
Summary of a lesson in iso magic bird. Fabulous bird summary of the lesson on visual activity with the use of elemento. How to draw a fairy bird

Abstract of the lesson on fine art activities


Topic: "The Firebird is a Magic Bird".

Software content. To learn to convey the fabulous image of a firebird in a drawing through the selection of the color of paints and the structure of the bird (a small body with a long neck, large wings, a lush tail); to consolidate the knowledge of children about how the artist transforms real images into fabulous ones; develop the creativity of children when looking at images.

Material. Several images of real birds, including a peacock and a parrot, and several fabulous ones, including a firebird.

For kids. Album sheets, gouache paints, soft brushes (sponges), napkins.

Methodical techniques. 1 Talk about birds, peacock.

3 Poem "The Firebird".

4 Finger gymnastics

5 Independent work of children.

6 Playing on finished works.

Preliminary work. 1 Reading the fairy tale "The Firebird". 2 Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale depicting a firebird. 3 D / I "Seven-color flower". (for definition - cold and warm colors).


Attach birds to the magnetic board — magpie, parrot, bullfinch, sparrow, pigeon, crow, peacock.

Guys, today unusual guests came to our group. See who they are? (Birds).

Did you recognize them? Tell me who they are? (Rooster, peacock, parrot… ..and others).

Where do we meet these birds? (Everywhere on the street). But do we meet a peacock on the street? (No). Why? (listen to answers).

Yes, the peacock is an unusual bird and we will not meet it on the street, only in the zoo. She is so beautiful, with a big-eyed "tail" and extravagant plumage - this is the peacock. The "train" of the peacock, called the tail, is known all over the world. It is formed by the feathers of the upper tail, not the tail. The tail feathers help the bird to lift the “train” and dissolve it. She seemed to come to us from a fairy tale. What is the main decoration of a peacock? (tail).

Guys, remember what bird does the Peacock look like? (Firebird). That's right, remember we read with you a fairy tale about her? 1

Let's recall an excerpt from a fairy tale:

Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it is light around, like during the day. Attach the firebird picture to the board.

Who will tell us the poem about the Firebird? The Firebird is called the Firebird for a reason,

Ivan learned a secret from the Horse.

So as not to burn his hands, he put on mittens

And instantly on the hunt caught the Firebird.

(Well done).

Tell me, does the Firebird really exist? (No). But how did she appear in the fairy tale? (It was invented by an artist).

That's right, well done. It was invented by an artist and therefore it is called "Firebird, magic, fairy bird". Why is this bird unusual, how does it differ from other birds that we see on the street, in the park?

Yes, they are colorful, decorated with patterns, they have an unusual shape of a tail, wings, tufts.

Then place pictures of real birds separately, and fabulous ones separately.

Guys, find among the usual real birds those from which the artists - storytellers could borrow for their imaginary birds both a bright multicolored color and an unusual lush tail with patterns. (Children can point to a parrot, peacock, pigeon ...).

Tell me, where else can you find images of fabulous birds besides books with fairy tales? (In different patterns: embroidery, carpets, on boxes of chocolates, on dishes). (Show children 2-3 such objects - this is a decorative image).

Remove pictures of real birds and ask about the fabulous firebird.

Look at these birds and tell me, is the Firebird different from other birds? What is the difference? (after the children's answers, confirm that the artist paints this bird with "hot" colors, the same as fire). It is red, orange, yellow. (Remove all birds and leave only the Firebird image).

Today I invite you to become artists. And we will draw a magical image. Want to? And what are we going to draw, you probably guessed? Of course the fabulous bird, the Firebird.

But before we start drawing it, let's take a good look at it. What we need to learn about it when considering: let's consider the shape, structure of parts, their size, color. (If the children's answers are incomplete, 2 then by means of questions the teacher clarifies the features that the children will have to convey in their drawings.

Today we will draw the Firebird in an unconventional way --- with a palm. To do this, take a brush (sponge), draw red (orange) paint on it and paint our left hand. When the whole hand is painted, we put our hand on the album sheet so that a handprint remains on the sheet. The fingers are spread out. Then wipe your hands with a napkin and finish drawing the Firebird's head, beak, align the torso with a brush.

(Encourage children to apply paint over paint as they dry to use all “hot colors”). It is recommended to paint the eyes on the tail of the bird with cold flowers, so that the bird becomes even hotter and brighter.

Guys, now let's get ready to draw. But first, let's play with our fingers. Physical minutes:

The cuckoos flew
Three huts.
So fidgeting
So in a hurry
Turned their heads
Waving their wings -
And where did they fly
They never said!

And now the artists are painting.

At the end of the lesson, invite the children to show their drawings one by one and tell about their bird (rhyme, riddle, etc.). Praise all children. To arrange an exhibition of children's works.

Instead of a summary: Analysis of works: "The hottest bird". Show the hottest bird why you think so.

In the education and upbringing of children aged 6–7 years, the primary task is to prepare children for school. Each lesson is aimed at the formation and consolidation of those skills and abilities, as well as the development of personal qualities that are necessary for a future first grader to study in primary school.

Classes in visual activity contribute to the all-round development of preschoolers: they meet the cognitive needs of children, contribute to the expansion of vocabulary, and instill a sense of beauty. While drawing, the children learn to predict and analyze actions, to create a composition step by step, taking into account the initial knowledge of perspective, to perform various techniques with a pencil or a brush, which prepares the hand for the most important process in the first grade - mastering writing.

For the preparatory group, one of the most interesting topics for a drawing lesson will undoubtedly be "Birds", where both migratory and domestic birds will be considered.

Preparing for a drawing lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Classes in visual activities (drawing, construction and modeling) are held with the pupils of the preparatory group three times a week. Modeling and application classes are alternated and held once every two weeks, while drawing - two classes every week.

As a rule, drawing is one of the favorite creative activities for children. The process of creating a visual image through simple actions brings positive emotions. The guys know the basic techniques and techniques, show great independence in drawing. When developing a working program for drawing in the preparatory group, it is necessary to comply with the criteria for conducting classes with children aged 6-7 years:

  • Use of the experience of the children with the obligatory involvement of something new. Drawing skills are reinforced with the creation of each subsequent drawing, but at the end of the lesson, pupils should have an answer to the question: "What have you learned today?" Various forms and ways of using the existing abilities activate the interest of children in creative activity. For example, pupils of the preparatory group know the basic colors and shades, have an idea of ​​the combination of colors, can mix gouache and highlight watercolors. Based on these drawing skills of the children, the teacher teaches them to see the beauty of the color variety of the surrounding world and to convey what is visible on a sheet of paper with smooth transitions and accents. The guys know how to hold the brush correctly and accurately draw lines and paint over the contours, they know different ways of drawing with a brush: with all the pile, tip, poking, applying separate strokes of different thicknesses. But they need to be taught to draw with colored pencils. In the preparatory group, children learn to carefully shade the contours of pencil shading, using different degrees of pressure.
  • Learning to follow verbal instructions and predict actions. Direct demonstration as a method of work is not carried out by the teacher in the preparatory group (an exception is only for the first experience of drawing with new materials - pastel, sanguine, chalk, as well as an individual demonstration for those who have difficulties in completing the assignment). A plan of action for drawing an object or plot, specific practical techniques are discussed with the pupils. At the age of 6-7 years, children can independently restore the stages of drawing a sample of the finished work shown to them on the assignment.
  • Developing your own idea. Older preschoolers are given maximum freedom in thinking over an image for a drawing, materials and techniques that are needed for visual embodiment.
  • The game is still the main activity for the children, therefore, drawing techniques should be taught with the active use of game forms. The teacher should include in the course of the lesson surprise and game elements based on the established theme.

In the older group, the children got acquainted with three types of drawing: subject, subject and decorative. In the preparatory group, great importance is attached to drawing by presentation. Pupils work with visual images of memory, analyze demonstrated illustrations and other visual materials. Classes on the topic "Birds" do not involve consolidating and honing the skill of drawing from life. Children look at images of birds in pictures and posters, the teacher pays attention to birds during a walk - the children highlight the features of different types of birds (size, shape of the head / body / beak, colors and shades in plumage) and record their characteristic movements: the bird sat on a branch , took off, pecks berries, floats, etc. According to the presentation, the guys also draw images of fabulous birds (Firebird, Finist).

The transfer of these movements in the image in simple actions is the main task of plot drawing in the preparatory group. The guys transfer their feelings from the surrounding reality to a sheet of paper, depict semantic connections between objects and objects. On the topic "Birds", the pupils think over the plot moment, try to fill the entire area of ​​the sheet with the image, keeping in mind the perspective (near objects are drawn below on the sheet, distant ones - above).

The theme of "Birds" is also revealed in decorative painting by senior preschoolers. These are conventional images of birds as part of a complex pattern for decorating a plate, casket, cutting board, tray and other items. Children can draw birds based on Gorodets, Khokhloma and Gzhel paintings, Filimonov, Dymkovo and Bogorodsk toys.

Samples of works on the topic "Birds", made in different ways of drawing.

Example of subject drawing Example of plot drawing Drawing based on the representation of the heroes of the fable Example of drawing on representation Decorative drawing based on Khokhloma painting Decorative drawing based on Gzhel painting Decorative drawing based on Dymkovo toy Decorative drawing based on Filimonov's toy

Techniques and techniques of drawing in the preparatory group.

Older preschoolers in drawing classes create works not only with paints, but also with pencils. At the age of 6-7 years, the child can perform uniform bright shading with slate and wax crayons. It can achieve various shades of the same color in a pencil drawing (due to the intensity of pressure in the shading process). With a simple pencil, the child learns to create a preliminary sketch: it marks the contours of an object without drawing individual elements. Colored markers can be used to highlight the contours and details of painted objects.

When drawing with paints, older preschoolers practice the skills of mixing and whitening paints on a palette to obtain the colors and shades they want. In the preparatory group, the children use the techniques of wetting and strokes in their work, draw with both the entire nap of the brush and with the tip.

Watercolors are often used in painting classes. Drawing with slate pencils or watercolors, children learn to see the beauty of light shades. On the entire area of ​​the sheet, the pupils paint a vague background with watercolors.

Gouache is used in decorative painting or in the creation of those subject and plot works in which, by design, it is supposed to apply color to color.

As a basis for drawings, sets of white and colored paper, special for watercolors and gouache, whatman paper (as a rule, for the creation of collective works or the implementation of creative projects) are used. Tinted paper is rarely used for work, mainly to create a decorative pattern based on folk painting. In the classroom on subject and plot drawing, children learn to create a background on their own (monochromatic or with smooth transitions).

On the topic "Birds", classes are conducted using non-traditional drawing techniques: wax crayons with a sketch with watercolor paint, cotton swabs, chalk on sandpaper, scratching, monotype techniques, etc.

Examples of bird drawings made in non-traditional techniques.

Examples of works in the technique of finger painting Drawing in the technique of scratching Drawing in the technique of scratching An example of working in the technique of scratching (painted with a colored background of the base) Drawing in the technique of printing Example of blotting Example of monotype in a child's drawing Working in the technique of monotype Working in the technique of pointillism (drawing with cotton swabs)

Drawing on the topic "Birds" in the preparatory group can be combined with other techniques of visual activity - application and modeling. Children complement dried watercolors and gouache drawings with details or figurines as intended. For example, in the drawing of a tit with pencils, you can glue grains molded from plasticine or crumpled pieces of napkin as "bread crumbs". The image of the branch on which the bullfinch sat can be well supplemented with plasticine rowan berries. There are various materials for creating an applique in the picture: cotton pads, balls from napkins, natural material, cut motifs from candy wrappers and magazines. The use of plasticine is attracted - an unconventional drawing technique by smearing plasticine. Plasticine strokes help to decorate the background of the picture in a beautiful and original way: the sky, a clearing, tree leaves or snow on a branch.

Examples of bird drawings combined with other iso-techniques.

The berries are made using the technique of creasing paper elements The drawing is supplemented with plasticine elements Combination of drawing and applique techniques Combination of drawing and applique techniques (collective work) Complementing the drawing with plasticine elements Drawing with paints with plasticine elements Mixed technique (drawing and applique)

Individualization of tasks on the topic "Birds" in the preparatory group.

An individual approach to teaching is realized through a personal approach to students, the development of differentiated tasks (by the level of difficulty or by design) and the attitude of classes not to the "average student", but to the development of the skills and abilities of each child in the group. For drawing lessons in the preparatory group, this approach is carried out through the teacher's observance of the following principles and methods of work:

  • Knowledge of the individual psychological characteristics of each pupil. The teacher must know the peculiarities of attention and memory, the degree of mastery of a particular skill, the desire to work in a group or separately for each child. Directly during the lesson, the teacher should pay attention to the emotional state of the pupils: enthusiastic and active children should receive a task with complication, and those who are unsure of their abilities or are in a bad mood for some reason receive tasks that are feasible to complete. Options for assignments for successful pupils: add plasticine elements to the drawing (rowan berries, bird eyes, leaves on a branch); decorate the work with applique (tree trunk, grass, flowers) or natural material (leaves, twigs); work on the background in detail or using the plasticine technique (drawing with plasticine strokes of grass, crown of a tree, clouds, sky and sun).
  • Stimulating cognitive activity, the desire to share with others their own experience, examples from life. For example, in a lesson on titmouses, the teacher may ask when and where the children saw these birds. Did they feed them? Did you make feeders for them (with parents or in younger groups)? At the beginning of the "Poultry" lesson, it is recommended to conduct a conversation: which of the children goes out of town for the holidays, have they seen a poultry yard, what birds are kept in the villages; who has parrots, canaries or other decorative birds at home, what are their features (plumage, vocal).
  • Freedom of creativity and implementation. Children 6-7 years old actively analyze the work ahead of the assignment, think over the stages of creating a picture. The teacher should not limit the pupils' imagination, but direct it in the right direction. Children should be given access to a shelf / cabinet with brushes, paints, pencils, tools for non-traditional techniques, and sculpting and appliqué materials.
  • Creation of conditions and situations (play or problematic) for pupils to demonstrate their abilities. In the game, children learn to correctly identify relationships and connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Children of 6-7 years old are playing, having previously thought out the plot of the game, jointly distributing the roles and the course of the game. When solving problem situations, the educator should encourage children to actively share personal experiences and examples from life, express their opinions, vision of the situation and ways of solving them. The educator needs to instill in children a desire to speak openly, engage in discussion, and analyze others' ideas reasonably. Examples of logic games on the theme "Birds": find the same pictures with the image of birds, trace the contour and name the bird, depict the characteristic pose of the bird itself, recognize the bird by its silhouette, reduce the image of the bird (draw a similar silhouette of a smaller bird). In problem situations for preschool children, a practical solution should be contained (give an answer and draw, show the character a bird, make a picture as a keepsake for a guest).

In drawing lessons, a student-centered approach is implemented through the teacher's careful development of the lesson program and preparation for each lesson. Consolidating previously acquired skills in the process of creating a drawing, the child feels the significance of what he performed earlier. At each lesson, he learns something new or learns something - the child has an interest and incentive to develop. He analyzes the finished work, learns to accept constructive criticism and well-deserved praise.

The topic for a drawing lesson should be generalized and give each student the opportunity to dream up. For example, the theme "Poultry" can provide children with scope for creative activity according to the criteria: what kind of bird to portray (the bird lives in an apartment or in the courtyard of a village house), to perform work within the framework of subject drawing or plot, choose the degree of background detail, etc. For each drawing, children independently choose the color scheme in which they will draw (warm or cold colors), they can use additional materials to complement the work with modeling or paper applique, if there is time after completing the main task.

The topic "Birds" in the advanced planning of drawing in the preparatory group.

In the section "Drawing" of the program for the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" in the preparatory group, the topic "Birds" is presented in many lessons. It is revealed when teaching drawing by presentation, drawing images of folk tales and works of art, decorative painting.

Lesson topicForm of organizational activityEducational and developmental tasksTechniques used
"Migratory birds"Individual.Teaching subject drawing by presentation (drawing certain species of birds, depicting the characteristic features of the shape of the body, head, beak of a bird, plumage).Pencil Sketching: Highlighting simple geometric shapes in the bird's structure.
Coloring the body and head of the bird without going beyond the outline of the sketch.
Drawing with separate strokes of plumage.
Drawing individual details of the image with the tip of a brush (bird's legs, beak, eyes, tail, crest).
"Migratory birds are flying", "Birds are flying south"Individual / collective.Training in plot drawing depicting the characteristic movements of birds (movements in flight).Development of the skill of creating a preliminary sketch.
Creation of a background (sky; possibly with a drawing of the horizon line).
Development of compositional skills and simple perspective (the further the bird is conceived, the higher its image is on a sheet of paper).
Consolidation of drawing techniques with paints.
Development of the ability to work in a subgroup.
Individual.Formation of the ability to choose an episode for drawing a plot scene, to create images of a work of art.Creation of preliminary sketches when drawing complex shapes (duck, fox, hunter).
Drawing with paints, painting over the contours of the sketch, working out small details with the tip of a brush according to the idea.
"Poultry"Individual.Development of the ability to draw by imagination (depicting different types of poultry with their characteristic features).Shading with colored pencils with varying degrees of pressure.
Creation of contours with felt-tip pens.
"Poultry yard"Collective.Development of interest in collective activities.
Formation of the ability to draw plot scenes.
Development of drawing skills with pencils or paints.
Development of the ability to work in a group: joint thinking over the plot for the image and the background for the drawing, discussion and choice of drawing techniques (possibly involving application or decoration with natural material), analysis of the finished work.
"Magic Bird"Individual.Formation of the ability to draw fabulous images.Strengthening the skill of drawing with colored pencils / Developing the skill of drawing with pastels or sanguine.
Development of compositional abilities.
"Swan"Individual.Development of drawing by representation.
Development of the ability to create images of a work of art (for the version of the theme "The Swan Princess").
Creation of a non-monochromatic background.
Painting with gouache on a wet background.
Working out small details with the tip of the brush.
"Illustrations for the fairy tale" Geese-Swans ""Individual.Development of the ability to create fabulous images in drawing.Strengthening the skill of drawing with colored pencils.
Creation of a well thought-out background.
"Magpie-white-sided"Individual.The development of the ability to draw a bird in a certain pose according to representation (a bird sitting on a branch).Drawing with colored pencils according to the preliminary sketch.
Exercise in arbitrary pressure on the pencil to obtain the desired color intensity.
"Owl-owl"Individual.Formation of the ability to work in mixed media.Drawing with watercolors from a preliminary pencil sketch.
Drawing the contour line of individual parts with a black capillary pen.
"Goose", "Titmouse", "Swallows", "Bullfinches on a branch", "Sparrows"Individual.Developing the ability to draw a bird's figure in a constructive way (using simple geometric shapes).Sketching with a simple pencil in a constructive way.
Strengthening the skill of drawing with pencils / watercolors / gouache / pastels.
In the topics for drawing individual species of birds, it is recommended to teach drawing in mixed media.
"A flock of sparrows"Collective.Development of the ability to draw a bird in a certain position (pecking crumbs / grains).Drawing with colored pencils with varying degrees of pressure, various shading (imitation of plumage).
Development of the ability to work harmoniously in a subgroup.
Activation of imagination in thinking over the details of the drawing (what the sparrows peck and how to depict it).
"The Golden Cockerel"Individual.Development of the ability to draw an image based on a work of art.Create a pencil sketch in a constructive way.
Painting with gouache.
Consolidation of the skill of obtaining different shades by mixing paints.
"Kargopol birds"Individual.Development of the skill of object drawing from nature (drawing of the Kargopol toy "bird").
Development of decorative painting skills.
Drawing with a simple pencil from nature (figurine of a bird).
Creating a decorative pattern in gouache based on Kargopol painting.

Motivating start to class

One of the tasks of teaching paper drawing is to develop motivation to work with pencils, paints, pastels. The most effective way to draw attention to the creative process and enhance cognitive activity is to use motivational material at the preparatory stage of the lesson. As a motivating start to the lesson, the teacher can use a variety of techniques and involve additional equipment:

  • Visual materials: thematic posters (domestic birds, migratory birds, remaining for the winter), photographs, illustrations in books, figurines of birds, toys-birds of folk craftsmen.
  • Using texts of folk tales and author's literary works.
  • Reading poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles about birds.
  • Referring to the experience and knowledge of pupils: conducting a conversation, tasks for reflection.
  • Use of technical means: listening to songs about birds, audio recordings of bird voices, viewing slides on a projector.
  • Conducting thematic outdoor or logic games, creating surprise moments and problem situations.

Examples of using motivational materials at the start of a Birds lesson.

Lesson topicMotivating start
"Illustrations for the fairy tale" Gray Neck "by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak"At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children if they remember well the fairy tale "The Gray Neck" they had read earlier. Held conversation by the content of the fairy tale: for what reasons did the duck not fly away with its flock, what happened in the fairy tale before the meeting with the hunter, how the fox behaved, and how the duck behaved, how she met the hare, etc.
The teacher reads excerpts from a fairy tale: with what feeling the birds are going to a long journey to warm lands; description of an autumn day, when Gray Neck was left alone, and flocks of migratory birds flew in the sky; the scene at the polynya; meeting with a hare, etc.
Carrying out logic game“Find the difference”: two pictures are attached to the board with the image of the same illustration for the fairy tale of Mamin-Sibiryak, but one of them has differences. The teacher stipulates how many differences the guys should find.
"Bullfinch on a rowan branch"Creation surprise moment: the postman brings a letter to the group. It was written by Dunno, he informs the guys that Znayka has asked him a very difficult riddle, he cannot give the correct answer. Dunno read the children to help him solve the riddle and send him an illustration of the answer in a return letter.
Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Next, a conversation is held on the study of visual material (pictures with the image of bullfinches): the guys determine the features of the structure of the bird, plumage, posture.
Physical education"Look at the branches - bullfinches in red T-shirts."
Perhaps holding logic game“Find bullfinches in the same poses”: there are pictures of bullfinches on the table (in flight, pecking berries, sitting on a branch, jumping, etc.), the guys must find the same ones.
"Owl-owl"For the lesson prepares background accompaniment - audio recordings with the singing of forest birds; visual material - illustrations to fairy tales and nursery rhymes, made by the artist Vasnetsov.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher takes the children to an exhibition of illustrations, talks about the artist Yuri Vasnetsov. After held conversation: what birds the guys saw in the paintings, what colors prevail in the works shown, etc.
The teacher reads nursery rhyme:
Oh, you little owl,
You are a big head
You were sitting in a tree
I turned my head
Fell off the tree
I rolled into the hole.
He asks what bird this nursery rhyme is about, and asks to find an illustration with it at the exhibition. Discussion of the image of an owl: features of the structure of the bird, plumage, posture, what it sits on, what colors the artist used to draw the bird. The teacher asks if they have met an owl or an eagle owl in fairy tales, poems, songs and cartoons, and perhaps they have seen this bird outside the city or in the zoo.
An outdoor game "Owl": in the middle of the playroom, an owl's nest is indicated, where the first driver gets up. The teacher announces that night has come in the forest, the driver closes his eyes, and the rest of the guys depict various inhabitants of the forest - insects, birds, animals, they run and play. When the teacher says that the day has come, the children freeze, and the owl flies out of the nest and looks to see if everyone remains motionless, those who move are carried away by the owl to its nest. After that, it is calculated how many the owl managed to catch, and a new driver is selected.

Drawing up notes on the topic "Birds".

The purpose of drawing lessons on this topic is to create images of various types of birds in characteristic poses, plot scenes, and fairy-tale images. A drawing lesson in a preparatory group is no more than 30 minutes and contains mandatory steps:

  1. Organizational moment 1-2 minutes.
  2. Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  3. Practical work 15-17 minutes.
  4. Demonstration and analysis of finished works 2-3 minutes.
  5. Summing up 1 minute.

The teacher must analyze the lesson and outline ways to correct the methods and forms of work in subsequent teaching activities.

Synopsis of the lesson on visual activity in the preparatory group on the topic "Poultry yard".
Expanding knowledge of poultry and their chicks. TasksStrengthening the ability to highlight the characteristic features of birds.
Fostering a respect for nature.
Development of communication and speech skills. Materials (edit)Tinted sheets of paper, pictures of poultry, picture of a poultry yard. Preliminary workJoint reading of informative literature, fairy tales and poems about poultry, considering illustrations for books. Course of the lessonAt the beginning of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out: the children follow the movement teacher under the lines of a poem about a goose.
Creation of a game moment: a doll came to visit the children and invites them to look at her poultry yard, first she makes riddles about birds to the children.
The doll shows the children a picture of a poultry yard. The teacher conducts a conversation. What birds are shown on the poster? Why are these birds called pets? Why do people keep and breed poultry?
Carrying out a physical training session with a poem about poultry.
Practical part: children make drawings with colored pencils.
Demonstration of work. The guys highlight especially successful drawings.
The teacher thanks everyone for the work done and interest in the lesson.

The order of execution of drawings on the theme "Birds".

Pupils of the preparatory group actively develop the ability to follow the oral instructions of the teacher. Therefore, before the children complete the practical part of the task, the teacher should discuss with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw the bird's figure, whether they will pre-create the background and how, what mixed techniques are suitable for completing the task, whether it is possible to use modeling techniques and applications for registration of the finished drawing. Through leading questions and tips, the teacher leads the children to the recommended course of action. You can consider examples of finished works on a given topic and invite the children to determine with the help of what techniques these drawings were created. It is allowed to use technocards with a phased drawing of a bird's figure for those children who have difficulties in completing the task.

Schemes for the phased drawing of migratory and domestic birds.

Pencil drawing instruction Pencil drawing instruction Pencil drawing instruction Pencil drawing instruction Gouache drawing instruction Pencil drawing instruction Paint drawing scheme Drawing scheme Drawing scheme Drawing scheme Drawing scheme Drawing scheme Drawing scheme

Ainura Akmatova


There is only a heat bird in a fairy tale,

And where does she live, who knows?

Everyone dreams of catching her -

Make your desires come true!

Lilia Zenkova

Software content. Learn to convey the fabulous image of the firebird in the drawing through the selection of the color of paints and the structure of the body; to consolidate the knowledge of children about how the artist transforms real images into fabulous ones; develop the creativity of children when looking at images. Formation of information culture, interest in works of fiction and fine arts. To bring up accuracy, the ability to self-expression.

Material: Illustrations of fabulous birds, sheets of A-4 format, gouache, brushes, wet wipes. Audio recording; a sample of the finished drawing to explain the purpose of the work; paper for a step-by-step demonstration of the work performed by the teacher.

Preliminary work.

1 Reading fairy tales - "The Firebird", P. Ershova "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; watching the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird", watching excerpts from the ballet "The Firebird".

2 Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales with the image of the firebird.

3 D / I "Seven-color flower". (for definition, cold and warm colors).

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"Bird" drawing from the palm, step-by-step instructions with a photo.

Zherdeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 11 from Prokhladnoe, Nadezhdinsky district", Primorsky Territory
Children start drawing from an early age. But this can only happen if an adult gives the child a pencil, teaches him to hold and shows how to draw lines. It should be remembered that creative manifestations in drawing in children 4-5 years old largely depends on the way of perception, aimed at independent examination of images.
One of the possible artistic techniques is the contour drawing of the child's palm, which serves as the basis for the graphic image. Each new image is "hidden" in the contour of the palm. You can see it with the help of several lines that will turn the outlines of the fingers into an object.
Each drawing is a little game. You should not strive for the child's drawing to be a copy of the image - this is just your sample. And the original will definitely be different.
Description: the master class is intended for senior preschool children, educators.

Purpose: use in drawing classes.
Target: drawing in an unconventional way.
Tasks: preservation of the direction of movements with a pencil, timely stop and regulation of the range of motion depending on the size of the painted surface, changing the direction of movement depending on the direction of the contour lines of the depicted objects., drawing objects of a round, oval shape, the ability to convey the proportions, shape and structure of objects. Develop graphic skills.
Material: album, pencil, wax crayons.
Preliminary work: examination of illustrations, drawings with the image of birds.

Sequence of execution:

1. Spreading your fingers, put your palm to the sheet and circle with a simple pencil.

2. A circle is drawn at the wrist - the head of the bird.

3. Four fingers spread apart form a tail.

4. Thumb - there will be a wing.

5. The drawing is painted over and this is how the bird turns out.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 21" Stream "of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic


integrated drawing lessons

in the preparatory group for school

on the topic "Firebird"

Prepared and developed:

Pavlova Z.I.

the date of the

October 2012

G. Novocheboksarsk. 2012 r.

Firebird theme

Software content:

    creation of a vivid artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in the picture based on the perception of various types of art (visual, arts and crafts, music, fiction);

    expanding children's ideas about warm and cold colors, its influence on the image and mood of a pictorial composition;

    exercise in the creative use of visual materials and drawing techniques;

    development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative independence, emotional responsiveness, a sense of beauty;

    the formation of information culture, interest in works of fiction and fine arts.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation "The Firebird", musical fragments from I. Stravinsky's ballet "The Firebird", A4 sheets of paper, brushes No. 3,5, watercolors, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work : reading of P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; watching the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird", watching excerpts from the ballet "The Firebird".

The lesson begins with the question: "What is happiness?"(Give children the opportunity to express their opinion on this.)

Teacher's story:

“People have always wanted to be happy. Since ancient times, they believed that there is an amazing bird beyond the seas and forests, which carries happiness on its wings. And if you really want to, then the bird of Happiness will surely come to them someday. It seemed to everyone that this bird should be unusually beautiful, and a bright and warm light emanates from it, which can warm everyone - all people with its warmth. Everyone dreamed of meeting the bird of Happiness, so that it would bring joy, goodness and beauty to his house. But not every bird flew to everyone. Only that house did she visit, where they loved each other, took care of others, worked with heart and did not refuse to help the poor and sick. Here she is such a bird of Happiness! "

Educator ... I wonder what she is, this bird of Happiness? Let's dream up and try to imagine how she might look.

After all, this is not a simple, but an amazing bird. This means that it must be different from other birds.(Statements of the children.)

Educator. The image of the bird of Happiness, its description is found in many fairy tales. Artists and musicians have also used this beautiful image more than once. Let's go and we will go to meet this fabulously amazing bird.

Viewing the Firebird multimedia presentation.


Not required for showing to children

Reading the riddle about the Firebird. With the correct answer, her image appears.

Slideshows are accompanied by text that is placed on them

Showing and viewing different options for the Firebird image

Question: What real bird does the Firebird look like?

(Peacock, swan)

With the correct answer, an image of birds appears.

    What fairy tale is this illustration from?

(P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

    What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale, who managed to catch the Firebird?(Ivan)

Examining book illustrations about the Firebird.

The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Proverb “Happiness is like a Firebird - not for everyone

given ...

Didactic exercise "Cold - warm colors"

Clarification of the color palette for the Firebird.

Question - a proposal to move on to artistic activity: What is it, the Firebird?

Children go to the art studio, where the teacher invites them to dream up and draw the Firebird as they imagine it.

Independent work of children at the tables (with musical accompaniment). Individual work teacher with children : help in choosing the overall composition of the picture(bird in flight, resting); reference to samples of various ways of depicting beautiful tail plumage, wings; advice in the selection of color combinations, watercolor technique.

At the end of the lesson arrange an exhibition of paintings about the Firebird - the bird of Happiness. Consider all drawings. Invite the children to answer the question: "What does the bird of Happiness carry on its wings to your house?" Admire all the drawings, note their beauty and uniqueness, each got his own bird, not like the others. If you try and really want, then happiness will surely come to your home and family. Let us quietly to each other, so as not to frighten off the magic bird, we wish each other ...(happiness!)

These children's paintings will be a wonderful decoration for the interior of a group room or dressing room. Their brightness and originality will surely attract the attention of the audience.

Subsequently, they can be issued together with the children in individual mats(this work may become the topic of a separate lesson on frame design) and give it to loved ones on one of the family holidays.

Happiness to you!

References .

View presentation content
"Copy of the Firebird"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type No. 290

Samara city district


Supplementary material to GCD

drawing for children

senior preschool age

Samara 2012

  • creation of a vivid artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in various types of art (painting, literature, choreography);
  • expanding children's ideas about warm and cold colors, its influence on the image in the picture;
  • development of imagination, creative independence, emotional responsiveness;
  • the formation of interest in works of fiction and fine arts.


Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light in the night, as in the day.

Who is this?

Firebird in the visual arts

Many peoples have legends about a magic bird with extraordinary golden feathers.

In Russian fairy tales -

this is Firebird .

Its name indicates a connection with fire. The heat is both the coals in the stove and the sultry season of summer.

A single feather from the tail of a firebird can, replacing candles, illuminate a dark room.

What real bird

does the Firebird look like?

From which tale

this illustration?

(P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

What is the name of the chief

the hero of the fairy tale who

managed to catch


The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Firebird and objects around us

The image of a fairy bird in the theater: ballet "Firebird"

Happiness how

Firebird -

not everyone

given ...

Warm paints

Cold paints

What colors

we will need

for drawing the Firebird?

  • http: // firebird
  • http: // riddles
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