
Presentation of a journey into space. Presentation on the theme "travel in space". Space debris in near-Earth space

This year Russia celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space and remembers the first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. April 12 became a national holiday - Cosmonautics Day. This manual is intended to acquaint young children with the origins of the holiday in an entertaining way. A wide range of customized psychological methods and forms of work.

The manual "Day of Cosmonautics" is intended for teachers primary school. It can be used when conducting a thematic lesson, as well as in any lesson related to the theme "Space". This manual will make the lesson the most interesting, the facts - the most memorable, the result of the lesson - the most effective.

Aims and objectives of this manual (presentation):

  • To systematize and expand children's ideas about astronautics, to form students' knowledge about the development of astronautics, about the first flights into space, to introduce the first cosmonaut, to talk about the role of animals in space exploration, to show the importance of space in human life and activity;
  • develop cognitive and creative activity, support and develop students' interest in space, form patriotic feelings that contribute to the civic education of the individual; to instill a sense of pride and respect for Russian cosmonautics.

This presentation can be used for extracurricular activity dedicated to space, Cosmonautics Day, etc. Also, the presentation "Journey into Space" can be used in the lessons of the world around them related to the topic "Space".

The presentation contains game tasks, various entertaining elements that will attract attention and will not leave any junior schoolchild indifferent to the event.

Class hour "Journey into space"

1. Organizational moment.

2. introduction teachers.

Teacher. Consider the drawings on the slide (slide 2). What do all these items have in common?

Children. All of them are capable of flight.

Teacher. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. On what just did not go to heaven the heroes of fairy tales and legends! And on golden chariots, and on fast arrows, even on bats! (Slide 3). Remember what the heroes of your favorite fairy tales flew on? (slide 4).

Centuries passed, and people managed to conquer the airspace of the Earth (slide 5). At first they took to the skies in balloons that could not be controlled. Wherever the wind blows, the balloon goes there. Then they came up with an airship - a controlled balloon. He was very clumsy and clumsy, later airplanes appeared. They were replaced by high-speed aircraft and helicopters. And finally, the fastest transport (slide 6):

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars. (Rocket)

Guess another riddle, it is related in meaning to the first one (slide 7):

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He's not flying a plane
And a huge rocket.
Children, who, say it? (Astronaut).

3. Setting the objectives of the lesson.

Teacher. Who guessed what the lesson will be about?

Children. About space.

4. Work on the lexical meaning of words.

Teacher. How do you understand what space is? (Slide 8). Ozhegov's dictionary explains this word this way:Cosmos, the universe - the whole system of the universe, the whole world.

Our planet, together with the air shell, is surrounded by an infinitely large space, it contains celestial bodies, the Sun, stars, planets, the Moon, gas, dust. The center of this whole system is the Sun.

5. Conversation about the holiday.

Teacher. And who among you knows what holiday is dedicated to space?

Children. Cosmonautics Day.

Teacher. Who can name the date of this holiday?

Teacher. Indeed, on April 12, 1961, a man first went to space trip. Count how many years have passed since the first flight into space?

6. Fizminutka "Rocket".

And now we are with you, children,
We fly on a rocket.
Get up on your toes
And then hands down.
One, two (stand on toes, hands up, palms form a “rocket dome”)
Three, four - (main rack)
Here's a rocket going up.

7. Work in groups. Marked reading.

Teacher. I suggest you find out a little more. Each of you received a sheet with a text and a task. You read the text, prepare to answer questions on it. Then read the text for the whole class again. In the notebook, mark with a “V” what you already knew before, mark the new information with a “+”.

The class is divided into groups, each receives a task.

Texts for each group.

1 group. Space Orbital Station ( slide 10).

Astronauts have a second home - in space. The space house is special. It's called the orbital station. This is where astronauts live and work.

The space house is like a huge bird that has spread its wings and flies above the earth. But wings are not needed for flight - this is a “home power station”. Shiny plates collect the sun's rays and turn them into an electric current that powers all scientific instruments, illuminates and heats.

2 group. How astronauts work (slide 11).

Not for one hour does work stop at the space station. One crew is replaced by another. Astronauts observe the stars, planets, the Sun, take pictures and study the Earth, take care of the plants and animals that live on the station, repair their space house, and conduct many different scientific experiments. Space flight is monitored from the Earth from the Control Center.

3rd group. Astronaut Animals (slide 12).

The first reconnaissance astronauts were dogs, rabbits, insects, even microbes. The first mouse-cosmonaut spent almost a whole day above the Earth. White hairs appeared in her black fur. They turned gray from cosmic rays, but the mouse returned alive.

4 group. astronaut dogs (slide 13).

The dogs flew into space after the mice. Not every dog ​​is suitable for flying. She should be slightly larger than a cat, weigh 4-6 kilograms, she should be 2-3 years old, the coat should be light. Pedigree dogs were not suitable for difficult tests. Affectionate, calm mongrels were best suited for space experiments. In the dog squad every day of training. Dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure heat and cold, there is a light bulb at the signal. The smartest and most courageous dog Laika was the best. A rocket was built for her, and on November 3, 1959, the brave scout sped off into space.

5 group. First cosmonaut (slide 14).

On April 12, 1961, the planet was shocked by the unexpected news “Man in space! Russian!" On a sunny morning, a powerful rocket launched the Vostok spacecraft with the first man on board into orbit. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The first flight lasted more than an hour 108 minutes (1 hour 48 minutes). During this time, the ship circled the entire globe and sank to the ground. Gagarin returned to earth alive and well.

6 group. suit (slide 15).

In space, both intense cold and unbearable heat. It burns in the sun, and everything freezes in the shade. The only way out is a space suit. A spacesuit is a special sealed suit. It's the same temperature as a room, and it's easy to breathe. If the Sun shines brightly, then you can lower the curtains in the helmet. The suit has a radio on which you can talk with your comrades left at the station. It would be more correct to call the suit a separate cabin. Only this cabin is made of soft material and sewn to fit.

7 group. artificial satellites (slide 16).

On October 4, 1957, a satellite appeared near our Earth, which was created by our scientists. Satellites monitor the movement of clouds - this helps to more accurately predict the weather. They monitor the movement of ships in the oceans, spread telegrams, telephone conversations, television broadcasts all over the Earth, study the stars and planets. Satellites take pictures of the Earth to make maps. There are reconnaissance satellites.

8. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Teacher. And now let's try to answer the questions (slide 17).

  • Which living being was the first to fly into space?
  • Why were they animals and not people?
  • How were dogs prepared for space travel?
  • Who was the first cosmonaut and how was the first flight?
  • Can anyone become an astronaut?
  • What is the name of the second home of astronauts?
  • Tell us about special clothing for astronauts.

9. Summing up the work of the groups.

Teacher. Raise your hand children who already knew all this before reading the text. For whom was the reading unfamiliar?

10. Work in pairs. Game "Collect the word".

Teacher. Let's play a game. On the table you have cards with letters. Collect from them the word-quality of a real astronaut.

Words: astronaut, hardworking, smart, kind, brave, resourceful, attentive, decisive, quick-witted, healthy, caring, hardy, patient, observant.

Teacher. What should an astronaut be like? (Cards with the name of the qualities of astronauts are hung on the board). In flight, astronauts must comply with special "space rules" (slide 18). I will say the beginning of the rule, and you will finish it.

Astronaut, don't forget
You hold (the path) into the universe.
Our main rule
Carry out any (order).
Do you want to be an astronaut
Must have a lot, a lot (to know).
Any space route
Open to those who love (work).
Only friendly, starship
Can take with you (in flight).
Boring, gloomy and angry
We will not take to (orbit).

11. Physical Minute.

Astronauts must be strong and agile. I offer you a charge for attention.
- The right hand makes circles to the left, the other to the right.
- The right hand draws a triangle in the air, and the left - a circle.
- The right leg in the air is squares, and the left hand is triangles.

Teacher. Let's continue summarizing the work of the groups. In our city there is Gagarin street. Who is she named after?

12. Summing up.

Teacher. Today you have discovered a lot of new things for yourself. And thanks to you, a new star lit up in the sky (slide 19).


to space

MOU "Secondary School No. 87"

Vasilyeva N.V.

Journey into space

space junk

Space flights

space alphabet


Big Dipper

The sizes of planets in comparison with the Sun

The sun











15 satellites

Belka and Strelka

  • Born in the village of Klutino in the Smolensk region
  • Graduated from the Industrial College, then the Military Aviation School
  • April 12, 1961. first flew into space
  • Made a complete revolution around the Earth 108 minutes


space alphabet



It protects the astronaut from exposure to the sun's rays, and keeps him from freezing as the temperature in space fluctuates from plus or minus a few hundred degrees.

Each suit is made individually for each astronaut, taking into account all his dimensions (shoe size, height, body proportions, etc.). This complex invention is a true scientific achievement, although its useful life is limited to 10 spacewalks.

porthole this

a round glazed window on a spacecraft or aircraft, sea vessel.

mission control center

a place on Earth from where satellites, spacecraft are controlled

lyami and interplanetary stations.

Orbit- this is the path along which the planet moves or the satellite flies.

spaceport is a place where space rockets, satellites, ships are prepared and launched from.

Orbital station is a space house that is constantly in space and where astronauts can work for many months.

Rocket - carrier- This is a space rocket that puts a spacecraft into orbit.




space classification garbage

Space debris in near-Earth space

small objects

Medium objects

Large objects

Spent satellites

Last stages of launch vehicles

paint particles

Protective shells

space probes

Operational waste

  • - controlled entry into the atmosphere
  • - spacecraft are removed from orbits with the help of special ships
  • -creation and launch into space of special garbage collectors
  • - moving "dead" satellites to less busy points or orbits

The solar battery of the station "Mir" has received significant damage

from space debris. October 1997

Valentina Umnikova
Presentation "Journey into space" for older children preschool age

The presentation reveals the unknown depths of space for preschoolers, makes them closer and more understandable in the story about the researchers space depths.

1- slide People have always dreamed of outer space, they were attracted by distant expanses, stars, they wanted to know if there is life on other planets, to visit space distances. Do you want to go on a trip? We start counting 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. start!

2 slide - Today we're talking about travel space. What do you think space is?

3 slide- Secrets of space ( Black holes, parade of planets, comet tail).

4 slide- What can be seen from the ground?

5 slide - In space space no air

And circling there are nine different planets.

And the sun - star at the very center of the system

And we are all connected by attraction.

The sun-luminary bubbles like a volcano,

Bubbling like a boiling cauldron, incessantly,

Prominences take off like a fountain,

Life and warmth give to all tirelessly.

The sun- star huge ball

The light radiates like a fire.

Well, the planets reflect that light,

They love the sun!

Many planets fly around the sun.

Maybe people live on them?

Come on, in rocket we sit with you

Let's rush from the Sun in the blue darkness!

solar system

Meets the first solar storms

Elusive, small Mercury.

The second, behind him, flies Venus

With a heavy, dense atmosphere.

And the third, the carousel is spinning,

earthly our cradle.

Fourth - Mars, rusty planet,

By its orbit asteroids.

Fifth- Jupiter, very big

Visible in the starry sky.

Sixth - Saturn, in chic

rings, adorable, under the rays of the sun.

Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,

After all, his distant path is difficult.

Eighth - Neptune, fourth

gas giant

In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.

Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,

In the darkness they pass the time in a duet Mercury

6 slide - artificial satellites Earth. These are automatic ships that are launched by missiles at orbit Earth. Tell right or left to be first satellite land? First satellite was launched in 1957 in Russia. Aircraft weighed 83.6 kilograms, had the shape of a ball and flew for 92 days, making 1440 revolutions around the Earth.

7 slide- A riddle for you. Miracle - a scarlet tail bird, flew into a flock stars?

8 slide- August 19, 1960 - the first ever orbital flight in space living beings with a successful return to Earth. What animals have been in space? Dogs made the flight Squirrel And Arrow. Doggy Laike, who was the first to travel in space erected a monument.

9 slide- And who flies in space on rockets? Solve the riddle.

10 slide- name first cosmonaut land?

11 slide- What is the name of rocket, on which Gagarin made its first flight.

12 slide- Who from astronauts was the first person to go into outer space?

13 slide- Satellites in outer space are used to transmit telephone conversations, television programs, weather information around the world. By signals satellite The captain determines where the ship will sail. They help to study Earth, sun, planets, stars.

14 slide - on the slide you see pictures that relate to the space theme. Find the picture that is redundant.

15 slide Now answer my questions. So our journey came to an end, it's time to return to kindergarten. We start counting 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. start!

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  • Prepared and conducted
  • Shaveleva Olga Alexandrovna,
  • primary school teacher Podozerskaya high school Ivanovo region Komsomolsky district
  • Since ancient times, the mysterious world of planets and stars has attracted the attention of people, attracted them with its mystery and beauty.
  • Astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one rotation around its axis per year.
  • “Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, at first it will timidly penetrate beyond the limits of the atmosphere, and then it will conquer all the circumsolar space.”
  • Tsiolkovsky K.E.
  • And now ... Start! The rocket rises up, leaving the cosmic harbor of the Universe - Baikonur.
  • TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich (1857-1935), Russian scientist and inventor, founder of modern cosmonautics. As a child, he almost completely lost his hearing and studied independently from the age of 14; in 1879 he passed the exam for the title of teacher as an external student, he taught physics and mathematics all his life.
  • KOROLEV Sergey Pavlovich (1906/07-1966), Russian scientist and designer. Under the leadership of Korolyov, rockets, the first artificial satellites of the Earth, the Vostok and Voskhod spacecraft were created, on which for the first time in history a man's space flight and man's exit into space were made.
  • October 4, 1957 - the beginning of the space age - the first artificial Earth satellite (PS-1) was launched.
  • November 3, 1957 - the second artificial satellite was launched, in its cabin there was a dog Laika, equipped with everything necessary for life.
  • The self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon is the "Lunokhod" - an automatic or controlled device for working and moving on the surface of the Moon.
  • On September 12, 1959, Luna-2, an automatic station, reached the surface of the Moon, the Earth-Luna route was laid for the first time.
  • On August 20, 1960, a spacecraft was launched,
  • on board - the dogs Strelka and Belka.
  • Animals were in such a capsule during the flights of the first satellite ships.
  • February 12, 1961 - "Venus-1", a spacecraft, and then "Mars".
  • April 12, 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin.
  • GAGARIN Yuri Alekseevich (1934-68), Russian cosmonaut, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1961), flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. Participated in the education and training of cosmonaut crews. Killed during a training flight on an airplane.
  • "East"
  • Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
  • How he swept through people's hearts!
  • It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,
  • Shocked by his own victory.
  • What he thundered with universal music,
  • That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,
  • When the unknown son of the Smolensk land
  • Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
  • Resident of the Earth, heroic this fellow
  • In his cosmic vessel,
  • In a circular, forever unprecedented,
  • In the abyss of the sky waved over her ...
  • (Alexander Tvardovsky)
  • Having made a complete revolution around the planet on the ship in 108 minutes, Gagarin returned safely to Earth on the same day.
  • There was no end to the rejoicing of the people. They took this event as a joyful holiday.
  • April 12, 1961 on the streets of Moscow. The first manned flight into space became a true holiday for the entire Soviet people.
  • Moscow solemnly welcomed the first conqueror of the Universe.
  • Distant nebulae clubbing,
  • All extraordinary beauty
  • The universe is looking at you
  • And you looked into the face of the universe.
  • From coal-cold blackness,
  • From milky blizzards
  • To the human warmed were
  • Soviet man, you're back
  • Not gray from stardust.
  • And the motherland welcomes you,
  • And humanity stands and applauds,
  • And the back of the rebellious hump,
  • The universe bowed its shoulders to you.
  • (Stepan Shchipachev).
  • First people on the moon. Who are they? Neil Armstrong is the first person to walk on the moon. Edwin Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon.
  • Of the 40,000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is a real feat. A feat scientific, technical, organizational, but above all - purely human.
  • Sculptural portrait of Yu.A. Gagarin in Kaluga. Monument to the founder of cosmonautics K.E. Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.
  • The Cosmonauts Alley complex was opened on October 4, 1967 in Moscow in honor of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Busts of heroes-cosmonauts were installed on the Alley.
  • since 2006-2008
  • Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2007
  • Gilberg L.A., Eremenko A.A. Cosmonautics of the USSR. Moscow. Engineering. Planet. 1987

slide 2

Space is an infinitely large space around the Earth. In space there are:

slide 3

A star is a huge, hot, luminous ball of gas. The stars themselves glow and illuminate the planets. These are very large celestial bodies.

slide 4

The stars occupy a certain position in the sky. For convenience, people conditionally divide the sky into areas - constellations. Constellations are sections of the starry sky that bear the names of mythical heroes, animals, or objects that they look like.

slide 5

The most famous constellations are Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Dragon, Cygnus, Cassiopeia and the 12 constellations of the zodiac.

slide 6

The sun is also a star. It shines and illuminates the planets.

Slide 7

Planets, like stars, are spherical. They are constantly moving around the sun. Memorize the names of the planets in the solar system. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Slide 8

Planet Earth. It differs from all other planets in that only it has life. The earth is illuminated by the sun. When it is day on the illuminated side of the Earth, it is night on the other side.

Slide 9

The moon is a satellite of the earth and moves around it. The diameter of the moon is almost 4 times smaller than the Earth.

Slide 10

slide 11

Yu.A. Gagarin ascended into space on a single-seat Vostok spacecraft. Then the Voskhod and Soyuz spacecraft were created.

slide 12

Spacecraft in Earth orbit Orbital station "Mir"

slide 13

3 - pressurized cabin of astronauts From here, astronauts control the ship, communicate with the Earth by radio.

Slide 14

In the spacecraft, food is stored in tubes. They are similar to tubes of toothpaste, only larger. They squeeze food out of them.

slide 15

There is also another living compartment on the Soyuz spacecraft. It's called orbital. From their cabin, the cosmonauts get into it through a manhole. Here astronauts rest, conduct scientific experiments. Through the orbital compartment, astronauts can go into outer space.

slide 16

orbital compartment entrance hatch rest area cosmonaut's cabin cosmonaut's workplace instrument and assembly compartment solar panels

Slide 17

To free the astronauts from unnecessary work, the ship is sometimes controlled by radio from the Earth from the Mission Control Center.

Slide 18

The orbital compartment and the compartment with instruments burn up in the atmosphere. The sealed compartment with astronauts continues its descent to Earth. At an altitude of several kilometers from the Earth, a parachute opens. Thus, the flight into space is completed.

Slide 19

Behind the countless flock, a tired shepherd walked at night. And when the rooster crowed, the sheep and the shepherd disappeared. I offer riddles to everyone. But think, guys! And give me an answer To a space secret: He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He does not fly a plane, But a huge rocket, Children, who, tell me, is it? This bird has no wings, But one cannot help but marvel: The bird will only spread its tail, And rise to the stars. In the blue village The girl has a red face. She can't sleep at night - She looks in the mirror. Sparks burn the sky, But they do not reach us. A painter without brushes walks across the sky. With brown paint He paints people.

Slide 20

S O L N C E Z ​​V E Z D A P P A N E T A M A R S P L U T O N L U N A K O S M O S M

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