
How to use seller discount coupons on AliExpress. How to buy on Aliexpress, step-by-step instructions What is pre-sale on Aliexpress

Receiving special coupons is not only pleasant, but often very interesting. Sometimes Aliexpress turns coupon distribution into a real game.

Sales on Aliexpress are a global event. During them, you can receive not only goods with additional discounts, but also a lot of pleasant emotions. Sales on Ali can be large or very small. In the first case, such an event usually takes place over several days, and if there is only one, then they prepare for it very carefully.
One of the traditional parts of such training is tasks for Aliexpress users, for which they are given coins. The tasks are most often the simplest and are primarily created so that the user can participate in this game and better learn all the possibilities trading platform. For example, last year there were these: add a store to your favorites list, add an item to your wishlist, buy something using the “Buy Now” button, write an answer to a question about a product you have already received, etc. In addition, if you simply log into Aliexpress every day of the promotion, you can also receive the coveted bonuses.
When you accumulate enough coins, you can exchange them for special coupons. The more coins, the more attractive the conditions for such coupons. Sometimes you can really get amazing discounts.

Another one interesting feature major sales on Aliexpress, primarily the one held on Singles' Day, November 11 of each year, are mini-games. One of them has already become traditional.
In preparation for the sale, all participating stores hold a competition. Its rules are extremely simple. You are given a choice of 8 cards, face up. You can turn over one card for free, and each subsequent one will cost you 10 coins, the same ones we talked about in the previous section.
Essentially, the game “Guess the Card” is a win-win lottery. Each card you open will contain something interesting, but the biggest gift is special coupons. They are, of course, rarer than anything else. Other prizes include regular coupons from the stores where the game is played. By the way, there are a lot of such stores during sales. In each you can take part in the game. Therefore, the chance of receiving special coupons increases significantly.

Regular special coupon draw

The easiest way to get yourself a coveted coupon is to browse the product categories that are participating in the global sale.
Coupons appear there every hour. You can get them by clicking on this button.

There are only a few nuances. Of course, coupons are not issued to all those who simply click on this button. Every hour, a limited number of coupons appear in the section, which are distributed in random order. In addition, such coupons already have some restrictions on use.
They are valid only in the product category in which they are raffled off. It turns out that you need to think in advance whether you will need anything in this section.

Experienced users of Aliexpress no longer remember this opportunity to get an additional discount. After all, when they answer the question on various forums and sites about what Aliexpress special coupons are, they always forget to remind you that such a coupon can be obtained simply by registering on the site for the first time.
If your old account doesn't have anything you need, such as large selections of items on your wishlist, coupons already received, or perhaps an agreement with sellers on an additional discount, then you can simply abandon it and create a new one. You'll have to use a different address Email or account in in social networks.
Just this time, be careful when registering. Don't miss the opportunity to receive a coupon. True, Aliexpress is unlikely to allow you to do this. As soon as you clear your browser cache or simply access the site from another computer through which you have not previously visited the Chinese Internet giant, you will see this message.

If you closed it, you don’t have to worry. Aliexpress will remind you about the coupon all the time.

Click on the message and then register using the form provided. After that, go to your new profile, to the “My Coupons” section. The special coupon should be reflected there.

Other ways to get special coupons

Few people know about this method of receiving an Aliexpress special coupon that they are often simply given as an apology. Usually such a gift goes to the buyer if the seller is not satisfied with the work of the seller in some way, but it was not possible to resolve this peacefully. I had to resort to disputes and contact Aliexpress directly.
The store will find out who is right and who is wrong. Remember, on Aliexpress there is no such thing as the buyer is always right. After all, for him, both you and the stores are the same clients. Stores pay part of their profits for the opportunity to work on the site, and buyers, in fact, are needed only so that Aliexpress is profitable for these same stores.

In general, do not think that all you have to do is complain and they will reward you with bonuses and special offers. If you yourself are wrong in a dispute, then sanctions may apply to you. Sometimes users are even simply blocked without the ability to restore their profile.
If the conflict had to be resolved with the help of the Aliexpress administration, and the decision was made in your favor, you are paid all the damage, either in money or in the form of goods, and as an additional apology they are also given a discount in the form of coupons. Moreover, excuse special coupons are, as a rule, the most attractive and profitable of all those presented in the store.

How to use special Aliexpress coupons?

Special coupons for Aliexpress are used in the same way as any others. The most difficult thing for you will be to understand whether he accepts this store such coupons.
You can check this on the product page with a basic description of its characteristics. However, for this you must already have an active special coupon. If it is not there, only regular promotions of this store will be reflected in this section.

If you have already added items to your cart and only then remembered about special coupons, the possibility of using them is checked there as well. All goods will be divided into stores. Items sold by one seller are in a common group. At the bottom of this group is information about coupons. If the seller accepts specials, it will be indicated here.

If you don't have these coupons yet, but want to see if they're worth getting, you can use the following methods. The first of them works only during sales. You just need to go to the page for games, promotions, or just a description of the sale itself and find a list there with all the stores that accept special coupons.

The search usually does not take much time. The whole point here is that Aliexpress itself, as well as the stores, are interested in you receiving a coupon. In such a cheap and simple way, they increase purchasing activity on the site. Perhaps you previously wanted to buy one thing, but now with a coupon you decide to increase your order.
By showing which stores you can spend your special coupons at, the store creates additional advertising for the coupons themselves, so links to these lists are always in a prominent place.
You can also find out if a store accepts special coupons by adding it to your favorites list, then opening that section. The necessary information will be displayed next to the main description.

Now in more detail about how to use Aliexpress special coupons. First, familiarize yourself with its terms, or rather, the amount for which you need to purchase goods. Then select the items that interest you and add them to your cart. As you remember, you will have to choose only in those stores that accept our coupons.
Fill your cart with the required amount. Open the list of products and find the part of the page where the cost of the order is displayed, as well as the button to continue placing it. Here you will see a tab where you can select a coupon and use it.

After this, the cost of the product will automatically be reduced by the discount from the coupon, and you can place your order as usual.

If previously, in order to buy some salt, you had to go to the store, now you can buy a TV or furniture for the entire room without leaving home. And this is possible thanks to trading platforms such as Aliexpress.

The range of products here is huge, the quality of the goods satisfies the needs of users, and the prices are low, so everyone is happy.

However, when you work with such systems, certain difficulties arise. The company itself is Chinese, but for the convenience of users, the system also provides Russian and English languages.

Sometimes it happens that only the English version of some phrases is available. Some users are concerned about this because it is difficult to know what a word means. Today we will look at what presale on Aliexpress means.

What's happened

If you see the word “presale” next to your product, don’t worry. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, this means that the product is for sale, but at this moment it is not available. That is, this means that the products will be sold in the near future. In this case, the buyer can place a pre-order. Thanks to this option you can buy required product when it goes on sale.

Now you know what “presale” means on Aliexpress. However, what should you do if the product is in this condition?

Condition of the product “Presale” - what the buyer should do

It depends exactly on how much you need the product.

  • If there is no particular need for it yet, you can postpone the purchase until “better times” when it goes on sale.
  • If you want this particular product, place a pre-order.
  • If we are talking about some unique souvenir or original toy or something similar, then there is no reason to worry at all.

There is a lot of such goodness on Aliexpress. So you can find other products that are no less interesting, but are already available for purchase.

Many people still don’t know how to buy on AliExpress or are afraid to do so. We will show you the purchasing process from start to finish and tell you about all the associated nuances.

Registration and first steps

You can search for products without registering an account, but when you try to buy something you will be asked to create a profile. It is needed to access order history, wish lists, communicate with sellers, and statistics.

How to register

Registration form

The corresponding button is located in the upper right corner of the site. When you click on it, the registration form opens. You need to enter your email address, first and last name, and password. You can link your Facebook account; in this case, you don’t have to enter your email: it will be filled in automatically.

Personal Area"My AliExpress"

After registration, you can go to your profile. Here are orders, messages, reviews, wish lists, disputes and so on. At this stage, you can only add a delivery address; everything else is not needed yet.

How to add an address

To add delivery addresses, go to the side menu item of the same name. There may be several addresses. This is convenient if you plan to send gifts to friends and family. When paying for your order, simply select the one you need.

Add address form

You only need to fill out the form here in Latin. It is important. Chinese sellers do not have keyboards with Cyrillic and, perhaps, even an encoding that displays it correctly. Everything, from the name to the address, must be written in transliteration.

Sellers don’t care what they put on the parcel. But the postmen will scratch their heads until they understand what you meant by Lenin Avenue or Boulevard of Peace.

  • Receiver name- indicate your full last name, first name and patronymic.
  • Street, house, flat- simply write ulitsa Pobedy or pereulok Mostovoi. The post office will understand.
  • Postcode - important point. Even if you make a mistake with the address, the postal code will ensure that the shipment reaches the right place. You can find out the index of the nearest branch.
  • Telephone/mobile phone- do not forget that numbers must be entered in international format, starting with the country code.

Product selection and purchase

Now you can go shopping. Don’t rush to order the first product you come across and chase the lowest price. First of all, a few nuances.

Which language to choose

AliExpress automatically includes Russian language. If you wish, you can choose any other one or switch to English. For convenience, it is better to leave Russian. The only time this will do more harm than good is reading the descriptions. A crooked translation can lead into such a jungle that you won’t immediately understand what it’s all about.

How to search

AliExpress search results

There are millions of products on AliExpress, it's easy to find what you need. It's harder to choose from thousands of search results. You can search in Russian. If there are no results or you are not satisfied with them, try formulating your request in English. To narrow your search, it is useful to use filters and advanced sorting functions.

  • Price- sift out too much expensive goods or look in a certain price category.
  • Free shipping- you can immediately filter out cunning sellers. These people include part of the cost in the shipping price to make their products look cheaper.
  • Only by piece- filter out offers for wholesalers.
  • 4 stars or more- do not waste time on low-quality goods.
  • Sort by- choose sorting by the number of orders or seller rating - you won’t go wrong.
  • Ships from- For popular products There is an option to ship from local warehouses, choose it if you don’t want to wait a long time.
  • Group similar products- the option should remove similar products from the search results, but it does not work perfectly.

For example, you need a LEGO minifigure of Darth Vader. That’s what we write in the search. Choose free shipping, piece goods and sorting by number of orders. The desired figure appears already in the fifth position in the search.

Which seller to choose

Product page with description and other details

Several sellers have these mini-figures. Which one to choose? In this particular case, you can simply choose at random; the product costs a penny. When buying expensive things, it is better not to do this. Your choice determines the quality of the product, its compliance with the description, and whether you will receive it at all. We open several potential options in new tabs and carefully look at the following:

  • Rating- the same medals, crystals and crowns next to which the points are displayed. The rating is calculated based on positive reviews for the entire existence of the seller. The higher it is, the better. This is an indicator of reliability and reputation.
  • Percentage of positive reviews- the percentage shows the ratio of positive customer ratings to the total number of all reviews over the past six months. Should be as close to 100% as possible.
  • The number of orders- there should be a lot of them. People won't buy bad products. Choose the seller with the largest number of orders for this product.
  • Product rating- product quality on a five-point scale based on customer reviews. Products with hundreds or thousands of orders usually have a rating of 4–4.5 or higher.
  • Reviews- this is the most important thing, you can safely start the comparison with them. Carefully study what people who bought it write about the product, what they say about the seller, how long delivery takes, and so on. Very helpful.

With the mini-figure, everything is simple: it has a minimum price and the first seller has more than two thousand orders with an average rating of 4.7 points. You don’t have to look any further, let’s take this one.

Order and payment

After searching and choosing, you need to place an order and pay for the purchase. In fact, payment does not go through immediately, but this no longer depends on us.

How to order

To order, click the “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart” button. It depends on whether you are going to immediately proceed to payment or whether you want to continue shopping and pay for all the goods together. Please indicate the size, color or model, as well as the quantity of goods. Please note that price may vary depending on color and model.

Confirmation of an order

After clicking the purchase button, you will be taken to the checkout screen. Here you can double-check all the data about the product (color, quantity), select a delivery address if you have several, and also leave a comment for the seller, use a discount coupon and select a delivery method.

The standard shipping method is ordinary shipment without tracking (ordinary). For inexpensive purchases, as in our case, this does not matter. For valuable goods, you should choose a delivery method with a track number (registered). The final price will increase by 1.5–2 dollars, but you will have peace of mind and will be able to track all the movements of your parcel.

What you need to know about payment

Selecting a payment method

Clicking on the “Place Order” button will take you to the payment screen. Here you need to select one of the proposed methods available for your country.

  • Map- credit or debit. The simplest method that most people use.
  • QIWI Wallet- an electronic wallet that is easy to top up through terminals. An option for those who do not want to use cards.
  • WebMoney, Yandex.Money» - electronic payment systems. A convenient option if you get money for them.

Payment is the most popular method. Don't be afraid of it: it's absolutely reliable. All your data is sent over a secure connection and is visible only to AliExpress, but not to sellers. We advise you to choose this option.

Which card is suitable?

Any Visa and MasterCard cards that support online payments are suitable for payment. AliExpress works with rubles, so Russians pay with a regular ruble card. Residents of other CIS countries cannot avoid automatic conversion to the standard currency of the site - dollars.

To pay for your order, online transactions must be enabled on your card. Many banks have special Internet cards, they are often designed specifically for purchases. The map can be virtual; its maintenance is relatively inexpensive. Before paying for the goods, you need to know the following details:

  • Card number- those same 16 digits.
  • Validity- month and year of expiration. Four numbers on the front of the card, for example 12/19.
  • CVV code- three-digit security code on the back of the card. For virtual cards, you can find it in the application or on the Internet banking website.

How to pay

Select the payment method “Card” and proceed to filling out the form. Just enter the card number and expiration date, CVV code and owner's name.

Payment by card

Click on the “Pay now” button, your bank’s page will open, where you will need to enter a transaction confirmation code (it will be sent via SMS or via mobile app). This depends on the type of card you have (you can check with your bank).

If you made no mistakes anywhere, you will receive a notification that the payment was successful. The card number can be saved and linked to your AliPay account. You won't have to enter it in the future. This way you will save time on your next purchases. But this is not necessary; you don’t have to bind anything.

Receiving an order

The product has been selected, ordered and paid for, leaving the most tedious part - waiting for delivery. After a few weeks of waiting, the parcel will be at your office and can be picked up.

How to find out the status

The seller must prepare your order, package it and ship it to you. You will be provided with a tracking number if your chosen shipping method provides this. About all status changes AliExpress order informs you via notifications by email and profile on the website.

History of orders

Go to the “All orders” section and look at the status of the latest products. There may be several of them:

  • Payment expected- you have confirmed, but have not yet paid for the order. After the allotted time for payment has expired (can be found on the product page), the order is cancelled.
  • Payment verification- AliExpress processes and confirms the payment transaction. Usually takes up to 24 hours, but during sales it can take 2-3 days.
  • Expected shipping- the seller processes your order, packs it and prepares it for shipment. Usually 2-4 days depending on conditions, they are indicated on the product page.
  • The order has been sent- your purchase has been transferred to the delivery service and is already on its way to you. This takes from 15 to 60 days.
  • Confirmation received- you confirm receipt of the order.
  • Completed- the deal is closed. Appears after you have confirmed receipt of the item.

On average, delivery takes approximately 1–1.5 months. If you pay the seller extra for a tracking number, you will be able to track where your shipment is at any given time all this time.

Package tracking

The seller must add a tracking number to the order within three days after sending. It will appear on the order line. You can view here brief information using it or use third-party tracking services.

Data on shipments is updated no more than once a day (or even less often). It makes sense to check your order 2-3 times a week. Once sent, it may not be tracked for a week. Do not panic. Often, sellers assign a tracking number to the parcel in advance, while it lies in the post office for several days and awaits dispatch.

How to receive a parcel

So, the package has arrived. It can get to you in two ways: the postman will put it in your mailbox (this often happens with small packages) or he will bring you a notice that there is a package for you to receive.

More often, a notification comes and you need to go to the nearest post office to pick up the parcel. In this case, you need to take your passport and the same notice with you.

Upon receipt, carefully inspect the parcel and if the integrity of the packaging is damaged, request an inspection report. Even if everything looks fine with the package or box, it’s a good idea to check the contents right here at the post office and record the whole process on video. In case of misunderstandings, you will have evidence for the seller and a chance for a positive outcome when it comes to a dispute.

At home, when you fully test the product, do not forget to leave a review and rate it. This will help other buyers make their choice.

Guarantees and protection

Sometimes you can run into low-quality or damaged goods, or even not receive your order at all. For such cases, AliExpress provides buyer protection. It provides a guarantee of compensation or a full refund in case of an unsuccessful purchase.

How protection works

The protection is valid for a certain period. It depends on the delivery time, specified by the seller, and on average is 60 days. If during this time you do not receive the product or it does not correspond to the description, you can open a dispute. After reviewing it, AliExpress will return the money spent or provide compensation.

Order details

You can find out the expiration date of protection in “My Orders”. Just click “Details” next to the desired purchase. If the protection ends and you still haven’t received your order, it can be extended. This is important because disputes can only be opened for orders in the “Sent” status or within 15 days of receipt.

How to open a dispute

Usually, the delivery of goods depends more on our mail than on the seller. If enough time has passed and still no parcel, you can open a dispute and request a refund.

Button to open a dispute

The button of the same name is located in the order details in the “My Orders” section. To open a dispute, you need to fill out the form. Indicate the details of the problem and the amount of compensation that suits you, and also attach a photo. In some fields, simply select ready-made options, in others, write details.

After considering the arguments on both sides, AliExpress makes a decision on a refund (if the goods did not arrive) or compensation (if they sent the wrong size, model or poor quality goods). This takes from two weeks to two months. Most often, the administration of the trading platform takes the side of the buyer.

4. It's simple, you do it negative review and they move themselves. After purchasing a product, leave a bad review and the seller will write to you and voluntarily offer to return part of the money, usually up to 50%. I think it won’t be difficult to get to the product, since 90% of products from Aliexpress have poor quality, and in 60% of cases the product differs from what is in the photos. You have 30 days to correct the review from the date of confirmation of purchase and the review can only be corrected once, so under no circumstances correct the review to normal until the seller returns part of the money for the product.

By the way, according to Aliexpress rules, it is prohibited to reward buyers for good review(details here:, if anything, as a last resort, you can write an additional complaint in the Manage Feedbacks section .htm in the Active Feedbacks tabs
Near your review there will be a Report Abuse button (file a complaint) to which you can attach screenshots (photos) of messages from the seller offering you money for a good review (for cheating reviews and for the fact that the seller sold you a shitty product, you will be reimbursed 100% of the cost of the goods even if You have confirmed receipt of the goods and can no longer open a dispute, i.e. a dispute), such a complaint is considered within 7 days and you can monitor the status on a special page:

5. There is one more interesting way, entitled "A thief stole a club from a thief." The nuance is that the sale of counterfeits is prohibited on Aliexpress, but after looking through Aliexpress a little you can be convinced that these are at least 35% of the goods (outright fakes). By the way, this is not only jewelry and shit clothes, there are also fakes mobile phones, tablets, etc., which are often passed off as original. The essence of the method is that you need to find outright fakes (users often even write about this in product reviews).

Next, we buy this product, and then open a dispute (dispute) and complain that it was a fake, it is advisable to escalate such a dispute, since Aliexpress will return the loot twice as much, it turns out that you receive the product nasharu, return your money, and plus on top of that they give you as much money as you spent, and at the same time you help Aliexpress fight counterfeit goods and fakes.
Don't believe me? Here, carefully read about Aliexpress guarantees: ("Authenticity Guarantee" tab).
Corrected: the terms of the guarantee have changed slightly, the method will only work if the product has the “Guaranteed Authenticity” icon (for more details on what and how, as well as what guarantees Aliexpress provides, read the link above)

In principle, you can extract money from the seller for a fake and offer an option like “I’ll close the dispute when you return the money to PayPal, and give me a couple of bucks on top of compensation” (blackmailing the seller so that Aliexpress doesn’t execute him for selling fakes and counterfeits)

7. In some cashback services, cashback from Aliexpress is confirmed immediately after confirmation of receipt of the order on the Aliexpress website (for example, EPN Cashback), then we wait until the parcel is in the mail, confirm receipt of the order on Aliexpress (on top of that we give +15 days for a dispute), we take cashback from cashback service and then we open a dispute due to the reason “the package did not arrive” or “wrong address” or “the size or color did not fit” or something like that and return the money spent (it is better to come to the post office and refuse the package so that the Chinese can see that The parcel went back to China).

By the way, so as not to waste time with the typical cashback of 5%-7%, you can choose products with 90% cashback on Aliexpress (it turns out you spent $1000 and you will drop to $900 on top, but do not forget that cash is not awarded for paid delivery, i.e. cashback only calculated from the price of the product)

8. Probably the most honest way To make money from Aliexpress sellers is to write private messages to sellers and offer to cheat reviews, usually for 1 review you can earn from $1. If the seller agrees, discuss the price and details with the seller. The point is to pay for the order, then confirm receipt of the order and write positive feedback, and the seller does not send you anything and returns your money to PayPal + $1. At the same time, you can also get cashback from above, for example through the cashback service (there is a whole section with Aliexpress products with cashback up to 90%). But here it is advisable to use different IPs, different emails, different sellers, different browsers and other contraceptive measures..

ATTENTION: It’s not good to deceive, the Chinese are quite hard-working people, money is given to them just as hard as it is to all of us, they already work, roughly speaking, for pennies, so have a conscience. This instruction is more in case you were scammed or deceived on Aliexpress, but if you decide to scam the Chinese, then scam the one who deceived you, and not the first one that comes to hand. Also, don’t forget the Chinese proverb “there are only penny goods for a penny price” and if you bought a Swiss watch for 1-2 bucks, then don’t give a fuck that it says Made in China.

How to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer on Aliexpress?
The Aliexpress store is essentially a message board with the ability to buy goods, so getting money there is not a problem; you can read all the popular scam schemes in our article, fraud on AliExpress.

Also, to avoid falling for a fraudulent seller, check the seller’s rating and see full description seller, we recommend installing a special Aliexpress Seller Check plugin for your browser:

Aliexpress Seller Check for Chrome (Yandex.Browser/Mail.Ru browser):

Aliexpress Seller Check for Opera:

Aliexpress Seller Check for Firefox (Mozilla):

This is what Aliexpress Seller Check looks like (a detailed seller rating appears on the product description page):

How to buy goods on Aliexpress for literally pennies?

Mobile phones, tablets, jeans, T-shirts, clothes, shoes, electronics and much more can be bought for literally a couple of cents on Aliexpress. Not everyone knows that sometimes for 10-15 dollars you can get completely dressed and put on shoes on the Aliexpress website. Now we will tell you in detail how to really save and buy clothes and equipment almost for free.
The fact is that in the Aliexpress online store there are constantly various sales and promotions; there are entire sections and headings that constantly give discounts to buyers on Aliexpress (). We also want to share useful links to products from Aliexpress:
Best selling products on Aliexpress
All current promotions for today in Aliexpress
Super offers from Aliexpress (products with really big discounts)
New offers from Aliexpress - dresses, shoes, hats
Branded products on Aliexpress (how to search for brands on Aliexpress yourself?)
Children's clothing, shoes and accessories
50% discount every day on all products (recommended)
Last Minute Products - discounts up to 90%

Still have questions? ask your question in the technical support online chat or write it below in the comments

A privilege of this site can also be considered the ability to make purchases from China, while the cost of the goods and the site itself can be translated into any currency and any language. This will be very convenient for buyers who do not speak English, but want to order goods at an affordable price and of good quality.

It is possible to get acquainted with the product in detail without seeing it in person - this is another advantage of the site. Sellers of these products indicate the exact parameters of the product, possible options of this product. They supplement with many photos of all the smallest elements that make up the product they offer.

The opportunity to directly clarify with the seller all your questions about the product he sells. At the same time, you can even clarify the size you need by dropping your measurements, also an important fact that only increases the number of customers on this site.

The ability to make a refund and at the same time be guaranteed to receive your money into your account.

Pay for purchases on Aliexpress in any currency

Another advantage is purchasing goods in the currency with which it is most convenient for you to make payments. In order to convert dollars into the currency you need, there is a simple offer on the site, more specifically the “Delivery to” and “Currency” button. Follow this link, you can select the country you want to order to this product and the currency in which it is most convenient for you to view the cost of the product. After all, it is not always convenient to make a purchase, for example, in rubles, but at the same time consider the cost of the goods in dollars.

You also need to take into account that the site rate may differ slightly from the current rate in your city. And therefore, to avoid misunderstandings, use an automatic currency transfer service.

The ability to not only transfer goods into a currency more acceptable to you, but also to pay for it in this currency is also possible and very convenient. After all, not each of us has the opportunity to make payments in dollars.

Convenient and intuitive interface of the Aliexpress website

The ability to read all the information that is offered to you in your native language makes the interface convenient and very understandable for any user. This way you can independently place orders, keep track of new products, promotions and write reviews in a language you understand without the help of anyone.

It is also quite easy to keep track of changes in your order. It is quite convenient to add an item to the cart and continue searching for the item you are interested in, and then analyze several items at the same time, compare the price and select what you were looking for.

It is very convenient to place all the information on the product page. This way you can choose color, size, model and much more without leaving the page. There you can read reviews and characteristics, as well as a description, but also, of course, look at many additional photos of the product.

Placing it on a page with a specific product, below the product that this seller sells and even the product of other sellers with similar parameters - this will help you reduce the time of searching for the product.

It is important to place a filter for selecting and selecting a product according to all criteria that may belong to a particular product category. Dividing all categories into subcategories will allow you to quickly find the thing you need.

But, how can we do without the ability to view the “recently viewed item”. It will also be important to be able to view the product before paying for it directly, and change the delivery address or any parameters and data.

How to register your account, step by step instructions

Let's look at how easily and quite simply and quickly you can go through all stages of registration on the world sales platform. And so, by clicking on the registration button, this table will open in front of you, where you only need to English language enter your details. To ensure correct spelling, you can use Google translator.

Afterwards, you can select the product and add it to the cart, fill in the delivery address. Write this information correctly enough, and if there are any problems with the spelling, check with your post office. When filling out all fields, you need to write only in English. If your address contains a building, lane, region, region, the council will also indicate this data. But don’t forget to write your middle name, it will help resolve any problem that arises with your data.

How to add an item to cart when purchasing multiple items

And now you have created your account and can safely make purchases. But how does this happen and how can you order several units of goods at the same time? First you need to understand that if the product is identical and you want to order it from one seller, feel free to choose the required quantity of the product.

So, you have selected the model you like, selected the desired color, size and quantity and select “Add to cart”. In the cart, you can view your order again and change the number of product units and order the product from this seller.

If you want to order several items from different sellers, then you must also select all the necessary order criteria and add the item to the cart.

And you will see a page with all your pre-orders individually. But at the end, you will be able to see the total cost of your cargo, the total cost of delivery, as well as the ability to place an order.

How to buy one item

You can purchase one unit of goods in several ways: add to cart and then pay for the goods by “Ordering from this seller.” You can do this even if there are several items in the cart at the same time. Or use the “Buy Now” button. Then in this case you will need to choose the most convenient payment method and make the transfer Money. If you use the telephone version, you can almost automatically transfer money for your second and subsequent purchases. Therefore, if you use this version, carefully monitor the sequence of your actions.

How to choose product color

To select the color of a product, you are asked to first use the filter installed on the main page, after determining the category of the product you want to order. Or directly on the product page, select the color that a specific seller offers.

If you use a pre-filter, the disadvantage is that you will not be able to view other models that are very interesting and may simply fit perfectly with your image.

How to pay for an order

Well, you have already registered, selected the product you need, sent it for payment, and the next step is to pay for the order. in this version, it ideally approached the solution to this issue. The site developers have provided several options for paying for your parcel. This you can do with many bank cards or use Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi.

When will it open before you this page, you need to select the card type or payment type. Indicate all the data that must be filled in empty columns. And choosing “Save and Pay” is all quite simple. For further payment you will only need to confirm the choice of this card.

If you choose to pay not by card, but by one of the systems, you will need to pay for the order in dollars and at the same time select this currency in the system. Don't forget that converting from dollars to other currencies will result in small additional fees.

After making the payment, for your safety, save a screenshot of your payment.

How to get a tracking code

And so, you paid for the order and the seller sent it to you. At the same time, you will receive a message by email with the parcel number, it is also called the “Tracking code”. Postal services which parcels are most often sent can be preliminarily divided into several types:

  1. Services that make it possible to track the movement of cargo from the seller until it is received by you at your post office.
  2. You will be able to track the parcel only until it crosses the border of China, and only when it leaves the Land of the Rising Sun will you be able to track it.
  3. And the last option is when it is not possible to trace the location of the cargo from the very beginning.

There are also some other features - the weight of the parcel that can be sent by a certain carrier.

  1. ChinaPost AirMail - allows you to send a parcel weighing up to two kilograms.
  2. ChinaPost AirParcel - this company will allow you to send cargo weighing more than two kg, but less than 20 kg.

Once you receive the cargo number, you can track it in several ways.

How to track a parcel using a tracking code

It is possible to track in the most convenient way by directly following the link that is on the site. And you can find it in the “My Orders” section by selecting a specific purchase and clicking “Details”. And there you can observe new movements of cargo.

But it is also possible to go through other sites that will also help you track every step of the parcel. But, for this you will need to enter the track number. By updating it, you can keep track of daily changes.

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