
Internet in the country - which option to choose. How to spend the Internet in the country without overpaying: tips and instructions Internet in the country what to choose

The Internet has long become an integral part of our lives, so the Internet is a natural desire to give. With the advent of the third and fourth generation of mobile communications, the Internet has become comfortable and affordable, and therefore has ceased to be a luxury. There is an opinion that the Internet in the country is pampering, a country house is purchased to reunite with nature, and modern technologies are not needed in a country house. In the 21st century, it is difficult to agree with this, the Internet in the country allows you to receive important, necessary information, such as weather, news, cooking recipes, plant care instructions, order the necessary materials for construction and other useful features.

List of possibilities if there is Internet in the country:

  • Internet as usual- high-speed Internet for use on familiar devices.
  • Area WiFi coverage- the installed equipment includes a Wifi router, which allows you to broadcast the Internet within a radius of 100 meters** at no additional cost, if necessary, the broadcasting radius can be reduced in the equipment settings, and if you need to increase the coverage radius, we will install a signal repeater.
  • IP TV- forget about the antenna, now you can watch an unlimited*** number of channels in high quality, on any subject on compatible equipment, if you don't have one - we have it, it's not expensive at all.
  • IP telephony- now you can install a stationary "home" telephone **** in your suburban area, or expand the telephony of your office to your area. The possibilities of IP-telephony are endless.
  • Video surveillance of them anywhere in the world- we do not argue, video surveillance could be installed even before the advent of the Internet in the country, but now you can view images from cameras and recorded materials from anywhere in the world, at any time convenient for you. If you do not yet have video surveillance on the site - we will install all the necessary equipment - video surveillance for a summer residence has become as accessible as the Internet!
  • Smart House- thanks to the presence of the Internet in the country - you open up really unlimited possibilities. Remote control of the heating boiler, heaters, lighting, automatic watering, carbon monoxide level control, leakage control with closing the necessary valves and taps, this and much more is possible with the SmartHome system and the Internet connected to it.
  • Signaling- installation of alarms usually requires an internet connection, now you have no problems with this
  • Free mobile* calls- mobile operators provide a service that allows you to communicate for free if your mobile device is connected to WiFi.
  • Gaming consoles- if you have a game console - you now have the opportunity to play your usual games with friends online without freezes and interruptions

How to spend the Internet in the country?

With the emerging 4G LTE and 3G technologies, it has become not at all a difficult task to bring the Internet to a cottage, a dacha, or a village. Our equipment includes a modern high-speed 4G LTE MIMO antenna - it is sent to the base station of the selected telecom operator and amplifies the received signal to favorable levels. MIMO technology allows you to use several streams for data transmission at once, and a high signal level to the antenna allows the operator's base station to give a subscriber with an antenna more priority than subscribers with a poor signal level, this means that if your mobile operator and the Internet operator for giving are the same - the Internet in the country will be more stable and at a higher speed than on a mobile device not connected to WiFi.

What internet speed should I expect?

The speed of the Internet directly depends on the level of signal reception*****, 4G LTE technology allows data transfer at speeds up to 150Mbps, in practice, in areas remote from base stations, the speed is usually 20-50Mbps, this is enough to implement all the possibilities described above .

What if the mobile phone does not catch in the country?

No problem! The antenna supplied with the equipment is much more powerful than the antenna in a mobile device, it amplifies the received signal from the base station, so the situation when mobile phones do not catch, and the Internet at home works at high speeds is a common occurrence.

How long does it take to install the Internet in the country?

You will be able to use the Internet in your country house the very next day after you leave a request on our website with the address of the planned installation or call us. Our experts will check the availability of base stations in your area, select the appropriate equipment and contact you to agree on the installation time. Usually installation takes no more than 3 hours.

*This service is available to subscribers of MTS and Tele2 networks
**Concrete and metal floors can significantly reduce signal coverage
*** The number of channels is limited only by your choice of IPTV provider
****To connect IP-telephony, you must select a communication service provider
*****If the tariff plan does not provide a speed limit

Internet to the country house - how to connect, materials and devices, video lesson. It is impossible to imagine modern cottages without an Internet connection. It would seem that recently in the suburbs, summer residents did not even think about using the Internet, but now, with an abundance of technological proposals, you can get confused - there is mobile Internet, fiber optics, satellites.

Which of these options is best for giving, how to choose the best option so that there is “enough” for everyone living in the house, how to spend it - you will learn about all this from the article.

optical fiber

Probably the most reliable way to connect the Internet to the country house is fiber optic. The signal will pass through it in a real sense at the speed of light. This is the main advantage of optical fiber - you can transfer a huge amount of information over long distances without delay. The cable is well protected from interference, so it will be affected by electromagnetic radiation, which means that installation can be carried out even with high-voltage wires.

The main disadvantage of the technology is that most often they cannot be carried out outside the city. Providers prefer to provide services in densely populated areas and territories, besides, the further the cable is laid, the more expensive the connection will eventually be. In rural areas, for just one session, the price can be from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. But even this does not always stop summer residents from connecting to optical fiber.

Mark, 30 years old: “The connection cost me 17,000 rubles + a monthly fee of 1,000 rubles. I hesitated for a long time, but now I do not regret it. One has only to remember how I suffered in the summer, when there was no normal signal and the equipment on the nearest tower often broke down. Thank God, now it can only be in a nightmare. I decided to run the optics through the garage in the form of a twisted pair cable. The only negative is a gray IP, so it was necessary to do port forwarding and additionally configure everything. ”

For optical fiber, almost no additional elements are required, since the cable will be laid to the house through the air on suspensions or even underground. At home, you can connect it directly to a PC. If desired, you can make wiring using a twisted pair cable in several different rooms. Another option is to install one or more Wi-Fi points in the house. The main thing is that it should be planned in advance.

Instead of fiber, the cable can also contain copper, for example, if we consider the very popular ADSL data transfer technology, when the modem is connected via a telephone line. But in this case, the transmission rate will be lower than in optics, and the more the cable is stretched, the more it will decrease. The quality of communication can be affected by such factors as a thunderstorm (if the cable is stretched in the air) or the presence of power lines (if the laying was through the ground). All this can interfere with and disable equipment. By and large, ADSL technology is already living its last years and is fading into oblivion in favor of more efficient and reliable solutions.


But you don’t need to carry the Internet to the country house, but use a mobile wireless connection, which is also popular among summer residents who want to provide themselves with fast and stable Internet. The undoubted advantage is that it is geographically accessible and not too expensive. Even if you have a weak signal, you can amplify it to a normal level, and it will cost only a few thousand rubles (provided that you buy standard equipment, as there are devices that cost several thousand rubles). But also a minus - the network is unstable and the signal is often lost, as it will be weakened or even blocked by obstacles in the form of power lines, tall buildings and even trees.

The signal level also decreases if the base station is overloaded. Many people living outside the city complain about this, since on weekends or in summer the network speed decreased or there was a network break at all. But apart from fiber, 3G / 4G connection is the best option for getting unlimited and fast speed outside the city. Depending on the speed, according to the tariff plan, the cost can reach up to 1,500 rubles / month, but for normal operation, tariffs for 500-800 rubles / month are suitable. All operators have tariffs with unlimited, or rather, Beeline, Tele2, MTS, Megafon, Yota and Skylink.

With 3G, the maximum data reception rate is 14.75 Mbps, and with 4G up to 325 Mbps. What set of Internet for a summer residence will be required to host one of the two networks described? Installation should begin with familiarization with the area. First, make sure that your village / urban area falls within the 3G / 4G coverage area. You can do this on the official website of the provider or check at the points of sale. If everything is fine, then you should buy a USB modem through which you will connect to the network.

Standard modems, along with SIM cards and special rates, are offered by providers, but such devices are configured only for the Internet of “their” operator. If desired, the device can be unlocked and flashed, and then the modem will be universal. There are many sites on the Internet that describe this procedure, activation codes and software. If you do not want to do it yourself, purchase a modem from the right operator or order through an online store. There are many modems, but the best, especially for 4G, is a device from the Korean manufacturer Huawei.

As you know, 3rd and 4th generation mobile networks can transmit signal in several types of frequencies. For 3G it is 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz, and for 4G it is 800 or 2600-2700 MHz. For this reason, when buying, pay attention to what frequencies the device operates at, otherwise you may have a situation that many summer residents in the Moscow region had.

Internet for dachas in the suburbs

Operators of the Moscow Region and the new MSC in some places have a prohibition from the Ministry of Defense to use the frequency of 2100 MHz, but this is the main frequency of 3G coverage. Such a restriction has been introduced practically throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. There are different 3G signal standards, and modems are those that do not have frequency indications and are standard. Many in the region stepped on this rake, having bought a modem at random, and as it turned out, the devices could only function on the forbidden 2100 MHz.

If you want permanent Internet in a country house, we advise you to buy several SIM cards from different operators, and by connecting them to your laptop, travel around the village. So you will find out which of the operators will give the best Internet, and which stations are closest. If you wish, install an MDMA analyzer program on your laptop, which in the latest versions can also scan a 4G signal.

Thanks to such intelligence, you don’t even have to buy an Internet signal booster for giving, and you will have all the necessary information. This will be knowledge of where the base stations of mobile operators are located, frequency and signal power. Without this information, you will not be able to properly install the antenna. But it also happens that even with the help of a modem without extraneous devices, good reception is provided. This is possible only if you are close to the base station and nothing interferes with the signal. In other cases, amplification is indispensable.

Strengthening the Internet signal in the country

In order to increase the signal strength, you will need a standard set of equipment. This includes a modem for receiving a signal, a router for wireless distribution around the house, an antenna (check when buying what frequencies it is designed for), a POE adapter or power supply and cables for connection, adapters. Although the Internet connection scheme in the country house itself is simple, you can install all the described electronics in several different ways.

For example, a modem and a router (or a separate router) can be installed in the attic or in the house, which will protect the equipment from temperature changes and so it will be convenient to connect the devices to the outlet. But in this case, the modem and router will be connected to the antenna only by a coaxial cable, which has limitations in length - no more than 12 meters (when using an 8D-FB cable), otherwise the signal will begin to fade and the speed will drop. When using a thin cable, signal loss will be more noticeable, and it is inconvenient to mount a thick cable.

A more reliable option is to mount all the equipment at once on the antenna, in a small box. In this case, all devices will be connected by small wires - pigtails.

Oleg, 21 years old: « Ideally, if the coaxial cable is not used at all, and the modem is installed in a thermal housing in the antenna housing and connected via pigtails to the printed circuit board. There should be 2 pigtails, since the antennaLTE works according to the M standardIMO and has 2 signals in different polarizations. This option completely eliminates cable losses and gives maximum gain. Antenna output standard wireUSB with a length of 8-11 meters or sometimes evenUTP from 30 to 100 meters and power for the entire circuit comes from a POE adapter.

There is another way to connect and amplify the signal.

Sergey, 37 years old: “The best way to amplify is a satellite dish, as well as an antenna in swarms of a converter, and all this can be assembled by hand. Use a regular bi-square as an irradiator, take a 75 ohm cable, as well as an adapter and a modem with the required connector. Although you can do without a connector, but then you need to make a special adapter. I have been using this scheme for 5.5 years now. Before installation even 3G did not catch without an antenna, and with it all the sticks are there.

With the help of various schemes for amplification, you will get an excellent Internet signal even if the distance of your house from the base station is from 15 to 25 km. If one router is not enough inside the house, you can make several access points in a similar way - an additional router and wires.

  • The higher the antenna is located, the less noise will be during transmission, and accordingly, the reception will be better. It is important to accurately point the antenna towards the station, and when rotating, catch the direction with the best indicator of the received signal strength level.
  • It makes no sense to buy an antenna with a high gain, 12-18 dB will be enough.
  • Having found the optimal network frequency and direction, remember it and prioritize the modem settings (if applicable), otherwise it will “jump” over all frequencies in search of a better signal.
  • If you still will use a coaxial cable to connect devices to each other, but it should be as short as possible in length.

By the way, if you don’t want to mess with amplifiers and antennas, and the signal from the router is weak in some places, then experts advise putting an additional router in “repeater” mode. When reflecting the main signal, they will amplify it to pass it on to the addressee, but there are also disadvantages of such an Internet in the country - routers, when working in different modes, may begin to conflict with each other, and signal transmission will begin to slow down. 4G repeaters are not recommended at all because of the high power, which can even disable the base station.

Satellite Internet

Variant overview

This option is suitable even for those who are in an area that is not available for cellular frequencies of operators. Satellite signals cover the entire territory of the country. The main condition is the following - there should be no obstacles in the path of the signal in the form of the roof of a house or the tops of trees. Satellite Internet has two varieties - one-way and two-way.

Although the former is many times cheaper, it is not as reliable and very slow. His era is already ending. The second option is more modern, but also many times more expensive - the cost of an Internet kit for giving and installation reaches up to 37,000 rubles. If you wish, you can try to assemble such a kit with your own hands. In any of the two cases, the tariffs are limited, and when it is exhausted, the speed drops dramatically or you will have to pay extra for additional traffic.

There are also VIP tariffs for two-way Internet providers, but the price of 8,000 rubles / month will suit few people. The set of equipment for the first and second types is the same - a transceiver, modem, antenna and converter for converting the satellite signal, connectors and cables. You will need a router to wire the Internet around the house.

Differences between the two types of satellite connection

One way internet was in demand a few years ago from satellite television operators, but the idea has not received large-scale development. In this case, the connection signal from the satellite will go only towards the subscriber, and this is logical, but the outgoing signal (distribution) is many times less. Because of this, it was supposed to be launched through a cheap and simple channel - wired or mobile.

This is the main disadvantage of one-way Internet, as there are difficulties with transcoding and unstable cellular communication, and this degrades the signal quality. Also, such networks are very sensitive to weather changes and electromagnetic radiation.

And here is the two-way internet already goes as a corrected version of one-way, since the signal from the satellite goes in both directions, but even here it was not without its minuses. Ping, or rather the time it takes for the signal to "leave and return", lasts longer than in standard networks.

Due to high ping, subscribers may experience problems when continuity is required (video conference on Skype, online game over the network). Such satellite Internet is less sensitive to atmospheric phenomena, but sticking snow and thunderstorms still degrade the transmission quality. The amount of the tariff will depend on the speed and traffic for the month, but approximately the price will be from 1,200 to 2,500 rubles.


If you have such an opportunity, then connect the Internet in the country via fiber optic. If this option is not available in your area, connect to 3G or 4G Internet and be sure to set the gain. In places where the signal is weak, two-way satellite Internet is an excellent option.

Fast and stable Internet in a private house has long become not a luxury, but a necessity. However, the price to be paid for its use is usually too high. The problem is that for each computer or mobile device you have to purchase a separate SIM card, which leads to unjustified expenses.

Our company proposes to solve this problem by installing a set of special equipment. If the region of your residence is the Moscow region, then just call us or fill out an online application. Our masters will promptly arrive at the address you specify to provide wireless Internet to a private house.

For those who live far from Moscow, it is possible to connect the Internet on their own. To do this, it is enough to order the kit presented on the site. Its installation in a private house does not take much time. Our universal equipment can be used with SIM cards of any operators, so it will work stably both in the Moscow region and in any other Russian region.

To install wireless Internet, our craftsmen mount directional panel antennas on the wall or on the roof of the building. Computers and other gadgets are connected via a network cable, USB cable or via Wi-Fi.

Thus, your private house, including a personal plot, falls into the coverage area. At the same time, high-speed wireless Internet throughout the territory works from just one SIM card, regardless of the number of users.

After the equipment for the Internet is installed and configured, the specialists of our company will offer you various unlimited tariffs. We work with all major mobile operators, so you can always choose the best option for your situation.

Satellite internet or 4G?

If you decide to install unlimited satellite Internet in a private house, then we advise you not to rush and carefully evaluate the upcoming costs. The peculiarity of 4G wireless connection is that it has a lower price at a much higher speed.

For five years of work, our craftsmen have already connected thousands of residents of settlements in the Moscow region to the worldwide network. And thanks to their great experience, it was possible to conduct the Internet without wires in a private house even in the most remote village.

When you leave the city, you want to use social networks, watch films, quickly connect to the solution of work issues - lead the same lifestyle as in the metropolis. However, finding a way to connect high-speed stable Internet in the country is difficult - cable connection operators do not always develop infrastructure in small towns, and pulling a cable to the house from the nearest highway at their own expense is expensive. However, there are alternatives to a wired connection. We talk more about them in the article.

How to organize the Internet in the country: the main ways

There are three main ways to organize access outside the city - connection via mobile or satellite communications and WiMAX. Also, with large wired Internet providers, you can agree on organizing an access point via Wi-Fi for the entire village.

What does satellite communication provide?

Through satellite, you can set up the Internet in any home. The subscriber does not depend on the existing communication infrastructure or neighbors. Such a point is completely autonomous. To organize access to the network, it is necessary to purchase equipment, obtain identification data from the provider and configure the devices to receive a signal. You can install satellite Internet in the country both independently and with the help of specialists. However, it is recommended to take the help of professionals, they will set up the equipment so that the signal is maximum and the influence of external conditions is minimal.

To connect, you need to purchase:

  • satellite dish.
  • Router.
  • Connecting cable.

All equipment can be purchased from the provider.

How profitable is satellite internet

Connection is expensive: equipment costs between 20 and 30 thousand rubles, and the average monthly fee is 3,000 rubles. At the same time, the Internet is only conditionally unlimited - the subscriber pays for a certain number of gigabytes, and after spending it, he must buy additional traffic. Despite the high price, this access point option is popular in areas where there are no other networking options.

There are two connection options - two-way and one-way. The first option does not depend on other Internet channels - the user receives and transmits data via satellite. In the second variant, data transfer is carried out through another connection, for example, through a mobile connection. This type of network setting is used when there is a mobile signal, but it is too weak for watching online videos and downloading applications, that is, processing the incoming signal. An outgoing connection is not important for everyone - if a subscriber uses the Internet only to receive information, does not upload videos and photos to the network, high speed data reception is enough for him.

Which operator to choose

Among the major providers are AltegroSky, Tricolor TV, Rusat, SenSat. There are other operators as well. You need to choose according to coverage area and cost. Often providers provide discounts on equipment, offer promotions. Therefore, sometimes it is possible to buy equipment much cheaper than the usual cost.

In what cases to connect to the mobile Internet

Mobile communication is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing the Internet. If a wired connection is not available, the other options are very expensive, and mobile operators can provide good speeds. The only condition is that the signal must be strong. But even if the signal is weak, it can be amplified with the help of special antennas.

How to make Wi-Fi mobile Internet in the country

Previously, to access the network, you needed a phone with a SIM card or an operator's USB modem that was connected to a computer. Now there are more ways.

Method 1: through a router

There are special routers with a USB connector. They work just like with regular wired Internet, with the difference that the cable replaces a USB modem with a SIM card. After connecting and configuring, the equipment distributes the network like a regular Wi-Fi router.

Method 2: via phone

Smartphones have a function of distributing the Internet. It can be found in the settings, more often it is called "tethering mode". After activating the Wi-Fi function, the subscriber's phone becomes the router. You can connect to the Internet in the country as a laptop, as well as other phones, tablets.

How profitable is the connection via mobile

Mobile communications are more profitable than satellite ones - equipment and tariffs are cheaper, you do not need to install large antennas. However, the data rate is slower. An additional advantage of accessing the network via mobile is the ability to turn off the Internet after the end of the summer season.

Which operator to choose

The answer depends on the area of ​​residence of the subscriber. It is worth choosing from all the operators represented in the region. In most cases, these are Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele 2. To choose an operator with the best signal, you should look at the provider's coverage map, and then check how well the SIM cards catch, changing them one by one and testing for reception quality.

Can WiMAX become an alternative

WiMAX is a wireless connection to a provider's network. To receive a signal, the subscriber needs an antenna and a router, sometimes they are combined in one device.

How Wymax works

The network is deployed using stations, among which there is a main one and several distributing signals. The station signal is picked up by the subscriber's antenna and transmitted to the router. To connect to the network, you must be within range of one of the base stations and obtain identification data from the provider. The range of the signal is greater than that of a conventional Wi-Fi: up to 80 km. If the signal is weak, you can install a repeater.

How profitable is WiMAX

The price range of equipment and tariffs is wide, depending on the operator. On average, the cost of equipment ranges from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles. The cost of tariffs is from 500 to 1000 rubles.

How to put Internet Wimax in the country

To do this, contact one of the operators. There are many of them in the Moscow region, the largest is Yota. However, this type of connection is not used in all regions of Russia.

Why you need a Wi-Fi hotspot

In small towns, access points are often installed that distribute Internet to residents via Wi-Fi. This allows you to stretch the cable only to the village itself, but not to breed it at home. This approach reduces networking and maintenance costs.

The main problem is installing access points. At the state level, Rostelecom undertook to create such points in all areas where 250 to 500 people live. This initiative is being implemented as part of the state program to combat the digital divide. But if there are more or less people than the specified values, it will be difficult to achieve the organization of the point.

How to make good internet in the country

Outside the city, Internet with a speed of 500 Mbps via fiber is in most cases a dream. But getting 50-100 Mbps is quite realistic. This can be done using different connection options, among which WiMAX occupies a special place. It is not only faster than others, but also bypasses competitors in terms of price-quality ratio. In the absence of Wymax providers, it is worth considering the possibility of connecting via mobile networks. If the signal is weak, you can install signal booster antennas.

Satellite communication is an option that should be used in the absence of other connectivity options or if the subscriber is not satisfied with the speed on other channels. You can find out how to provide Internet in the country by contacting our consultant. The service of assistance in selecting a provider is free.

The Internet is an organic part of life, without which it is difficult to imagine both work and leisure. But if there are no problems with the network in the city, then outside the "civilization" everything is different.

A distraction from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoyment of the beautiful scenery and fresh air: all this is overshadowed by the banal lack of uninterrupted access to the network. The inability to check email, chat on social networks, watch a movie or have an online meetup with colleagues can seriously overshadow leisure.

Unfortunately, in many settlements of the Moscow region there is still no broadband access to the network, and 3G and 4G do not function well enough.

Fast 3G, 4G Internet for a dacha in the suburbs: an overview of options

Wired connection. Previously, access to the network was provided by a modem and a network card. Now it's up to the operator's fiber optic or network cable. The closer to the capital, the more opportunities. But if the nearest PBX does not have ADSL equipment, you will have to use a Dial Up modem with a low speed and an unstable connection. Cable communication and fiber optics are available only in developed villages, conducting such Internet on your own will hit the budget, and waiting for the provider to lay the line in your locality can drag on for years.

Localwifi. In some villages there is a wi-fi access point for all residents, equipped with a signal amplifier. To use the benefit of access, it is enough to get a password and pay a subscription fee. The disadvantages of this solution are the limitation on the amount of traffic and data transfer speed, as well as interruptions in the quality of communication at a distance from the wi-fi point.

Wi- Max technology. Communication is provided by a fixed radio access point installed by the provider. The signal is picked up by an antenna. Through the modem, information goes to the connected router or computer. The network access speed is good, the connection is stable, the monthly fee varies. But not all providers offer such a connection, and the price of services can bite.

Satellite connection. Allows you to make an Internet connection even in remote villages. Usually the connection is two-way, through an antenna (dish). The spent traffic is paid, the signal is stable. The disadvantages include expensive equipment and the need to dismantle it for a time when no one lives in the country. Also, in bad weather and a thunderstorm, communication interference is possible.

Mobile Internet. To connect, you only need a 3G or 4G modem from a mobile operator and a concluded service agreement with a subscription fee according to the tariff. Inexpensive option, but the speed and quality of the connection depends on the remoteness of the place of residence from the tower.

Wireless Internet in the country from ISPHome

We connect wireless internet in Moscow and the Moscow region. To ensure an uninterrupted signal even in villages remote from the city, we install equipment that will enhance the reception and transmission of 3G and 4G signals.

Our specialists will provide wireless unlimited Internet to a private house in just 1 day. At the same time, they will make sure that the signal is stable throughout the house and the backyard.

You can safely move around with your smartphone or laptop without fear of being unexpectedly disconnected.

Unlimited Internet for giving from ISPHome

The advantages of our unlimited internet for summer cottages:

  • wireless connection at a bargain price;
  • high speed and stable signal;
  • connection quality at the fiber level;
  • free equipment test for 7 days.

Equipment kits consist of an antenna, wi-fi router, modem. An Internet connection signal booster is used to boost a weak communication signal in a remote area.

The principle of operation of such an Internet connection is that an antenna is installed on the roof of the house, which catches the signal coming from the base station and transmits it to the amplifier. Then it goes to the modem and router, which distributes the connection to the required number of devices on the site.

How is the connection

  • You leave an application for connecting wireless Internet to a dacha in the Moscow region.
  • We appoint a convenient time for the visit and send an employee to measure the signal at your site.
  • We select the optimal set of equipment: ISP-0, ISP-1, ISP-2, ISP-3, ISP-4, ISP-5.
  • We install, configure and test equipment, connecting the necessary devices to it - laptops, smartphones, and so on;
  • After the expiration of the testing period for ISPHome wireless Internet kits, we conclude an agreement with you.

Find out about the real possibilities of connecting your country house in the suburbs to fast 3G, 4G Internet from the site.

Order the installation of equipment, provide yourself with high-speed unlimited Internet to your country house and enjoy free communication and serene leisure outside the city!

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