
Automatic calculation of experience. Calculation of insurance length according to the work book. Insurance period on sick leave

You need to start the process with preparing documents. These include:

Take the dates when you started working at a particular place, as well as the end dates labor activity, enter it into calculation programs and get the result online.

Currently, this is a truly convenient and accessible resource for everyone.

Its undoubted advantages are:

  • simplicity;
  • lack of special knowledge;
  • counting speed;
  • auto mode work.

All the user needs to do is enter the data known to him in special fields, and then click on the “Calculate” button. Next, the calculator will do everything itself and provide the finished result.

You can use any calculator by entering “Online experience calculator” in the search bar. Information about it can be found on the first pages of the search results. search engine. You can also use the sites listed above.

Citizens Russian Federation calculate their length of service according to the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” No. 173, which entered into force on January 1, 2002.

Currently, the law does not contain the concept of “work experience”, since December 31, 2001 it has been replaced by the clarified term “insurance period”, that is, the period during which a working citizen made contributions from his salary to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and added other periods are legally justified for them.

However, the phrase “seniority” is often used synonymously.

The insurance period is the duration of periods of work and other activities during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In addition to periods of work, the insurance period includes the following periods:

  • period military service;
  • caring for a child up to 1.5 years (if there are several periods, then the maximum period is 4.5 years);
  • period of temporary incapacity for work with sick leave (see → example of calculating sick leave);
  • registration period at employment agencies when receiving unemployment benefits;
  • care for disabled people, elderly people over 80 years of age (guardianship);
  • period of illegal detention in places of deprivation of liberty.

An important feature of calculating the insurance period is engaging in the type of activity that pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. It doesn't have to be an organization, so individual entrepreneur independently transfers funds to the Pension Fund.

Study time in educational institutions, postgraduate studies, courses are not included in the insurance experience, because Insurance premiums are not paid to the Pension Fund. The figure shows an example of calculating seniority.

The main parameters of the calculation are the date of acceptance and dismissal from employment.

This small program, which performs only one function - calculating work experience. It produces results based only on the date of admission and dismissal. With its help, you can also find out the total length of service by summing up all periods.

Download OK | Seniority

Compared to the previous option, Calculating Work Experience provides much more options for the user. In addition to calculating the working period, this program creates some kind of report in the results.

In addition, the user can easily edit the field with the results of its work and give it the desired appearance. This report can then be copied into any text editor for further processing.

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Another feature is that with the help of this application you can make calculations of the working period, indicating one year of work for several years of experience. Unfortunately, to obtain the total length of work using Calculating Work Experience, you will have to arm yourself with a calculator, since the program itself does not indicate this data.

Download Calculation of work experience

If in your work book not one record, but several dozen, it will be difficult to calculate the total length of service manually. Accounting programs usually have a module for calculating length of service, but not everyone has a familiar accountant to whom they can turn with such a request.

There are also various online calculators to calculate the insurance period. But it would be more convenient for me to have such a calculator on my computer.

Writing such an experience calculator is quite simple. A program for calculating length of service can even be made in MsWord.

It would be easier for me to use MSAccess to write a program, but not everyone has it. I also did not consider the final format of the exe file, since many are afraid to download and run unknown files on their computer.

Therefore, taking into account all these restrictions, I chose Excel for the program for calculating experience.

I suggest you download a simple program for calculating experience for free. The proposed program is a file in Excel format - calculator.xls

The file is located on Yandex disk, which prevents the receipt of any viruses.

Download the calculator.xls file for free here.

The program for calculating work experience is free, you can use it without any restrictions. It is forbidden to change free program and sell it.

To calculate your work experience, open the calculator.xls file and enter all periods of work according to your work book in the cells with a yellow background, as seen in the screenshot below.

Enter dates in the format DD.MM.YYYY (after entering they are displayed as DD.MM.YY).

There is no date control, which means you must ensure that the entries are correct. The order of the periods does not matter. If, when entering, you missed any period from the work book, there is no need to insert it in the middle. This period can be inserted at the end of the list.

When calculating, every 30 days are considered as a month, and 12 months as a year. It is also taken into account that the day of dismissal is included in the insurance period.

In cells on a green background, as you enter, data on length of service for each period will appear, and on a light turquoise background under the inscription “total years months days” - total length of service.

Make sure in advance that you have enough retirement experience according to the new pension rules. After all, you can earn work experience for a pension without working. Read the instructions on how to get work experience for a pension without working.

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The procedure for manually calculating length of service from a work book:

  • write down all periods of work according to the work book,
  • count the number of days, months and years for each individual period of service,
  • calculate the total length of service by summing the length of service for all periods.

Example of calculating length of service

Let's look at calculating work experience using an example.

Let's take the following period of work according to the work book: hired on 08/04/1984, fired on 08/02/1996.

You need to start calculating your experience with days. From the day of dismissal, we subtract the day of hiring and add one, since the day of dismissal is also considered a working day, that is, 2 - 4 1 = -1.

But since the result less than zero, you need to borrow a unit of months, and this unit of months is equal to 30 days.

We get 30 2 - 4 1 = 29 days

Now let's count the months, remembering that we took one when counting the days, that is, from the months we need to subtract 1: 8 - 8 - 1 = -1.

Since the result is again less than zero, you need to take one from the number of years, that is, take 12 months.

As a result, we get 12 8 - 8 -1 = 11 months

Now we count the years, remembering that we took one when counting the months1995 - 1984 -1 = 11 years

As a result of the calculations, it turned out that the length of service for the period was 11 years 11 months 29 days.

If, when calculating days, it would turn out to be 30 or 31, in this case it would be necessary to convert this number of days into full months, that is, subtract 30 days and add one to the number of months.

The total length of service is determined according to the same rules by adding days, then months and years of service for all periods.

For example, let’s take 2 periods: accepted - 08/04/1984, dismissed - 08/02/1996 (experience for a period of 11 years 11 months 29 days) hired - 09/15/1997, dismissed - 10/25/2001 (experience for a period of 4 years 1 month 11 days).

First we sum up the days: 29 11 = 40.

Since a full month is considered to be 30 days, subtract 30 from the resulting amount: 40 - 30 = 10 days.

Keep in mind that you will need to add 1 to the number of months.

Let's sum up the months11 1 1 = 13.

The months turned out to be more than 12. Since a full year is considered 12 months, subtract 12 from the number of months and add one to the number of years.

So, the months will be 13 - 12 = 1 month

Let's sum up the years: 11 4 1 = 16 years.

In total, the total work experience was 16 years 1 month 10 days.

As you can see, manually calculating the total length of service is quite labor-intensive, and it is easy to make mistakes.


To calculate work experience, you can use different ways.

Each of them is convenient and has its own characteristics. Among them:

Calculation of periods of work (service, activity) is carried out in calendar order based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). In this case, every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years (clause 2, section III of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period).

If the periods of work (service, activity) included in the insurance period coincide in time, one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of the insured person, confirmed by an application indicating the period selected for inclusion in the insurance period (clause 22 of the Rules for calculating the insurance period) .

The amount of daily benefits in case of illness or injury of the employee himself, when caring for a sick child (other family member) will be:
- 60% of average daily earnings with work experience from 6 months to 5 years;
- 80% of average daily earnings with work experience from 5 to 8 years;
- 100% of average daily earnings with 8 years of experience or more.
Maternity benefits for more than 6 months of service are calculated based on 100% of average daily earnings.
The Social Insurance Fund benefit in connection with an accident at work or an occupational disease is calculated based on 100% of average earnings, regardless of length of service.

Consequences of incorrect calculation of insurance experience

An incorrect determination of the length of service may lead to incorrect calculation of benefits and, as a result, may lead to claims from both the Social Insurance Fund and employees.

Insurance period on sick leave

The calculated insurance period is indicated in sick leave in the line “Insurance period” (the number of full years and full months without days is reflected).
The amount of temporary disability benefits if an employee falls ill within 30 days after dismissal does not depend on the length of service and is paid to everyone in the amount of 60% of average earnings. In this case, when filling out a sick leave certificate, in the “Insured Experience” line, you can indicate the number of full years and months of the employee’s work as of the date of dismissal from your company.

Confirmation of insurance experience

The insurance period is confirmed as follows:
- work under an employment contract, government or municipal service- work book or, for example, employment contract or a certificate issued by a previous employer
- military service - military ID.
Part-time workers must bring a copy of their work book, certified at the place of their main job, to confirm their insurance experience.
That is, the main document for calculating the insurance period is the work book.

Explanations from the Social Insurance Fund on the procedure for calculating length of service

At the end of 2018, the FSS indicated that the calculation of periods of work (service, activity) is carried out on a calendar basis based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). In this case, every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years (FSS Letter No. 02-08-01/17-04-13323l dated December 17, 2018). The request submitted to the FSS can be viewed.

However, it is not safe to apply these clarifications, since they are not normative document. In addition, they contradict previously given clarifications, according to which the transfer of 30 days to full months and 12 months to full years is provided only for incomplete calendar months and incomplete calendar years (Letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2016 N 02-09-14/15- 02-24113). The insurance period calculated in accordance with the new clarifications of the FSS will be higher than under the old rules. And this is fraught with disagreements with a specific branch of the fund.

Maksimova I.V.

You can watch a detailed analysis of all the subtleties and nuances of determining the insurance period for calculating temporary disability benefits in the video recording of the seminar Dmitrishchuk S.A."Insurance experience" . Before viewing the seminar, we recommend that you printpresentation AndHandout .

Today, the assignment and payment of temporary disability benefits to insured persons is regulated by the following regulations:

    Federal Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 255-FZ);

    Regulations on the specifics of the procedure for calculating benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth for citizens subject to compulsory social insurance, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2007 N 375;

  • Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for determining the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02/06/2007 N 91 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

To determine the amount of sick leave, you first need to calculate employee's insurance period.

Amount of temporary disability benefits depends on the employee’s insurance coverage. When calculating the insurance period, breaks in work do not matter. Periods of labor and other activities are summed up. Calculation of periods of work (service, activity) is carried out in calendar order based on full months (30 days) and a full year (12 months). In this case, every 30 days of these periods are converted into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are converted into full years (clause 21 of the Rules). In order to facilitate the procedure for calculating the insurance length of employees, a program for calculating the length of service was developed, which is used to calculate the accrual of benefits for temporary disability.

The second step in calculating temporary disability benefits is to determine the amount of the benefit itself.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of Law N 255-FZ, benefits for temporary disability due to illness or injury, during quarantine, prosthetics for medical reasons and after-care in sanatorium-resort institutions immediately after inpatient treatment are paid in the following amount:

    If you have 8 or more years of insurance experience - 100 percent of average earnings;

    If you have an insurance period of 5 to 8 years - 80 percent of average earnings;

    If you have an insurance period of 6 months to 5 years - 60 percent of average earnings.

If the employee’s insurance experience is less than six months, the amount of temporary disability benefits cannot exceed the minimum wage for a full calendar month, and in regions and localities in which regional coefficients apply to wages, the benefit is paid in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage, taking into account these coefficients (Clause 6, Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

The personnel officer indicates the duration of the insurance period on the certificate of incapacity for work. When calculating and confirming the insurance period, you must be guided by the Rules.


1.According to Art. 11 of Law N 255-FZ, maternity benefits are paid to a woman in the amount of 100 percent of average earnings if she has an insurance period of at least 6 months

2. Since 2011, temporary disability benefits are paid at the expense of the organization for the first three days of temporary disability, and for the remaining period, starting from the fourth day of temporary disability, at the expense of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (clause 1, part 2, article 3 of the Law N 255-FZ)

3. In accordance with Part 3.1 of Art. 14 of Law N 255-FZ, temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits and monthly child care benefits are calculated based on average earnings. Wherein average earnings is taken into account for each calendar year in an amount not exceeding the established maximum value of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. This is provided Federal law"On insurance premiums in Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds.”

Online work experience calculator

The program “On-line Work Experience Calculator” is designed to make it easier to calculate insurance (and other work experience). When creating it, the requirements of the ORDER of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/2007 No. 91 “On approval of the rules for calculating and confirming insurance experience to determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth” were taken into account. The calculation is made in calendar order, taking into account that every 30 days are converted into full months, and every 12 months - into full years.

The dates of hiring and dismissal from work are entered into the table based on the work book or other documents confirming the length of service. Data must be entered in the format: DD.MM.YYYY, or use the built-in calendar.

After entering all the data, you must click the “Calculate” button and get the total insurance period.

We hope that this program will be able to facilitate such a labor-intensive and routine operation as calculating length of service, and will free up time for solving more important tasks.

There are a number of programs for calculating length of service that can greatly simplify this process. They provide the user with the opportunity to quickly find out the duration of the working period, significantly saving time. It is this kind of software that will be discussed in this article.

This is a small program that performs only one function - calculating work experience. It produces results based only on the date of admission and dismissal. With its help, you can also find out the total length of service by summing up all periods.

Calculation of work experience

Compared to the previous option, Calculating Work Experience provides much more options for the user. In addition to calculating the working period, this program creates some kind of report in the results. In addition, the user can easily edit the field with the results of its work and give it the desired appearance. This report can then be copied into any text editor for further processing.

Another feature is that with the help of this application you can make calculations of the working period, indicating one year of work for several years of experience. Unfortunately, to obtain the total length of work using Calculating Work Experience, you will have to arm yourself with a calculator, since the program itself does not indicate this data.

Calculation of experience

Calculation of length of service is the most multifunctional program of all those we reviewed in the article. In addition to the main function of calculating the work period, it can also save entered data into a separate file, providing the ability to reuse it. An important positive quality is the function of printing the created document on a printer. Another nice bonus is that the application provides information about the total and longest continuous working period.

This article reviewed the best software tools that can easily calculate work experience. Some of them provide the user with a number of additional features, such as printing, import and export, calculating a year in two, etc. All the programs described are distributed absolutely free of charge and translated into Russian.

The time has come to calculate the length of service according to the work book. It's not as difficult as it might seem. You can calculate your total length of service in several ways: using the accounting software module, manually, using an online calculator, and using a free program for calculating work experience.

Free program for calculating work experience

If your work book contains not one entry, but several dozen, then it will be difficult to manually calculate the total length of service. Accounting programs usually have a module for calculating length of service, but not everyone has a familiar accountant to whom they can turn with such a request.

There are also various online calculators for calculating insurance coverage. But it would be more convenient for me to have such a calculator on my computer.

Recently I had to count the insurance period for my pension. When the idea of ​​automating the process of calculating total length of service came to my mind, I began to think about how to write a program. Writing such an experience calculator is quite simple. A program for calculating length of service can even be made in MsWord. It would be easier for me to use MSAccess to write a program, but not everyone has it. I also did not consider the final format of the exe file, since many are afraid to download and run unknown files on their computer. Therefore, taking into account all these restrictions, I chose Excel for the program for calculating experience.

I suggest you download a simple program for calculating experience for free. The proposed program is a file in Excel format - calculator.xls

The file is located on Yandex disk, which prevents the receipt of any viruses.

Download for free calculator.xls file.

The program for calculating work experience is free, you can use it without any restrictions. It is prohibited to modify the free program and sell it.

To calculate your work experience, open the calculator.xls file and enter all periods of work according to your work book in the cells with a yellow background, as seen in the screenshot below.

Enter dates in the format DD.MM.YYYY (after entering they are displayed as DD.MM.YY).

There is no date control, which means you must ensure that the entries are correct. The order of the periods does not matter. If, when entering, you missed any period from the work book, there is no need to insert it in the middle. This period can be inserted at the end of the list.

When calculating, every 30 days are considered as a month, and 12 months as a year. It is also taken into account that the day of dismissal is included in the insurance period.

In cells on a green background, as you enter, data on length of service for each period will appear, and on a light turquoise background under the inscription “total years months days” - total length of service.

Make sure in advance that you have enough retirement experience according to the new pension rules. After all you can earn work experience for a pension without working . Read the instructions.

Calculate total length of service manually

The procedure for manually calculating length of service from a work book:

  • write down all periods of work according to the work book,
  • count the number of days, months and years for each individual period of service,
  • calculate the total length of service by summing the length of service for all periods.

Example of calculating length of service

Let's look at calculating work experience using an example.

Let’s take the following period of work according to the work book:
hired 08/04/1984,
dismissed 08/02/1996.

You need to start calculating your experience with days. From the day of dismissal, we subtract the day of hiring and add one, since the day of dismissal is also considered a working day, that is
2 - 4 +1 = -1.

But since the result is less than zero, you need to take a unit of months, and this unit of months is equal to 30 days.

We get
30 + 2 - 4 +1 = 29 days

Now let’s count the months, remembering that we took one when counting days, that is, we need to subtract 1 from the months:
8 - 8 - 1 = -1.

Since the result is again less than zero, you need to take one from the number of years, that is, take 12 months.

As a result we get
12 + 8 - 8 -1 = 11 months

Now we count the years, remembering that we took one when counting the months
1995 - 1984 -1 = 11 years

As a result of the calculations, it turned out that the length of service for the period was 11 years 11 months 29 days.

If, when calculating days, it would turn out to be 30 or 31, in this case it would be necessary to convert this number of days into full months, that is, subtract 30 days and add one to the number of months.

The total length of service is determined according to the same rules by adding days, then months and years of service for all periods.

For example, let's take 2 periods
hired - 08/04/1984, dismissed - 08/02/1996 (service for a period of 11 years 11 months 29 days)
accepted - 09.15.1997, dismissed - 10.25.2001 (service for a period of 4 years 1 month 11 days).

Let's sum up the days first:
29 + 11 = 40.

Since a full month is considered to be 30 days, subtract 30 from the resulting amount
40 - 30 = 10 days.

Keep in mind that you will need to add 1 to the number of months.

Let's sum up the months
11 + 1 + 1 = 13.

The months turned out to be more than 12. Since a full year is considered 12 months, subtract 12 from the number of months and add one to the number of years.

So, it will be months
13 - 12 = 1 month

Let's sum up the years:
11 + 4 + 1 = 16 years.

In total, the total work experience was 16 years 1 month 10 days.

As you can see, manually calculating the total length of service is quite labor-intensive, and it is easy to make mistakes.

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