
Fill in contact information

Do you want to have your own advertising platform on the Internet? If the answer is yes, let's start creating a small website today. To create a business card website, knowledge of HTML and CSS is not required. Although it will be very useful to study this science in the future. In the meantime, you can use a special program. You can find it online, but it's paid. So, let's begin.

Web Page Maker is a builder for creating simple websites. All manipulations here are performed not with the code, but in the program interface. They are simple and clear.

The central field of the utility is the future site. Various elements are added here, which are taken from the “Insert” item located in the main menu. You just need to drag and drop the added elements with the mouse and arrange them in the required order.
  • The most important of them are: Pictures for beautiful design
  • site. They can be prepared in advance and taken directly from your computer or immediately obtained from the image library of the program itself.
  • Text that is processed in a special designer editor. There are usually no problems with a text editor, because it resembles the well-known and familiar Word.
  • Shapes that participate in creating the “header” and “footer” of the site, and also allow you to visually limit the page.

Menu for interaction of site pages.
  1. On the right side of Web Page Maker there is a column that is responsible for the content of the site. It consists of 2 bookmarks:
  2. Pages. Pages are created, moved, deleted and cloned in this tab. Creating an exact copy of the current page using cloning significantly speeds up and simplifies the creation of a multi-page website. You won't have to insert the same elements into a new page every time. It is enough to make the necessary changes to the cloned page.

Elements. Here are all the elements of our current page: pictures, text, etc. The bookmark makes navigation easier. The simplest option for creating a business card website is to use an already ready-made template

. To do this, in the “file” section there is an item “new site from template”.

Having thoroughly studied the development of such sites, you will be able to offer your services as a freelancer for a fee. Good luck in your business! A business card is an essential attribute of life. With its help, it is convenient to establish social connections, conduct negotiations, conduct business, and store useful information about the people we need. Creating business cards is the prerogative of the respective companies and professional designers. But, nevertheless, you can use network services that will semi-automatically mount a high-quality business card online and then save it to your computer. Today I will share my experience in creating business cards online and describe free services that can help us with this.

The vast majority of tools (including those that I will describe below) make it easy to make business cards online without the user having any special knowledge. The algorithm for working with these sites is as follows:

Top 5 services that allow you to make a business card online and save it to your computer

Let's look at the most popular services with which you can design a business card online. easy business card installation

The international resource has a fairly wide range of tools for creating various graphic designs - business cards, logos, presentations, posters and other graphic and text templates, allowing you to easily create a business card online.

To work with Canva, do the following: - online constructor

The Belarusian service has a simple and convenient business card designer, and you can receive the result created with its help via e-mail. Entering the data for the business card, selecting the background and logo takes place on one large screen, the user just has to fill out all the data on the page, and then click on “Save” at the bottom.

Instructions for using Jmi are presented below: - business card engine

The service has absolutely similar functionality to the service I already mentioned. The business card creation window is divided into several main fields in which you can enter text data for your business card, background, upload an image, and select other settings.

After setting the necessary settings, click on the yellow “Download PDF” button, enter required parameters saved business card, and then save it to your PC. for those who want to make a business card with their own hands

Service – professional project with many options including business card templates. It is equipped with a convenient Russian-language interface, as well as the ability to save the result to your PC for free.

To work with Printmaker you need to follow these steps: is a powerful tool

This simple and convenient English-language service offers free tools for creating business cards online for free.

  1. All you need to do is go to the resource and enter the text for your business card.
  2. Upload your business card logo using the “Upload Logo” button, click on “Preview” to view the result, and then on “Download” to save it to your computer in PDF format.


After creating your unique business card, do not forget to save it to your computer. Among the services I have listed, I would highlight the service, which has a simple and friendly interface that allows you to mount a business card of a fairly good level. Use the functionality of the services I have listed for quick and free results.

In contact with

In this article I will talk in detail about how to make a business card website yourself completely free of charge. I will try to cover all the most important questions starting from choosing a platform and ending with creating a website in a graphic editor. The article will be long, so make some tea (or coffee), stock up on cookies, we’re starting...

What is a business card website and why is it needed?

A business card website is a small website that provides complete information about the business owner: products, services, benefits, customer reviews, contact information.

The main task is a detailed presentation of your business for potential client. Visitors will come to your site from different sources: contextual advertising, social media, search engines, newsletter etc. Some of these visitors will be interested in your offer and make a purchase or leave an application.

If word of mouth is no longer bringing in enough orders and you want to get more clients from the Internet, then a business card is the first place to start.

Many will ask the question: “Why do I need a business card? After all, I already have a page on social media. networks through which I receive orders"

A business card website has several important advantages:

  • Convenience. You can post a lot useful information: photos, user reviews, useful articles, reviews, etc. The visitor can easily find the information he is interested in.
  • Automation. It is possible to automate the receipt of applications and payments. All applications will appear in a separate panel where you can work with them. Less time will be spent on routine.
  • Analytics. You can connect an analytics system to your business card. You will be able to control traffic sources, user behavior, conversion, find effective traffic sources and disable ineffective ones.

How much does it cost to create a quality business card?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on whether you do everything yourself or contact a freelance specialist.

A business card from a specialist will cost from 3 to 5 thousand, depending on the size and complexity of the site.

If you have limited funds, it is better to make a business card website yourself for free, using a CMS or cloud designers.

Do not forget that in any case you will need to pay for hosting (i.e. placing the site on the Internet). But it will cost very little – about 200 rubles/month. Some designers offer completely free plans. We will talk about this below.

Choosing a platform for the future website: designer or CMS

If you want to create a business card website for your business yourself, then you have two possible options: hosting+CMS OR online website builder. Let's take a quick look at both options.

Option 1. Hosting and CMS

I have already told you what hosting is. CMS stands for content management system (for example WordPress, Joomla, Bitrix, etc.). For those who don’t know what we’re talking about - .

This option is suitable for serious and promising projects. Main advantages:

  1. Design. For starters, you can use free template or a paid multifunctional theme. In the future, you can order branding and unique design from specialists.
  2. Functionality. You can add any functionality to a website on a CMS without restrictions. In addition to ready-made extensions, you can order unique functions from a professional programmer.
  3. Employee access. CMS allows you to organize access for employees to the site (designer, content manager, marketer, etc.)

Unfortunately, if you are starting from scratch and have no experience with WordPress, it will be a little difficult. Be prepared to spend a couple of weeks learning the interface and connecting the necessary themes and plugins.

Here's approximately how much a simple website created on a CMS will cost:

Option 2. Website builders

If you choose a designer, then you do not need to choose hosting and master WordPress yourself. Creating a business card website in the designer does not require any special knowledge or skills and is no more difficult than creating a page on social media. networks.

Great for:

  • launching simple projects
  • quickly getting your first clients from contextual advertising
  • testing various business ideas and new niches

Main advantages:

  1. Simple and convenient. The designer takes care of all the technical problems, and all you have to do is choose the appropriate template and add a description of your product or service and contact information to the site.
  2. Fast. It will take literally 20-30 minutes to create a website. All you have to do is configure contextual advertising and you will start receiving your first clients.
  3. Cheap. Some designers have free plans, but their functionality is significantly reduced. You'll likely have to upgrade to one of the paid plans over time, but it won't cost big money. On average, prices start from 200 rubles. per month.

Option 3. Order the creation of a turnkey business card

If you have the necessary start-up capital and you don’t want to waste time on independent experiments, then you can order turnkey website development from a web studio or from a freelancer.

If you decide to choose this option, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend quite a lot of time searching for a suitable contractor, viewing the portfolio, client reviews, agreeing on terms and costs.

In addition, you need to remember: in order to get a good result, you need to create a very detailed technical specification (technical specifications for website development) and discuss in advance with the contractor all the nuances of the upcoming work.

For my part, I can recommend the web studio Divly. They have a lot good reviews and quite affordable prices.

What should you choose?

I advise beginners to choose a website builder. It will be enough for the first time. Further, if your business develops and your needs increase, you can order a full-fledged website on any other platform.

The best designers for a business card website in 2019

Here is a list of the best designers in Russian that are perfect for creating a business card website.

ConstructorTemplatesWho is it aimed at?Cost from
Ukit330 Beginners3.5$/month.Try it
Nethouse83 Beginners225 ₽/month.Try it
Tobiz400 Beginners,
Advanced users
450 ₽/month.
Try it
Ucoz300 Advanced users3$/monthTry it

Many very good designers were not included in this shortened list. Therefore, we decided to do it in a separate article.

Creating a business card website with your own hands using the example of the Ukit constructor

Let's see what the process of creating a business card website looks like using the Ukit constructor as an example. Why did I choose him? Here are a few main benefits:

  • Narrow specialization. Yukit is focused specifically on creating business card websites for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Design. The system has more than 300 different design templates for various topics. All templates look stylish and modern and are adapted to mobile devices. In addition, it is possible to order a unique design for your website.
  • Simplicity. Ukit differs from other designers in its simple interface. In order to master the graphic editor you will need at most 10-15 minutes.
  • Functionality. The service provides all the necessary functions: second-level domain, SEO optimization, mail, analytics, SSL certificate.
  • Integration with AmoCRM. You can link your website to CRM and get additional features working with incoming applications: collecting applications in one place, calling clients from the control panel, additional accounts for marketers, building a sales funnel, etc.
  • Good feedback. Ukit has a good reputation on the Internet and many positive reviews.

The first thing you need to do is register on the site.

When registering, you must provide an email address.

Choosing a template

The next step is choosing a template for the future site. On the left you will see a menu in which all templates are divided by various topics(host, makeup artist, photographer, jurisprudence, etc.)

For example, I chose a template from the photographer section.

Choosing a domain name

In the next step you will be asked to choose Domain name 3rd level view: In the future, it will be possible to separately purchase a second-level domain (

A domain can be purchased either from a third-party registrar or directly from personal account Ukit.

Fill in contact information

Now you need to indicate the name, contact information (address, phone, email) and links to pages on social media. networks.

Editing the template

We fall through the window graphic editor and start editing the template.

The entire layout is divided into various blocks: logo, title, contacts, text blocks, service cards, tariff tables, photo galleries, etc. We can add or remove any block, as well as swap some blocks.

The first thing we need to do is fill out the main page. The home page is the face of your website. Your main task is to beautifully present your services or product, briefly talk about the advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of working with you and how you differ from your competitors.

In addition, from the main page you need to put links to other pages (for example, contacts, about yourself or portfolio) so that an interested visitor can go and get acquainted with more detailed materials.

Editing the header

The header is at the very top of the page. Contains your contact information and social links. networks, logo and site name, links to other pages.

Each element can be edited to your liking. Just move the cursor and click on the desired block. You can change the content of the block and its design (color, font, alignment, etc.) and also add new links to the main menu.

Let's go to the slider

A slider is several beautiful photos that replace each other. It is needed to attract attention.

You can add your own photos for each slide. You can add text blocks and links to other pages to your photos.

Text presentation

The main semantic load of the main page is concentrated here. You need to briefly describe the services you provide, list your main advantages, indicate the cost and tariffs.

For example, a photographer can briefly write two or three sentences about himself and leave a link to a page with a detailed biography (the “More” button).

Below you can list the types and costs of photo sessions (for example, wedding, individual, family, etc.). If the user is interested and clicks on the card with the photo shoot, he will be taken to the “Services” page.

The next block is our team

Here you can introduce each member of your team to the visitor. If you work alone, then this block can simply be deleted.


Another necessary element of the main one. Here you can publish the most best examples your work. There is no need to overload the page. 5-6 photos are enough. The user can view the rest of the photos in detail on the “Portfolio” page (a button labeled “See all” leads to it).

Feedback form

A required element of any page of your business card. Using this form, the visitor will be able to contact you and leave a request.

Other site pages

Now you can move on to editing other pages.

  • Services. This page introduces the visitor in detail to the services you provide: cost, conditions, discounts, scope of work. Here the client can choose the appropriate tariff and leave a request.
  • Portfolio. Here you can place full version portfolio and customer reviews.
  • Contacts. Directions, address, telephone, e-mail, social networks, form feedback.
  • Blog. This is an optional page. Here you can publish various materials useful to your audience. This will attract additional search traffic to your site.

Control Panel

In order to go to the control panel, you need to click on the icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

From here you can manage your site. Here are the main features that will be useful to you:

  • Rate. Each new site is given a free trial period of 14 days. Next you will need to switch to one of the paid tariffs. Prices start from $3.5 per month.
  • Domain. Here you can select a second level domain.
  • Statistics. You can add Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics statistics to your site.
  • Promotion. Here you will find all the necessary tools for SEO optimization.
  • AmoCRM. Here you can integrate your business card with AmoCRM.
  • SSL certificates. You can attach an SSL certificate to provide an encrypted connection between the browser and the server. You can read more about what an SSL certificate is and why it is needed in this article on Habrahabr.


I tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about all the stages of creating a business card website. Any questions? Be sure to write about this in the comments and I will definitely answer and add to the article. Also, don't forget to join

This Privacy Policy personal information(hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that Sitemarket LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) can obtain about the user while using any of the Supplier’s websites (hereinafter referred to as the Sites). Use of the Sites means the user’s unconditional consent to this Policy and the conditions for processing his personal information specified therein. If you do not agree with these terms, the user must refrain from using the Sites.

1. Within the framework of this Policy, “user’s personal information” means personal information that the user provides about himself independently during registration (creating an account) or in the process of using the Site, including the user’s personal data.

2. The supplier collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for the provision of services (execution of agreements and contracts with the user).

3. The Provider may use the user’s personal information for the purposes of: identifying parties under agreements and contracts, providing the user with personalized services, as well as communicating with the user, including sending emails, SMS and other notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services.

4. The user’s personal information remains confidential. The Provider has the right to transfer the user’s personal information to third parties only to improve the provision of services to the user.

5. When processing personal data of users, the Supplier is guided by Federal law RF “On personal data”.

6. The user can at any time delete the personal information provided by him within a particular account. However, deleting your account may make it impossible to use some features of the Sites.

7. To delete his account, the user can use the “Unsubscribe from mailing list” function contained in each email sent by the Supplier to the user, or send a request to email Supplier support@site. The user must also clear cookies and browser cache.

8. The Supplier takes necessary and sufficient organizational measures to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.

9. The Supplier has the right to make changes to this Policy. When changes are made to the current edition, the date is indicated latest update. New edition The Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted. The current edition is always located on the page at https://www..

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