
Chickens celebrate the New Year material (junior group) on the topic. New Year's scene for the holiday Cool New Year's toast eyeliner


Performance for children

/nest hens with chicks, strutting important rooster ./

A fairy-tale melody, the painted window of the house opens, and a storyteller appears in the window.


In the spring, the crested hen gave birth to baby chicks.

Delicate yellow lumps, her daughters, sons

Everyone cuddles up to mom. She will cover them with her wings.

Chicken / affectionately /

Sleep, daughters, sons, grow up my family.

Chick-chick-chick, I’ll play you on the violin,

/plays the violin, humming, /

Sleep, you little chicks, bye-bye-bye-bye

Let the children pass grief, the father rooster is on the fence

He will watch all night, he is not averse to crowing

/ threatens the cockerel / you, Petrusha, don’t scream!

The cockerel is offended / grumbling again, be silent again,

Ku-ka-riku! cuckoo! I'll sit in the corner

alone without a corydalis, and I’m also a family man,

Can I show my temper or will you say I’m wrong?

I can peck you! Ku-ka-riku! cuckoo!!! /stomps angrily/

The chicken shakes her head apologetically

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko, how it’s not easy for me with you,

You are always the head of the family! I had a headache,

Peter - Petrusha, it's time to sleep. We'll decide everything tomorrow morning.

See magical dreams. Don’t oversleep the sunrise!


The day will pass, night will come, the hours will run and the day will pass.

/recording of a cuckoo clock striking/

The chickens are growing before our eyes, rising with the sun,

Without worries, here and there the grass is pecked at the grains.

Musical moment.


One spring day, a chicken left the house,

There were urgent matters in shopping mall she went.

/A hen in a flirty hat, with a fashionable handbag, saying goodbye to the chicks, calls them something, threatens the cockerel sternly, he shows with all his appearance not to worry, the hen quickly leaves/


And the rooster, the father of the family, folded his wings,

He stood guard with dignity, hung his head and fell asleep.

Without their parents, it's a fun time for the chickens!

chickens jump out and play pranks to cheerful music

1st chicken - I'm the most vocal one here!

/ tries to crow, but doesn’t work /

2nd - and I’m yellow and fluffy!

3rd - My beak is long, sharpest of all! /pecks another/

4th - Oh, are you like that? And I'm stronger! / also bites /

5th - Don’t offend your brother!

That's it - We don't mind fighting!

Dance of the Perky Cockerels

1st - Oh, what a wonderful frolic we had!

2nd - have fun, rooster, pinch everyone’s sides!

/ wants to crow triumphantly, but to no avail, spreads his wings in embarrassment /

It’s not working yet!

/The chickens laugh at him, tease him, and unsuccessfully try to crow themselves/

5 chicken - well, enough, enough mocking, it’s time for us to get down to business.

1 chick /mysteriously/I saw near the alder where there were big burdocks,

There are a lot of worms, who is ready to run after me?

2 chicks - And I saw by the river, there TA-KI-E /shows/ worms!!!

3 chick - Well. then go on a hike! Who wants to come with us?

4 chicks. - What if it comes from mom? Why did everyone leave without asking?

5 chicks. - Well, stay, and we’ll go, you, brother, are just a coward!

4 chicks - I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid to leave home, where everything is unfamiliar to me!

1 chick - /cheerfully/ Well, then you probably won’t get a worm!

/ Everyone is happily jumping around him, saying /

For sure. You probably don't like the worm!!

4 chicks /thoughtfully/I love to eat delicious food

I won’t be alone here, I, chickens, are also with you.

2 chicks -We’ll lie to mom about something.

3 chicks. Pressing his wings to his chest. Gently/ - We have only one Mommy, . no need to worry!

5 chicks - dad is sleeping, let him rest, and freedom awaits us, friends!

  1. chick - whoever is brave will go! For victories, go ahead!

/Tiptoeing past the rooster/


A magical dream surrounded the cockerel on all sides.

The most wonderful dream in the world, his children ran away,

He didn’t even notice, but the chicken was on guard

She left him, entrusted him, to protect her family!

Musical moment

The chickens have broken free, and they are walking across the field,

They walk together in a crowd with a cheerful, daring song!

The chickens, marching bravely, leave.

/ A chicken appears with shopping, the rooster immediately perked up,

He looked around like a proprietor and rushed to the chicken./

Rooster / affectionately, with a bow / Hello, corydalis wife!

The chicken is suspicious / Peter, did you sleep sweetly under the sun again?

Rooster angrily:

You're wrong, I didn't sleep. I was thinking about life!!!

Chicken, smiling, I know these thoughts. Where are the chickens?

where are the children?!

Rooster with dignity - I took care of my family, sent them for a walk to the river, I can gather everyone in an instant!

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! /voice breaks, embarrassed/

Chicken, with a smile:

Not a bad excuse, ha ha ha! Ha-ha-ha! / .takes out a mobile phone, calls / an ambulance for the rooster!

/the rooster turned away offended. The hen looks around worriedly, looking for chickens, spreading her wings/

So you say they left? /angrily/ Without you, all alone?

The hen wailed:

Ko-ko-ko!-ko-ko-ko! why did you go so far? Where-where? Where-where? Having left me forever, where, where? Where?

Rooster angrily:

Well.enough.stop whining. We need to look for chickens

Why did you leave home? Chicken business again?

The chicken makes excuses:

Of course, I have something to do, but I brought you some grains.

Rooster joyfully - Oh! I love grains!

Chicken with annoyance - Then I will feed you.

The rooster is demanding - But I’m weak, I’m all cold. What will you cook for me for dinner? I've worked up an appetite! /strokes belly/

The hen interrupts him: what if the kite swoops in? Then our children will disappear. And you sit quietly here.

The rooster jumps up to her and threatens:

Don't forget, chicken!!! Well, why frown?

Now I’ll close the house and let’s go look together

The chicken ingratiatingly:

Oh, Petrusha, you are so good! / the rooster lifts his head importantly / I believe you will find chickens! You are the support of the family in everything!

Rooster condescendingly:

That's better! Dry your tears and let's go.

In the meantime, you still have to wait to praise me! / aside

/they leave, the rooster with his head held high, the hen mincing after him.

Musical moment


Meanwhile, the chickens wandered off the path somewhere.

And then suddenly, in a hurry, we got lost in the burdocks,

The burdocks are big, the beetles buzz there terribly.

The chickens were scared here. They all felt scared

1 chick -/complaining/ I want to go back to my mother. What will happen to us now?

2 chicks -/sobs/ She would come to help, but how to find her way home?

3 chicks. -They wanted to find a worm. Now the river will destroy us!

4 chicks / strictly / There’s no need for sobs now. We deserved punishment, we left without asking and secretly. We abandoned the family home.

1 chick /wiping away tears/ Do you remember, dad said, when you’re tired and have no strength, don’t ever get angry, but calmly look around,

To make the right decision!

3 chicks. -You can’t be discouraged, we’re together.

We are all FAMILY!!! /hugs/

An alarming musical chord

  1. chick/wary/ Quiet! Someone is making noise there. The leaves rustle terribly.

4 chicks -I've been afraid of mice since I was a cradle, Oh, look at our chicken

Where are you from little brother?

5 chicks Scared you? Guilty.

Sorry for leaving you behind, I was collecting pebbles.

1chick - / affectionately / Well, brother, forgive us. You were abandoned along the way.

2chick. - And you are small, small and weak.

3 chicks / with a smile / but very, very nice!

  1. chick - we love you dearly. /hug/
  2. chick - and I will say, loving you all,

It doesn’t matter that you’re short, I came running to save you.

We'll find the path now, waste time warming up

No need now, chickens, remember the fairy tale once

Mom told us?

1 chick - I remember there the hero managed to stubbornly

He will find the way to the house, but not to go astray

2chick. He also threw stones

3chick. - I remembered all the signs

5chick. I did that too, I think it will help.

4 chicks Hurray! Let's find the way ourselves, let's go to mom quickly

1 chick / with delight / How smart you are!

3 chicks/fun/ -Everyone is just like daddy!/everyone laughs/


Satisfied chickens hugging their brother

With bouquets of flowers, they hurried home to their mother,

Far from home they became friends again,

Their parents' advice was very useful to them.

And he ran towards them, losing feathers, fluff,

Flapping its wings, their father is a rooster.

He joyfully and loudly shouted: Kukareku!

I promise everyone a worm for dinner!

The crested hen, hugging the children, wipes away tears,

There will be a family holiday near the birch tree,

And again, all together and impossible to forget.

What is the most beautiful thing everywhere, always


Musical moment

Family is the greatest happiness in the world.

Under the sun of LOVE let

Children are always growing.

Family is joy and light.

Family advice will always help,

If something is wrong, the family will not judge.

Because she loves confidentially!

How good it is when we live alone as a friendly FAMILY!


This New Year's Eve 2017 scenario I plan to spend it myself in the company in which I will celebrate this New Year's Eve. I will work out everything down to the smallest detail later and make adjustments along the way. However, I am convinced that even in the form in which the script and competitions are now, they can help you in holding your individual holiday. When drawing up, I relied on the following requirements specifically for our company, and these are:

  • versatility, since the age of guests is from 3 to 60 years. Targeted at adults.
  • without expensive props and special professional equipment. Of course, I plan to direct rather than conduct in the sense of a professional presenter with the voice of an entertainer. Based on this - ease.
  • without Father Frost and Snow Maiden

New Year's signs

The presenter asks you to write a simple wish, and one that can actually come true today, and promises that he will explain why later and moves on to New Year’s signs:

Clasp your hands. If the right hand is on top. Then a new car is shining for you in the new year, and if it’s the left one, then real estate is shining for you.

Place one foot on top of the other. If your right foot is on top, then today you will dance until you drop, and if your left foot is on top, then you will also dance until you drop, but not dance, but drink.

Please close your eyes. If you close your left eye, then today all your wishes will come true, and if you close your right eye, it will be you who will have to fulfill the wishes of those with left eyes.

Cool New Year's toast eyeliner

Now, first close your right eye, look at her with your left, then close your left eye and look at her with your right! Then look at it carefully with both eyes, as if mentally moving it away and bringing it closer! It feels like we are hypnotizing her! Although no matter how much we hypnotize the bottle, it won’t make the glass fuller! Then take the initiative and fill the glasses, but not yours! (Toast, Happy New Year 2017!)

Lottery 2017 - DIY New Year's craft

Next, I plan to hold a New Year's lottery, which will be a drawing of a New Year's tree decorated with balls of different colors. These balls can be erased with a coin - and read either the prophecy-horoscope for 2017, or New Year's forfeits, or a gift.

On sheet A2, draw a Christmas tree, color it green and leave space for round balls.

In place of the New Year's balls:

  1. write the chosen option (fanta, gift or horoscope) with a marker or a simple pencil
  2. Next is a layer of hygienic lipstick
  3. Next layer acrylic paint and glitter

I'll post it a little later step by step photo manufacturing instructions...

New Year truly a global holiday, because it is celebrated in all corners of the Earth. Each country has its own traditions and a wizard who pampers children and adults with gifts... And, of course, all wizards are brothers to each other. But, despite the common cause, everyone is special, with their own charisma, image and resourcefulness, which is especially noticeable in the way they present gifts.

Well, because: All people are brothers too, and our company behaved not just well, but well in global scale, then we received gifts from several wizard brothers at once. However, only the one who names the name of the wizard (the author of the gift), or at least the homeland of the New Year's guest, will be able to receive it.

And these New Year cards were left as a hint:

1. French brother of Santa Claus Pere Noel.

On New Year's Eve, it moves across rooftops and down chimneys and pipes into apartments and houses to hide gifts in shoes.

(Gift: New Year's magnet)

2. USA - Santa Claus.

Santa is accompanied by his faithful servant, a talking reindeer named Rudolph the Red Nose. To fly across the sky, all Santa needs to do is stick his finger in his nostril.

(The head of a deer with a string of New Year’s cracker sticking out of its nose, which, when pulled, will cause a festive explosion)

3. Norway – Nisse (little brownies)

Despite short stature, they are very strong. If desired, the brownie becomes invisible, loves dusty attics and cupboards with dishes, and is friends with pets. Nisse's favorite treat is sweet oatmeal with a piece of butter.

(Hide a festively decorated bowl of oatmeal on a shelf, with a square “bug” candy inside)

4) Italy – Befana

And in Italy, Santa Claus is actually a woman, and a real witch named Befana, similar to our Baba Yaga, right? Something tells me that we can find her here - it leads me to the portraits. A gift for the person who guessed correctly. For example, lipstick or a mirror for girls, or a car sticker with a picture of a woman or a kiss.

Examples of portraits:

I think you guessed that the witch is the penultimate

5) Yolloupukki.

Finnish Santa Claus, who is considered the oldest wizard brother in the world, is actually called quite funny - Joulupukki.


6) Yakut Santa Claus - Chyskhaan

The Yakut brother of our grandfather Frost was personified as a white bull with blue spots, he has huge horns and frosty breath; when he walked around the expanses of the earth, everything froze, people and animals suffered from the cold.

Gift in the refrigerator (freezer) in a frozen piece of ice (ice cream shaped keychain)

Only the Russian Father Frost has a family, Winter is his wife and Snow Maiden is his granddaughter. And now he is waiting for us to call him. (Hearing his name, Grandfather puts on a cap and says a toast)

This is what I was thinking about: “snowflake” - masculine or feminine. Well, you must admit, since there are so many of them in winter, there must be men too, otherwise how would they reproduce...

5 volunteers are tested for “snowiness”

The competition itself is held in several stages:

  1. Depict and voice a snowflake the way they imagine.
  2. Then he says that everything is in vain, because it doesn’t look like a snowflake and shows how it should be and gives instructions after the word “Snowflake” - to repeat, the participants sit down on one leg, supposedly holding the hem in different directions, cross their legs and sing “la-la-la” in a thin voice. Laughter is already guaranteed)
  3. Next, the presenter shows a new movement “Blizzard” - the participants raise one hand up and spin around themselves at the same time.
  4. The word “snowdrift” is pronounced, they gather in a circle, hug each other’s shoulders and shout “Happy New Year!” twice.


There was a Christmas tree and snowflakes too. They appeased Santa Claus, received gifts, but forgot about the symbol of the year...

Horoscope for the New Year 2017 - symbol of the Rooster

As the reading progresses, guests raise their hands when they hear their eastern horoscope sign

According to legend, before leaving the Earth, Buddha invited all the animals to come to him. And the first twelve little animals who came to say goodbye to him, Buddha promised to give them the opportunity to lead a whole year, every twelve years. The first to run to the Buddha was a nimble rat, then the hard worker Ox came, followed by the brave Tiger, after whom the quiet Rabbit ran, softly moving his paws, immediately after him a mighty Dragon appeared and a wise Snake crawled, then a graceful Horse galloped up and arrived on thin a virtuoso Goat came running, followed by a savvy Monkey, followed by a motley Rooster, walking proudly, then a faithful Dog and, finally, a cheerful Pig ran out to the sacred gathering place.

Don’t worry, I won’t list the characteristics for a long time - I’ll say briefly - that this is the element of Fire, i.e. energy and continuous movement towards victory. And yet, the Rooster, the Rooster’s favorites, as well as the most symbolic animal, should have everything clearly. And how clearly our company will be able to move towards victory, we will now check.

Three ladies and two men are called (or vice versa). Three ladies are quiz participants; they are asked questions in turn, to which three answer options are offered. Men are an improvised curtain, one of them (if the question is answered correctly) dances along the stage and back to track No. 1 “Everything is clear”

and the second, if the answer was incorrect, also performs in an impromptu dance to track No. 2 “Paso Doble”.

And so after each answer, one of the men will have to perform his “beat”.

Participants are asked three questions (question No. 10 is a spare).

1. What are the names of the children of a rooster and a hen?

  • Chickens
  • rooster
  • chickens

2. What family do chickens belong to?

  • to the passerine family
  • to the pheasant family
  • to the cat family

3. Where did wild bank chickens live?

  • in Europe
  • in Asia
  • in Africa

4. How many chicken breeds are currently listed in the European poultry standard?

  • about 180
  • about 230
  • about 340
  • in kashars
  • in enclosures
  • in poultry houses

6. In which countries is the rooster the national bird?

  • Japan and China
  • France and Kenya
  • England and Mongolia

7. What does the crowing of a rooster mean?

  • call for lunch
  • start of a new day
  • end of the working day

8. From what country did chickens come to China?

  • from England
  • from India
  • From Russia

9. Which bird is the smallest representative of chickens in Russia?

  • partridge
  • quail
  • capercaillie

10. What, according to popular belief, disappears with the first cry of a rooster?

  • clouds in the sky
  • night ghosts
  • leaves on the treetops

Finally, it is better to hold so-called song competitions.

Yulia Popova
“Chicken Meeting” (New Year’s skit for children in honor of the symbol of the year 2017)

New Year is getting closer to us! This means that preparations for matinees are in full swing in kindergartens and schools. Like this skit I wrote to my children - a preparatory group for school.

We have already learned the words and are rehearsing. And with each rehearsal the children get more and more. like.

scene"Chicken meeting. "


Rooster Petya

Chicken Prosha

Chicken Lusha

Chicken Fedora

Chicken Khavrosha

The Rooster comes out importantly to the music.

Rooster: Attention! Attention!

Chicken meeting!

Come on, chickens, line up!

Smirrrno! Oh! Good squad!

Pay in order

Yes, introduce yourself to us, corydalis!

Chickens: Fedora!

And my name is Khavrosha!

Rooster: Well, now, as they say,

Let's find out what's going on in the world!

Fedora: Whoa-whoa! Have you heard

The cones have all fallen from the trees!

The squirrels of the cones were collected

And they sewed it onto the branches!

All the chickens: Ah! Oh! Whoa, whoa!

What's going on in the forests!

Prosha: I saw it from the yard,

The snowman escaped this morning!

And when he returned -

I tripped over a tree stump!

Khavrosha: Raven croaked on the fence,

What did Soroka lose in an argument?:

Cheese owes her a head,

The cheat tricked him!

All Chickens: Ah! Oh! Whoa, whoa!

Soroka knows a lot about cheese!

Lusha: Oh, feathered friends,

If only you could laugh...

I pecked snow for lunch

And now I am a snowman!

Rooster: This you have news,

I'll fall asleep from them now!

What did they peck...

Who was arguing with whom...

Who was croaking on the fence...

Boring! Chicken nonsense!

Isn't there something more fun?

Fedora: (with great resentment)

And we, Rooster, have no time for fun!

What's the mood here?

Us chickens people don't even think about it:

He gives us a bad name!

Khavrosha: These are strange ideas

About chickens in the human population:

Lusha: Mind like yours Chicken! (

Prosha: AND … Chicken is not a bird!

Lusha and Prosha: We do not want to agree with this!

Fedora:And here's another: “I got caught like a chicken!”

Or like this: write chicken paw easier(

Khavrosha: Well, what is this? And how can we live with this?

It’s a shame to walk around in such a status!

Rooster:I agree with you: so offensive

When the advantages of chickens are not visible...

Completely unfair

And everything will definitely be fixed

We'll try now:

The chickens are dancing for you!

(Dance of the Hens and the Rooster)

Rooster: Here is grace and an ear for music,

The Rooster knows a lot about this!

For everyone's dance Thank you

And I will give you gifts!

For chicken Fedora -

Here are two rye crusts!

For mother hen Lushka -

Delicious pinkies!

For Corydalis Proshki-

Poppy crumbs!

For chicken Khavroshi

This is a good pretzel!

All the chickens: Thank you, Petya - Cockerel!

Our one friend for all!

(to the music they walk around the tree and take an egg)

Khavrosha: We tell you so grateful -

You stood up for us!

In battle fights you are feathers

Lost from the tail more than once!

Prosha: And the chicken coop is in order

You know how to direct

How about such a Rooster?

Don't appreciate kind people!

Lusha: In the morning you meet the sun,

Sing loud songs!

You guard our chicken coop,

No offense to the chickens!

Fedora: We know, Petya, you are meeting

Rooster New Year,

This means you today

Congratulations to all the people!



Rooster and hens: YEAR 2017 – HERE MAIN NEWS WITH US!

(under the final words, the chickens turn their eggs, and there are numbers 2,0, 1, 7. Fanfare or chimes sound)

Publications on the topic:

"Teacher of the Year - 2017." Competition task “Pedagogical discovery “Lesson” “We study the world” for children 6–7 years old Goal: to develop cognitive skills.

The sound of a blizzard sounds. The teacher comes out spinning. Greetings! I am the Snowflake Fairy. Winter sent me to you. I asked for more snowflakes.

Good evening dear colleagues. It’s winter outside again, and it seems like they just recently made Maslenichek. Today I’ll show you the master.

New Year's skit “Santa Claus come and help the guys!” Good evening, dear colleagues! Today I want to bring to your attention a skit that children can put on New Year's holiday before.

New Year's skit for the children's theater "Magic Star" The sketch was written by me for a circle of 6 people (4–5 years old) New Year’s sketch “Magic Star”. Characters: Snow Maiden.

Plan of work with parents of the speech therapy group for the second half of 2016 and the first half of 2017 Plan for working with parents speech therapy group for the second half of 2016 and the first half of 2017 September 1. Matinee “Day of Knowledge”. 2.

Friends! We all know the fairy tale about Aladdin's magic lamp. Each of us would like to have such a lamp. And someone dreams of just rubbing it once and making their wish. But, alas, this is just a fairy tale. But don’t forget that today is the New Year and a lot of things come true on New Year’s Eve! And so, meet the rooster and the magic chicken egg!

Unlike all areas of Bohemia and Moravia, where New Year's Eve was not celebrated a hundred years ago, there was an exception. In particular, he celebrated this in Ask and Plesna. Dumplings were prepared containing small tickets with written wishes, names, proverbs, and promises.

Everyone gathered around the pot, and after washing the first dumpling, he opened it and read the message. The male part of the family spent the evening mainly in the pub, in the cities, then in a restaurant or cafe. The tradition was a midnight grog or punch service. From history we know that a city man always ate before going out into the whirlpool of nightlife. The menu was not very luxurious, white rice soup, beef with onion sauce and cucumbers, chicken with cauliflower, salad, beer and coffee were lit on the tables, and only one toothbrush and sandwiches were defrosted.

A rooster comes out (a man dressed as a rooster)
He has an egg in his hands (the egg can be made from wood or fabric, it doesn’t have to be a large egg, 20-30 centimeters in height is enough)

Well, are you surprised? Why be surprised - 2017 is the year of the rooster. So everything is logical and correct. Well. Let's not be shy, who wants to be the first to rub the magic egg and make a wish?

For pleasure they went to fashionable dances and cabarets, cafes and restaurants. Some of the voters attended private parties where dance parlors danced and party games were played. The first treat was about an hour before midnight. Serving tray with pieces homemade bread and other dishes with fried meat, mainly pork. But also bowls with jars of sliced ​​sausages, cheeses, horseradish and lemon wheels. The fried bread was then made to suit everyone's taste. Over time, hissing snails, barber sticks, pheasants, roe deer and rabbit, smoked tongue in aspic, fried poultry, pates.

The action goes like this:
The guest rubs the egg, the host comments at this moment. For example, he says: rub faster, otherwise your wish will come true just as slowly! Or like this: you rub the egg so hard that it heats up and cooks! Make a wish already.
In general, comments from the presenter are required. Then, when the guest has grated the egg, the host invites him to pull out a card with a wish from the bag. The guest takes out a card and reads what he wishes.
Examples of cards:

There were also vegetable or fruit salads, a special ounce with lemon and juicy pineapple slices with whipped cream, garlicky unicorns or anchovies. At the buffet table, guests had a choice of beer and, to a lesser extent, red and white wine. However, young people preferred the kick or the fashionable ball. The ladies killed it with lemonades or frozen almond milk. Expensive champagne lasted until the midnight toast.

New Year's Eve and the New Year's tree were home to food that was supposed to evoke happiness and health. That's why on New Year's Eve you shouldn't miss roast pig for a happy ending to every case, horseradish egg for maintaining health, white egg soup with hops for health and sexual vitality. Barley hares are said to have a positive effect not only in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestines, but as a bonus, culinary magic ascribes to them great powers in the field of sex.

1. I rub, rub, rub the egg,
Do you know what I want?
I want to get completely drunk
May my soul sing!

2. My wish is simple,
I want everything to be original.
There was a dacha, a car and an apartment,
And the tax office just passed by.

3. For the New Year I will make a wish,
Just one wish.
But I beg you
Treat him with understanding.
I want to work all year round
And for a car, or an apartment, or maybe for a vacation... in general, it’s simple - make money!

In addition, lens ̶ for happiness, New Year's apples ̶ for strength, courage and health ̶ best served with beef and horseradish to combine the magical powers of all these products. The pork ribbon was the mistress of the house for impetuosity and hard work. The New Year's cake should have an angular shape, which symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

Let's see how the Czech nobility celebrated New Year's Eve in the monarchy. The street is full of workshops where cribs are built. Their number and variety are truly impressive. Often, next to ordinary heroes - shepherds, animals, Jesus - on the Nativity scene there are characters from the political life of Italy. Naples has an unsuccessful sale of illegal pyrotechnics.

4. In the year of the cockerel, I want friends,
Fall in love once and for all.
And so that my love is
Well, very, very good!

5. I want to get rid of a bad habit
And that's why I ask the rooster:
I want to forget my passport at home,
So that they stop selling me alcohol.

6. I want to work a lot,
Not to make money.
So that my ambitions
We were completely satisfied!

It's 16 degrees in Naples. It is strange to see Santa Claus with donkeys instead of reindeer, fussing around Italians, often dressed only in light jackets or jackets. Throughout Italy it is usually a dinner, with variations varying from region to region. Definitely, however, fish reigns supreme on the Christmas table.

The old tradition was to illuminate a large piece of wood, which was supposed to burn until the evening of the Magi, so that the Blessed Virgin and Child could warm up for it. We donate the gifts that Santa Claus brings, called in Italy by Babbo di Natale. It's midnight, shepherdess time. It is due to the distance from family or the lack of snow that it is difficult for me to feel the Christmas atmosphere known from Poland. My Italian saying Natal Kohn also applies here.

7. My desire is simple,
And this is what it is:
May each of us be lucky
And happiness will come to everyone’s home.

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