
Ideal solution: rusal launches its own crowdsourcing platform. Rusala Bulletin: corporate newspaper Approximate word search

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search words

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

“Vestnik RUSAL” for the fourth year in a row topped the annual rating of Russian corporate newspapers industrial companies, which makes up the business portal “Production Management”.

The rating, which has been compiled for the eighth year in a row, is a non-profit project whose goal is to open up professional community corporate publications that provide the most complete and high-quality coverage of the processes of creating modern efficient production in their companies, expand and accelerate access to quality information. At the same time, the jury of this unique competition is the entire readership of the Production Management portal.

Ranking occurs as follows. The portal publishes the most significant materials on the topics of management, development of business systems, and efficient production from more than 200 corporate publications of Russian industrial companies. Depending on the interest of readers in certain publications, their popularity is determined, and based on the number of cumulative views of materials, the rating of each corporate publication is formed.

Thus, at the end of 2017, Vestnik RUSAL topped the top 20 best corporate newspapers of industrial companies, repeating last year’s success.

The most popular among the audience of the Production Management portal in 2017 were publications devoted to the development of business systems and the implementation of lean management tools.

production, programs continuous improvements and kaizen activities, increasing operational efficiency and labor productivity, modernization and technical re-equipment production.

United Company RUSAL is one of the world's largest aluminum producers. The company's assets include a complex of enterprises for the production of value-added products: from mining to aluminum and foil rolling plants.

The company's enterprises and representative offices are located in 19 countries on five continents. RUSAL is one of the three most efficient aluminum producers in the world and plans to take first place in this indicator.


“Vestnik RUSAL” is one of the oldest newspapers among corporate publications in the Russian industrial sector. For 15 years, she was the only source of information and way of communicating with employees of the company’s factories throughout the country. IN last years it was black and white, published in the format of the main block with regional tabs. The MediaLine company proposed that the holding optimize the process of creating a newspaper: publish a single publication for all enterprises of the company.


MediaLine has carried out a complete rebranding of Vestnik RUSAL. Now this is a stylish publication, developed taking into account modern trends in the field of design and journalism. We increased the number of photographs on the pages, introduced different text formats, introduced infographics, developed a clear rubric and recognizable design elements.

The RUSAL Bulletin newspaper is a “living” flexible product, created in close cooperation with the customer, and focused on the audience of the publication. Today the newspaper is read with interest both at the company’s Moscow office and at production sites in different parts of Russia.

The logistics department of MediaLine solved the difficult problem. The newspaper is delivered to all enterprises located both in regional capitals and in hard-to-reach and remote points of Russia.

We thank the editors of the newspaper "Vestnik RUSAL" for providing this material.

Today, RUSAL enterprises are simultaneously implementing about 50 projects aimed at modernization, reconstruction, expansion of production and the range of products. Of course, they differ from each other in scale, level of tasks, implementation deadlines, volumes of investments and capital expenditures, but all are very significant both for individual factories, and for the Company as a whole.

One of key projects This year for RUSAL is the construction of a large foundry complex at KrAZ. It will annually produce up to 120 thousand tons of a completely new product for the Company - homogenized cylindrical 7-meter ingots of large diameter - up to 457 mm. They are now in great demand foreign markets, primarily in North America.

Work on the future complex began in 2015. VAMI specialists developed the design documentation.

The peculiarity of the project is that the foundry complex is being installed in an existing building, which was mothballed and not in use for 15 years, says Viktor Mikhailov, head of the projects department of the technical directorate. - Builders have to take this circumstance into account in their work. For example, in order to prevent the collapse of existing column foundations and prevent the building from sliding into the pit when installing the caisson of a casting machine, it was decided to install sheet piling walls 23 m deep along the foundations - install 60 piles, 30 on each side. Between these piles, a spacer slab was poured, inside which a casting machine well was made: as the structure is poured with concrete, it falls down under its own weight and has already reached the design mark. Next, the builders will have to build a steel caisson about 12 m deep, where the hydraulic cylinder of the casting mill will be installed. Only the underground part of the structure goes almost 30 m deep - almost a 10-story building!

The complex also includes metal flow systems, melt filtration and degassing installations, a casting machine with a set of equipment of six diameters from Wagstaff, a line for continuous homogenization, cutting and packaging of ingots. In addition, the links in the technological chain will be the buffer warehouse, the dispatch area finished products consumer and foundry equipment repair area. For their construction, installation and installation, it is also sometimes necessary to take original engineering solutions. And to optimize costs, it was decided to use part of the equipment transported from the mothballed construction of the Taishet aluminum smelter: the casting machine itself with equipment and two MHD mixers with a capacity of 70 tons, a multi-filling machine, a press for squeezing out slag, etc. - only 5.5 million dollars.

Today construction is in full swing. The metal structures of mixer No. 2 have already been installed, and the lining is being welded and prepared. Mixer No. 1 is used to assemble metal structures. Completion of the project and commissioning of the complex is planned for 2017.

KhAZ also plans to significantly increase the production of alloys - from the current 82 thousand tons to 202 thousand tons per year. Installed at the enterprise will help achieve this result. new complex continuous horizontal casting produced by the Italian company Properzi. It is equipped with the most modern systems control, degassing and metal filtration. The equipment is designed to produce alloys in the form of bars weighing 10 kg, which are compact, easy to transport and optimal for use. And they are also in great demand by the market, in particular by automotive companies. The advantage of a track-type casting machine is that it produces an ingot that has a uniform structure along its entire length. This type of product has not been produced at RUSAL before. The continuous casting complex at KhAZ is planned to be launched at the beginning of 2017.

RUSAL's strategic project remains the implementation of EcoSoderberg technology. The pioneer in this process was KrAZ, where, after testing the technology in four pilot buildings, work began on a plant scale. Last year, about 300 electrolyzers were converted, and about 100 more have been upgraded this year.

Despite the fact that the project was initially conceived as an environmental one, it also provides good economic effect, - said Vladimir Maslov, head of the department of financial and economic analysis and estimates of the technical directorate. - Replacing technology on one electrolyzer at KrAZ means an additional 9-14 tons of metal due to a decrease in work in progress (the volume of metal in the bath). In addition, the result is achieved due to lower consumption of electricity and fluorine salts, and higher current efficiency.

The positive experience of KrAZ is now used at other aluminum smelters of the Company, which it was decided to transfer to EcoSoderberg - BrAZ, IrkAZ and NkAZ. In particular, in Bratsk the project is being implemented in the format of a pilot building; the modernization of 19 electrolyzers is planned for this year, six of them have already been transferred to new technology. Implementation has begun in Shelekhov: being developed project documentation for the experimental site and adaptation of the existing design documentation under the conditions of the plant.

In the field of energy efficiency, three plants at once - SAZ, KrAZ and IrkAZ - almost simultaneously implemented a project to introduce a unified anode. At the beginning of the project, each enterprise determined narrow places, which took about a year to resolve. For example, at SAZ, six stacker cranes were modernized in the production of electrodes. At KrAZ, the most problematic area was the press that removes cast iron casting: it was outdated and in poor condition. technical condition, often broke down. Instead, a press from the Icelandic company VHE was purchased, which successfully passed the tests. And the team working at IrkAZ carried out the modernization of the AMO: the knives on the cinder removal machine were replaced, some of the hydraulic equipment was improved, and a nipple cleaning unit was installed

The effect resulting from the use of standardized anodes was not long in coming. Thus, the reduction in specific electricity consumption ranged from 69 kWh (SAZ) to 290 kWh (KrAZ) per ton of aluminum. In addition, savings on baked anodes were also achieved: for example, at IrkAZ it amounted to 5.4 kg per ton, and at KrAZ - 7.5 kg per ton. Calculations have shown that with capital expenditures of $1.4 million at three plants, savings at the end of 2016 will amount to at least $2.5 million. In other words, this project will pay for itself in less than a year.

RUSAL pays special attention to the issues of import substitution and raw material security, and several projects are also being implemented in this area. IrkAZ continues to modernize calcining furnace No. 2 to produce its own calcined coke. Attracted German company FLSmidth, which carried out additional engineering surveys with the aim of organizing the production of calcined coke of the KEP-2 grade in Shelekhov. It is this material that has increased density and is used for the production of baked anodes. The goal of the project is to organize the production of its own calcined coke in the amount of about 90 thousand tons per year, which will also help replace the raw materials that SAZ is forced to buy in China.

Another import substitution project, which is being implemented at KAZ, will allow Russian cable factories to refuse to purchase T4 wire rod of the Al-Mg-Si high-strength alloy abroad. Its production in the amount of 6.8 thousand tons per year is planned to be mastered at the Properzi mill at the plant in Kandalaksha.

T4 wire rod is in high demand. It is produced in Russia, but in insufficient quantities; cable factories mainly import it from Poland, explains Vladimir Maslov. - This wire rod is different best characteristics in terms of tensile strength and large values relative elongation. But in order for it to acquire such properties, it is necessary to perform an additional operation of hardening it in water. Therefore, it is planned for KAZ to purchase four hardening furnaces from the Polish company Secowarwick and build a special pool in which the wire rod will be cooled. It was also necessary to expand warehouses and carry out a number of infrastructure works. Design and engineering surveys are currently underway as part of the project. The task was set to implement the project in a short time, to bring it to the design indicators by mid-2017.

And the project, which is being implemented in the Achinsk branch of RIC, will in the near future allow the plants of the Aluminum Division to reduce purchases of iron and steel castings from outside. Previously, the branch provided products mainly to alumina refineries, producing iron and steel castings, in particular various spare parts and components for pumping equipment. At the same time, aluminum smelters consume large volumes of castings: pipes for pouring vacuum ladles, sections of the gas collection bell, brackets for anode holders and much more - and, as a rule, are forced to order it from third-party manufacturers.

The maximum achieved volume of casting production at the repair and mechanical base of AF RIK was 15.3 thousand tons in 2015, however, this productivity is not enough to cover the needs of aluminum and alumina plants for shaped castings. The employees of the Achinsk branch of RIC, who initiated a project to increase the capacity of their foundry to 25.6 thousand tons, intend to correct the current imbalance.

For this purpose, a special automatic molding line is purchased, on which the branch’s specialists will make molds for cast iron - now this work is done almost manually, - said Vladimir Maslov. - In addition, the enterprise will have equipment for the production of large-sized rods, which will allow the production of structurally complex products, for example, with internal cavities. All this will allow the RIC branch not only to increase production volumes, but also to significantly expand its capabilities to produce a wide variety of foundry products.

Modernization projects that are being implemented at RUSAL plants pursue different goals; their tasks relate to different areas of enterprise activity. But they also have common features: short implementation and payback periods, high efficiency with relatively small investments. It is impossible to do otherwise under the current conditions.

Nikolay KUZNETSOV, Photo by Alexander GLUKHOV

We thank the editors of the newspaper "Vestnik RUSAL" for providing this material.

Collective mind

Many RUSAL employees are already well familiar with the concept of “crowdsourcing”, which implies the involvement of specific production tasks initiative people. The company, using the resources of the world-famous English-language platform Innocentive, has repeatedly conducted and is still conducting international competitions, the goal of which is to create new products based on aluminum, as well as to develop innovative technologies and search for business partners. And two years ago, employees of both the Moscow office and regional offices and enterprises of the Company proposed new options for using aluminum where it had not previously been used.

Usage creativity employees today is a widespread tool with the help of which many companies solve all sorts of problems and develop their business, says Irina Matveeva, director of the department of design and support of information platforms for the development of innovations of the DRP. - This approach has long been used abroad, and in recent years, more and more often in Russia. There are many examples where involving their own employees in various projects using the crowdsourcing principle allows companies to increase their efficiency at minimal cost and in the shortest possible time.

The existing experience has demonstrated that RUSAL employees and the Company’s partners are able to generate interesting ideas, contributing to further business development. This is how the idea arose of creating our own innovative platform, with the help of which it would be possible to solve real problems. production problems and implement interesting initiatives.

IdeAl 13 is the official name given to this resource. And it implies not only the Company’s desire for excellence. It combines the words idea (idea), chemical element Al (aluminum) and its serial number in the periodic table (No. 13). In addition, the abbreviation from the first three letters of the name - I, D, E - stands for Ideas Drive Efficiency, which translated from English means “ideas are the key to efficiency.”

Work on the creation of IdeAl 13 lasted about a year. Its official launch took place in March, and now this platform is available to every RUSAL employee.

Bullion Hunt

The platform's activities will be carried out in two directions. The first is holding competitions, the goals of which will be determined by divisions, directorates and departments of RUSAL. Participants, and every employee of the Company can become one, will have to solve specific problems to improve technological and business processes, create new products, optimize production operations, etc. The competitions will have a limited time frame, and the proposed solutions to the assigned tasks will be evaluated directly by customers. Best ideas will be adopted, and their authors will receive prizes.

However, the platform will not be limited to just holding competitions. IdeAl 13 will also become a kind of bank where various innovative ideas. Any registered user will also be able to submit them, and the topics of ideas proposed on the platform will cover a variety of areas of the Company’s activities: from aluminum and alumina production to legal and financial issues.

Ideas can be very different: from fairly simple ones, which employees can implement at their workplace on their own, to those, the implementation of which will require additional economic calculations and the opening of a project, explains Irina Matveeva. - It is important that the idea is well developed, and the person who submitted it is interested in bringing his proposal to life and is ready to take direct part in this.

All offers posted on the platform are publicly available to Company employees. Their assessment and selection for implementation will be carried out by experts from those departments whose areas of activity the idea relates to. However, any employee of the Company registered on IdeAl 13 will be able to evaluate the initiative of their colleagues. And not only evaluate it, but also leave your comment, make suggestions for its improvement, and optimal implementation options.

It is noteworthy that even if some idea today does not receive the support of experts and a positive assessment from the community, it will still be stored in the IdeAl database 13. After all, history knows many cases when proposals, initially recognized as failures and unpromising, years later made real technological revolutions.

In the case of an idea bank, user activity will also be encouraged. To do this, IdeAl 13 is introducing its own innovative currency - “aluminum ingots”, into which the number of points earned for productive actions performed on the platform will be converted. So, for each submitted idea, its author will receive 100 points, the same amount - for its approval by experts, and 500 points - after the proposal is implemented. It will be possible to exchange “bullion” for real prizes in the “Shop”, which will also appear on the platform in the near future.

Portal in your pocket

You can try out IdeAl 13 and show your creative inclinations, innovative thinking and rationalization acumen right now. The first competition on the new platform is held by the Public Relations Directorate. All Company employees were invited to take part in the development of a new corporate portal.

It is no secret that today employees of RUSAL production divisions do not have access to basic internal information resource Companies. First of all, due to the fact that not everyone has access to a computer and corporate network. Very soon this drawback will be eliminated: mermaids will have the opportunity to use the portal at any time and anywhere: both directly at work and from home computer, and from any mobile device connected to the Internet.

It is expected that the new resource will be able to satisfy the various needs of the Company’s employees. Here you can get information about various aspects of RUSAL’s activities, find Required documents, leave online applications, for example, to obtain a certificate from the accounting department, ask questions to management, read e-books etc. The external design of RUSAL's new mobile portal will be developed by the directorate, and its content will be determined by you and me.

The new generation information resource that we will create together will open access to corporate services and useful information for all employees,” says the director of the department of communications and social projects Rustam Zakiev. - But its relevance will depend on how useful the materials posted on it will be for all employees. Therefore, as a result of the competition, it is important for us to receive proposals for the information part of the corporate portal, ideas for the content of sections that will reduce the time and effort of employees searching for the necessary information about the Company and the work process.

To take part in the competition, you need to go to the IdeAl 13 platform and, following the competition link, propose your idea. Employees who do not have a workstation equipped with a computer can access the platform at from any computer installed in the computer labs that are located at all RUSAL enterprises.

Text: Danil KLYAHIN, Photo: Daria SERGIENKO

In the photo: Now you can submit ideas, discuss them and find the best solutions not only for round table, but also on a special platform IdeAl 13

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