
New Year's holiday scenarios for adults. Happy New Year with your family: script, games, competitions. What you will need

New Year's scenario for 2018 for children of the preparatory group

"For the New Year's Dream"

Children enter the hall to the New Year's song and stand in front of the tree in a checkerboard pattern.

Beautiful lyrical music sounds. The presenter comes on stage.

Ved : Our dear guests, I hasten to congratulate everyone

May good luck and success come in the coming year.

I hastened to congratulate everyone. Where are the children? Are they not here?

This means they lost the tree and couldn’t find their way into the hall.

We will sing the song now so that the children will come to us!

Let's sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” maybe they will hear us and rush to our holiday.

Parents sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Children come out.

Reb .We entered this hall with cheerful smiles,

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Tall, beautiful, green, slender,

It glows with colorful lights!

Reb: Oh, what a Christmas tree came to visit us!

She gives us the New Year holiday.

The Christmas tree is dressed up in a regal outfit,

Silver beads hang on branches.

Reb : Look, in our hall the tree blossomed overnight:

All in a golden outfit, and on the top of the head is a star!

Our Christmas tree is simply a marvel: green, slender, beautiful.

Everything is hung with balls and colorful lights.

Reb : New Year's holiday enters every home.

For you, Christmas tree, we will sing a song,

Children sing a song: “New Year’s Song”

1. It happens in the world,

That only once a year

They light up the Christmas tree

A beautiful star.

The star is burning, shining

Ice glistens on the river,

And that means it’s coming

ALL: Happy New Year!

2.New Year getting closer, closer

You won't notice how it comes

He started skiing today

And he went on a hike.

3. He is preparing for the carnival

All people, animals and birds,

It will be an unprecedented holiday

Having no boundaries.

4. New Year is getting closer and closer

We are looking forward to

He strings strings like beads,

And will fulfill all your dreams

5. Finally New Year

Our favorite holiday

Let him bring with him

We have different toys.

6. Let him give us sweets,

Joy and fun!

Let this happiness be for everyone

New Year will share!

7. We are at the New Year's tree

Let's celebrate today

The best holiday in the world

ALL: New Year!

8 . Let our round dance be wider and more friendly

ALL: Hello, New Year holiday!

Round dance.

Children sit on chairs.

Ved : New Year is time fabulous adventures. Do you love fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know (children answer)

Well done. Guys, do you know the fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio and his friends? So today I asked her heroes: Malvina and Pinocchio to go with you to a New Year's fairy tale. Do you agree? Then have a fabulous trip!

PICTURE ONE "Pinocchio and Malvina"

Buratino and Malvina come out. An excerpt from Buratino's song plays.

Malvina : Hello guys! Happy holiday, Happy New Year!

Pinocchio : Happy New Year to all of you, Happy New Happiness!

We are so glad, so glad that I don’t even know how glad we are...

Malvina : Pinocchio, do you know who will be the symbol of the new year 2018?

Pinocchio . I know! I just forgot...

Malvina: Oh, you. Guys, do you know?, (The guys call it: dog)

Malvina : Well done boys!

Pinocchio : Yes, I knew too. Just think! I'll find out when I want too!

Malvina: You and I are the Leaders, which means we must lead the guys along our New Year's fairy tale, and we need to know everything about the New Year now, and not when you want.

Leading: Guys, since we have guests, let’s make them happy and dance the New Year’s polka.

Polka with twists.

(Sit on chairs)

Malvina (looks at his watch): The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus will come up any minute. And we Pinocchio still need to prepare and bring the symbol of the coming year, the Dream Dog. (Leave)

Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat come out, Basilio scares the children.

PICTURE TWO "Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat"

Cat Basilio : Serve the blind Cat Basilio for New Year's dinner!

Fox Alice: Basilio, stop your circus, we have something important to do!

Cat Basilio : We're going to work! (joyfully rubs his hands and licks his lips) And which one?

Fox Alice : Do you remember that because of the stupidity and greed of Karabas-Barabas, the key to the magic door went to Pinocchio and his friends, and you and I were left with nothing!

Cat Basilio (touches his nose): In my opinion, Alice, this is Pinocchio with a nose.

Fox Alice : I said this figuratively.

Cat Basilio: How?

Fox Alice : Shut up and listen. Where would we go through the magic door?

Cat Basilio: Well, into a fairy tale.

Fox Alice : Where are we now? Not in a fairy tale, or what? The magic door leads to the Beautiful far away.

Cat Basilio: Where?

Fox Alice : Where where! To the future, that's where!

Cat Basilio: So what of this?

Fox Alice : And the fact that every year, on New Year’s Eve, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden open this door for all children and adults and hand out gifts. And this year they will be helped by a tiny dog ​​named Dream.

Cat Basilio : Well, let them open it, what kind of business are we going to do?

Fox Alice: And our business is with you: not to let them open the Magic Door, to deprive them of a holiday and gifts.

Cat Basilio : Great! But how do we do this? Will we board up the door or will we kidnap the Snow Maiden again?

Fox Alice : You’re right, we’ll kidnap! But not the Snow Maiden, no one has kidnapped her before, it’s all useless. The Snowguards will not give it to us.

Cat Basilio : What other Snowguards?

Fox Alice : Ordinary. People have bodyguards, and the Snow Maiden is created from snow, which means she has snowguards.

Cat Basilio : Cool! This means that I will have cat guardians, you will have fox guardians, and Durimar, in general, will have fool guardians!

Fox Alice: Do not be distracted! We will kidnap their dog Dream, she is small and harmless. How will they then go into the future without their symbol?

Cat Basilio : Exactly! Let's kidnap and force her to steal New Year's gifts for the children. Just how do we do this?

Fox Alice: I have an idea, let's go and discuss it.

Cat Basilio: Just let's do that first.

Fox Alice: What?

Cat Basilio : Let's dance! So to speak, for inspiration.

Dance of the Fox Alice and Co ta Basilio. Dancing, Alice and Basilio leave the stage.

Pinocchio, Malvina and Dog Dream come out.


Malvina : Here we are! Pinocchio, introduce the guys to our guest!

Pinocchio : Guys, meet me, this is the symbol of the coming year, Dream Dog!

Dog Dream: Hello, dear adults and children! How happy I am that my year is coming across the entire planet! And as soon as Father Frost and Snegurochka come up, we will begin to congratulate everyone and hand out gifts.

Malvina : In the meantime, so as not to get bored, I suggest you play. For example, in the snow!

Pinocchio : But there is no snow here, how are we going to play?

Malvina : I'll tell you a secret, under Christmas tree You can find anything, even snowballs.

(All three go around the tree and find a bucket of snowballs.)

Leading: Let's guys play with our heroes.

Snowball game or skiing.

Doggy Dream : Great! It's a pity that not everyone was able to take part in the game.

Leading: And the guys and I know a very interesting game that everyone can play together.

Dance game "If you're having fun"

Everyone goes to their places

The lights in the hall are flashing. Alice the Fox enters dressed as the Snow Maiden.

Fox Alice : Hello guys! Happy new year to you, so to speak, happy new year to you, well, you know! Children, which one of you is the Dream? And here you are. Well, say goodbye to the guys, it's time for us to go.

Leading : Hello, excuse me, where do you want to take her? And actually, who are you?

Fox Alice: Who is this? I am the Snow Maiden! Who else would wear a hat and sheepskin coat indoors in such heat!

Leading: You don't look very much like her.

Fox Alice : And I’m her sister, also Snegurochka, but not on my grandfather’s side, but on my grandmother’s side.

Leading: So you will be with your grandmother, and she with Grandfather Frost.

Fox Alice : No, I’m with grandpa too! (takes out phone). Hello, Frost? No, I’m not mistaken, you are Frost (he speaks with emphasis, and now we are waiting for you! I hope that you haven’t lost your fur coat and felt boots! Well, good! We’re waiting! (puts away the phone). Well, now he’ll come, in a fur coat and felt boots, everything is as it should be, his sleigh stalled near the school. And here he is!

(Cat Basilio enters, getting tangled in his fur coat)

Fox Alice: Hello Dedushka Moroz. The guys have been waiting for you. You wanted to tell them something!

Cat Basilio ( trying to take off his hat): Submit next...

Fox Alice (interrupts him, sings): “Snowflakes are falling like light feathers”! Is that what you wanted to say, Grandfather Frost?

Basilio the Cat: Yeah.

Leading: Grandfather Frost, I see you are still without a bag of gifts, but probably with a new game for the guys, right?

Cat Basilio: With what? And with the game. This. Ask the Snow Maiden.

Fox Alice: Of course of course! Now Grandfather Frost will play with you, and Mechta and I need to go to prepare the magic door for the grand opening.

Basilio the Cat: This. This. and I?

Fox Alice: Play!

Child: Grandfather Frost, and yours a new game with songs?

Cat Basilio: Yeah, with songs.

Child: What about surprises?

Cat Basilio: What more surprises!

Fox and Dog Dream leave.

Musical game "Pur-pur-naya Christmas tree"

Cat Basilio : Listen to the rules of the game. Everyone knows the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”? Great. A game of attention. When the music starts, we all sing the song together. If I raise my right hand, then instead of words you should sing: “mur-mur”, if your left hand, then “kitty-kiss”, and if both hands, then cheerfully and amicably sing: “la-la” Are you ready? Then - let's start!

The audience sings a song conducted by Basilio.

Leading : It turned out to be a funny song. Grandfather Frost, where are your surprises?

Cat Basilio : Who? As for the surprises, I left them at the door. I'll go and get it now. (Leaves)

Leading: A strange Grandfather Frost, and even the Snow Maiden.

The real Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: Hello guys,

I came from good fairy tale- start games, dancing,

Join the round dance and celebrate the New Year!

And Grandfather Frost will be with us very soon.

Leading: So he's already here.

Snow Maiden: Where?

Leading : He came out for a surprise, didn’t you meet him at the door?

Snow Maiden: No. I met Basilio the Cat, by the way, he asked me to give you a note. Where is baby Dream?

Leading: Read the note to Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden :We kidnapped your dog Dream. Now you won't have a New Year and won't have any gifts. We will open the magic door ourselves and take all your New Year's gifts. We will sell them - just count the money! Fox Alice and cat Basilio.

Leading: What to do? Will all the kids be left without gifts?

Snow Maiden: Oh, what robbers! Are Alice the fox and Basilio the cat really going to ruin our holiday? Do not be sad! The New Year will definitely come and the children will definitely receive gifts!

I am, after all, the Snow Maiden:

Well, for you, my friends, I continue our fairy tale!

I need to call grandpa.

I'm just afraid he won't hear.

Leading: Snow Maiden, the guys will perform an orchestra and Grandfather Frost will definitely hear us.


Children together with the Snow Maiden call Father Frost!

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music, walks around the children, and stops in front of the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Hello, my dears, both small and large!

Happy New Year, I wish you all from the bottom of my heart

Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, have fun celebrating the holiday

Come on, hold hands and stand in a wide circle!

We will sing and dance and celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden : Grandfather, the Christmas tree is standing sadly,

The Christmas tree is not lit with lights.

Father Frost: We will fix this now, we will make all the lights burn.

To light the Christmas tree,

We have to try

Repeat all movements

And don't make mistakes.

Stomp with your right foot.

Slap your puffy cheeks.

Wave your hand at the Christmas tree.

Spell to say:

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!

Come on, Christmas tree, wake up!

Let's say together: one, two, three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!

Father Frost: How fun it is today, how joyful it is all around! So let's dance and sing around the Christmas tree!

Song...Hello New Year

Father Frost : Well? Anything new? Tell me now.

Snow Maiden : Santa Claus! Alice the fox and Basilio the cat came. They stole our dog Mechta and promised to take away New Year's gifts.

Father Frost: Ah, pranksters! But don't be upset. The fact is that the gifts are behind the magic door, and she is here in this room. So, they’ll have to come back here to steal the gifts, and we’ll give it to them here. And don’t worry about the dog Dream, she won’t let herself get hurt, but on the contrary, she will bring thieves to us faster.

Father Frost So guys, let's keep having fun.

Snow Maiden : We sang and danced, but we didn’t play yet. Grandfather would have come up with a game to amuse the kids.

Father Frost: Oh, I love to play, I don’t want to rest!

Game "Santa Claus's Magic Staff"

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into bunnies!

(knocks with a staff, children perform appropriate movements to the music)

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into monkeys!

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into horses!

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I'll turn everyone into dogs! After all, next year is the year of the dog. Well, louder clang-clack-clack!

Father Frost : And now, my friends, I suggest everyone sit down. Now I’ll blow a magic breeze on you, and you’ll fly back to your places(children sit down)So, pay attention, kids! Is there another game for you, do you like to play? I have prepared an interesting game for you. I want to play with you and tell you riddles. Listen to me carefully and answer question :

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes)

Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes)

Knows songs and riddles? (Yes)

Will he eat all your chocolates? (No)

Did he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes)

Hid the thread and needle (no)

Doesn't his soul age? (Yes)

Will it warm us up outside? (No)

Did a rose bloom under the snow? (No)

Is the New Year getting closer? (Yes)

Does the Snow Maiden have skis? (Yes)

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes)

Are all the masks bright on New Year's Day? (Yes)

Are the kids having fun with Santa Claus until the morning? (Yes)

Father Frost. Well, a fun game?

Leading : – Now let’s play our game, Grandfather Frost!

(Several children sit on the floor with their legs stretched out.)

Leading : - Grandfather Frost, can you walk between the guys without ever stepping on them?

Father Frost : - Certainly! Here you are!(walks to music)

Presenter: “Now we’ll blindfold you.” Will you go the same way?

Father Frost : – Yes, it’s so easy! I'll pass!

GAME for Santa Claus

The presenter blindfolds the DM, at this time the children sit down.

Music sounds. Santa Claus walks, raising his legs high, avoiding non-existent obstacles, walking straight towards his parents, trying to climb over them.

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the guys, and you read poetry to me.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well done boys! The poems were well prepared.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, it’s already time to give gifts, but the Fox and the cat are not coming.

Father Frost: Of course, granddaughter. I’ll go and have a look now, I hope they’re already close... (goes off to look)

Snow Maiden: And we will sit quietly and wait...

To the music, the Cat and the Fox in hats and with their dog Dream enter on tiptoe.

Fox: It’s true that you can’t see me, it’s good that we bought these magic invisible hats from Baba Yaga.

Cat: Exactly, exactly, we promised to ruin the New Year, so sit here and don’t see us stealing your gifts (giggle) They approach the magic door.

Fox: Finally we caught our luck!

Cat: I’m so happy I’m going to cry right now! You and I will become rich, we will get gold coins!

Fox : Basilio, stop dreaming, Doggy, open the door quickly!

(in a whisper) Otherwise, Grandfather will return now, we won’t be happy...

Snow Maiden : What are you doing there?

Cat : Who is this, is this a talking tree? (walks up to the tree and listens)

Fox : Fool, this chest is talking to us (leans his ear towards the chest)

Snow Maiden : I ask again, what are you doing there?

Cat and Fox : Who is this talking to us, we are invisible (with our backs to the children)

Snow Maiden :You can be heard and seen, we all see you!

Cat and Fox (disappointed): Grandma Hedgehog, the wooden leg, deceived me, so get caught (waving their fist... So what, we still have the dog, which means our gifts too...

Santa Claus enters

Father Frost : Ah, that's it! I did not expect such deceit from you. Come on, return our dog!

Cat and Fox : He is ours, ours (they hide her behind her back)

Father Frost: Well, then, my friends, I’ll freeze you without difficulty!

Snow Maiden, start doing magic!

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, fluffs, spin, turn uninvited guests into icicles!

Fox: Grandfather, oh Grandfather! What have you done? Our paws are frozen to the floor!

Cat: Help! I'm frozen! My tail is about to fall off!

Snow Maiden, stop fooling around!

FOX : They froze the cripple! He doesn't have any health anyway!

CAT : It’s all her – Fox!

FOX : Ugh, shameless eyes!

(Cat and Fox cling to each other)

Father Frost: Don't scare the kids! Come on, stop the fight!

Cat Basilio: Santa Claus, stop being offended!

Father Frost : What about your outrages? You rightfully deserve punishment! Although, if you bring back the Dream and can make the kids laugh, then maybe I’ll forgive you.

Fox : Yes, we are always welcome! Here is the puppy, safe and sound,

Fox (to children): Guys, forgive us! We will not offend you!

We'll play with you now.

Play the game “Steam Locomotive”:

Children walk like a train around the Christmas tree to rhythmic music. The Fox and the Cat announces the names of the stations at certain intervals, for example: - “Khokhotushkino” (everyone is laughing, - “Topotushkino” (everyone is stomping, - “Krichalkino” (they shout “Hurray”), - “Tantsulkino” (everyone is dancing, - “Hugging” (everyone hugs each other)

Father Frost: Well, you guys have fun (yes) then I forgive you - pranksters. (addresses the Fox and the Cat)

Snow Maiden : That's good, and now for the gifts.

Father Frost: How impatient you are! Well, okay...Show Mechta, where is our magic door? (The dog runs around the Christmas tree and goes to the magic door of DM behind it)

Father Frost: Now I'll go around the tree

I'll find the magic door

Let the door knock and gifts appear,

The packaging is very bright!

(opens the magic door, takes out gifts).

The Dog, the Cat and the Fox help distribute gifts to the children.

Cat Basilio and Fox Alice: And we have gifts!

Father Frost: And here you are (takes out a toy chicken and a carton of milk)

(The fox and the cat lick their lips contentedly)

Father Frost: We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will be separated for a whole year.

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come again! Goodbye!

Snow Maiden.

With an open heart and love

We wish you happiness and health!

Heroes leave

The presenter ends the celebration, the children leave the hall.

New Year is, first of all, a family holiday and is traditionally celebrated with family and closest friends. Those who are not planning to go to a corporate event this year and are not going to celebrate New Year's Eve in a noisy and large company of friends and acquaintances probably want to spend the holiday hours with their family. What could be better than a cozy family celebration? Only a festival with competitions for children and adults, as well as interesting scenario holiday.

Let's see: what action plan can you have for New Year's Eve 2017-2018!

New Year's scenario for the family

  1. Prepare carnival masks/costumes in advance. Shortly before New Year's Eve, invite all family members to draw lots, which will determine who he will be that evening.
  2. Let's see off the old year together as a family.
  3. Let's celebrate the New Year 2018.
  4. A competition for the most original wish “in character” - everyone comes up with wishes for family members on behalf of the character, makes a toast and congratulations.
  5. Mental crossword
  6. Together we come up with a comic horoscope for each family member.
  7. New Year 2018 competitions for children and adults.

How can you organize all these 7 points?

Scenario for New Year 2018: ideas with carnival masks and costumes

Naturally, each holiday scenario should carry a considerable charge of humor. Likewise, the idea of ​​masks and costumes, which are given to family members by lot, can bring a lot of positivity to your family feast. for example, if by chance men get the Snowflake or Snow Maiden costumes.

Don’t forget that we are entering the year of the yellow dog - you should definitely have a dog among your masks and costumes!

2. Farewell to the old year

— toasts. Distribute cards with the first part of the toast, and you need to come up with the second part yourself (here are examples of toasts)

Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Jewish Santa Claus came:
- Hello, kids... Buy gifts

New Year is a holiday of contrast: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but at home it’s sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is decorated, the table is festive. We wish that this contrast will be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and storms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it may be around, your soul will always be sunny and warm!

One man fell asleep on New Year's Day and had a dream: next to him a beautiful woman. I woke up - no one was there. Let's drink so that all your good dreams come true in the new year!

— New Year's quiz
(a large poster is prepared in advance, where the participants of competitions and quizzes will be entered (bunny, snowflake, Baba Yaga, etc.) - for each correct answer or victory in the competition, a snowflake is drawn, at the end all snowflakes are summed up and the winner has the right to be the first to pick one from the tree “ jokes from the Christmas tree”, the second in the sum of snowflakes is the second, etc.)

1. On New Year’s Day it is customary to give not only gifts, but also cards. But few people know that for the first time New Year card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A little hint - between 1800 and 1850. (Participants of the holiday name their answer options. The one who names the correct answer - 1843 - receives the right to take part in the competitive program of the holiday).
2. Like everywhere else, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but it is celebrated not for one day, like here, but for much longer. Who can tell me what number they start with in this country? new year holidays? (Again, the participants pronounce the words of their answers. The one who named the exact date - December 6 - is the next participant competitive program, which will come later).
3. No one will argue that the New Year's clock strikes 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese walkers beat - you have to guess. Hint: from 100 to 150. What are your answer options? (The one who correctly names the number - 108 strokes - becomes the third player).
4. Please tell me, in what year did Peter I issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (And again, the one who gave the correct answer - the year 1700 - will come to your playground).

— Song competition
In a hat, notes are passed around in a circle, in which words are written in New Year's theme(winter, snow, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, needles, dog, Santa Claus, puppy, Snow Maiden), etc. The one who pulls out the note must sing a part of the song in which this word appears.

3. New Year 2018

- unwrap gifts placed under the tree in advance

- We welcome the year of the yellow dog

a. Remember dog terms (faithful dog, wagging tail)
b. Remember songs about dogs (Dogs can be biters).
c. Poems about dogs ().
d. Proverbs (dog is man's friend).
e. In which movie/book is the character an active character? (Mukhtar, Mu-mu).
(I understand that it’s not exactly the same date, but still – let it be)

4. Organize a competition for the most original “wish in the image”, i.e. say an unusual congratulation/toast on behalf of your character

5. Mental crossword puzzle

  • First and last name of an elderly man. He is a ladies' man dressed in Winter 2018 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  • A dairy product that maintains winter temperature but is consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  • Fairy tale. It happens in winter. The main characters are two girls. One of them is helped by the hero after whom the fairy tale is named. He gives her gifts and marries her (7 letters). Answer: “Frost.”
  • A tree whose absence of leaves indicates its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: Christmas tree.
  • A fashion model with a brown braid, always participating in winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  • Place of long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol located under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
  • A liquid that is consumed internally during great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.
  • An object artistic creativity Santa Claus (4 letters)? (Window)
  • Santa Claus's informer (5 letters). (Staff)

6. Horoscope

Come up with a comic horoscope for each family member.
We read a comic description of the sign and a comic forecast.

7. New Year 2018 competitions for children and adults for a family holiday

Well, competitions. We were selected taking into account our small and diverse group of people.

Reel it quickly
For this game you need to prepare two spools and threads 3 - 5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding a spool in their hands so that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread onto the spool, all the time getting closer to each other. The first one to reach the middle of the string wins.

With my eyes closed
Having put on thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of item you were given.

Frosty breath.
A fairly large paper snowflake is placed on the table in front of two participants. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. This continues until everyone has blown off their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, announce: “The winner is not the one who blew away his snowflake first, but the one who was the last, because his breath is so frosty that his snowflake “frozen” to the table.”

Competition "Take a Prize!"
A bag with a prize is placed on the chair. The competition participants are around the chair. The presenter reads the poem “One, two, three!” Those who attempt to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.
I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish
And not just one, but TWO.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?

Competition "Theatrical"

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:
1. woman with heavy bags;
2. a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
3. sentry guarding the food warehouse;
4. a baby who has just learned to walk;
5. Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

"Merry Nonsense"
The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. Questions in the left hand, answers in the right. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blind”, pull out a question to a neighbor at the table and read it out loud, the neighbor also pulls out a blind answer and reads it. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.
Sample questions:
Tell me, is your heart free?
Do you like to give gifts?
Are you making mistakes in your life?
Tell me, are you jealous?
Do you love your husband (wife)?
Do you often travel to public transport without a ticket?
Have you often fallen out of bed?
Do you like to read other people's letters?
Are you ever able to alcohol intoxication?
Do you love cooking delicious dinners?
Would you like to get drunk today?
Do you like to dream under the moon?
Do you like gifts?
Do you feel dizzy when you drink?
Do you often get lazy?
Have you tried to seduce another man (woman)?
Do you like to swim naked?
Do you like pickles on Mondays?
Do you play sports?
How do you feel about striptease?
Does it happen that you sleep at your workplace?
Do you snore in your sleep?
Are you afraid of the policeman?
Do you like to visit?
Are you gaining weight?
Are you hiding your age?

Sample answers:
I can't imagine my life without this.
I don't answer political questions.
Only on payday.
You can try it far from home.
I don’t know myself, but others say yes.
This is my hobby.
Not here.
Why not? With great pleasure!
This case, of course, will proceed without witnesses.
This opportunity should not be missed.
You can already try this.
I can do it for hours, especially in the dark.
Damn it! You guessed it.
Only on holidays.
Only for decent pay.
But something needs to be done!
I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
These are the best moments of my life.
This is the main goal of my life.
I just can't stand it.
I will never refuse such an opportunity.
This often happens to me when visiting.
In principle, yes, although it will be very difficult.
Only in despair.
Well, this is, excuse me, luxury!

"The most sensual."
Candies (nuts) are placed on the chairs and covered with newspaper on top. The player must sit on top and count with his sensitive spot how many nuts are under him (he does not see them in advance).

Christmas tree jokes
All participants remove “their” pieces of paper from the tree. Jokes can be perceived as a prediction or a joke.
1. Dear parents! Would you like any grandchildren?
2. “Being closer to your mother-in-law means a fuller stomach, further from your mother-in-law means your love for her is stronger...”
3. There can only be 2 opinions in a family: one is the wife’s, the other is wrong!
4. It is best to give useful gifts. The wife gives her husband handkerchiefs, and he gives her mink coat.
5. A compliment doubles a woman's productivity.
6. I will take on a difficult task -
Family budget I'll spend it sparingly.
7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
8. Between worries, between things.
I will diligently lie on the sofa.
9. We all sometimes go somewhere,
Let's go, sail, fly like birds,
Where there is an unfamiliar shore...
The road abroad awaits you.
10. And this month you will dedicate to art -
Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
11. Tomorrow morning you will be a beauty, a star, a berry, a kitty, a little fish, and when you give me beer, you will become a wife again.

The best impromptu is a carefully prepared one. This is especially true during the holidays. There is nothing sadder when guests don’t know what to do with themselves. To prevent this from happening, you should worry about the program in advance. Let the script for celebrating the New Year 2018 help the owners of the house and their friends to celebrate it with pleasure and joy.

It is customary to celebrate the New Year with family and friends. Celebrating at home makes adjustments to the scenario. A costume ball is not necessary here, and moving competitions are difficult. But if you approach the process creatively, then no one will be bored - neither parents nor children. Everyone will be successful as a leader. Most fun party one in which everyone takes an active part.

New Year 2018 scenario for adults

The host and hostess greet arriving guests.

Leading: Dear guests, good evening!
We have been waiting for you for so long today,
The table is set, and the candles are already burning -
Their fire will dispel all sorrows!

Presenter: Dear guests, we are glad to see you -
Look how their faces shine!
Surprises, competitions, awards await you,
Let's sing and have fun together!

Near the entrance there is a tin can with a slot and the inscription “ Start-up capital" You can complement the design with a drawing of a dog as a symbol of the house guard and invite those who come to place coins and/or bills there. The owners also get in on the action.

Leading: Just wait a moment:
In a moment, a fairy tale will open its doors.
Place a coin here.
For what? There is an inscription there - a hint.

Guests and their hosts go into a decorated room, where refreshments await them. When the culinary masterpieces have been sampled and everyone has relaxed, the presenter steps forward:

Presenter: The New Year is not only new happiness, meetings, acquisitions, but also fresh news. Now everyone can act as a television reporter and report the hottest news from what happened on the eve (or first hours) of the year.

The presenters hand out cards with a set of 5 words that are in no way related to each other in meaning. From them you need to make a sentence describing some event. Words are used in every way, inflected and changed in any way. For more intrigue, you can give it a limited time to complete. The winner is the one who, in the general opinion, came up with the funniest phrase. He gets a forfeit. After a break at the feast, the host announces the next competition.

Leading: There is no Maria without Ivan,
A musician without a button accordion,
Early dawns without dew,
And without songs there is no Rus'.

And a holiday without songs is not very fun. Song Contest Announced!

It can be done as a team or individually. After writing words from New Year's or simply well-known songs on postcards, mix them up and offer to collect them for a while. You can complicate the task and play the game “Guess the melody”. To do this, use a sound editor to cut up fragments of melodies and ask the teams to answer what they sound like. To confuse the situation, it is better to cut out pieces from the middle, rather than the beginning. To those who correctly named, give out forfeits, and then reward the winner with a small “musical” prize, for example, a can of canned peas.

Without allowing those present to relax, the presenter seizes the initiative.

Presenter: Where there are choruses there is dancing
It's no secret to you!
Come on, come out people!
My prize for the bravest! Here!

The prize can be anything, for example, exotic fruit, if a woman came out first, and a bottle of beer - if a man. After a short warm-up, the presenter conducts dance competition, in which all present couples can take part. It begins on an unfolded newspaper. During the process, breaks are taken and the newspaper is folded. The couple that dances on the smallest piece of paper wins. The winners receive a prize.

After another pause, the next proposal comes from the presenter.

Leading: Friends, let's do it while we're still not tired and sleepy general photo. We just need to get ready for it and dress up.

The presenter hands over a bag filled with different things and items of clothing. Everyone takes turns pulling out of it what they grab and putting it on themselves. Having “dressed up” in this way, guests and hosts take pictures together.

Presenter: Today's holiday is immortalized, the photo shoot was a success. But that is not all. Since the new year 2018 is the year of the Dog, this is reflected in the script by the competition. Divided into 2 teams, we will draw the symbol of the coming year!

A sheet of whatman paper is fixed, team members come up one by one, blindfolded, and begin to draw: first the body, then the head, eyes, nose, ears, paws, tail. Everyone draws one element. Sick team members can help the artist with tips. The team whose drawing is most similar to the given animal wins. For extra fun, you can take a photo of the participants with their “work.”

After rest and snack - intellectual competition. The presenter distributes snowflakes to those present, on which numbers from one to the number of those present are written.

Leading: New competition: wishes.
Make an effort
And come up with it quickly
The verse is short. You can not? –
Can you speak in prose?
Without losing the thread!

In turn, from number one onwards, each person present makes an impromptu wish. Poetic ones are especially highly valued. Those who made them up on the fly should definitely be rewarded. The prize could be a pen, a notepad and a wish for further success in your creativity.

Presenter: And now we also wish:
Happy New Year!
Let the snowflakes dance
Will bring joy to the heart!

Guests are invited to remove snowflakes from the Christmas tree and find their room. Attach a wish to each of them. If funds allow, then gifts marked with corresponding numbers are placed under the tree. The presentations can be played in another, more fun way: they are all hung by a thread on a rope held by the presenters. Each person present, blindfolded, cuts off a prize for themselves. To make it even more fun, the rope can be raised and lowered. At this time, fans guide the “blind”, telling them: up, down, right, left.

After the guests have strengthened their strength, the last competition is held. This is a drawing of the contents of the piggy bank, in which all adults, including the presenters, take part. The “starting capital” for the new year will be received by the one who most accurately guesses the amount of money collected. To avoid confusion, you can make a statement in advance, entering the names of the expected guests and hosts. Before counting, everyone will enter the estimated amount.

Leading: Finally, the highlight of the program!
Come on, guests, sit up straight,
And after thinking, decide
Write on a piece of paper -
How much money do we have?
And then we’ll count them all at once.

After recalculating the funds extracted and checking the amounts on the statement, the money is transferred to the winner.

When seeing off the guests, the hosts say goodbye to them:

Presenter: Today we drank, ate,
They danced as best they could
We sang songs, congratulated
They wished for happiness and joy.

Leading: The countdown has started again
The very best New Year
Don't forget us in it.
Goodbye! Good morning!

Scenario for the New Year 2018 for the family

The program proposed above can easily be adapted to celebrate a holiday with children. You just need to add the appropriate competitions to it.

In a singing competition prepare a block of cuts from works familiar to children. These could be songs of cartoon or movie characters familiar to young participants. Second round of the competition – songs about dogs. There are two options: invite children to sing those that they know or, choosing on the Internet, give them a chance to guess. The winner will be awarded a children's musical instrument.

In a drawing competition Prepare another sheet of whatman paper and offer to draw, blindfolded, a snowman with a bucket, carrot, stick hands, eyes and a smile.

Presenter: A cry was heard in the yard:
A snowman grew overnight!
There is no sweeter friend in winter!
Draw it quickly!

A separate quiz for younger children. You need to guess the riddles in which New Year's decorations and surprises are “hidden”. They are easy to find on the Internet. Here are a few exclusive ones:

  • Like a hedgehog's needle,
    But not a hedgehog! This is (Christmas tree).
  • He hisses like a cat
    And then it gives a spark.
    Don't touch him with your finger,
    Because he is (fire).
  • Spins, sparkles,
    Faces reflect
    And the candles are on fire.
    It is a glass (ball).
  • Looks like a barrel with a tail,
    But he scares the girls!
    Very loud toy
    It's called (cracker).

Contest of wishes not closed to children. Give prizes to the smallest and wittiest ones and invite everyone to cut a gift for themselves. The conditions are simplified: do not move the rope and guide your hand if the child absolutely does not fall. Hang gifts one at a time, according to age.

When the “highlight of the program” is played for adults, a bag of sweets is played in a similar way for children, which must be hidden under the tree in advance and well camouflaged so that it is not discovered ahead of time.

Presenter: Look under the tree:
Santa Claus left there...
No, not a stick, not a needle -
He brought you candy.

Who will answer me correctly?
How many of them are inside now?
He will get everything. Come on, children,
I count: one, two, three!

When counting “three,” children who can write write the number on paper. Parents do it instead of little ones. Each piece of paper is signed with the child's name. The candies are counted and the quantity is checked according to what is written. The winner gets the whole bag, and the rest of the kids are given sweet consolation prizes before saying goodbye.

It’s common practice that we spend much more time at work than at home. Gradually, our colleagues become a second family for us. That is why most people celebrate the New Year twice, and they look forward to corporate events at work. Cool script New Year's corporate party 2018 will help you have a fun and unforgettable holiday; even after a while, employees will remember the New Year with warmth.

2018 is the year of the dog, so great idea There will be a corporate event in the style of the movie Scooby-Doo. The villain stole the magic keys to the New Year and to get them, you need to go through a lot comic competitions and tests.

The hall is decorated in a mysterious style. Scraps of maps, cobwebs of thread and portraits of Scooby-Doo hang on the walls. In the corner of the room, a van is made from cardboard or other scrap materials to completely recreate the atmosphere. Tablecloths are decorated with paper bones and a large magnifying glass is placed in the middle of each table, which symbolizes detectives. An improvised door is painted on the wall, which is the entrance to the New Year.

Corporate event scenario

The comic scenario for the New Year's corporate party 2018 is designed for a company of about 20 people.

Santa Claus (Host) with a large bag of gifts looks excitedly at his watch. Rings loudly mobile phone(melody - Tell the Snow Maiden where you were...)

- Hello, Snow Maiden, where are you? I warned you not to be late today. Did you dance until the morning with the gnomes again and oversleep? How were the keys stolen? Now we won’t be able to let in the New Year. I have a whole room of girls and boys here who have behaved well all year and worked great for the company’s profit. Who stole the keys? The villain in the supermarket? Did he say that he would return it if we completed all his tasks? Eh, everything is gone, and I can’t think of anything to do now. He puts the phone on the table and addresses the guests: “Without the magic keys, we will not be able to let in the New Year. You need to go through serious tests to take them from the Villain. Are you willing to help me?”

The Snow Maiden comes in in her hands with a stack of cards with tasks from the Villain. She places them on the table, and the guests choose the first task.

New Year's competitions first part

The corporate party scenario for the New Year 2018 includes many funny competitions in which guests must take turns participating. None of those present should be left without small souvenirs and small gifts.


Three people who want to play are selected, they are blindfolded and spun around several times to disorientate them. Santa Claus places a small plush dog in the most unusual place - under a chair, on the lap of one of the guests, or in the far corner of the room. The rest of the guests should tell the players whether they are looking in the right direction. The toy is given as a gift to the person who finds it.

Free the captive

Three female-male pairs are chosen for the game. The woman's legs are tied with tinsel around the knees. Men must untie their lady's legs without using their hands. The pair that completes the task the fastest is awarded a New Year's toy.

Three male-female couples are invited to participate in the competition. They are placed with their backs to each other, and an inflated balloon is placed between the backs. To catchy music, participants need to dance so that the balloon bursts. The winner is the couple whose balloon bursts the fastest. The winners receive a box of balloons as a gift.


Santa Claus tells everyone that he can easily read the thoughts of those present. Five people are invited - they can be both men and women. They sit in a row on chairs, Santa Claus approaches the people playing, passes his hands over each one, and at the same time an excerpt from a song sounds. Excerpts from songs are chosen to make them funny, for example:

  • Oh God, what a man, I want a son from you;
  • There is only one natural blond in the whole country;
  • But I don’t want, I don’t want out of calculation, but I want out of love, out of love;
  • The girls are standing on the sidelines;
  • There are so many single guys on the streets of Saratov;
  • The dog can be a biter;
  • I'm a lonely tramp of love.

After the end of the competition, all participants are given CDs with popular or drinking songs.

Everyone present pulls out pieces of paper with numbers and begins a drawing of cool gifts. Santa Claus shouts out the number of the gift, and the guest who has this number goes to the middle of the hall and immediately puts the gift on himself. You need to wear things until the end of the corporate party.

  1. I give this tie to you,

I once wore it myself.

(A tie of variegated colors is tied.)

  1. Well, rejoice, because number two

A luxurious crown is presented.

(Put on a plastic children's tiara).

  1. Let's all rejoice together

You need to wear this for the entire holiday.

(They give you cool family panties).

  1. And these are not so hot panties,

They look like fashionable pants.

(They give you large size panties).

  1. I'll give you a cap

He can decorate it a little.

(A multi-colored cap is presented).

  1. And these are colorful horns for you,

Put them on quickly now.

(They give a hoop with flashing horns).

  1. And then we’ll give you felt boots,

Although I didn’t wear it, it was old.

(Wear two New Year's socks for gifts).

  1. Quickly hold this scarf,

You won't find anything more beautiful in the world.

(Give a bright scarf).

  1. You got my extra beard,

It was lying around in an old chest of drawers.

(They grab the white beard).

  1. Giving gifts is a talent,

Wear a great bow on yourself.

(They give a large bow attached to the headband).

  1. Take some comfortable shoes,

And leave the holiday cheerfully.

(They hand over funny slippers with faces).

  1. And here is a butterfly accidentally lying around,

Most likely, she was left over from an important reception.

(Give a red polka dot butterfly).

  1. Gives a terribly strange look

This amazing wig is for you.

(Put on a multi-colored clown wig).

  1. And you, perhaps, are still a naughty girl,

Once you get a cute monkey.

(They give a rubber monkey mask).

  1. Put on your angel wings

And feel free to flit around the room in them.

(They give wings with an elastic band).

  1. I give you my summer glasses,

It's like I'm tearing them away from myself.

(Put on cool heart-shaped glasses).

  1. You quickly put on the zombie look,

And scare all your friends to death.

(They give a rubber mask).

  1. A medical bandage will help

And it can protect you from all diseases.

(They give a medical bandage).

  1. You won't be able to get dirty for sure.

If you put on this bib urgently

(Tie on a bright bib).

  1. Here's your cute little tail and even your ears,

Now you are a sweet little animal.

(Give the attributes of a bunny costume).

  1. Can I give you a clown nose?

To easily cheer everyone up.

(They hand over a big red nose).

After all the guests have been presented with gifts and have already dressed them, Santa Claus invites the guests to dance.

How beautiful everyone is,

You can't take your eyes off it.

Now everything is new

We are going to dance.

New Year's competitions: part two

The corporate party scenario for celebrating the New Year 2018 contains a comic prediction of the future for those present. Paper figurines of dogs are hung on a rope, each of which contains a cheerful horoscope of what awaits a person in the new year.

– We have already completed many difficult tasks of the Villain, but there are even more difficult and dangerous tasks ahead. Let's not slow down guys, soon we will accomplish everything, and the keys will be in our hands.

A coward doesn't play football

Two people are blindfolded and turned around their axis several times to lose orientation. A beach ball is placed in the middle of the room, which players must find and kick. The participant who hits the ball first wins. They give him the ball as a gift. For comedy, you can remove the ball altogether. It's a lot of fun to watch players punch the air.

Who's next?

Four people are lined up. Each person is given a pacifier. The task of the people playing is to spit out the pacifier as far as possible. The winner is the one who throws the pacifier the furthest. The winner is solemnly presented with a pacifier on a chain. The competition is accompanied by Kristina Orbakaite’s song “Bow Sponges”.


All those present are divided into teams. Each person is given a plate with confetti made from firecrackers, which must be sorted by color. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. The winners are given a cracker.

Snow Maiden– Grandfather Frost, look, there are very few cards left. The villain said that as soon as all the tasks were completed, the keys would immediately appear, but they would have to be looked for.

“Okay granddaughter, the guys and I will now do everything, and then we’ll take magnifying glasses and be sure to find the treasured keys.”


3-4 participants are selected. Balloons are tied to their feet. The players' task is to puncture their opponents' balls and protect their own by any means possible, but without hands. Adults look very funny, dressed in their funny gifts and with balloons tied to their feet. The winner is the person who can keep at least one of his balls intact. For his participation he is awarded balloon on a stick.

Harvest the harvest

Participate in pairs. Women are blindfolded, and men have 10 clothespins attached to their clothes in different places. On command, women begin to feel their partners in search of clothespins. The team that wins is the one certain time will find more of them. The winners are awarded a package of clothespins.

– Snow Maiden, I see that our guests are tired and need to rest. Let's entertain them a little.

Santa Claus selects one volunteer, whom he takes aside and explains that he needs to portray a kangaroo, and the audience must find out what kind of animal it is. Then he returns to the hall and quietly informs those present that the participant will show a kangaroo, but they must not guess this animal. 10 minutes after the start of the competition, the main character looks very comical, he resembles an enraged kangaroo.

Snow Maiden“And now we’ll hold a magical auction where you can buy some pretty useful things.”

Magic auction

Santa Claus shows his bag, which contains a mysterious gift. Guests make bets; whoever gives the largest amount takes the contents of the bag. The gifts in the bag are changed three times, the first time something inexpensive and cool is placed there, and the next two times the gifts in the bag are expensive and useful. At the end of the competition, the first buyer who received the most unattractive gift is given the entire amount of money raised from the auction.

New Year's competitions: third part

– The clock hand is tirelessly approaching midnight, and we still don’t have the keys to the New Year.

Snow Maiden– Don’t worry, grandfather, there are very few tasks left. We will have time to get the magic keys before midnight. Dear guests, I ask you to participate more actively in the competition program.

Fill the bottle

Four participants are chosen, and everyone is given empty champagne bottles and a lot of old newspapers. The contestants' task is to fill the bottle to the top with crumpled newspapers. The winner is the one who managed to complete the task first and is awarded a bottle of champagne.

Who has more buttons?

All corporate party participants are asked to count all the buttons on their clothes. The one who has the most wins. The winner is solemnly presented with a sewing kit with threads, needles and buttons.


Three people are invited to participate in the competition. Everyone is given jars of change. You need to quickly count the money in your bank. The winner is the one who is the first to name the correct amount; he is solemnly handed a wallet with change.

- Oh, I’m tired of playing and laughing, I really want to dance. Who's with me?

The participants of the corporate party get up and start dancing to the catchy New Year's music. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden dance dashingly in the very middle of the hall.

The Snow Maiden's mobile phone rings (the melody sounds - Oh, as you know, we are a hot people and cannot stand the tenderness of a calf...). The dancing stops, Snow Maiden picks up the phone.

Snow Maiden- Yes, almost all the tasks have been completed, where are the keys? We have one last task left, after this, where can we pick up the magic keys? Search in the hall? Well, okay, Villain, we'll get to you.

Snow Maiden– Grandfather, the Villain called and said that as soon as all the tasks are completed, we can find the keys to the New Year in the hall. Let's do the last task quickly.

Two couples participate in the competition - they can be both men and women. All participants are blindfolded and one person in the pair is given slightly melted ice cream in a waffle cup. The task of the person with the ice cream is to feed his partner with his eyes closed. It is advisable for participants who are being fed to wear raincoats, as their clothes can get very dirty.

“That’s it, we have completed the villain’s last task.” Now we need to quickly look for the treasured keys, otherwise we may not have time to let in the New Year before 12 o'clock. Dear guests, take the magnifying glasses on your tables and begin to carefully examine the hall.

The final part of the corporate event

Snow Maiden- Grandfather Frost, we forgot to light the Christmas tree.

- Exactly, granddaughter, now we will correct this annoying oversight. Let's all say the magic words loudly together - Christmas tree, light up.

After those present shout the magic words three times, the tree lights up with bright lights, and the overhead light goes out.

Guests begin to actively search the hall for the keys to the New Year. The Snow Maiden looks into the van, which stands in the corner of the room and finds the Villain there with the keys.

Snow Maiden- Villain, why did you come to our holiday?

the villain– don’t kick me out, I brought you the keys to the New Year. It's so much fun here, I decided that I won't do bad things anymore, I'll become good and grow flowers.

– friends, let’s forgive the Villain?

Those present unanimously agree to accept the Villain into their company. Everyone starts having fun and dancing. Santa Claus takes the keys and approaches the makeshift door that opens the entrance to the New Year and unlocks it.

- Well, that’s all, our adventures have come to an end, the doors have been opened for the New Year, the Villain will no longer do evil, and we will have fun until the morning.

Guests are invited to a large round dance and begin to sing a song - A Christmas tree was born in the forest.

Santa Claus finishes cultural event beautiful parting words:

May the New Year inspire everyone,

Will open success to everyone.

And in every room it sounds,

A cheerful, sweet laugh.

Let your best friend walk nearby

Both on holiday and in bad weather.

And into every house, like a ball of snow,

Happiness will overwhelm you.

We don't say goodbye at all

Although it's time to part.

We want you in a magical, wonderful hour

Fulfill all desires.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden present sweet gifts to those present and then invite them to the table. The evening continues with songs and dances. Happy New Year to all!

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