
How to open a business at sea. I'll take a piece of the sea with me. Sale of souvenirs

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People living near recreation areas have an excellent opportunity to make money in the summer. Any business ideas at sea related to ensuring the comfort of vacationers are relevant.

The benefit is obvious: the markup in the field retail and services is from 150%. But the competition is also high.

To stand out, you need original ideas.

Trade in food and drinks

You can sell any product:

  • homemade baked goods;
  • fruits and juices;
  • kvass, beer;
  • ice cream;
  • cold drinks.

First of all, you need to agree on a location. With whom exactly depends on the situation.

Usually we're talking about about sublease or spontaneous trade.

Local authorities transfer plots of land for use summer cafes and other relatively large establishments. And then, after lengthy approvals, often lasting months.

To sell drinks or ice cream, you need to buy or rent a storefront or freezer (the price of both is about 30 thousand rubles).

It is quite possible to sell goods for a short period of time.

In the worst case, you will have to take out a loan to purchase it.

If funds allow, it is worth purchasing a machine for making ice cream, frozen juice and yoghurt (60 thousand rubles).

You can supplement the household with a coffee machine (45 thousand rubles), and place several tables nearby open air(a set of table and 4 chairs costs 3 thousand rubles).

Of particular interest to budding entrepreneurs is the sale of food products (juices and waters, boiled corn, buns) on the beach.

The activity is, in fact, illegal. But due to the lack of a trading place, it is very difficult to bring violators to justice.

Off-site preparation of sweets

Most tourists go to the sea “savage”. Therefore, the issue of food and snacks in the recreation area is mega-relevant.

Business ideas at sea relate to trade:

  • popcorn;
  • cotton candy;
  • donuts;
  • pies.

All such options are budget-friendly and do not require special investments. It is assumed that you need to buy one device.

For example, the price of equipment for making popcorn or cotton candy is 12 thousand rubles.

If you start preparing for the summer season in advance, you can rent or buy used equipment.

Trade in non-food products

When going on vacation, people try to stock up on everything they need in advance. But not everyone is organized enough.

The following always sell well in the resort area:

  • swimwear;
  • bijouterie;
  • towels, sun umbrellas, protective creams;
  • small things - combs, razors, toothbrushes, wet wipes.

Many people want to keep souvenirs of their summer vacation.

Remote selling of souvenirs is a very profitable business.

Profitability during the season is about 200%, with the largest markup being made on the cheapest goods.

Organizing such activities does not present any difficulties. It is enough to agree on a place to place the counter.

Organization of attractions

Vacationers want to have an interesting time. In summer, any stationary or portable attractions are relevant.

Among them:

  • pneumatic, archery, crossbow and dart shooting ranges;
  • cars, velomobiles;
  • roller rental;
  • trampolines;
  • slides;
  • alpine parks;
  • making medallions and coins.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For a new entrepreneur without initial capital Budget-friendly ideas for portable attractions, such as throwing darts at balloons, are suitable.

In the summer, these are good ideas for activities for both children and adults.

Paid playgrounds and entertainment with animators are in demand.

It’s a good idea to organize foam discos. To implement it, an initial investment of 50 thousand rubles is required. and an agreement with a summer restaurant to use its dance floor.

Expenses: foam generator – 30 thousand rubles; soap solution - 4 thousand rubles. for a 15 liter canister.

With a load of 100 visitors and a ticket price of 150 rubles. the income from the venture will be 15 thousand rubles. for every disco. The investment will pay off in two weeks.

Extraordinary entertainment with extreme elements

There are many interesting ideas.

An example is the organization of hang gliding flights.

Among the water attractions, the most popular are jet skiing and water skiing.

A more relaxing activity is fishing from a boat or boat.

Each of these options requires starting capital. But the purchased equipment quickly pays for itself.

For example, the cost of a jet ski (45 thousand rubles) is returned to its owner as profit after just two months of operation.

True, all such types of activities require certain skills, physical training and dexterity from the entrepreneur.

Acting at his own peril and risk, he is responsible for harm caused to the client.

Land-based entertainment options seem much less risky:

  • horse rides;
  • photographing with exotic animals;
  • costume parties in nature;
  • hiking trips.


The influx of vacationers in the summer creates a rush of demand for regular services.

Business ideas at sea can involve using your professional skills and abilities.

Mega in demand:

  • massage therapists;
  • cosmetologists;
  • manicure and pedicure specialists;
  • makeup artists;
  • hairdressers.

How can a professional make money in the summer?

Purely summer services are especially popular in recreation areas - afro braids and henna tattoos.

Practice shows that the services of craftsmen in these areas become at least three times more expensive during the season. In your own business you can earn up to 15 thousand rubles. per month.

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"Summer, sun, sea, beach, this evening will be ours!" - these are the words that ring in the minds of most holidaymakers heading to the cool water and hot sands to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Some have in their pocket a luxury trip to foreign countries, giving them the opportunity to relax for a week or two in all inclusive style. And others rush on trains, buses or private cars towards the coastal expanses of our homeland. Both are united by a feeling of lightness and a great desire to have fun spending the money earned during the year.

Therefore, residents of resort towns not only happily rent out even the smallest living space at their disposal, but also make great money from trading and organizing summer beach entertainment. Business on the beach is developing by leaps and bounds, annually bringing its owners a very good income.

Ninety days a year

Unfortunately, earnings from vacationers are seasonal. On average, only three months a year our compatriots have the opportunity to make a profit. And only in some regions of the country the number of “profitable” days can be increased by a maximum of sixty more.

It's a short period of time, but it's right organized business on the beach can bring in enough income to open another business of your own. In addition, the entire working day will be spent at the edge of the sea, under the warm rays of the sun. Such workdays promise a fun and serene pastime.

On your marks!

Summer is coming, there is a desire and opportunity to earn money. Where to start? First you need to decide on a way to make a profit.

All existing ideas on how to successfully organize a business on the beach can be divided into two main categories:

  • the first does not require large investments: this includes selling food, renting out storage units, renting umbrellas and other inexpensive beach accessories;
  • the second needs significant investments: rental points for equipment for recreation and water sports, attractions and other entertainment, summer cafes and restaurants, beach rental with its subsequent improvement.

Based on the opinion of experienced businessmen, we can say that for an organization small business You only need a thousand US dollars. And such funds can be found quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. There would be a desire!

Simple business ideas

It's not that hard to make money on the beach. Probably everyone who has rested near the water at least once in their life has heard the shouts of passing merchants: “Seeds, dried fish, hot corn!” Selling such an inexpensive product can bring in a decent income. To purchase it you will need “pennies”, and the profit will exceed the expense several times.

Unfortunately, everything has its drawbacks:

  • Such an activity is incredibly tiring, because not everyone can walk all day under the scorching sun with a heavy bag at the ready, and a hired employee can be seriously let down and even run away with all the proceeds.
  • This type of business requires permission from the SES, work without it threatens big troubles. However, the vast majority of such traders operate illegally, since registration necessary documents so costly that all further activities lose all meaning.

The above example describes only one of the few ways to make money on the beach without having a large starting capital. In the list of low-cost methods of earning money you can find the storage room described above, the sale of kvass and other soft drinks. You can also organize a small massage room or provide the services of a swimming coach.

Almost anyone can turn simple business ideas into reality; you just need to find the most suitable one. And most importantly, do not violate existing rules and laws.

Comfort for your money

Recently, the requirement for the level of comfort among our compatriots has increased significantly. And if ten years ago everyone, without hesitation, laid a bedding directly on the sand, laid out sandwiches and cut a watermelon, today such a vacation will attract only a few.

Beach improvement has become the number one issue in most resort towns. Vacationers need modern toilets and showers. They want to drink refreshing cocktails in small cozy bars located directly on the sand, or lie on comfortable sun loungers under the shade of umbrellas. And children simply need safe playgrounds and shallow pools with clean water. Such beach development can bring considerable income.

This is my beach!

It is established by law that all citizens of our country have the right of unhindered access to any water bodies and the 20-meter zone adjacent to them. That is, you cannot fence off the beaches and charge money for entry. But how to rent a beach without violating the established rules?

In order to legal entity use any piece of the sea, river or coastal zone in their own commercial purposes, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement. It spells out all the rules for using the rented area, what the tenant has the right to and what is strictly prohibited.

Similar documents are issued by the Federal Water Resources Agency. Its divisions are located in every region of the country. Only after receiving the necessary permits, you can start improving the beach and charge a fee for providing services.

Owners of coastal attractions claim that entertainment on land and water is very popular among vacationers. This business on the beach can be called one of the most profitable and quickly pays off.

Anyone who has ever visited a well-maintained beach, mandatory went on water slides. This is perhaps the most striking attraction that can attract both children and adults. It is absolutely safe and does not require special skills or special physical training from the user. Therefore, in the first season of work, you can fully recoup the investment in such a business.

Entertainment on the beach very often includes riding on various water vehicles. It could be a catamaran, jet ski, water ski, banana. The use of such watercraft is associated with some risk to life, and the entrepreneur needs an experienced instructor on staff. All clients will also need to be equipped with personal flotation equipment.

I'm walking on water

A fairly new and very attractive, from an entrepreneur’s point of view, water attraction is the Zorb. It is a transparent plastic ball about two meters in diameter. A person is placed inside the container, air is pumped in and pushed into the water.

The ball moves along the surface, and at this time the client spins inside, turning upside down, or carefully “walks on the water.” The employee keeps the balloon on the rope at all times and can quickly return it to shore in case of an emergency.

Buying a Zorb will cost one and a half thousand dollars, and only one worker will be required to operate it. If you place such a ball in a crowded place, its cost will pay off in less than a month.

I'm on my way with the wind

Windsurfing and kitesurfing can also be an excellent way to earn money. Renting equipment for these sports is very popular. Of course, sailing while standing on a narrow board, or flying behind a parachute without preliminary preparation impossible. Therefore, you can always hire an instructor at rental stores and then master the skill in a few lessons.

I'll take a piece of the sea with me

Finally, let's discuss the topic of souvenirs. Every tourist strives to bring with them from their vacation a small reminder of a fun time spent. To do this, buy cute, inexpensive trinkets decorated with images of the resort. These are mainly magnets, mugs, and small figurines. Such little things are required to be brought to all relatives, friends and colleagues. Visitors buy them in a huge number, not counting the funds spent.

Small a store with a similar product, located in a place where vacationers gather, may bring unexpected high income. Of course, competition in this type of activity is very high, but there are also quite a lot of buyers. The main thing is that there is a wide and attractive assortment on the counter, and that customers are served by a smiling and contactable salesperson.

After a cold winter and May thunderstorms, summer always comes. Tourists will come to soak up the water's edge, and seasonal entrepreneurs will be able to receive their long-awaited income.

With the arrival of summer, many people have a desire to escape from a cramped apartment and change the bustle of the city for a good rest by the sea coast. But not everyone travels to resorts to sunbathe on the beaches. After all, someone has to serve the crowds of tourists hungry for everything at once. Therefore, working at sea is an excellent opportunity to make good money in a relatively short period of time.

Open your own business

Peddler on the beach

To sell goods on the beach, first of all, you need to be in very good health. Summer – heat at +50°C, complaints and questions from vacationers, lack of days off can break even the strongest seller. But if you are confident in your own abilities, then feel free to get down to business. Because during peak season you can earn 10 thousand rubles. per day, and this is far from the limit.

“From mid-July to the twentieth of August, I manage to sell 200-300 pasties a day. Price per piece – 100-120 rubles. Actually, my wife fries these pasties, and I deliver them. So yourself family business, only in miniature. The salary is, of course, good, I don’t pay any taxes, but the price list has to be agreed upon with competitors who work for the owner and live on one salary,” says Sergei from Yalta.

On a note! The most popular goods for beach trade:

  1. Beer and soda. Be sure to be cool; use a thermal bag with cold accumulators for this occasion.
  2. Ice cream. Here, too, you can’t do without a mobile refrigerator.
  3. Seafood: shrimp, kebabs of rapana and mussels.
  4. Oriental sweets. The most popular among buyers: baklava, churchkhela and kozinaki.
  5. Food: pasties, pies, donuts, samsa, homemade waffles with honey or condensed milk.
  6. Nuts, seeds and corn sticks.

Photo for memory

How to make money from photography? A burning question that is sure to confuse you. After all, the abundance of sunlight creates ideal conditions for creating high-quality photographs against the backdrop of a seascape, even on a moldy point-and-shoot camera. Moreover, now every first person has his own digital camera on the phone, and every second person has a professional or semi-professional DSLR.

Therefore, you will have to use your imagination here. Your goal is to make the tourist want to take a photo so that he can also pay you. The task, at first glance, is not easy, but ways to solve it exist and are successfully implemented in practice.

Option #1. It is unlikely that a luxurious convertible or a cool bike will not be in demand among vacationers. And if you don’t have such equipment, just rent it. The expenses will certainly pay off, just don’t make a mistake with the location, it must be crowded.

Option #2. Using the same scheme, you can buy or rent professional sets, costumes, wigs for the summer and take photos in a vintage style. Judging by the reviews of seasonal photographers, periakts that recreate the aristocratic surroundings of the late 18th and early 19th centuries are especially in demand now.

Option #3. A classic of the genre is to use exotic animals: parrots, turtles, peacocks, pythons, monkeys. By the way, they can also be rented, just in case you don’t have your own zoo.

Sale of souvenirs

Having gone on vacation at sea, on the eve of departure, what do we necessarily buy with us? That's right, souvenirs! And we are not even afraid of the cost of such trinkets. Simple magnets with images of local attractions and the caption “Summer 2015” sometimes bring sellers 1,000% profit. So, why not earn extra money yourself, the product is very liquid!

home kitchen

As a rule, establishments with home-cooked food are a dime a dozen in a seaside resort. Therefore, if you do not have start-up capital to open a cafe or canteen, you have no choice but to go and negotiate with local residents who rent out private apartments to beach lovers for the summer.

Important point! First make sure that there are no competitors in the yard you like.

If everything comes together, including the deal with the landlord, feel free to cook and treat hungry tourists to homemade breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The main thing is to set reasonable prices, follow the schedule and monitor the quality of the dishes. In this case, rumors about tasty and inexpensive food will themselves bring crowds of customers from whom there will be no end throughout the whole summer and the entire velvet season.

Sales of snacks and sweets

A separate material can be devoted to this method of earning money.

Cotton candy, popcorn, chewing marmalade, chocolate fountains, milkshakes, soft ice cream - this is not a complete list of our favorite products.

Separately, it is worth noting this summer’s hit – spiral potato chips on a stick. They are produced using a special slicing machine and an 8 liter fryer, powered by an electrical outlet or a battery and a gas cylinder. Both devices cost from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Now let's calculate income and expenses:

  • The price of one stick is 60 rubles.
  • Average sales per day – 150 pcs.
  • Fryer half full (4 L sunflower oil) with three replacements – 900 rub.
  • Bamboo sticks 150 pcs. – 300 rub.
  • Medium size potatoes 35 kg – 600 rub.
  • Electricity/gas costs – 300 rubles.
  • Rent trading platform– 1,000 rub. per day.

Total: net profit we ended up with 5,900 rubles. for one work shift. That is, the device itself pays for itself in less than four days! A tempting offer, isn't it?

Marine fishing

Fishing is now no less profitable than employment in the service sector. All thanks to extremely inflated food prices. However, running such a business requires an appropriate license, gear, boat, etc.

Another thing is catching Black Sea rapana. There is no need to chase after it; it is enough to be able to dive to a depth of 8-12 m and collect endless harvests of shellfish, thereby saving the ecology of the Black Sea. The fact is that rapana are predators brought from South-East Asia, which feed on delicious scallops, oysters and mussels, thus destroying the usual habitat of the local fauna.

Meanwhile, 1 kg of peeled rapana costs about 300-400 rubles. The beach vendors will take them away from you, hands and feet. In turn, the shells are used as souvenirs. Waste-free production It turns out that you can save up for scuba gear.

On a note! Among no less profitable business ideas regarding summer earnings, it is worth highlighting:

  • conducting creative and educational master classes;
  • henna tattoo;
  • water attractions;
  • beach massage;
  • organization of outdoor wedding ceremonies;
  • work as a private animator, entertainer, show host.

Full employment

With the onset of the holiday season, employers simply bombard the labor market with their offers. But here you should not rush, but select only those vacancies where applicants are promised either a good salary, or the presence of bonuses or any other incentives for overtime work. Because at the height of summer, along with the influx of tourists, you won’t be able to relax.

The most in-demand specialists for seasonal employment according to Yandex. Job:

  • service personnel at hotels, bars, restaurants;
  • sellers;
  • qualified and unqualified cooks;
  • animators;
  • forwarders;
  • tour guides;
  • rescuers;
  • promoters.

During vacation, people are ready to spend money and you must create conditions under which vacationers will be happy to use your services. If you live in a resort area, consider creating seasonal business. There are many options - from selling ice cream to opening a hotel.

In the summer, many entrepreneurs experience a “dead season” - business comes to a standstill, there is almost no income, clients disappear somewhere. In the fall, everyone will return to the cities, and now it’s time to relax, go to the sea and allow yourself to relax and have fun. If you live in a coastal city, your busy season is coming, which it would be a shame not to take advantage of.

People need your services, and you simply must create an environment in which vacationers will be willing to pay for your efforts. Beach business will bring good profits if you think through everything and prepare in advance. The money earned in the summer will be enough to live comfortably until the next season.

1. Own hotel

A promising business that requires fundamental investment. You will receive income long years, but first you need to build a fashionable hotel with comfortable rooms and provide a high level of service.

Construction in our country is not a cheap pleasure; a square meter will cost no less than $3,000-4,000. In addition, you need to pay for the purchase of land and registration of the relevant documents, provide for the costs of paying staff, utilities etc. The return on such investments will be good, but full payback will have to wait several years.

2. Housing for rent

In coastal areas there is always a demand for any kind of housing - from fashionable cottages to modest outbuildings with basic amenities and rooms in city apartments. Vacationers with different financial capabilities so you can:

  • Rent out your own home. Investments are not needed, but earnings are no more than $10 per day.
  • Buy housing for rent. The cost of acquiring square meters will be significant, but you will be able to accommodate more vacationers.
  • Build a building specifically for vacationers. This option is the most expensive, in many ways similar to opening your own hotel; the business is designed for the long term.

3. Rental (sunbeds, sun loungers, masks, fins)

This method will work if you sit on an unequipped pebble beach. If there are sun loungers on the shore, you can rent air mattresses, circles, etc. The hourly rental price should not be high. In areas where there are conditions for surfing, training and board rentals can be organized. Diving with appropriate equipment and support can also be arranged.

4. Trade in food and drinks

In this case, it seems that additional explanations are not needed - shrimp, seeds, ice cream, pies, corn, water, beer... Markup - up to 300%. A simple and timeless business that requires the patience and health to walk along the beach all day with full bags.

Financial costs - about 350 thousand rubles for the purchase of necessary products and obtaining permission from the SES. But many private entrepreneurs do without the latter, start with a minimum starting capital and make a profit - from 20 thousand rubles per month.

5. Massage on the beach

Business on the beach is relevant for no more than four months a year, but it can be so profitable that it will ensure the entrepreneur’s existence until the next season. To implement some ideas, $500-700 is enough.

This way of earning money is suitable for medical students and massage therapists. Starting investments minimal: massage table and tent. You will also need permission from the administration to place a mobile phone. massage parlor. On average, an hour of massage costs between $5 and $10.

6. Luggage storage

The idea is not new, but storage lockers are still a novelty on our beaches. The need for a safe place where you can leave money, belongings, keys and other valuables is obvious, but only 40% of beaches can offer vacationers this simple service.

Sections with storage rooms are installed near water attractions. The beach administration usually does not object to the placement of storage rooms and provides space for free or for a minimal fee. The cost of a cell is about 10 rubles per hour. The investment in the purchase of sections with cameras is 40,000 rubles, the operator’s salary is 15,000 rubles. per month The investment pays off within one month.

The profit will be even greater if the storage lockers are equipped with charging for mobile phones And e-books. Along the way, you can sell the latest newspapers and beach accessories.

7. Beauty service

This niche is practically unoccupied, although on all the beaches of the world vacationers are happy to get their hair done, temporary tattoos, manicures, etc. It is quite natural to want to improve appearance must be satisfied. Agree, it is strange to refuse people services that they agree to pay for. We suggest considering the following options:

  • Braiding.
  • Temporary henna tattoos.
  • Applying sunscreen.

You can expand the list of services:

  • Rental of paper books.
  • Downloading e-books from the Internet.
  • Recharging gadgets.
  • Photography.

This type of business does not require large financial investments and brings good profits.

8. Vending

Many people prefer to buy drinks, ice cream, and beach accessories from vending machines. Equipment for sales is expensive, so this type of business can be recommended to those who already have sufficient capital for development promising business. The range of goods that can be sold through vending is huge: napkins, plasters, pharmaceuticals and hygiene products, most people prefer to buy without “personal contact” with the seller. At the same time, no one stops anymore high price. Many devices will be in demand all year round, for example, coffee machines.

9. Hydrozorb

This is a new attraction, but it is very popular and never sits idle. Hydrozorb costs about 20,000 rubles, and the purchase pays off in record time. In a month you can earn up to 300,000 rubles from this entertainment.

10. Beach disco

A good end to the day by the sea; there will definitely be people who want to dance on the sand. The financial investment is quite feasible - about 50,000 rubles. Do you need to rent a dance floor in beach cafe and organize a foam party with good music and a DJ. A foam generator costs 30,000 rubles, a special solution costs 5,000 rubles.

11. Souvenirs

Everyone wants to bring with them a reminder of a pleasant vacation. shells, sea ​​stars, pebbles with holes - all this will be of interest to vacationers, regardless of their level of income and education. Small grandfatherless souvenirs with images of the resort are being bought up, without particularly thinking about the need for such a purchase. You can earn extra money by selling magnets, cups, key rings and other inexpensive little things that are purchased in countless quantities. Place it on the approaches to the beach, and within a few days you will be pleasantly surprised by good profits.

If none of the above methods suits you, here are some more ideas for creating profitable business on the sea:

  • drawing tattoos with henna and moisture-proof markers.
  • piercing
  • sale of various trinkets.
  • trade in barbecue and wine.
  • organization of a paid children's playground.
  • outdoor fitness club.
  • swimming lessons.
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