
Children's scenes about mom. Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in kindergarten material on the topic. A funny scene for Mother's Day in the kindergarten "Three Moms" - for the middle group, with video

Scene "It's bad for me to live as a girl"

I thought somehow:

It’s bad for me to live as a girl!

I need to braid my braids.

Better for me to be a boy!

For example, I will come to class ...

(Puts a cap on his head.)

And I will say: “Hello! I am Stas!

Hey! Boogers! Why are you silent?

What, don't you see - I'm mine?

Koli, Sasha, Petit, Viti!

I - from the lessons! Who is with me?

I have gum in my briefcase;

There is a slingshot, a pack of chips,

Homemade knife, candy

There are matches and ... a cigarette!

To skip school now -

It's cool, everyone knows!

And mind you - boy Stas

Doesn't throw words to the wind. "

However, being a boy is bad!

It's better for me to become a grandmother -

Bake pancakes, boil potatoes,

See off my granddaughter to school ...

(Puts on glasses, a handkerchief.)

To say to the granddaughter: "Dashulya"!

What are you going like a club?

Breakfast, Dasha, is on the table!

I have to go today

Fix a sheepskin coat in the morning,

Iron your skirt

You need to wash the dishes,

Pick up another granddaughter from the garden,

Cook borscht and wash the floor ... "

No really! I should be a grandmother

Very difficult, by the way.

I do not want from morning to night

I cook, wash! I'll get tired.

Better grandfather I'll become!

(Attaches a beard to the bottom of the face.)

Retired grandfather! Hooray!

Only he has been busy since the morning:

Then he goes to the apiary

On my bike

Then watering in the country

Tomatoes and peas.

And besides, he limps

Yes, even a little deaf.

She says to me: “You know, Dasha,

How do you put on this dress

You yourself have no idea

How you Remind Me

My dear wife,

Our young grandmother!

With me joys and misfortunes

your grandmother passed ... "

No! Perhaps, what about grandfather

I'm not mature yet!

I will become Frosey's friend.

(Puts a knitted hat on her head.)

Then she asks for candy

Now a textbook, now a notebook,

Then write off the control ...

And it always pushes!

Tells me: "Nonsense

School lessons,

And activities!

No, they won't come in handy!

I will roll on carpets,

And there are sweets without measure.

And I will find myself all the more

Millionaire Hubby

With a Mercedes, with a dacha! "

This is our Frosya -

How does the earth wear such a thing ?!

I'd rather become a dad!

(Puts a hat over his head.)

But dad has a family!

She needs to drink and eat.

The obligations of all are innumerable!

Dad feeds the whole family

Says: "I give everything

To my children and my wife ... "

It's not easy being a dad for me!

I'll become a brother.

(Puts a pacifier in his mouth.)

Ilya keeps shouting: “Wow! Wow! "

And goggling at the world,

Looks stupid out of the stroller.

And a little something, then immediately into tears.

I will be an adult for my brother:

I don't scream like a child

And I don’t want to pack.

But I won't stop dreaming -

I will become a teacher!

(Puts glasses on his nose.)

I will wear glasses

On high heels,

Speak arrogantly

And punish, probably

All lazy loafers -

Kick the noise out of the classroom.

I will say: “Children!

Sasha, Katya, Tanya, Petit!

Come to school early!

Sit down quietly! Sit up straight!

Do not Cry! Do not make noise!

Everything is in the textbook! And teach! "

But to the teacher - everyone knows! -

Nerves are great.

I'd rather become a mommy!

(She paints her lips with lipstick in front of the mirror.)

Will try. I’m not tired.

I will be tender and loved

The kindest and most beautiful.

I will often say:

“What should I give you, kids?

What to buy for your birthday?

Cook on Sunday? "

Dad will say:

"It's hard for me to live without you!"

After a hard day

I will walk in the park.

And I will be from dad

To receive gifts.

Only mothers - that's the concern! -

They often go to work -

In the frost, in the rain and in the snow ...

There is still a lot of interference

To be a mommy for me.

How I lived ... Just Dasha.

And walk in tights, in a dress.

It's a great honor for me -

Be who you are!

Scene "Our mothers are the best!"

Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder

Who looked at the street.

Dima ate (holding a bag of chips),

Sasha played (holds * Tetris "),

Maxim drew with crayons.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

A car drove by.

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Dima told the guys


Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. And you?

Olya. And I have clips in my pocket. And you?

Sasha. And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, But "Kitiket" doesn't want to eat!

Maksim. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

Seryozha. And we have a microwave. Cleverly?

Nata. And from our window the whole Market is in full view. Every day I look and wait ... I want a playground!

Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - This time.

There is a pit in the middle of the yard - These are two.

And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring the goods -

Everyone will be invited to the market.

Leading. Vova answered from the ladder ...

Vova. Entrepreneur mom? Cool!

Olya. But Masha's mother, for example, is a policeman!

Sasha. And Yulia's mother, Dima's mother are saleswomen in stores!

Dima. And I have a simple answer - my mother is a speech therapist!

Nata. All the more important ...

Leading. Nata said ...

Nata. Mom from the food processing plant. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur!

Vova. And Alena and Ivan have both mothers as accountants!

Dima. Vali and Katya Mama have teachers at school!

Leading. And Maksimka said quietly ...

Maksim. My mother is not a dressmaker, not a cashier, not a controller, my mother is just a director.

Leading. Vova responded first

Vova. Mom - a holiday ?! That's cool! The chef makes compotes, This is very good! In accounting, reports are good too! The doctor is treating us for measles, there is a teacher at the school. All sorts of mothers are needed! Moms are all important!

Together. Well, our mothers. All sweeter and more beautiful!

Scene "Every day is a holiday!"

Mom walks around the house, tidies up toys and sings to the tune of the song "Dolce Vita"

I came home from work, I'm so tired

And in our house there is such a mess.

I'm so tired, I want to rest

And for some reason I am sad again.

I washed my laundry, cooked dinner,

And I still have no rest, no way.

I'll go and lie down while the kids are gone

I will rest a little, because I have no strength at all.

Then I will clean everything up and meet my family

And I will be happy, but now I cannot.

A son comes from school, all lathered up, sings to the tune "The Bremen Town Musicians" on the move.

There is nothing better in the world than playing football until dawn.

And in hockey to fight until you drop - only this is for me to be happy.

La-la-la ... ...

A son. Mom, I came! Mom, I forgot to buy bread again. Mom, I'm hungry! (Looks into the room.) Asleep ... (surprised). It's strange ... Well, okay, while I'm sleeping, I drive them to get some bread. (Singing) La ...

A daughter comes from school. Sings to the tune "She has eyes ..." (group "Prime Minister").

I have already come home, I don’t understand, what’s wrong with me.

Either at home, or not. Everything is scattered here and mom is not there.

And I am very good and my soul sings, I will note about myself ... yes

I have eyes - two diamonds of three carats, my curls - all the guys are going crazy. I will now help my mother around the house, and then I will comb my curls again.

Daughter. Mama! (Whimpers.) Mom, I'm terribly tired and cold, take off my boots! Mama! Mom! (He takes off his shoes, looks into the room.) Are you sleeping? (bewildered) I don't understand anything!

A son appears with bread, singing a song.

Daughter. Hush, you! You will wake up mom!

A son. How? .. Is she still sleeping? Oh wow! She needs to be woken up urgently! I want to eat!

Daughter. Yes, I have already tried it, nothing happens.

A son. Then you feed me, see I'm hungry!

Daughter. What more! I'm tired…

A son. Don't you think I'm tired? By the way, I'm in a sports school!

Daughter. So what! And I - in the musical!

A son. Come on! So what are we going to do now? Can I call a doctor? What if mom got sick? (Scared)

Daughter. No, you don't need a doctor, and Dad shouldn't be bothered. Our mom is healthy. She's just tired. Spins alone, like a squirrel in a wheel, all day, and no help from us! Here the body could not stand it! Poor thing!

A son. Invented! Let's clean up everything here ourselves, and mom will wake up and be happy. That's a great idea I came up with!

Daughter. You're right! We tortured our poor mother. Look how tired she is. And I didn't even notice it before. Everything! From this day on, we start helping mom!

A son. Great!

Son and daughter sing a song to the tune "The Song of the Water Carrier"

Daughter. Mom must be respected! Mom needs help!

A son. I will tell you a secret - there is no better mother than ours!

Don't say anything, Take it away here, don't litter it!

Daughter. I will iron the clothes!

A son. You don't know how!

Daughter. Nothing, I'll learn!

A son. And then I'll take out the trash! Here!

Daughter. You're lying!

A son. Yes, so that I burst at this place! Deal?

Daughter. Deal! Deal!

Mom wakes up. Children happily run to her, hug her and kiss her.

A son. Mama! Daughter. Mommy!

Mom (surprised) How clean it is! Ay, yes, well done! Is today some kind of holiday?

Daughter. No, Mommy! But from this day on we will help you!

A son. Aha!

Mama. Why so suddenly?

Daughter. We just understood one simple truth: to love means: to protect, care, help and support each other.

A son. Is always! Is that right, mom?

Maa. That's right, children!

Everyone sings to the tune "Strong friendship."

Mom is dear, the most beloved,

You are always in worries, in troubles all day:

You wash, clean, iron and wash,

Our mom doesn't know the word "laziness"!

Here's what we will tell you: - Take care of mom!

Mother's work, guys, must be respected.

We all love mom, but this is not enough!

Our mothers still need to do it!

But how difficult it is to be a mother! Your attention is invited to the scene "Daughter-mothers".

Scene "Mothers and Daughters".

Leading. Once three girlfriends have gathered,

Three funny laughs:

Yana, Svetochka and Mila,

A tomboy and a cheerleader.

Mila immediately suggested

A familiar game to all:

Mila: “Let's go to mothers and daughters,

I'll pick up the roles for everyone.

I will of course be "dad"

Because everyone is more important, Yana will play "mom" for us,

Just be kind.

Well, you, friend Svetka,

You will be our "baby" with Yana.

Well let's play

It's time to start the day. "

Leading. Here for breakfast "mom" - Yana

I baked pies for everyone,

Plump, yellow, ruddy,

I handed out “Daddy” with “daughter”.

But suddenly "papa" knocks - Mila

Fist on the edge of the table:

"Papa" Mila: "Only food ruined

And all the sand has worn out.

You are a worthless mother

Hurry, go to the Light

To collect in kindergarten ".

Host: But Sveta is capricious:

“Daughter” Sveta: “I don’t want to go to kindergarten.

You better give me candy

What's in our closet. "

Host: Goes to poor Yana,

Everything seems wrong to them.

Both are dissatisfied with "mom",

They saw for any trifle.

No on time for lunch-

Late 5 minutes.

Sveta is fussy -

He doesn't want soup again.

"Dad" gets in the way of trash here,

Why didn't you remove it,

He is resting with a newspaper,

And the "mother" has everything to do.

Soon tired of Yana

To bear all the whims of them:

"Mom" Jan: "I won't be a" mom "anymore

I want to be a girl. "

Leading: Girlfriends quarreled,

Three funny laughs.

Have seen enough of Yana,

Nobody wants to become a “mother”.

How can you blame them for this -

It's very difficult to be a mom!

Lead 2. No matter how the run of events beckons you,

No matter how attracted to your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From offenses, from hardships and worries!

Leader 1. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of the mother is the happiness of the children. She can be strict, because she understands her great

responsibility for a son or daughter, wishes them well. Mothers take care of their children even when they become mothers themselves. Let's see how it goes

Foreign ambassador and translator enter

Foreign Ambassador. Oh, santa marta, woman! .


Foreign Ambassador... Emancipation is made of you a hard worker!

Interpreter. You are as beautiful as a tea rose on the southern coast of Crimea!

Foreign Ambassador... Tongue on the shoulder: Kuhara, wasrara, work of bezhar, the child of the nanny, the husband of the meeting, in short, the goner!

Interpreter. Your hands are snow-white like the wings of a bird of paradise. Your mill is thin as a mountain path!

Foreign Ambassador. Oh, marta santa, woman!

Interpreter... O incomparable woman, the light of my eyes!

Foreign Ambassador. Santa March once a year.

Interpreter. For a whole year, a man gives you flowers and carries you in his arms!

Foreign Ambassador... Emeraldo, diamondo, rubino, bambino beads!

Interpreter. Your children are obedient like angels.

Foreign Ambassador... A courtyard, a fountain, a serviced room, two rooms, a bath.

Interpreter. Your house is huge, spacious, full of abundance.

Foreign Ambassador. Eniki, beniki, no dumplings, potato karama dinner, noodles delicacies.

Interpreter. The dishes on your table are wonderful: fruits, strawberries in champagne.

Foreign Ambassador. Karino, sarino, bus, buttons.

Interpreter. A luxurious car is waiting for you near the house.

Foreign Ambassador. Oh, santa marta, woman!

Interpreter. O incomparable woman, the light of my eyes!

Foreign Ambassador... Secret, fantastic, how smartly to be a beauty ?!

Interpreter. How not to be beautiful during this life!

Foreign Ambassador. Zhelanto!

Interpreter. What to wish you?

Foreign Ambassador. The salary is payable, the power is huge, the man tolerates, so that he can help, health, good luck! Thank you for your attention!

Interpreter. Without translation.

Scene "Three Moms"

Presenter: Tanya came from a walk in the evening

And the doll asked:

Tanyushka: How are you, daughter, are you?

Again you crawled under the table, fidget?

Sit out all day without lunch again?

It's just a disaster with these daughters!

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Host: Tanya's mother came from work and Tanya asked:

Mom: How are you, daughter, are you?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - shouted granny a hundred times,

And you answered: "Now!" Yes now!"

It's just trouble with these daughters

Soon you will be like a thin match!

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Host: Grandma is here, mom's mom came

And she asked my mother:

Grandma: How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Didn't find a minute for food again?

And in the evening I put it in my mouth

Dry sandwich?

You can't sit all day without lunch!

I’ve already become a doctor, but everyone’s a fidget.

It's just a disaster with these daughters!

Soon you will be as thin as a match.

Go to dinner, turntable,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Host: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers are looking at their daughters.

Tanya, mom, grandmother (together):

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Scene "Grandmothers and Grandchildren".

Two old women.

1st. Hello my dear! Won't you go out for a walk?

2nd. What are you, I haven't done my homework yet ...

1st. Which lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You finished school for a hundred years!

2nd... Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.

1st. Yes, I have been doing my homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2nd. Truth? Are you spoiling them like that?

1st... I do not spoil! I am very strict with them. So I’ll do my homework, and they always rewrite them cleanly.

2nd... O. is really strict.

1st... So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2nd... Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm-hm ... “Near the curvaceous sea, a green oak; golden chain on that oak ... "

1st... So good.

2nd... "... And day and night the dog is a scientist ..."

1st... What dog? What dog?

2nd. Well, I don't know what breed he has.

1st... Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

2nd... Ah, I got it, I got it! I then first: “By the side of the sea, a green oak; a golden chain on that oak; and day and night the cat is a scientist ... "

1st... Well?

2nd... ... With a string bag goes to the grocery store.

1st... What string bag? Which grocery store? Where have you seen this?

2nd... Oh, well, what are you, friend! I still have so many lessons, I got it all mixed up.

1st... What do you think, if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2nd... It has already been named.

1st. How?

2nd. Count! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do their lessons ...

Scene "Mom and Vitya".

The son sweeps the floor, humming a song. Mom enters the door, bags in her hands, a bunch of keys in her teeth. He looks at his son with round eyes, the keys fall to the floor….

Mama. Vitya, what happened?

Vitya. Nothing!

Mama. Like nothing! But you sweep the floor !!

Vitya. And he's dirty!

Mama... Vitya, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept was when you got a deuce for behavior ...

Mama(looks around the room and is even more frightened). Have you wiped off the dust too?

Vitya (joyfully). Wipe it off!

Mama. Myself?

Vitya. Myself.

Mama. What have you done!? Did they leave you for the second year?

Vitya (helping mom to take off her hat and coat). Yes, I say, nothing. It was dirty, so I cleaned it.

Mama(suspiciously). And made the bed?

Vitya. Just like that, removed and that's it!

Mama. (Ties her head with a towel and sits on a chair). Am I being summoned to the headmaster ?!

Vitya. Don't be afraid, mom! Things are good. I did my homework, dined and brushed my teeth.

Mama. Myself!?

Vitya. Myself! (Mom faints.)

Vitya. Mommy! What's the matter? I'll get some water now. (Pours into a glass water. But then classmates appear at the door.)

Classmates. Well, Makeev, how is the day of helping parents? Did you clean the apartment?

Vitya. Help day, help day !!! Here, admire ...

classmates (together). Lyusya, a first aid kit!

Lucy (taking out a first aid kit). How nervous we have become! (Dripping valerian for mom.) Shame on you, Makeev! To what he brought his mother! Couldn't tell her right away that the whole idea was for one day !?

Mama (looks up). So everything will be the same tomorrow?

Classmates. Yes! The old way, the old way! (Mom faints again.)

Leading... This is, of course, a joke. But it's great when you have a kind, smart, loving mother next to you. And next to her is a son worthy of her love.

Mother's Day Scenes

The scene involves:
an adult is a storyteller,
children - Petya, Vladislav, Julia, Olya, Natasha.

The narrator:
One day the kids gathered in the yard.
6, 7, 8 years old girls and boys.
They ran and jumped, played taggers
And now they were completely tired of their amusements.
They all sat down on the bench amicably
And they started talking about moms quietly

Peter:- My mother is the best in the world!

The narrator: Boy Petya says to everyone.

Vladislav:- And where did you get that?

The narrator: Vladislav told him.

Peter:- Mom always helps me in everything.

The narrator: Petya answers Vladislav.

- she prepares breakfast for me, dresses in the kindergarten
And then he takes him home from the kindergarten.

Julia:- No! best of all, my mommy!

The narrator: Little Yulia is speaking here.

She combs my hair every day
And at night my mother tells me fairy tales.
She always buys me beautiful dresses
And my mother never scolds me.

Vladislav: - No, none of you are right.

The narrator: Vladislav speaks to everyone.

I want to tell all of you now
That I consider my mother the best!
She cooks, cleans up, does laundry
And he knows everything, everything, everything!

Olya and Natasha (together):
No, no, no, Vladislav!
You are just wrong!

The narrator: Olya and Natasha were outraged.

Olya and Natasha (together): Our mother is the best in the world.

Mom has two of us, and we have one.
And yet she can handle both of us.

She has to wash twice as many clothes
And twice as many rooms have to be cleaned.

Cooking and ironing too
She needs twice as much.

So don't you argue with us,

Olya and Natasha (together): Otherwise we will tell mom everything!

The narrator: Wait, don't swear, friends!
I want to reveal one secret to you I am.
Mothers are different for everyone
And for each of you, mom is the best!
There are a lot of mothers in the world
And for every child
His mom is the best in the world
And for every mother, happiness is her children!
But different mothers are important
After all, everyone needs mothers!
So, dear kids,
All the girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers,
And always appreciate your mothers!
And you also love your mom
And for all-all-all Thank her!

Together: Thanks Mom!!!

Scene "Assistant".

Boy Dima is diligently sweeping the floor, singing "a grasshopper was sitting in the grass." A dressed mother enters the door, bags in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, drops the keys in fear, asks:

Mom: Dima, what happened?

Dima: Nothing!

M. - How is it? Why are you sweeping the floor?

D. - But because he was dirty.

M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a deuce for your behavior, and the last but one when you wanted to keep it for the second year.

Have you wiped off the dust too?

D. - Wipe it off!

M. - Dima, tell me what happened? Say what have you done?

D. - Yes, I say nothing! It just got dirty and I cleaned it up.

M.- (suspiciously) And why did you make your bed?

Dima. - Just like that. I removed it and that's it.

M.- (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth !!! Why am I summoned to the headmaster?

D. - Don't be afraid, mom! Things are good. I did my homework, dined, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

Mom faints.

D.- (scared) Mommy! What's the matter? I'll bring you some water now.

(pours water)

D. - A day to help parents, a day to help parents !!! Here, admire! (points to mom) I should have said right away that this was only for one day.

M.- (raises his head with interest) Will everything be the same tomorrow?

D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.

(Mom faints again)

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario of Mother's Day for children 5-7 years old. during the festive event, children start an argument about who is better than boys or girls and prove to their mothers that they are the most wonderful sons and daughters.

Target: harmonization of parent-child relations


  1. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences in children and their mothers from the joint celebration of Mother's Day.
  2. Contribute to the creation of warm family relationships.
  3. Contribute to the creation and maintenance of family traditions.
  4. Contribute to the creation of a positive microclimate in the group.
  5. To cultivate love and respect for the dearest person - mom.
  6. To contribute to the development of the ability to expressively perform poems: to use natural intonations, logical pauses, stresses, to convey their attitude to the content.
  7. To develop smooth voice leading, expressiveness in singing, dancing.
  1. Presentation "Sweet Mom"
  2. Song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova).
  3. Congratulatory roll call Dance "Quarrel"
  4. Game "Say a word"
  5. The game "Say it kindly"
  6. The song "What girls are made of"
  7. Attraction "What are you attentive" At my mother (eyes, dress, hairpins ...).
  8. Attraction "Disassemble with your eyes closed, who needs what" (items for girls and boys)
  9. Poems "Mom's helpers"
  10. Attraction "Make a sandwich"
  11. Attraction "Who has the longest potato peel"
  12. Attraction "Venikoboll"
  13. Chastushki.
  14. Dance "Washing"
  15. Song "Lullaby for Mom"
  16. A fairy tale for moms.
  17. The song "Mom for a Mammoth"
  18. Congratulations from dads.
  19. The song "Girls are boys, such rascals"
  20. Dance with hearts "Kind gentle mother". We give hearts (balls heart)
  21. Dance "Dance Teacher"

Materials and equipment.

Multimedia equipment. Presentation "Sweet Mom". Handkerchiefs, items that girls, boys need 5 pieces each, food for a sandwich, 4 potatoes, knives, broom, napkins, hare masks, hare, titmouse, hedgehog, cats, guitar, flowers, 3 canvases, 12 hearts - flashlights, tape recorder, musical accompaniment.

Event progress

Parents are greeted by the presentation "Sweet Mom".

Group reading of the verse by E. Serova "There is turmoil and noise in kindergarten" (Appendix No. 1)

The song "I love you so much, mom" (music and lyrics by Kolmogorova) is played. (Appendix No. 2)

Educator: Today we are glad to welcome in this hall our dear guests, the sweetest, beloved and only ones, our mothers. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity.

Poem by Sergei Ostorovoy "There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature, Brightly marked for centuries!" (Appendix No. 3)


Mom - this means tenderness, This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity, This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime fairy tale, this is the morning dawn,

Mom is a hint in difficult times, This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer, it's snow, an autumn leaf,

Mom is a ray of light, Mom is LIFE!

Presentation "My mother is the best" (photos of mothers with children)

Children(collective reading):

Everything in the garden is noisy, singing - Mother's holiday is coming!
Everyone needs to discuss: What are we going to give mothers?

The monkey dads will say: -We will buy bananas for moms!
To cook us a banana compote all year round.

Hamster dads will say: - We will buy hooks for mothers!
To day-day to night
They knitted sweaters for us!

Daddy-bears will say, say:
- Let's buy, we'll buy covers for moms!
We will buy jars, roots.
Let the mothers cook the jam!

Well, the bunny at the edge of the forest rushes into the distance, ears spread,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!
For moms to rest
So that birds flutter like birds,
Let's love mothers!
We will give them flowers! (give flowers)

Children are built in two rows (girls, boys - they start a quarrel).

Dance "Quarrel" to the melody of the song. "I am offended" the author of the words - Lisits Regina, the composer - Igor Kornelyuk (Appendix No. 4)

Educator: What is, what happened. What kind of quarrel happened?

Boy and girl: Solve our dispute sooner, if you can prove who in the world is sweeter than a daughter or son.

Educator: We certainly understand that the age of questions has come. But this one is very difficult. And only our mothers can answer it. Let's arrange a competition, and our mothers will be a strict and impartial jury. Instead of points and marks, we will give our competitors a round of applause.

Educator: As a warm-up, I suggest you play a game.

Game "Say a word"

In the morning, mothers take their children to the (kindergarten).

We declare firmly, directly: the best in the world. (Mother).

I will put the portrait in a frame, I will admire it. (mommy).

Kiss mom on the cheek for a little night. (daughter).

Eat your mother's pancake, grow up quickly. (son).

Mom has doves, her only one. (son).

There are many mothers in this world, they love them with all their hearts. (children).

Now let's play with moms: I start, and you finish the phrase!

There is no dearer friend than a dear one. (mother).

It's warm in the sun, in the mother's presence. (good).

Mother's caress of the end. (does not know).

The birds are happy with spring, and the child. (mother).

Do you love your mom? And say sweet words for her? Whoever says more will win.

The game "Say it kindly"

Educator: You are all so different: funny, kind, mischievous, affectionate.

New task "Who will sing whom"

The song "And what are only girls made"

Educator: New task

Game "What are you attentive"

My mom has (eyes, dress, hairpins).

Attraction "Disassemble with closed eyes who needs what"

(items for girls and boys)

Educator: Do you help mom at home? But as? We'll check now. We will do everything to make them happy.

Poems "Mom's helpers"

(Appendix No. 5)

Amusement rides

Dad's invite "Make a sandwich"
"Who has the longest potato peel"


Here they are - mother's helpers.
But in reality, things are not so bad. Let's check.

Attraction "Venikoboll"


Mummies and daddies listen carefully
Prepared palms. Clapping is a must

(Appendix No. 6)

Educator: Do you know how to wash? And teach your mothers?

Dance "Washing"

We washed, swept, cooked soup, did not get bored.

It's time to rest and take a nap

Vanya: They light the lanterns before going to bed, sit down with me and talk to me before going to bed.

The whole evening you were not with me, All your business and business.

I do not stand above your soul. I still wait and say nothing like a big one.

Sit down with me and talk to me before bed.

Let's look at the lanterns together.

Song "Lullaby for Mom"

I woke up early in the morning. Mom is still sleeping. Even the sun, yawning, quietly slumbers in golden clouds.

Chorus: Buy, buy, I sing a lullaby for my beloved mother.

Mommy wants to give you a new day on Earth.

The breeze is knocking on your window like a white apple tree.

The birds are singing for you. Dear mom, my sweetheart.

Educator: While mom rests. The fairy tale will enter her house.

Music "Visiting a Fairy Tale".

A fairy tale for moms.

Hare, Hare, Titmouse, Hedgehog, Cat.
In a certain kingdom. In a dense state.
There is a Christmas tree in the forest, a prickly needle.
How the bunny lived under the tree. The bunny was not friends with his mother.
The bunny offended mom. "I'm not friends with you" said.

("Zayinka stop, Zayinka was not naughty")

Mom wiped away her tears and went into the dense forest.
The bunny was having fun, jumping, running and spinning.

("There, tararam there, tararam And we don't need anyone")

But in the forest, in the night forest, one became afraid.

"Oh oh oh. Mommy, Where. You are scary to me. I want to eat. I'm cold.

He cried for a long time, and went to look for Mom.

Titmouse, small, have you seen my mother?

I flew through the forest, I did not see your mother. Come to my branch. Fly quickly, baby.

I can not fly.

Then look for another mother.

Long zainka wandered. All wet and tired.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, friend. Have you seen my mommy ?.

I live under a bush, enter my hole. I will put my fur coat on you.

The hare approached the hedgehog, wanted to hide under its thorns. Yes, he did. Painfully

Oh oh oh

What's the matter.

A fur coat like a Christmas tree, needles on the shoulders. It hurts the bunny's paws. I'll rush off without looking back.

He looked through the window, and there was a mother cat.

The cat sings a song. Affectionate and gentle.

He strokes his belly with his paw, like a snowy feather bed.

Oh oh oh.

Cat - What's the matter with you? That you are sad bunny.

Mom, I hurt a lot. How is it fun here.

What to do. How to say? Where can we find mom.

Children, or maybe we will sing a song together "Mom for a Mammoth", and you parents sing along.

The song "Mom for a Mammoth"

The hare falls asleep

The hare appears.

How is my zainka there. How is my little one.

Wait, hare, don't cry. Tell me what happened.

Bunny, son, I have it. Only we do not live a day without a quarrel.

Naughty and pugnacious. He's my favorite anyway.

I got angry and drove away. I came and he was gone.

Here I go looking for him. Maybe he met a fox?

Or an angry wolf. He has been gone for so long.

Cat - And you bunny, look if it’s your bunny, sleeping under our Christmas tree.

Cat - Wait, don't wake up.

Hide behind the Christmas tree and listen to him.

(the hare wakes up)

Bunny, get up. It's time to look for mom.

Of course I'm happy. Yes, only where. Offended her greatly. She left.

Zainka, and you will still offend her.

I won't, I won't. To offend mom's bunny.

I will, I will, I will respect and hug mommy bunny.

I will try very hard to help her and not fight.

(mom comes out from behind the tree).

Mommy, forgive me.

Zainka, mommy loves you very much and forgives you.

This is how our fairy tale ended happily.

And you promise to protect your mommy. Will you help her? Love, kiss, hug and speak sweet words? Mom, really, your kids are the most wonderful?

So far, our strict but very welcoming jury is summing up the results of our competition.

We would like to hear a few words from those. Who also loves our moms, from your dads.

Congratulations from dads.

Dear mothers, well, who won. Who is better, girls or boys?

The song "Girls are boys, such rascals."

Dance with hearts "Kind gentle mother".

We give hearts (balls heart)

Moms are gentle, moms are cute.
The very best, very happy.
Children congratulate you on the holiday.
They want only good things in life.
Do not get sick, do not get old
Sing, love and be good. Happy Holidays.
We invite you to a common dance.

(There is a table on the stage, at which the grandmother sits and knits a stocking, and a little further away on a chair sits a doll. It turns out that the girl Liza is addressing the doll).

Lisa: Hello daughter, dear,
What are you doing dear
Maybe you want to eat
After all, I'll cook in a moment - that cabbage soup.
Or should you warm the compote?
Tell me dear
Wasting no time.

(Liza sits down next to the doll and begins to play with it. Liza's mother enters the stage and addresses Lisa).

Mama: Hello my daughter,
I've already come home
I haven't seen you all day
How are things in the garden?
What did you eat? What did you drink?
Did you sleep well?
Let me hug you
Daughter, my beloved.
Do you want me to play with you
Or maybe we'll have some tea
Maybe we'll draw or take a walk
Tell me, what are you dreaming about now?
We will do whatever you want,
Speak, don't be shy.

(grandmother walks up to her daughter and addresses her)

Granny: Good evening, my daughter,
Have you come already?
How are you doing at work?
You didn't waste your time today?
Well, let's go to eat soon,
After all, you are hungry, for sure,
She's probably too hungry?
Sit down at the table as soon as possible
I'll pour you borscht,
If you want to fill it up.
Now go lie down
You will have strength
After resting for only half an hour.
Maybe you want something
You just tell me soon.

Leading: That's what it means to be a mom! Mom loves, cares, protects us, no matter how old her child is. Being a mom is happiness!

Granny: Happiness is you! (points to his daughter and granddaughter)
It's easy to be happy
Happiness begins with half a meter of growth.

Mama: Happiness is easy
Dirty diapers, rompers and undershirts.

Lisa: Happiness is easy
Soft toys, books and pillows,
Candy wrappers, sweets, cakes, omelets.

Mama: What is happiness,
Those who will answer you
Who has children.
Children are a great happiness on Earth.
That's what happiness is!

Leading: So let's say we all together, with all the passion,
That being a mom is just happiness!

Now guess the riddles, you can answer all together, you don’t need to raise your hands.

- Who is the sweetest in the world,
Everyone is kinder, more beautiful,
This is, of course, our (mother),
Mom dear!

- Who in the world has everything, everything, has time,
And he warms with his love
This is, of course, (mommy) mine,
dear, beloved, dear.

- We have a very difficult program,
Our (mother) will help everyone to master.

- Makes the bed in the morning,
Reads books in the evening,
And he always supports and understands me. (Mother)

- I'm not afraid of the dark,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms,
After all, I'm always with me everywhere,
My mommy).

- All children, all have elephants,
All mice, all kids,
There is the most beloved, kind and sweet,
(Mom) dear, beloved, there is one for everyone.

Leading: Well done, I am very glad that for all my riddles,
You have found the correct answer.
Now congratulate you,
Mothers are dear, they want the kids to be small and so mischievous.

(Little children come out and perform a remake song in honor of the holiday of mother's day, on motive of the song "Under the roof of your house").

1. We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful:
Than congratulate mom today,
After all, we were lucky with her. (2 times).

On mother's day, all the grief
Let them disappear into nowhere
And only fun will remain
From the night until the morning. (2 times).

2. On mother's day, let him smile,
Luck twice and always
May happiness remain with mom
And it will always be fun. (2 times).

We congratulate moms today,
We wish you love in full
And we give you a bouquet,
To congratulate you on loving. (2 times).

(children take bouquets and give them to their mothers).

Leading: Well, then, dear mothers, and now, at the end of our wonderful holiday, let's dance with you.

(the song "Mama" by S. Mikhailov is included), student boys invite moms to dance with them).

(after the dance, the lights go out, high school students light candles and one girl goes to the center of the hall and reads a touching, beautiful poem about mom).

I remember my childhood, night. That I am lying in the crib, so calm, serene ...
And you are my beloved, dear, reading a book for me at night.
And I feel so good, comfortable, as if the angels are with me.
Ah, those magic, enchanting sounds, and warm, gentle mother's hands,
They inspire me with peace, comfort and tranquility.
How I want to turn to the Universe and ask it to always be happy, my beloved, dear, dear mother dear.

(this ends the scene).

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