
Invisible “PR”: media about the general director of “IMA-consulting”, who created the structure of the administration of the Tomsk region. General Director of the PR agency "IMA-Consulting" Vartan Sarkisov was included in the rating of "Best Consultants in Russia" according to the magazine "Career So - Koz"

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In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of the Moscow Automotive Institute, in 1992 - from the Faculty of Economics of the same university.

During his student years (from 1988 to 1992) he was in a free Komsomol job as secretary of the Komsomol organization of the institute, deputy secretary of the Komsomol ZIL committee.

From 1992 to 1997, he was engaged in business and was the founder and director of the companies INLINKSERVICE and FrutKO.

From 1997 to 2001, he worked at the Population Information and Advisory Center of the Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia as a consultant, then as head of the fund’s branch in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

In 2001, he was invited to the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, worked as deputy chief, chief Organizational management prefectures of the Southern Administrative District.

From 1997 to the present, he has been organizing election campaigns. Was the leader of more than ten successful campaigns for the elections of deputies to the Moscow City Duma, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and regional governors.

In April 2003, he was invited to the IMA-consulting company to the position of Deputy General Director.

Since January 2005 - General Director of the IMA-Consulting company.

PR elite of Russia: 157 interviews with the highest echelon of Russian PR Roman Mikhailovich Maslennikov

Vartan Sarkisov (IMA-consulting)

How did you become the head of a PR agency - by founding it or as a result of promotion? What do you think is more interesting?

Before working at IMA-Consulting, I was professionally involved in organizing election campaigns, and in 2003 I joined the agency as Deputy General Director precisely to oversee political projects. In 2004, the situation changed: gubernatorial elections and elections to the State Duma in single-mandate constituencies were cancelled, and the agency began to actively develop new areas of work. And then I was offered to take the post of general director. Now I perceive the IMA-consulting agency as “my” business.

Is it possible to learn to become a PR specialist? Or is this a calling? How was it for you?

It is still difficult to talk about the quality of Russian PR education, since it still has a very short history. The PR field itself in Russia has been developing for just under 20 years, and it is clear that many people involved in the PR business do not have vocational education, which does not prevent them from being very successful. But in general, I believe in education in principle. I think that education is valuable not because of the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge, but because at a university a person learns to quickly find the necessary information. And this is the most valuable skill for life.

You definitely need to study, but whether you absolutely need to study PR, I can’t say. As for the researchers working for us - marketers and analysts - they are all, of course, certified specialists. PR people mostly have a humanities education. And a calling, in my opinion, is needed in any profession.

I do not have a special education in the field of PR, but I do have two others - technical and economic. By and large, I am not a PR person. I am a person who is good at managing assets in the PR business. In addition, I always felt that I had a talent for communications, and my “combat” Komsomol youth gave me tremendous experience.

You choose your co-workers by personal qualities(like-minded people) or professionals? Which is more profitable? Companies are different. Some are “family” type, organized according to the principle of a pride of lions, where all employees must be like-minded people. Others - market high-tech companies - are primarily interested in professionals. I hope that our company is closer to technologically advanced market structure, so we strive to recruit professionals. It is more effective to work with professionals, but it is, of course, more comfortable to work with like-minded people. It is ideal when one thing is combined with the other, but like everything ideal, this happens very rarely.

How do you answer the question, for example, from strangers or relatives or friends - “what do you do?” G Speak honestly and give a mini-lecture “what is PR” or something else? Recently I was at a meeting of classmates, where everyone present told what they do. I was puzzled: how to describe the eclectic set of functions that I perform? Indeed, it is difficult to give a monosyllabic answer to this question. In our society, there is either no concept of PR at all, or many, at best, believe that PR is advertising. If the meta-listener is interested in hearing the answer, I, of course, tell what's what.

Please define as briefly as possible:

PR is: effective communications.

PR is: maximum effect with a minimum budget.

What makes you happy at work? Have you still lost interest and taste for the business? Is it your favorite? Both in work and in life in general, I enjoy getting results. I am a results man. Yes, I like working in communications and delving into the essence of projects myself, seeing with my own eyes how and what we do. In addition, PR people are very good at cheerfully reporting their victories to their boss. Therefore, if you want to know the whole truth about the agency’s work, you must watch it yourself. Our business has a peculiarity: colleagues only obey those they respect professional quality. And people very quickly realize how competent you are at what you lead. In our agency, the hierarchy is quite arbitrary, the atmosphere is very democratic, and therefore you always need to know the essence of the matter. I really love what I do. Despite the very tense rhythm, nerves and stress, every day - and this is true - I enjoy going to work.

Would you like your children to follow in your professional footsteps?

It doesn't matter who my children become. The main thing is that they make their choice consciously.

Without this, education, in my deep conviction, will not be useful.

But I can say that working in a PR agency can teach you two very important things:

1) quickly find and receive information in very different industries;

2) learn to communicate with the outside world.

I think both will always be useful not only in a PR agency, but also in life. If my children, having worked in a PR agency, acquire such skills, it will definitely not interfere with their future lives.

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The top list of the rating was compiled based on expert assessment representatives of employers and companies working in the field of consulting, who were asked to name the best, in their opinion, specialists in this industry. Based on the results of this survey, a list was formed that included 150 business consultants working in the Russian market.

Personal fame.
Business reputation.
Level of professionalism. Ability to solve non-standard problems.
Systematic solution of assigned tasks.
Interaction with clients (clarity, flexibility, comfort, etc.).
Economic efficiency decisions.
Company fame.
Business reputation of the company.

Vartan Sarkisov, General Director of the PR agency IMA-Consulting, scored 29.45 points and took 25th place in the ranking.

short biography
From 1992 to 1997, Vartan Sarkisov was engaged in business and was the founder and director of a number of companies.
From 1997 to 2001, he worked as a consultant at the Population Information and Advisory Center of the Foundation for the Development of Parliamentarism in Russia, then as head of the fund’s branch in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.
In 2001, he was invited to the prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, worked as deputy chief, head of the Organizational Directorate of the Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.
From 1997 to the present, he has been organizing election campaigns. He was the leader of more than 10 successful campaigns for the elections of regional governors, deputies to the Moscow City Duma and State Duma RF.
In April 2003, he was invited to the IMA-consulting company to the position of Deputy General Director.
Since January 2005 - General Director of the PR agency IMA-Consulting.

PR agency "IMA-consulting" works in the market of integrated marketing communications since 1999 and provides services in the following areas: public relations, communications management, GR and political consulting, research and analytics, development and implementation of strategies, Internet projects and online communications, design and creativity, publishing and social projects. Last year, the agency received the “PROBA-IPRA GWA – 2009” awards for “Best PR campaign on the Internet” and for the “Moscow Anti-Crisis Shield” project (, created by order of the Moscow Government, which also awarded a diploma in nomination " Best Project» National PR award “Silver Archer”.

CEO"IMA-consulting" Vartan Sarkisov took 25th place in the ranking of "Best Consultants of Russia" according to the magazine "Career" in 2010, and in September 2010 the agency took 2nd place in the ranking of PR agencies according to the information favored index.

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