
Oksimiron is the path to success and all-Russian recognition. Oxxxymiron, when are the new tracks? Oksimiron released a new track

Oxxxymiron is one of the most hype performers on the Russian rap scene. After the battle with Joniboy, only those who are not interested in music at all do not know about him. Oksimiron is everywhere: in tinted basins of boys from the district and small cars of glamorous kitties, in the phones of schoolchildren and iPods of middle managers.

After Oxy's performance at Evening Urgant, it's hard to guess from whom you will hear about a successful rapper. It would seem that everything is fine - the boy has come to success. But there are a few touches that spoil the picture. And the further - the stronger.

1. “Five years ago I was a rogue in the capital. Three years as everyone is waiting for the album. Soon!"

The release of Oksimiron's second full-length album was scheduled for August 14, 2014. But something went wrong and Oxy postponed the release of the album indefinitely. The reason is that the album in his view is not perfect. Miron said that he is preparing an album that will "turn the game around" and advised to be patient.

As time went. The game didn't turn over. Oksimiron went on tour with old material, answering all questions about the album: “Soon!”. Only feats with other performers leaked into the network. But there was no album.

Oxy was doing anything but recording a new record. Battled with Joniboy, advertised the Londongrad series, for which he even wrote a track of the same name, released collaborations with LSP, Rigos and Lupercal, recorded a track for Lovecraft's birthday ... In rap circles, the saying "When cancer whistles in the field" was replaced by another: "When Zhid will release an album.

The clip "City under the sole" caused a new wave of hype. The network exploded in the hope that GLP is a single from the new album, which is about to reach the listeners. The news about the upcoming tour added fuel to the fire. Who will go to new tour again with old material? Nobody, obviously. Nobody - except Oksimiron. In the City Under the Sole mini-tour, Miron performed old material and tracks that were not included in the album.

But every expectation has a limit. The presentation date of the second album was scheduled for November 13, it was supposed to take place at concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Only the album itself was still missing. Evil tongues have already said that at the concert they will announce the next postponement of the release.

Concert tickets sold like hot cakes. Only the lazy did not guess about the track list. Photos of the supposedly real playlist of the upcoming release have appeared on the network.

The conspirator Oksimiron outdid himself by posting the album online a few hours before the concert. The track list of the Gorgorod release did not contain either the City Under the Sole or other tracks released this year. Moreover, the whole "Gorgorod" turned out to be a conceptual rap opera, telling about a certain writer and his participation in a conspiracy against the authorities of a fictional dystopian city.

The release of the album on the day of the presentation led to the fact that people at the concert did not know the lyrics. Those who did not have time to get acquainted with Gorgorod in advance listened with surprise to tracks that were not suitable for concerts and tried to understand whether it was cool or not.

The audience was waiting for tracks in the style of "City under the sole", and received a record to listen to in silence and loneliness. In addition, to the surprise of the fans, Oksimiron constantly confused and forgot the words, explaining that the tracks were new and he did not have time to learn them to the end.

Later it turned out that the album was recorded in a week, and the mixing was completed the night before the presentation. But what has the rapper been doing all this time? History is silent on this. Certainly not recording an album.

2. “They crave a fit, and I decide who I am - underground or corrupt condom?”

Everyone who has been listening to Oksimiron for a long time or reading his social media accounts knows how negatively he treated television and the appearance of rappers “in the box”. He said that television is not needed either for promotion or for leisure - it has been replaced by the Internet. In one of his interviews, the rapper spoke quite exhaustively about this:

“Recently, I have received many different proposals related to TV, but I do not aspire to go there. Moreover, it’s not even worth looking for some kind of anti-system pathos in my words, it’s just that every year I am convinced that TV, like radio, is generally a dead format, and it’s not very clear why mess with it.

However, this did not stop him from recording the track "Londongrad" for network advertising of the series of the same name. True, here the artist managed to get out:

After appearing in the TV show "Evening Urgant" it also just did not work out.

Of course, Oksimiron's visit to Channel One is a completely natural phenomenon. Sooner or later, all popular performers get there. "Evening Urgant" is a kind of litmus. If you are here, then you are cool and successful. But what about the regular disdain towards the TV format?

The final touch was Oksimiron's contract with Reebok Classic. The rapper was able to tie this event almost to the traditions of hip-hop culture, saying that he is preparing a lot of joint “fits” for fans with Reebok. But so far, he managed to mark himself only with multiple photo shoots in branded clothes and a single meeting with fans. This is where it all ended.

3. "Four years in a row I've been on tour, you homosexual!"

Oksimiron has an incredibly tight tour schedule. He visits all the major cities of the CIS, not disregarding the near and not so foreign countries. The number of concerts is off scale. But not a single tour has passed without excesses.

During each of the tours, several concerts are consistently canceled or rescheduled. Most often - due to health problems with the artist. A broken voice and a cold are the most common causes canceling or rescheduling concerts. The biggest force majeure occurred in November 2016: the artist canceled ten consecutive concerts. The reason is the same - health problems.

Ten canceled concerts is a solid waste of money. Therefore, Oksimiron recorded a video message to the fans, promising a "fat fit" to those who do not give up tickets. Oh well.

Here we can also recall the periodic problems with visas for Porcha, the DJ Miron, and Ruslan, the permanent driver of the tour "armored car", which suggests a "thorough" preparation for the tour.

4. "Mixtapes suck"

Immediately after the announcement of the tour's resumption, Oxy stated that he was ... postponing the release of the mixtape. It was caused by the same rethinking of the concept. Allegedly, the usual cutting of verses from guest tracks does not correspond to the level that Oksimiron set for himself. And he wants to do something better. We've heard this somewhere before, haven't we?

The only problem was that those same concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg were announced as a presentation of the mixtape and new material. Oxy asked people not to return tickets, promising to compensate for everything.

And if the long wait for the second album only fueled interest in it, then the announcement of the postponement of the mixtape causes a smile.

What have you become? (instead of an epilogue)

Each fact individually does not represent anything extraordinary - everyone has problems. In the aggregate, a portrait of an artist greedy for money and fame emerges, who sacrifices promises to the concert "chess", from which the main income comes.

The tour schedule is packed as tightly as possible - to the extent that the artist himself is unable to master. Their own principles are laid on the altar of glory: leading mass media publications write about Miron, he reads the track “Where we are not” in Evening Urgant, diligently skipping obscene language; writes a promo for the series on STS; his every step is covered by network hip-hop resources.

At some point, Oksimiron became too much, he turned into a hype machine that squeezes the maximum noise out of every newsbreak - which, to be honest, there are not so many. From a charming guy with an Oxford diploma, who crawled out of a London gateway, hating “your flow, your style, your hop, no matter what”, Oksimiron turned into a typical rap star in one of the worst meanings of the word.

Perhaps we are mistaken, and all of the above is only due to lack of experience, a kind of "bumps" invariably stuffed by a young performer. I would like to believe in it. After all, the point is "not in the number of punches, not in the quality of rhymes - the point is in the personality behind them." And the personality of Oksimiron gradually loses its charisma and charm.

Russian rap can be condemned, ridiculed and called terrible. Perhaps this is the way it is - this genre of music is rather poorly developed in our country from a professional point of view. Now there are a lot of amateurs behind whom there are big producers. But, as you know, there is always someone who can save the situation. And in this case, this is Miron Fedorov, better known under the pseudonym Oxxxymiron.

At his concerts, he collects full halls and stadiums. His tracks are known all over the world. Oxxxymiron is a frequent participant in battles from Versus, and his most famous competition with the American artist Dizaster will definitely enter the world history of rap forever. Myron's songs go beyond the limits that have become familiar to this type of music - it is almost poetry with a departure to the traditions of classical literature.

In October of this year, Oxy's tour began in our country. Nizhny Novgorod is also included in the list of cities. This is an event that is definitely not to be missed. In this article, we will try to figure out what caused such popularity, what is unique in his work and why he can be called the main rapper in Russia.

Step one. Education and life experience

A native of Leningrad for his 32 years has come a long way to becoming a real star of world music. From childhood, Miron traveled a lot around the world, because his father worked in the scientific field. At the age of 9, the boy entered the German gymnasium. Here, for the first time, he tries himself as a performer, creating the MIF group (short for Miron Fedorov). Then Oxxxymiron decided that he was the creator of Russian rap: "That is, I was naturally sure that I was the first person to rap in Russian." But later, after a trip to Russia, he realized that he was wrong.
In one of his interviews, Oxxxymiron recalls the first lines written at the age of 14:

“Someone lives in apartments, homeless people live in toilets
Underground MCs live in underground holes, write satire
On those who are in the highest part of the cultural layer
They slander on the topic of etiquette and the upper classes "

At the age of 15, the family moved again, this time to the UK. Miron successfully passes the interview and enters Oxford University, from where he graduates as a philologist with a degree in medieval English literature. Such a profession did not bring money, and finding a job was not so easy. At this time, he tried himself as a tutor, translator, cashier and even a loader.

And only in 2007, Miron, thanks to communication with local Russian emigrants, again begins to engage in rap. At the same time, a pseudonym is born, which is quite unusual in its structure. This is the addition of the literary term "oxymoron", which means a combination of two contradictory concepts and a triple letter "X" as a symbol of a large number of swear words in the texts.

Step two. "Gorgorod"

Since 2008, the performer has been rapidly and prudently moving towards his popularity. He becomes a frequent participant in various rap battles. And by 2011, Oxxxymiron released the famous album "Eternal Zhid", which ensured popularity abroad and the "Discovery of the Year" award from GQ magazine.

After the first disc, Miron immediately starts working on the second one. The release of the album was constantly postponed - the performer wants to bring it to the ideal. It would seem that this should have repelled the audience, but interest in the album did not fade away, but, on the contrary, increased - the listeners burned with impatience.

And so, in November 2015, the long-awaited second album "Gorgorod" is released. It was a real sensation - sites where download links were posted stopped loading due to huge amount visitors.

Oxxxymiron himself recommends listening to the album sequentially from beginning to end in order to accurately capture main idea. It's a dystopia comparable to Orwell's books. We can see a lot of allusions, metaphors and other literary devices here. Each song tells a story, the meaning and details of which are difficult to fully grasp the first time.

Does this look like the rap that many listened to before Oksimiron? Is this the features of rap we are used to? It would hardly be fair to deny that his compositions are one level higher, forming a special musical and poetic genre.

Step three. Participation in rap battles

For almost 10 years, Oxxxymiron has been participating in various rap battles. Today, the performer is a welcome and almost constant guest and participant in the well-known Russian site "Versus Battle".

Since the very first competition with Crip-A-Creep in the fall of 2013, Myron has consistently won victories by a huge margin in his favor. And the competition with Johnyboy gained almost 40 million views, which is an absolute record not only for Russian-speaking, but also for world platforms. This continued until this summer. In the battle with Purulent (Glory to the CPSU), Oxxxymiron suffers a total defeat with a score of 0:5.

On this occasion, the Internet in social networks there were a lot of memes and cuts. Slava became a real star, and the headlines of many publications were full of loud statements that Miron was no longer the king of Russian rap. The results of this competition are considered controversial and are still being discussed. Obviously, Purulent is a pretty strong MC and deservedly won. However, the skill of Oksimiron is still beyond doubt, so his defeat “dry” looks extremely strange. Be that as it may, the competition became a high-profile event and allowed both sides to hype.

In October 2017, a historical rap battle took place between Russia represented by Oxxxymiron and America represented by Dizaster. Despite the recent failure, the Russian rapper was able to win, which even his opponent personally admitted. Oxxxymiron read texts with perfect pronunciation, intonation and emotionality, they, in turn, were traditionally filled with deep meaning. Until that moment, none of the Russian performers were invited to the King of the Dot venue in Los Angeles. Isn't this the best confirmation of mastery and international recognition?

Step four. Develop and experiment

It's been almost 600 days since Oxxxymiron released his second album. Of course, this is a very long time, and now the fans are speculating - when to expect a new record. Miron promises a release this winter, but the reality may change. Unofficial versions have appeared regarding the title: presumably, the third collection is called "MiXXXtape III", which is a rather logical continuation.
It is worth paying tribute to the rapper, because he does not let the listeners get bored in anticipation of a new album.
Immediately after the defeat in the battle with Purulent, he releases the song "Biopolarochka". These are Oxxxymiron's reflections on life, his own ups and downs:

"My every step is under a microscope,
And real talk, if you blundered at least once, that's all
I waited a year to give up the throne
Monomakh's hat is heavy, I tired everyone *** in the mouth "

Literally a week after the release of the single, a video with Markul for the song "FATA MORGANA" is released. This video can be called frightening and surreal. For example, in one of the scenes, Oxxxymiron is lying on a surgical table, organs are being removed from his body.

Then a new duet comes out, this time with Bi-2 for the song "It's time to go home." The focus is on the problem of emigration and living abroad. This is a sad story about thousands of people who cannot return home because of disagreement with the authorities and fear of being oppressed for their different (from what? "from the majority"? Or better "wrong" views) views.

X *** what to do if the victory of the heart over the mind
And that's it - tired of being a stepson among the natives
Paradise is behind, but once, alas, we are kamikazes -
Ahead of the world of gas chambers
Vlasov's armies, mass executions, but
Still, it pulls back, stop, shakes, we enter our native anti-space
What, say "stop"?
Stay, write to the table?
Piss, that you will die here, like an emigrant vocabulary?

Finally, another work with Ka-tet is being released - “Progress Machine”, which tells about a device created for good, but which brought a lot of suffering. This characteristic is suitable for describing human actions, and for many public institutions created by us.

The clip is a sketch from a professional artist who managed to convey the whole atmosphere and rhythm. The song contains the lyrics: "My motto is the return of the prodigal kike", which is a reference to the first album and possibly a hint to the next one.

Thus, Oxxxymiron was able to quickly and brightly rise after his defeat, gain even more popularity, release several tracks at once and completely capture the attention of the public. All this happened in just 2 months. It's safe to say that the new album will be a real "bomb" and there is still a lot of interesting things ahead of us.

Answer to the main question

Oxxxymiron can be called the main rapper of the country for many reasons. At the age of 32, he managed to reach unprecedented heights and win world fame and recognition. A few days ago, he read his lyrics on Eminem's famous radio in America. By the way, Miron is most often compared with him, which looks like the best compliment and veneration of talent.

Each of his songs is distinguished by a deep meaning, high-level vocabulary and the presence of a huge number of references to significant phenomena in world history and culture. This, you see, not any modern Russian rapper can boast of.

Miron's concerts gather entire stadiums, and tickets are completely sold out a few months after the start of sales. Fans are ready to spend any amount of money just to see their favorite outstanding rapper live.
In his performances, Oxxxymiron completely gives himself and his energy, the charge of which is enough for for a long time. Perhaps, at least for this reason, he can be called the main rapper of the country.


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