
Business idea breeding sheep. Sheep breeding personnel. Analysis of the market and the situation in the field

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Every week we receive requests to help with the preparation of a business plan for the development of a sheep farm. As an introduction, we publish a business plan for 2012.



Feasibility study (business plan)

investment project

“Production and processing of livestock products.

Establishment of a sheep farm”


the applicant company


“___”________ 2012

_______________________ (signature)


  1. Brief overview of the project.
  2. Initiator of the project.
  3. Analysis of the situation in the industry
  4. Sheep breeds
  5. Market indicators of the project
  6. Production technology
  7. Key financial indicators of the project and loan repayment schedule
  8. Calculation of the need for borrowed funds and loan repayment schedule
  1. Brief overview of the project

Name of the project - Creation of a sheep-breeding farm in the XXX region of the Vladimir region.

The initiator of the project is IP “XXX”.

The project will be implemented in the XXX district of the Vladimir region.

The purpose of this project is to create a sheep breeding complex for 900 sheep and rams of the Edilbaevskaya breed.

In the first year of operation of the farm, it is planned to achieve a sales volume of mutton in carcasses, skins and wool of 2,832,000 rubles.

In the second year of work: 8,327,040 rubles.

In the third year: 12,885,040 rubles.

The implementation of the project will make it possible to create a complex for fattening sheep with a closed production cycle. Those. from the moment of insemination of the queens with their subsequent lambing until the lambs reach marketable weight (the slaughter weight of a ram or sheep is 50-60 kg.). The project also provides for the sale of skins and wool of lambs, sheep and rams.

The target segment for the sale of the complex's products are: slaughterhouses; meat processing enterprises of various types, HoReCa segment, manufacturers of fur and wool products.

There are no restrictions on the implementation of the project, as there are:

Supply contracts for animals, equipment and technologies;

Contracts for enterprises-consumers of products;

Availability of own transport, water supply, communications, guarantees of compliance with environmental safety standards.

  1. Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is IP "XXX"

  1. The essence of the proposed project

It is planned that the farm will be located in the Vladimir region. This area has favorable climatic conditions for breeding sheep and rams in summer on an open pasture, and in winter - indoors. Natural conditions and the presence of meadows will allow you to create your own forage base. In the Vladimir region there are many empty lands suitable for grazing sheep and making hay for the winter. This will increase the volume of production and reduce the cost of raw materials. The location was chosen taking into account convenient road communication and infrastructure.

The project is planned to be implemented in the XXX district of the Vladimir region. There are no large sheep farms in the Vladimir region. Basically, this industry is represented by small farms with livestock up to 300 heads.

For the implementation of the project IP ”ХХХ” rents a cowshed building with an area of ​​1200 m2 in the village of XXX of the XXX district.

  1. Industry Analysis

One of promising directions in the livestock sector is sheep breeding. This is due to five factors.

The first factor is the maintenance and breeding of sheep and rams, which do not require significant costs compared to other animals.

The second factor is the relatively low risk of infectious diseases in rams and sheep compared to other animal species.

The third factor is the possibility of selling not only lamb meat, but also lamb skins and sheep wool. This greatly increases the market end products and allows you to make production almost waste-free.

The fourth factor is the high loyalty of consumers to mutton meat dishes and their rare purchases of other types of meat (beef, pork, poultry meat, etc.). Separately, it is worth noting that there has been a steady trend towards an increase in the segment of mutton buyers, and, as a result, the opening of a large number of restaurants and cafes offering mutton dishes and an increase in demand from retail operators for this species products. When choosing a breed of rams, we chose a fat-tailed breed of meat - a greasy direction. Such meat is in great demand among us.

The fifth factor is government support. The development plan for the industry is the “Program for the Development of Sheep and Goat Breeding for 2012-2014. and for the period up to 2020”, which was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on 02.09.2011, Protocol No. 294. The purpose of the program is to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of sheep products based on the fuller use of the potential of its wool and meat productivity, the preservation and improvement of the existing breed capacity, adaptation to local natural and technological conditions, improving the social status of industry workers, creating new jobs. According to the forecast, the number of sheep in all categories of farms in 2012 should be 26.5 million heads. The program includes subsidies for the maintenance of breeding stock for 2012 in the amount of 400 million rubles. Subsidies for ewes, goats, ewes older than a year in the amount of 670 million rubles. Plus 30% - co-financing of the regions.

It is also worth noting one trend in animal husbandry that emerged in 2010-2012. One of the leading branches of animal husbandry, pig breeding, is undergoing serious changes associated with restrictions on the import of pigs from the European Union; epidemic of African swine fever and Russia's accession to the WTO. The last factor involves importing Russian Federation inexpensive European pork. This will aggravate price competition between Russian and European pork producers. As a result, the profitability of the pig-breeding industry in Russia will decrease and the payback period of investment projects will increase. Against the background of these changes, most livestock farms are forced to develop new areas, including sheep breeding.

  1. Sheep breeds

Of the most common meat and greasy breeds of sheep, three breeds can be attributed: Edilbaevskaya, Hissar, Texel. These breeds are most suitable for keeping in the climatic conditions of central Russia and have the best characteristics in terms of early maturity, daily weight gain, and meat quality. Below are their descriptions.

Edilbaevskaya breed coarse-haired meat-fat direction of productivity was created by folk selection at the end of the 19th century on semi-desert and steppe pastures in the interfluve of the Urals and the Volga (Kazakhstan). By crossing Kazakh fat-tailed sheep with large Astrakhan coarse-haired rams. In the process of selection for breeding, animals were selected that were most adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of nomadic sheep breeding. They tolerate severe winter colds and summer droughts well, easily make large transitions and, according to their morpho-physiological constitution, have the ability to fatten well on scarce, sparse pasture forage.

Edilbaevsky sheep are characterized by a strong constitution, correct physique, well-developed fat tail. Sheep and uterus are polled. Height at the withers 75-84 cm, oblique body length 77-82 cm, chest girth 97-106 cm Live weight of sheep is 110-120 kg, the best 150-160 kg; uterus - 65-70 kg, the best 90-100 kg. Sheep are distinguished by greater vigor of growth and precocity. The body weight of rams at birth is 6.0 kg; lambs are 5.2–5.3 kg; at 1.5 years, 80 and 65 kg.

When slaughtering young animals at 4 months of age, the carcass weighs 20-24 kg, fat tail - 3-4 kg. According to the data of the former Temir Experimental Station of Kazakhstan, the live weight of Edilbaev lambs under good pasture conditions in 1 month. will reach 17.7 kg, in 2 months. - 28.7 kg, at 3 months. - 35.8 kg, at 4 months. - 42.4 kg and at 6 months. - 59.5 kg. The daily gain for 100 days averaged 195 g, and the maximum - up to 253 g. All these data indicate a very high precocity of sheep of this breed. The carcass weight of fattened adult valukhs reaches 40-45 kg, fat tail fat - 12-14 kg. The slaughter yield of meat and fat is 50-55%.

Edilbaev sheep are distinguished by high wool productivity, and on this basis they are superior to other fat-tailed sheep with coarse wool. The average shearing of wool in rams is 3-3.5 kg, the largest is up to 5.0 kg, in queens - 2.3-2.6 kg. Wool heterogeneous, consists of down (52-56%), transitional hair (16-19%) and awn (24-28%). Dead hair is found in the fur of only a small proportion of animals. According to the laboratory, the fineness of the down is 18.0 microns, the transitional hair is 33.1 microns, the awns are 59.5 microns,

The main color of the Edilbaev sheep is black and red, as well as brown. Research has established that animals with different colors are characterized by unequal productivity. For example, it has been proven that black-colored queens have a higher wool shear by 7.5-11.8%, live weight - by 2.2-6.9% and better slaughter qualities than sheep with a red color. Sheep with brown coloration are characterized by the same high productivity indicators. The fertility of queens is low - 110-120%. The milk yield of sheep is quite high. According to the data of the former Temir Experimental Station, queens of this breed give an average of 150-155 liters of milk, with fluctuations from 124.8 to 184.3 liters. Marketable milk of Edilbay sheep is used for the preparation of dairy products: ayran (sour milk), primchik (cheese), kurt (cheese) and butter. The average fat content of milk is 5.8% with fluctuations from 3 to 9%. By precocity and meat productivity, it can compete with the outstanding early maturing English breeds of meat - wool direction.

Hissar breed. This breed belongs to coarse-haired fat-tailed sheep with a meat-fat bias. The birthplace of the Hissar breed of sheep is Tajikistan. As for physical characteristics, these are: the height of rams is from 80 to 85 cm, in sheep from 75 to 80 cm at the withers, on average, the total weight of the animal is from 130 to 140 kg. The maximum weight for rams is 190 kg, for sheep 150 kg.

A distinctive feature of this breed of sheep is a large head, with long drooping ears. This breed of sheep is also characterized by the absence of horns. Unlike most other breeds of sheep, the Hissar breed has a large fat tail on the rump, which tends to accumulate fat. Their precocity can be attributed to positive features, and therefore a six-month-old animal, most often, reaches 60 kg. As for the coat, it is rough, mostly dry and with dead hair. In this regard, the wool of the Hissar breed of sheep is usually used to make felt or felt mats. In general, these are hardy sheep that can be kept on pasture all year round.

The Hissar breed of sheep, first of all, is bred for meat, so a large part of it accumulates in their fat tail. Interestingly, mostly breeding of the Hissar breed of sheep, applies the method of purebred breeding. Those. only breeding animals are taken for breeding, although sometimes a small admixture of blood of another breed is allowed, in order to preserve the physical characteristics of the animals. When breeding a pure breed, it is necessary to make an individual account of the pedigree of the breeding herd. As for exhibition or elite queens, the selection of individuals for reproduction is also of great importance here.

If the breeding of the Hissar breed of sheep is primarily focused on obtaining meat and wool, then it is possible to add someone else's blood in order to improve the directly given characteristics of the offspring. Such herds are called user herds. But again, it is necessary to make a clear account of the growth of wool and the meat and greasy part of the animal. It is worth highlighting the fact that the fertilization of queens occurs in the fall, so if artificial insemination is performed, then it is best to do this during this period of the year. So, following these rules, you can easily achieve your goal when breeding the Hissar breed of sheep.

Texel breeds known since the middle of the nineteenth century. The Dutch island of Texel was famous for local early maturing sheep with good meat and wool performance. Sheep of this breed began to be crossed with English sheep of the Lincoln breed, which, in the end, led to typing. Now it is the most common breed of sheep in Europe. Popular in North America, New Zealand and Australia. The early maturation, fertility and meat-and-wool orientation of texel sheep led to their breeding in large scale when used in intensive pasture areas.

Sheep of the Texel breed are distinguished by a proportional build, a white narrow head with a black nose, and short skinny tails. The neck is short and muscular, the thighs are well developed, the legs are strong and well muscled. The average weight of an adult sheep reaches 70 kilograms. The weight of a Texel sheep can reach 160 kilograms. The percentage yield of meat in relation to live weight is 60 percent. The meat has excellent taste and excellent sales performance.

The wool of sheep of the Texel breed is semi-thin, thick, crimped. Wool color is white, fiber thickness is 30 microns. The quality of wool corresponds to class 56. The yield of wool is 60 percent. Sheared from sheep - 5.5 kilograms, from rams - 7 kilograms. A large amount of grease provides softness to the coat.

Sheep of the Texel breed have high fecundity. There are 180 offspring per 100 queens, among which 75 percent are twins. Lambs are born weighing up to 5 kilograms. The period of precocity to the first mating is 7-8 months.

The disadvantages of texel sheep include the only lambing per year. Even experiments with hormonal stimulation of the uterus did not give the desired effect. Daily weight gain can be called intense only up to two months of age. After that, the weight gain falls and amounts to 300 grams per day, which is quite average for meat and wool purposes. Due to popularity and intensive breeding, the purity of the breed is falling - more and more deviations from the line due to uncontrolled crossbreeding. Lambs are born large, with a large head, which often complicates lambing.

However, these shortcomings cannot spoil the reputation and prospects of this breed. That's why texel sheep demanded by both large and small farms.

Of the listed breeds of sheep, from our point of view, Edilbaevskaya is. Sheep of the Tekkel breed must be imported from Holland. in Russia, breeding animals of this breed cannot be found. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain an import permit from Rosselkhoznadzor. This is currently a complex and lengthy procedure. Purebred sheep of the Hissar breed cannot be found in Russia either. They need to be imported from the countries of Central Asia. Sheep of the Edelbaev breed, today there is an agreement with two farms from the Astrakhan region, which are ready to supply animals in the required volume and with the relevant documents.

  1. Market parameters of the project

6.1. Product

The direct products of sheep breeding can be called: meat (mutton), wool and skins. It should be noted separately that the Edilbaevskaya breed occupies a preferable value among fat-tailed coarse-wooled sheep of the meat and tallow direction. .

6.2. Price policy

  1. Implementation of lamb: The average price in the Vladimir region is from 290 rubles per 1 kg.
  1. Sale of skins: The average price of one skin is 700 rubles.
  1. Realization of wool: The average price of 1 kg. wool is 200 r. for 1 kg.

6.3, Promotion and marketing

At the moment, there is a preliminary agreement on opening a point for the sale of meat on the Vladimir market (retail price from 350 rubles per kg.) And on wholesale sales at a price of 290 rubles. per kg. It is planned to search for clients for skins and wool by placing advertisements on specialized resources (Internet portals, mass media, etc.).

  1. Production technology

Planning investment when operating a farm important issue is the payback period. The technology proposed in the project provides for a closed cycle. This implies the division of the technological cycle into 3 stages: reproduction, rearing, fattening. The use of this technology will reduce the cost of updating the main herd, automate the process of feeding and watering, provide favorable conditions for keeping queens, lambs and fattening stock, save feed, fuel, electricity, reduce water consumption, reduce labor costs, solve environmental issues, optimize the investment component .

The project does not provide for separate placement of production sites (as in pig production), which is due to the specifics of breeding and keeping this type of animals. It should be noted that in the spring and summer period, animals are kept on an open pasture. This reduces the load on variable costs related to paying for electricity and feeding animals.

In this project, special attention is paid to improving the quality of products. The project provides for the purchase of high-quality breeding stock, which has improved genetic characteristics and is adapted to feeding with modern types of feed. The production capacity of the complex will allow to receive up to 37,000 kg annually. lamb in carcasses for the third year of operation of the farm.

Technical section

The technological process consists of several stages:

  • Repair and preparation of premises for keeping sheep and rams.
  • Feeding and raising animals. In the spring-summer period: in the open pasture. In the autumn-winter period: indoors.

The technological solution was chosen taking into account the existing agreements with IE “ХХХы” on the lease of premises for keeping animals and the experience of breeding sheep and rams.

8. Main financial indicators of the project

The main costs associated with the purchase of livestock. The purpose of this business plan is to justify economic efficiency construction and launch of a sheep-breeding complex.

We consider the most rational, after consulting with specialists, the following herd acquisition: 90 sheep, 10 rams of the Edilbaev breed with breeding certificates, and 800 three-month-old lambs of the Edilbaev breed or Merino breed. Purebred animals are taken in order to obtain the status of a breeding farm and to improve the breed. Purebred sheep and rams of the Edelbaev breed are offered to be purchased in the tribe. farm in the Astrakhan region at a price of 7,500 rubles. for a sheep and 15,000 rubles. for a ram, lambs of the Edilbaev breed at a price of 3000 rubles. for the head in Stavropol Territory. Further, an annual purchase of 1000 lambs is expected in the spring of this year for fattening and increasing the main herd.

Thus, the cost of purchasing livestock will be: 90 * 7,500 + 10 * 15,000 + 1,000 * 3,000 = 675,000 + 150,000 + 2,400,000 = 3,225,000 rubles. Transportation costs will be about 200,000. Total total costs for the purchase of livestock will be about 3,500,000 rubles.

As mentioned above, the income from the sale of sheep products consists of 3 components: meat, skins and wool. From rams of the Edilbaevskaya breed or the Merino breed, the main income is obtained from the sale of meat. The income from the sale of skins and wool is additional and amounts to 15-20% of the income from the sale of meat.

8.1. Income from the sale of lamb

The production cycle from lambing to the slaughter weight of the lamb is 6-7 months. In the first year, we plan to get 800:2 = 400 lambs for slaughter, and 400 go to renew and increase the main herd. In the second year of operation of the farm, we plan to get 490 * 1.2 + 500 = 588 + 500 = 1088 lambs for slaughter, and 500 are used to renew and increase the main herd. In the third year we get 990 * 1.2 = 1188 lambs from the main flock and buy 1000 lambs. Of these, 1188 + 500 = 1688 lambs go to fattening, and 500 to increase the main herd.

The growth dynamics of the main herd will be as follows:

2012 - 90 sheep and 10 rams of the Edilbaevskaya breed, 400 lambs of the Edilbaevskaya or Merino breed (the sheep is ready for insemination at the age of 8 months) to increase the main herd. Thus, towards the end:

In 2012, we will have a main herd of 490 sheep and 20 rams of the Edilbaev breed;

2013 - 990 sheep and 30 rams;

2014 - 1490 sheep and 40 rams.

Thus, in the first year of operation of the farm, 400 sheep will be sent for slaughter, in the second year - 1088, in the third year - 1688.

The total number of animals in one holding must not exceed 5,000 heads in one holding. This is determined by the presence of pasture land close to the farm. The following are economic calculations operation of the farm in the first three years.

The average weight of a lamb carcass sent for slaughter is 22 kg. It is planned to send 400 lambs for slaughter in the first year, 1088 in the second year and 1724 heads in the third year. Thus, we get 400 * 22 = 8,800 kg of lamb in carcasses in the first year, 23,936 kg in the second year and 37,136 kg in the third year of operation of the farm. The wholesale selling price today is 290 rubles. per kg. The income from the sale of meat will be:

In the first year: 8,800 * 290 rubles. = 2,552,000 rubles.

In the second year: 23,936 * 290 = 6,941,440 rubles.

In the third year: 37,136 * 290 = 10,769,440 rubles.

8.2. Income from the sale of skins

The purchase price of one skin is 700 rubles. Income from the sale of skins in 2012 will be: 400 * 700 = 280,000 rubles, in 2013: 1088 * 700 = 761,600 rubles, in 2014: 1688 * 700 = 1,181,600 rubles.

8.3. Income from the sale of wool

Purchase price of one kg. Wool is 200 rubles. From a ram we get 5 kg of wool per year, and from a sheep 3 kg. Shearing of wool from sheep and rams of the main herd will be carried out from the second year of operation of the farm. In the second year, 990 * 3 + 30 * 5 = 3120 kg will be received. In the third year: 1490 * 3 + 40 * 5 = 4670 kg. Income from the sale of wool in 2013. It will amount to 624,000 rubles, in 2014. - 934,000 rubles.

The total income of the farm in 2012 will be: 2,552,000 + 280,000 = 2,832,000 rubles, in 2013: 6,941,440 + 761,600 + 624,000 = 8,327,040 rubles, in 2014: 10,769,440 + 1,181,600 + 934,000 = 12,885,040 rubles.

Table 1: Structure of income from sales of products (in rubles)



RUB 2,552,000

RUB 6,941,440

RUB 10,769,440

RUB 1,181,600


RUB 2,832,000

RUB 8,327,040

RUB 12,885,040

The cost part is:

1) the cost of maintaining and maintaining a sheep farm.

Table 2: Payroll costs (in rubles)

Job title

Monthly salary

1. Livestock shepherd

2. Veterinarian

3. Shepherds-guards (from 3 employees, depending on the season and number of animals)


2) food in winter

(calculated per day) Feeding of sheep and rams of the main herd is 7 rubles. per day. Feeding continues for 4.5 months (135 days).

Table 3: Feed costs (in rubles)

Fattening period

510 animals

1 020 animals

1 530 animals

Total for 135 days:

3) overheads

(10% of total costs)

in the first year: (516,000 + 481,950) * 10% = 100,000 rubles,

in the second year: (732,000 + 963,900) * 10% = 170,000 rubles,

in the third year: (816,000 + 1,445,850) * 10% = 226,000 rubles.

Table 4: Overhead costs:

The planned profit for 2012 (excluding taxes and loan payments) will be:

2012: 2,832,000 - 1,097,950 = 1,734,050 rubles,

2013: 8,327,040 - 1,865,000 = 6,462,040 rubles,

2014: 12,885,040 - 2,487,850 = 10,397,190 rubles.

8.4. The financial indicators of the project, including taxes, are as follows:

Table 6:


1. Income (total)

RUB 2,832,000

RUB 8,327,040

RUB 12,885,040

1.1. Mutton

RUB 2,552,000

RUB 6,941,440

RUB 10,769,440

1.2. skins

RUB 1,181,600

1.3. Wool

2. Costs (total)

RUB 1,275,970

RUB 2,118,440

5. Net profit

RUB 1,386,110

RUB 5,708,978

RUB 9,342,568

9. Calculation of the need for borrowed funds for the implementation of the project

The need for credit resources is: 3,500,000 rubles. (acquisition of the main herd) + 1,445,890 (expenses for wages, taxes and feed, taking into account overhead costs in the first year of operation) = 4,945,890 rubles. Unforeseen expenses - 54,110 rubles. Thus, for the implementation of the project, credit resources in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles are required.

The total need for borrowed funds is 5,000,000 rubles.

Loan maturity: 3 years

Loan repayments are proposed to be made at the end of the year. the main income from the sale of products will be received in November-December of each year.

Table 7: Loan repayment schedule (in rubles)

year 2013

year 2014


Credit amount

Payment per year

2012: 1,556,030 rubles *0.15=233,404.50 rubles

2013: 6,208,600 rubles *0.15=931,290 rubles

2014: RUB 10,115,670 *0.15=1,517,350 rubles

If your plans include starting your own business, then at every step there are new and new questions. First of all, you need to understand what exactly you want to do. Will it be a banal sale, small-scale production or farming. Or maybe you are interested in sheep breeding as a business? This direction Agriculture not in vain is promising and profitable even for those who are ready to start from scratch.

Before you start breeding sheep, you need to draw up a detailed business plan

First step

If you are planning to raise sheep as a business, then you need to start by assessing your capabilities, drawing up a plan, and state registration. This business is registered as a peasant farm. It is not necessary to register a legal entity. In this matter, you can seek advice and help from specialists in order to draw up documentation without errors.

In order to develop the economy legally, it is necessary to apply to the tax office, pay the state fee, take permission from the sanitary inspection and firefighters. Further, you will need to obtain permission from the veterinary service so that you can start selling meat.

Before opening a farm, legal and tax issues should be resolved

Drawing up a business plan. Land lease

After collecting the necessary permits and documents, the business plan should include land lease. Why rent and not buy? For beginner farmers, this is a more acceptable option, since it is cheaper and simplifies the design of a peasant farm. At least the owner, not the tenant, will communicate with the fire inspectorate.

The business plan should immediately provide for the number of purchased animals, since the amount of leased pasture land depends on this. To create normal grazing conditions, 1 hectare of space should be planned for one head.

Sheep breeding as a business, it is more convenient for novice farmers to build on the remains of abandoned livestock farms.

You can rent a plot with extensive pastures and several outbuildings, which will have to make minor repairs. This will reduce expenditure part business plan, since the construction of a sheepfold will be excluded from it. Sheep are not too demanding to keep, they feel good in any conditions, and when developing a business from scratch, at first they may well be in open pens, and in winter in the premises of old farms. Over time, when the farm begins to generate income, the farmer can buy the plot.

Pasture does not have to be bought, it can be rented for a start

Selection and purchase of animals

A separate section of the business plan should be devoted to the purchase of sheep and rams. For this, it is worth checking out possible options breeds, and be sure to find a trusted supplier. In the climatic conditions of Russia and Ukraine, it is more profitable to breed sheep and rams for meat. But the quality of the wool will also matter.

The woolen cover of animals is divided into the following type:

  • Fine-wool breeds of meat and wool direction. Common species are skewed, Kazakh, Georgian, fat-tailed, Vyatka.
  • Semi-fine-fleeced rams, which are divided into long-haired and short-haired meat and wool. The main species are Romney March, Kuibyshev, Tien Shan, Gorky, Lithuanian and German Blackhead, Suffolk and so on.
  • Semi-coarse-haired breeds of meat-fat-wool direction. These are sheep and rams of the Saraja breed.
  • Coarse-haired animals of meat-fat, sheepskin-meat and meat-wool directions. This includes the Hissar, Romanov, Kuchugurov sheep.

For a beginner farm, the Romanov breed is optimal. It was bred more than 200 years ago in the Yaroslavl region of Russia and quickly took root in households. The main benefit of growing is the multiplicity of sheep and rams, and the rapid achievement of meat gain. Sheep and rams of the Romanov breed can weigh almost 35 kg by the age of seven months. The weight of adult rams is almost 90 kg, and an adult sheep weighs almost 50 kg.

Romanov sheep demonstrate high profitability

The Romanov breed belongs to the sheepskin-meat direction. On farms and households, they can be sheared up to three times a year. About three kg of wool are obtained from rams, or rather one ram, and almost 2 kg from a female. Since the sale of wool will be taken into account in the development plan of the economy, the costs will pay off faster.

A big plus for the purchase and cultivation of Romanov sheep is precocity. If there are three lambs in the offspring of a sheep, then the meat gain in 7 months is about 110 kg. If there are 5 lambs in the offspring - about 200 kg. Queens of this breed are capable of hunting in any conditions. The time of year doesn't matter to them. In a year, a female can bring offspring 2 times.

Another point of the plan may be getting milk. From a sheep of the Romanov breed, you can get up to 110 kg of milk during lactation. She doesn't need to create special conditions, it is enough to make a complete feeding ration, and in winter, provide a room with dry floors and minimal insulation.

Considering all the advantages, it is beneficial for novice farmers to start growing and breeding sheep and rams from this particular breed.

When breeding in households and farms, it is necessary to draw up documents for animals, which will indicate the breed, age, past illnesses, vaccinations. This is important for the subsequent sale of meat.

Sheep require strict sanitary records

Required personnel

In households, animal care is provided by the owner's family, but this will not be enough for a farm. Therefore, in a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the number of hired personnel and their remuneration.

To ensure full-fledged work, and create normal conditions on the farm, you will need:

  • shepherds, at the rate of 1 person per 300 heads of livestock;
  • milkmaid;
  • a qualified veterinarian;
  • worker for shearing sheep and rams.

The veterinarian and clipper may be inbound workers. But the veterinarian will be required to draw up a plan for veterinary and sanitary measures, which should include vaccinations, preventive examinations of livestock, and sanitization of premises where animals are kept.

Sheep shearer can be hired temporarily

Receipt and sale of products

Sheep breeding as a business is based on obtaining three main products: meat, wool and milk. To sell meat, it is worth negotiating with large retail outlets and markets, but separate agreements should be concluded with restaurants and cafes, where the need for fresh meat is consistently high. With development, it will be possible to arrange the sale of butchered meat, and not live sheep. To do this, you need to hire a butcher, and on the farm to allocate a place for slaughter.

The sale of sheared wool and the dressing of skins after slaughter brings additional profit, but this direction is not able to fully ensure the profitability of a household or farm. Sheared wool is bought cheaply, and a herd of at least 1,000 heads would be needed for it in sufficient quantities. To sell dressed skins, you can enter into contracts with shoe factories or workshops for sewing outerwear.

Selling sheep's milk on the market will not become a very profitable line of business. But this product can be sold at dairies, or cheese production enterprises.

Once sheep farming is up and running and additional sources of income can be considered, a small in-house sheep cheese shop might be an interesting option.

As an additional source of income can be considered the production of products from natural sheepskin. These are vests, belts, slippers, blankets and children's winter envelopes.

Lamb can be sold to restaurants

Items of the financial plan

The financial part of the business plan should consist of a listing of expenses, which will include the purchase of sheep, the payment of rent for pastures and premises, the payment of salaries, and overhead costs.

The profitable part of the business plan is formed from the amounts of the sale of meat, individuals for breeding, the sale of milk and wool.

Based on the amounts received, the payback of the business is calculated. On average, it is about two years.

The main risks of sheep breeding are associated with the loss of livestock and natural disasters. But these risks exist in any branch of agriculture. Since sheep are hardy animals, and rarely get sick, the probability of a flock loss is not high. A novice farmer needs to enlist the support of professionals, since it is quite difficult to draw up an effective business plan on your own.

Despite the fact that sheep breeding has a low profitability, it brings a stable income with the proper allocation of resources. If your choice is sheep breeding, then you have every chance to build profitable business.

Before considering sheep breeding as an independent business, one must think carefully whether there is enough determination and perseverance to raise the subsidiary farm to a good level, and whether it is profitable to breed sheep and sheep. Such an event involves constant perseverance in work and the management of assistants, only under such conditions can the profitability of sheep breeding be able to reach a sufficiently high level.

Such an event involves constant perseverance in work and the management of assistants.

According to collected statistics, a small private sheep farm pays only 25%. Indeed, the return at first will be small, but if you devote all your time to raising sheep as a business, referring to statistics and not ignoring the experience and recommendations of famous sheep breeders, the sheep farm will bring a considerable and stable income.

Sheep are the most unpretentious animals, so even with minimal care, they will reproduce well and gain weight. They are not afraid of the cold, which means that when building pens, you can not deal with the heating system.

Popular breeds for breeding

Sheep breeding as a business involves the selection of breeds in such a way that the bulk of the income will come from the sale of meat. You can choose a breed based on your own preferences, if the owner has a sheep farm and some experience. If you are interested in breeding sheep at home, it is better to purchase breeds that have gained popularity:

  1. Romanovskaya. A well-known breed, distinguished by the quality of wool and excellent fertility. In some cases, the offspring is so large that the sheep does not produce enough milk to feed the offspring. Several goats are raised to feed the lambs, and their milk is used for supplementary feeding. Breeding ewes of this breed at home as a private business with proper organization and marketing of manufactured products can bring good profits.
  2. Hissar. Representatives of this breed are quite large in size. Breeding rams can gain weight up to 170 kg, and females - about 120 kg. The breed is considered profitable, since lambs, even under normal growing conditions, quickly gain weight.
  3. Karachevskaya. The breed quickly adapts to any climate, it is characterized by stable immunity, thanks to which breeding sheep have excellent wool, which lends itself well to working out.
  4. Texel. Perfectly takes root in the climate of the middle zone and has high endurance. The meat of this breed is distinguished by the absence of a specific smell, which stimulates the breeding of sheep for subsequent sale.
  5. Edilbaevskaya. Fat-tailed sheep of this breed are bred in climatic conditions with warm winters. Although they belong to the infertile type, their meat is very tasty, and also healthy. Under appropriate conditions, edilbaev sheep can be released to pasture all year round.

Regardless of the choice of breed, it is best to consult a veterinarian before starting to breed sheep. This will avoid buying culled individuals. To purchase animals, it is advisable to visit a sheep farm or livestock market, which have permission to sell livestock.

According to collected statistics, a small private sheep farm pays only 25%

Sales prospects

The main benefit that sheep breeding promises as a business is the sale of meat. Prepared meat carcasses can be sold in different places, including:

  • eateries;
  • restaurants;
  • meat processing plants;
  • supermarkets or market.

You can register your own point of sale of lamb. High-quality meat is always in demand, and if there are products and a responsible attitude to work, there will be no end to customers. It is much more difficult to sell wool and milk, of which there will be a lot. To sell them, you will have to work hard in search of places of sale. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to open an additional wool processing business, but at first it is necessary to find a private enterprise engaged in wool processing.

Sheep farming as a profitable business (video)

First stage

Sheep farming as a business always starts with the cost of acquiring everything you need. It is necessary not only to acquire sheep and rams, but also to create all conditions for the active development of business. At first, you should prepare:

  • a small truck or a car with a trailer;
  • feed and fertilizer to improve green fodder in pastures;
  • drinkers;
  • mower and tractor;
  • wool clipper.

In addition, it is necessary to rent a plot of land on which a sheep farm and a place for slaughter will be located. Lacking experience in the rational arrangement of a sheep farm, the best option will have about 10 sheep and a few rams for their fertilization. Further, everything will develop as usual without any losses in case of failure.

It is necessary to rent a plot of land on which a sheep farm will be located

The next column of expenses is the services of a veterinarian. Growing sheep as a means to make a profit involves the timely detection of diseases, vaccination and the addition of vitamin preparations to feed. Only a highly qualified veterinarian can cope with this task.

You can reduce costs by learning to do it yourself. Sheep and rams are quite peaceful and calm animals, and the specificity of the haircut does not contain any secrets that are passed from one to another. Therefore, if you decide to professionally engage in sheep breeding, you need to learn how to shear yourself.

Starting the breeding of sheep for meat as a business, you should not expect a rapid increase in income. At the initial stage of development, this event will not be as profitable as it should be. The profitability of breeding sheep and rams, as mentioned above, borders on the level of 25%. The positive side of this case is that sheep breeding as a type of business is at the initial stage of development, so there is no need to be afraid of aggressive competition.

Useful advice given by experienced breeders of sheep and rams:

  1. It is necessary to draw up a business plan for sheep breeding, which will indicate the exact figures for future costs. Prepare for the fact that the planned amount of costs for feed, helpers and other circumstances may be much higher.
  2. It is necessary to fully study the pros and cons of the selected breed, which they decided to breed.
  3. We need to figure out the optimal types of feed so that raising sheep pays off.
  4. It is very important to keep the land for sowing in good condition.

Having thoroughly mastered in practice breeding sheep for meat and wool, you can expand your business, gradually increasing the number of animals.

In recent years, there has been a clear trend that many of our fellow citizens are starting to do business. This is due to the fact that people want to have more income and (oddly enough) confidence in tomorrow, which can not give work in the office or government agency.

Various livestock industries are becoming very popular. However, this is not surprising, considering historical background and the amount of abandoned land in our country. As a rule, the leadership of local municipalities provides assistance if they wish to engage in farming. In this article, we will present the simplest business plan. Sheep breeding will be our line of business.

Why sheep breeding?

The fact is that this livestock industry is very profitable, as it has excellent profitability. Sheep are grazing animals, and therefore they are easy to feed. They are extremely unpretentious, they can dig out food directly from under the snow, and cases of death are extremely rare.

They have offspring once every six months, and the uterus may well bring up to four lambs in one lamb. By the way, it is because of the large number of offspring that we can recommend breeding Romanov sheep. This is a domestic breed, characterized by an extreme degree of unpretentiousness, excellent taste of the resulting meat, as well as excellent wool and skins, which are willingly purchased by procurement organizations.

Some disadvantages of the Romanov breed

These animals feel great in the central and even northern regions of our country. As we have already said, from one queen you can get up to four lambs.

Note that a large number of offspring still has disadvantages: there is not enough milk for everyone, and therefore it is necessary to feed the lambs with special mixtures or goat's milk. In addition, the meat of these sheep is not liked in the Caucasus, and therefore it can be sold only in the Central regions and the Far East.

Profitability and what affects it

We continue to discuss our business plan. Breeding sheep in any case will be profitable. Let's not promise mountains of gold: in the early years, the profitability of this kind of business rarely exceeds some 25%.

But this is a stable profit, which you will receive almost guaranteed. In the case of the same dairy cattle sometimes you just have to dream about it.

Since we take the lease of land as an axiom (since few people have money to buy it), it is difficult to say about the specific amount of costs for it: in different regions of our country, the cost varies greatly.

Pay attention to the distance to the nearest locality: the further it is, the lower the rental price. Two main factors immediately influence the scale of receiving money: the availability and quality of the forage base, as well as the number of livestock and the degree of reproduction. In general, sheep breeding (as a business) has a high chance of paying off only if you have large enough pastures.

How to calculate the required amount of pasture land for grazing?

It is very important to immediately calculate how many specific pastures you will need. Otherwise, the profitability of your production will be in serious danger. To do this, let's take the classic formula, which was developed by Soviet luminaries of sheep breeding at the dawn of the entire industry.

G \u003d U / N x P. What is what in this expression? Let's look at this important issue in a little more detail.

  • G is the number of sheep that will fall on one hectare of pasture.
  • Y is the amount of grass that grows on a particular land, multiplied by the percentage of maximum forage utilization. This value directly depends on the type of pasture you use. If it is natural, then sheep will be able to eat up to 60%. On pastures of improved natural type, they can eat about 70-80% of the grass stand. Artificial allotments are the most productive: more than 90% of the grass can be used for fodder on them. If we talk about productivity, then on average this figure is within 100 centners per hectare.
  • H is the normative consumption of grass per sheep per day. In the case of the Romanov breed, this figure is 10 kg.
  • P is the time during which this pasture was used.

What natural pasture types are best suited for the Romanov breed?

Since there is often no money to “improve” natural pastures, and even state-owned sheep breeding companies often do not have the money to create completely artificial allotments, one has to make do with what is available.

But if there is at least some choice, it is better to use it. After all, but our business plan (sheep breeding in which is at the forefront) is designed to make a profit, and without a forage base it will not be in any case.

Virgin steppe pastures are ideal for early fattening. The herbage on them is diverse, and actually appears with the first rays of the spring sun. In summer, pastures of this type burn out completely, but by autumn a second crop appears on them. Thus, they can be used for early and late fattening. One animal should account for an average of 0.1-0.2 ha.

Hereditary sheep breeders say that the best allotments are mountain pastures with an incredible variety of herbage and high nutritional characteristics of plants.

As you can see, in 99% of cases in our country you will not find anything like this. Therefore, we will include some tips for creating artificial pastures in our business plan. Breeding sheep in this case will be much more profitable.

Remember what we said about the high costs of this event? But they can be reduced to a minimum if half-abandoned agricultural fields are used.

Firstly, in this way you will be able to restore their fertility to a large extent. Secondly, many more sheep can be fed on artificial pasture.

First, the field should be sown with alfalfa. Closer to lunchtime, it is necessary to fence off a certain area, mow grass on it, which should be laid out in feeders. Until the night the animals are kept in this corral. From sunset until 11 am they are released on "free bread".

By lunch, the whole procedure is repeated. Such a regime will not only allow the rational use of pasture resources, but also increase the weight gain.

Costs and profits

And now we will calculate whether it is profitable to breed sheep in this way. From one hectare we will get an average of 100 centners of alfalfa. Since one animal eats only 10 kilograms per day, 1000 heads per hectare can easily feed. However, we have already agreed on the rational use of land.

To use the scheme with fenced plots, 50 hectares will be enough. A thousand goals in just a day gives an increase of no less than 20 thousand. In a couple of years, the profit will exceed three million. In addition, by the end of the season, the field will be abundantly fertilized with manure, and therefore the next year will give a bountiful harvest.

hay costs

In winter, it is best to feed the animals with hay. On average, a kilogram costs about five rubles. It is best to use hay from legumes and meadow grasses. Forage made from forest crops, herbs grown on acidic soil is unsuitable. It takes about two kilograms of hay per day for one ewe. Please note that the livestock will consume a certain amount of feed per day, and lactating animals must also be fed with bran.

In most regions of our country, their maintenance will require the construction of a simple corral made of wood. There is no need to conduct even heating in it, since these animals perfectly tolerate even quite severe frosts. Buying one purebred sheep will cost you at least 10 thousand rubles.

What is the best product to sell?

We have already said that the Romanov breed gives excellent skins and wool. But at the present time, the demand for them is far inferior to the needs of the population in meat. That is why our sheep breeding business plan assumes meat productivity.

What staff will need to be hired?

Professional shepherds are required. Also, you can not do without the services of milkmaids, who will extract milk to feed the lambs. Of course, you can cut animals on your own, but it would still be much better to hire professional shearers for the season. The cost of wool largely depends on the quality of its cutting, and therefore you yourself will obviously spoil it to a substandard state.

Also make sure to buy at least one truck, as you will have to transport a lot of the same feed.

How much money is required to organize production? A little about the profit

If you sell sheep in live weight, then you can earn up to 200 rubles per kilogram. If meat, then in large cities they will give more than 400 rubles for the same weight.

But with sheep's milk and wool, it can sometimes be very difficult. If possible, it is best to sell wool and skins to specialized procurement offices, and sell milk to milk processing plants.

Now about the costs that sheep breeding requires. For an initial raise of 300 animals, you will spend at least a million, and the profit margin is unlikely to exceed 250,000. Thus, it is better to immediately start at least 1000 sheep.

Information about the form of business ownership

To engage in sheep breeding, an individual entrepreneur is enough. Less fuss with documents, and simplified taxation schemes are a nice addition. In general, a sheep business, with the right organization, will provide you well!

According to the data, the breeding of sheep for meat as a business in Russia is associated with an indicator of 380 tons, which is far from the limit. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the new enterprise will be competitive. Every year, the percentage of mutton consumption increases, although this type of meat is more expensive than pork or beef.

It is believed that it is more expedient to start a livestock business with raising sheep. This happens successfully with well-established technologies, maximum mechanization, and high-quality selection of breeding sheep. For beginners, sheep breeding as a business raises many questions and doubts, but, as a rule, it turns out to be profitable later on. To rationalize the process and calculate the profit, you need a sheep breeding business plan, some knowledge in this direction, as well as some efforts to successful development business.

Benefits of sheep breeding

Sheep belong to a fast-growing animal species - after a few months, the lamb reaches half the mass an adult ram, and after a year this difference becomes barely distinguishable. There are meat breeds that gain weight in a short time. Sheep are unpretentious, they are saturated with grass from the pasture, and their almost no need to feed. Of course, the southern regions of Russia are places where you can keep sheep, mainly taking care of preparing fodder for the winter. Sheep are not very susceptible to diseases, and there are no difficulties in caring for them. Products - milk, meat, wool. Profitability of production is equal to 25%. You can buy sheep at specialized farms where a certificate is issued.

Business plan

Anyone who plans to breed sheep at home as a business needs to take into account the main nuances.

These include:


An important condition for successful sheep breeding is proximity to pastures, since in the summer season green vegetation is the main food for animals. For ten sheep, the pasture area is 1 hectare.

If sheep breeding is practiced as a business, additional artificial pastures alfalfa, clover, perennial grasses. After using the plot, the land rests, there is an opportunity for several crop rotations.

Grains and legumes should be added to herbal feeds.

AT winter season forage includes hay of legumes, cereals, additives of oats, barley, bran. It is recommended to use granular feed, haylage.

Place of detention

As buildings for home keeping of sheep, they use paddocks fenced with boards, for winter time - insulated sheepfolds. Inside the stall, the temperature should be above 8 degrees, an insulated roof with waterproofing and ventilation of the sheep farm, dry straw bedding are required. The optimal height of the room is from 1.5 m. Windows are required for the penetration of daylight. Free access to the feeding place is required.

Breed selection

If we consider raising sheep as a business, then it is recommended Romanov breed, bringing up to four heads a year. From each ram get 2-4 kg of wool. A half-year-old lamb weighs about 60 kg, and by 11 months its weight reaches 80 kg. After the birth of the first offspring, sheep of this breed give about 100 liters of milk, from which high-quality fermented milk products are obtained. Depending on the type of this breed, animals differ in physique, abundance of milk, fat, and wool.


The following breeds belong to them: Hissar, Edilbaev, Kalmyk. Sheep, reaching a mass of 190 kg, having fat deposits on the fat tail, back, the most common in Asia. Animals of this species are heavyweights, but their productive capacity is reduced, which makes it difficult to generate income from them.

Fur coats

Sheep of this species can be simultaneously classified to meat and fur coats animals. The most popular breed Romanovskaya, fecundity of two to four lambs per lamb. If the sheep are not to be slaughtered at six months of age, then at nine months of age they are sheared from them, but usually the wool is removed from adults.


These include descendants who have inherited the best qualities of two or more varieties of breeds. An important difference in hybrid sheep breeding that should be kept in mind is quality improvement in the first generation, and in the following, which is important when drawing up a business plan for breeding sheep, such individuals cannot compete with those born in a straight line in terms of productivity.

Can be selected as mother stock Romanov breed, and e dilbaevskaya, hissarskaya, prekos. Sheep should be selected to reproduce offspring not younger than second year life, given the large size of the young being born. For the main reproduction, hybrid individuals are unsuitable.

Content Technologies

Since seasonality affects the reproduction and development of livestock, this limits productivity quite a bit. Therefore, sheep breeding technologies include the following methods:

In breeding work, it is necessary to leave large female meat specimens, as well as apply artificial insemination, which reduces the risk of viral diseases, related sexual relations in the herd. The frozen seed of meat sheep contributes to the increase in the population, simplifies the work regarding the reproduction of offspring.

Profitable mini-farms

The success of the technology for breeding sheep, based on a former farm, is explained by the rapid sale of products with a minimum number of intermediaries and the observance of the following nuances:

  • location of a place for a sheep farm no further than 50 km from the city limits;
  • established links for the permanent acquisition of young animals at the age of two months from owners or farms for breeding sheep;
  • product fattening to the required weight;
  • equipment for slaughtering; plan the process of selling products on site or with delivery to customers.

For transporting sheep trailers will be required, with a capacity of up to 200 heads. An optimally selected number of sheep makes it possible to rationalize the growing process with intervals between the release of the farm and the new delivery of livestock, clean and disinfect the premises, renew the walking areas, and repair the sheepfold.

Animal care principles

Mechanization and automation

It has been calculated that the wages of employees are up to 40% of total costs when raising sheep, including about four people for grazing, and also requires human resources for fodder. Therefore, with the maximum mechanization of production, it is possible to improve the business while reducing costs.

The sheep service machine is beneficial in the following conditions:

Since when breeding sheep for meat, it is required intensive feeding, the workshop is equipped taking into account the operation of several lines: preparation and grinding of feed, dosage of concentrates, final mixing and supply of components.

When mixing feeds, their digestibility and nutritional value increase, which also reduces waste, but the main advantage remains the automation of the process on a sheep farm.

Extra income: haircut

The main goal is to raise sheep for meat as a business, but, in addition, it is possible to receive additional income from wool shearing and sheepskin sales. To collect wool for felt and yarn, electric shears are used, thanks to which nine sheep per hour can be sheared. wool properties have the following indicators: density, type, color, gloss, water permeability, elasticity, length, thickness, strength, crimp, spinning power. Romanov breeds give light and high-quality fur, unlike meat and tallow.

After considering the recommendations, it is easier for a beginner to assess whether it is profitable to breed sheep and what problems a sheep breeder may face in the process of raising them. In order to avoid the difficulties of keeping pets, all expenses should be planned in advance.

Sheep breeds and their content

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