
Presentation for the lesson "Human Races". The Negroid race is several small

summary of other presentations

“Man and his origin” - Assignment Fill out the table reflecting the stages of human evolution. The position of man in the animal world. Physiological Comparative anatomical Embryological Paleontological Biochemical Genetic. Social Social life Consciousness Speech Labor activity. Human Origins. The main stages of anthropogenesis. Rudiments and atavisms. The main results of human evolution. Traits of distant ancestors.

“The Problem of the Origin of Man” - Aristotle. Great apes. Carl Linnaeus. Jean Baptiste Lamarck. Engels. Charles Darwin. Labor is the first basic condition of all human life. Factors of anthropogenic evolution (anthropogenesis). Skeleton and brain of humans and apes. People have been interested in their origins since ancient times. The forelimbs of vertebrates. Socrates. Similarities in the structure of the skeleton, nervous system, and digestive system.

“Theory of Man” - Cro-Magnon hunting scene. Neanderthal site. Burial of Cro-Magnons. Negroid race. Human races inhabiting the Earth. Neanderthal hunting scenes. Chronicle of humanity. South Indians. Australopithecus and Homo habilis. Mongoloid race. Theories about the descent of man. In any case, the denial of natural evolution is carried out within the framework of scientific terms. Cro-Magnon rock paintings. Northern Caucasians have light skin color.

“The History of Human Origins” - High eyebrows. Remains of an ancient man. Cold. Historical past of people. Homo erectus. Remains. Left side of the brain. Historical period. A skillful man. Ramapithecines ate plant foods. The most ancient people. Skeletal remains. Stone tools. Permanent teeth. Volume. The growth of ancient people. Gathering. The first modern people. Brain. Germany. Stone tools. The earliest people led an active lifestyle.

“The Mystery of the Origin of Man” - Historical Sequence. Anthropogenesis. The monocentrism hypothesis. Adaptive-ecological types of people. Western migration branch. Horizontal gene transfer. Races and race formation. FOХР2 gene. Adaptive, ecological types. Ecological types of people. General views. Human Origins. Modern humanity. Modern representations. Sequence of ancestral forms. Comparison of human and chimpanzee genomes.

“Concepts of the Origin of Man” - The Origin of Man. Stages of human evolution. Creatures. Fire. Line. The position of man in the animal world. Animals. Three stages. Fetal development. Ancient people. Upright walking. A group of Neanderthals. Modern people. The most ancient people. Cro-Magnons.

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The Negroid race is one of the large races of people. The term "Negroid" is often used to refer to all people with black or brown skin color. Some researchers attribute the Negroid race to the equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. A number of authors call representatives of the Negroid race Congoids in order to distinguish them from representatives of other darkly pigmented African races: capoids, pygmies and Ethiopians. In the XIX-XX centuries. in many classifications, Negroids were combined with Australoids into the “equatorial race.” Modern research has shown that the genetic differences between these two races are greater than between either of them and any other race, and some external similarities (dark skin color and curly hair color) are explained by adaptation to similar living conditions.

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Characteristic signs

Various heights, elongated limbs (especially arms), dark skin (especially rich in melanin), curly hair, poor beard and mustache growth, wide flat nose, thick lips, large brown eyes, large ears, prognathism (involves protruding jaws, in addition , the lower jaw lacks a mental protuberance. These features create an acute facial angle).

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The most ancient Negroid skull, Nazlet Khater, is 35-40 thousand years old and was found in southern Egypt. The owner of this skull had a low, sloping forehead, but he had pronounced prognathism.

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The main region of settlement is the area of ​​historical formation of the race: Africa, south of the Sahara. Also, at the beginning of the 21st century, the Negroid population includes a significant part of the population of Brazil, the West Indies, the USA and France. In Russia, until the 20th century, there were practically no representatives of the Negroid race, however, according to the Metis Foundation, during the years of Soviet Union assistance to developing countries, about 70 thousand blacks remained in the USSR. According to estimates by the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 40 thousand children were born from mixed marriages with blacks in the USSR and Russia over the last few decades of the 20th century.

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War in the USA

One of the main causes of the American Civil War of 1861-1865 was the problem of slavery, which existed at that time in the South. Slavery had been firmly entrenched in the southern states since the colonial era. Here, up to 40% of the population consisted of slaves. The result of the war was the prohibition of slavery, enshrined in the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which came into force on December 18, 1865. But even after this, the Ku Klux Klan existed for a long time.

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Human races .

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Race -

  • a historically established group of people with certain common hereditarily determined morphological and physiological characteristics.
  • from Italian Razza - clan, breed, tribe

  • Modern humanity is represented by a single polymorphic biological species

Homo sapiens .

  • It consists of 3

major races, each

of which is divided

for several small ones.

  • dark skin color
  • curly, spiral SWIRLED hair
  • Wide, flat and slightly protruding nose
  • thick lips
  • beard and mustache grow weakly

Negroid (Australian-Negroid) race

  • indigenous population of central and southern Africa, Australia.

  • dark yellow skin
  • straight black coarse hair
  • wide, flat face with prominent cheekbones and prominent lips
  • narrow palpebral fissure
  • strong development of the upper eyelid fold ( epicanthus )
  • The body is almost not covered with hair

Mongoloid (Asian-American) race

  • Indigenous population of the American continent, Central and East Asia, Indonesia and Siberia.

Caucasian (Eurasian) race

  • light or dark skin
  • straight or wavy soft hair
  • narrow protruding nose
  • Eyes from light blue to dark brown
  • thin lips
  • narrow face
  • well developed hair

cover in men

Caucasian (Eurasian) race

Indigenous populations of Europe, Western Asia, North Africa and North India

Mixed Races





Rasogenesis -

the process of emergence and formation of human races.

Causes of raceogenesis

  • - natural selection (differences in the environment, climate, food resources, amount of sunlight, ....)
  • - mutations
  • - insulation
  • - mixing of populations

Racism -

  • a theory that attributes superiority or inferiority to particular racial or ethnic groups, justifying the right of some people to dominate or reject others.

For example,

apartheid - oppression of blacks, Zionism - oppression of the Arabs.


1. There is one species on earth - Homo sapiens:

- similarity in body structure( structure of the skull, brain, internal organs);

- physiological similarity (blood groups, diseases, defense reactions);

- the opportunity for unlimited crossing, which results in fertile offspring.

2. All racial differences were formed as adaptations to the environment.

3. In terms of their mental characteristics, all races are the same. Really existing differences in the level of culture are associated not with the biological characteristics of people of different races, but with the social conditions of the development of society.

Think about it!

1. How many major races exist today?

  • a) two
  • b) three
  • at four
  • d) five

Think about it!

2. What morphological feature does not characterize the Mongoloid race?

  • a) flattened face shape
  • b) narrow palpebral fissures
  • c) noticeable cheekbones
  • d) straight or wavy soft hair

Think about it!

3. Why do representatives of the Negroid race have low weight and elongated body proportions?

  • a) for thermoregulation in hot climates
  • b) for protection from predatory animals
  • c) for protection from burning rays
  • d) for the convenience of getting fruits from tall trees

Think about it!

4. Where is the supposed homeland of the species Homo sapiens?

  • a) off the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea
  • b) in South Asia
  • c) in the center of Europe
  • d) in North-East Africa and off the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea

Think about it!

5. Which human race does not exist?

  • a) negroid
  • b) Caucasian
  • c) Americanoid
  • d) Mongoloid

Right answers


  • Repeat § 44 – 47
  • Prepare for independent work on the topic “Anthropogenesis”

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The gods sculpted figurines of people from clay and fired them in the oven. After that, they acquired a red-brown color and they were Indians. But one day they chatted and forgot to take them out of the oven in time, the figurines became charred like firebrands, and so dark-skinned Africans appeared. Then the gods, afraid of ruining their work and burning the clay figurines, hurried, and they turned out to be an unpleasant pale pink color. This is how the Europeans appeared. There is an Indian legend.

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How the term race itself came about has not yet been precisely established. Possibly from the Arabic “ras” - “beginning”, “root”. Or maybe from the Italian “raza” - “tribe”. In a meaning close to modern, the word “race” is found in the French scientist Francois Bernier, who in 1684 published one of the first classifications of modern human races. The history of the emergence of the term “race”.

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Races are historically established groups of people, identified by scientists on the basis of their kinship, unity of origin, which is manifested in external similarity (color of skin, eyes, hair; shape of the skull, body length, etc.). Among the races of modern people, several of the largest are distinguished. These are Caucasoid (Eurasian), Mongoloid (Asian-American), Equatorial (Negroid-Australoid). What are races?

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Caucasoid race (also called Eurasian or Caucasoid) - a race common before the Age of Discovery in Europe, Western Asia, North Africa, partly in Central Asia and northern and central India; later - on all inhabited continents. Caucasians settled especially widely in North America and South America, South Africa and Australia. It is the most numerous race on Earth (about 40% of the planet's population). Caucasian race.

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It is characterized, first of all, by an orthognathic face, protruding slightly forward in the horizontal plane. Caucasian hair is straight or wavy, usually soft (especially in northern groups). The brow ridges protrude slightly above the surface of the forehead, the eye shape is wide, although the palpebral fissure may be small, the nose is usually large, but at the same time narrow, protruding, the bridge of the nose is high, the thickness of the lips is small or medium, the growth of the beard and mustache is strong. The hand and foot are wide. Skin, hair and eye color varies from very light shades in northern groups to rich shades in southern and eastern populations. Characteristic features of the race.

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The Caucasian race in its modern form did not emerge earlier than the Holocene. The most probable assumption is that the bulk of the large Caucasian race had an original area of ​​\u200b\u200borigin somewhere within a vast area covering parts of south-west Asia, as well as southern Europe and northern Africa. The range of Caucasoids probably also included some regions of Central and Western Asia, which had a foothill-steppe character, as well as, partially, the Mediterranean with its arid coastal regions. From here, Caucasians could settle in different directions, gradually occupying all of Europe and northern Africa. In the European population, blue eyes were already widespread among hunter-gatherers of the Mesolithic era, but the gene responsible for light skin pigmentation became established with 100% frequency only by the Bronze Age. There are two branches within the Caucasoids - northern and southern. The differences between them relate mainly to the pigmentation of the skin, eyes, and hair. Between these two branches there are peoples occupying an intermediate position. The Soviet ethnographer and Doctor of Historical Sciences N. N. Cheboksarov back in the 30s expressed the idea that southern Caucasians, intermediate variants and northern Caucasians are the result of a consistent process of depigmentation of an initially dark-pigmented population. Southern Caucasians are closer to the original type than northern Caucasians. Origin of the Caucasians.

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The Negroid race is one of the large races of people. In the XIX-XX centuries. in many classifications, Negroids were combined with Australoids into the “equatorial race.” Modern research has shown that the genetic differences between these two races are greater than between either of them and any other race, and some external similarities (dark skin color and dark curly hair) are explained by adaptation to similar living conditions. In foreign literature, the term Negroid can be used to designate the Negro race, which does not include the Pygmies, Khoisans, representatives of the East African, Central African and South African races. Anti-racist Elizabeth Martinez proposed transferring the term congoid to all representatives of the black race, following the example of naming other races by geographical location. Negroid race.

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Characteristics: different heights, elongated limbs (especially arms), dark skin (especially rich in melanin), curly hair, poor beard and mustache growth, wide flat nose, thick lips, large brown eyes, large ears, prognathism (involves protruding jaws, In addition, the lower jaw lacks a mental protuberance, which creates a sharp facial angle). Characteristic signs.

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The most ancient skull with some “Negroid” features (in particular prognathism), Nazlet Khater, is 35-40 thousand years old and was found in southern Egypt. Main region of settlement: Africa, south of the Sahara. At the beginning of the 21st century, part of the population of Brazil, the West Indies, and the USA also belongs to the Negroid population. On the territory of modern Russia, until the 20th century, there were almost no representatives of the Negroid race. The Negroid group of Abkhazians is known. The Metis Foundation estimates that 70,000 Africans have come to the Soviet Union since the 1960s. Origin, distribution.

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Mongoloid race (also Asian-American race) is a physical anthropology term applied to populations with phenotypic traits such as epicanthus, spatulate incisors, etc., common in East and Southeast Asia, America and the Arctic. The word "Mongoloid" is formed by combining the word "Mongol" and the suffix "-oid", which means "similar". The term was introduced at the beginning of racial science to describe primarily the Asian populations of various countries in Central and East Asia. Can be divided into Asian and American races. Mongoloid race.

Negroid raceNegroid race
- one of the main races of people.
In the XIX-XX centuries. in many classifications Negroids
united with the Australo-Veddoids into a hypothetical
"equatorial race". Modern research has shown
that the genetic differences between these two races are higher,
than between any of them and any other race, and some
external similarity (dark skin color and dark curly hair
hair) is explained by adaptation to similar living conditions

Characteristic signs

Characteristic: different heights, elongated limbs (especially arms and
shin), dark skin (especially rich in melanin), curly hair,
the beard and mustache grow well (the hair on the body is weak),
wide flat nose, thick lips, large dark
eyes, prognathism (involves protruding jaws, except
In addition, the lower jaw lacks a chin protrusion. These traits create
acute facial angle)


The most ancient skull with some “Negroid” features (in
particularly prognathism) Nazlet Khater is 35-40 thousand years old and
was found in southern Egypt

Negro minor race

The main, most common variant of the large Negroid race.
The Negro minor race is widespread throughout most of the
territories of sub-Saharan Africa. Characteristics: very dark
skin, hair very curly, nose very wide, with a flattened
bridge of the nose, very large interorbital space, lips very
thick, dolichocephaly, low face, strongly prognathous.

Central African (Negrillian, Pygmy) small race

Negrillian (or Pygmy, or Central African) race -
variant of the large Negroid race. Distributed in equatorial
rain forests of Central Africa. Characteristics: very
short stature, strong growth of beard, mustache and body hair, extremely wide
and a short nose with a flat bridge and often a convex bridge,
relatively thin lips.

Capoid (Khoisan (Khoisanoid), Bushman) small race

Kapo Ida (Bushmen, Khoisan race), also South African or
Bushman race - a variant of the large Negroid race, widespread
in the dry regions of South Africa. Characteristics: low
height, rather flat face, small lower jaw, due to which
the face takes on a triangular shape, the nose is quite narrow, the bridge of the nose
very flat, epicanthus developed, relatively light yellowish-brown
skin, short spiral-curled hair, which can be longer,
than neighboring black groups, steatopygia in women, very short stature
beards and mustaches. Many features resemble Mongoloid ones.
Joke from Egor


The main region of settlement is sub-Saharan Africa. Also to
At the beginning of the 21st century, the Negroid population includes part of the population
Latin America, West Indies, USA.
In Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, Mauritania, in the north
Mali, Niger, Chad, southern Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Morocco live
peoples of the intermediate Caucasian-Negroid Ethiopian race, as well as
Moors, Berbers, Arabs and Tuaregs mixed with Negroids.
On the territory of modern Russia until the 20th century, representatives
There was almost no Negroid race; the Negroid group of Abkhazians is known. By
According to the Metis Foundation, since the 60s, 70,000 people have come to the Soviet Union
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