
How many items can be purchased from AliExpress to avoid customs duty. Changes in the rules for buying on Aliexpress and Amazon How much is the limit on aliexpress

Daily on trading platform aliexpress registers new people: some are looking for the necessary thing for a long time and carefully, others are fond of virtual shopping, making several orders a week. The low cost of goods and attractive delivery conditions have already been appreciated and Russian entrepreneurs who began to buy goods in aliexpress in large quantities. Few people know that in some situations, the buyer must pay additional customs fees. In order not to be in an uncomfortable position at the post office, unexpectedly receiving a receipt for payment of the duty along with the parcel, you need to know in what cases customs clearance of goods for aliexpress occurs.

In what cases are customs duties imposed on goods with aliexpress?

On aliexpress, the seller usually offers several transport companies through which he can send the goods. You can choose between free shipping and commercial services. At the same time, no matter which company you choose, any order passes through Russian customs, which presents uniform requirements to all shipments. Even if you buy things on aliexpress only for yourself and your family, without commercial benefit, the customs can issue you a receipt for paying the duty:

  • the total material value of the parcels received by you for 31 calendar days exceeded 1000 Euro (30% of the difference in the cost of the parcel and the named limit is paid);
  • the weight of all shipments for the same period exceeded 31 kg (the fee is 4 Euro per 1 kg exceeding the norm).

These rules are valid in all countries of the Customs Union. In Belarus, customs requirements are even more strict: if the limit of 1000 Euros is exceeded, the recipient of the parcels must pay 60% of the difference. The minimum value of the parcel, which is subject to the payment of duty, is 120 Euro.

These requirements need to be known, first of all, to participants in small and medium-sized businesses. Most customers on aliexpress are limited to small orders that are placed in small packages. The desire to order in bulk arises when stores offer goods at an attractive price, but in bulk.

To get a discount, someone unites for a joint order, others plan to give away the excess among acquaintances and friends. However, at customs, such a parcel can be identified as commercial and be required to clear it. Knowing the rules, Chinese sellers can send an order in several parcels to one address.

How to avoid customs clearance of goods with aliexpress

When ordering equipment or expensive gadgets on aliexpress, you can stumble upon unforeseen expenses. If customs officials issue a customs fee, you will not be able to receive your order at the post office without paying taxes. The following tips can help you avoid this situation:

  • keep a record of the cost and weight of your purchases for each month, see the amount upon receipt on the parcel;
  • when dividing an order into several shipments, they must be sent sequentially so that the parcels do not end up at the customs point at the same time;
  • a large order of more than 5 identical products can be distributed to different addresses, such as relatives or friends;
  • when buying equipment, phones, laptops, ask sellers to indicate the real cost of the goods. In case of a suspiciously low value, customs officers may indicate a different value, the average market value;
  • when ordering more than 5 identical products, arrange with the store to send in several parcels.

If, nevertheless, customs imposed a duty on your parcel, you have the right not to pay it and refuse the goods. After that, open a dispute on aliexpress with a detailed description of the situation. If you have documents confirming your refusal of the parcel and sending it back to China, attach their scan to the sender. These situations will usually be settled in favor of the buyer, but you will most likely be required to pay the seller's shipping costs.

In addition to requiring the payment of duties, customs officers can also bring the recipient to administrative responsibility. Before ordering any unusual product, check the list of prohibited items. On aliexpress, you can find pens with built-in cameras and other tricky gadgets: a customs inspector can classify such items as special technical means for "secret information". Let the slogan of aliexpress "Buy smarter" become your life motto.

Hi all! I think no one will argue with the fact that Aliexpress is a fairly popular online store, which is especially in demand for residents of the CIS countries and others. However, most users, sooner or later, face the problem of customs control.

And here a logical question arises about how much you can order for Aliexpress, so that later you do not have to spend money on customs. Therefore, I propose to look into this issue in more detail.

How not to pay the fee

So, let's find out, is it necessary to pay extra money for a package that comes straight from China?

In this matter, it is very important in which country you live, what is the weight of your parcel, and what is the cost written in the attached accompanying information.

Let's take the following countries as an example:


If you are a resident of Belarus, then you will not have to pay a commission fee if your orders within one month do not exceed 22 € in value, or if the total weight of the parcels does not exceed thirty kilograms within 30 days.
If the amount of orders that were delivered to Belarus reaches a thousand euros, then the commission is paid in the amount of thirty percent of the price of all imported goods. However, if during this time more than a thousand euros were purchased, then sixty percent of the price of all goods will have to be paid.


If you live on the territory of Ukraine, then without duty you can spend orders from foreign sites in the amount of not more than one hundred and fifty euros per month. If you have paid for your products more money, or if the weight exceeds the limit, then the customs officer will give you the opportunity to pay 32% of the excess (ten percent duty, ten percent import tax and two percent VAT). We must also take into account the fact that if you use the services of brokers, the price increases in accordance with the tariffs of customs intermediaries.


Today, for the Russian Federation, the import of foreign items by mail is limited in this way: a thousand euros in a period of thirty days, or thirty-one kilograms by the total weight of the parcels. Naturally, the products must comply with the status of "for personal use." During this time, you have the right to buy products worth up to a thousand euros, and not pay tax.


Here the situation is approximately the same as in Russia. If a product worth more than a thousand euros, or weighing more than 31 kilograms, was received per month, then you will have to pay.

Some Features

It must be understood that all items must be for personal use. This means that if you order, for example, ten phones or forty T-shirts, they will not pass control, as they will be identified as commercial parcels, and they certainly cannot avoid customs clearance.

Also, customs can not be dispensed with in cases where an underestimated amount is indicated. For this reason, it is imperative to ask the seller to indicate the real value. If the products are delivered as part of a promotion or as a prize, you need to ask that the information contain data on the real value (a check, for example).

It should be noted that if the parcel still did not pass the control without payment, then you have the right to refuse it. Then you can open a dispute on the store's website and if you have documentation about the refusal of the parcel, your money will be returned to you.

You should also review the list of prohibited items. Some gadgets (for example, glasses or pens with built-in video cameras, etc.) can be considered as "objects for secretly obtaining data." In such situations, not only a fine, but even criminal liability can be imposed. So no spy stuff!

Thus, it becomes clear that it is quite simple to bypass the payment of duties, because the main thing is to be attentive to the choice of products and control the cost of your purchases for the month.

I hope that the article was useful to you. See also a video on this topic. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Natalya Melnikova!

is a popular shopping site. People come to it to choose the necessary goods at an affordable price. Someone buys goods for business. But few people know that there are restrictions on the amount and weight of parcels imported from abroad to Russia. This article describes the rules that apply to the quantity of imported goods without customs duty.

How many goods can be ordered on Aliexpress from Russia per month from January 1, 2020 without customs tax, fee?

If you have not yet created an account on Aliexpress, but want to buy goods here, then read how to register quickly and easily. By This link contains video instructions. which will also help you to register.

Every Ali buyer should know the following:

  • The parcel with Aliexpress must contain goods for individual use.
  • If the parcel consists of several identical expensive items, then the customs officers may recognize it as counterfeit. For example, if you order 20 identical pieces of clothing, pairs of shoes or pieces of equipment, then get ready to pay customs duty.
  • For each order, one parcel is formed, since you order from different sellers. But the parcel may one on miscellaneous goods if you ordered things in one store.

But the most important thing is not the number of parcels, but the amount and weight of the order. So, how many goods can be ordered for Aliexpress from Russia per month without customs tax, collection from January 1, 2020?

  • Ali buyer will have to pay for customs clearance of the parcel, if more than for 200 euros or weight over 31 kilograms.
  • If the limit is exceeded by the buyer or recipient of the goods, a duty is paid.
  • The fee is 15% of the cost of purchases per month, but not less than 2 euros for each extra kilogram of weight.
  • These rules apply to all individuals. If you have a company and it is registered with the tax office, you can also order goods for 200 euros. For goods above this amount, you will have to pay a state duty.

An example of calculating customs duty for goods that are transported across the border in excess of the limit:

  • Within a month, goods were sent to Russia from a Chinese store with a total value of 400 euro and weighing 30 kilograms. (400-200)=200*15%=30 EUR- this is the amount of customs duty that the buyer will have to pay.
  • At one time, goods were shipped to 190 euro, weighing 33 kilograms. Exceeding the weight, then the amount of customs duty will be: 33-31=2 kg*2 euro=4 euro.
  • If there was an excess in both indicators, then the calculation is made both in terms of cost and weight, and a larger indicator is taken for payment.

Now you know that you can buy an unlimited number of parcels per month on Aliexpress in China from Russia without customs duty, but within the limit.

If the customs officers do not let your goods through and demand payment of the duty, as the limit has been exceeded, then you can refuse to pay. In this case, the goods will be returned to the seller.

Video: Aliexpress problems with customs exceeding the customs limit

Information appeared on the Internet that, starting from July 1, the delivery rules in the most popular online stores Aliexpress and Amazon will change. This question interested many Russians, since these stores are very popular. Shops attract with their low prices.

The Russian government has long dealt with the issue of orders from Aliexpress and Amazon stores. They commented on their concern that Chinese and American sites are destroying earnings Russian manufacturers, thereby making Russia uncompetitive. And this hits the state budget quite hard.

What are the changes in the rules for buying on Aliexpress and Amazon?

Innovations began to launch last year, in December. New rules were introduced for the delivery of foreign goods, mainly the changes affected the filling in of forms. Be sure to indicate passport data, TIN, and also do not forget about the link to the ordered goods. There have been talks about imposing a tax on goods ordered from Aliexpress and Amazon. Such changes will be valid until July 1 this year. According to the government, Aliexpress and Amazon will suffer significant downfalls.

The government received a proposal to abolish the duty-free threshold for the import of foreign goods, but simply impose a tax on all ordered goods. If the state approves the proposals, the innovations will come into force next year. Also, experts believe that the goods should have a 20% duty and a certain minimum weight (at least 1 kg).

When will the changes take effect?

Discussions about the planned innovations are ongoing by the government to this day. Information was received from the Minister of Finance that the threshold for duty-free importation of goods from Aliexpress and Amazon stores from July 1 could be reduced to 100 euros. Many people are unhappy with such information, because the fee is too high. The only positive is that the government will remove a limited number of packages per month.

From reliable sources it became known that duty-free import, starting from July 1, 2018, will be up to 500 euros. If the amount exceeds 500 euros, the customer will have to pay a 20% fee.

Parcels will be monitored. All goods received from Aliexpress and Amazon, together with the TIN of customers, will be entered into the database. Thus, the government wants to control these purchases. In the near future, they want to achieve the introduction of a tax on the ordered goods, which will have to be paid by the customer through their Personal Area. If you do not pay the tax, the customer will be left without his goods.

And finally, one special category - indivisible goods- these are goods weighing more than 35 kg, which cannot be divided into smaller parts (furniture, electronics, etc.). Paying for these items "Total customs payment"— duty + excise + VAT.

For example, let's take a sofa - weight 50 kg, customs value - 400 euros.

In the calculations, we will need to determine the product code in accordance with the TNVED - you can find these codes on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission -

In accordance with TNVED, the duty for our sofa is 15% of its customs value, but not less than 0.519 euros per 1 kg. Plus excise for sofa = 0 and VAT = 18%.

Duty = 400 * 15% = 60 euros. I did not calculate the amount of the duty for excess weight, since it will definitely be less.

VAT = (400 + 60) * 18% = 82.8 euros

Total = 60 + 82.8 = 142.8 euros

As you can see, quite a lot has dripped. So if you find some cheap furniture on Aliexpress, do not be lazy to calculate how much you will have to pay in addition to its cost. The savings may not be that significant.

If you only order goods on Aliexpress from time to time, then worry about customs limits and you don't have to pay taxes.

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