
Toastmaster's program for a woman's 60th birthday. A ready-made, cool anniversary scenario (a woman’s 60th birthday) at home, in a cafe, at work. Is it worth organizing a special program?

Host: Oh, you, guests - gentlemen, why did you come here? Or life at home is bad - But they are dressed, just a miracle. And the answer is quite simple, our young Vladimir, among his friends, decided to celebrate his anniversary.
Presenter: Dear (name), allow me to congratulate you on behalf of everyone present on your anniversary and retirement.

We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit over champagne,
To dance and sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
Brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Even if life is harsh at times,
But don't you dare give in to her.

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the rules of our evening. Our charter states:
That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
It is announced that Vladimir Konstantinovich’s anniversary in 20__ will not be cancelled.
Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to have a glass to begin with.
It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month, after this evening they cannot be returned.

Host: I offer the floor to congratulate my colleagues and friends.

(Colleagues of the hero of the day speak.)

We congratulate you on this significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And there are many sincere friends in life.
Anniversary is a special date,
Where do you mentally sum up,
What could be wrong someday?
What is expensive, you probably saved.
We congratulate you with all our hearts
And we want to wish you happiness.
Let in your home climate
There will never be bad weather.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings,
You'll probably receive it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

Host: And now I would like to tell you a little about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.

(The presenter writes down these adjectives and inserts them into the missing places in the text).

Vladimir Konstantinovich was born in... 19.. He grew up very... as a child. For many... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his... character. In... 1950 he was accepted into the ranks... of the Pioneer organization named after. V.I.Lenin. He received his education and specialty in... 1963. In the same year he joined the ranks of our... friendly team and has not parted with us since then. He made... contributions to... the affairs of the country. Vladimir Konstantinovich has... the appearance and... the ability to work, which is what endeared him to the team.
Presenter: We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness,
What more could you wish for?
If we drink today,
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow we can continue again.

And now, on behalf of the Russian Department of Education, I have been entrusted with presenting a diploma to Vladimir Konstantinovich stating that he is truly a pensioner.

This diploma was issued to Vladimir Konstantinovich in that during his 60 years of life he completed a course of study on the topic “Know and be able” and discovered the following knowledge:

Literature (Conversation with wife in anger.) - 4
Mathematics (Recalculation wages wife in his favor.) - 4
Geography (Wherever it takes you, everything will come home.) - 5
Music (Game on nerves.) - 3
Chemistry (Moonshine brewing) - 4
Diligence (On the right side.) - 5
Diligence (On the left side.) - 4

Based on the foregoing, recognize the comrade.... fit to travel the further path of life.

Course work on the topic “If you want to live, know how to spin” - protected at 5.

By the decision of the state qualification commission dated... 2000, to assign comrade. ... the title "Free Young Pensioner".

Host: But don't get too upset. The birthday boy is greeted by his friends.

Congratulations from friends

They say that at sixty every birthday boy is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five years.
No friends, it’s not like that at all, anyone who thinks like that is an eccentric.
At twenty years old there are holes everywhere,
No wife and no apartment,
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five only we chip in
I had to drink vodka.
At sixty you're all gone
You can give me some vodka.
At twenty-five the bag is empty,
At twenty-five it’s absolute hell,
At sixty - a savings book in rubles,
At sixty, cronyism is everywhere.
At twenty you're working hard
Like a horse or an ox
When you're sixty, you'll tell your colleagues,
You work, I'm off.
No, friends, he is very happy,
That I'm exactly sixty!
Every year he gets smarter
The years fly by like birds,
He won't regret it even a hundred times
Why is he sixty now?

Host: I would like to give advice to a newly minted pensioner.

Keep your family as strict as possible
Come, go and get out,
One look from you, just one word
And for them it is already a law.
And in holidays countries
In the morning, read them morals,
By lunchtime, honor severity,
And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's raise our spell,
Each one took his wine,
Let's drink to the hero of the day
And for his friendly family.
May life be rich in joys.
And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
We wish you as little worry as possible,
But they still cannot be avoided,
So there will be strength to win.

So today we have these forces visiting us. Yes Yes. Don't be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, we have internal forces visiting us, i.e. Ministry of Internal Affairs

(Some of the invitees wear a police uniform. Road signs are drawn up in advance.)

Policeman: On behalf of the traffic police and the Department of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg, I present memorable gifts. Since there is constant movement in the apartment and you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this.

"Don't forget to turn off the TV"
(The sign is attached to the TV screen)

"Be careful there may be children here"
(The sign is attached to the sofa)

Be careful, wipe your glasses"
(The sign is attached to the bathroom)

"Be careful not to overdo it"
(The sign is attached in the kitchen)

“Caution for sharp objects” (The sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the needle and thread are)

"Be careful with gas and electrical appliances"
(The sign is attached above gas and electrical appliances)

Policeman: Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach the signs incorrectly or confuse them. All the best
Host: May this day be solemn and holy
Today it has happened - you are sixty!
But don’t be sad, don’t think that’s the limit,
There is still a lot of work ahead of you.
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you,
So that everything you have in mind comes true in fate.
Go through life as boldly as before,
To celebrate more than one anniversary.
We wish you further
Never, never give up
And health for many years,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts.
Presenter: We gave you gifts,
But it's no secret to anyone,
What a heartfelt gift
There is no better song.

(The lyrics of the song are printed and copied in advance. Distribute to the guests.)

to the melody "At the spinning wheel"

Autumn has flown by
Vova gathered all the guests.
Let's sit at a feast as if
Let's talk about the anniversary.

And that's true, that's true,
The anniversary is not easy here,
Well, this needs to be measured out like this,
You shake your head.

And yours has survived,
Surprise takes over
By God they would fall in love,
It’s a pity, Lyudmila, he doesn’t.

The hero of the day needs something else,
And he works like an ox,
How will he go digging potatoes?
No one will get hijacked.

Oh it's true, it's true
This master is no matter where
And besides, we need to say,
That I'm crazy about my grandchildren.

We will not praise our wife,
The lady is not great.
Let's look at the hero of the day.
Without him, where would you be?

Why does she care?
He lives on ready-made food.
In the morning he will get up, shake himself off,
He will have a snack and leave.

Oh, girlfriend, don’t swear,
Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad,
Even though they are women, they are women,
There's nowhere without men

Such is our lot,
There's no need for you to be angry
We wish the hero of the day
Live another hundred years in harmony.

Host: And now we offer you a lottery.

Comic lottery

To cook borscht perfectly, you need cabbage for seasoning.


Acetylsalicylic acid will warm you up even without cognac.


Don’t even try to get angry at everyone and the nail will come in handy around the house.

You thought that there was no happiness,
Oh, what a weirdo you are
Here, buy yourself some candy,
For a nickel won

When you go for a walk,
And so that your pants don't fall off,
You must have with you
A pin made of steel


After a drink, have a snack,
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you

(Paper napkin.)


Here's a flower for you,
Please save
He will help you
To lure a lover(tsu).

To throw off ten years ago
You don't need to think long
Excellent will give advice
This amazing lipstick

We have provided you with hooks
Well, sew the skirts yourself

Fry, cook, boil,
Just don't add too much salt

(A pack of salt.)

To send greetings to friends, an envelope will also come in handy


Pour 100, pour 200, you can’t do it alone, let’s do it together

You are the best guest today
This nail is a gift for you.

Don't be mad at us my friend
Here's a box of matches for you

If you don’t wash your heels, you’ll cover them with a heel


You will accumulate a thousand in time
If there is a wallet


Here's your badge
Wear a brooch instead

For a good friend, there's a head of garlic


How do you tie a ribbon in a bow?
You will immediately become the first dandy


If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes with onions

Host: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions.

"To the touch". 8-10 small items are placed in a dark bag made of material: scissors, bottle cap, pen, button, spoon, thread, thimble, meat grinder knife, etc. You need to feel through the fabric of the bag to guess what is in it. The fabric should not be rough or too thin.

"Couples in reverse." Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms free). These couples must dance a waltz, tango, lady dance and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

"Whose ball is bigger?" The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. The one whose balloon bursts is out of the game.

The one with the largest ball in volume wins.

"Match-spear." Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

"Dancers". Swipe dance competition with objects to the melodies “Yablochko”, “Cossack”, “Kalinka”, etc. Let the participants dance:

a) with an apple (ball, ball);
b) with chairs and stools;
c) with a glass of wine, etc.

Host: And now I propose that intellectuals compete. Solve anagrams and logarithms.

Breathing easily in my shadow
You often praise me in the summer,
But rearrange my letters
And you will knock down a whole forest with me.

(Linden - saw.)

I’m lying on the ground nailed to the iron, but if you rearrange the letters in the pan, I’ll climb.

(Sleeper - noodles.)

Along the wire I rush nights and days.
And from the end they will read me, I am a tiger from relatives

(Tok - cat.)

Geography with me
Children study at school,
Give me a different order of letters
And you'll find me at the buffet

(Atlas - salad.)

I know the dish, when you add "m"
I will fly and buzz, annoying everyone

(Ukha is a fly.)

Host: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

(The evening ends with songs and dances.)

An interesting, detailed scenario for a man’s 60th birthday.

Farewell to retirement. Scenario

Hall decoration

When decorating the hall you can use posters:

Worked from the heart -

Hurry to the Canaries!

Work is good, but retirement is better!

Fill the wine glass with wine,

Young pensioner!

Don't be afraid of your pension

After all, sixty is three times twenty!

Work is not a wolf, it won’t run away from retirement!

Take a break from work

And don't forget your colleagues!

Let's set the heat today

To the health of the hero of the day!

The progress of the holiday

Leading: Good evening, dear friends! Has everyone taken their place at these luxurious tables? Has everyone scouted out the location of drink bottles and favorite snacks? Then we can begin!.. The reason that brought us here is known, I think, to everyone. And if someone is confused and has forgotten, then I remind you: today we are honoring the hero of the day, and not just an ordinary one, but a special, well-deserved one!

A solemn march is playing.

Leading: Everyone knows that the constitution says: everyone has the right to work and rest! And over his sixty years, our hero of the day has definitely earned his right to rest. Let's raise our first toast to this! Happy anniversary!

An excerpt from the song “My years are my wealth” (from the repertoire of V. Kikabidze) is played.

Leading: But let's be honest: does this young man look like this respectable figure - sixty? Look how much fire and energy, strength and enthusiasm he has! He's clearly determined to party until he drops, and I encourage all guests to start doing the same!

The host invites guests to say their congratulations. The hero of the day is first congratulated by his family, then close relatives.

An excerpt from the song “My Family” (from the TV program of the same name) is played.


Hearts are beating in excitement

For both children and grandchildren:

Got started in the house of a “super-star”,

The head of the family is our hero of the day!

He's sitting in a new shirt

And looks expectantly:

What did you, guests, bring?

What gift did you have in store?

Perhaps a fashionable coat?

Keys to a new car?

Or maybe a world cruise?

Or some other whim?

What if they give it to you by chance?

Is a house by the sea just paradise?

Or maybe a yacht with sails

And a gold bracelet with a watch?

Or they’ll give it (yes!)

Collection gun?

It's not harmful to dream, everyone knows

Living without a dream is no fun...

Already the guests are a friendly crowd

Frozen in tension

And our gift is simple:


Solemn music sounds. The family hugs and kisses the hero of the day. They add that love and respect still come with a material gift, and they give it.

Leading: Ivan Ivanovich (name of the hero of the day), I simply envy you: you have an amazing, cheerful and friendly family! What else does a person need to be happy? But! Excuse me, dear hero of the day, I’ll reveal your big secret... Few people know that the hero of the day has another family! Yes Yes! And these are none other than the employees of... (company name)! Ivan Ivanovich gave most of his work history to this team, and from this team he goes on a well-deserved rest! Do you want to remember how it all began?


Various adjectives are written in large letters on sheets of paper in advance, for example: funny, cheerful, promising, positive, intelligent, incendiary, strange, noisy, hot, complex, drunk. These sheets are mixed in the presenter's basket.

The presenter reads sentences from the text, pausing where an adjective needs to be inserted. At the same time, he goes around the guests with a basket so that they take out one word at a time and substitute it instead of a pause.


Many years ago I came to the factory (name of the enterprise) new employee Ivan (name of the hero of the day).

He was completely “green” and ***

And the team was big and ***

And Ivan’s boss is very experienced and ***

And the boss gave Ivan his first task - to make a part on a machine.

Ivan thought: I can handle this, I’m a ***!

I did it for a day, I did it for two - and I did it!

Then the boss gave Ivan a second task, a more difficult one - to write a report.

Ivan thought: I can handle this too, I’m a ***!

I wrote for a day, I wrote for two - and I did it!

And then the boss gave Ivan the third task, the most difficult one - to please the team.

Ivan thought: yes, this is a little difficult to cope with... But I’m a ***!

I thought for a day, I thought for two - and I did it!

I set the table for the team ***, bought wine *** and sang a song ***.

And the team realized that in front of them was their own man - *** and ***!

The presenter gives the floor to the employees.


Employees congratulate the hero of the day, give gifts and present a comic “work book”.


We don't have to choose our bosses,

It's impossible to predict:

Someone will be lucky in this

To whom - quite the opposite.

But it’s a sin for us to complain:

You are a tough nut at work,

And working with you is so pleasant,

Your method is a carrot, not a stick!

All this has happened and passed away

The time has come to part.

Can't be replaced by anyone, alas,

We need a boss like you!

So as not to say unnecessary words,

We hasten to give our love,

We cordially see you off

And let’s say together: good morning!

Leading: As they say, good luck, in new life! There is a custom: before starting a new business, break a bottle of champagne for good luck. We won’t break it, but we’ll arrange a champagne fireworks display!

He hands the hero of the day a bottle of champagne and asks him to open it with a clap and fill the guests’ glasses.

When the guests drink, the lights suddenly go out, then turn on again and the Genie appears in the hall (for the costume you will need a turban and a shiny robe).

Genie: O noble gentlemen! Honorable audience! Thank you! You saved me from centuries of imprisonment in this bottle!

Leading(to guests): Friends, has our hero of the day really opened a magic bottle?!

Genie: Oh yeah! How long have I waited for this moment! From now on, Mr. Jubilee is my master. Order, O hero of the day, I will do everything! Do you want a lot of money and beautiful slaves? The hero of the day answers.

Genie: To make money, here is a magic piggy bank for you, my lord! Gives a piggy bank. If each guest puts a magic coin in it, then very soon the number of coins will increase threefold, and then fivefold, and so on, oh my lord!

He goes around the guests, the guests throw coins into the piggy bank.

Genie: Here, my lord, we have collected money for you... And here are the slaves! Enjoy! They can sing and they can dance!

Slaves appear - three women dressed in bright oriental costumes. The slaves sing a song about the hero of the day and dance.


to the tune of the song “La-la-la” from the repertoire of Zhanna Friske

Let me dedicate this song

To the hero of the day, without whom one cannot live,

Because everyone loves him

And it doesn’t matter that the years have increased,

Our hero of the day is a man anywhere,

Even the youth are far from it!



It's time to drop everything

Don't rush to work anymore

Have fun with your friends!


Let there be dancing until the morning

And let the glasses clink

After all, the hero of the day is sixty!

No problem what to do at sixty:

Fishing and raising grandchildren,

And cultivate your dacha plot...

This is a pension, or maybe this is paradise,

Do whatever you want - choose

The only main thing is not to grow old at heart!

The slaves invite the hero of the day to dance with them.

The song “The East is a delicate matter” (from the repertoire of A. Ukupnik) is played.

A dance break is announced.

After the break, those who have not yet congratulated the hero of the day continue to congratulate.

The presenter thanks everyone for their kind words and gives the hero of the day a response.

Leading: So, friends. Our newly minted pensioner was congratulated and presented with gifts. Look how happy he is - it turns out that being a pensioner is quite good! Do you know what daily routine a pensioner should have? No? Now you'll find out!


11.00. Pleasant awakening and morning stretches.

11.30. Coffee in bed and thoughts about the joys of life.

12.00. Slow ascent and water treatments.

12.30. Listening to the weather forecast and a light walk in the park, loggia, room (underline as appropriate).


13.30. A set meal and a great digestion process.

14.30. Thoughtful reading of the latest press, a guide to self-medication, a detective story about Dasha Vasilyeva (underline as appropriate).

15.30. Preparing for a Saturday trip to fishing, dacha, market (underline as appropriate).


17.00. Visit of loving children and grandchildren.

17.30. A full dinner in the circle of loving children and grandchildren.

18.00. Educational conversation with children and calm Mind games with grandchildren.

19.00. Watching the evening news, your favorite television series, the program “Dialogues about Fishing” (underline as appropriate).

20.00. Rocking in a rocking chair and thinking about tomorrow.


21.00. Evening stretches and watching sweet dreams.

This is the daily routine of an ideal, exemplary pensioner! Anyone who adheres to this routine lives happily ever after, and I strongly wish the same for you!

Children or friends of the hero of the occasion can take care of the organizational side of the event. It happens that at the age of 60 the hero of the day has grown-up grandchildren. It can be fun for them too creative task, especially preparing props. It is also interesting to take care of inviting guests in advance, not sparingly via mobile phone, but in real words, for example, in verse.
So, without going far from the classics of the feast, the celebration can be organized as follows... But, however, there is no point in describing the idea: read the script and you will understand everything yourself.

The action takes place in a cafe or restaurant, in a separate room with a dance floor.

The spouse and relatives of the hero of the day, all guests

Photographer (possibly not a hired one, but one of the guests by agreement or the host)

Whisks or brooms on sticks - two pieces;
Items of clothing for the game are optional;
Tickets with questions;
A bucket of flowers, covered with a rag until the end of the game;

Part one, congratulatory

The guests, led by the hero of the day, gathered at the appointed hour in the celebration hall. The table is set, everyone is seated, and muffled background music is playing.

- Well, friends, let’s get started!
And without wasting time,
Let's raise our glasses full
We are for the health of the hero of the day!
We wish you cheerfulness and happiness,
And live joyfully and lovingly,
Meet with loved ones more often,
And happy birthday to you!


The HappyBirthday music starts and everyone sings in unison:
- Happy Birthday to you! - 2 times
Happy Birthday, (patronymic name),
Happy Birthday to you!

The guests chorus loudly:
- Hooray! Hooray! Hurray for the hero of the day!

Everyone applauds the hero of the day and drinks to his health.

- Let me say a few words:
Six decades have passed
Since the hero of the day was
Destined to be born.
And everyone understands and is not new,
That he is a golden man
And a congratulatory word
For his dear wife!

The wife of the hero of the occasion stands up and says a few words in his honor, talking a little about fate, family and beautiful personal qualities her husband. Dedication ends the wife's speech and at the same time becomes the next toast.

- Every year, day after day, night after night
The hero of the day was a daredevil in everything.
And in the family he deserved, by the way,
The right to be called an excellent father.
And he always tried so hard
So that there is prosperity and harmony in the family.
Let us give the floor to our descendants -
Let them talk about everything.

Sons and daughters, as well as daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, take the floor in turn. The presenter introduces each of them by name. Pleasant words of gratitude and congratulations are heard, glasses are raised for the health and happy longevity of the birthday boy. It is better to select the text of a poetic congratulation ahead of time, for example, in the ready-made database.

- Contrary to the respectable date
The hero of the day is both fresh and stately,
And he will sing and dance again -
He will show everyone his class.
If I hadn't seen my grandchildren,
We are your worthy years
You would never have guessed it
But they told us a secret.
So that there is no time for boredom,
Your grandchildren want to congratulate you.

The grandchildren speak, remembering pleasant moments associated with their grandfather. Even small family members can please their loved ones by learning a heartfelt greeting for them.

Table congratulations are completed by toasts from the friends of the hero of the day and other guests.

Part two, gaming

- Well, you guests are sitting here?
Just open the wines,
Get up, get up,
We will dance with you.

This dance will be white
Come on, everyone leave the table.
Ladies, who managed whom -
Get everyone on the dance floor.

The song is played in Spanish. A. Pugacheva “This world was not invented by us.”
Next are several random compositions in retro style.

After several dances, the music stops and the leader takes the floor.

- Well, did you warm up and dance?
The hops have been reduced a little.
And now I propose:
Let's play.

Remember how in sports competitions they pass the baton to each other. Now we will do just that. Only our relay will not be an ordinary one, but a magical one. You and I will need two female teams of (arbitrarily equal number) people, as well as two male volunteers. Both teams line up, each on its own side. Well done!
And now the volunteers. Come on, men, be brave. Just look at the ladies in front of you.

(Having chosen two men, asks them to stand at the opposite end of the site, each opposite their team).

Presenter, addressing the selected men:
- So, brave souls, remind me what to call you?

First player:
- Nikolay (for example)

Second player:
- Anatoly (for example)

- Well, fine. This means we have two teams: Kolya’s team and Tolya’s team. Let's applaud them and support our participants.

(everyone clap)

- It's no secret that every lady
Sober and tipsy,
Relys once
Fly on a broom.

(to the laughter of those present he brings in two brooms, the weirder the better)

Continuing our holiday,
Let's gather for the Sabbath.
Hey beauty, dress up
Sit on the broom.
Come around full circle
Yes, find out what's around.
Visit your loved one
Yes, decorate my dear.

The presenter asks the men not involved in the game:
- So, men, help:
Drag from the corner
Two heavy knots.
Place the first one in front of Kolya, and the second one in front of Tolya.

They bring in bags of props. There are all kinds of clothes there: panties, bras, caps, shirts, skirts, shorts, etc.

- I declare full combat readiness. The ladies take turns sitting on a broom and flying around the room. They stop near Kolya or Tolya, without throwing away the broom, take one piece of clothing and dress the young man. Then they fly to their place (start) and pass the broom to the next beauty. Whose team completes the task faster and better will receive a valuable prize.
So, let's get started, attention, let's begin!

The DJ plays the composition “Ditties Babok Yozhek” from the film “The Flying Ship”, which first comes with the text and then continues with a backing track. To the tune of a cheerful melody, the ladies take turns riding a broom and completing the task. All this is photographed during the process.

When time runs out (for example, 10 minutes) or one of the teams runs out of props, the presenter shouts:
- Stop! The competition is over, we accept the results.

At this time, dressed-up handsome men stand in hastily pulled-on underwear.

- You are good, good!
We laughed heartily.
(pointing a finger at bras and other ladies' accessories)
And what kind of power is this?
Did she carry you somewhere all night?
You have to get so drunk -
Dress up in a woman's dress!
How can I go to my wife now?
Aren't you guys ashamed?

- It's Grandma's fault!

- Well done, Grandmothers Yozhki, they did a great job. Let's count which team tried harder. (Counts) Well, everyone tried very hard, but (for example) Nikolai’s team wins. And the winners receive a super prize. Participants are given a bottle of champagne or a fruit basket.

The prize is awarded to applause, and a photo is taken as a souvenir with a broom and all the equipment.

- But the team (for example) of Anatoly tried very hard. Therefore, she deserved an incentive prize. A box of chocolates is presented.

Applause, photo for memory.

- While our beautiful ladies are resting and our machos are unmasking, let’s continue our holiday with the next wonderful game. I'll need a brave man. Here, for example, is our wonderful hero of the day. He will open this interesting game.

Brings the hero of the day to the center.

- So, now, young people, (addressing the male guests), put three chairs here. We ask the ladies to take their seats. Come in, settle down. Imagine that you come to a beauty salon. Well, everything is in place. I ask you, our dear (first name and patronymic - addressing the hero of the day), to carefully consider these ladies. I'll count to 10 and blindfold you. The ladies can switch places. It will be necessary to determine by touch who is who.

The song is played in Spanish. Natalie - “Oh, God, what a man”, gr. “Hands Up” - “Take me quickly.” While the guests chant, the hero of the day feels the ladies and guesses their names.

Presenter, jokingly:
- Quiet, men, don't quarrel. Everyone will have the opportunity to feel the ladies. The game has just begun.

Players, replacing each other, go through several runs of the game. Photos are taken during the process.

Presenter (finishing the game):
- However, you are good enough to feel,
You just want to make a fool of yourself.
And to our beautiful women
You won't let yourself get bored!

The games took a lot of energy.
Let's continue, friends, at the table.

Everyone returns to the table, and the feast continues with light dishes and in no particular order. The host and guests will spice up the gatherings with some fun.

Part three, certification

- Well, well, our dear (patronymic name of the hero of the day). At 60, you are 100% established as a person and are so well preserved that, without looking at your passport, it’s hard to believe your age. But during your 60 fighting years, you probably went through a good school of life and will soon be applying for academic degree. Therefore, today we invite you to take exams, based on the results of which you will be certified. I will act as a strict examiner. And I inform your fellow students (points to the guests) that you can only give advice correctly and carefully. Well, are you ready?

- Ready!

Guests :
- Ready!

Presenter (he cheerfully reads out the tickets, and when there is a problem with the answers, he helps the players with hints and tips):
- So, the math ticket. Task:
“A man has 12 pieces of clothing, including underwear, a tie and socks, and he is happy. A woman has 60 wardrobe items, not counting underwear, tights and what she bought for weight loss, and she has absolutely nothing to wear!
Attention, question: how many wardrobe items does a woman need so that she finally has a choice?”
(Answer: universal infinity)

Physics ticket.
Question one. Hydrostatics:
“What amount of water is delightedly released from a bathtub full to the brim when citizen Nina Afanasyevna, weighing 140 kg, is thoroughly immersed in it?”
(Answer: according to Archimedes’ law, 140 liters)

Physics is a vast science, so the second question. Mechanics:
"From engine and metal,
It costs a lot of money.
For the winter season
Changes shoes according to style.”
(Answer: car)

Chemistry ticket:
“A woman uses this to please her, and a man eats and poisons himself”
(Answer: lipstick)

Biology. Anatomy:
“What does a man have that no woman has? And when a man is worried, this part of the body shakes.”
(Answer: Adam's apple)

- Dear (the patronymic name of the hero of the day). We know that you are a great diplomat in life. So the issue of this ticket will not be a problem for you. Please suggest at least three phrases on how you can politely send an obsessive comrade “there, I don’t know where”, without using obscene and other abusive expressions.
(Answer options:
- Get off!
- Shouldn’t you go through the forest?
- Do you see the door? Cover it, please... from the back side!)

Well, and finally, a practical task: our favorite labor lessons! Please remember a pleasant trip at home called “taking out the trash.” Here you are, a full bucket of selected garbage is provided to you. Take it, don't be shy.

(The hero of the day takes a bucket)

- Let's go, let's go! (Conducts the hero of the day not far from his wife)

- What should a man usually do in this situation? That's right, put the trash can in the hands of your beloved wife and run to watch football!

The hero of the day gives his wife a bucket. The presenter pulls off the rag, and inside there is a whole armful of beautiful roses. There is applause. Photo.

- The exam passed with excellent scores.
We did our best, and that's not enough.
Our student is ready for the highest rank,
For this we present him with a diploma.
Handsome and smart, hero and athlete,
In any situation he is a gentleman!

The presenter presents the diploma, reading:
- A red diploma is awarded highest degree education! I ask (full name of the hero of the day) to come to the rector’s office to receive a Diploma and monetary reward.

An envelope containing a sum of money is given along with the diploma.


The guests shout:
- Hurray for the hero of the day!

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