
How to create a business plan sample. How to develop an effective business plan

First, I’ll tell you briefly about my results in business. At the moment, I am the owner of several large Internet projects, the total cost of which is more than several million rubles, including a portal site. It is for this reason that I can openly express my opinions regarding business planning and various business processes. The knowledge and skills that I possess were acquired not in a university or a textbook, but in conditions of market competition through dozens of experiments.

To write or not to write a business plan?

Let's open any of the university textbooks about business, and in each of them it will be written that a business begins with a business plan. And even if the bearded professors with glasses don’t like what I say next, let’s build on the results these professors have achieved in business. As a rule, these are theorists who have never led large companies. But they all echo that a well-drafted business plan is 50% of the success of your future company.

To be honest, I even feel funny at such moments. You can plan for at least a whole year, make a plan for 100 A4 sheets, and then your business will fail.
Do you know why? Yes, because it's a market! The market is constantly changing, transforming, and it is cruel, especially for newcomers. You will never be able to predict everything that can happen to you or your business idea. That is why my personal opinion is that drawing up a business plan for a long time is a waste of your time.

Although there are several situations where a business plan can come in handy.

When is a business plan really needed?

In our age of bureaucracy, you simply cannot do without a business plan in two main cases:

— You want to receive a grant or subsidy for business development from the state.
Unfortunately, the entrepreneurship support system in the Russian Federation is such that you won’t even be accepted without a business plan. The main reason is that most of the officials in business support centers have no idea what business is, because... They have never studied it and are used to acting according to textbooks and regulations. The principle works here: the more paper in the business plan, the better. In the eyes of officials, such a business plan will look as if serious work has been done on it.

— You are preparing a business plan for an investor.

It is important to clearly understand that an investor is far from an official! As a rule, this is already an experienced businessman who will not tinker with the stack of papers that you brought him. For him, two things matter most:
1) The idea you came up with. She must “infect” him, he must want to do this business.
2) How well you understand the topic. Be prepared for dozens of questions. And you will have to answer all these questions.

These are probably the two main situations in which you really need a business plan.

When you don't need to make a business plan!

I remember when I was 22 years old, I even bought myself a smart book called “Business Planning.” At that time, I generally had vague ideas about business. I can already say that this was one of my most stupid purchases. I wanted to write a business plan FOR MYSELF! Never write business plans for yourself! It’s better to devote this time to studying the market, study it inside and out, and finally launch your business. The maximum time you can spend on creating a business plan is 1–2 hours of working time! Just take a piece of paper, a pen and calculate all the indicators. A business plan should fit on a maximum of 1 piece of paper, no need to write 30-page Talmuds!

Sample business plan “Business on social networks”

One of the main areas of my business is business on social networks, namely business on public pages.

I would like to immediately note that the data presented is already confirmed, and I drew up this business plan after launching the project and receiving profit from it. That is, after the fact. I will add my comments to each paragraph.

Idea: creating a public VKontakte page for the purpose of selling advertising, your products, and participating in affiliate programs on it.

Ways to make money on the project:
- advertising sales,
- partnership programs,
- selling your goods.

Main affiliate programs:
— ,
— .

What products can be sold:
— women's beauty and health products,
- Products for children,
- household goods.

Analysis of a competitor's project

Sample business plan “Car Parking”

Of course, I couldn’t help but use an ordinary university business plan as an example! And such an example was the sample BP for organizing a parking lot. As for my opinion about this business plan, I can say that the abundance of numbers in it can only please an official or a university teacher, but not a real entrepreneur. You can download this business plan from the link below:

Startup basics: a good financial plan, not drive and cats

Every successful entrepreneur can confidently say that a well-written business plan is one of the most important elements in forming your own business. Understanding how to correctly design a future enterprise, you can predict a positive result when contacting a credit institution or investor. Let us next consider the basic rules for writing a business plan.

Purpose of the document

Writing a business plan (an example project will be discussed below) can be done in various ways. There are various benefits for this. However, in most of them the information is very specific and understandable only to economists or accountants. At the same time, the need to draw up a business plan arises for all beginning entrepreneurs. The document is necessary for submission to a credit institution, obtaining a loan from an investor for the development of a business at the initial stages. In addition, a business plan allows you to see immediate and upcoming goals, predict capital investments at one time or another, anticipate the moment when the first profit will arrive, and calculate the total income from activities.

Specifics of enterprises

To obtain a loan for the construction of a plant or factory, it is more advisable to contact the appropriate organizations that can provide qualified assistance in writing a business plan. In this case, the document will contain economic calculations and be supported by financial documents drawn up in accordance with all the rules for their execution. A business plan drawn up in this way can, without hesitation, be sent to both foreign investors and domestic credit companies. However, in this case, it should be understood that services for drawing up a project for a future enterprise will not be cheap. To open a mobile retail outlet or a clothing or shoe repair shop, for example, there is no need to study or calculate industry risks in detail. In this case, it will be sufficient to competently organize production, determine the sales market, and predict enterprises. A program for writing a business plan for such an activity will be understandable to a novice entrepreneur.

Important point

Entrepreneurs who have quite a lot of experience in doing business do not recommend unconditionally relying on the experience of acquaintances or friends and only on their intuition. Forecasting activity does not appear as an obsolete component of socialist reality. Planning is an essential element of modern business. Analysis of payback periods, determination of periods of investment, development and subsequent return are the most important aspects even with a relatively small investment. Concepts such as “market” and “plan” are fundamental in both the East and the West. At the present stage of economic development, it is enough to adopt the experience of successful companies and get positive results.

Sample of writing a business plan

A project for a future business is necessary for the investor, as well as the entrepreneur himself. The structure of writing a business plan includes a number of mandatory points. These include, in particular:

  • introduction;
  • a brief description of the future enterprise;
  • assessment of the sales market, competition, investment risks;
  • production formation plan;
  • forecasts for sales of services/products;
  • financial plan;
  • management organization;
  • application.

Adaptation to the Russian market

The above plan for writing a business plan is recommended by Western analysts. However, in the practice of domestic entrepreneurship, some of its points require clarification and additional decoding. Thus, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian business sphere, the plan for writing a business plan should include a section that reveals an adequate understanding of the problems and issues related to the quality of services and goods. Here it is necessary to present possible solutions to them. It is also advisable to include a clause in the plan for writing a business plan that describes the ability to competently manage and regulate the cost of services/products. In the same section it is worth revealing ways to ensure its competitiveness. Another additional point will be a clear vision of the prospects for the development of the enterprise, guarantees of the ability to bring the matter to completion.

Plan for writing a business plan: independent work

First of all, you should clearly assess the competitiveness of the proposed services or goods, analyze the sales market, the timing of the first profit, the time during which the investment will pay for itself. The next step will be to determine the amount of capital investment required. Experts recommend dividing the investment into several parts, supporting the justification with appropriate calculations. Taking into account the above points, it should be understood that a business plan drawn up independently may be fundamentally different from the structure given above. It should also be noted that there is no project form regulated by norms and standards. Each entrepreneur has the right to independently establish a list of items and the scope of documentation for enterprise planning. However, if external investment is needed to open a business, you should still adhere to the above scheme.


This section of the business plan is a presentation of the future enterprise. It must describe the type of activity in an understandable form in the most optimistic light. It often happens that the introduction is the only section that the investor reads on his own and immediately makes a decision - to take the project into development or reject it. He will entrust the study of the remaining parts, which display calculations, marketing research, and financial justifications, to his specialists. However, as practice shows, it is the introduction that decides the fate of the project. This section should be short and concise at the same time.

Characteristics of the industry and enterprise

This is the next important part of the business plan. This section provides a general description of the enterprise and industry:

  • Financial indicators.
  • Personnel composition.
  • Direction of activity.
  • Company structure.
  • List and description of services/products.
  • Development prospects and so on.

The section should contain characteristics of the proposed production and a number of technological aspects. These points should be described in simple and accessible language. There is no point in delving into terminology or using a professional style. In this case, it is enough to indicate the uniqueness of the services or products and their demand in the near and foreseeable future. You can also draw the investor’s attention to the advantages of the products offered.

Marketing research

Here you should describe the conditions under which consumers become clients of the enterprise. The section outlines methods of sales promotion, creating a positive image, and distributing services/products. The marketing plan includes a list of advertising costs. Essentially, you need to justify how and why consumers will purchase a service or product.


This section should describe the characteristics of the premises and indicate the established requirements for equipment and personnel. The production plan should also describe suppliers and contractors.

Organization of the enterprise and financial component

The business plan must contain characteristics of the form of management and the tasks of administrative specialists. For a domestic investor, it is important to have a resume for each member of the management team. In this regard, in this section it is worth listing the partners, noting as truthfully and objectively as possible the contribution of each of them to the development of the enterprise, functional responsibilities and role in the company. The financial part contains economic calculations. In particular, a table of income and expenses is compiled, the balance sheet is forecasted, variable and direct costs are indicated, carried out, and so on. Typically, three forecasts are developed in this section: realistic, optimistic and pessimistic. They are displayed in the form of graphs.

It is an analytical document in which all the pros and cons of doing business, additional operations and everything that lays the foundation of entrepreneurship are clearly calculated. A business plan helps throughout the entire period of the organization’s activities. It describes the main objectives of the company, problems that may arise and methods for solving them.

For example, you decide to start your own business, but your finances cannot afford it. Then a business plan comes to your aid.

Proper planning will open up the possibility of attracting investors or creditors, which will help solve your financial problems.

In the process of drawing it up, you will study the economic structure of the company in more detail, calculate all the financial aspects and decide for yourself whether you can manage the project.

That is, creating a business plan from scratch is first of all necessary within the organization: to analyze the company's performance. Secondly, he necessary for strategy consideration for the safety of investors' investments.

What will help in compilation?

When drawing up a business plan, it is not necessary to have an analytical mind. If you decide to open your own business, then you will probably understand all the specifics of the process. What is important here is knowledge about the needs of the target audience (the demand of potential clients), financial costs, possible losses and ways to increase the profitability of the company.

If you are experiencing difficulties in the initial stages of planning, we recommend that you contact a highly qualified organization that provides business project writing services. Together with you there will develop a business form of the requested document.

Main points and sections

Different projects differ in the scope of content and company activities.

Main points there must be goals and description of the company, in order to show interest to the company's financial assistants.

Main sections for drawing up a business plan:

  • summary (main topic of the project, author's summary);
  • the main goals and objectives of the organization;
  • general presentation of the company (product description, location and other functions);
  • relevance and development analysis;
  • consumer market research;
  • competitiveness;
  • sales policy and planned marketing;
  • internal company targets: personnel, finance, organization, etc.

We invite you to download several examples of business plans:

What calculations are coming?

To carry out a clear organization of the enterprise, there will be a system of payments within the company:

  • cash calculation;
  • forecasting;
  • document flow (securities, risk factors, insurance services);
  • occupation period (especially important in case of attracting investors);
  • internal profitability of the company;
  • volume of production.

Calculations for each company are made based on the specific activities of the company.

How to build a business plan from scratch?

Each project is compiled individually, but we will try to analyze the standard type of project.

Short biography:

Higher economic education. Graduated from NSU, managing a small business.

The main goal and task of opening a grocery chain

Prospects for job creation. Expansion of the product market. Creating your own brand. High financial profitability of the store, due to the lack of grocery chains and high demand for these services.

General presentation of the company

This product will provide a list for all age categories. The location will be in the center of the community, which is convenient for consumers.

Available range: food, household chemicals, etc.

After analyzing the development, we came to the conclusion that within 2 years the payback period will increase by 120%.


Having examined the competitor's market, we discovered that the competitor will not be active in the next year and a half due to financial and social problems.

Sales policy and marketing research

In the first month sales “at zero” are possible, due to lack of information among the population. Later, when the entire locality knows about our store, the planned indicators should exceed 100%.

Covering the spectrum of marketing, we investigated the implementation of a small volume of advertising campaigns, which will significantly save on the enterprise’s budget.

For each employee, a planned indicator will be introduced: sales volume, customer acquisition, freshness of goods and cleanliness of the store. Financial indicators and other cash movements will also be maintained.

When deciding to create an enterprise, it is necessary to study complete information about possible losses, risks, characteristics and much more related to the initial stage of starting a business.

In conclusion, we invite you to watch the video: how to create a business plan from scratch - step-by-step technology.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine about money “”! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action that will allow you to turn a raw business idea into a confident step-by-step plan for implementing a clear task.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed?
  • How to write a business plan correctly;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

To conclude the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring your idea to fruition and success things in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use or take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples of submitted business plans can be found download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of a business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to its preparation

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many important functions that no other person can do differently.

With its help, you can secure financial support and open and develop your business much earlier than you can raise a significant amount for the business.

Investors react mostly positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, because they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also a necessary plan if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the risk calculation turns out to be too daunting, you can slightly redo it, transform the general idea in order to reduce them.

Creating a Good Business Plan is an excellent solution for searching for investment and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, of which there are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to our own efforts It’s worth using “other people’s brains”. A business plan involves many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, which can achieve success.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects yourself. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing your social circle, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultation on certain issues. This is the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and misconceptions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, but home- this is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current situation, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business that generates stable and regular income). This is the first step towards achieving your dreams and secure middle class status.

If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in the video: “How to draw up a business plan (for yourself and investors).”

That's all for us. We wish everyone good luck in their business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of publication.

Useful instructions on how to write a business plan. Take note!

Even if you first asked the question, how to write a business plan, then you understand that it is impossible to get a finished document in 10-15 minutes. However, all the time spent will be fully paid off.

A well-drafted plan will help outline the opening stages, a project development plan, assess the risks of the activity and get help from investors.

Being able to articulate what you want and how you plan to achieve it means doing half the job.

It often happens that a novice entrepreneur, faced with risks that he did not draw up on paper in advance, loses motivation and gives up developing his business. Therefore, you need to pay due diligence and write a competent business plan.

How to create a “Summary” section in a business plan

This part of the document is the shortest; 5-7 sentences are enough.

But its value cannot be underestimated. This is especially true for those who need to draw up a business plan to receive financial assistance from investors or a bank!

The summary should concisely indicate the essence of the project. Depending on how interesting and capacious this section of the business plan is, potential investors will either enthusiastically study everything from cover to cover, or immediately close and put the document aside.

Having outlined your goals, you can move on to specifying practical information, figures and activity forecasts.

We draw up a business plan: company activities

To draw up this section of the business plan, you need to dwell in more detail on the activities of your future company. Moreover, we are talking not only about the name, details, location and other characteristics.

  • What goals do you set?
  • How should you achieve them?
  • If there are several founders, indicate the distribution of roles.
  • What will be your competitive advantage?
  • What prospects for the development of the business do you see?

Be sure to conduct an analysis of your target audience. It needs to be presented as specifically as possible in order to be able to determine the ways of “enticement”.

A separate item in the business plan should include a description of the product or services provided by the company. This includes any information: from technical parameters to color and packaging design.

How to Analyze a Market Niche When Writing a Business Plan

An analysis of the current state of affairs on the market will help you and potential investors correctly identify a possible niche, potential business risks, customer flow and other important parameters.

The phrases “has no competitors” and “one of a kind” should definitely be avoided when drawing up a business plan. Even if at the time of opening you have a monopoly on the market.

In the case where the services or goods offered really have great prospects for development, tomorrow there may be those who also want to make money on it. This must be taken into account and be able to predict.

If there are already competitors, the situation becomes simpler. You just need to specify them and describe the activity using the following parameters:

  • Quantity and names.
  • The share that each holds in the market.
    If there are too many competitors (as is often the case in retail), describe the main ones.
  • Determine their strengths and weaknesses independently and honestly.
    Based on this data, you need to create competitive advantages for the previous section.
  • Describe the advertising methods used and their effectiveness in such activities.

During this work, you also need to isolate the strong behavioral drivers of these firms (pricing, customer acquisition, special services) and use them to grow your business.

How to create a “Production” section for a business plan

Planning without action is a dream. Action without planning is a nightmare.
Japanese proverb

No less important is the section of the plan describing production.

The business plan must indicate how, from what and on what equipment products will be produced or services will be performed. What equipment do you need to achieve your goal, and what do you need to purchase? Technology also matters, especially if you plan to introduce any innovations that no one else has yet introduced.

But what if you do not plan to produce products, but will order them from suppliers?

In this case, you need to indicate from whom you will buy the finished product. All details are important: names of organizations, terms and conditions of delivery, confirmation of reliability.

The main task of this section of the business plan is to convince investors that the activity will not “stop” a day after the start due to the banal lack of necessary materials.

Drawing up the financial section of a business plan

No matter how important all the previous chapters of the plan are, it is impossible to draw up a business plan without financial calculations and you need to pay special attention to them.

You can easily analyze your expenses yourself. They are divided into two categories: opening costs and monthly development costs.

What does it include?

Start-up costs

  1. Cost of equipment.
    To describe the equipment, it is worth creating a separate section in the business plan. You need to make a list of equipment, indicate technical characteristics and supplier.
  2. Purchase of raw materials and consumables.
    As with equipment, you need to not only list the items and their costs, but also where you will order them. The supplier must be reliable and, in addition, offer the best prices.
  3. Paperwork.
    This includes the costs of registering your state of emergency, purchasing a seal, and obtaining permits from the relevant authorities.
  4. Repair and decor.
    If the room requires renovation (and most often it does), you need to indicate who will do it and why. Also indicate in the business plan who will supply the building materials.
  5. Purchase of premises (only if it is not rented).

Monthly expenses

  1. Staff salaries.
    In a separate section of the business plan, you should make a list of positions that will participate in the company's activities. For each, you need to write down your responsibilities, based on the labor code. The salary is also indicated. The total data on regular expenses for paying wages is entered into the corresponding column of monthly expenses. If you plan to increase your salary in the future, as well as conduct training courses and advanced training courses, you also need to write about this.
  2. Rental of premises.
    Most ideas for organizing a business require just such a solution. If in the future you want to become the full owner of the premises, look for an option with the possibility of subsequent purchase. As long as the building is leased, you do not risk anything. If the business fails, you simply break the contract. But if it is purchased, if it fails, you will have to suffer significant financial losses.
  3. Replenishment of materials.
    Indicate in your business plan what, in what volumes and from whom you need to buy. The list of consumables may include food, stationery, household chemicals and other small related products.
  4. Public utilities.
    Most often, utilities are paid separately from the rent for the premises. Therefore, data on the amounts also needs to be entered into the expenses table of the business plan.
  5. Tax deductions.
    To analyze the potential income from an activity, you need to study the sales figures of close competitors. It is somewhat easier for those who already have an existing business that requires additional investment. Then it is enough to take the current indicators and calculate their potential growth. Those who have not yet entered the market can make calculations based on data on the future cost of the most potentially popular positions or services.

Based on these data, it’s as easy as shelling pears to calculate the amount of future profit and the time the activity will reach the so-called break-even point.

P.S. Potential investors and bank representatives issuing commercial loans pay particular attention to this data in the business plan.

All the above data must be compiled in the form of tables and placed in a separate application. This makes it easier to study the indicators.

But information about profit growth or the development of sales levels should be presented in the form of a graph. Don’t overdo it, because a curve that suddenly goes from negative to sky-high profit is more likely to arouse suspicion than delight and approval.

We draw up a risk analysis in the business plan

No one will invest money in a project that may fail immediately after the start due to a lack of analysis of potential risks. Therefore, this data also needs to be included in the business plan.

What might be included in this category?

  • Decrease in consumer demand for your goods or services.
  • Sales level is too low.
  • Changes in the economic state of the country (“jumps” in exchange rates, price changes).
  • Emergencies (fire, work injury, natural disasters).

All these and other potential risks need to be more than just listed. You need to draw up a business plan for solving them for the company if you suddenly find yourself in such a situation. Such an analysis will help in an emergency to save the business and act correctly. In addition, it instills confidence in your activities and in yourself.

where practical and life recommendations are presented

on the correct preparation of a business plan!

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