
DIY networks - building stores for "self-taught. DIY - retail and modern trade trends DIY products

The name of the DIY format (or D.I.Y.) is an abbreviation of the famous English expression Do It Yourself, that is, “Do it yourself”. This format appeared in the economy of Western countries in the 50-60s of the last century.

Initially, the category "Do it yourself" included all those activities that a person did on their own, most often at home. For example, do-it-yourself furniture, various interior design elements, and so on.

Today, DIY chains most often mean construction hypermarkets that offer the widest range of products - from dry mixes, concrete and plywood to plumbing, lamps and various items for home improvement and decoration, that is, everything that will help a person independently or with the help of professionals to carry out repair in the apartment and equip your home.


The ancestors of DIY building supermarkets can be called small hardware stores where residents of nearby neighborhoods bought nails, metal utensils, kitchen utensils and other handicrafts. It was possible to meet such shops, where the artisan himself often remained the only seller, in Europe, and in the USA and in the Russian Empire.

The first construction supermarkets appeared in the United States, Great Britain and other European countries in the 1950s. In general, the construction boom began in European countries immediately after the Second World War, when the demand for materials and interior items was higher than ever. Long time major retail stores that could fully satisfy the demand of buyers did not exist and DIY stores became true pioneers in this area.

In the Soviet Union, the DIY format was more popular than anywhere else, since the lack of a choice of goods in stores that could satisfy demand forced citizens to independently resolve issues with the arrangement of an apartment or house. The popularity of the format also contributed to the wide circulation of such circles and magazines as "Young Technician" and so on. But the construction stores themselves, which can be classified as DIY, appeared in Russia already in the 90s.

And although this format for Russia and other CIS countries is a fairly new phenomenon and began to develop actively only a little over ten years ago, today the DIY chain is already represented in our country by numerous large hypermarket chains, in which each customer can choose everything necessary for repair and improvement. at home.

Western companies became pioneers in the Russian market of hardware stores, which began to actively conquer new market. The most widespread, large networks include: OBI, Leroy Merlin, K-Rauta, Castorama and Home Center.

Russian hypermarket chains are, first of all, Vimos, Metrika, SuperStroy, Domocentr, Stroylandiya, Domovoy, Maksidom and others. It should be noted that almost every Russian region has its own construction retail chains.


As mentioned above, a very wide range of goods and products can be attributed to the DIY format, in particular:

  • goods intended for interior decoration and repair work. This includes wallpapers, paints and varnishes, fittings, roofing, drywall, flooring and carpeting, grouts, dry mixes, nails, cement, insulation, adhesives, sealants, solvents and much more;
  • entrance and interior doors;
  • work clothes, gloves, rubber shoes;
  • wood products: panels, lining, plywood and other types of goods;
  • security systems, intercoms and alarm systems;
  • electrical engineering: lighting, light bulbs, cables, transformers and other electrical appliances;
  • water supply systems, including plastic pipes, various valves and so on;
  • tools, manual and electric;
  • furniture - kitchens, tables, chairs and so on;
  • plumbing - bathtubs, sinks, showers, faucets, faucets and the like.

And this is not a complete list of DIY products, in general, DIY products include such a category as goods for the garden and vegetable garden, for example, flower vases, tools for working on the site, even fertilizers and seeds.

Features of the DIY format in Russia

It is worth noting that construction hypermarkets in Western countries are really aimed at ensuring that the buyer can complete the repair on his own with the help of the purchased products. The services of specialists in Europe are quite expensive, therefore, in most hypermarkets, right on the screens installed in the trading floors, visitors are instructed in detail: how to replace the tap on their own, stick wallpaper or equip an open veranda.

In Russia, the format of construction supermarkets could be called Do it for me, that is, “Do it for me”, since large projects such as overhaul At home or the arrangement of the bathroom in our country, more and more often they trust professionals, and the owners of the house themselves only choose materials or interior items.

In addition, experts note that if earlier men were the main category of buyers of hardware stores, now women are increasingly choosing products in the DIY category. Perhaps this is due to the further expansion of the range, which may include dishes, curtains, curtains, vases and other little things that become an interior detail.

Convenient for buyers and profitable for owners, the time-tested DIY format is now becoming more widespread in all regions of Russia, and new supermarkets of well-known chains are opened annually.

DIY, home goods, furniture

E-commerce, online stores

DIY Forum.

change of CEO

New trends in the DIY market


Yana Morozova, site

At the end of 2018, the DIY market grows by 5.5% in monetary terms and reaches the level of the pre-crisis 2014. However, the structure of the market itself is changing: an increasing share of the “pie” falls on the TOP-10 universal DIY chains: in 2015, the share of the tops was 27.3%, and in 2018 - already 40%. How metamorphoses in the economy have changed the industry, said Ivan Fedyakov, general director news agency INFOLine on the DIY Forum.

The largest retailers are also growing in revenue (+17% in 2018) and selling space (+8% in 2018). This distribution of forces is primarily due to the consolidation of the market (such players as K-Rauta, SuperStroy, Metrika and others left, Castorama announced the departure) and the rapid development of the industry leader, Leroy Merlin, which 4 years doubled its market share (from 12.1% in 2015 to 21.4% in 2018) and increased revenue by 20.7% compared to 2017. It accounts for just over half of all new retail space openings in 2018.

By the end of 2019, Leroy Merlin plans to reconcept 50 of the 70 previously opened stores.

We have developed a new concept for our hypermarkets, according to which the store is divided into several functional areas. In the project sales area, you can, for example, create a layout for a kitchen or dressing room. Also there will be zones of inspiration, processing and issuance of client orders, client zones.

Also in 2019, we will open another 19 new stores, including in 6 new cities - in Izhevsk, Vladivostok, Novorossiysk, Vladikavkaz, Belgorod, Ivanovo.

The Leroy Merlin company refused to buy Castorama stores. To be honest, today the departure of Castorama is a DIY Brexit: no one knows how it will play out. It is unlikely that Castorama will be able to sell the entire chain in Russia, selling in parts is not very interesting, since some objects will still remain. And in general, in connection with the change of the CEO of Kingfisher, it is not known whether the company's plans will change in principle.

As for the manufacturers of building and finishing materials, which are direct participants in the market, the INFOLine agency found out what factors are particularly hindering their development today. According to a survey of 700 leading companies in the market, it turned out that the No. 1 problem for manufacturers was an increase in production costs - 65% of companies in the DIY segment think so (15% growth since 2017).

“This is a serious challenge! Suppliers are moaning, because they got into the "scissors": last year, inflation in the industry is more than 10%, and consumer price inflation is much lower than this level. Now we see how this negatively affects the financial performance of companies,” Ivan Fedyakov explained.

Among the factors hindering development, suppliers also noted insufficient demand (39% of respondents), "gray" schemes of competitors (38%), market monopolization (37%), shortage of personnel (25%), high interest rates of banks (20%).

Despite this, suppliers of construction and finishing materials are optimistic in their financial forecasts for 2019: 90% of them said they expect revenue growth, 7% of respondents expect figures similar to 2018, and 2% are less positive and believe that their revenue will shrink.

New trends in the DIY market

Trend 1: The transition of buyers to a lean consumption strategy.

Over the 3 years of the crisis in the Russian economy, consumers have formed new strategy, which the analyst called "lean consumption", - the population has returned to shopping, but behaves exclusively rationally, buys only what is necessary, actively responds to various Special offers and promotions.

“Please note that in Europe the standard of living is much higher than ours, but people there behave rationally, they buy economical goods. This consumer strategy has also come to Russia, we have become somewhat similar to Europeans,” explains Ivan Fedyakov.

This trend needs to be taken into account by DIY market participants in their marketing strategy.

Trend 2. Growth in mortgage lending.

In 2015, the state supported the construction sector with comfortable mortgage rates, so in 2018 the share of mortgage lending in the portfolio of Russian banks increased by 2.5 times compared to 2014.

Despite the seemingly difficult situation in the economy and the wallets of buyers, in 2017 a record was set in terms of the number of loans issued and their amounts - the population purchased 1.92 million mortgage apartments in the amount of 2 trillion rubles. In 2018, the Russians more than exceeded these figures with a new record - they purchased 1.47 million apartments on a mortgage in the amount of 3 trillion rubles.

Skeptics argue that the growth in the share of mortgage lending was affected by refinancing, but its level is only about 11% of total mortgage loans. At the same time, the population continued to actively buy housing at the beginning of 2019, which will have a positive impact on the financial performance of DIY market participants.

We thought about why we are doing omnichannel, and realized that at the heart of all this is a person with his troubles and needs. They began to explore the purchase process, its components: selection, consultations, purchase, payment, delivery. It turned out that this is not a linear process. People jump from stage to stage and do it in completely different channels. We realized that our goal is to enable people to carry out all stages of the purchase in a way that is convenient for them. And for this, we developed 8 sales channels, namely: a store, sales offices, consultant managers, a website and an application, a call center and social networks.

But the point is not the number of channels, but the fact that you need to provide customers with an easy transition from one channel to another. This is what we are doing and in this we see the difference between omnichannel and multichannel.

How to measure success in an omnichannel model? In it, all channels should work in synergy. And we also set growth goals for each of the 3 groups of channels (we grouped them).

All this together gives a synergistic effect and allows the growth of Petrovich as a whole - by 30.5% in 2018.

Trend 3. Decline in the average area of ​​apartments in new buildings, but an increase in the area of ​​individual housing construction.

Over the past 10 years, the average area of ​​rented housing in new buildings has decreased by 20% and amounted to 50 square meters. m. An analysis of construction projects shows that the trend towards a decrease in the average area of ​​housing will continue and in the near future it will be 47 square meters. m. Also in Russia is rapidly growing market for small studio apartments with an average area of ​​25 square meters. m, which were not previously relevant for Russia.

A positive trend is observed in the market of individual housing construction - an increase in the average area of ​​\u200b\u200bprivate houses is recorded, while mortgages practically do not work here, people build their own houses exclusively at their own expense.

Trend 4. Growth in the share of apartments with finishing.

Mortgages and changing consumer behavior affect the construction market in terms of housing quality - the share of apartments with finishing is growing. In the Moscow region, the share of apartments with full or partial finishing in 2018 increased by 31% and amounted to 51%, and in the St. Leningrad region by 35% and reached 67% compared to 2012. This changes the sales channels for building and finishing materials.

At the same time, DIY networks do not notice these changes, and this is due to the fact that 91% of people who bought apartments with finishing, partially or completely redid the repair in a new home.

In the course of a survey conducted by Kashirsky Dvor (a market in Moscow), 96% of respondents admitted that the decoration of apartments in a new building does not correspond to the declared one, and 94% of respondents are completely dissatisfied with the quality of repairs from the developer.

“It is not surprising that the market is not changing so much yet: when buying apartments with finishing, people are forced to continue to make repairs. The construction industry is not yet ready to offer consumers a fully finished product,” Ivan Fedyakov explained.

Trend 5. Possible introduction of criteria for the classification of standard housing.

At the beginning of 2018, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Promotion of Housing Construction” and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” .

The document abolishes the concept of "economic class housing", now such housing is officially called "standard".

In 2019, a discussion began on the introduction of a criterion for standard housing with finishing. Perhaps in the near future only housing that includes a certain set of finishing works will be called standard housing.

“They want to consolidate such an initiative at the legislative level, it is supported by the Ministry of Construction, construction companies, banks that are interested in increasing cash flows and the amounts of mortgage loans,” Ivan Fedyakov noted.

Trend 6. Russians intend to improve their living conditions.

The share of Russians who plan to make repairs and purchase housing is growing from year to year. In 2018, 23% of respondents planned to make repairs in the apartment and purchase furniture, 19% of the respondents implemented their plans. 10% of respondents planned to spend money on purchasing residential real estate, but 6% actually purchased it.

“Not everyone who planned to make repairs did it. I believe that this delta is a task for market participants, we need to help the Russians spend money on repairs, they really want it,” Ivan Fedyakov said.

At the same time, in 2019, 26% of Russians are planning repairs, and 10% are planning to buy an apartment or house.

We were lucky: Castorama stores closed in the cities of our presence - in Krasnodar and Omsk. And we see a huge increase in sales in these cities: more than 40% in Omsk in the first quarter.

This suggests that we rebranded in time and formed the right assortment and ended up in the right place at the right time.

The impressive growth at the end of last year without opening new stores also helped us to achieve the active development of the B2B channel and services for customers.

In the future, we again focus on the development of B2B-sentiment and online sales.

In fact, it is very difficult to answer the question of what customers need today. I want to focus on one thing, but it's impossible. Today, everything is important: cleanliness, cafes, assortment, and much more.

Incomes fall but consumption rises

The main changes in the economy were brought by the currency crisis, when in 2015-2016 the RTO level fell by a serious 14.6%. Today, despite Rosstat data on record GDP growth over the past 6 years (2.3% in 2018), buyers are in no hurry to empty store shelves.

There are several reasons for this: real cash income of the population have been demonstrating negative dynamics for 5 years in a row: a decline of 5.8% in 2016, 1.2% in 2017, at the end of 2018, incomes decreased by 0.3%, and the level of RTO is stagnating (in 2018, RTO increased by 2.6%, and according to data for January - February 2019, it fell to 1.8%.

The volume of opened deposits is also stagnating: analysts observe a 9% increase in these indicators at the end of 2018, which approximately corresponds to the level of capitalization of deposits.

The consumer lending sector has somewhat recovered from the “double whammy” in 2015, when banks stopped issuing new loans, and people began to actively close previously received loans. As a result, from the second half of 2017, the average amount of an application for a consumer loan began to grow; at the end of 2018, it increased by an average of 70% compared to 2015.

“This trend is not connected with rising inflation and the need to buy goods more expensive, but with the willingness of the population to buy and consume new goods,” Ivan Fedyakov believes.

The government is trying to stabilize the situation in the economy, but the actions that are being taken (increasing VAT, raising the retirement age, the decision of Rosstat to revise the methodology for calculating real incomes of the population) are not always obvious to the market and rather make it necessary to tighten their belts.

“I would like to believe that the government will find a solution to the problem of increasing the income of the population, because this directly affects the dynamics of the growth of RTO and the production of products,” summed up INFOLine CEO.

The material uses INFOLine research:

  • Calculations according to the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, open data of the Savings Bank of Russia.
  • Survey for assessing the quality of finishing of economy and comfort class apartments in 2018 in the Moscow region.
  • Research of the Moscow region commissioned by Kashirsky Dvor.

Yana Morozova, site

diy, household, research, building materials, finishing materials, leroy merlin, petrovich 2020-02-14 2020-02-14

Per last years many companies are increasingly looking for new ways to develop and try to improve the efficiency of their business in harsh market conditions. Relatively popular is the DIY retail format, which gives customers the right to “independent behavior” on the trading floor and direct access to the product, which allows them to attract more customers to their store and, in some cases, increase sales.

DIY- is an abbreviation of "Do it Yourself" and translated into Russian means "Do it yourself." Initially, the DIY category included all types of activities that a person was engaged in on his own - for example, making furniture with his own hands or some kind of interior design elements.

Today, the DIY retail market (Do it Yourself) is considered one of the most promising markets. International networks billions are invested here only in our country. The most common format here are super- and hypermarkets with a wide range of building products - from dry mixes and paints to plumbing and various items and home decorations that allow any buyer to carry out repairs

Marketing agency Paper Planes identified 4 main trends in the DIY retail market that are taking place today. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Development of private labels (PL)

The economic crisis has greatly changed the opportunities and preferences of buyers, who began to switch to cheaper goods. The “price-quality” indicator came to the fore. Retailers are responding to this trend by offering cheaper private label products. Private label allows you to increase the margins of some categories of goods and reduces the risks from external manufacturers. But it will be beneficial for those goods for which the price has come to the fore. In other cases, customers still value brands and product quality, such as when choosing paint, tools, or sealants.

2. Personalization of the customer journey

Due to the reduction in the flow of customers, in order to retain them and to form their own consumption culture, retail chains are trying to adapt to each specific customer. They introduce new services and services that are designed for both retail customers and the business segment. For example, ordinary buyers can be helped with the move, assess the planned project, they also hold various promotions and introduce a system of discounts. Master classes, lectures, seminars and exhibitions are organized for women. For B2B clients, extended working hours are introduced, cutting and cutting of various materials are carried out, and professional consultants are provided. Increasingly, retailers are trying to find a formula for each specific Client. Offering new opportunities, more and more networks are opening online stores.

3. Narrowly profiled offer

Buyers, in an attempt to save time, are looking for sellers who can quickly offer them just what they ask for. Therefore, retail chains divide their assortment, offering both highly specialized retail for B2B clients and a narrow assortment for B2C, thus covering and providing customers of all categories.

4. Online and offline convergence

Many stores, trying to reduce their costs, deliberately abandon the store-warehouse format. This method is being replaced by new business models, where you can place an order online or by phone and immediately receive it in a warehouse or at a facility. Some networks simply put online terminals in the product lines, where you can place and pay for an order, and you can pick it up when you leave the warehouse or through the delivery system.

In our humble opinion - the view of a company that has lost more than one hundred thousand rubles on the bankruptcy of DIY retailers, survival trends, and for many DIY networks this is precisely a matter of survival, is the convergence of formats - retail expansion due to aggressive wholesale, and wholesale due to aggressive retail. Plus a total rethinking of the service - from logistics to construction services with active sales(The experience of the Abada company can be considered successful here).

All of the aforementioned modern network is obliged to take over. And in the future, to become an ecosystem like the AppStore, Uber and others - for customers and contractors in their region. The closest thing to construction is the experience of the portal, which forms an ecosystem from the side of a service, not a product.

Store format in Russia DIY(Do It Yourself, "Do It Yourself"), appeared quite recently - less than 10 years ago, however, large international network operators are represented in this segment: OBI(18 hypermarkets), Leroy Merlin(17, part of the Adeo group of companies), K-Rauta(12, owned by Kesko Corporation), Castorama(14, part of the Kingfisher group), Home center(4, is part of the Fishman Group).

Operate and Russian companies: Wimos (30), Metrics (30), SuperStroy (28), Domocenter (23), Stroylandia (14), Brownie (12), Maxi house(9) and others. Each region has local players.

In the West, the DIY market was formed under the slogan Do it yourself. The main idea of ​​these stores was that people should not be afraid to do repairs themselves, without resorting to the help of specialists (since their services are very expensive there). All chain communications are aimed at this, especially BTL promotions inside stores: customers are explained in detail how to replace plumbing, carry out other repair work on one's own. In Russia, the cost of repair services is relatively low, large projects are usually carried out by specialists, so it would be more correct to call this market Do it for me.

A classic DIY is a large format store, which, on the one hand, depends on the size of the goods (the goods are large - boards, pipes, plumbing, etc.), and on the other hand, on the operator’s desire to provide the consumer with the opportunity to purchase everything they need in one place - from nails and cement to showers and kitchens. Often such hypermarkets are called "category killers", as they present the widest range of goods for construction, repair and home, which attracts a large number of visitors.

So, Castorama on a total area of ​​more than 11.5 thousand m2 offers more than 35 thousand items of goods, OBI opens stores with a total area of ​​over 12 thousand m2, Leroy Merlin operates in the range of retail space from 8 to 20 thousand m2. hypermarket "Our house"(3 stores, GC "Tashir") for 10 thousand m2 holds about 100 thousand items of goods. "Metrics" has a total area of ​​13.5 thousand m2, the range of goods offered exceeds 50 thousand units, and cabinet furniture and household appliances are sold in this network.

Inside DIY, there are several categories - goods for construction and "draft" repairs (starting from bricks and ending with various types of plaster), for "finishing" finishes (wallpaper, coatings) and home decoration. In different stores, these categories are mixed in different proportions. It is believed that DIY is a network in which purchases are mainly made by men. But experts say that recently there has been a slight shift towards the weaker sex - women began to visit such stores more often. Perhaps because of the departments offering goods for the garden and interior.

Average investment in one leased store, according to the company OBI, is 3-4 million euros. If a retailer builds a building, then the amount of investment increases and can reach approximately 8 million euros. Therefore, it is not surprising that DIY is probably the only segment of Russian retail where there is a clear and strong predominance of Western players. All leading players in the Russian DIY market are Western companies: the market leader is Leroy Merlin, In second place - OBI, following them Castorama, catches up with them Kesko.

Only forward!

The market for household goods and repairs during the acute period of the crisis - in 2009, according to RBC, decreased by 26-28% in dollar terms and by 10% in ruble terms, which is explained not only by the fall in consumer incomes, but also by the reduction in housing construction (-7% in 2009) and mortgage lending (more than 4 times).

For comparison: before the crisis, the DIY market grew by 20-25% annually. However, in 2010 the volume of sales began to gradually recover, although many experts note that the market has not yet returned to pre-crisis levels. Most likely the market will grow, although the pace will not be the same as before the crisis. The trend of market consolidation will continue, while there will be further intensification of competition with foreign chains. Many networks will continue to develop in the regions. The main consumer driver for the development of the DIY market is the trend associated with dacha and suburban construction, a shift in focus towards Soft DIY.

Many players have big plans for 2011. For example network OBI in 2011-2012 plans to open four hypermarkets annually. Priority will be Moscow and the Moscow region. In 2012, the company is considering the possibility of entering Rostov, expansion in Kazan and plans to develop in million-plus cities.

However, he considers Moscow and the Moscow region for preferential development and Castorama, which will open three stores in 2011 (further plans are being specified). A company Leroy Merlin in early February, she already opened a store in Khimki. In April "Home Center" with a retail area of ​​about 9 thousand m2 will open its doors to buyers in the Central District of Moscow. Market leaders will continue to develop quite aggressively, Castorama, apparently, will continue to catch up. Of the Russian networks, the most actively developing now are "Start" and "Metrics". In particular, in early March, a message appeared that the company that manages the hypermarket chain of the same name for home and repair "Start" acquires a chain of supermarkets "Brownie". Until the end of March 2011, the chain's stores will be under the control of CJSC Start.

The decision on regional expansion was made in the company "Metrics". Sites are selected in the cities of the Central and Southern federal districts: in Sochi, Novorossiysk, Belgorod, Voronezh and others. According to the development strategy, the company intends to open one or two outlets per month. In general, the DIY market is becoming increasingly competitive. And Russian regional networks have now begun to feel this especially. In their region, local networks are accustomed to "press" competitors in price and scale: "we are the largest in the region, we have the best assortment and price". And in other regions this is no longer enough - they have their own local leaders. Need to stand out. The new trend will be to look for a certain face of their own in these networks. We can already observe this process in Retaility projects, regional DIY chains are increasingly coming up with this problem.

Another trend is the emergence of new store formats. In particular, the network OBI in the Moscow shopping center "Filion" opened an unusually small point - trading area about 4.5 thousand m2. Respectively "corrected" a range of 28,000 positions dominated by decoration and decoration products with ready-made solutions for decor and home design. Castorama I started with large hypermarkets for 8-10 thousand m2. Last year, she tried to bring out a small format in order to actively promote in cities near Moscow. "K-Rauta" goes in a smaller format, compared to the bulk of the networks, and to smaller cities (with a population of 300-500 thousand) - and they feel confident enough and become one of the market leaders.

In assortment

In the flooring segment, DIY hypermarkets offer a comprehensive range of hard flooring (laminate, solid board, parquet board, Cork board), soft floor coverings (linoleum, carpets, PVC tiles, carpets, rugs, rugs, decorative and utilitarian rugs, dirt and door mats, as well as accessories for flooring, styling products, styling tools, adhesives and sealants , repair and care products.Accordingly, they have hundreds of suppliers in this segment alone.

For example, "Home Center" cooperates with almost all major dealers supplying Russian market. Tarkett, Balterio, Klassen, Kronostar and Kronospan laminate and parquet boards are widely represented. In Moscow stores - more than 120 laminate decors to order. The offer for DIY must meet certain price specifics. The larger the area of ​​the store, the more it is oriented towards a mass audience, which means that price positioning becomes more important for it. Whatever product we take - parquet, tile or linoleum - goods are sold here in price gradations from average and below, expensive goods you can't buy it in DIY. This is an important specificity of DIY stores. The main requirements that networks impose on suppliers are a competitive price, uninterrupted supply (the goods must be available from the supplier) and a deferred payment equal to the product turnover.

Market in Europe DIY (do it yourself - "do it yourself") almost completely divided between retail chains. According to experts, the Russian home goods market is growing by 15-20% per year and is now about $ 7 billion. Despite the fact that today the main alternative to hypermarkets is construction markets, which account for 85% of the DIY goods market, as serious competitors networks do not consider them. Experts have no doubt that the share of unorganized retail will decline, the only question is who will go to its audience.

In 2007 the market volume retail home and repair goods amounted to more than $14 billion in Russia and $3.5 billion in Moscow.

The situation in Russian retail market goods for repair and construction is steadily developing in favor of network retail.

The coverage area is being expanded by both international and domestic networks. At the same time, the largest number of sales is still observed in the construction markets, which now own approximately 80-90% of the volume of the entire construction retail. Accordingly, the turnover of all other (civilized) formats - single stores, chain stores and hypermarkets - is only 10-20%.
In the course of a study conducted by the ABARUS Market Research agency, 13 networks were identified federal scale(4 of which are international players) and 32 largest networks regional scale. So far, in terms of the number of stores opened in Russia, domestic chains are leading: Starik Khottabych, Superstroy, Domocenter and Chudodom (each chain had more than 20 stores at the beginning of 2008). However, Western players are pushing Russian ones with more impressive scale and turnover.

According to forecasts, the sharpest struggle in the future will unfold in the DIY hypermarket format, since most foreign retailers work in it. The DIY hypermarket, although currently not the most common format in Russia, nevertheless has the best market prospects. Companies that occupy leading positions in the domestic market tend to this type of trade.

It is obvious that small independent retail players are not able to compete with chains neither in prices nor in breadth of assortment, but they have at least two competitive advantages. The first advantage is just the size (the ability to compactly "wedge" into an area that is not capable of producing large revolutions). And the second can be a special assortment line and its own approach to the buyer.
In 2008, about thirty specialized stores owned by federal chains were closed in Russia, while federal specialized chains opened 60 new outlets. Universal chains, due to the fact that they operate in larger formats, are less maneuverable - the reduction affected them to a lesser extent; since 2007, only one universal store belonging to the federal chain has closed.

By 2009, more than 3,200 chain stores operate in the country. According to a study by the RBC Consulting Department “Russian retail chains selling building materials and Home Goods (DIY)”, among the federal districts, the Central Federal District is the leader in terms of the number of chain stores (more than 800 stores with a general and special assortment, more than half of which are located in Moscow and the Moscow region).

In terms of the number of stores per 100,000 inhabitants, the first place is taken by the North-Western Federal District, where there are 3.4 chain stores per 100,000 people. In the last position is the Southern Federal District: there are 1.1 stores per 100,000 inhabitants.

Approximate positions on foreign DIU networks (infa changes).
2. Leroy Merlin
3. Castorama
4. K-Rauta
In 2010, the German operator OBI opened three stores - in Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar and Moscow. At the same time, the store in Yekaterinburg became the second chain store in this city, and the store in Moscow became an example of the new OBI concept - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis store is much smaller compared to existing OBI stores (more than 10 thousand m2) and is only 4.5 thousand m2 . As of the end of 2010, OBI operates 17 stores in Russia

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