regulatory documents in which types of work are divided into groups depending on their complexity. Tariff and qualification reference books are developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards and approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor.

The main elements of the tariff system include regional coefficients for wages - the amount of increase in wages for workers in a certain region in order to compensate for differences in the cost of living due to natural and climatic conditions of work and living, as well as differences in prices for goods and tariffs for services (in comparison with the most favorable from this point of view, as a rule, the central regions of the country).

Depending on the degree of discomfort, assessed by natural-climatic, economic-geographical, socio-psychological conditions and the risk factor of residence, 5 zones with coefficients are distinguished: Zone I - 1.8-2.0; Zone II – 1.6-1.8; III – 1.4-1.6; IV zone – 1.15-1.4; Vzone - comfortable – 1.0 /4, pp. 92/.

The remuneration systems operating in Russia and other countries with market economies, as one of the elements, provide for the payment of additional payments and allowances to the basic (tariff) salary. Additional payments and allowances are usually divided into compensatory and incentive.

Compensation payments are designed to provide compensation for potential losses of employees due to reasons beyond their control.

Incentive payments are intended to create incentives to work in a particular area, as well as to achieve higher productivity.

Allowances are intended to serve as compensation or incentive in connection with the relatively constant factors of labor and production, the relatively stable characteristics of the professional qualification level and business qualities of employees.

Additional payments are intended to compensate for the impact on the employee of variable factors of labor organization and production, as well as to stimulate high, especially above-norm, achievements in work /4, p. 96/.

There are two forms of remuneration: time-based and piece-rate.

The time-based form of remuneration assumes that the amount of wages is determined on the basis of the time actually worked and the established tariff rate (salary).

Time-based payment can be simple or time-based bonus, in which, in addition to earnings at the tariff rate (salary) for the time actually worked, a bonus is paid for meeting and exceeding certain performance indicators.

A simple time-based wage system based on the method of calculating earnings can be hourly, daily and monthly.

For hourly wages, wages are calculated by multiplying the hourly tariff rate of an employee of the corresponding category by the number of hours worked by him, for daily wages - by multiplying the daily tariff rate by the number of days (shifts) actually worked by him. With monthly payment, a fixed monthly salary is established, which is paid to the worker in full regardless of the number of calendar days in the month. A simple time-based wage system interests the hired worker in improving his qualifications, and therefore his tariff category, and in maintaining labor discipline /5, p. 119/.

To calculate time-based simple wages (ZP W), the formula is used

, (5)

where ZPp is the performer’s time-based wage, rub.;

St – tariff rate (hourly, daily) of the performer of the corresponding category, rub.;

Tf – actually worked time of the performer, hour (days).

The time-based bonus system of remuneration is based on actual time worked and the quality of manufactured products or work performed. This system interests the employee in improving the quality of products or work performed. Its application requires the establishment of quantitative or qualitative performance indicators; organizing reliable recording of indicators; developing regulations on bonuses and justifying the amounts of bonuses and deductions. Wages in the time-bonus (ZP PP) wage system are determined by the formula

, (6)

where ZPpp is time-bonus wage, rub.;

m – hourly tariff rate, rub.;

T – actual time worked, hour (days);

Kp – the amount of the bonus for each percentage of exceeding the established indicators and bonus conditions;

Piecework form - wages are accrued to the employee based on the quantity of products actually produced or the time spent on their production. The piecework form can be simple piecework, premium piecework, progressive piecework, indirect chord piecework /1, p. 255/.

Piecework simple (direct) wages are calculated using the formula

, (7)

where ZPs is piece-rate simple wages, rub.;

P – price, rub.;

A rate is a tariff wage for a product, operation or work, which is calculated using the formula

where P – price, rub.;

Tch – hourly tariff rate;

NV – production rate per 1 hour, pcs.;

Tn – standard time, hour.

Piece-bonus wages are calculated using the formula

where ZPsp is piecework-bonus wage, rub.;

P – price, rub.;

VP – number of manufactured products, pcs.;

Kp – bonus amount.

The indirect piece-rate wage system is applied to categories of employees who have a significant impact on the productivity of the main workers they serve. According to this system, the wages of a service worker (adjuster, assistant foreman, crane operator) are calculated not according to his output, but according to the output of the main workers he serves. The total earnings of these workers are calculated in two ways: by multiplying the rates of auxiliary work by the average percentage of fulfillment of the norms of the piece workers they serve, or by multiplying the indirect piece rate by the actual output of the site or team /5, p. 132/.

The price is determined by the formula

where Rk.s. – differentiated indirect piece rate for a given service object per unit of work performed by the main workers, rub.;

Nobs – the number of objects (workers, teams) served according to the established norm by auxiliary workers;

Op – production volume (or production rate) for a given service object, pcs.

The total earnings (Zs.k.) of an auxiliary worker, whose work is paid according to an indirect piece-rate system, can be determined using the formula

The lump sum wage system is used for certain groups of workers in order to increase their interest in increasing labor productivity and reducing the time required to complete work. The amount of wages calculated according to the lump-sum system is calculated on the basis of norms and prices. The price is set for a predetermined set of works. The chord system supports collectivism in the brigade /5, p. 133/.

When paying piecework wages between team members, it is most convenient to calculate wages using the earnings factor or the labor participation coefficient (LPC).

The labor participation coefficient is a generalized quantitative assessment of the real contribution of each employee to the results of collective work, depending on individual productivity and quality of work. There are basic KTU and actual KTU.

KTU basic - a constant coefficient that is established for each member of the team and shows what share of the distributed earnings this or that team member initially claims. The basic KTU is most often taken equal to 1.

KTU - the actual one is obtained after adjusting the base KTU upward or downward based on the results of actual work for a certain period of time. The actual KTU is defined as the base KTU plus or minus an adjustment depending on increasing and decreasing factors.

The procedure for determining and applying the CTU is established for the brigade in accordance with the current regulations at the enterprise, approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union /5 p. 135/.

In recent years, enterprises and organizations have often followed the path of searching for non-traditional methods in organizing remuneration - the use of tariff-free models.

Tariff-free wage systems have the following features:

A close connection between the employee’s level of remuneration and the wage fund, accrued based on collective work results;

Assigning to each employee constant coefficients that comprehensively characterize his qualification level and determine mainly his labor contribution to the overall results based on data on the previous labor activity of the employee or group of employees;

Assigning to each employee coefficients of labor participation in current performance results, complementing his qualification level /5, p. 136/.

The formula for calculating the individual wages (wage i) of each employee can be presented in the following form:

where payroll k is the wage fund of the collective (shop, section, team), subject to distribution among employees, rubles;

KKU i – qualification level coefficient assigned to the i-th employee by the labor collective at the time of introduction of the non-tariff payment system (in points, fractions of a unit);

KTU i – coefficient of labor participation in current performance results assigned to the i-th employee by the work collective for the period for which payment is made;

B i – the amount of working time worked by the i-th employee;

n is the number of employees participating in the distribution of payroll.

When determining the qualifying participation coefficient (QPR i), two approaches are possible.

The first approach is based on the fact that the actual level of qualifications of an employee most fully reflects not the rank assigned to him, but the actual salary received, that is, the CCU is calculated using the formula

where salary i is the average salary of the i-th employee for a sufficiently long time in the previous period;

ZP min – the average salary of the employee with the lowest level of payment in the same period.

The second approach is based on the proposition that CCU i is objectively determined by a set of indicators such as the complexity of the work, the actual working conditions in the workplace, shifts, labor intensity, and the professional skill of the employee. The formula for calculating CCC i is as follows

where KSR is the coefficient of complexity of work determined by dividing the monthly tariff rates for all categories by the tariff rate of the 1st category;

KUT – coefficient of working conditions is determined by experts or the value of a differentiated premium for working conditions;

KSM - labor shift coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the amount of additional payments for work in two or three shifts and the base value of the tariff rate of the 1st category;

KIT - labor intensity coefficient is set within the actual amounts of additional payments for combining professions and expanding service areas (30 - 50% of the tariff rate);

KPM - the coefficient of professional skill increases the coefficient of the employee’s qualification level by 15 - 40%, based on the average actual additional payments for professional skill;

j – characteristic belonging to the workplace;

ij – the characteristic belongs to the employee working at this workplace.

At a number of enterprises in the Russian Federation and the CIS, the non-tariff model of organizing wages based on a “bracket” of wage ratios of different quality has proven itself to be positive. One of the main features of this model is that the ratios in the remuneration of various categories of workers are established depending on their qualifications, actual labor contribution to the final result, and the results of the enterprise /5, p. 137/.

The salary of each employee at enterprises using this payment system is determined by the formula

, (15)

where ZP is the salary of the i-th employee;

K i – coefficient showing how many times the wage of the i-th employee is higher than the minimum;

– the sum of K i values ​​for all employees of the enterprise;

Payroll – wage fund (the amount of funds allocated for wages).

The wage fund (WF) is the sum of cash payments at tariff rates, piece rates, salaries, bonus provisions (without incentive payments from profits) with all types of additional payments and allowances.

The level of the wage fund largely determines the income of the enterprise's employees, production costs, prices, and contributions to social needs. A distinction is made between planned and actual wages.

The planned wage fund includes only those payments that correspond to the normal organization of production and labor

The actual wage fund includes payment for forced full-day downtime, additional payments for deviations from the established working conditions, overtime hours, intra-shift breaks in work, and payment for defects not caused by the worker.

Payroll planning is preceded by an in-depth analysis of the structure and dynamics of the actual staff payroll for the previous period.

There are four main ways to plan the payroll of an enterprise’s employees:

Standard - according to the level of wages;

Standard - based on wage growth;

Standard - based on average wages;

Specified - for basic and additional wages.

Since in a market economy it is very difficult to accurately plan sales volume for the coming year, since it depends on market conditions, planned economic indicators have a certain degree of approximation. The normative method is an enlarged planning method that allows you to determine with a sufficient degree of accuracy the planned wage fund (FWF) of the enterprise personnel /1, p. 257/.

The planned staff wage fund for the next year can be calculated based on the level of wages in the revenue from sales of the reporting year using the formula

where FZP P is the planned wage fund, rub.;

Op P – planned sales volume, rub.;

WIP b – standard wage level for the base year.

The second standard method of wage planning (WFP P) of an enterprise is based on the increase in the wage fund, taking into account the sales growth index.

where FZP b – wage fund in the base period, rub.;

NPzp – standard wage increase;

I OP – sales growth index.

Standard methods for planning an enterprise's wage fund include calculations based on average wages. The simplest way is to multiply the average annual salary by the planned number of personnel. However, in conditions of inflation, the average salary of the previous month may differ significantly from the same indicator for the current month. Therefore, the average monthly salary of the previous month, taking into account the inflation forecast, can be used to plan the wage fund. This calculation method will be even more accurate if we take into account the planned growth rate of labor productivity and such an adjustment factor as the ratio of wage growth and labor productivity growth /1, p. 258/.

where salary avg. g. – average annual salary of personnel, rubles;

HR – number of employees, people;

K and – inflation coefficient.

The refined method of planning the wage fund is used in the presence of an annual portfolio of orders and consists of the following:

1) Tariff wages are determined:

a) for piece workers - at prices for the planned production volume;

b) for time workers - at hourly tariff rates and monthly salaries.

2) The basic salary is calculated by adding bonus payments to the tariff salary according to the current bonus provisions.

3) The hourly, monthly and annual wage fund is established based on the additional payments provided for in the collective agreement and labor legislation:

Additional payments up to the hourly fund for time worked and performance of additional duties or conditions: training students, for leading a team, for night work, for work on holidays, etc.;

Additional payments up to the monthly wage fund - for a shortened working day for nursing mothers and adolescents;

Additional payments up to the annual wage fund - for planned absences from work (regular and educational leaves, performance of government duties, etc.) /1, p. 259/.

The refined method of planning the wage fund is calculated using the formula

where Pr – bonuses;

use of labor resources

It is possible to achieve high production and economic results of the enterprise's activities by achieving high efficiency in the use of the enterprise's labor resources.

Currently, an increase in production efficiency is achieved through the transition to modern technologies that provide a high level of automation, improved working conditions for workers, a reduction in material consumption and a high level of product quality.

Thus, increasing “labor efficiency” means improving the technological process, reducing the material intensity of products, improving working conditions, leading to an increase in the profit of the enterprise.

That is, stimulating the efficiency and quality of workers’ work leads to increased profits and increased competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.

Incentives are aimed at increasing volume, expanding the range, motivating employees to perform effective and high-quality work, increasing the technical level and quality of products, taking into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

In turn, efficient and high-quality work entails a reduction in costs and an increase in production profitability, which makes it possible to further financially reward employees.

In the modern economy, employee incentives are not limited only to measures of material reward, but are aimed at improving the employee’s personality, creating in him an interest in the success of the organization as a whole, and also includes other forms, such as social benefits, moral incentives, humanitarian incentives to work, etc. .

The essence of stimulating employees is as follows:

1) this is the stimulation of high labor performance of the employee;

2) this is the formation of a certain line of employee labor behavior aimed at the prosperity of the organization;

3) this is an incentive for the employee to make the fullest use of his physical and mental potential in the process of performing the duties assigned to him.

That is why each enterprise develops and implements an appropriate personnel policy.

Personnel policy is the general guidelines for work on the formation and development of the workforce.

The purpose of personnel policy is to make an effective contribution to the implementation of the enterprise's strategy and instill in its personnel social responsibility to the enterprise and society /5, p. 105/.

The components of the enterprise’s personnel policy are the following areas:

Employment policy – ​​providing highly qualified personnel, creating attractive working conditions and ensuring their duties, as well as opportunities for continued employment of employees in order to increase their degree of job satisfaction;

Training policy – ​​the formation of an appropriate training base so that employees can improve their qualification level and thereby gain the opportunity for their professional advancement;

Remuneration policy – ​​provision of higher wages than in other organizations in accordance with the abilities, experience, and responsibility of the employee;

Welfare policy - providing a wider range of services and benefits than other employers, as well as social conditions should be attractive to employees and mutually beneficial for them and the enterprise;

Labor relations policy – ​​establishing certain procedures for resolving labor conflicts.

The means of implementing the personnel policy of an enterprise is personnel management.

Personnel management at an enterprise is understood as a complex of managerial influences on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize the use of their potential when performing labor functions /5, p. 106/.

Personnel management includes a number of stages:

Personnel planning – developing a plan to meet future labor force needs;

Recruitment – ​​creating a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

Personnel selection – assessment of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment;

Determination of wages and benefits - development of schemes for the organization and structure of wages, a system of benefits in order to attract, hire, retain and reproduce workers;

Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers to the enterprise and its divisions, the development among employees of an understanding of what the enterprise expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment;

Training – developing programs to teach the job skills required to perform a job effectively;

Personnel movement – ​​promotion, demotion, transfer and dismissal of employees;

Training of management personnel – development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the efficiency of management personnel.

The efficiency of using labor resources at an enterprise is expressed in changes in labor productivity.

Labor productivity is productive force, that is, the ability to create certain consumer values ​​per unit of working time.

Factors influencing the growth of labor productivity are divided into three groups:

1) material and technical factors are an increase in the technical level of production (mechanization, improvement of technological processes);

2) organizational factors - improving production, labor and management (improving labor standards, improving remuneration, material and moral incentives, and so on);

3) industry factors - climate, soil, natural resources, and so on.

Thus, measures to improve the use of labor resources include improving the skills of workers, creating conditions for incentives for highly productive work on the part of each employee. Personnel policy should be built taking into account both the formation of the existing labor market and the specifics of production at the enterprise itself. The criterion for its assessment should be the increase in production efficiency.

"Sibirginskaya Mine" is a coal mining enterprise of OS grade coking coal (lean caking coal), which is a branch of the Open Joint Stock Company "Coal Company "Southern Kuzbass".

The management structure of the branch of OJSC "Southern Kuzbass" - "Sibirginskaya Mine" is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – Organizational structure of the enterprise

The decision to build this mine on the mining allotment of OJSC Razrez Sibirginsky was made by the Board of Directors of the Southern Kuzbass Coal Company on May 25, 1999, construction began in November 1999, and on November 14, 2002, an act of the state commission on the delivery of the mine was signed into operation.

The Giprougol Institute was approved as the general designer. In a very short time, the institute’s specialists produced basic technical solutions that ensured the production capacity of the first stage of the mine was 1.2 million tons of coal per year. In a short time, the following were built at the mine’s industrial site: a boiler house, consisting of three transportable KMT-2.5 blocks; fan installation in a block with a heater, consisting of four VTs-15 fans (two in operation, two in reserve); fire-fighting pumping station in a block with two tanks of 400 m³ each; TsRP 6/6/0.4.

Over the past three years, more than 13 km of mine workings were completed and 368 thousand tons of associated coal were delivered to the mountain, including: shafts (track, conveyor, ventilation flank) - 4 km; flank slopes - 1 km; lava workings 3-1-1 and 3-1-3 – 7 km; others - 1.3 km.

For excavation of mine workings the following were used: a set of tunneling equipment from Joy; roadheaders GPKS Kopeisk plant; roadheader P-110 of the Novokramatorsk plant; self-propelled cars 5ВС15; The excavations were secured mainly with anchor bolts; the cross-section of the excavations ranged from 16 to 19 square meters. m.

During the design and construction of the mine, close contact was established with scientists from the Siberian branch of VNIMI and the research design unit of KuzSTU "Coal Technologies of Kuzbass".

A huge sense of responsibility for the assigned work and the high moral qualities of the head of the enterprise, Agudalin Boris Petrovich, play an important role in the production success of the mine. His authority is the key to the high labor and production discipline that reigns in this team.

In 2003, under the leadership of the site manager O.A. Kozhenov, the 2KMK-800U mechanized treatment complex was installed and put into operation. During November-December 2003, the mechanized complex was mastered, and from the beginning of 2003 the brigade began working on coal mining for the millionth time. Having successfully worked the first longwall 3-1-1, extracting 642,630 tons of coal, the team carried out an accelerated re-installation of the mechanized complex from longwall 3-1-1 to longwall 3-1-3, and already in December 2003 it produced its first million tons of coal. For the achieved results, O.P. Malyuk’s brigade received the right to bear the honorary title “Millionaire Brigade”.

The introduction of modern equipment of a new generation made it possible to increase the load at the working face to 125,000 tons of coal per month, against the maximum achieved at the Tomusinsky mine in the conditions of the heavy roof of seam III - 60,000 tons/month, with production reaching a production volume of up to 1,500 thousand in 2003. tons In 2004, production at the mine was increased to 1.6 million tons due to the commissioning of reserved reserves between the mine and the Sibirginsky open-pit mine and the commissioning of new equipment. These reserves were developed using a room-and-pillar system without disturbing the surface. The work was carried out using a tunneling and clearing complex from the JOY company, which included a 12СМ18 combine, a 10SC32B self-propelled car, and a Quadbolter bolt installer. The average monthly load at the face was 35 thousand tons.

The extension of the mine field provided for by the project was won at an auction held in the fall of 2004. Reserves were cut by 62 million tons. along layer III. In 2005, geological exploration work was carried out to assess the reserves of the reserves. Currently, the Giprougol Institute is completing the design of the construction of the second stage of the mine with a production capacity of 3.5 - 4.0 million tons of coal per year. The construction of the second stage of the mine involves the construction of two inclined shafts under the Mras-Su River, a vertical shaft, the commissioning of degassing units, and an electrical substation of a vertical shaft 110/6/6.3 with a supply of 110 kV power lines from power lines going to the Kureinskaya and Chuvashskaya substations for workers and backup power. The installation of inclined shafts will completely close the chain of conveyor transport of the mine, coal from the face will be delivered to the warehouse with subsequent loading into railway cars. At the same time, the use of road transport for coal delivery is completely excluded.

On January 1, 2006, as a result of reorganization, the mine was transformed from the mine site of OJSC Razrez Sibirginsky into a branch of OJSC Southern Kuzbass - Sibirginskaya Mine.

The branch of OJSC "Southern Kuzbass" - "Sibirginskaya Mine" uses a piece-rate wage system. Piecework wages to workers of complex mechanized longwall faces are awarded for fulfilling and exceeding the complex production standard without close connection with the achieved load on the face. In such conditions, working teams are interested in exceeding the production norm, and not the load on the mechanized complex (combine harvester).

The main source of funds for the mine's wage fund is production (coal mining) and sales of marketable products.

To determine the size of the source for the mine in plan and during actual activities, wage costs per ton are calculated, related to the cost of a unit of marketable output.

The formation of wage fund funds is carried out in accordance with differentiated series of technological processes and established or achieved production volumes.

The formation of wage fund funds for the “clearing work” process in the plan and according to actual results is carried out according to the amount of the wage fund of the mining sites, calculated in differential series for a specific volume of coal production from complex mechanized faces (CMZ) and the planned number.

The formation of wage fund funds for the “preparatory work” process is carried out in accordance with the current Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the minimum wage (Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The formation of wage fund funds for the “preparatory work” process is carried out in accordance with the current regulations on the procedure for planning preparatory workings and calculating the average monthly wage of miners and industrial production personnel (PPP) employees engaged in the “preparatory work” process of the mines of OJSC "MC Yuzhny" Kuzbass". The limiting limits when forming the wage fund in the plan and based on the results of work in this process is the presence of a source of reimbursement for these expenses for the mine.

The formation of wage fund funds in the processes of “other preparatory work” and “work on the surface” is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the procedure for the formation and management (control) of costs in the processes of “other underground work” and “work on the surface of mines” of OJSC “MC “Yuzhny” Kuzbass". The limiting limits when forming the wage fund in terms of and based on the results of work on these technological processes is the presence of a source of reimbursement for these expenses in the mine.

The minimum wage of an employee who has worked in full, the standard working hours determined for this period and has fulfilled his job duties (labor standards), cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation (Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The average monthly salary includes the tariff rate, additional payment for night work, length of service, regional coefficient, additional payment for movement and other additional payments that stimulate the growth of production volumes, accrued for the full calendar output of the planning or reporting period.

To calculate wage standards for 1 PPP (industrial production personnel) and the wage fund for the mine, the following data is used: production volume for the planned period, thousand tons; payroll number of PPP, people; wage cost standard in the cost of 1 ton of production, rub.; wage costs per ruble of marketable products; priority coefficient in wages for the mine (K sh =1).

To calculate the wage fund (WF) for the year for a mine, the following formula is used

where FZP Ш is the payroll fund for the mine, thousand rubles;

D Ш – production volume for the planned period, thousand tons;

N N – standard wage costs in the cost of 1 ton of coal production, rub.

The wage cost standard in the cost of 1 ton of coal production is calculated using the following formula

where N N.S. – standard wage costs in the cost of 1 ton of production, rub.;

Ch Sh – average number of staff at the mine, people;

N1 ZP – wage standard for 1 PPP in the cost of 1 ton, kopecks/person;

K Ш – priority coefficient in wages for the mine (K Ш = 1).

To calculate wage cost standards for mine processes in the cost of 1 ton of coal production for the element “Labor costs”, the following formula is used

where Н ci – standards for wage costs in the cost of 1 ton of coal production by mine processes, rub./t.;

H i – the number of production staff at a specific production process of the mine, people;

K i – priority coefficients in wages for mine processes;

The wage standard for 1 PPP in the cost of 1 ton is 13.689 kopecks/person.

The average monthly salary of 1 PPP for work processes is calculated using the formula

, (23)

where FZP i pl. – wage fund for a specific production process, rub;

H i .pl. – the number of workers employed in a specific production process according to the plan, people.

The composition of the number of PPP for mine processes includes: the payroll number for cleaning work (H och.), the payroll number for preparatory work (H preg.); payroll for other underground work (H other subsection); payroll for surface work (Ch pov.); the payroll number of managers, specialists and employees of the mine management (CH managers).

The wage fund for mine processes is calculated using the formula


The basis for calculating the payroll of a mine for a month, quarter, and so on is taken as follows: the volume of coal production for a month, quarter, and so on (D w (pd. fact)); wage cost standard in the cost price of 1 ton (N.s.); wage costs per 1 ruble of marketable products (ZT), that is, the wage fund is calculated using the formula

Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of coal production and labor productivity for 2003 and 2004.

As can be seen from Table 1, the annual volume of coal production in 2004 increased by 190 thousand tons or 12.7% compared to the previous year.

This increase is explained by the fact that in 2004 new equipment was put into operation, as well as reserved reserves between the mine and the Sibirginsky open-pit mine. With the increase in coal production, the productivity of workers increased by 235.4 tons/person. or 12.38%. Also in 2004, the number of workers (namely, cleaning workers) increased by 2 people compared to 2003.

Table 1 – Analysis of coal production and labor productivity for 2003 and 2004

Table 2 presents a comparative analysis of coal production and labor productivity for 2004 and 2005.

This table shows that annual coal production in 2005 amounted to 1,700 thousand tons, which is 10 thousand tons or 0.59% more compared to 2004, this increase in coal production is not a large number compared to 2004 is explained by the fact that workers are interested in increasing coal production, since it is the volume of production that affects the average monthly wage of workers. Labor productivity increased by 18.1 t/person. or by 0.85%. The average number of employees has not changed.

Table 2 – Analysis of coal production and labor productivity for 2004 and 2005

Table 3 presents an analysis of the wage fund and average monthly wages for 2003 and 2004, and Table 4 for 2004 and 2005.

As can be seen from Table 3, in 2004 the wage fund increased by 21,035 thousand rubles. or 12.98% compared to 2003. This is due to an increase in coal production.

The average monthly salary in 2004 is 19,284 rubles, which is 2,172 rubles or 12.69% more than in 2003.

Table 3 - Analysis of the wage fund and average monthly wages in 2003 and 2004

continuation of table 3

Table 4 shows that the wage fund in 2005 compared to 2004 increased by a small amount, namely by 566 thousand rubles or 0.31%, and the average monthly salary increased by 109 rubles or 0.57% .

Table 4 - Analysis of the wage fund and average monthly wages in 2004 and 2005

The analysis of the enterprise showed that the greatest increase in indicators was observed in 2004, this is explained by the fact that in this year reserved reserves between the mine and the Sibirginsky open-pit mine were put into operation, as well as the introduction of new mining equipment, with the help of which in place 266, 72 tons of coal production in 1 hour began to produce 300.51 tons of coal in 1 hour of operation of the KMZ combine. At the same time, the wage fund increased by 21,035 thousand rubles compared to the previous year, the average monthly salary increased by 2,172, labor productivity 1 PPP per month increased by 1.06 tons/month.

In 2005, the indicators increased by small numbers due to an increase in the operating time of the combine at KMZ; the operating duration was 8 standard hours instead of 7,922 standard hours.

Thus, the analysis suggests that the workers of this mine should be interested in greater coal production, since this affects wages, and, consequently, their labor productivity will increase and, therefore, the profit of the enterprise will increase.

In order to increase the interest of workers in increasing coal production, the enterprise needs to stimulate their labor productivity, for this it is necessary to improve working conditions, add additional bonuses to the average monthly wage, and also update outdated equipment with more reliable, safe and allowing to extract more coal.

According to the results of the analysis, at the enterprise under study, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources, it is necessary to update outdated equipment in order to improve working conditions, and therefore labor productivity.

To do this, you need to purchase and put into operation the Polish cleaning mechanical complex GLINIK 21/45, which is more productive, reliable, safe, and has automatic control systems with information displayed on the display. allowing the extraction of up to 4.5 m of coal seam, which is 1 m more than the previously operating complex 2KMK - 800U, the annual volume of coal production will increase by 10% compared to 2005.

With an increase in the volume of production (coal) at existing production facilities, the average monthly wage and labor productivity will increase.

To calculate measures to increase the use of an enterprise’s labor resources, the following indicators need to be calculated:

Capital investments (K), which are calculated by the formula

K = Equipment cost + maintenance costs (26)

K = 2500000 + 2500000×0.10 = 2750000 rub.

Product release after implementation of the event (VP 2):

VP 2 = VP 1 + VP 1 ×0.10 (27)

VP 2 = 1700 + 1700×0.10 = 1870 thousand tons

The cost of 1 ton of products after the implementation of the event (C 2) is calculated using the formula

where C 1 is the cost of 1 ton of products before the implementation of the measure, rub./t.

a, b – relatively constant and variable parts of expenses in fractions of a unit;

K p – production growth rate;

N a – general depreciation rate, %;

OF vv – full initial cost of introduced fixed assets, rub.;

OF l – book value of dismantled fixed assets, rub.

From 2 = =248.19 rub.

The annual economic effect (Eg) is calculated using the formula

E g = (C 1 – C 2)×VP 2 (29)

E g = (250.21 – 248.19)×1870000 = 3777400 rub.

Return on capital investment (T) is calculated using the formula:

T = 2750000/3777400 = 0.73 years or 9 months

Thus, after the implementation of the measure, coal production will increase by 170 thousand tons compared to 2005, and, consequently, the average monthly wage and wage fund will increase, since these indicators depend on the volume of coal mined.

In order to justify the economic efficiency of the recommended measure, a system of indicators is used that are subject to joint comprehensive analysis, which can be presented in the form of Table 5.

Table 5 – Technical and economic indicators

Indicators Options

Changes in calculated indicators for


with basic

base proposed in the work absolute relative, %
Volume of coal production per year, thousand tons 1700 1870 +170 + 10
Payroll fund for the year, thousand rubles 183613 202259 +18361 + 10,15
Payroll fund per 1 ton, rub./t 108,008 108,16 + 0,152 + 0,14
Average monthly wage fund, thousand rubles 15301 16855 +1554 + 10,16

Labor and wage indicators:

Number of employees, people including:

Workers, people

Employees, people

Labor productivity, t./month.

Average monthly salary of one worker, rub.

789 790 +1 + 0,13
749 750 +1 + 0,13
40 40 - -
179,10 197,26 +17,91 + 10,14
19399 21335 +1936 + 9,98

The object of the study is to improve the efficiency of using labor resources in industry.

The subject of the study is to increase the use of labor resources in the branch of OJSC "Southern Kuzbass" - "Sibirginskaya Mine".

This is a promising mining enterprise that produces OS grade coking coal.

An analysis of this enterprise showed that the mine uses a piecework wage system. Piecework wages to workers of complex mechanized longwall faces are awarded for fulfilling and exceeding the complex production standard without close connection with the achieved load on the face. The main source of funds for the mine's wage fund is production (coal mining) and sales of marketable products.

In such conditions, working teams are interested in exceeding production standards, and not the load on the mechanized complex (mine), that is, with an increase in mined coal, the average monthly wage of workers increases, and therefore their interest in exceeding complex production standards.

In addition, working conditions also influence workers’ interest in extracting more coal, so the company needs to increase the level of safety and automation when working with a mining machine. To do this, you need to replace outdated equipment with newer equipment that would meet the above criteria.

Based on these proposals, the following activity was developed.

In order to increase the interest of workers to mine more coal, it was proposed to purchase and put into operation a new Polish mechanical cleaning complex "GLINIK 21/45", which is more productive, has an increased level of safety (has a built-in emergency system), is more reliable, has automatic control systems with information displayed on the display.

Equipping the mine with automatic control systems with information displayed on the dispatcher's display allows you to prevent emergency situations, both when the gas situation changes and when there are disturbances in the operation of machines and mechanisms and, at the same time, the availability of complete information makes it possible to immediately take measures to restore normal operation .

As a result of these measures, working conditions will improve (work will become more automated), the average monthly wage will increase by 1936 rubles, the wage fund will increase by 18,361 thousand rubles, labor productivity of 1 employee will increase by 17.91 tons/month, and production will also increase coal by 170 thousand tons per year.

and literature

1) Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: Textbook for universities / B.M. Genkin. – M.: Publishing group NORMA-INFRA×M, 1999. – 384 p.

2) Kovalev V.V. Finance of an organization (enterprises) [Text]: Textbook / V.V. Kovalev, Vit.V. Kovalev. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. – 352 p.

3) Rofe A.I. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: Textbook / A.I. Rofe. – M.: Publishing house “Mik”, 1996. – 128 p.

4) Sociology of Labor [Text]: Textbook / Ed. N.I. Dryakhlova, A.K. Kravchenko, V.V. Shcherbiny. – M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1993. – 382 p.

5) Enterprise Economics [Text]: Textbook / N.I. Novikov, O.A. Starodumova, N.N. Bolshakova, O.A. Zatepyakin; Ed. Ph.D. econ. sciences, prof. N.I. Novikova. – Novokuznetsk: RIO NFIKEmGU, 2002. – 282 p.

6) Economics of an enterprise (firm) [Text] / A.S. Pelikh [and others]. – M.: ICC “MarT”, 2004. – 512 p.

7) Income and wages [Text]: problems of formation, distribution, regulation / under. ed. ON THE. Volgina. – M.: Publishing house RAGS, 1999. – 232 p.

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According to the rate " Enterprise economy"

Subject:Enterprise labor resources.Ways to increase the efficiency of their use

Is done by a student:



Coursework assignment

In the course "Enterprise Economics"

Correspondence student of specialty 080507u group B

Poluektova Tatyana Olegova

Topic of the course work: "Labor resources of an enterprise. Ways to increase the efficiency of their use"

1. Introduction.

2. Theoretical part (abstract on the topic of the work)

3. Practical part

Task 1. Based on the initial data (B=3, D=8), it is necessary to evaluate the economic efficiency of creating an enterprise operating under a franchising agreement and a simplified taxation system:

1) Determine the amount of investment to create an enterprise; determine the need for fixed assets; determine the need for inventories and the amount of working capital.

2) Determine the amount of authorized capital.

3) Form a planned balance sheet of the enterprise at the time of its start of operation, determine sources of investment financing.

Task 2. Based on the initial data (B = 3, D = 8), calculate the results of the economic activities of an enterprise that produces roller blinds and custom-made blinds.

Make an estimate of production costs.

Make a cost estimate for 1 conditional product.

Determine the technological, production, total cost, the sum of semi-fixed and semi-variable costs.

Set a price for a conditional product based on the planned level of profitability.



The task was issued by __________________

(number and signature of the manager)


  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Labor resources are one of the most important factors in any production. Their condition and effective use directly affect the final results of the economic activities of enterprises. The reasons for the need to analyze labor resources are: a study of the composition of personnel in order to identify their availability, the need to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The topic of the study, “Enterprise labor resources. Ways to increase the efficiency of their use,” is undoubtedly relevant, because for the normal functioning of any enterprise it is necessary to have a sufficient number of qualified personnel. In addition, a necessary condition for managing the personnel of an enterprise and searching for reserves for increasing labor productivity is to analyze the current state of use of the enterprise's labor resources.

The purpose of this work is to identify ways to increase the efficiency of using enterprise personnel. Realization of this goal requires solving the following tasks:

1) reveal the concept of labor resources, determine what place they occupy in the economic activities of the enterprise;

2) characterize the main indicators of the performance of labor resources in the organization;

3) consider measures to improve the organization of work at the enterprise.

The subject of the study is the labor resources of the enterprise.

The following research methods were used in the work: analysis of literature on the research problem, mathematical processing of data when solving practical problems.

1. Labor resources in a modern organization

1.1 Enterprise labor resources, personnel, personnel

Labor resources are a set of people who have the ability to work. They include, first of all, the population of working age. This group includes men aged 18 to 60 years and women aged 18 to 55 years. At an enterprise, labor resources are the most important element of the productive forces; they determine the rate of growth of production and labor productivity, product quality and the successful operation of the enterprise. At the level of an individual enterprise, instead of the term “labor resources,” the terms “personnel” or “personnel” are more often used.

Personnel of an enterprise is a set of employees of an enterprise performing certain production functions.

Enterprise personnel are personnel, institutions, enterprises or part of this composition, representing a group based on professional or other characteristics.

Personnel are divided into two groups:

1) Non-industrial personnel are workers engaged in non-production spheres: employees of kindergartens, utility companies, canteens, etc., who are on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

2) Industrial and production personnel are workers who are directly related to production and its maintenance; This group is divided into 4 categories:

§ managers - this category includes employees holding positions of managers of enterprises and their structural divisions. They are divided into two groups:

§ 1. linear (heading teams of production divisions, enterprises, industries, as well as their deputies);

§ 2. functional (heading teams of functional services).

§ According to the level occupied in the general management system, all managers are divided into lower-level managers (foremen, foremen, heads of small workshops), middle-level managers (directors of enterprises, general directors of associations, heads of large workshops) and senior managers (heads of financial and industrial groups, general directors of large associations, heads of functional departments of ministries and departments);

§ specialists - this category includes intellectual workers (accountants, economists, engineers);

§ employees are workers who prepare and process documentation, accounting and control, and business services. These include clerks, timekeepers, archivists, etc.;

§ workers - this category includes persons directly involved in the process of creating material assets, as well as those engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, providing material services, etc.

1.2 Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of labor resources

The personnel of the enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative and qualitative characteristics that can be measured with a lesser or greater degree of reliability.

The quantitative characteristics of the organization’s personnel are measured by such indicators as the list, attendance and average number of employees.

The payroll number (composition) is the number of employees on the list of the enterprise on a certain date; all permanent and temporary employees registered at the enterprise, both those currently performing work and those on regular vacations, business trips, performing government duties, who did not show up for work due to illness or for any other reason.

Attendance number (composition) - employees of the enterprise who came to work on a certain date. This is the required number of workers to complete the production shift task for production.

The average number of employees is the average number of employees for a certain period (month, quarter, since the beginning of the year, for the year). The average number of employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days of the month. To correctly determine the average number of employees, it is necessary to keep daily records of employees on the payroll, taking into account orders for hiring, transferring employees to another job and terminating the employment contract.

The qualitative characteristics of an organization’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the company’s goals and perform work. The qualitative characteristics of the company's personnel and the quality of work are much more difficult to assess. Qualitative characteristics include personnel structure, professional and qualification structure of personnel, and staffing.

The ratio of employees by category characterizes the structure of the enterprise's labor resources. Personnel structure is the share of each group or category in the total number of personnel.

Each category of workers includes a number of professions, which in turn are represented by groups of specialties. Within a specialty, workers can be divided by skill level.

A profession is a set of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform a certain type of work in any industry.

A specialty is a type of activity within a given profession that has specific characteristics and requires special knowledge and skills from workers.

Qualification is a set of knowledge and practical skills that allow you to perform work of a certain complexity.

According to the level of qualification, workers are divided into: unskilled, semi-skilled, qualified and highly qualified. Qualifications are determined by ranks.

The qualitative characteristics of the personnel are reflected in the staffing table. The staffing table is one of the most important documents in personnel records management in an organization. The staffing table is an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization. It contains a complete list of positions, indicating their number and salaries, various bonuses and allowances that exist in a given organization in relation to a particular position, as well as the monthly wage fund.

labor resource productivity labor

2. Key performance indicators of labor resources in the organization

2.1 Working time fund and its use

Working time is part of the calendar time spent on producing products or performing a certain type of work. To characterize its use, special indicators are used.

Fundworkertime - This the planned work time of one worker during a certain calendar period (year, quarter, month). It is calculated to determine the required number of workers, as well as to identify indicators of the use of labor resources at existing enterprises.

The initial indicator is the calendar fund of time - this is the number of calendar days of the month, quarter, year per worker or per group of workers. It can be calculated for the entire number of workers, a group of workers of an enterprise (workshop, site) and on average per worker (in person/days or person/hours):

in person/days: T K = D K x P SS;

in person/hours: T K = D K x R S x P S,

where D k is the number of calendar days in a given period; R ss - average number of workers in a given period (persons); P s - average established shift duration (hour). The time (nominal) fund of working time (T tab) is defined as the difference between the calendar fund of working time of workers (in person/days or person/hours) and the number of holidays (T prz) and weekends (T in) person/days (person/hour ):

T tab = (T k - T prz - T v) CH R ss (person/days)

T tab = (T k - T prz - T v) Ch R ss Ch P s (person/hour).

The effective working time fund (Trw) can be determined by the following formula:

T rv = (T k - T v - T prz - T o - T b - T u - T g - T pr) Ch P cm - (T km + T p + T s) (person/hour),

where Tk is the number of calendar days in a year;

T in - number of days off per year;

T prz - number of holidays per year;

T o - duration of regular and additional vacations (days);

T b - absence from work due to illness and childbirth (days);

T y - duration of study holidays (days);

T g - time to perform state and public duties (days);

T pr - other absences permitted by law (days);

P cm - duration of work shift (hours);

T km - loss of working time due to a reduction in the working day for nursing mothers (hours);

T p - loss of working time due to a reduction in the working day for adolescents (hours);

Т с - loss of working time due to shortened working hours on pre-holiday days (hours).

The number of non-working days for valid reasons (T b, T y, T g, T pr, T km, T p) is determined, as a rule, on the basis of average report data for the past year and in accordance with labor legislation.

To use working time more efficiently, it is necessary to analyze the losses and costs of working time, and also exercise control over them. Planned losses of working time include annual leaves, additional leaves (study leaves, maternity leave), illness (taking into account preventive measures), performance of government duties, etc. Unscheduled losses of working time are absences with the permission of the administration, distractions from work absenteeism not related to the main activity (absenteeism); tardiness, downtime, etc. Unproductive working time consists of lost working time due to the production of rejected products and their correction. Unproductive working hours are calculated based on data on losses from defects.

To reduce the loss of working time, it is necessary to establish which of the reasons that caused the loss of working time depend on the workforce (absenteeism, equipment downtime due to the fault of workers) and which are not caused by its activities (maternity leave, educational leave). Reducing the loss of working time for reasons depending on the workforce until they are completely eliminated is a reserve that does not require capital investments, but will allow you to quickly get a return.

A working day is the legal time of day spent on work. The duration of work during the day, the moment of its beginning and end, breaks are established by the labor regulations, and for shift work - also by shift schedules.

The average working day is calculated as an arithmetic mean weighted taking into account the officially established working day according to the number of individual groups of workers.

For some categories of workers (working in hazardous areas of production, for teenagers and other groups), the length of the working week and, accordingly, the working day is reduced:

for workers aged 15-16 years - 5 hours;

for workers aged 16 to 18 years - 7 hours;

for disabled workers, the requirements are established by a medical report;

for workers engaged in work with harmful or dangerous working conditions and for whom a reduced working time is established - for a 36-hour work week - 8 hours, for a 30-hour week - 6 hours, etc.

2.2 Labor productivity, main indicators of its assessment

Labor productivity is the most important economic indicator, an indicator of the efficiency of the use of labor.

Each enterprise has a certain level of labor productivity, which can increase or decrease depending on various factors. The level of labor productivity is influenced by the amount of extensive use of labor, labor intensity, as well as the technical and technological state of production.

The extensive characteristic of labor reflects the degree of use of working time and its duration per shift, with other characteristics remaining constant. The more fully the working time is used, the less downtime, unproductive time spent and the longer the work shift, the higher the productivity. The extensive characteristics of labor have visible boundaries: the legally established duration of the working day and working week.

Labor intensity characterizes the degree of its intensity per unit of time and is measured by the amount of human energy expended during this time. The higher the intensity of labor, the higher its productivity. The maximum level of intensity is determined by the physiological and mental capabilities of the human body.

The source of growth in labor productivity, which has no limits, is scientific and technological progress, technical and technological improvement of production, the emergence of new materials, etc.

The growth of labor productivity at enterprises is manifested in the form of:

increasing the mass of products created per unit of time with its quality unchanged;

improving product quality while keeping its mass constant;

reducing labor costs per unit of production;

reducing the time of production and circulation of goods;

increase in mass and profit margin.

The reserves for growth in labor productivity are real opportunities for more complete use of labor to reduce its costs per unit of production by improving equipment, technology, improving the organization of production, labor and management. Reserves can be current, that is, used in the near future. They are implemented without major restructuring of the technological process, without additional capital investments. Promising reserves usually require the restructuring of production, the introduction of new technologies, and the installation of more advanced equipment. Reserves for growth in labor productivity are identified based on the analysis of labor indicators: labor intensity of products, use of working time.

The main indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise level are output and labor intensity indicators.

Output (B) is the amount of products produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker per month, quarter, year. Depending on the units in which the volume of work performed and time worked are measured, there are several methods for calculating the level of output.

With the natural method of calculating output, the volume of work performed is expressed in natural units (pieces, tons, meters). This method most clearly characterizes the level of labor productivity, but it is applicable only for homogeneous products.

With the conditionally natural method of calculating output, the volume of work performed is expressed in conditionally natural units. The conditional-natural method is applicable to calculate the indicator of the level of labor productivity when producing heterogeneous but similar products.

The labor method of measuring labor productivity assumes that the volume of work performed is measured in standard hours worked. The labor method is applicable to all types of products, regardless of the degree of their readiness, and is widely used in the study of relative changes in labor productivity. However, this method requires the stability of the applied standards, while the latter are constantly changing as organizational and technical working conditions improve.

In practice, the most common is the cost method of measuring labor productivity, based on the use of cost indicators of the volume of products produced. The advantage of this method is the ability to compare heterogeneous products with the costs of their production both within one enterprise, industry, and throughout the country. With the cost method, output is determined by the ratio of the quantity of products produced (N) to the working time spent on the production of these products (T) or to the average headcount (Npp):

B = N/T

B = N/Npp

There are average hourly output (Vhour), average daily output (Vdn), average monthly (quarterly, annual) output (Vmes):

Hour = N/Person-hour,

where Person-hour is the number of persons/hour worked by all workers;

Vdn = Hour * Avg. cont. slave. day

Vmes = Vdn * Avg. cont. slave. months

The second indicator of labor productivity is labor intensity, which is calculated per unit of production and for the entire commodity output. Labor intensity (Tr) represents the cost of working time to produce a unit of product in physical terms across the entire range of products and services. Labor intensity reflects the direct relationship between production volume and labor costs.

Tr = T/N

There are three types of labor intensity: normative, planned and actual.

Standard labor intensity reflects the time spent on producing a unit of product according to the time standards in force at the enterprise.

Planned labor intensity reflects the time spent on producing a unit of product, planned taking into account measures introduced into production to reduce labor intensity. Actual labor intensity reflects the actual time spent on producing a unit of product, taking into account the changing losses of working time

Depending on the composition of costs included in the labor intensity of products, technological, production and total labor intensity, labor intensity of production maintenance and labor intensity of production management are distinguished. Technological labor intensity reflects all labor costs of the main piece workers and time workers. Production labor intensity includes all labor costs of main and auxiliary workers. The total labor intensity reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial production personnel of the enterprise. The labor costs of auxiliary workers reflect the labor intensity of production maintenance, and the labor costs of employees reflect the labor intensity of production management.

So, labor productivity indicators are related by an inverse relationship: if labor productivity increases, then labor intensity decreases. But it is not reduced in direct proportion: output increases to a greater extent than labor intensity decreases. Based on the analysis of these indicators, reserves for growth in labor productivity are identified.

2.3 Labor rationing as an element of planning the number of labor resources at an enterprise

An independent direction of labor organization is its rationing. Labor standardization means the establishment of a measure of labor costs in the form of labor standards for performing certain operations (manufacturing units of production) or performing a certain amount of work in the most rational organizational and technical conditions.

Labor standards are divided into time standards, production standards, service standards, and controllability standards.

Time standards represent the amount of working time required to manufacture a unit of product or perform a volume of work in specific organizational and technical conditions. The standard time is measured in standard hours, standard days.

The production rate is an established amount of work that workers or a group of workers (unit, team) of appropriate qualifications must complete per unit of working time (hour, shift, etc.) under certain organizational and technical conditions.

The service rate is the number of production facilities (equipment units, workplaces, production areas, etc.) that an employee or group of appropriately qualified employees must service per unit of time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

The standard of control is the number of employees (the number of structural divisions) that can be effectively managed by one manager.

The enterprise's need for personnel, and, consequently, further personnel planning is carried out on the basis of production standards and service standards.

According to production standards, the number of personnel is calculated using the following formula:

H = Npl /Vpl, where

Npl - planned volume of work in physical terms;

V p l is the planned production rate per worker.

According to the standard for servicing workplaces, the number of personnel is calculated in the following way:

Ch = K oo /N obsl, where

K oo - number of serviced objects;

N serv - the standard of workplace servicing per worker.

So, these standards allow us to calculate the number of personnel. Depending on the volume of work, the scale of the project planned for implementation, and the size of the enterprise itself, the required number of personnel is planned based on production standards and service standards.

3. The main ways to increase the efficiency of using labor resources in a modern organization

Labor resources are the driving force of any enterprise. Without the effective performance of personnel, the effective functioning of the entire organization is impossible. To improve the use of labor resources at an enterprise, it is necessary to review their structure and develop measures to improve the use of working time. Particular attention should be paid to:

streamlining the practice of granting short-term administrative leaves without pay, since these leaves are often given without serious intentions;

studying each case of violations of labor discipline in order to strengthen it, using not only administrative measures, but also forms of both moral and material influence on its violators;

a thorough study (based on certificates of incapacity for work) of the nature of morbidity in certain groups of workers and the development on this basis of preventive measures (for example, to improve occupational health and safety) to ensure a reduction in morbidity.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of production and labor, since adherence to the principles of rational organization of the production process is the basis for conducting financial and economic activities with the most favorable economic indicators.

The main measures for the rational organization of production and labor are: division of labor and placement of workers in production; organization of workplaces and their maintenance; introduction of rational labor processes; creating a favorable work environment; organization of industrial training; occupational health and safety. The enterprise also needs to take measures to improve the production culture (maintaining order and cleanliness in the workshops, organizing medical care, flower beds, lawns on the territory, etc.). These measures not only make human work easier, but also significantly affect economic indicators. Also, the most important point in increasing the efficiency of personnel is the use of economic and non-economic methods of motivation. Among economic ones, allowances, bonuses, and benefits play an important role. Non-economic ones include recognition for a job well done, enrichment of work, recognition of the authorship of the result, high goals that inspire people to effective and sometimes selfless work, providing everyone with equal opportunities regardless of position, contribution, personal merit, etc.

Thus, only comprehensive measures affecting all areas of human resource activity can lead to the desired results and a real increase in the efficiency of personnel.


Thus, labor resources are the most important element of the productive forces, they determine the rate of growth of production and labor productivity, product quality and the successful operation of the enterprise; characterized by qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Working time fund p is calculated to determine the required number of workers, as well as to identify indicators of the use of labor resources at existing enterprises.

Labor productivity indicators are related by an inverse relationship: if labor productivity increases, then labor intensity decreases. But it is not reduced in direct proportion: output increases to a greater extent than labor intensity decreases. Based on the analysis of these indicators, reserves for growth in labor productivity are identified.

Depending on the volume of work, the scale of the project planned for implementation, and the size of the enterprise itself, the required number of personnel is planned based on production standards and service standards.

Only comprehensive measures affecting all areas of human resource activity can lead to the desired results and a real increase in the efficiency of personnel.


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6. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of the economic activities of the enterprise. - M: Ecoperspective, 2006.

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13. Economist's Handbook

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"increasing the efficiency of use

Labor resources at the enterprise"


Coursework Coursework

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Explanatory note 52 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 7 sources, 30 formulas.

Personnel, Labor resources, profession, specialty, qualification, industrial production personnel, payroll, wages, wage structure, forms and systems of remuneration, wage fund, labor incentives, personnel policy, personnel management, labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

The object of the study is to improve the efficiency of using labor resources in industry.

As a result of the analysis, a measure was proposed to put new equipment into operation.

As a result of the implementation of the measure, coal production will increase, the working conditions of workers will improve, the average monthly wage of the enterprise's employees will increase, which in turn will increase the interest of workers in work, and their labor productivity will increase.

use of labor resources 30

Labor force, as interpreted in economics courses, is the totality of a person’s physical and mental abilities, his ability to work. In market conditions, the “ability to work” makes labor a commodity. But this is no ordinary product. Its difference from other goods is that, firstly, it creates value more than it costs itself, secondly, without its involvement it is impossible to carry out any production, thirdly, the degree (efficiency) of the use of basic and working production assets.

The concept of efficiency is a complex of factors and criteria for the rational organization of labor: conscientious work of employees; productive work, which ensures a high level of productivity not only depending on a combination of factors, but also on the desire of workers; efficient use of working time; favorable working conditions for employees; establishing the correct relationship between the results of labor and its payment; stimulation of high-quality work with minimal expenditure of resources and financial responsibility for low-quality work.

Therefore, it is possible to achieve high production and economic results of the enterprise by achieving high efficiency in the use of the enterprise’s labor resources.

One of the important factors influencing the efficiency of the use of labor resources in an enterprise is working conditions and remuneration, which should be simple, accessible and understandable. It is working conditions and wages, and often only it, that is the reason that brings a worker to his workplace. Wages have a motivational effect: money forces a person to work, and their quantity stimulates labor activity and increases labor productivity.

The purpose of this course work is to study and improve the use of labor resources in the enterprise, analyze the current system and forms of remuneration. Taking into account the research results, develop measures to improve the efficiency of using the enterprise’s labor resources.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be completed.

First, it is necessary to determine the essence of labor resources and industrial production personnel.

Secondly, consider modern remuneration systems, determine the basic principles of organizing wages and study the system of organizing remuneration at the enterprise, analyze labor productivity, payroll and wages at the enterprise.

Thirdly, develop specific measures that could increase the enterprise’s labor resources and employees’ satisfaction with their wages.

The object of the study is to increase the efficiency of using labor resources in an enterprise.

The subject of the study is to increase the use of labor resources in the branch of OJSC "Southern Kuzbass" - "Sibirginskaya Mine".

The production of each country and each industry depends on a number of factors. Such factors are personnel, labor and wages.

Labor is a purposeful human activity. The enterprise uses the labor of people of various professions

Personnel are the most valuable and important part of the productive forces of society. In general, production efficiency depends on the qualifications of workers, their placement and use, which affects the volume and growth rate of products produced and the use of material and technical means /1/.

That is, the use of an enterprise’s labor resources is directly related to changes in labor productivity. The growth of this indicator is the most important condition for the development of the country's productive forces and the main source of growth in national income.

Labor resources are a part of the population of both sexes, which, due to psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods and services and being in social and labor relations with a certain enterprise /5, p. 101/.

A sufficient supply of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, and a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and increasing production efficiency.

In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms, and as a result - the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the enterprise's supply of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Age limits and the socio-demographic composition of the labor force are determined by a system of legislative acts.

Labor resources include:

1) the population of working age, with the exception of war and labor invalids of groups I and II and non-working persons receiving pensions on preferential terms;

2) working persons of retirement age;

3) working teenagers under 16 years of age.

According to Russian law, teenagers under 16 years of age are hired when they reach 15 years of age in exceptional cases. It is also allowed, in order to prepare young people for work, to employ students of secondary schools, vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions upon reaching the age of 14 with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him, provided that they are provided with light labor. Does not cause harm to health and does not interfere with the learning process.

The enterprise's labor resources are distributed according to professions, specialties and qualifications.

A profession is a special type of work activity that requires certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

A specialty is a type of professional activity that has specific characteristics and requires additional knowledge and skills from workers (economists: planners, marketers, financiers, and so on).

Qualification is the degree to which an employee has mastered a particular profession or specialty.

All workers at the enterprise are divided into two groups: industrial production personnel (employed in production activities) and personnel of non-industrial divisions (workers employed in housing, communal and subsidiary farms, health centers, dispensaries, educational institutions) /5, p. 101/.

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