
Class mottos. Mottos for senior, middle and junior school grades. Graduation for high school students (to help the hosts of the holidays) Graduation from Lyudmila Miroshnichenko

Prom- a unique holiday: touching, cheerful, solemn and noisy, this is a holiday where everyone, one way or another, is the heroes of the occasion: the graduates themselves, their parents, and the teachers present. So, in entertainment program of such a holiday, there must be numbers that unite everyone, make it possible to show surging emotions and just make some noise and have fun with pleasure. And then the games at the table and role-playing tales are simply irreplaceable.

The proposed party chants for prom very different: funny, lyrical and playful - written and selected specifically for this holiday, choose according to your situation and program. Thanks to the authors!

1. Table chant "Graduates twentieth of the year"

In this drinking chant the presenter explains that he reads out three lines, and the graduates in chorus the fourth line: "Graduates of the twentieth of the year"


Today the girls are super beauties!

Boys are elegant - everyone likes it too!

Let youth fashion be equal to us,

Because we…

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


Hooray! School exams are a thing of the past.

Thanks to the teachers, because they tried so hard!

Today we will walk until sunrise -

They cannot do otherwise ...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


There is a reason to remember the first time

With my mother, we came to the first grade by the hand.

We learned so much here: about the world and nature,

And today we ...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!


Parents are glad, they do not believe that the children grew up like that,

Thank you, dear ones, you are the best on this planet!

We will be happy always and in any weather -

You will not be let down ...

Graduates: Graduates of the twentieth year!

2. Table chant - "Big Break" noisemaker

This is a small one at the table, which is attended by all guests. In the course of the presenter's pronunciation of the text, the guests need to react in time and amicably publish their sound at a certain word. It is better to conditionally divide the guests into three sectors and entrust them with the following noise accompaniment (if necessary, the presenter can give signals to the sectors):

With the word CALL, the first sector - Vika knocks on glasses and glasses;

BIG CHANGE second sector - claps his hands together;

DETVORA (children's) third sector - stomps his feet.


The school timetable is the best time -

Only the CALL will have time to ring it

And then the stomp of CHILDREN'S feet is heard:

They run to the dining room, meet the cooks,

BIG CHANGE - CHEAP is happy for her!

We must run into the yard, eat porridge and pie,

Until the CALL has rung for lesson,

Call a friend and finish the game,

I will save a BIG CHANGE in my heart!

Alas, it is not eternal and the CALL is ringing again.

And again there is the stamping of CHILDREN'S feet ...

But now the CALL of the last one comes,

And the CHILD leaves the school yard.

And everyone has a BIG CHANGE ahead,

And now it is imperative to congratulate them! (Toast)

3. Chant from parents at the prom.

Leading: Graduates - when I give the signal: raise my hand up, you shout in unison to the rhythm of the chorus of many of the favorite Queen song "We well, we well rock you" (vi led, vi led rock yu): " Let's remember the school! "

If the presenter or one of the parents arranging congratulations , have vocal abilities, then it can be completely done under the backing track of this song, then it will turn out especially effectively ..


You are going to the prom ball,

Adult life awaits you.

Studied together for eleven years

Beloved school, friendly greetings:

Graduates: Let's remember the school! (2 times)


Childhood has passed, have grown up,

Have you chosen your goals? Go bold!

Thank you shout out to the teachers

And carefree school years!

Graduates: Let's remember the school! (2 times)


The teachers sigh slowly:

The disciples leave, they grow up.

New children will come to school again

Well, for you - changes are coming !!

Graduates: Let's remember the school! (2 times)


Another parental advice to you:

Loyalty and honor are the secret of success!

Do not forget your school friends

Now do not hide your joy!

Graduates: Let's remember the school! (2 times)

4. Table chant - answering "Yes, no" on prom.

9. Board game - chant with balls.

This is a table game that all guests can take part in (thanks to for the idea). The game is fun, uniting everyone and very bright (everyone is given a ball). Graduates receive red balloons, parents - green balloons, teachers - yellow balloons. And the presenter holds balls of all three colors in his hands and "conducts the audience": he raises a green ball - parents say their own remark, etc., when he picks up three balls at once - everyone shouts: "Hurray!" and waving balls. The phrases on the cards can be distributed, or you can pre-rehearse with each group to remember.

Characters and phrases:

- Alumni team: ;

- Parents team: ;

- Teacher team: ;

- All guests:"Hooray!"


Leading: And then he came a magical prom.

Overflowing fun - dance, play and sing!

And loudly at the table we shout such a toast (picks up a red ball)

Graduates(waving red balls):"Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!"

Leading: Graduates, parents and all teachers

They shout with happiness amicable and loud (picks up three balls)

Everything ): "Hooray!"

Leading: After all, the graduation holiday is a sheer delight (upward yellow ball)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):"How sweet, sweet, delicious jam!"

Leading: Guys, have fun - this is our valuable advice! (green ball up)

Parents(waving green balls):"After all, once in life there is a dawn of youth!"

Leading: Advice to parents, to lose 20 years old,

And to become young again, to discard doubts.

Let us rise, mothers, fathers - you are young at heart! (raises the red ball up)

Graduates(waving red balls):"Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!"

Leading: And teachers too, remember the best moments (picks up a yellow ball)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):"How sweet, sweet, delicious jam!"

Leading: So that everyone has youth now, like a rainbow,

Merry (picks up three balls) -

Everything (shout in chorus and wave balls): "Hooray!"

Leading: ... the company shouted.

Leading: May a bouquet await every graduate of good luck, (picks up a green ball)

Parents(waving green balls):"After all, once in life there is a dawn of youth!"

Leading: At the festive table, communication is so joyful (picks up a yellow ball)

Teachers (waving yellow balls):"How sweet, sweet, delicious jam!"

Leading: Everyone deserved the holiday - everyone is happy with themselves (picks up a red ball)

Graduates(waving red balls):"Long live our holiday, wonderful graduation!"

Leading: And most importantly, friends, it's time to proclaim

That the graduation ceremony will take place here, of course. . (picks up three balls)

Everything (shouting in chorus and waving balls):"Hooray!"

10. Table chant "High school graduation"

All the words belong to the presenter and only at the end of each quatrain, the guests shout in chorus: "Graduation"


Summer! It's time to leave school!

Our native class is on the doorstep

All because, we have ...

Guests: High school graduation!


You will agree, of course, with me

A wonderful holiday, we have ...

Guests: High school graduation!


Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

Today is not an easy day

Cool holiday….

Guests: High school graduation!


11. Chant"Long live Issue 20 ..!"

Leading: Spring! And it's time to leave school!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: There is no need to be afraid of exams!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: I want to jump, joke and laugh!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: There will be songs and dances all night tonight!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: Parents can't wait for you today!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: I would like to join hands together!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

Leading: Leading. Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

Everything: Long live issue 20 ..!

12. Table chant - congratulations on roles "Farewell to our school!"

"Recipe" for the holiday advertising - 9%. table with treats - 10%, colorful decoration - 12%, light effects and fireworks - 4%. music - 12%. odors - 3%. festive outfits - 5%. festive gala program - 20% gifts and surprises -16%, pleasant guests - 9%. Total-100%.

Dear teachers and students of the school! Our friendly and cheerful class invites you to the holiday. There will be music and laughter and an attitude of success. The scent of flowers, and a chorus of discordant voices. And eyes wet with tears - everything has its own time, its own time. Go ahead, graduate! Go! You are full of strength, hope, love! And you come to visit us - share our joy! Holiday " Last call»Will take place on May 25, 2012 at 12 o'clock in the assembly hall of our school. We are looking forward to all of you! Students of grade 11 "A"

Dear _____________________________! The day of the "Last Call" is just around the corner, And we would like to meet this day together with you! We will wait madly for your arrival, To celebrate our holiday very noisily! The "Last Bell" holiday will take place on May 25, 2012 at 12 o'clock in the assembly hall of our school. We are looking forward to seeing you! Students of grade 11 "A"

Musical arrangement of the holiday In the morning at school, songs dedicated to the Last Bell should sound to create a festive atmosphere and a special mood for all participants educational process... You can prepare a radio program "Favorite songs of graduates", and play all the changes with music with dedications: "And now the favorite song of Oksana Bondareva will sound" "Plague spring" performed by Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh.

Options for the presentation (presentation) of graduates. They can do it themselves, or maybe a surprise for them. In one of the recreations on the wall, you can organize an exhibition of flowers (flowers-associations) The originality of this idea lies in the fact that the flowers of this exhibition should be flowers-associations. Each person can be compared to a flower. You can even create a flower arrangement that the viewer would associate with one or another graduate. The name of such a composition would be the name and surname of the graduate. From such "personalized" flowers or bouquets-dedication, bouquets-associations and should consist of a flower bed

An exhibition of the "favorite" books of graduates can be organized near the library. there are those books that at one time were not handed over to the library on time. Next to each book, you can indicate the name of the graduate reader and the period that this book was in his use (it is assumed that all this time he read and reread it). Above the exhibition, you can place a banner with an appeal: "Guys, read these books, and you will become the same as our graduates!"

To publish a wall newspaper “What will be written about them in the press in 10 years”, where, under the portraits or caricatures of graduates, place “information from the future”, that is, from “future” newspaper notes, reports about current graduates. Such information is produced by cutting out headings or entire paragraphs from today's newspapers. These newspaper clippings are compiled into a single text.

Alumni decorate the Alumni Museum. Such a museum can occupy a whole recreation, a hall or an office. And in showcases, on demonstration tables and stands, exhibits can be located that tell about the history of the class, about the hobbies, affections and achievements of individual students.

10 possible expositions from this museum: 1. "Favorite toys of our childhood." 2. "Our Life Handwriting" (notebooks on the Russian language with samples of handwriting). 3. “We can do this” (products made by the hands of graduates). 4. "Our Way" (the story of the class in photographs). 5. “It gave us the strength to learn, work, love” (samples of our favorite culinary dishes). 6. “Our footprint in history” (shoe prints). 7. “Those we looked up to” (photos of idols). 8. “Each of us had our own smell” (samples of our favorite perfumery and cosmetic products). 9. "Everyone's hobby is in the common hobby box" (information about hobbies, confirmed by photographs). 10. "Our records are in theirs Guinness Book" (comic information about fictitious records).

In one of the recreations of the school, you can arrange the "Avenue of Stars". Stars are attached to which you can place a photo of the student, and below you can place information about the student's achievements over the years of schooling. Those who have few or no achievements can use a comic form.

You can show a movie about a class in school hallways from morning until the start of the holiday (to create a festive atmosphere). Necessary equipment: premises (best of all, the foyer of one of the floors of the school), multimedia projector, screen, laptop. Staffing: 1-2 high school students

The main stages of the solemn ruler taking out the banner of the school, the speech of the school director. reading poetry, chanting parting slogans in classes, speech by the class teacher, speech by a representative of graduates, presenting gifts to school by graduates, singing a song by graduates, speech by the first teacher. handing flowers to the first teacher, addressing graduates to teachers. presentation of flowers to teachers, dance composition, speech of a representative of the parental community, speech of a representative of the teaching staff. reading poetry by first graders, the word of the school director, presenting gifts to graduates from the school, a reciprocal word of gratitude from graduates. the ritual of the last bell, the ritual of releasing a balloon with children's toys into the sky - a symbol of farewell to childhood, massive applause from students, teachers and parents. reading poetry, taking out the banner, announcing the end of the line.

"Chips" on the "Last Call" During one of the lessons, you can make a collage "I dream ...". To do this, you need to take sheets of A3 format, decorated in the same style and, using newspaper and magazine clippings, make up a picture of your dreams. Then combine the sheets of all graduates into a single book "Our Dreams" and give it to the class teacher. You can watch it at the alumni meeting in a few years. On the day of the Last Bell, you can combine these sheets into a montage "Our Dreams" on the school wall, and only then collect them into a book.

"Chips" at the "Last Call" Demonstration of a film made by graduates. "Our interview" (questions - to graduates, teachers) "Flash mob" on the last bell Scene "The President's visit" Live with a famous character Teleconference (two correspondents. teachers)

Scene "The President's Visit" Attention! Attention! The President of Russia came to greet our graduates. To the theme of the Matrix movie, the President appears with two security guards. President: Good afternoon! I will be long. Dear teachers, graduates, parents, guests! On my own behalf and on behalf of the Government of Russia, let me cordially congratulate you on this holiday! Reporter 2: Sorry for the indiscreet question ... Why did you choose ours from all the schools? President: The question is clear. I answer. In connection with the modernization Russian education I signed a decree stating that your school will not participate in this process. Reporter 1: Why is that? President: You know the proverb: "To teach smart, only to spoil." Talented teachers, smart children, understanding administration - what else do you need? Yes, here's another thing ... (addresses the director) I brought you an application, will you endorse? Reporter 2: What's the statement? President: I'm reading it. Due to the fact that my presidency will expire in 2018, please reserve one place for me as a German teacher. The future teacher of the German language V.V. Putin. Thank you all and good luck, especially the foreign language teachers.

Variants of the response of the graduates at the holiday; editing of poems and dedicatory songs; demonstration of a video film about the class. (You can perform the song of Y. Izofilova "11 school years" by yourself, and show a film about the class on the screen). making the hall of rhymed riddles in which the last word- the surname of one of the graduates a solemn ode or hymn to teachers comic couplets about oneself dossier on teachers awards ceremony for teachers by nominations

The natures are multifaceted, contradictory, multi-textured. They always bravely take on something that they have never done before. They clearly perform tasks, it is not clear by whom, when and why assigned. Contribute to the dissemination a new tale"Baba EGE". We are sure: "Who goes to school in the morning - he goes to universities" Dossier on the head teacher of the school 17

The dossier on the headmaster The character is persistent, warlike. Intuition is highly developed (if it is possible to "catch" someone on something unseemly, he will surely catch it). The school is in several places at the same time. It is better for her to speak the truth on the phone. In a calm state until 7.30 am and after At this time, she is soft and responsive. Dossier on chemistry teachers Having learned the secrets of alchemy, the rules of electron marriage, he likes to constantly change the places of students in the class, so that they, in turn, correctly react with objects.

Dossier on teachers of Russian language and literature. Natures are intelligent, aesthetically developed. They even read what no one had read before them, except for the author. They even thought out what the poets didn’t. Show courage and heroism when reading school essays. They like to quote the classics. For example: "Everyone is free, and you Stirlitz-Larin, I will ask you to stay" Dossier on biology teachers Is able to convince students that not every monkey can become a man, that not everything that flies is a bird, but the seed sown should give fruit ... Dossier on history teachers They know how to win in all school battles and local revolutions. They can offer staunch resistance to the masses of opposition-minded students with one phrase: "To arrange problems?"

Dossier on mathematics teachers Natures are consistent, strong-willed, who managed to hammer integrals, derivatives, cosines and sines into the heads of graduates without spoiling its form. They know how to clearly formulate tasks: "I got up, turned around, left, eagle." The natures are logical, they conduct the following monologues: - Has anyone done your homework in mathematics? - Has anyone tried to do your math homework? - Okay, let's do something else. The dossier on the MHC teachers will not only teach you to see the beauty of the world, but also to distinguish Hegel from Babel, Kant from cantata, and Feuerbach from Bach. Dossier on foreign language teachers The character is friendly, peaceful. Thanks to their efforts, we speak not only Russian, English, German, but ... in other lessons as well.

Dossier on physics teachers With the chaotic movement of students and their variable resistance to action by reaction, he knows how to simply and easily explain the most challenging tasks, for example: - Sit down. Two. -Why? -In physics... Or: - Leave the class. -Why? -According to the floor. Dossier on teachers physical culture They develop the skills of fast running along the sliding parquet of the corridor, as well as the skills of high jumps followed by landing without a mat.

Nominations for the "Ovation" ("Golden Pointer") award to teachers "I would have learned Russian just for what you taught us" (Russian language teacher) "Knowledge of Ohm's Law does not exempt one from responsibility" (physics teacher) "I remember a wonderful moment ... "(teacher of literature)" Music connected us "(music teacher)" With Mendeleev on a short leg "," Chemistry of blondes gave us "(chemistry teacher)" Oh, sport, I love you, but with a strange love "(physical education teacher) "The best tour operators" (teacher of geography) "Not by labor alone a man is alive, but by labor of serving" (teacher of technology) "Malevich is just resting" (teacher of fine arts) "Infinity further" (teacher of mathematics) "We also know the queen and with Prince Charles we on "you" (teacher of English language( teacher primary grades) « Better than mom ours is not there "(class teacher)" Putin himself is not a decree "(director)" Everything is in order, everything is fine, certification passed "(head teacher)" Without you, we hardly survived at school "(cook)" Who does not know aunt Shuru "(watchman, technician)" Books are our friends, drugs are our enemies "(librarian)" Only they know what's inside ... "(biology teacher)" Chanel number ____ "(French teacher)

Commemorative gifts Commemorative gifts are called so because they are presented in memory of the one who gave them. Their purpose is not to satisfy everyday needs or to serve as a source of pride. Their purpose is to evoke in people bright, warm, tender memories of that. that "there were people in our time."

Memorable gifts Beautifully designed folder, which contains best works graduates in the subject of the teacher: essays, tests, essays, etc. Photocopies of diplomas can be attached. Album with friendly cartoons from all graduates and their autographs. A video made in the last month of study. Take potted potted flowers in the greenhouse. And give all the teachers a pot, let them look after. And at the same time, we can say: these flowers will live as long as you remember us. Memorable gifts need explanation and commentary. Therefore, you should prepare a speech and in it beautifully and figuratively tell about the meaning, meaning, role of what will be awarded. It is not for nothing that folk wisdom claims that sometimes it is not the gift itself that is important, but the ability to present it.

Symbolic gifts Such gifts also have a monetary value, but very little. Such gifts are also given as a keepsake, but they are not associated with any specific people and events. Holiday symbol The last bell is a small bell. The symbol of the memory of the graduates is an elegant book for addresses and telephone numbers. The symbol of the memory of the class is a toy mascot. Symbolic gifts, like commemorative gifts, need an explanation. Without accompanying words, they are not symbols at all, but modest trinkets. In order for others to guess that these are not just figures or toys, but a symbol of something, you need to publicly declare this. And for this it is necessary to prepare an explanatory speech in advance, and the more heartfelt pathos in it, the better.

Comic gifts The purpose of such gifts is to make you smile. Therefore, on this day, you can and should joke, including with the help of gifts. Scrapbook sheet with fingerprints, ears, noses of favorite students and an indication of whose body part belongs to, Handkerchief for blotting tears in a moment of sadness for the departed students. It is unacceptable that joke gifts be the only ones on this day: they should be considered as a fun addition to gifts of other categories, and nothing more. comic gifts need a comic comment. The wordless giving of such gifts is complete nonsense. Moreover, the words should account for a large, main part of the joke, and gifts should only be material and visual confirmation of what has been said.

Personal gifts These gifts exist in a single copy and are intended to be presented to one, specific person. Such gifts are most consonant with the definition of the holiday. Therefore, if on the day of the Last Call each teacher receives as a gift not the same as everyone else, but something individually special, specially chosen and acquired for him, and even corresponding to his explicit and secret aspirations, then he, rather everything, will be touched by attention and, perhaps, even - happy. Of course, preparing personalized gifts takes significantly more time and effort than any other. After all, you need to remember what each teacher is fond of, what are his life priorities, suggest what he might like, ask people close to him.

Possible options comic gifts for graduates Take potted potted flowers in the greenhouse. And give all graduates a pot, let them look after. And at the same time, we can say: these flowers will live as long as you remember about the school. It is possible for graduates to collect a folder with notebooks, test books, various essays (as in kindergarten for graduation). Let them remember later. You can donate a newspaper - for the date when the Last Call will be. Let them in many years remember what was going on in the world on the day they graduated from school. You can donate a copper nickel each. To put them under the heel when they go to the exam. Or a whole list will take: what needs to be done to get a lucky ticket. The best gifts are personal. You can make beautiful medals with the inscriptions: "The most important truant". To the most fashionable girl. "The best volleyball player." "The most knowledgeable physicist." Put your surname and first name on them and hand them over personally. You can donate an empty bottle, cork it. And attach a sticker: "The air of the native school."

Dear Colleagues! If you are interested in the proposed recommendations, but you need explanations or methodological support to them (scripts, music, footage, photographs "Possible room design options, etc.), please contact the Information and Methodological Department of the MOU DOD" GDTDiM ", office. 204, tel. We will be glad to cooperate with you!

School years go by very quickly. It would seem that yesterday's first-graders have become graduates today. We offer you a selection of funny prom statuses that will help you get through these exciting moments and cheer you up. We have also selected for you the parting words of great people who have achieved a lot in life. Let them help all graduates confidently take a step into adult life and make the right decision.

The prom night opens the way to adulthood. This is the time when you have to choose future profession perhaps leave the parental home and start an independent life. Ahead are entrance exams, mastering a profession, new acquaintances and new opportunities.

Every year the school graduates its students, everyone travels to different cities, each of them begins his own life. But, be that as it may, the school doors will always be open for every graduate. The school will forever remain the second home, where everyone gains knowledge, makes friends. In order to once again plunge into the carefree atmosphere of school years and find out how classmates are doing, there are alumni meetings. Some go to them to show off their achievements, others sincerely miss their school friends.

A higher education institution is another place where a person spends best years his life, learns to independently make decisions and be responsible for their actions. Graduation at a university is no less significant event, because after training, workdays await, and besides, again you have to part with people who have already become so close. only after training do you realize that tests, exams and tests are sheer trifles compared to the tests that life has prepared.


We are grown up now
We cannot return our childhood.
School opened the door for us
And she showed the way. (S. Mikhalkov)

Graduation is the beginning of adulthood.

A completely uneducated person can only rob a freight car, while a university graduate can steal railroad. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Schools graduate everyone, universities graduate the best ...

Thank you teachers
Because the earth is round,
For Troy and for Carthage,
For benzochloropropylene,
For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,
For your kind words,
Those that we now keep in ourselves.
We THANK you for everything!

We owe school knowledge only to teachers.

In the morning sky, colored by the sun's rays, a small blue ball flew - their common dream. (E. The Tale of the Graduation Ball)

Balloons are a dream that graduates send to heaven.

Graduation is like an Olympics - you wait four years, and three people are having fun while the rest are crying over broken hopes. (From the movie Graduation)

At university 4, and at school - all 11 ...)

It was a dress rehearsal of the future first ball, which most of them will never have, a false promise of the upcoming continuous celebration of life, which will also not be, parting with school, which was a joyful event for everyone without exception, but on this day it was painted with fake romantic colors. (L. Ulitskaya, book Green Tent)

At the prom, everyone only talks about a bright future, but no one warns about the upcoming difficulties.

It is very difficult to concentrate and not succumb to the internal monologue that constantly sounds in your head. Twenty years after my own graduation, I finally realized that the cliché in the free arts of learning to think is actually deeper and more serious than I expected: learning to think means exercising control over how and what you are. you think. That is, learning to be sane and knowledgeable enough to consciously choose what is worth paying attention to and how to make sense of the experience. Because if you can't learn to make those choices in maturity, then life will seriously twist you. Remember that common phrase that says: The mind is the best servant and the worst master. (David Foster Wallace Graduation Speech)

Graduation is a journey into adulthood, only you find your ticket 20 years after it.

Don't be sad that you won't go back to school
Youth is a wonderful time
It only remains for us to wish
Happiness to you, peace and kindness.

Farewell to school is always filled with sadness.

As you get older, you will realize that the understanding of success changes with age. For most of you today, success is about knocking over 20 tequila. For me, the more important thing is the ability to live my life honestly and not be under pressure all the time, not try to do what you don’t want to do. Live as an honest and compassionate person, contribute to some cause. In conclusion, I would like to say: follow your passion, stay true to yourself. Never walk the beaten path by someone, unless you find yourself in a deep forest, you are lost, and this path is your only salvation. (Ellen DeGeneres Graduation Speech)

After school, graduates are driven by ambition, after time - by goals.

The beautiful white floor-length dress I wore at prom was in many ways reminiscent of the ones worn here, and yet it could well have seemed strange or vulgar. (A. Akulova, Devil's graduation book)

Wearing a white dress for graduation, the graduates probably want to present themselves in the role of a bride ...

What is graduation for you?
This is the evening of farewell to childhood.
This is a celebration with an open mind
And a little wounded heart.
It's a craving to go back
Where you were only yesterday.
This ball will spin until the morning
So you don’t forget it.

There is one evening between childhood and adulthood - Graduation.

Dear Graduates! Create your own compass and trust it. Take the risk, do not be afraid to make a mistake, remember, the one who first cuts a hole in the wall always fills the bumps. (Aaron Sorkin)

The one who does nothing is not mistaken.


The last bell: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and guard Muscovites from drunk school graduates.

Here we have lived that they are no longer protected from scammers, but from graduates ...)))

Boys are made men by the army, and girls are made women by prom.

Men and women are tested and age.

At the prom, young people, faced with a non-standard bra fastener, kiss until dawn.

You can learn anatomy better in graduation than in biology class ...)

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys were waiting for dawn for six months.

Well, at least they waited for that?)

Looking at some of the graduates, I involuntarily want to ask: where did they graduate from?

Imagine from school)

The more you achieve in life, the harder it is to ignore alumni meetings.

The alumni meeting is an occasion to show off your achievements.

Today, graduates from the fountains will be caught, oh, those kids.

They need to somehow put themselves in order, so they climb into the fountains ...)

Why 3rd, there is also 4th - those who do not prepare at all)

In general, many university graduates are fit for the army, but only for a war with a virtual enemy!

They are also suitable for training ... only by correspondence and in distance form ...)

CHEF (as he looked into the water): Are you a university graduate ?? You're his miscarriage !!

Some students educational establishments release, others are thrown away ...)

Rector at the graduation: “After graduation, go to America. Let their economy collapse there. "

It is immediately evident that the university prepares real specialists!

If the school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty.

When you start living an adult life, you understand that school is not a prison, but a heavenly place. And if it’s a prison, then you’re ready to take your punishment in it again, but, alas, they won’t take it anymore.

Graduation at school is the only day in life when all parents throw off alcohol for their children!

They throw off themselves, and then they reprimand that they went over ...)

Goodbye school, resident evil. And hello Institute, O citadel of vice!

Where has virtue gone?)

And only after graduation do you realize how much you fell in love with these idiots in 10 years ...

The friendliest class is after graduation!)

Graduation is a holiday where everyone cries because they have to leave the institution forever, which they dreamed of leaving with tears in their eyes for many years in a row ...

You really start to love school and classmates only when it's time to part with them.

Security cameras captured the robbery of a liquor store - this is the only video from graduation school number seven.

At least something will remain in memory ...)

I remember the graduation party at the university, damn it, but once it seemed to me that I should be ashamed of the graduation at school!

Wait, you didn't live before the wedding ...)

Chic outfits, warm words, beautiful bouquets, dawn ... Soon all schools and universities will open the doors to adulthood for their pupils and students. Graduation is tears of joy and sadness, the understanding that childhood and adolescence are leaving, there are a thousand roads ahead, from which you need to choose one. Let every graduate do right choice in life and will find its happiness!

(Short miniatures are played out by the graduates)

- Do you know why practically only women work in our school?
- But because all the best is for children!

- A good half of the teachers in our school write comments in their diaries, and the evil half also calls parents to school.

- We have been convinced by experience that the more absent-minded the teacher is, the better he sows the rational, the good, the eternal.

- The psychologists of our school found that there are more and more difficult boys in the school, but the girls are lighter and easier ...

- And in the humanities, two eleventh-graders did not share the guy, their division is not good, in our physics and mathematics girls do not have such problems.

- 11 "A" speaks Russian, English, French better than anyone else in school ... and in other lessons too.

A first grader approaches a student of grade 11 "A".
- Zhen, how to draw an eight?
- Yes, it's as easy as shelling pears: we take the infinity sign and in the Cartesian coordinate system we rotate it by the angle П / 2.

- Only pupils 11 "A" were able to correctly decipher the name of the school position of the head teacher - obviously Clever Man!

- Once, with the help of a globe, scientists proved to everyone that the earth is round, and the boys of our class with the help of a globe can prove that the earth is empty!

- Anton! What was your favorite subject at school?
- Director's mobile phone! (Or something different.)

- Vova! How many medalists will there be in your 11 "A"?
“Except for me, ten.
- Are you a medalist?
- No. I said so - not counting me!

- We suggest that Sergey Nikolaevich (the name of the school director) be the first in the city to introduce glossy class magazines in our school, as well as to make the walls of the school from transparent material so that children do not smoke outside the school.

- And at the lesson of literature Inessa Mikhailovna (name of the teacher of literature) taught us bad things.
- Like this?!!
- She made us read other people's letters: Tatyana's letter to Onegin and Onegin to Tatyana.

- Inessa Mikhailovna (name of the teacher of literature), Nina Vasilievna (name of the teacher of chemistry)! Consider what the book of T. Dreiser "Titan" is about: about the discovery chemical element(metal) titanium or a superman financier?

- Galina Leonidovna (name of the physics teacher)! Is it true that our city of Omsk is named after Om? Otherwise I’ll bet.

- Nadezhda Ivanovna (name of the mathematics teacher)! We firmly promise you to shine on the exam in mathematics ... with new gold earrings, chains and rings.

- Here is some great advice Galina Gennadievna (name of the teacher of informatics) gave us: "If a thought does not fit in your head, then archive it."

- We have a true omen in our class: if you lean out the window on the night before the exam ... and learn all the tickets, you will definitely pass it.

- Yes, our dear parents, it is not easy to put children on their feet ... especially in the early morning.

- Have you heard the good news? This year, graduates who have not passed the Unified State Exam will be able to take ECG and fluorography.

- Galina Petrovna, Galina Petrovna (name of the biology teacher)! And Romka climbed the sites of gymnosperms all night!

- Do you know why our physics and mathematics class teachers gave a biology teacher? Yes, because if a student hacks in mathematics, physics, computer science, he is anyway - a nerd!

- Only Galina Petrovna (the name of the biology teacher), as a real biologist, knows how to grow a whole forest of ... hands in a classroom.

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