
What is studying the biology of farm animals. Report: Characteristics of the breed of farm animals. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The basis of life for both the simplest living matter and higher animals is metabolism, reproduction and heredity. According to KA Timiryazev, heredity is "biological inertia" - continuity in a series of successive generations.

C. Darwin explained evolutionary development by the interaction of heredity, variability and the experienced ™.

Michurin biology defines heredity as the property of organisms to selectively demand certain conditions for their development. For example, the existence of a reindeer requires a cold climate and tundra pastures. Camels live and breed in the dry desert plains of Africa and Asia. Buffaloes are well adapted to the conditions of humid subtropics, and yaks are well adapted to the conditions of mountainous regions. Not only animals have different requirements for living conditions different types but also in different breeds of animals within a species. So, for example, Karakul sheep are bred in hot regions of Central Asia, and Romanov fur-coated sheep are adapted to the climate of the central regions of the RSFSR.

In determining heredity, the Michurin biological school proceeds from the position of the relative relationship between the organism and the external conditions of its life. Under the influence of these conditions, heredity can change. At the same time, there is

there is a certain conservatism, stability of heredity.

It is known that many species of animals have existed for centuries. Due to the conservatism of heredity, their characteristic properties are passed from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

If heredity was not stable, then there would be no different species of animals and plants.

In practice Agriculture conservatism of heredity is sometimes a hindrance to breeding work. This conservatism can only be broken by drastically changing the conditions for keeping animals. For a directed change in heredity, it is not enough to change the conditions of detention in one generation. It is necessary to change them for a number of generations.

An easier way of loosening heredity is by crossing animals of different breeds and species.

Zootechnical practice confirms Michurin's thesis that old breeds of animals, like varieties of plants, bred in one direction for many years, as a rule, are distinguished by a more resistant heredity than breeds created recently.

Accordingly, wild animals have a more conservative heredity compared to domestic animals.

The Michurin school of biologists asserts that not only the sex cells, but the entire organism as a whole, possess the property of heredity.

At present, thanks to the great advances in physics and chemistry, biologists have managed to look deeper into the inner life of cells. A modern electron microscope makes it possible to obtain magnifications of 1 million 100 thousand times. Under such a microscope, you can see large molecules and study their internal structure.

The efforts of many biologists of the Soviet Union and foreign countries have recently been aimed at studying the secrets of heredity. Particular attention is paid to the study of nucleic acids and their role in the transmission of hereditary information. Nucleic acids are non-protein formations of a very complex polymeric nature. The infinite diversity of the biochemical structure of nucleic acids is due to the different ratio

and the spatial arrangement of four complex nitrogenous bases - nucleotides.

There are two nucleic acids: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA is contained only in the cell nucleus and is an integral part of chromosis. RNA is found both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. It has been established that DNA and RNA control protein synthesis within the cell.

There is a hypothesis that it is DNA that is a chemical substance, thanks to which the subsequent development of the organism in one direction or another is carried out. This hypothesis is not shared by all biologists. The high level of development of biology, chemistry and physics gives a real and close opportunity to reveal the fundamental law of life - heredity.

Reproductive organs males - testes, females - ovaries. Eggs develop in the ovaries of the female. Periodically, during the hunt of the animal, the egg leaves the ovary and can be fertilized.

In the testes of males, male germ cells develop - spermatozoa. When mounted on a cow, a bull, for example, releases 4-6 billion sperm. This mass of germ cells in the genital tract of the female meets with the egg. Actually in fertilization - in the fusion with the egg - only one sperm is involved, a the rest die and, dissolving, create the biochemical environment necessary for fertilization.

Spermatozoa are very small, they can be seen under a microscope only at a magnification of 300-400 times.

The egg cell is much larger than the sperm cell in size. In some animal species, the egg cell is a million times larger than the sperm cell. However, the egg cell is so small that in most cases it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The sperm, like the egg, is incapable of independent development, although it has a certain supply of nutrients. When this supply is used up, the sex cells die. The beginning of a new life occurs only after the union of the egg with the sperm in the genital tract of the female; when a zygote is formed.

From the zygote, the embryo of only a certain animal will develop: from mating of a purebred black-and-white cow with the same bull, a black-and-white heifer will be born

or a bull. The characteristics of animals: their color, shape of horns, milk yield, fat content in milk and other signs and properties are to some extent already predetermined by heredity.

However, for the realization of hereditary inclinations, the zygote must go a long way of development.

In the development of higher animals, two stages are distinguished: embryonic - from the moment of fertilization to birth, which takes place in the mother's body with a constant supply of food, and postembryonic - from birth to death of the animal.

For farm animals, body growth slows down with age.

In the embryonic stage, growth is most intense. Thus, the weight of a horse's zygote is 0.6 mg, the weight of a newborn foal is 50 kg, and the weight of an adult horse is 500 kg. Thus, in the embryonic stage, the weight increased many times more than in the postembryonic stage. Not only the general increase in the body weight of the embryo, that is, its growth, but also the development of individual organs most intensively proceeds in the embryonic stage.

By the time of birth, the calf, lamb and foal have mostly already formed organs and tissues. After birth, the most active growth of the animal's body occurs in the early period. On this feature of young animals, the most effective methods are based - fattening pigs and raising meat chickens - broilers.

Figure 3 shows the proportions of the body of adult and newborn animals. Young animals are not an exact replica of an adult. Due to the increased growth of the limb bones of the embryo of an animal in the embryonic stage of development, by the time of birth, the calf, like the young of other herbivores, turns out to be high-legged with a relatively short body. Long legs, large heart and lungs are all signs that contribute to the speed of movement of young animals.

The development of the embryo is different in rodents or in predators that hide the offspring after birth in burrows or dens. There are many young rodents and predatory animals in the offspring, but they are born weak and blind and unable to move.

Rice. 3. Changes in body proportions with age (from birth to 5 years) in horses, cattle and pigs (according to N.A.Kravchenko).

A change in the type of animals occurs in connection with the uneven growth of individual parts of the body, organs and tissues at different periods of their life. In herbivores, after birth, the bones of the body grow faster, and the young animal in the process of growth takes on the forms of an adult animal.

The development of various organs is greatly influenced by living conditions. The influence of nutritional conditions is especially great. With poor development, not only the general size changes, but also the body type of the animal. When feeding young animals from an early age with vegetable fats with a reduced milk supply, we can enhance the development of the digestive system, increase the size of the stomachs and intestines.

Thus, the characteristics of the development of the organism are determined by the total effect of heredity and the conditions of keeping and feeding, that is, by various external conditions.

As a result, there is constant variability in nature. For example, if we take the annual milk yield of cows, the fineness of the wool of the sheep, the number of piglets in the litter, the live weight of animals, etc., then according to these characteristics, animals of the same herd or of the same breed will differ to some extent from each other. Biologists, agronomists and livestock breeders operate with the average values ​​of the biometric series to process the data of mass measurement of the characteristics of organisms. Variational statistics comes to the aid of biology, on which biometrics is based.

Variability can be caused by heredity, since the heredity of the father and mother is composed in one organism. At the same time, to a greater or lesser extent, the heredity of distant ancestors (grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers, etc.) can be manifested. The same effect on variability can be exerted by external environment... The end result turns out to be tricky. The issues of reproduction, heredity, development and variability have not yet been sufficiently studied, and there is a lot of controversy in them.

At the end of the last century, the idealistic doctrine in biology of the German zoologist August Weismann, who put forward the theory of the continuity of the "germ plasma", gained fame. According to Weismann, the germ plasma is unchanged and transmitted from generation to generation, regardless of living conditions; in the process of evolution, nothing new is created, but only a recombination of the once created features. Weismann's theory is a typical example of metaphysics and idealism.

The basis of Soviet biological science is the Michurin doctrine. It comes from a materialistic understanding of the relationship between the organism and the environment. The tremendous advances in modern biochemistry and biophysics, the invention of the electron microscope - all this puts biology on the threshold of new discoveries. The achievements of modern biological science make it possible to control heredity and change the inherited qualities of animals in the direction necessary for humans.

In practice, man has long since learned to control the heredity of animals and plants. Proof of this is the presence of many excellent breeds of farm animals, steadily transmitting their qualities to offspring.



The great English naturalist Charles Darwin theoretically substantiated the materialistic doctrine of the origin of animal and plant species by natural selection. The theory of evolution was formulated by Charles Darwin

in his work "The Origin of Species by Natural Selection" (1859). And nine years later, in 1868, his book Tamed Animals and Cultivated Plants was published, where he cited material on artificial selection as proof of natural selection.

Natural selection adapts organisms to the conditions of existence in the wild. The essence of natural selection consists in the fact that the most adapted to the conditions of life survive and leave offspring of the animals that are born. They multiply more intensively and inherit more useful signs, which are passed on to the offspring and fixed in the species. Darwin's doctrine scientifically, materialistically explains the origin of organic expediency. If organisms adapted to certain conditions survive in the struggle for existence, then they must have useful properties.

Artificial selection, carried out by man, leaves animals with the traits he wants. Animals with undesirable traits are not allowed to breed. Thus, a person accumulates the smallest deviations in the body of animals, develops them in a certain direction through purposeful selection.

So, for example, the ability of pigs to become obese is a property that is not at all useful for the animals themselves. For the existence of a large cattle as a species, it does not need much milkiness, sheep do not need excessive hair growth, etc. But all these traits are useful to humans and are developed in animals by artificial selection.

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Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Tomsk Agricultural Institute-branch

federal state budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Novosibirsk State Agrarian University"

Agrotechnological faculty


on the topic: "Morphology and physiology of farm animals"

Completed: student of group 410/1

2 courses №Т 09

Direction: "PPSHT Technology"

Naumenko I.N.

Tomsk - 2013

Features of cleavage and early stages of mammalian development. Role of trophoblast in nutritionand the embryo

The embryonic development of different groups of mammals is not the same. In the lower, oviparous, forms, development occurs at the expense of egg reserves. In higher, placental animals, in which the development of the embryo takes place in the mother's body, some features of adaptation to development in an external, non-aqueous environment have disappeared, but features of adaptation to development in the womb, in particular to receiving nutrition from the mother's body (through the placenta ).

Splitting up. In different animals, the time that elapses from fertilization to the beginning of cleavage and the duration of cleavage are different. According to G.A. Schmidt, the process of crushing the zygote of cattle lasts eight days, of which four days in the oviduct and four days in the uterus. In oviparous, as in birds, the cleavage is partially meroblast-coediskoidal. In marsupial placental mammals, cleavage is complete (holoblastic). However, kinship with animals with telolecital ovum and meroblastic type of cleavage left an imprint on the cleavage process and subsequent development, which in placental mammals proceeds differently than in the lancelet, which also has an isocyte ovum. so, firstly, in contrast to the lancelet, complete cleavage in mammals is somewhat uneven and asynchronous. As a result, as in the case of meroblastic cleavage in birds, blastomeres of various sizes are formed, and the increase in the number of blastomeres does not show the same regularity that is inherent in the lancelet. Second, a feature of the development of mammals is the early separation of the embryonic material from the extraembryonic material. In the process of cleavage, blastomeres of two types are formed: small, light and larger, dark ones. Small and light blastomeres are located outside and, overgrowing larger and darker blastomeres, give rise to trophoblast (trophe - food, blastos - embryo, rudiment), which is not further involved in the construction of the body of the embryo, but, coming into contact with the uterine mucosa, serves only to supply the embryo with nutrient material. Large and dark cells form an embryoblast, due to which the body of the embryo and later emerging extraembryonic organs are formed. Thus, at an early stage, the embryo looks like a first dense and then a hollow sphere, some of the cells of which are not involved in the further construction of the embryo's body.

What tissues are part of the bone how aboutrgan? Tubular bone development

Bone (os) is an organ that is a component of the system of support and movement organs, which has a typical shape and structure, a characteristic architectonics of blood vessels and nerves, built mainly of bone tissue, covered outside by the periosteum (periosteum) and containing bone marrow inside (medulla osseum). Each bone contains several tissues in certain proportions, but, of course, lamellar bone tissue is the main one. The bones are covered with dense connective tissue - the periosteum. Vessels and nerves pass in the periosteum. The periosteum takes part in bone nutrition and the formation of new bone tissue.

Let us consider its structure using the example of the diaphysis of a long tubular bone. The main part of the diaphysis of the tubular bone, located between the outer and inner surrounding plates, is made up of osteons and insertion plates (residual osteons). Osteon, or Haversian system, is a structural and functional unit of bone. Osteons can be seen on thin sections or histological preparations.

Rice. Internal structure of the bone: 1 - bone tissue; 2 - osteon (reconstruction); 3 - longitudinal section of osteon

Osteon is represented by concentrically arranged bone plates (Haversian), which in the form of cylinders of different diameters, nested into each other, surround the Haversian canal. In the latter, blood vessels and nerves pass. Osteons for the most part are located parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bone, repeatedly anastomosing with each other. The number of osteons is individual for each bone, in the femur it is 1.8 per 1 mm 2. In this case, the share of the Haversian canal is 0.2-0.3 mm 2. Intercalated, or intermediate, plates are located between the osteons, which run in all directions. The insertion plates are the remnants of decayed old osteons. The processes of neoplasm and destruction of osteons are constantly taking place in the bones. Outside, the bone is surrounded by several layers of general, or general, plates, which are located directly under the periosteum (periosteum). Through them pass perforating canals (Volkman's), which contain blood vessels of the same name. On the border with the medullary cavity in the tubular bones there is a layer of the inner surrounding plates. They are riddled with numerous channels expanding into cells. The bone marrow cavity is lined with an endosteum, which is a thin connective tissue layer that includes flattened inactive osteogenic cells.

The structure of the udder of a cow. What changes occur in the mammary gland during lactation, start-up and dryness?

The udder-uber-cattle is simple, located in the pubic region between the thighs. Outside, the udder is covered with skin, which is covered with hair in animals kept in the cold. The caudal surface of the udder with clearly protruding sheer folds of skin and noticeable linear streams of hair is called a milky mirror. Under the skin of the udder is the superficial fascia (Fig. 169), and under it is the deep fascia of the udder (3), which is a continuation of the yellow abdominal fascia. The deep fascia, giving off two elastic sheets in the middle of the udder, extending from the white line of the abdomen to the base of the udder, divides the udder into right and left halves and supports it. These sheets of deep fascia constitute the udder suspension ligament (4). Transversely, between the nipples, the udder is conditionally divided into front and back halves, that is, it has four quarters, not sharply demarcated among themselves. Each quarter of the udder has its own excretory ducts (7) and a separate teat. Sometimes there are six nipples. More often, accessory teats are found on the back half of the udder. These nipples sometimes function. The glandular part of the udder - the parenchyma (9) is built like a complex alveolar-tubular gland and is dressed in its own connective tissue capsule with an accumulation of fat cells and elastic fibers. A number of plates and strands are directed from the capsule to the inside of the udder, dividing it into separate glandular sections, lobules of the udder. From the interlobular connective tissue plates, delicate bundles go inside the lobules, braiding the end tubes and alveoli, or the alveolotubes of the gland. The connective tissue frame of the udder is called the stroma or interstitium. Vessels and nerves pass through it into the gland.

Rice. 169. The structure of the udder of a cow L - general scheme udder in section; B - terminal section of the gland; B - large excretory meek; 1-skin; 2 - superficial fascia; 3-deep fascia; 4 - suspension ligament; 5-stro-ma; 6 - end sections; 7 - small excretory ducts; 8 - milk passages; 9 - parenchyma; 10 - milk tank; // - nipple duct; 12 - smooth muscle cells around the nipple; 13-ring muscles that form the sphincter of the nipple canal; 14 - bundles of smooth muscles accompanying large excretory canals; 15 - myoepithelium surrounding the end sections and excretory ducts; 16 - nerves; 16a - nerve endings; 17 - artery and its branch, encircling the terminal section of the gland; 18 - vein of the udder; 18a - venous plexus of the nipple; 19 - milk elements; 20 - myoepithelium; 21 - the epithelium of the excretory duct

From the alveolotubes (6) milk passes into the thinnest excretory ducts lined with a single-layer cubic epithelium, which, connecting with each other, form the milk canals (ducts) visible to the naked eye, connecting to the milk ducts (in which the epithelium becomes two-layer), which, expanding near the base the nipple, open into the cavity - the milk tank (10). The excretory ducts and end sections of the mammary gland are densely intertwined with a network of blood capillaries (17, 18a) and nerve endings (16a). The nipple has a milk cistern (10) and a teat duct (11). The inner layer of the milk cistern wall - the mucous membrane - consists of a two-layer prismatic epithelium, a layer of myoepithelium and its own membrane, outside of it there are bundles of smooth muscle fibers. The mucous membrane of the milk tank forms many longitudinal folds, which straighten out when the tank is filled with milk. The lower end of the milk cistern narrows and passes into a short teat duct (11), its walls are lined with squamous stratified epithelium. The smooth muscles of the nipple consists of four layers (12): longitudinal (deep), annular, mixed and radial (superficial). The annular layer, strongly developing around the nipple canal, forms the nipple sphincter (13).

Outside, the nipple is covered with skin, there are no sebaceous, sweat glands, or hair in it, but there are a large number of nerve endings (16a).

Lactation period is the time during which the mammary gland synthesizes and excretes milk. In animals, it is inversely proportional to the duration of pregnancy: the longer the pregnancy, the shorter the lactation, and vice versa. The American opossum, for example, bears a fetus for only 11 days, and feeds its young with milk for a long period, exceeding the gestation period by 6 times, that is, 60 or more days. The platypus incubates eggs for 13-14 days, and feeds its brood with milk for 3-4 months. In the event that the pregnancy is prolonged, cubs are born, adapted shortly after birth to use other feed along with milk. So, guinea pigs carry a fetus for 2 months, and feed it with milk for only 10-12 days, in a seal with a gestation duration of 275 days, the period of milk feeding is only 14-17 days.

The dry period is necessary to restore the supply of nutrients in the body of cows, prepare them for calving, create the necessary prerequisites for obtaining high milk productivity in next lactation and the timely manifestation of the reproductive function. In case of untimely start of cows, not only the growth and development of the fetus is delayed, but milk yield in the next lactation decreases. If the cows did not have a dry period, then the milk yield in the next campaign will decrease by 40%. The duration of the dry period is 45-60 days. Animals during their stay in the workshop of dry cows should provide an increase of 40-50 kg of live weight, and animals of average and lower average fatness - 10-15% higher. But obesity of cows should not be allowed, since this weakens the health of the calves, decreases their milk yield and their fertility after calving.

Running cows. Stop milking a cow before calving. It is necessary to prepare the cow for calving, to obtain a healthy offspring and high milk yield in the subsequent lactation. Animals with low productivity have a shortened lactation period and are easy to self-start. Cows with high milk yield are launched, depending on the state of health, fatness and milk production in 45-60 days. before calving. The launch is carried out gradually: individuals with a daily milk yield by the end of lactation of 2-4 kg - within 2-3 days, 6-8 kg and 3-5 days, 15-20 kg and 8-12 days. To stop the formation of milk in the udder, the level of feeding is reduced (concentrates and juicy feed are excluded from the diet), drinking is limited, the conditions of keeping, the frequency and time of milking are changed.

Describe the lower leg bones, metatarsal jointab and muscles acting on it

Tibia... The tibia expands at its upper end, forming the medial and lateral condyles. On the top of the condyles there are articular surfaces that serve to articulate with the condyles of the thigh;

The intercondylar eminence is located between them. Outside, on the lateral condyle, there is an articular surface for articulation with the head of the fibula. The body of the tibia looks like a triangular prism, the base of which is turned posteriorly; it has three surfaces corresponding to the three sides of the prism: inner, outer and back. Sharp leading edge between inner and outer surfaces. In its upper section, it passes into a well-defined tuberosity of the tibia, which serves to attach the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle. On the back surface of the bone is the rough line of the soleus muscle. The lower end of the tibia expands and on the inner side has a projection directed downwards - the medial malleolus. On the distal epiphysis of the tibia is the lower articular surface, which serves for articulation with the talus.

Fibula... The fibula is long, thin and laterally located. At the upper end, it has a thickening, the head articulating with the tibia, in the lower end - also a thickening, the lateral ankle. Both the head and the ankle of the fibula protrude outward and are easily palpable under the skin.

Calf muscles... On the lower leg, the muscles are located on three sides, making up the anterior, posterior and outer groups. The anterior muscle group extends the foot and toes, and also supines and adducts the foot. It includes: the tibialis anterior muscle, the extensor longus of the toes and feet. The posterior group includes: the triceps muscle of the leg, the posterior tibial muscle. The outer muscle group abducts, flexes the foot; it includes the long and short peroneal muscles.

The metatarsal joint (articulatio tarsi), according to the number of bones included in it and the nature of their intra-articular joints, which manifests itself in a different spatial orientation of many articulating facets of different shapes, is a complex connection. It consists of a complex of simpler joints. Large-amplitude movements in it are performed due to the connection of the bones of the lower leg with the talus. The talus block consists of two circular ridges: lateral 1 and medial 2, separated by a groove 3, which is located closer to the medial ridge. The average value of the radius of the sagittal curvature in the groove is 9, and 12 mm on the rolls. The medial ridge has a steeper slope. The distal ends of the shin bones are rigidly connected to each other and bear a common glenoid fossa in the form of a fork, tightly enclosing the talus block. The joint allows one rotational movement, which occurs around the frontal axis, and therefore should be classified as a type I joint.

Despite the fact that the lower floors of the tarsal joint are similar in topography and number of elements to those of the carpal joint, from a functional point of view, they differ from the latter - they have significantly reduced movements of small amplitude, and only tight installation displacements are preserved.

Structure, topographyand kidney types in cow and horse

The kidneys are paired organs of dense consistency, red-brown in color, smooth, covered from the outside with three membranes: fibrous, fatty, serous. They are bean-shaped and located in the abdominal cavity. The kidneys are located retroperitoneally, i.e. between the lumbar muscles and the wall leaf of the peritoneum. The right kidney (with the exception of pigs) is bordered by the caudate process of the liver, leaving a renal depression on it. udder vegetative pituitary gland trophoblast

Structure. Outside, the kidney is surrounded by a fatty capsule, and from the ventral surface it is also covered with a serous membrane - the peritoneum. The inner edge of the kidneys, as a rule, is strongly concave, and represents the gate of the kidney - the place where the vessels, nerves and the exit of the ureter enter the kidney. In the depths of the gate is the renal cavity, and the renal pelvis is located in it. The kidney is covered with a dense fibrous capsule, which loosely connects with the parenchyma of the kidney. About the middle of the inner layer, the vessels and nerves enter the organ and the ureter exits. This place is called the gate of the kidneys. On the section of each kidney, the cortical, or urinary, cerebral, or urinary and intermediate zones, where the arteries are located, are isolated. The cortical (or urinary) zone is located on the periphery, it is dark red; on the surface of the incision, renal corpuscles are visible in the form of points located radially. The rows of bodies are separated from each other by strips of brain rays. The cortical zone protrudes into the brain zone between the pyramids of the latter; in the cortical zone, the products of nitrogen metabolism are separated from the blood, i.e. the formation of urine. In the cortical layer there are renal corpuscles, consisting of a glomerulus - a glomerula (vascular glomerulus), formed by the capillaries of the bringing artery, and a capsule, and in the medulla - convoluted tubules. The initial section of each nephron is a vascular glomerulus surrounded by a Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule. The glomerulus of capillaries (malpighian glomerulus) is formed by the inflowing vessel - the arteriole, which breaks down into many (up to 50) capillary loops, which then merge in the outflowing vessel. A long convoluted tubule begins from the capsule, which in the cortical layer has a strongly convoluted shape - a proximal convoluted tubule of the first order, and straightening, it passes into the medulla, where they make a bend (Henle's loop) and return to the cortex, where they again convolve, forming a distal convoluted 2nd order tubule. After that, they flow into the collecting tubule, which serves as a collector of many tubules.

Cattle kidneys. Topography: right in the region from the 12th rib to the 2-3rd lumbar vertebra, and the left in the region of the 2-5th lumbar vertebra.

In cattle, the weight of the kidneys reaches 1-1.4 kg. Type of kidneys in cattle: grooved multi-papillary - individual kidneys grow together in their central areas. On the surface of such a kidney, lobules separated by grooves are clearly visible; the section shows numerous passages, and the latter already form a common ureter.

Horse kidneys. The right kidney is heart-shaped and located between the 16th rib and the 1st lumbar vertebra, and the left, bean-shaped, is located between the 18th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. Depending on the type of feeding, an adult horse excretes 3-6 liters (maximum 10 liters) of slightly alkaline urine per day. Urine is a clear, straw-yellow liquid. If it is painted in an intense yellow or brown color, this indicates any health problems.

Horse kidney type: smooth one-papillary kidneys, characterized by the complete fusion of not only the cortical, but also the cerebral zones - they have only one common papilla immersed in the renal pelvis.

Morphological and functional differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic departmentsla autonomic nervous system

The autonomic (autonomic) nervous system regulates activity internal organs, ensuring the maintenance of homeostasis and the adaptation of the body to the requirements of the environment. As a rule, the activity of the autonomic nervous system does not obey human consciousness (with the exception of the phenomena of yoga, hypnosis and biological feedback). Traditionally, the autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Most, but not all, of the body's systems receive fiber from both systems. Since both of them work in concert, it is difficult to determine whether a given change in function is related to the activity of one or the other of them. For example, the dilation of the pupil may be associated with an increase in the activity of the sympathetic system or with a weakening of the activity of the parasympathetic system.

The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is extensively represented in all organs. Therefore, processes in different organs and systems of the body are reflected in the sympathetic nervous system. Its function also depends on the central nervous system, endocrine system, actions taking place in the periphery and in the visceral sphere, and therefore its tone is unstable, mobile, asks for constant adaptive-compensatory reactions. The sympathetic division of the ANS has centers in the nuclei of the lateral horns of the C 8 - L3 segments of the spinal cord. From the nuclei in the anterior roots of the spinal cord are preganglionic fibers, which are switched in the sympathetic ganglia. The ganglia are located in two chains in front and laterally along the spinal column and form sympathetic trunks (truncus syumpatiicus). They stretch from the base of the skull to the apex of the coccyx, where they merge into the inferior coccygeal junction. The trunks are divided into cervical, thoracic, sacral and coccygeal parts. There are 3 nodes in the cervical part (upper, middle, lower). They donate postganglionic fibers to the organs of the head, neck and heart. There are 10-12 knots in the chest. They give branches to the heart, lungs and mediastinal organs. From 5-11 nodes, the internal branches depart, forming the solar (celiac) plexus (plexus coeliacus). In the lumbar part there are 3-5 knots. From them, the branches go to the plexuses of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. In the sacral part there are 4 nodes that give off branches to the plexuses of the pelvis.

The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is older. It regulates the activities of the organs responsible for the usual characteristics of the internal environment. The sympathetic section develops later. It changes the usual conditions of the internal environment and organs in relation to the functions they perform. This adaptive value of sympathetic innervation, its change in the functional ability of organs was established by I.P. Pavlov. The sympathetic nervous system inhibits anabolic processes and activates catabolic, and the parasympathetic, on the contrary, provokes anabolic and inhibits catabolic processes. The central structures of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system are located in the brainstem (midbrain, pons Varoli and medulla oblongata) and in the sacral section of the spinal cord. The peripheral parts are formed by extramural and intramural ganglia and nerves.

The structure of the reflex autonomic arc also differs from the structure of the reflex arc of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. In the reflex arc of the vegetative part, the efferent link consists not of one, but of two neurons.

A simple autonomic reflex arc is represented by three neurons. The first link of the reflex arc is a sensitive neuron, the bodies of which are located in the spinal nodes and in the sensory nodes of the cranial nerves. The peripheral process of such a neuron, which has a sensitive end - a receptor, originates in organs and tissues. The central process as part of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves or as part of the cranial nerves is directed to the corresponding nuclei in the spinal cord and brain. The second link of the reflex arc is efferent, since it carries impulses from the spinal cord or brain to the working organ. It is an efferent pathway of the autonomic reflex arc with two neurons. The first of these neurons (the second in the autonomic reflex arc) is located in the autonomic nuclei of the central nervous system and is called intercalary, since it is located between the sensitive (afferent) link of the reflex arc and the second (efferent) neuron of the efferent pathway. The effector neuron is the third neuron of the autonomic reflex arc; its bodies are located in the peripheral nodes of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic trunk, autonomic nodes of the cranial nerves, etc.). The processes of these neurons are directed to organs, tissues and vessels as part of autonomic or mixed nerves. Postganglionic nerve fibers end on smooth muscles, glands and other tissues, where they are terminal nerve fibers.

Stroythe function and function of the pituitary gland and pineal gland

Epiphysis - (pineal, or pineal, gland), a small formation located in vertebrates under the scalp or deep in the brain; functions either as a light-receiving organ or as an endocrine gland, the activity of which depends on illumination. In some vertebrate species, both functions are combined. In humans, this formation resembles a pine cone in shape, from where it got its name (Greek epiphysis - cone, growth). The pineal gland is given a pineal shape by impulsive growth and vascularization of the capillary network, which grows into the epiphyseal segments as this endocrine formation grows. The epiphysis protrudes caudally into the midbrain region and is located in the groove between the upper hillocks of the midbrain roof. The shape of the pineal gland is often ovoid, less often spherical or conical. The mass of the pineal gland in an adult is about 0.2 g, length 8-15 mm, width 6-10 mm.

In terms of structure and function, the pineal gland belongs to the endocrine glands. The endocrine role of the pineal gland is that its cells secrete substances that inhibit the activity of the pituitary gland until puberty, and also participate in the fine regulation of almost all types of metabolism. Epiphyseal insufficiency in childhood entails rapid skeletal growth with premature and exaggerated development of the gonads and premature and exaggerated development of secondary sexual characteristics. The pineal gland is also a regulator of circodian rhythms, since it is indirectly associated with the visual system. Under the influence of sunlight, serotonin is produced in the pineal gland during the daytime, and melatonin is produced at night. Both hormones are linked to each other because serotonin is the precursor to melatonin.

The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that is found in the brain. In fact, the human body is built in such a way that this gland has received very strong protection. Protect her bones, which are located on all her sides. The size of this endocrine gland in its normal state is about one centimeter. What are the functions of this gland? First of all, this gland is responsible for the work of all other endocrine glands, such as the sex glands, the thyroid gland, and also the adrenal glands. In addition, this gland is also responsible for the growth and maturation of the organs of the human body. Moreover, it is the pituitary gland that controls the coordination of the work of such vital organs as the mammary glands, uterus, kidneys, and so on and so forth. This gland performs all these actions by releasing certain signaling hormones, which in turn act directly on the desired organ or system. Modern medicine distinguishes two parts of the pituitary gland. These are the front and back. Immediately, we note that the anterior part of this gland is much larger than the posterior one, it makes up about eighty percent of the total volume of the gland. It is worth drawing the attention of readers to the fact that the front part, in turn, is subdivided into two lobes - anterior and intermediate. It contains both growth hormones and endorphins, and adrenocorticotropic, luteinizing, thyroid-stimulating and some other hormones.

List of used literature

1. Antipova L.V., Slobodyanik V.S., Suleimanov S.M. Anatomy and histology of farm animals. - Publishing house "KolosS", 2009. - 384 p.

2. Vasiliev A.P., Zelenevsky N.V., Loginova L.K. Anatomy and physiology of animals. - Publishing house "Academy", 2009. - 464 p.

3. Vrakin V.F. and others. Workshop on anatomy with the basics of histology and embryology of farm animals. - M .: "KolosS", 2008 - 273 p.

4. Vrakin V.F., Sidorova M.V., Panov V.P., Semak A.E. The morphology of farm animals. Anatomy and histology with the basics of cytology and embryology. - Publishing house of LLC "Greenlight", 2008. - 616 p.

5. Vrakin V.F., Sidorova M.V. Morphology of agricultural animals. - M .: "Agropromizdat", 2007 (Morphology of animals; Morphology and physiology of animals).

6. Golichenkov V.A. et al. Embryology. A textbook for university students. -M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009 (Cytology).

7. Gukov F.D., Sokolov V.I., Guseva E.V. Workshop on cytology, histology and embryology of farm animals. - Vladimir, "Foliant" publishing house. - 2007.

8. Dzerzhinsky F.Ya. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. - Publishing house "Aspect-Press", 2008. - 304 p.

9. Klimov A., Akayevsky A. Anatomy of domestic animals. - Publishing house "Lan", 2007. - 1040 p.

10. Selyansky V.M. Anatomy and physiology of poultry. M., 2007, - 270 p.

11. Skopichev V.G., Shumilov V., Shumilova B.V. Morphology and physiology of animals. Training Benefit. - Publishing house "Lan", 2009. - 416 p.

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All types of domestic animals descended from wild ancestors. During excavations of settlements of people who lived in ancient times, many millennia BC, bones of domestic animals, drawings on the walls of ancient dwellings, on dishes, utensils depicting the capture of wild animals and their domestication were found. Tamed animals gave birth to offspring, which grew up near a person and enjoyed his patronage. Famine also contributed to the domestication of animals, driving them to human habitation, where food could be found.

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Domestic animals and their ancestors: 12 - English riding horse; 13 - images of domestic animals on ancient Egyptian frescoes testify to developed cattle breeding; 14 - round - the ancestor of cattle; 15 - red steppe breed of cattle; 16 - American llamas; 17, 18 - wild bezoar goat and domestic goat; 19, 20 - wild ram argali and domestic sheep; 21 - Nubian cat - the ancestor of numerous breeds of domestic cats.

Man, noticing that tamed animals are beneficial, sought to breed them, moving from domestication to domestication. At first, domesticated animals served as a source of meat for humans. Later they became faithful helpers person.

There are two concepts: domesticated and domesticated animals. Pets are animals that provide products (meat, milk, wool, eggs, etc.) and reproduce in captivity under human control. In contrast, tamed animals in captivity do not breed, such as Indian elephants. The human impact on these animals was not so strong and lasting. The domestication of tamed animals took place gradually, under the influence of new living conditions created for them by man, through the selection of individuals with useful traits and the reproduction of their offspring. Domestic animals differ sharply from their wild ancestors, they have become so thanks to the tremendous work that a person has put in, perfecting their traits and properties in the direction he needs.

It is believed that the domestication of animals did not occur simultaneously in different parts of the world.

The oldest farm animals were sheep and goats. The wild ancestors of sheep are considered to be mouflon, argali, and argali. European sheep descended from the mouflon, which still lives on the islands of the Mediterranean. Argali and argali are the ancestors of Asian sheep. Argali lives in the highlands of the Tien Shan, Sayan Mountains, Kamchatka. Arkhar is a wild sheep that lives in the mountains of Central Asia.

Goats were domesticated before sheep. Their origin is mixed. The main ancestors of modern goats are considered to be bezoar goats living in the mountainous regions of the Transcaucasus, Turkmenistan, Iran, and the horned Himalayan goats.

Human creative activity continues to involve new species of animals in agricultural production. This process continues at the present time.

The manual presents the program and the approximate content of the elective course "Biology of farm animals with the basics of veterinary medicine".
Its purpose is to deepen and expand the knowledge of students in biology, chemistry, physics and technology, to develop and maintain their cognitive interest in animal husbandry, to promote a conscious choice of a profession.
The proposed activities during theoretical studies, planned excursions, as you complete practical tasks and laboratory work, will help in the formation of self-educational skills of high school students.
The manual will help teachers of biology and technology in organizing specialized education.

Detailed description

elective course
"Biology of farm animals
with the basics of veterinary medicine "
(for chemical and biological
and agricultural profile)

The duration of the course is 2 years, 1 hour per week.

Number of hours - anatomy, physiology of farm animals - 34 hours; basics of veterinary medicine - 34 hours

Total - 68 hours.


In modern conditions of rural development, it becomes effective operation people in farms. Animal husbandry requires knowledge of anatomy, physiology of domestic animals, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

The program of the elective course "Biology of farm animals with the basics of veterinary medicine" includes theoretical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, veterinary medicine of domestic animals and a laboratory practice, is the same for teaching boys and girls. In the learning process, students' knowledge is used not only in biology, but also in physics, chemistry, technology. The main forms of organizing student learning are theoretical and practical lessons, excursions to a livestock farm, practice of caring for animals and milking cows. Practical training is organized at the workplaces of livestock operators. The content of work must correspond to the age and physiological characteristics of students and meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the work of minors and labor safety rules. Students are not allowed to participate in the work of serving sick animals.

The course is closely related to the section of biology "Animals", is the basis for studying the course "Man and his health". The study of this elective course is recommended after completing the topic “Mammals” in the course “Animals” or the course “Anatomy, physiology, human hygiene”. This program allows you to specifically study the anatomy, physiology of cattle (cows), is the basis for studying the course "The owner (mistress) of a rural estate".

The sections "Anatomy, physiology of farm animals" and "Fundamentals of veterinary medicine" can be used in teaching as separate modules.

Objectives of the program:

- deepening knowledge in the field of animal husbandry, consolidating the acquired skills;

- mastering the knowledge of the basics of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, necessary for admission to secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of agricultural direction in the specialties: veterinary medicine, animal science.

Objectives of the program:

1) familiarization of students with the biological characteristics of farm animals;

2) the formation of their zootechnical and veterinary knowledge and skills necessary to perform basic work on caring for animals.

Planned results:

1) Students should know:

- the importance and main branches of animal husbandry;

- types of farm animals, their biological characteristics;

- anatomy, physiology of farm animals, directions of their productivity;

- methods of determining diseases of agricultural animals, methods of their treatment and prevention;

- the basics of veterinary medicine and zootechnics;

- physiological foundations of milking agricultural animals, systems and methods of their maintenance, the basics of labor organization in animal husbandry.

2) Students should be able to:

- to determine the types of farm animals and their productivity;

- to use in practice the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, zoohygiene and veterinary medicine;

- take care of animals;

- to carry out, under the guidance of specialists, the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases, to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and labor safety rules.

The course will also help:

- the formation of a personal attitude to agricultural labor, the choice of a profile, the further choice of a profession;

- awareness of the importance of agricultural labor;

- development of professional skills of future livestock farmers in the modern conditions of agricultural production development.

Vocational guidance effect of the program:

1) the study of the fundamentals of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine lays the foundation for mastering the specialties by students: operator of machine milking of cows, operator of a livestock farm;

2) in cooperation with agricultural universities (zoo-veterinary faculty), by the efforts of the teachers of these universities, it is possible to train students in the specialty "veterinary paramedic" using the existing material base of the school or lyceum;

3) definition future profession, preparation for training in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions livestock profile.

Educational and material base:

1) animal husbandry cabinet;

2) minifarm of cattle (cows);

3) tutorial"Biology of farm animals with the basics of veterinary medicine" (author VM Zhukov, edited by GV Nebogatikov);

4) the textbook "Fundamentals of Veterinary Medicine" (by V. M. Zhukov, edited by G. V. Nebogatikov).

The program of the elective course "Biology of farm animals with the basics of veterinary medicine" (for the chemical-biological and agricultural profile) 3

Literature 8

Appendices 8

Blood, its composition and functions 76

Respiratory system and its functions 87

Metabolism and energy 92

Urinary organs 98

Laboratory work "Topography of internal organs, their shapes, structure and physiology" 103

Endocrine glands 106

The nervous system and its functions 110

Central nervous system of farm animals 115

Departments of the nervous system (peripheral and autonomic) of a farm animal 118

Conditioned reflexes and their importance in animal husbandry 122

The origin of farm animals 128

Diseases common to humans and animals. Diagnostics, principles of treatment (Modular lesson) 131

Literature 167






OP01 Biology of farm animals with the basics of zootechnics

36.01.02 Master of animal husbandry.

Full-time basic training program

The profile of the received professional education -natural science

2017 year


Director of GPOAU AMAK

_____________________ M.I. Bitter

"___" ________________ 2017

Working programm the academic discipline is compiled on the basis of the Federal State educational standard(hereinafter - FGOS) in the specialty (specialties) of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SPO) 36.01.02 Master of animal husbandry.

Educational organization:

State vocational education autonomous institution Amur Region "Amur Agrarian College", Blagoveshchensk

Work program compiler:

Dudkin V.M.,teacher of special disciplines GPAAU AMAK

Considered at a meeting of the subject-cycle commission

Minutes No. __________ dated __________________________

Chairman of the PCCVoblikova N.G. /__________________/

Approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the State Pedagogical University of the Amak

Minutes No. __________ dated ____________________________




2. STRUCTURE and approximate content of the academic discipline

3.conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline

1.Passport of the WORKING PROGRAM

academic discipline

Biology of farm animals with the basics of zootechnics

1.1. Scope of the program

The working curriculum of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession (s) SPO36.01.02 Master of animal husbandry by specialty: Master of animal husbandry.

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: discipline is part of the professional cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must


Morphological features body structure of farm animals;

Origin of pets;

External and internal structure of farm animals and birds;

The evolution and origin of pets

Time of domestication of farm animals

General patterns of the structure of the organism of mammals and birds;

Be able to:

Use the basic laws of natural scientific disciplines in professional activity;

To navigate the location of organs, the boundaries of the regions according to the skeletal landmarks of the body of various species and ages of domestic animals;

Determine the species of organs by anatomical features: size, consistency, color;

Compare the received data and identify them with the applied methods;

Identify different breeds of farm animals;

1.4. Number of hours to master curriculum disciplines:

maximum teaching load student -55 hours including:

compulsory classroom teaching load of a student -38 hours;

independent work of the student– 14 hours;

2. STRUCTURE and APPROXIMATE content of the academic discipline

2.1. Thematic plan of the academic discipline

Test papers

Independent work of students (total)



Essays, tests, crosswords, messages

Final certification in the form of an exam

2.2. The content of training in the academic discipline

Topic 1. Introduction.

Academic discipline"Biology agricultural animals”, Its tasks, significance and connection with other disciplines.


Topic 2. The concept of a cell

Content teaching material

The main processes of cell life. Cell organelles.


Main steps life cycle cells: growth, ability to divide, differentiation, aging and death.

Laboratory work

Differences between an animal cell and a plant

Topic 3. Basics of histology

Content teaching material

The doctrine of fabrics. Epithelial tissue: secretion of the structure of the glands.


Tissues of the internal environment or support-trophic (connective tissues). general characteristics: blood, lymph.

Loose fibrous connective tissue. Reticulo-endothelial tissue. Cartilage tissue, Bone tissue.

Muscle. Smooth muscle tissue. Striated muscle tissue. Cardiac striated tissue.

Laboratory works

The main functions of connective tissue.

The main functions of the cardiac striated muscle tissue.

Topic 4. Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of farm animals

Content teaching material

General principles of construction and development of the body. Body cavities and terms for the location of organs. Sections and areas of the body of an animal and their bone base. Skeleton. The connection of the bones of the body. The doctrine of bones (osteology).


Musculature. Muscle doctrine (myology). The structure of the skin. Breast structure. The digestive system. Respiratory system. Urinary system. Reproductive system.

Central nervous system. Central department of the nervous system. Peripheral (somatic) part of the nervous system. Vegetative (autonomous) part of the nervous system.

Laboratory works

The difference between the digestive organs in farm animals.

Topic 5. Biology of reproduction of farm animals and breed formation

Content teaching material

Socio-economic factors of the breed formation process. The structure of the breed.


Breeding methods for farm animals. The history of the development of artificial insemination and its importance for improving the breed and productive qualities of farm animals.

Laboratory works

Organization of insemination of farm animals.

Topic 6. The origin of farm animals and the doctrine of breeds

Content teaching material


History of the origin of domestic animals. Breed concept. Classification and specialization of breeds. The constitution, interior and exterior of the animal.

Classification of breeds of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats.

The importance of animal husbandry as the main branch of animal husbandry.

Laboratory works

Classification of breeds farm animals

Topic 7. Features of anatomy poultry

Content teaching material

Motion apparatus. Skeleton. Muscles. Skin and its derivatives.


The digestive system. Respiratory system. System of urinary and reproductive organs. The cardiovascular system. Endocrine glands.

Laboratory works

Pen structure, function and meaning.

Nervous system. Sense organs.

Topic 8. Origin poultry... Poultry breeds.

Content of training material


History of the origin of poultry. Bird productivity.

The importance of poultry farming. The main breeds and features of poultry: chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, quails, etc.

Laboratory works

Poultry classification.

Independent work while studying.

    The history of the development of the discipline “Biology of farm animals.

    Cells of the body, structural and developmental features.

    Features of tissues, types and their differences, functions.

    Features of insemination of various breeds of farm animals.

    Meat and dairy cattle breeds.

    Digestion of ruminants.

    The origin of breeds of farm animals.

    The main branches of pig breeding.

    Features of the digestive tract in poultry.

    Rare breeds of poultry.

    Features of domestication: chickens, geese, turkeys and quails

Approximate homework topics

    What types of farm animals are bred in the Far East.

    Repetition of animal evolution.

    Anatomical structure of cloven-hoofed animals

    What secrets do animal glands produce?

    What farm animals are obtained through selection.



To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

1 - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2 - reproductive (performing activities according to the model, instructions or under the guidance);

3 - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, solving problematic tasks)

3.conditions for the implementation of the curriculum

3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the curriculum assumes the presence of classrooms:




    Microbiology, Sanitation and Hygiene;

    Livestock production technologies



    reading room with Internet access

Equipment for the study room and workplaces of the Zootechny classroom:


    sets of tables



Equipment for the classroom and workplaces for the “Animal husbandry” classroom:


    sets of tables



Technical training aids:



    DVD- player,


    interactive board

Equipmentlaboratoriesand laboratory workplaces:

    preparations with cells,

    dummies of agricultural animals,

3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

    Klimov A.F., Akaevsky A.I .. Anatomy of domestic animals. Doe 2007

    Kostomakin N.M., Bakai L.V., Potokin V.P. "Animal husbandry" textbook publishing house KolosS 2006,448 p.

4. Monitoring and evaluation of development results

Learning outcomes

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

Morphological features of the body of agricultural animals.



Working with text, note-taking

Practical work



Practical work

Practical work

Written survey

Origin of pets

External and internal structure of agricultural animals

Evolution and origin of pets.

Time of domestication of farm animals.

General features buildings of agricultural animals and birds.

To navigate in the location of organs and boundaries of systems.

Determine the species of organs and systems by structure.

Identify different breeds of agricultural animals

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