
Klass365 is a free CRM program for the sales department. The best CRM systems Download the CRM system

Mini CRMfree program, which allows you to build a company's CRM system, is a corporate information system aimed at automating the customer relationship management system. The implementation of Mini CRM is designed to improve the quality of customer service and improve all business procedures in general.

The Mini CRM program is recommended for use in order to improve the efficiency of company personnel management, accounting and planning of relations with counterparties, and control over all business processes in the company. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is intended for:

1. Documenting all relationships between business managers and clients.

2.Analysis of the work of managers and the search for ways to improve the efficiency of their work.

3.Operative management of all current issues.

4. Solutions to the problem of interchangeability of managers.

5. Maintaining a complete history of customer relationships.

All the work of managers is presented in the mode "Tasks": calls, negotiations, conclusion of contracts; each task has its own condition: "Delivered", "Completed", "Canceled", etc.

Each state has a corresponding indicator in color. Each task takes into account:



3. The date and time of the task execution.

4. Term of execution.

5. Complete description of the problem.

6. Description of the results of the task execution.

Special attention in the program Mini CRM deserves the "Calendar" mode: the screen in cells shows all the tasks of all managers for the next 30 days. Moreover, each cell changes the color intensity depending on the number of tasks of a particular manager. Each cell displays total amount tasks of the manager.

Mini CRM provides a quick transition (by double-clicking) to the list of tasks both for one day and for a certain period of time. Using the Filter tool, you can switch the Calendar mode to solve tasks for one client or for all outstanding tasks. A special mode "Tasks of one manager" is controlled from the "Calendar" mode, this mode allows you to work with tasks of one manager for a specific date and is designed to optimize the work of this particular employee.

They will also please options, how:

1. Expanded client base, including the details of the counterparty and the contract; this guide allows assigning different statuses to the client: "in operation", "potential", "large", "small", "source of information about the client".

2. Multilevel reference books of tasks, managers and clients.

3. The program provides for planning for arbitrary tasks.

The Mini CRM version is designed for 5 managers and up to 100 tasks per month; to meet large needs, the Lightic CRM and Kors CRM versions have been developed.

For experienced users, a quick option for updating the databases and programs is possible. Downloading:

For those who first install the program "A-Number CRM"

  • Download the installer "A-Number CRM" v.3.9.3 for MS SQL 2000 -2008 9.7 Mb
  • Download the installer "A-Number CRM" v.3.9.3 for MS SQL 2012 9.8 Mb

MS SQL Server 2000 (MSDE) Installed on all Windows 98 to 7.

MS SQL Server 2008 r2 Express Installed on all Windows from XP to 12.

  • Download MS SQL Server 2008 r2 Express 92.3 Mb

After installation, MSDE does not display any messages that it has successfully completed the installation. and does not include the MS SQL Server service, so you need to enable this service manually or just restart the computer.

Starting with Windows XP, MDAC is included in the standard Windows distribution, it is also installed with any office, so most likely you already have it installed? but just in case:

If you have not previously installed MSDE(Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine), then we recommend replacing the setup.ini file from your archive MSDE, with this setup.ini file

After installation MSDE, MS SQL Server service or computer restart is required.

Attention! Do not try to use this ini file when installing MS SQL 2005 - 2008.

For those who have SQLExpress(2005, 2008) it will be useful to have our utility "". She knows how to automate the creation of backup copies of any MS SQL databases (not necessarily CRM), and most importantly, quickly restore databases from backup copies. That is, all your data acquired by overwork will not be lost in the event of various circumstances. The program is easy to set up and use and will provide a restful sleep for admins: o))

P.S. A-Number backup for MS SQL Server, distributed as ShareWare, that is, paid. You can buy it through using various payment bank cards for $ 9.95.

All A-Number CRM users can purchase an A-Number backup for only 300 WMR (WebMoney, rubles). Please send your applications to the mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To see it, you need to have Java-Script enabled, with the theme - A-Number backup for MS SQL Server, and you will receive all the necessary instructions.

Video - tutorials on setting up A-Number CRM.

Few people know that to work on a real project, you can use free CRM systems for small businesses or even for large companies(CRM-system - an abbreviation from English. Customer Relationship Management System, customer relationship management system). This layer software very diverse, products are offered target audience on different terms depending on the goals pursued by the developers.

Do not confuse free systems with test or demo versions. The latter only postpone the payment deadline and allow you to evaluate the functionality.

How developers benefit from free sales management systems

Free software serves as a kind of platform for testing new functionality, analyzing demand, structure and interests of the audience of potential buyers.

  1. Sometimes free CRMs serve as nothing more than a direct means of collecting customer information. Such a database can be sold to other market players interested in potential customers.
  2. The free version of CRM can be one of the means to advertise your own paid products. Such software solutions most often have very limited functionality, forcing customers to switch to paid versions from the same developer. A special case can be called software that serves as a platform (base) for connecting various modules, among which there may be paid solutions.
  3. CRM can be really good, free, developed by programmers on pure enthusiasm (here the goals of getting practice in development, showing their programming skills, etc. are more likely to be pursued). In this case, paid services can be work on setting up, installing and professional support of the product. Or CRM will be offered "as is", that is, the authors and developers disclaim any responsibility for the use of such a system (this can include various open-source projects). In the latter case, a full-time programmer will be required who can accompany the program at the stages of implementation, daily use and scaling of the enterprise / company.
  4. Its useful to note interesting fact... Due to the fact that the cost of the software is zero, the consumer does not have the right to demand anything from the developer / service provider, since in order to be liable for the losses incurred, there must be an official contract (deal, agreement) with the indicated value (it turns out that the sale of the product / service did not take place, the money was not transferred). That is why you should be extremely careful when working with free software solutions.
  5. Benefits for consumers

Free CRM for small businesses allows you to use effective tool to conduct sales, deal with customers, control the work of personnel (setting deadlines, appointing responsible persons, etc.) already at the start of the business without any investment.

In the free version with limited functionality, you can test the interface, usability, available tools, etc., in order to later switch to the paid version with advanced functions.

Open source systems can be tailored to suit the needs and requirements of the company.

Review of free CRM systems

Below is a list of the best free CRM solutions by category.

  1. Shareware (limited access) SaaS
    1. Bitrix 24 (tariff "Project"). Restrictions on the number of business users, integration with 1C, employee management, data backup, etc. Cloud-only solution. A big plus: completely in Russian.
    2. AMBER. Free for 3 users only.
    3. basoCRM. The free plan assumes no more than 5 users.
    4. "Things Are Going". Up to 3 users, limited functionality. In Russian.
    5. "Simple business" - up to 5 users, opportunities are cut. In Russian.
    6. ZohoCRM Free tariff - up to 10 users.
  2. Completely free SaaS
    1. FreeCRM. No restrictions on use, functionality is provided as is. It is a platform for advertising the DEASoft company and its paid CRM.
  3. Free Stand-Alone
    1. Galloper-CRM. Only software for one user is available for free. When connecting to the server part - payment.
    2. Supasoft-CRM for PC only. The network (server) version is paid.
    3. RegionSoft CRM 4.7 Express. Up to 3 enterprise licenses. Works only locally.
  4. Open-Sourse (can be modified to fit your own needs)
    1. UMC CRM (the main condition is preservation of copyrights).
    2. SuiteCRM
    3. Redmine
    4. SalesPlatform Vtiger CRM
Microsoft Office 2010 Standard 14.0.7151.5001 SP2 RePack by Dakov 32/64-bit (2015)
Rating: 10 out of 10
Microsoft Office 2010 Standard 14.0.7151.5001 SP2 RePack by KpoJIuK (2015)
Rating: 9.4 out of 10
Microsoft Office 2013 SP1 Professional Plus + Visio Pro + Project Pro 15.0.4727.1001 RePack by KpoJIuK 32/64-bit (2015)
Rating: 9.3 out of 10
Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus + Visio Pro + Project Pro 14.0.7151.5001 SP2 RePack by KpoJIuK 32/64-bit (2015)
Rating: 9.2 out of 10
Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus + Visio Pro + Project Pro 16.0.4366.1000 RePack by KpoJIuK
Rating: 9.2 out of 10


CRM system Client Communicator 7.0

Year of issue: 2012
Genre: CRM
Developer: Axistem Group
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Build Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32-bit
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
System requirements: For the database server - P-IV-3000, 4 GB RAM, 2 GB free disk space. For workstations - P-IV-2000 / RAM 1.5 GB, up to 800 MB of free disk space. The recommended screen resolution of the monitor is at least 1024 * 768 pixels.
Description: CRM system Client- The communicator allows you to organize effective interaction with customers, suppliers, intermediaries, between departments within the organization and make this work transparent, planned and manageable.

Managers of sales, service, procurement and marketing departments will be able to automate their work without wasting time on preparing reports, drawing out documents and other routine tasks. The program will take over these and many other actions, becoming the most useful assistant in the current work. At the same time - reminding about previously scheduled tasks, payments, birthdays and other events. And managers will be able to monitor the actions of employees in real time and receive reliable analytics.

The distribution contains an installer file, SQL Server Express English version (free from the Microsoft website), a database with demo data and instructions.

(copied from the developer's site)

This is a single-user, fully functional version.

Add. Information: Videos on working with the program


Borland Delphi 7.0 + Keygen 7.0

Year of issue: 2002
Genre: Development environment
Developer: Borland Software Corporation
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian + English
Build Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32-bit
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP
System requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium 233 MHz or higher RAM: 64 MB (128 MB recommended) Hard disk space: 124-450
MBMonitor: SVGA or above
Description: Delphi 7 is a rapid application development environment that integrates application development and deployment modeling tools ecommerce and web services. Delphi 7 ...


Nokia PC Suite

Genre: Synchronizer with PC
Developer: Nokia Soft Inc.
Developer site:
Interface language: English
Platform: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista
System requirements: Minimum Requirements: 0.3 GHz / 32 RAM / 40 MB disk quota
Description: Nokia has released a new version of the collection of proprietary applications - Nokia PC Suite, which includes various programs for using them in conjunction with mobile phones Nokia. Depending on your phone model, together with Nokia PC Suite, you can easily synchronize data from your PC, edit it, create backup ...


Year of issue: 2011
Genre: operating mini-system
Developer: MiniOS
Developer site:
Architecture: x86
Interface language: English + Russian
Platform: Mandriva Linux
File format: zip
System requirements: PC or laptop (no) beech with support for booting from USB FLASH
Description: MiniOS is a full-fledged operating system that works with USB-Flash and can be installed on a hard drive. It is a free analogue of Mandriva Flash, based on Mandriva Linux and is a fully compatible distribution. - based on Mandriva Linux 2010.2 - kernel - working environment ...


Adobe components: Flash Player + AIR + Shockwave Player RePack by D! Akov

Year of issue: 2016
Genre: Plugin for browsers
Developer: Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Build Type: RePack
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows Vista SP2, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
System requirements: Hard disk space: 150 MB Memory: 256 MB Recommended screen resolution: 800x600
Description: Adobe Flash Player is a plugin designed for all popular browsers - Internet Explorer, AOL, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and Opera, with which you can play Flash movies (SWF files), watch online videos and listen to ...


RadioClicker lite

Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Multimedia
Developer: Radioclicker
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: Windows Media Player version 9 or higher and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Description: Free RADIO and TV on a computer via the Internet. RadioClicker is designed to listen to RADIO on a computer via the Internet. In addition, you can watch online TV using RadioClicker. The program contains almost all RADIO and TV stations broadcasting in Russian. All radio and TV channels are conveniently grouped by style and are easily accessible for playback ...


EXtreme Movie Manager Deluxe Edition

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Cataloguer
Developer: Software
Developer site:

Platform: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
System requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Description: eXtreme Movie Manager - best program for keeping a home film library. More than 70 description fields are provided for each movie, divided into subgroups. The ability to import data from specialized sites, it is possible to create your own import script. The program supports all creatures ...


K-Lite Codec Pack 7.7.0 Mega

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Codecs, player, utilities
Developer: Codec Guide
Developer site:
Interface language: English
Build Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
Description: K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is the most complete free package of codecs, DirectShow filters and related tools. Codecs and filters are needed to encode and decode various audio and video formats. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack differs from other similar packages, the absence of conflicts between codecs, ease of installation and use, which ...


PC Tools Internet Security Retail

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Antivirus
Developer: PC Tools
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Platform: XP, Vista, Vista x64, 7, 7 x64
Description: PC Tools Internet Security 2010 - complete computer protection, including the award-winning Editor's Choice anti-spyware program with antivirus and firewall. Offers an effective suite of protection against spam, viruses and illegal intrusions. Detects, moves and blocks all types of viruses, Trojans, hacker attacks, illegal intrusions and other security threats. Free support for all users, frequent ...


AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​Premium RePack & Portable

Year of issue: 2015
Genre: System Optimization
Developer: Auslogics

Interface language: Russian
Build Type: RePack
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Description: AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​Premium is a popular set of tools for optimizing and tuning your operating system. With this program, you can significantly optimize the operation of your system, easily configure various Windows settings, clean the hard drive and system registry from garbage and unnecessary entries, defragment disks and ...


Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate RePack

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Video Converter
Developer: Xilisoft Corporation
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
Build Type: RePack by CTYDEHT
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7
Description: Xilisoft Video Converter is a simple, convenient and fast program with many functions. It allows you to convert videos of all popular formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264 / AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, as well as audio MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG. Now you can convert video, audio and animated ...


Debian netinst Wheezy 7.0.0 32/64-bit

Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Operating system
Developer: Debian
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian
File format: .iso
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Debian (7.0 (Wheezy))
System requirements: x86 processor 512 MB of RAM 4.5 GB on a hard disk for installing a video card with a resolution of 800x600 CD-ROM drive or USB port
Description: Debian Wheezy is the flagship of Linux operating systems. The advantages of the system over all other systems are the highest level of stability. The system will contain only free software, which is also a floor ...


Readon TV Movie Radio Player

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: TV Player, Radio Player
Developer: Readon Technology
Developer site:
Interface language: English
Platform: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7
Description: Readon TV Movie Radio Player is a completely free program, which is a tool that allows you to watch TV channels and listen to radio on your computer. The player uses unique algorithms for receiving a signal over IP, and does not require any additional devices. Readon TV Movie Radio Player - significantly expands its capabilities to receive various channels ...


Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​Premium RePack + Portable

Year of issue: 2014
Genre: System Optimization
Developer: Auslogics Software Pty Ltd.
Developer site:
Interface language: Russian + English
Build Type: RePack + Portable
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
Description: AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​is an application that will help you quickly and efficiently tune your PC for maximum performance. The built-in System Adviser will check your system settings using fifty different tests and suggest recommendations based on the results of each test. The program checks the system ...


Dr. Web Security Space Pro

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Antivirus
Developer: Doctor Web
Developer site:
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Build Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
System requirements: Free hard disk space: ~ 127 MB. Additionally, ~ 8 MB is required to install the firewall.
Description: Dr.Web anti-virus - basic computer protection against all malicious programs with additional protection against network attacks thanks to the built-in firewall. It is an effective tool for continuous monitoring of health ...

but I

AusLogics BoostSpeed ​​ Premium + RUS

Year of issue: 2014
Genre: System Optimization
Developer: Auslogics
Developer site:
Interface language: English + Russian
Build Type: Standard
Bit depth: 32/64-bit
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
System requirements: 60 MB available hard disk space 512 MB RAM
Description: Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a popular set of tools for optimizing and tuning your operating system. With this program, you can significantly optimize your system, easily adjust various Windows settings, clean up your hard drive and system p ...

Klass365 is an online CRM system that automates enterprise management. The program has a full-featured CRM module for effective interaction with clients, organizing teamwork of employees, managing projects and tasks.

All clients at a glance.
Manage customer relationships, lead productive work with leads!

According to analysts, companies that do not use CRM technologies lose 30% of their profits every day. New development- CRM-system Class365 will bring your business to a new level and ensure stable income growth in the future.

Free CRM for sales management

Class365 offers a free CRM system for sales, customer records, real-time collaboration.

The program helps to improve the quality of work with clients, increase the speed of processing applications and completing tasks, thereby increasing the efficiency of sales in general.

The free version of Class365 is ideal for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to get the most out of CRM without the investment.

In addition to CRM, the Klass365 program allows you to maintain a full-fledged record of sales, movement of goods and Money for integrated management enterprise.

Features of a free CRM system for the sales department Klass365

Working with the client base

  • Simple and convenient accounting of clients and all transactions in a single database
  • Detailed history of relationships with each client and partner
  • Working with existing and potential clients(leads). Email and SMS distribution
  • Individual customization of the client card. The ability to attach events, any files and documents, leave comments on the counterparty
  • Convenient planner of tasks and appointments, a system of reminders and notifications will not let you forget anything
  • Quick search in the customer base. Save time on order processing

Working with commercial offers:

  • Use ready-made examples commercial offers or use your editable form
  • You can download a commercial offer made in the system in PDF to your computer or send it by e-mail directly from the system.
  • Keep a log of sent commercial offers, assign statuses
  • Issue invoices and place orders based on commercial offers.

Processing customer orders

  • Book an item based on the buyer's order.
  • Issue invoices based on buyer's order.
  • Place orders to suppliers, implementations and accept payments based on the buyer's order.
  • Assign a status to a buyer's order

Working with the product

  • Search for goods in the system - by characteristics, article, analogs, supplier. At the same time, you can see prices, balances, reserves and expected receipts in the results.
  • Saving the history of prices for goods
  • Accounting for stock balances in warehouses
  • Storage time control
  • Inventory planning based on sales rates

And use a free CRM system for the sales department with the ability to conduct inventory and warehouse accounting.

Key advantages of CRM-program Klass365

  • 100% security of your data in the system
  • Fast start. No implementation, setup will take a few minutes
  • Wide functionality - in one program
  • Convenient and intuitive interface that is easy to work with
  • There is no connection to the workplace. Do not limit the space of your activities, use the system wherever there is Internet, at any time convenient for you

You don't lose anything - get 30% more orders

We offer the single-user version of Class365 completely free of charge. The term of use of the program is not limited. The only limitation- the number of documents, in the free version the number of documents created is no more than 300 per year.

You can always remove this limitation and increase the number of program users in your personal account.

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