
Detailed review of the update “New adventures of bandits and swindlers. The update “New adventures of bandits and swindlers” has been released for GTA Online GTA 5 new adventures of bandits and swindlers

7093 2016-06-07 at 19:25

We didn’t have to wait for what was promised, not just three years, or even three months: following the recently published trailer the update itself is out. Under the title “New Adventures of Bandits and Fraudsters”, which is not the most pleasant for authoritative people (in the original, as we already wrote, “Further Adventures in Finance and Felony”), there is simply a bunch of interesting things hidden, and below we will tell you about everything in detail.

Everything is like people

All the “big people” and those who work for them will finally have a full-fledged workspace - not everyone can sit on a yacht. Complete with office there is a personal assistant, a conference room, a weapons room and even a helipad. From here you can log into the already familiar SecuroServ system, but with new goal– to purchase storage facilities and manage their smuggling activities.

Full load

You and your partners will have the opportunity to choose tasks divided into three levels of difficulty. More dangerous transactions are associated with a greater risk of running into competitors, the police and even the feds, but you can also hit a much more impressive jackpot.

At your service three types of warehouses, differing in area. Pay attention to the distribution of goods - keeping all the “high value” items in one place can be risky: bandits can stage a raid and take away part of the goods. However, everything does not end with storage: you will not receive money until the ordered item reaches its destination, preferably safe and sound.

There's a lot to do

The general director is the same VIP with all that it implies, so there is work and testing for employees will also increase- from robbing ATMs to intercepting cargo, and you will have to work both on land and in the air and even under water.

In addition, another themed confrontation mode has been added to the game, “ Swap places"(Trading Places), in which players will have the opportunity to climb from rags to riches... by killing one of the existing princes.

Shopping with benefits

Also, all businessmen and mercenaries will find new vehicles (from supercars to aircraft and watercraft), more than two hundred items of clothing for every taste and additional weapon modifications, namely, larger clips.

There can never be too much of a good thing

In addition, for the whole week, from June 7 to 13, you will find 25% discount on

Continue your journey to becoming the top crime lord of Los Santos and Blaine County in the " New adventures of bandits and scammers", which is already available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. As the boss of your own organization, you can enjoy all the perks of being a boss and gain access to the black market through the SecuroServ network, which allows you to sell and buy illegal goods within your city empire.

New adventures of bandits and scammers

To get started, you and your associates will need an office appropriate to your new status. Dynasty8 Executive Realty in collaboration with SecuroServ PLC presents to your attention new line fashionable offices created specifically for purposeful career criminals. These masterpieces of business design come complete with a personal assistant, boardroom, helipad, Don't Cross the Line arcade game, and extra storage like a gun cabinet to keep the best guns for any job.

Negotiate and make plans in your own office.

The office will also provide you with secure access to the SecuroServ network, through which you can purchase warehouses and transport rare and exotic goods. All special cargo is stored in warehouses, but space there is limited; wisely manage the goods you have in order to influence the situation on the market, and sell them after receiving a profitable offer.

Complete dangerous multi-stage purchasing missions with your subordinates to obtain special cargo and deliver it to the warehouse.

To successfully complete the purchasing task, you will need the help of partners. The missions are divided into three categories of increasing difficulty, depending on how many crates of contraband you want to buy and how much risk you are willing to take. The higher the risk of interference from the Federal Reserve Bank, the Los Santos police, or competing organizations of other players, the more substantial your reward will be.

Skilfully manage your cargo located in small, medium and large warehouses. Please note that the accumulation of valuable cargo at one point will quickly attract attention...

By accumulating goods in the warehouse, you increase market demand on him. When it comes time to sell the cargo, you will receive different offers depending on what you have. Sales assignments require constant vigilance; Keep your eyes open, because the task will be completed only when all your goods have successfully arrived at their destination. If the cargo is damaged, you will suffer a loss.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can play for free right now GTA Online with all the additions from Rockstar Games.

Big players attract attention. If the warehouse is filled with special cargo, there is a chance that one of the members of the Los Santos criminal community will decide to organize a raid. Act quickly, because after an enemy attack you may lose part of your special cargo.

Protect your goods - competitors can either storm your warehouse in the open or approach it from the rear.

The boss has all the privileges of a boss, including access to new challenges and sources of illegal enrichment.

Boss job

  • “Headhunter”: within the allotted time, you need to eliminate key targets in different parts of the map;
  • "Airfreight": snatch valuable cargo from the clutches of armed guards and deliver it by air to the specified location;
  • Fragile Cargo: Be the first to deliver a trailer of tax-exempt goods to their (illegal) owner.

Boss Challenges

  • “Cash Out”: you have to race through the streets of Los Santos and extort money from ATMs;
  • Property Salvage: Who can lift the most valuable cargo from the ocean floor?

Work together with your goons to protect Cargobob from rival players and the police in Airfreight.

Do you love brutally fast transport? And brutally economical? Or just brutal? Whatever your preferred means of transportation, the new selection of vehicles has something for you. From the monstrous HVY Brickade available from Warstock Cache & Carry to the ferocious custom Bravado Rumpo from Southern San Andreas Autos to the new generation of supercars and sports cars added to the Legendary Motorsport catalog, such as the Pegassi Reaper, Vapid FMJ, Grotti Bestia GTS and Enus Windsor Drop, as well as the luxury fast Buckingham Nimbus and Volatus from Elitas Travel and even the gigantic Tug coming to DockTease - new transport will make traveling from point A to point B more enjoyable than ever.

IN fashion stores Los Santos has received bodyguard and boss clothing previously only available to members of the organization, as well as new accessories with SecuroServ branding. It doesn't matter whether you want to look like a sophisticated crime lord or an ordinary street thug - in new collection you will find an outfit to suit your taste. But nothing ruins an exemplary performance like a prematurely empty store. Ammu-Nation introduced high-capacity drum and box magazines, as well as various rifles and other weapons.

In the country of the rich and the poor, it is very difficult to become one of the people, but in this confrontation mode you can make a sharp leap up the social ladder. The leading team is guaranteed victory, the underdog team is doomed to defeat, and there is only one way to change their fate: brutally kill one of the leaders and take his place. This week, those who decide to try out the new mode using the playlist on the main screen of GTA V will receive double RP.

Lay a solid foundation for your organization to thrive with the New Adventures of Bandits and Crooks Bonus Week, which starts today and runs through Monday, June 13th. Get access to the Pastel Green Pajamas and Pastel Green Jacket by simply logging into GTA Online this week, plus 25% off Warstock Cache & Carry's Buzzard Gunship plus all Lester and Merryweather Security services, and stock up on weapons and ammunition with a 25% discount in Ammu-Nation stores. This advantageous offer is valid on:

  • carbines, assault and shortened rifles;
  • small PP;
  • submachine guns;
  • heavy shotguns;
  • all types of ammunition;
  • various colors and engravings of weapons;
  • body armor;
  • parachute bags and canopies.

Celebrate your rise through the criminal corporate ladder with a photo and win a GTA$1 million prize by entering the best photo boss In order for a photo to be eligible to participate in the competition, it must be published between today until June 14 inclusive and contain materials from the “New Adventures of Bandits and Scammers” update. Don't forget to tag your photo as CEO on Social Club. Full competition rules are published on the official Rockstar Games website.

On the night of Friday to Saturday, June 11, at exactly midnight Moscow time, join our live broadcast in honor of the release of the “New Adventures of Bandits and Scammers” update, which will take place on the official Rockstar Games channels on Twitch and YouTube. Our regular broadcast hosts will be joined by several guests whose names we will announce later.

And of course, stay tuned to Rockstar News for upcoming updates to GTA Online, including Puzzle Stunts.

With the release of the DLC New Adventures of Bandits and Fraudsters, you will be able to climb to the very top of the career ladder and become the head of the entire criminal underground of the city of Los Santos and Blaine County. Create your own organization, and you will have all the privileges available to the boss, as well as access to the black market through the SecuroServ network, which will give you the opportunity to completely control the turnover of your criminal empire.

The first step on your way up will be to buy your office, which will fully suit your business status. Dynasty8 Executive Realty, with the support of SecuroServ PLC, provides you with a choice of a line of offices, the design and interiors of which were worked on by the best craftsmen in the field. It all comes complete with a personal assistant, a boardroom, a helipad, a Don't Cross the Line mini-game, and a number of additional rooms and storage areas, such as a weapons cabinet, where you can finally remove all the unnecessary guns from your inventory.

In the office, you are provided with a secure access to the SecuroServ network, with which you can purchase real estate in the form of warehouse space, as well as coordinate the transportation of various goods. Everything honestly acquired will be stored in warehouses, however, it is worth taking into account that space is limited. You will have to competently manage the goods you have in order to influence the situation on the market, and having received a tempting offer, do not hesitate to sell what you have accumulated.

To successfully complete the task of buying and selling goods, you will most likely have to resort to the help of partners. Depending on how many boxes of contraband you want to buy or sell, the difficulty level of the tasks will also change. And the higher the complexity, the greater the likelihood of intervention by the FBI, Los Santos police or competing organizations. Don’t forget that along with the risks, the rewards also increase.

The more goods you have in stock, the greater the market demand for it. When it comes time to sell, you will receive different offers based on what you have available. Sales missions require constant vigilance, because anything can happen, and the task will only be completed if all the goods arrive at their destination. Damaged cargo is always a loss for your organization.

Having established the supply and sale of special cargo and filling the warehouses to capacity, you will be faced with another important problem: other players will want to steal your goods directly from the warehouse by organizing a raid. You will have to act quickly, since after each enemy attack you may lose part of your special cargo.

With the release of the update, a lot of new vehicles have appeared in the game, which are designed to satisfy your every whim. Do you want to burn rubber and rush around the city at mind-blowing speeds? No question, at your service Pegassi Reaper, Vapid FMJ and Grotti Bestia GTS. Or do you prefer a quiet and moderate ride? New variation Enus Windsor Drop will fully meet your expectations. Or you can’t live without getting into various scrapes, and your life in GTA Online doesn’t stop for a minute? Then you will need a monstrous helper HVY Brickade, ferocious custom Bravado Rumpo and maneuverable SUV Benefactor XLS. In addition to all of the above, luxurious Buckingham Nimbus and Volatus, and large-scale Boat-Tug.

All fashionable clothing boutiques in Los Santos have expanded their assortment: bodyguard and boss attire, which was previously only available to members of organizations, as well as various new accessories with SecuroServ branding, have gone on sale. And the network of weapons retail outlets Ammu-Nation presented new drum and box magazines increased capacity, designed to extend the fire salvo from your rifle.

Among other things, new variations of Boss Jobs (Bounty Hunter, Air Freight, and Fragile Cargo) and Boss Challenges (Cash Out and Property Salvage) have been added to the game. The Chief of the Organization has all the privileges of a boss, and therefore all these tasks are also available to him. Also, a new Confrontation mode “SWAP PLACES” has been added to the game, where you have to change your fate as an “outsider” by brutally killing and taking the place of one of the leaders.

Stay tuned to the site to stay informed about upcoming GTA Online updates, including "".

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Yesterday in GTA Online There was an update called " New adventures of bandits and scammers", which includes awesome transport, offices and trade. After testing, we were very pleasantly surprised by this update and if this is not the best, then at least the second best update after robberies. The update is very huge and includes a lot of innovations and in this news we We will try to make the most detailed and interesting review of the update.

We'll start with the new vehicles that have been added - these are three supercars: " Pegassi Reaper", "Vapid FMJ" And " Grotti Bestia GTS". Prices for supercars can be seen in the screenshots above and they are quite large, as in general all prices in this update. A new one has been added from air transport Volatus helicopter for $2,295,000 and a new premium private jet Nimbus priced at $1,900,000. All this transport is designed exclusively for the chiefs of the organization for their comfortable and quick movement along the game map in Grand Theft Auto Online. A tug boat was also added for transporting goods. We think there is no need to particularly focus on transport; new transport appears in every update, as well as clothing, of which quite a few have now been added.

Let's get down to the most important and interesting thing - buying offices. If you are the Boss of an organization, then now you can afford to buy yourself an office from where you can plan your business selling goods. An office can be bought from a real estate agency; there are 4 types of offices in total, all of them have different prices and different classes. The cheapest office costs $1,000,000 dollars in game currency and is located on the outskirts, but the most expensive office is in the very center, in the tallest skyscraper of the city - Maze Bank Tower costs as much as 4 million dollars and that's not all, before you buy an office you can choose a wide range of modifications just like you can do when buying a yacht.

The first thing you need to do is choose an office interior, there are only 9 options and all these options have different prices. You can choose an office in modern style or just a luxurious, cozy office made from quality materials. You also need to choose a female or male staff member, roughly speaking, a secretary who will help you in the office and perform a number of functions. After that, you need to select the name of the office and a sign with the name will hang at the entrance to the office and, if you wish, you can choose to purchase a weapons cabinet for the office where you can store all the weapons, as well as a safe in which all your millions will be stored.

For these additions alone with a safe and a weapons cabinet, you will have to pay about one million dollars in game currency, and you can also turn your office into your personal home, that is, there will be a separate room where you can spend the night, change clothes and take a shower. As a result, the maximum equipment of the most expensive office will cost you $6,600,000. Let us immediately warn you that this is not the only waste that the Boss of the organization will have to make. To create your own own business in the game, you will have to invest significantly, but then, perhaps, if you run your business well, this money will return in double size.

You can modestly arrive at your own office by car, or, through the Boss’s ability, organize a helicopter for yourself directly to the roof and from there get to the office. In the office you will be able to relax and work together with your partners, now in the organization there is no such thing as the Boss and the Brutes, now you have reached a new level and now only the Chief and his partners. There is a lot of drinking and entertainment in the office, for example, there is even a whole mini-game that can be played even by four people, as they say, a game within a game. The most important thing in the office is a computer, from there you can buy a warehouse, and order goods there and sell them from the warehouse for a lot of money. There are three types of warehouses: small, medium and large, the maximum number of goods that can be stored in a warehouse is 111 pieces. A warehouse is also very expensive real estate and the most expensive warehouse costs $3,500,000. When you buy a warehouse, you can purchase goods there, small goods in small quantities or huge goods.

We tried to purchase one box of jewelry for two thousand; after purchase, you and your organization need to pick up the goods. True, other organizations may interfere with this, but the cheaper the product, the less demand there is from other organizations. After you pick up the goods and bring them to the warehouse, you can resell them. You can perform many functions on the fold, you can sell goods through a special laptop, but everything is not so simple, this product needs to be translated different ways in our case, it was necessary to fly on a small plane, it was important to fly low to the ground so that the police could not detect us, and then the goods had to be dropped at three points. At the same time, at this moment, other organizations see that you are carrying goods and can simply intercept it from you and for them it will be easy money.

It turns out that we bought the goods for 2 thousand, and after the sale was completed we received $12,500 thousand. This is, of course, not enough, but the fact is that we sold only one box of cheap jewelry the cooler you are there more products you will be able to sell and the product itself will be more expensive and profits will increase accordingly. The product can be completely different, it can be drugs, weapons and even human organs. In this way, if you start selling great amount goods can earn a large amount of money. We really hope that we were able to clearly explain the office and retail system in the new DLS.

If you don’t have a lot of money and you can’t afford to create your own organization, then of course you can get a job in someone else’s, become a partner and earn your share with the members of the organization. Also, your secretary can order you a car to the office or even a helicopter to the helipad. In the weapon store, a drum magazine with 100 rounds of ammunition is now available on many weapons, and new missions are now available in the chief's task.

On this moment That's all, we probably could have missed some detail since the update is large and very cool. One thing we can say with confidence is that this update is not one of those where you go into the game, buy a couple of cars, run around with new clothes and close the game. This update draws you into the most interesting gameplay for a long time, developing your organization, performing many different tasks where you will have to pick up goods and fight off other organizations that want to steal this goods from you - very interesting! Don't forget to write in the comments what your impression of the new DLS is.

The seventeenth free update for GTA 5 and Online, available as additional content (DLC) called “Further Adventures in Finance and Felony” for PC, Xbox One and PS4.

In fact, it is an ideological continuation and development of the DLC "".

New transport
In total, 11 new transport units were added in this update, including:

1. Eight cars: Pegassi Reaper (super car), Grotti Bestia GTS (sports car), Vapid FMJ (super car), Enus Windsor Drop (convertible), Benefactor XLS (luxury SUV + its separate armored version), Bravado Rumpo Custom (van with sliding doors), Brickade (armored truck).

2. Buckingham Volatus helicopter and Buckingham Nimbus plane.

3. Large water tug.

New weapons
New drum and box magazines have appeared, which can hold more cartridges.

New things
T-shirts, clothing, accessories for bodyguards and bosses.

New GTA Online mode
You will be able to found and lead your own smuggler empire. Buy office and warehouse space for goods, store them there, fight off smuggling from competitors and defend yourself from gangs and police. More details

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