
Whether to retain an employee who has submitted a resignation letter. How to keep an employee from quitting An employee is about to quit

It is no secret that any successful company rests on patient and responsible employees. They are the safeguards against troubles, market fluctuations and crisis. They know exactly what to do and how to do it right. They can work on their day off, train newcomers, take on leadership responsibilities, and help with valuable ideas at the right time. If your "gold employee" decided to leave you, know that problems have begun in your company. In this article, you will learn how to keep a valuable employee from leaving and prevent similar problems in the future.

Main reasons for dismissal

But then, at one fine moment, your key employee writes a letter of resignation. What to do? Responsible and serious workers never take a step into the void. They think over their departure from the company for months, looking for work,. It will not work to keep such an employee with empty chatter, since his application is a formality, which is the final touch in the process of changing jobs. But if you give a person guarantees and a clear vision of possible changes regarding pay and working conditions, career growth, your chances of retaining a valuable employee increase.

First, find out the true motive for his decision. If a person opens up to you and reveals the motives for dismissal, then you will have a chance to influence his decision.

There are three main reasons for leaving:

  • low salary;
  • poor working conditions;
  • lack of professional recognition and career growth.

How to prevent the layoff of valuable employees

The dismissal of a good employee indicates that the situation in the company is out of control. Employees are devoted to themselves, they are not monitored, managers do not communicate with them, all their dissatisfaction and resentment remain with them. The employee sees that no one needs his problems, how to earn more, he does not know how to climb the career ladder, is also a question. What to do? The decision has been made - I need to change jobs, maybe they will appreciate my abilities and allow me to realize myself.

The company's management must monitor in order to respond in time to dissatisfaction and problems that have arisen. In this way, you can prevent the departure of valuable employees long before they have the desire to quit completely and irrevocably.

Key Methods for Retaining Valuable Employees

If your valuable employee has already decided to take such a step, it will not be easy to keep him, but there is a chance. There are two ways to retain a valuable employee:

  • Method of intimidation and promises. It is based on the intimidation of the employee by the uncertainty and difficulties that he may face when looking for a job. For example: “You have been working here for five years. You know everyone. You are at home here. Why are you having difficulty? In company X, for example, the worst employee of the month is fired based on sales results. Heard about this? We don't have that. The company in you has invested money in training, be grateful for it!” or "Come on, don't be in a hurry! We are about to open a vacancy, we will consider your candidacy immediately! or “Are you sure that you will earn as much in a new place as here? Are you sure that the transition is considered and you will not regret it?

This method works and is actively used in many companies. But this approach only works on soft people, and even then not on everyone. If an employee is confident in himself and his abilities, he cannot be stopped in such ways. The method works great for those who succumbed to momentary emotions or the influence of someone else's opinion and thoughtlessly wrote a statement. Such arguments (see above) sober up the employee, a feeling of harsh reality returns to him, and temporary indignation fades.

  • Method of action and loyalty. If you really want to keep a valuable employee, you need to provide guarantees that will make the person think and he will actually stay with the company. Having identified the motive for dismissal, you can put pressure on this point and fix everything.

For example: “Okay, you are unhappy with your salary, we will fix that. I apologize for the fact that we unfairly assessed your contribution to the company - we will correct this too. Let's you pick up the application, and at the end of the day I'll be ready to make you an offer that will come into force tomorrow. I promise you will like it! Then we'll discuss everything." or “I agree that working late is draining and demotivating. It is very important to us that you continue to work within the walls of our company. We are ready to review your schedule and make it more flexible. We will redistribute the load, give assistants"- this method of action and guarantees.

Beautiful, isn't it? The method of action and loyalty, the employer applies when, indeed, with the departure of an employee, the company is waiting for a collapse and large financial losses. In fact, the company becomes a hostage of such an employee, until a “cheaper” candidate appears.

There are several opinions about monetary motivation. Many HR argue that if an employee is dissatisfied with the salary, then there is no need to rush to raise it, you need to convey to him what his salary consists of - a social package, corporate parties, trainings. Then make sure that the RFP is really the average market, and if it is lower, then, of course, equalize it.

There is also an opinion that monetary motivation is one of the strongest for low and medium-paid professions. A person's dependence on money makes him work for two. But when he works for three and is paid as one, even the most patient employee will not last long. If the employee really has a status - valuable, pay him as much as you can, you know that he will work this money in full. Do not let such specialists run away from you with resentment, powerful anti-advertising and clients.

In positions where wages are calculated in the thousands of dollars, monetary motivation stops working, as the chronic dependence on money disappears. A person measures his benefits no longer in money, but in higher categories, for example: internal realization, ambitions, achievements, personal comfort.


Despite your best efforts, it will be difficult for you to change the decision of the employee, because he no longer trusts you, and maybe even angry at the company. But the methods and methods described in this article will help you do everything possible to keep a valuable employee from being fired and prevent employee turnover.

Now I will try to consider the opposite situation. A subordinate came to you and expressed a desire to leave your organization. We proceed from the fact that you need this employee as a qualified personnel, or his departure can destabilize the situation in the entrusted unit, or there is some other very important reason to persuade him to stay.

I’ll make a reservation right away: if a person has already firmly decided everything for himself, mentally burned all the bridges to retreat, agreed on a job at another place of work, then it will be extremely difficult to convince him. If only, for example, do not kneel, tearfully begging to stay ...

Even if the appearance of a resigning employee was not part of your plans and was a surprise, then, first of all, you need to humanly approach this issue and remember that the employee will not work forever for you anyway. Sooner or later, the moment of dismissal may come, and there is nothing you can do about it. At most, move the date of departure to a later or indefinite period.

So, after thinking about the situation, weighing all the pros and cons, you came to the conclusion that it is not time yet. As a result of finding out the reasons for dismissal from an employee, you understand that he was just fed up with work, or he has not yet decided on his future plans, or that he is going to leave you because of a trifling, completely solvable issue ...

In general, you see in the employee a “shadow of doubt” about the correctness of his act. This is your chance. Only on doubt can you play and convince a person of your decision. I would say that from a "spark" of doubt, you can always fan a whole "fire".

The main thing is to choose the right arguments and shake the scales of decision making. I tried to explain the concepts of loosening techniques in the post How to impose your idea on subordinates.

I'll give you an example.

An employee came to you and brought resignation letter at will. It would be stupid if you, without asking the reasons, just sign the application. If I were an employee, I would think that no one really needs me here, and I would be even more convinced of the correctness of my decision.

So it is necessary to find out reason. It is important to remember that the cause can only be a consequence of another problem, which means that what the employee told you is just the tip of the iceberg. To find out the root cause, you will have a long conversation, but by hook or by crook, you need to get to the stumbling block - the main issue that torments the employee.

If you can solve this issue, your authority will grow even more in the eyes of the employee, but he himself, having received an alternative solution to the problem that tormented him (which was the reason for his dismissal), will kindly agree to work under you for some more time.

One of the most frequent reasons desire to quit - the search for a "better place", the same reason can be equated to the state of "everything is enough". In this case, you can try to draw perspectives on the new job and compare them with the current job.

Believe me, there are many arguments in favor of staying with him: a familiar, well-established team, long-understood principles of work, no need to retrain, retrain, an understandable and predictable wage system, motivation systems, a good schedule, overtime, if possible, etc.

What about in the new place? New sensations? And how long will they last - a month, two? And then again a new job? After all, with each new place of work it is more and more difficult to surprise us, and it takes less and less time to adapt. Being in constant search is not an option.

How, then, to solve the problem of obtaining new sensations? Very simple - HOBBY! Any person accumulates negativity from work, sooner or later he stops giving all the best in the workplace. What for? You won’t surprise anyone with this, the leader won’t even praise, and if you can’t see the difference, why tear it up ... spoil your nerves? And energy must be spent somewhere, because we all dream of something, we all want to do great things.

And you need to start small. In your free time, you can try to implement some of your own projects, which in the future can become a source of good income. Or go hunting with friends, but you never know what else you can do? After all, admit to yourself that there is something in the world that brings you pleasure.

So pay attention to THIS in your free time. Just doing nothing on the weekend means giving up and coming to terms with everything that can happen in your life. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Get off the couch and go do THIS through force. Later you will realize that IT really gives you pleasure, and as a result of such personal work, you have a feeling of satisfaction, and not uselessness, as in official work.

Again, there are a lot of reasons that lead an employee to the idea of ​​quitting. You cannot consider everyone, but the leader must be ready to identify them and, most importantly, to solve them, because if he does not offer a practical solution, then he will not see the employee. And a qualified cadre will go to raise virgin soil in another office.

In any case, successful or not, the manager must understand that the precarious balance in which the bosses and subordinates are located is temporary. And don't be afraid to fail. It was not possible to dissuade this employee from dismissing - try your hand the next time someone else “breaks down” ...

Olga BEKEROVA, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development of the network of veterinary clinics and pharmacies "Evrovet":

The described situation is not easy. On the one hand, if a valuable specialist is going to quit, and you cannot find such specialists in the labor market, then, of course, the management will try to find out what does not suit the person at the moment.

Until now, only a few companies use the system of individual motivation, the rest live on the principle of "asking for nothing, and it's good." In this case, demonstrating a desire to quit is a way to signal an underestimation of oneself as a specialist. It is possible that the salary expectations of this employee are somewhat higher than the existing remuneration and, probably, they are justified, since there are cases when the salaries of “old” employees are not increased (against the background of hiring new ones for a lot of money).

However, if the desire to quit is demonstrated more than once or twice, then such a opposition may eventually bother the management. And although it will be difficult to fill a vacancy, nonetheless, no company will endlessly make concessions.

Natalia PROKOFIEVA, General Director of IQ Personnel Consulting Group:

If the employer is interested in the employee, then, of course, he will try to keep him. For example, it will offer more favorable conditions, in particular on wages. Of course, everything will depend primarily on what goal the specialist pursues when looking for a new job, why he leaves. Usually a competent leader finds out all this and offers mutually beneficial conditions. Now employers are mainly trying to retain their employees, considering such a strategy to be more profitable for business than the search for new personnel. However, they retain only those specialists in whom they are really extremely interested.

Olga SHMYREVA, HR specialist of the recruiting company Neva-Personal:

In this case, much depends on the reasons for the dismissal of the employee. It is in the power of the employer to keep him, if we are talking about material prosperity, moral and psychological attitude, motivation and interest in the content of the activity - you can always agree on mutually beneficial conditions. But there are situations that can be called family and personal circumstances of changing jobs. The specialist is forced to look for another place, even if everything suits him at the current one. The leader can only humanly understand the employee and correctly part with him.

Elena GRABEZHEVA, General Director of Expert Retailer LLC:

A question from the category of "how to climb a Christmas tree and not prick yourself." My personal opinion is that even a valuable employee cannot be spoiled. He needs to be appreciated and let him feel it. The desire to quit does not arise from scratch, and a frank conversation can contribute to the resolution of the conflict, identifying the unmet needs of the employee and assessing the possibility of satisfying them, explaining the employee's expectations, and the employer - the criteria for evaluating work, searching for compromise options. An adequate employee will definitely appreciate such an attitude. If a person has been overcome by a "star" disease and words are useless, for me personally, he loses his value. So why keep it?

It is very important to catch the moment when a valuable employee is just starting to think about changing jobs, then it is possible to influence his mood. I believe that if a person decides to quit, finds a new job and comes to the employer to announce it, educational work is useless, the train, as they say, has left. We must always remember that we are working with living people, they are not slaves. Manager's mistakes, inattention to the staff can cost the company very dearly. In any case, sincere recognition of the merits of each other, jointly achieved results helps not to spoil the relationship.

Svetlana VOLCHEK, General Director of Accord Personnel recruitment agency:

Employers have different attitudes towards the departure of valuable employees: some believe that there are no irreplaceable ones, but most understand that 20% of the company's key employees bring 80% of its success. That is why managers invent and apply various ways to retain valuable employees. It often happens that such methods are effective when the employee has planned his departure. Of course, one of the most common methods is to increase wages, but this does not always work, because it has a short-term effect and causes a negative reaction from the team. Therefore, the employee is invited to participate in a new project, expand the scope of duties, transfer to branches or divisions for other conditions, training, advanced training ...

If the specialist is interested in new conditions, the company is interesting, it is worth agreeing, correctly assessing one’s strengths in order to fulfill all the functions and obligations assumed in the future. Of course, it happens that employees begin to abuse their position - they threaten with dismissal, however, an experienced HR manager will always be able to determine the truth of a person’s intentions, after which dismissal invariably follows. The main thing is to know the measure.

In any company there are several especially valuable employees - those who can be relied upon, who will try with blood and sweat to complete the work assigned by the head.

But it happens that such employees unexpectedly put a letter of resignation on the table of the head of the company. Moreover, the reaction of the authorities may be different - in one organization, an employee will be fired of his own free will without sentimental conversations, and after that he will also hear: "There are no irreplaceable people." In another company, they will make every effort to retain an employee.

On the one hand, another specialist, an even greater professional in his field, can take the place of the resigning person. On the other hand, it is rather unreasonable to scatter valuable personnel. A valuable employee is usually someone who has been on the team for a long time, does not need to be trained, and is likely to be on good terms with most colleagues. And most importantly, you can always rely on such a subordinate, because it is on him that you can count on during a crisis, entrust the work, the completion of which is given a short time, entrust the most difficult task. That is why keeping an employee at work is the id of some heads of organizations.

What to do when a significant employee wants to leave the company

First of all, in order to retain employees of the company, the manager needs to find out the reason for the dismissal. Sometimes the decision to go to work is a banal consequence of low wages or a lack of understanding among colleagues. But there are also reasons for dismissal, which are difficult to guess. Then an open dialogue is indispensable.

Unfortunately, not every firm has a trusting relationship that allows you to speak frankly. In this case, you can call for help one of the employees with whom the person who wants to quit has a trusting contact, let an ordinary subordinate tell you how to keep an employee who is so important to you. The main thing is to find out the real reason why the resignation letter is waiting for the manager’s signature (not high enough salary, lack of career prospects, harassment from colleagues, personal problems, etc.). It is pointless to promise mountains of gold without understanding the problem.

Even by significantly increasing the salary of an employee, you will keep him in the company for a very short time if his desire is connected, for example, with an uncomfortable climate in the team.

Having made every effort to keep an employee at work, you can not always count on changing a person’s decision. However, an analysis of the reasons why the company lost a valuable specialist will allow management to avoid a new drain of smart employees in the future. It is always better to prevent dismissal than to try to persuade a person who has decided everything for himself and found a new place to stay in the position. So how do you keep an employee from leaving?

8 Ways to Retain a Valuable Employee

If you are faced with a choice - to release a subordinate without finding out the reasons, or to fight so as not to lose a high-class professional, think carefully and do not rush to sign his application. First, after him, several more employees may wish to leave the company. Secondly, are you sure for sure that the person who came to the place of the quit one will get along in the team and cope with the work?

Before releasing a subordinate, try to find out his arguments in favor of moving to a new company. If you can fix something and convince the employee not to leave the good old team, fight. If leaving is a deal breaker, then take action to keep other high-value employees from leaving the company in the future.

1. Raise wages.

Perhaps the departure is due to a banal lack of money. The eyes of a competent worker will quickly stop burning if his head is filled with questions about who to borrow until payday. If wages in your company are low, then you should at least slightly raise the financial bar (especially for those who do quality work);

How to do? You don’t have extra money in the company, but you don’t want to lose a valuable employee either. It makes no sense thoughtlessly (as long as he does not leave) to raise wages by 2 times. Discuss with him a different motivation system, an increased percentage of transactions, additional (or larger) projects. In other words, find a way to let him earn. In the end, if you think the salary is decent and competitive enough, invite the employee to speak and give reasons. Perhaps they will be logical.

2. Add bonuses and bonuses to the employee's basic salary.

You do not offend subordinates, they receive enough money, but layoffs still happen. Perhaps the most deserving employees could receive special rewards from management - cash bonuses, trips, gifts. Of course, if the work of those who are awarded is really performed by them at the highest level.

How to do? Strengthen the corporate culture, build it from scratch if necessary. Hire a software specialist to ascertain the needs of workers. Material stimulation is beneficial in that it is irregular. But the real opportunity to get more monthly material benefits from work is a good incentive for employees.

3. Listen to the ideas of employees.

Perhaps someone from the team has repeatedly offered you ways to solve the problems of the company, but was not heard. Try to value the opinion of each subordinate. Agree, it's a shame to understand that your opinion is worth nothing for management.

How to do? If you, as a leader, know more and better, and regularly show this to employees, you will drive your company into a corner. Your task is to lead, but not be responsible for every step of your team. To accept that some idea will fail means to give employees the opportunity to find the idea that will “shoot”. As long as a person is given ways to contribute to development and get results, he will not want to leave the company.

4. Career growth for the best employees.

When deciding how to retain an employee, most company leaders lean towards the promise of higher pay. However, your subordinate may not feel a lack of money, but feel a real dislike for boring work. If there is an opportunity to promote a valuable specialist in a position, do not miss it.

How to do? Work is attractive as long as it allows you to develop. An employee can sit in one place for years, do everything “automatically” and receive a lot of money just for what he is. But he does not see his significance for the company. This means that the time has come for an increase, new, more serious tasks, a transition to the management team, perhaps even another department. If there are no vacancies? Try to redistribute responsibilities in the department by appointing him as a senior and changing at least partially the list of his daily tasks.

5. Increase the importance of the subordinate.

It happens that you are happy to give an employee a better position, but this is impossible for a number of reasons. Then try, for example, to increase his self-esteem - entrust the training of new employees, give a complex project to be developed (naturally, for an additional fee), at least ask the opinion of a truly worthwhile employee more often. Let him know that you trust and appreciate him.

When to do? This should not be done at the time of receiving an application to leave the company - appreciate your employees while they have not yet thought about dismissal.

6. Analyze the climate in the team.

Think about your own attitude towards employees, find out what the mood is in the team. Be simpler and closer to people, find out if there are conflicts among subordinates. Try not only to load people with work, but also strive for a good atmosphere within the organization.

How to do? Go out into the world, arrange days of work as an ordinary manager, corporate events, conduct some projects personally with managers not only as a leader, but also as part of a team. If the company has an internal PR department, pay special attention to its work and results.

7. Support employees during personal problems.

First of all, any employee is a person with his own tragedies. Your subordinates may suffer from the loss of loved ones, experience a divorce, a quarrel with relatives. If you see (and even more so you know) that the employee is depressed about something, “turn off” the boss, find out what is the cause of the frustration. Perhaps your little attention and support (non-material) will “unload” his emotional state a little. As an outlet for an employee with personal drama, you can offer, for example, a small extraordinary vacation and, of course, a sincere informal conversation.

How to do? If the degree of trust between you and the subordinate is not high enough, entrust any conscientious and quiet colleague with this task - let him try to cheer up the drooping person. It is up to you to give the employee the opportunity to leave work, because in such an apathetic state he will bring little benefit anyway.

8. Avoid familiarity.

Sometimes people stage a desire to quit, pursuing selfish goals. For example, knowing about their value in the profession, they blackmail the authorities with leaving in order to achieve what they want (a salary increase, a bonus, a transition to a new position, etc.). Think about whether the employee’s claims are adequate, whether the person really wants to leave the organization or just scares you.

How to do? Be alert - if you are already doing your best as a leader, then do not react to the tricks of a cunning subordinate. You do not have to satisfy all the desires of a blackmailer, especially if his professional skills leave much to be desired. If the employee is really valuable, invite them to a frank conversation and, if your arguments are still not heard, you may have to say goodbye.

Unfortunately, these methods do not always help when managers are looking for ways to retain valuable employees. Perhaps the reason for the dismissal lies not at all in the fact that you did not give something to the person working in the company. If the plan called “how to keep an employee” has failed, try to part with dignity. Some employers take revenge on departing personnel - they delay the issuance of a work book, tear up resignation letters, tell stories about a new vacancy. If a compromise could not be found, thank the person who pulled your company to success for the fruitful work. Perhaps more than once.

Very often, bosses think about how to keep a departing employee, especially those who faced the problem of finding new employees for a vacancy. It often seems to novice managers that the labor market is full of worthy candidates, and therefore they often do not appreciate those employees who have been working for the good of the company for a long time and proven. Sometimes the most ridiculous reason can be the reason for dismissal, and thus the company loses the old employee, and HR managers start looking for new candidates.

And here the problems begin, because despite the huge number of applicants, there is practically no one to choose from. Some have too many requirements, others have ambitions, and still others, in principle, do not understand the desired industry. In order for the work of an employee to be effective, so that he understands what is required of him and joins the team, he needs a fairly long time to get used to, get to know and learn. But after this period has passed, and the employee has adapted to the organization, I absolutely don’t want to let him go free swimming and start training the beginner again.

So, any problem should start with a conversation. Call an employee who wishes to leave the company and try to find out what the reason for this decision is. If he answers that he was offered a position in another organization, do not get angry and act aggressive. Calmly specify what advantages he sees in another organization. The main thing is to conduct a dialogue measuredly, show interest and friendliness. Only under such conditions of conversation, the subordinate, perhaps, will tell you the true reasons for his departure, and not just answer formally and in monosyllables.

If you manage to get a subordinate to be frank, then you can learn how to influence his decision, how to motivate him and what changes should be resorted to in order to avoid losing a reliable subordinate. Perhaps it’s not at all about the amount of wages or the lack of a personal account, then you don’t even have to invest in convincing a person to not leave the company.

All people, in principle, are individual, and what for another is an incentive to work, for another is an exorbitant load and overwork. So you can compare all aspects of human characteristics, but if you generalize the reasons for the desire of employees to quit, then they can all be divided into four main clusters.

CLUSTER 1. Employees are not satisfied with the amount or schedule of remuneration.

Nowadays, many people are forced to chase to earn at least a little more, so this problem is quite common. Insufficient wages, lack of benefits, bonuses, or - all this can lead to dismissal. An employee in a frank conversation will mention to you that he has found a job with a higher salary, that he does not have enough pay to live on, and so on.

In the event that you are sure that your company actually pays quite adequately for the work of an employee, and social benefits can compete with the offers of other companies, you can do this: together with a subordinate, calculate the amount of money that the company spends annually on him. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all costs: advanced training, insurance, corporate parties, transport and other services. The main thing is to do this not with anger and harshness, but calmly, as if weighing the situation together.

After the calculation is completed, divide the amount received between all the working months of the year and add it to the monthly salary. This will help to influence the opinion of the employee regarding the current work - he will probably reevaluate his priorities and think about what. For example, if there was no free canteen, then how much would you have to spend on food from your salary. Or how much would a daily commute to work cost if the car from the company did not pick up employees and take them home.

In addition, a person will think about whether the same comfort awaits him in a new place, and whether it is worth leaving an already familiar position for the sake of the unknown.

There is another way to solve the situation - changing the payroll system. This does not mean to raise wages, only to change the system. Let's say there are five programmers in your department, two of whom are barely able to complete the task, when the remaining three have already coped with everything and are waiting for new assignments. Perhaps we should get rid of those who fall short, and divide their wages among the remaining three. But with such an increase, the load will also increase.

Another way is to enter additional payroll, which will be paid depending on how much the subordinate has reworked the plan. If he gets the job done quickly, offer him additional tasks to complete.

Very often, employees lose their motivation to work when they receive nothing but thanks for a good result. Therefore, this nuance should still be considered. You can organize bonus payments at the end of the month to those employees who have concluded successful deals. Or another way: after each transaction, immediately accrue a small reward.

Sometimes specialists actually get the job done very quickly, most often they are workers in the computer or design field. They see no point in being in the office for eight hours when they can complete the task in half a day, and therefore decide to quit and freelance. In this case, you can offer a person to shorten his working day, so that he has extra time to earn money at home, but at the same time he did not leave the company.

A new and very successful form of cooperation is remote cooperation. You transfer tasks via the Internet, a person completes them while at home or somewhere else, and sends you the finished results. If you have any questions, they can be discussed via video call. Payment can also be made electronically.

CLUSTER 2. The employee feels unfulfilled.

The feeling of unfulfillment most often worries professionals and good specialists. They know that they are capable of more, but at the same time they do not see how to use their potential in this company, which leads to the desire to quit and look for another job where the person will be fully in demand. Not every company can offer a subordinate development and constant promotion, and this leads to the fact that a person does not see any prospects. But in fact, there are not so many people who would like to work more, constantly study new areas of activity and develop their abilities, so you need to try. Let's try to influence the decision of the subordinate not only from the side of increasing professional opportunities, but also from other sides.

How to get out of the situation and not lose an employee.

Make the tasks of the employee more difficult. If you are confident in him, then you can shift some of your responsibilities as a boss to him. In this way, you will make the person feel responsible for the company and the right employee.

Try to offer him a job on a new contract or try to change his position

It happens that the manager himself sees that the specialist is ready to take a higher position and do more important work, but does not have vacancies in the company. Then you can find out about vacancies in subsidiaries, perhaps such specialists are needed there.

If possible, review the employee's working hours. Let's say you reduce his time for the activities that he performs flawlessly, and give him a chance to develop in other industries. A professional designer can be offered to work on the design of the site, and not just interiors, for example.

Any person is pleased when his opinion is important. Show the employee that you really see him as a professional: ask him for advice in the area where he works, as if confirming his professionalism. It is very important for subordinates when management consults with them.

All employees strive for different goals: someone is interested in development, someone in salary, and there are those for whom image is important. To keep such an employee, he can be offered a company car, an office separate from the rest - and this will already be enough to delight him.

Many people now work not in their specialty or are not doing what they love. Perhaps your subordinate is an excellent specialist in computer technology, but at the same time, he always dreamed of working in a creative job, which makes him leave the company and look for another direction of activity. How to keep a retiring employee in this case? Surely your organization hosts various events, corporate parties, birthdays are celebrated. Make the employee responsible for these elements of company life. Have him write scripts for parties, organize employee greetings, come up with competitions, and design various posters and newspapers for the company. Thus, a person will continue to work for the company, and at the same time realize his creative potential.

CLUSTER 3. Problematic situation in the team, discomfort in communication.

A very common situation is when there is discord in a team, and then constant problems in communication between employees begin. This causes valuable personnel to think about why they should waste their time on office gossip and squabbles when they can move to another team and do a great job. In such a situation, in the first place, the leader himself is to blame. He must control his subordinates, and as soon as the slightest conflict arises, stabilize the situation, instill team spirit and respect for each other. But if the situation nevertheless occurred, and the boss did not notice the problem either at the time of hiring, or after, in the process of cooperation, then certain measures should be taken.

How to get out of the situation and not lose an employee

1. To avoid the occurrence of such situations, it is necessary to initially take a very responsible approach to the adaptation of an employee in the workplace. Not only did you introduce the person to the team and then go about your business. Regulate the activities of not only the new employee, but also the rest of the team, each newly arrived employee should be assigned a curator who would help him understand the basics of work, and in order for the curator to try and work effectively, he should be motivated by something. From the very first day, it is necessary to observe how people feel in a team, whether there is a team spirit, whether there are conflict situations or sharp corners. Sometimes the manager himself provokes tensions, for example, by singling out one of the employees more than the rest. This also needs to be monitored.

2. The method is slightly superficial, but sometimes it works: when hiring a new employee and for the rest of the established team, certain rules must be introduced. Their main goal is to minimize the possibility of conflicts between employees. For example, you can create such memos, or a poster, where you indicate the basic truths of communication. These may be the most famous facts, for example, when entering a company, leave the negative at the door. Or, if you don't like the work of another, suggest an alternative, and so on. Of course, some people in principle do not perceive such slogans, associating them with parting words from school, but others still sometimes listen to instructions, so it would not be superfluous to introduce some rules of communication in this form.

3. In order to keep a leaving employee, it is necessary to build a friendly and friendly conversation with him. If the boss in the past has always yelled at his subordinates and insulted them, then such good nature will seem very strange. Therefore, it is better to start cooperation without conflicts and, moreover, personal insults. Create a specific regulation that regulates the relationship between the employee and superiors. This document should contain not only the rules of employee behavior, but also regulate the actions and communication of superiors. Here we should point out the prohibition of personal insults, respect for each other and the implementation of other ethical rules of conduct.

4. It happens that people who are excellent specialists with very good knowledge in the field of professional activity absolutely cannot coexist with colleagues. There are constant quarrels, scandals and conflicts, which naturally interfere with the work process. In this case, in order, on the one hand, to keep the employee in the company, and on the other hand, not to disrupt the work of the rest of the team, you can offer him a remote type of work, or allocate a separate office.

CLUSTER 4. Working conditions do not meet the desired and do not suit the employee.

In fact, this is a cluster of employee problems, which, in principle, are of minimal importance to specialists. But at the same time, it is precisely for this reason that many employees leave their jobs. The reasons here can be very different: they are not satisfied with the constant need to delay at work for five minutes, I don’t have time to have lunch, I have to travel for a long time by transport, but there is no delivery, poor computer equipment, lack of a personal locker - and what subordinates don’t come up with when talking about working conditions . Of course, you can keep an employee from leaving due to the lack of a wireless mouse by buying this accessory for him, but there are other ways to influence subordinates.

Of course, this cluster of problems is good because they are obvious. If the fact that the employee has a conflict with the chief accountant and therefore he wants to leave, you still have to guess, then everything is much simpler here. But the problem with these problems is the costs that are necessary to solve them. This is good if the problem lies in the wireless mouse, and if the employee lacks a new powerful computer, then more expenses will be needed. The same can be said about organizing the delivery of subordinates, free lunches or the creation of a gym.

If the manager has the opportunity to implement the changes that subordinates so crave, then it is better to actually implement it. In this way, the layoff rate will decrease significantly, and you will be able to limit yourself from the constant problem of finding new employees and adapting them.

Many subordinates who work in the organization for a long time, and who are forced to leave for reasons of lack of comfort in the workplace, would be happy to refuse this if the manager showed concern for them. So if you really want to keep an employee from quitting, show them that. If you don’t have the opportunity to organize additional elements of comfort now, then honestly tell your subordinate about it, promise that as soon as you have the opportunity, everything will be fine. Many actually do not want to part with their usual workplace, colleagues with whom they maintain relationships and an established schedule. It is enough to show a little attention, respect and care for the employee to stay at work. Consult with him, perhaps together you will find a solution to the problem.

Each employee has their own priorities and their own life, based on these factors and their motivation is based. For example, for young people, the best stimulating factor would be a gym at work, or a party in a nightclub, for young parents - a paid vacation and a trip to the sea, and for pensioners and adult employees, health insurance and services of a good clinic are much more important. You should also look at other signs. For example, your subordinate has a car, agree that he will give a ride home to those who live near him, but at the same time you will pay for gasoline costs.

Pay attention to employees- perhaps one of them is really tired, looks tired and needs a vacation, while the other came to work with a headache and should be let go. Thus, the leader will show his concern for subordinates, respect and understanding, which in turn, for many, is the main motivation. An employee would rather choose a caring and conscientious company than move to a strange, unknown team, even if the pay there is higher.

As soon as you receive the news that an employee of the company wants to leave the team, first of all evaluate his professional and personal qualities. If a person does not bring any particular benefit to the organization, or causes constant problems in the team, then it may not make sense to think about how to keep him. If, nevertheless, the subordinate is really a valuable employee, then do not start a dialogue with him with words about a salary increase. It is likely that this is not the main reason for his departure, and other motivational tools can be used to make him wish to remain in the company.

First you need to talk, draw conclusions for yourself about what kind of person your employee is, and what is the reason for leaving. Perhaps a person cannot do many things at the same time, and you overwhelm him with tasks - it is better to give tasks sequentially. Or he does not get along with someone, the conflict should be resolved. There can be a lot of reasons, and in order to understand how to keep a leaving employee, you should find the root cause of such a desire, and only then select options for getting out of the situation.

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