
Private Browser Browsing Mode: How to make sure no one knows what you're doing online? How to start working on the Internet

How and where can a woman meet a man today, except for the Internet, boxing matches, fitness centers, car dealerships, where psychologists advise to go? And one more thing - how to get to know each other if life goes along the “home-work” route, there is no time to run around matches, and men do not show initiative?

If your whole life fits into the “home-work-home” scheme and you don’t want to waste precious time in places that are not interesting to you, this does not mean that you have no chance of finding love. It is at work that serious relationships are often tied.

In the office

Surely there is an opportunity to strike up a conversation with someone, if not from your own, but at least from a neighboring office. Another simple way: if you constantly meet the same person, start saying hello to him. And if you also smile, then this may well become an occasion for acquaintance. In fact, most men do not mind if a girl comes up first with a neutral question (like “How do I get to the library?”) And thus gives a reason to get acquainted - after that they will gladly seize the initiative.

On the way home

A supermarket is perhaps not the most romantic place, but, oddly enough, many people meet there. Of course, rush hour is not the best time. But take a closer look - perhaps somewhere nearby among the shelves another loneliness is wandering. The main thing is that it should not be a department with alcohol and baby food ... By the way, supermarkets are not only grocery stores. There are also, for example, sports - there are much more reasons for communication and higher chances of finding a friend (or more than a friend) by interests.

Also on the way

“Bookshop as a place to meet” - probably sounds pretty ridiculous. It's actually a very good option though. The good news is that in the bookstore you always have a completely innocent way to address the man you like. A question like “I am choosing a gift for a friend, and she loves detective stories. What do you think is the best book by this author? or “I was advised to read Dick Francis (or what is your object of sympathy so intensely considered?). What do you think is the best place to start?” - and the contact is established.

At leisure

Another way to combine “useful with useful” is foreign language courses. Of course you speak English. But for the purpose of acquaintance, you can go to Chinese or, even better, “Business Chinese”, “Business German”, etc. There the level of students is much higher. Of course, you yourself should be interested in this language. Learning Chinese just to get to know each other is not a good idea.

Day off

A great way to make the most of your weekend is to go sightseeing. If you choose a military-historical excursion - for example, to the Stalin Line - then the chances of getting to know each other increase. Of course, for this it is desirable to be at least a little interested in history. The main advantage of excursions is that you have the whole day to decide to approach an interesting man or provoke him to approach you.

at home

Finally, you can also get acquainted ... at home: organize some kind of theme party and invite friends to bring acquaintances. The advantage of friendly parties is that they are attended mainly by people who have already passed through a kind of friendly “filter”, and therefore the chances of meeting a good person are much higher than in any other situation.


The Internet is everywhere now. There are many ways to connect to it. Each company offers its services with different conditions. At the same time, not everyone knows which Internet provider to choose. This is discussed below.

Internet Service Providers are companies that provide Internet access. After reviewing the different offers, it will be possible to determine which services and tariffs are ideal.

Selection Options

Which ISP to choose for permanent use? The terms of service are the same. Experts advise to take into account the following nuances:

1. Signal stability, as well as the minimum response time. Such characteristics are important for watching videos without brakes, sticking.

2. High speed during the day. Some firms cannot technically provide the indicated speed at maximum load.

3. No breaks. Modern providers must provide 99.9% access. This means that in a month the Internet may be absent for no more than half an hour.

4. Help technical support. Any home Internet provider should help in solving problems.

In addition to the main services, the benefits offered by the company should also be taken into account. The list may include equipment, both for a small fee and for free. It is desirable that the specialists themselves connect the Internet.

Modems (ADSL and Dial-Up)

When deciding which ISP to choose, you should pay attention to the modem connection. Dial-Up is an old technology for accessing the network through a telephone line. When the Internet began to be used at home, it was turned on using a modem that was connected to a telephone cable. The advantage of this method is one - the existing infrastructure is used.

There are few cons of this system, but there are more of them than pluses. When using the Internet, you will not be able to use the phone, and the connection speed is low, no more than 56 Kbps. Moreover, this is a maximum that is not always achieved. Today, this method is almost never used (excluding old houses and remote areas where there is no other access to the network).

Instead of Dial-Up, ADSL technology began to be used. It works over a telephone line, but is noticeably better in terms of speed. After installing the ADSL splitter, you will be able to access the Internet and use the phone. This technology has been the leader for a long time, but now it is inferior to the fiber optic connection that exists in the central regions and large cities.

Optical technologies

When deciding which ISP to choose, you should pay attention to high-speed network access. According to this method, the main component is considered to be optical, and the distribution component is optical and copper. Depending on the cable, subscriber equipment (optical or Ethernet routers) is selected.

The fiber optic cable is made of glass or plastic, and information passes through it with a light signal, which ensures high speed. The signal almost does not weaken, although it travels a long distance.

A copper cable is a twisted pair, through which an electrical signal with information is supplied. In this case, there will be electromagnetic interference and signal attenuation. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the cable from interference and use signal buffers or special correctors. Typically, fiber optic cable is laid from the provider to an apartment building, and copper wire is installed in the apartments.

In Russia, a dedicated line is more often chosen if there are technical possibilities. Typically, Internet providers at the address offer unlimited Internet at speeds up to 100 Mbps or more. Then you can choose several ways to connect. For example, a cable can be connected to a computer or a Wi-Fi router that distributes the network to several devices.

Via Ethernet a similar gigabit passive optical network (GPON) is being created. Using this method, Internet providers at the address conduct a fiber optic cable to an apartment or house where a separating box is installed. In this case, users receive Internet up to 1 Gbps.

The advantages of a leased line include high speeds, stability, videoconferencing. Some providers with regular Internet offer IP TV and IP telephony. These include digital TV and telephone communications. It is possible to select the content of the broadcast and the time to watch the desired programs, as well as linking the access point to a specific IP address.

Wireless Internet

Internet service providers allow you to use WiMax, WiFi, LTE, 3G, GPRS, EDGE wireless technologies. You can use the Internet using a wireless modem that calls the base station for access. Such services are in demand among residents of cottage and holiday villages, villages. The speed in such technologies is as follows:

1. 20-40 Kbps - GPRS.

2. 100-236 Kbps - EDGE.

3. Over 144 Kbps up to 3.6 Mbps - 3G.

4. From 100 Mbps - 4G.

This is the maximum speed, but it is usually lower. The disadvantages of mobile Internet include instability, low speed. Many companies offer this type of service. An overview of Internet providers will help you make the right choice.


Moscow Internet providers include Rostelecom. The company offers telephone communication, access to the network using various technologies, interactive television, OTT television, content services. The company operates in all regions of the country. According to the firm, over 100 million citizens of the country use the services of Rostelecom.

The advantages of the provider include wide coverage, stable connection, the ability to use promotions and discounts. Due to the presence of a huge number of tariffs, people with different financial capabilities can use the Internet. They charge from 200 rubles per month for services.

Rostelecom has created high-speed communication lines, both wired and wireless. Network access is also available in hard-to-reach places where other operators will not work due to high costs. There is also interactive TV with an optimal set of services.


It is also a home internet provider. The company offers broadband access to the network, cable, digital, satellite, mobile TV. The price of tariffs for the Internet starts from 400 rubles.

According to the company, people from almost 80 regions of Russia began to use these services. Broadband access is available in 180 cities across the country. The advantage is a large coverage of the territory, high connection speed, a lot of tariffs. The disadvantages include high cost and stability.


This is an Internet provider in Moscow and other regions. The company also offers services outside the country, they are provided to about 739 million people. Customers have access to mobile and telephone communications, wired and wireless Internet, digital TV. Services are available to individuals and companies.

In some regions, there is a decrease in Internet speed, but this does not always happen. Beeline periodically changes tariffs, expands opportunities. The advantage of the company is the holding of shares. The price for home Internet is from 300 rubles.

The services of which provider to choose depends on the desire. These firms operate throughout Russia. The differences are in speed, price and list of services. When choosing a trusted provider, there will always be fast and stable Internet at home.

It would seem that the 21st century is in the yard, and connecting to the Internet does not present any particular problems. If you are not in very remote corners of the country or in hard-to-reach areas, then there are no problems: and in large cities, providers generally fight for the client, luring them with various offers. But, as one case recently showed, you can find problems out of nowhere.

The quality of services provided by your provider directly affects the comfort of your stay in the network and the efficiency of your work. When we choose a provider, we usually look at the connection speed and the cost of tariffs. As long as the connection is stable, the client and the ISP are satisfied with each other. Questions begin when the Internet "falls" and you are left without communication for an indefinite period, and if you work remotely, this situation can bring a lot of problems. A recent story is an example.

At the entrance to the house, I was stopped by a neighbor in the entrance asking if I had a key to the general electrical panel on the landing of my floor? To the question: “Why is it needed?” it turned out that "he has been sitting without the Internet all day, and in order to check the entire line, equipment and cables, these keys are needed, since the cable is laid in them."

I won’t name the “super provider”, I’ll just say that a couple of months ago, when connecting the house, representatives praised their services, focusing on “we are cheaper compared to the rest that are here” (for the price, the difference was 100 rubles per month), which prompted some to move to them, having previously collected signatures from the residents that they were not against the rationalization decision - pulling cables in electrical panels.

Day 1: Repairmen came and found that they had no access to electrical panels with their equipment and cable. Each shield is locked. With the words "look for the keys to all 9 floors" they left.

Day 2: the neighbor walked all 9 floors, no one had the keys. And you can’t find someone in the city in general in the warm season. Someone smart suggested to go to the management company.

Day 3: A neighbor visited the management company, they found the keys there, but only from the first 2 floors.

Day 4:
Morning. The neighbor cuts down the locks on all 9 floors, swearing to hang new ones and distribute the keys to everyone.
Day. The neighbor explains to the policeman who arrived along with him that he is not a thief or a terrorist and why he cuts down the locks.
Evening. The neighbor explains the same thing in a new circle to the new police outfit, though in slightly different expressions and emotions. Finally, all the locks are cut down and the provider's repairmen should be called back that there is access, come. To which the repairmen respond: "Now on Monday, our work week is over."

Half past one at night. A neighbor with "square" eyes comes to ask for Wi-Fi.

After the weekend, I meet a neighbor who loudly asks the provider for answers to the questions “when?” and "how long?". Together we rise to the floors, simultaneously noticing a new lock on the shield, hung by someone, but not by him. The search for the key, as well as for any of the residents of the site, did not give a result. It was the 7th day of repair ...

This is an ordinary case that can happen again regardless of where you live. Do not repeat other people's mistakes.

What to look for when choosing a provider

  • Pay attention to the characteristics that promise. Tariffs usually indicate the incoming speed. If you support some project or work on a constantly syncing resource, pay attention to the outgoing speed (upload speed). Read the terms of the contract (it doesn’t matter what connection technology we are talking about) - often providers write in the tariffs the upper speed value, i.e. maximum possible rate.
  • When switching to a new provider, abandon the old one only when the new provider has provided you with a connection.
  • When choosing tariffs, pay attention to the available hardware. It makes no sense to overpay for speed if your network card or modem / router does not support gigabit.
  • provider's equipment. Providers provide official support for devices, but only those that sell.
  • Read the contract! Often, providers offer their equipment, or they provide it allegedly for free, for example, “a router for 1 ruble” or “free of charge”. Usually in such cases there is an additional contract where this equipment is redeemed by the user for a certain period of time with payment in installments. In case of termination of the contract, it may be necessary to pay the entire cost at once, because. The provider is not required by law to buy the equipment back.
  • Can you set up the hardware if you already have it, and how much does the provider charge for the setup service. And whether your equipment is suitable for this provider.
  • When choosing a provider or switching to a new one, pay attention to the availability and accessibility of technical support. Better 24/7 and better with the most accessible means of communication.
  • Pay attention to where and how the provider's cables and equipment are located, how quickly you can access them if necessary, and who has this access.
  • If the Internet connection is your working tool, it is more reliable to have connections from 2 different providers: the main one and the backup one.

A stable connection to you and "not a single gap."

Hello, friends! Today we will devote time to such an important issue as “working on the Internet at home without investments and deception”.

Many people are looking for a stable and suitable job and the Internet has become one of the places where such work can be found. No matter where you are, having a computer or laptop and the Internet, you can work and get paid for it from anywhere in the world.

I have collected all the ways to work on the Internet in one article so that it turns out to be as useful as possible for you!

1. How much is it possible to earn by working on the Internet?

Of course, you should not think that once you start working on the Internet, you will start earning money in “bags” without much effort. But often there are people who still believe in an easy way to make tens of thousands of rubles a day.

Often this is exactly what newbies are lured by scammers on the Internet. Their goal is to take the last money from naive users by offering another “super course” for making easy money.

You should not go to the other extreme and say that it is not realistic to make decent money on the Internet. It is possible to earn good money, and now I will tell you, depending on what kind of work, how much you can earn.

For your convenience, I have divided the work on the Internet into 3 main parts:

  • simple operation (requires almost no special skills)
  • work on stock exchanges (it is desirable to have at least some skills)
  • remote work (often requires special skills)

Simple operation primarily suitable for beginners who are not yet particularly versed in the Internet and do not have any skills.

For the most part, it is possible to earn small sums at a simple job - up to 100-300 rubles per day , well, a maximum of 500 rubles with a fairly tight work schedule.

If you have come across offers on the Internet that promise you a fabulous income for an extremely simple “job”, then you should know that these are very likely simply scammers (we will talk about them in more detail).

Work on freelance exchanges requires at least basic knowledge of using a computer and the Internet. In some cases, no special skills are required - you can learn everything as you work. You can start small.

It is possible to earn much more on the exchanges from 300 rubles. Usually the salary cap is 2000 - 3000 rubles . It is difficult to give exact numbers, as it all depends on the type of work and on how much time and how you will work.

Telework similar to a full-time standard job, where you will have to put in at least 3-4 hours a day. This often requires specialized skills and abilities. Although there are also exceptions, as some employers offer free training.

Also, depending on the workload and type of work, it is possible to earn from 500 rubles to 3-4 thousand rubles a day .

Thus, we can say that the skills and abilities are not always required to start working on the Internet. For example, I myself started making money on the Internet from scratch and at the beginning of the journey I knew absolutely nothing.

But as the work progressed, a certain understanding and necessary skills came. So, you can always learn in the process of work. The most important thing you need is the desire to start making money online!

2. What do you need to start working on the Internet?

So, before we move on to an overview of popular sites and ways to work on the Internet, we will decide what you need for this. Perhaps some people are well aware of this, but still I will repeat for those who are not in the know.

First what you need is to register an e-mail box for yourself, if you have not already done so. It is possible to register, for example, on or You will need it to register on the sites.

Second what you need is electronic wallets and preferably a bank card in order to receive payment for the work you have done. In most cases, it is enough to have the following e-wallets:

  • Qiwi wallet
  • Yandex money
  • WebMoney
  • Bank card (optional)

You will mainly receive payment on electronic wallets, and then you can transfer money to your bank card in order to withdraw cash from ATMs without any problems.

You can register the necessary e-wallets for free as needed. But I would advise you to have them right away, since in the future you will most likely need them all.

3. Work on the Internet at home without investments and deceit - an overview of the best 45 sites for making money

For many novice users, there may be questions and confusion in a large list of ways (sites) to work and make money on the Internet.

Therefore, I decided first of all to present to you the methods with which I started myself and which, in my opinion, are the simplest and most suitable for beginners.

In any case, all sites and methods of work presented on the site are verified and guaranteed to pay money.

5 simple sites to make money

1. - one of the most popular sites for earning money without investments on the Internet for beginners.

As you may have guessed, the service calculates payment in cents ( in dollars), upon withdrawal, the amount is automatically converted at the current exchange rate into rubles. Money is withdrawn quite quickly: in 2-3 days they usually already go to the electronic wallet.

Thus, despite the routine tasks and relatively low pay, in my opinion, Yandex Toloka is quite a worthy project, for which there is still no better replacement. Although it is not suitable as the main source of income, nevertheless, as an additional one, it is quite, especially for beginners!

In general, if you are looking for simple earnings on the Internet, then Yandex Toloka is definitely worth a try.

You can go to the official website of Yandex Toloka.

2. Another extremely simple and affordable way for absolutely everyone to make money on the Internet is enter captcha(the bottom line is that you just need to enter characters from the pictures).

❗️ Behindone twohours of work, users can usually earn from 20 up to 70 rubles . The pay, of course, is frankly low, but everyone can cope with this type of work. And yet, Yandex Toloka in terms of part-time work without skills will be better!

To start earning, you only need to go through a quick registration and you can immediately start working. You can instantly receive the earned funds to any of the electronic wallets, as well as to your mobile phone.

By the way, it is more profitable to work at night (from 12 pm to 7 am Moscow time), then for the same number of solved captchas you can earn in 2-3 times more!

3. Copy Lancer is one of the most popular writing exchanges on the Internet, and the prices here are much higher than on other similar exchanges.

Who is this exchange for? First of all, those who know how to correctly express their thoughts, know how to collect information on the Internet and interpret it in their own words.

Article Store on Copilancer - topics and average cost per 1000 characters

Although copywriting is not such an easy thing, it can bring you some pretty good money!

But if you are still a beginner and have no experience in copywriting yet, but want to try writing texts to order, then for you closer to the end of the article in the section " Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters» We have prepared a list of exchanges from which you can start receiving your first money on the Internet!

Even if you have already chosen one or more of the above sites to work on the Internet without investments, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the possible ways to make money online. Perhaps just what is right for you, you will find below!

3.1 Easy work on the Internet on simple tasks - TOP 10 ways to earn money

First, here is a list of sites that offer the simplest and easiest work on the Internet. Accordingly, the income from them is quite modest and small, so it makes sense to use them only in addition to the main income.

A little later, we will look at freelance exchanges and full-fledged remote work, which can just bring in the main income!

Method number 1: Earn on surveys

A really simple way to work on the Internet without investment is surveys. They are more suitable as an addition to the main source of income on the Internet.

Polls are conducted mainly by large companies through specialized sites in order to find out the opinion and preferences of the group of people of interest.

So spending about 10-25 minutes to answer all the questions, you can earn 30-50 rubles.

❗️Good advice:
Register for 4 or more surveys at once (some are listed below), in this case you will receive more surveys and, accordingly, earn more.

These tasks are very easy and, accordingly, you should not expect a large payment, but no special knowledge is required here either. Let's look at a few more popular services for entering captchas.

Method number 10: Earn on publics and sites

Another way is to make money on communities in social networks and on websites. Yes, this is not an easy way, however, it is very popular on the Internet, so I think it will be interesting for you to learn about it.

There are several types of such remote work:

  1. Work as an administrator (content manager) of the public / site;
  2. Creation and promotion of your own public / site and earnings on advertising.

First option the simplest and provides that you will perform certain work (for example, publish posts / articles, edit text ...) and get paid for this.

❗️ For such maintenance of one public / site per month, you can receive an average 3000-10 000 rubles. Some people take "in control" at the same time 3-5 communities/sites And as a result, quite good money runs up in a month.

And about where to look for such vacancies, I will tell a little lower. Mostly, the vacancies of the administrator and content manager are published in the groups in social networks, popular exchanges freelance And job sites.

And here second option more suitable for those who do not want to depend on anyone and want to work for themselves + turn your hobby into money .

By itself, the creation and promotion of your site or public is not so simple, and it requires knowledge and time (the first income can be received only after 2-5 months). But believe me, you can start from scratch - as long as there is a desire, and you can learn everything else!

Nevertheless, with this option, you can earn almost on liabilities. tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month.

But the most important thing that it gives, in my opinion, is freedom of action and independence!

3.2 Work on the Internet without investments on popular exchanges

In addition to the above methods, there are copywriting and rewriting exchanges on the Internet, as well as other specialized exchanges.

Site owners always try to fill the site with useful and unique information on various topics. To do this, they create orders on these exchanges to write articles on certain topics.

Copywriters and rewriters can earn money by writing custom articles or selling their finished articles.

Exchanges, in turn, are an intermediary between the customer and the contractor and, on the one hand, guarantee payment to the contractor, and on the other, the quality of the article to the customer.

An important aspect is uniqueness, that is, the minimum similarity of a new article with the information that is already on the Internet. Uniqueness can be checked through special services (every major exchange has it).

This is one of the largest niches on the Internet, in which hundreds of thousands of people earn. However, such work requires initial skills in writing and perseverance.

How much can you earn?
A couple of my friends have been making money writing articles about 30-50 thousand rubles each.

It is also possible to earn money by creating websites, designing, setting up advertising.

You can earn on special exchanges (we will consider below) and lawyers, accountants, students. But, as you understand, for this you must have the appropriate special skills and abilities.

Still, the easiest way is to start with rewriting, since you can learn this already on the go.

#1: Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

Here I will list the exchanges for writing articles on the Internet. I advise you to choose those topics of articles in which you are already well versed or at least have a general idea about them.

Also try to start with rewriting as it is usually easier than copywriting. As you gain experience, you will be able to take on more complex and high-paying jobs.

You can withdraw money on the following exchanges on Yandex Money, Qiwi wallet and Webmoney.

Working from3 to 8 hoursper day, it is quite possible for an operator to earn about 400-1000 rubles per day

Almost every one of us is familiar with Yandex, which is currently the largest search engine in Russia.

But few people know that on their website in the 👈 section you can find many free vacancies for remote work (at the same time, you can work not only from Russia).

An important feature and advantage is that there are quite a few professions here that do not require experience and knowledge, which means they are suitable for beginners. The main requirement is basically the ability to use a computer.

⭐️ Specific example!
One such profession is Assessor in the Market . Do not be afraid of such a name, the work is extremely simple.

The duties will include checking online stores for various violations, for example, setting the price for goods different than the one set on the Yandex Market service.

Terms and obligations of a Yandex Market assessor

Distance learning is often provided. It is often possible to work according to a free schedule, usually the minimum number of working hours should not be less than 3-4 hours a day(20 hours a week).

You can also work in Yandex as a moderator, call center operator, Market operator (enter data), etc. Take a look and see for yourself! 😉

On average, remote work in Yandex brings about 15-20 thousand rubles per month.

Option number 3: On freelance exchanges

Many freelance exchanges have a special section (usually called "Vacancies") in which employers publish up-to-date announcements about remote work.

❗️ Do not underestimate freelance exchanges - they really publish a lot of interesting vacancies that cannot be found on other resources. In addition, there are often vacancies that do not require work experience.

An example of a remote vacancy on the WorkZilla freelance exchange

Option #4: On social media

Social media is a brand new job search option. For example, you can search for a job on Vkontakte by typing " telework" or " remote employee» in the News section.

This is one of the real ways to find a job on the Internet without investment.

☝️ For example, the profession is very popular on Vkontakte « group and community administrator«, it also in most cases does not require experience and any specialized skills. Duties usually include - selection of interesting information and publication of posts! Very often free training is provided!

Option number 5: On Avito

You can find many affiliate programs on the following sites:


After you register on one of the sites, you will have access to a catalog of goods (services, applications, games ...) with affiliate deductions.

For each product, you will receive a special link to it, which will track conversions and purchases for it. And if the person who clicked on it buys the goods, then you will automatically receive money on the balance sheet, which you can withdraw to your electronic wallet or bank card.

You can also make money on affiliate programs with the help of the well-known Avito platform. So, for example, I did:

  1. Find a seller of a popular product (let's say a phone), you can find it on the same Avito
  2. Agree on a certain commission on the goods (10-30 percent of the cost)
  3. Place free ads on Avito
  4. Receive calls and transfer contacts to the seller
  5. Get paid

Something like that. From one sale on the phone, I earned about 1000 rubles. As far as I'm concerned, that's pretty good. Try it too, if of course this option suits you.

4. Beware of deception and scammers on the Internet - 5 recommendations

Deception on the Internet is much more common than in real life. This is due, firstly, to the presence of a large audience on the Internet and, secondly, to fairly simple tools that are relatively easy to implement on the Internet.

  1. Do not fall for the tricks of scammers who offer you to quickly and easily make money on the Internet and become rich in a matter of days. They do this in order to make money on you by getting money from you.
  2. If you are offered a job with very favorable conditions, but at the same time they say that you need to deposit money in order to get it, know that in 99% of cases this is simply a scam.
  3. Use the proven above options for working on the Internet.
  4. If you work directly with customers (especially with new ones), take an advance payment of at least 10-30% of the cost of work.
  5. Do not believe those people who advise you to transfer money to a certain electronic wallet and after a while they will double or even triple.

I compiled these tips based on my personal experience, I'm sure some of them will be useful to you.

5. Pros and cons of working on the Internet

To compare the work on the Internet with the usual work, I have prepared a table for you. Below you can find out about all the advantages and disadvantages of working on the Internet:

Criterion Work on the Internet Regular work
1 Income level Unlimited Fixed(mostly)
2 Schedule Free from 9 am to 6 pm(mostly)
3 Payment Depends on the amount of work done stable monthly
4 Place of work Anywhere: from anywhere in the world Office (in most cases)
5 Travel time and costs Missing There is
6 Responsibility High Medium
7 Availability of bosses No, mostly customers. Dependency is low There is. High dependency

These are the pros and cons of remote and standard work.

6. Conclusion

So we have analyzed all the popular ways to work on the Internet without investments, I really hope that you have already chosen one or more areas in which you will work.

The most important thing, however, as elsewhere, is your inner desire to earn money via the Internet. At first you may have some questions and difficulties, but as you gain experience, you will do your job better and faster.

That's all! Good luck to you and a highly paid and beloved job!

I spent more than 3 days writing this article, so if it was valuable for you, share it on social networks. I will be very grateful to you for this!

Epigraph: Stop running after people, let them run after you and find you themselves. .

Dedicated to those who fail in MLM...

Tell me, have you had such cases when you receive messages on VKontakte, ICQ or Skype from unknown people with an offer to earn money in some kind of Internet project, start some interesting and profitable business, become a distributor of some MLM company, etc. d.? I'm sure more than once. Personally, I've had enough of it. Are you not?

Now another option. Quite the opposite. You are engaged in some kind of business on the Internet, you participate in some kind of super Internet project, you are a distributor of some cool network company with mega-quality products, super-duper services, service, etc. In short, it's not the point.

You know one thing - in order to make money in your business, you need to invite people (future partners or consumers) who will invest their money in it. Yes, most of the profits on the Internet come from this. You use a product or service of some company and it tells you to recommend us to others and get %.

Let's even give an example - an MLM (network marketing) business. The best option!

So! Tell me, is it hard to make money in this business? You just need to tell the other person about your product, which you yourself like + about the opportunity to earn. Everything is already done for you, and the products and services and the reward plan and delivery and everything everything everything, your task is to SPEAK!!! Just talk and that's it!

I no longer go further and write about the need to work on myself, be able to speak in public, work competently with a team, motivate it, etc. etc., first let's focus on inviting people into business for nothing. After all, to work with a team, for example, you need it to be =)

Why don't people go to your business? After all, you have such a cool company, such a cool project, the products are just super, damn it, and the benefits are such and the opportunity to make money, and the income is unlimited. Well, what could be better than your business???? Nothing!

You love your business, love to be surrounded by people who work with you, visit schools, develop, etc.!!! Uhhhh!!! Bliss!!! Everything is just great! “Well, why can’t I invite people to this business, why don’t people believe me, because my business is so cool,” you ask yourself???

Again, an example of MLM. There is a business card site, I swell money into advertising, I make calls all the time, I tried all the different options for talking on the phone with candidates, I had a bunch of rendezvous and meetings, I mark everyone on VKontakte videos every day, I invite them to trainings, schools, seminars, etc., in short, I share so that everyone knows about my business and all without result.

Friends laugh, parents and relatives twist their fingers to their temples, candidates don't believe... Why do you think??? Why, if your business is so cool, almost no one believes in it and does not want to do it???

I thought about this for a long time, thought, analyzed my work in MLM and identified 3 reasons why people tell you - NO!!!

1. You are offering a business - you don't have to offer anything. If you offer, then you need it!
2. You let the person know that it's easy to make money in your business! Tell me is it easy? =)
3. Who are you anyway? Nobody knows you, from where did you draw such a businessman?

This is the TRIO you must understand for yourself once and for all! Three points because of which your business and the business of beginner networkers is covered with a copper basin !!! I can bet that for many people who are currently reading this article, some points will be like a blow to the head.

Someone will discover something new for themselves, someone, on the contrary, will not agree, and someone will simply say, “It’s all clear anyway.” Personally, the understanding of these 3 points did not come to me immediately.

Let's start with the first point. If you offer a business, then you need it. The fool understands. Personally, when they offer me something on the Internet, some kind of business project, an opportunity to earn money, etc., I think like this, “Yeah, another nutcase wants to make money by getting rich on me or throwing me for money.” Do you think I'm the only one who thinks so? =) No, almost all adequate and not naive people think so.

Bottom line: does it make sense to search for people by marking them on VKontakte videos, adding them as friends of interest, advertising your business card site on Yandex, making calls to candidates? There is no point. By the way, a question. Do I need to make calls to MLM? =) Almost 99% will say in unison - "Yes", "Of course", "But what about", "Definitely". =) Well, in principle, yes, this is the bible of MLM. Calls, meetings, calls, meetings... Ahhh... Oh my God...

Okay. Then I am that 1% - I will say NO. Calls should definitely NOT be made! Friends, I am writing my truth, so do not blame me. Everyone has their own opinion and methods of work. It is clear that people need to be recruited, this works well through calls, and the more the better.

Then people need to be inspired, motivated, etc., but this is not for me. I don’t want to work in this way and do business on the principle of come expensive - pay - does not work? - go away, another one will come. I don’t need a circle of people, I already grabbed grief with whiners and co-workers, I don’t want to anymore.

So, about calls. Why shouldn't they be done? First you need to give your brain a good shake and get out of this inadequacy that you may be in if you are making calls to candidates in order to understand what I am going to talk about now. Question to you. Why are you calling? The purpose of your call, what do you want to receive by making a call?

I answer. You want to offer something. And if you offer, then you need it, you will get some benefit from it. People feel it. Even if you just call a person and ask him why he came to your site, why he left his data, why he signed up for some mailing list, etc., it still says that you are interested in this person and you call him for your benefit. This is not true??? Don't be fooled friends... And if you also offer your business over the phone - it's generally tough!

Whom I advise to make calls is to modest, downtrodden and shy people who want to upgrade themselves, their communication skills. Such people at the initial stage in MLM will benefit from calls. There are guys who are not just afraid to make calls, they are even afraid to speak into the microphone at some team meetings, online schools, etc.

Calls can be a good way to grow personally, but as a business development, this is not a very good move. If you do not think so, then analyze your work in MLM, count how many partners came to you thanks to calls to strangers. =)

All this is strange, a stranger calls, is interested in me, and God forbid, and offers some kind of business. So many people on earth are looking for a good job, but here happiness has come to me, they themselves call and offer to earn money. =)

I repeat, calling, pestering everyone on social networks, spamming the Internet with offers of your business is the first mistake of any networker. Business is not required. Make it so that you yourself are asked and asked to tell in more detail about what you do, but until you are asked, do not brainwash anyone.

Not everyone wants to do MLM, become successful and rich, not everyone wants to do Internet business, personal growth, etc. Not everyone is like you and wants to make money. Everyone has their favorite thing. Look around. If everyone does MLM, the world will collapse. Who will work?

Scientists, doctors, builders, programmers, firefighters, welders, car mechanics, accountants, carpenters, lawyers, etc. Thanks to them, today you have everything that is around you and the fact that they have chosen this profession does not mean that they are not purposeful, that they do not strive for something in life, that they do not set goals, do not act, do not develop, etc., but the poor stupidly go to work and life is one darkness for them !!! Not at all! To each his own as they say.

How many times have I noticed on the pages of networkers phrases like - “The poor are looking for work, the rich are building networks”, “The rich communicate with rich and successful people. The poor communicate with the poor and the losers” or just statements like “People, hiring will not lead to anything good for you, MLM is super” =) well, in short, etc. Did you understand. Hiring shit? and MLM is the path to financial freedom. =) Yeah. Show me those free ones! Where are they?

I work in the fire department, I love my profession, I just like it, I studied for it for 3 years and continue to study, in the next 2012 I will already receive captain's shoulder straps. Yes, I am employed, what now? What of it? I like it, you know, and who thinks what I don't care.

Yes, I get up on an alarm clock, yes I go to work, yes I have a boss, so what? I like!!! I am not a poor, unfortunate hard worker, who in the future only has a beggarly pension and nothing more ... And it’s not good for some son to tell me that work for hire is a road to nowhere.

It all starts with her! I will repeat the phrase of Confucius - "Do what you like to do and there will not be a single working day in your life."

So! Summary of all of the above. There is no need to offer business to people, not all people are suitable for MLM business, employment is not hell and darkness !!! A person who offers business to people who do not need it is the same as a little boy running to a flock of pigeons to feed them, and they fly away.

Develop, improve your skills and qualities and people will ask you about your business.

The second reason why people don't go into your business is that you let the person know that it's easy to make money in your business! It's true? Easily? Yes? Are you already rich?

Well, you didn’t offer anything to anyone, so some person found you on the Internet himself and asks, “Please tell me more about your business.” What will you tell? I don’t want to talk about everyone now, but the main part of networkers make another gross mistake when recruiting - they say that the MLM business is simple. This is not true. Business MLM hemorrhoids are still the same. You need to plow like a damned one, not even like a damned one, it’s easy to say.

What do inexperienced networkers do? They do not say this because they are afraid that the candidate will be scared of all this tinkering and will not come to their business. =) It's better to say that everything here is easy and simple, that you can earn a lot of money lying on the couch, that they will help and support him, that his sponsor (but not me) earns almost a cartoon of dollars a month, etc. In short, you need to talk about the business in such a way that a person likes everything and he immediately signed up. =)

It is not right. all those who come for free will merge in the first months. If you are a networker and are reading this article now, then you have a task: How would you answer the question “What do you do?” in one sentence. (meaning business), if you were asked by a person you did not know? Can you answer right now? Don't think, answer.

After you answer, analyze what you said and think - will the average person understand it? I remember laughing to tears at one of the ISIF events, when Andrey Vedenyev, one of the company's leaders, talked about how not to invite people into business. He gave an example.

The network manager receives a VKontakte message with the question “Tell me what you do?” He replies, “Hi. I develop business on the Internet, I am engaged in self-development and personal growth, I study the topic of money and financial independence, I help other people with this.

Answer: "Clearly, I'll go wash myself in the bathroom." =) =)

Everything!!! The man is gone! Before him, these words like self-education, personal growth, financial independence are incomprehensible. This is a different story among us networkers, but when you explain to an ordinary person what you do, speak Russian, he does not understand the language of aliens.

Anyway. The result of all of the above is that it is not easy to work in the MLM business, the MLM business is not simple and you do not need to present it as a freebie and an easy way to make money. Say it like it is. “You will plow, work day after day, you need to do this, this, and this, it will be very difficult” ...

Believe me, it works better several times. Freeloaders will immediately merge, realizing that they need to work here, and they naturally do not want to work. Well, serious people will think! You need serious people, don't you?

Every day on the Internet, VKontakte, on Skype, by mail, etc., I receive several different offers of earning money from all sorts of freaks. By the way, these freaks often call themselves business coaches, coaches or coaches of financial success. =) It's funny already ......

So. Now I do not consider these proposals at all, I just send them to spam. Why? See point one - Business does not need to be offered. An experienced, professional networker will never offer a business first. What's the point of watching offers from people who lie?

It's not even about their project, way of earning, opportunities, etc. Something else is interesting here, namely, who offers this to you? Who is he anyway? Nobody knows him, from where did he draw such a businessman? Do you understand what I mean?

Friends, ask yourself this question now. Who are you anyway? Where did you draw such a businessman from? Read this expression a few more times and delve into the words. Do you think there are many people like you on the Internet or not? Well, let's face it, on every corner on the net there are cries of "Earn money", "Become rich and successful", "Become financially independent" ...

Who are these people who offer everyone their opportunity? Firstly, their cant is what they offer, and secondly, no one knows them yet. Do you think these people will make a lot of money this way?

Definitely - NO, until they realize how to work correctly!!! OK. You don't offer your business to people. To those who ask you about your business, you do not say that it is simple, you are doing everything right, but who are you for people to follow you? Who are you to teach other people about your business? Who are you???

Friends. People don't go into business. People are coming towards you. If a person sees that you are the one who can help him get what he wants, he will follow you and no matter what business, project, company, etc. you have.

Just talking about your business, showing it, explaining how it works is not enough, you need more. You must become the kind of person who can speak in such a way that your candidate's ears will be wrapped in a tube and their brains will boil from your smart statements. I know such people, I learn from them and constantly improve myself, because I understand that without this I can’t go anywhere.

But that's not all, many people can speak beautifully, scammers can also speak beautifully. =) Not a little important role is played by your own brand. Creating and promoting a brand is a separate topic for a post, but for now I will give you just a few tips on creating your own brand.

Today you have internet. Use it. If you are doing business on the Internet, then you definitely should have your own personal website or blog. If they don't exist, do it now. Without a personal page on the Internet today you are nobody.

Get yourself your own resource on the topic of your business, write articles, share useful information with other people. Your site should have information about you, who you are, where you are from, where you live, it should be possible to contact you, etc.

In general, the person to whom you told about your business can simply type your full name in a google search and find out about you as a person who is really engaged in some kind of business, he is not a scammer, not a scammer and not a radish ... If he will not find in the search - who are you then? What kind of unknown businessman is this?

But that's not all. Look who earns in any project more than others? Who? Basically, these are the guys who do something of their own. Clones have never made a lot of money anywhere. Remember, if you want to succeed, you have to make your own, your own branded product.

It can be some kind of video course, video training, audio podcast, some kind of e-book or just a free mailing list. In general, it doesn’t matter what, the main thing is that it carries benefits for people and not a small one. It must be yours. Your personal creativity!

All successful networkers have understood this for a long time and are acting, if you have not understood it yet, understand it faster and work. Give the person something for free first. He will benefit from this and you will be an authority in his eyes!

If you don't know what to do, think. It’s hard to think about doing this if you don’t have experience in some area - gain experience. Your author's product will work for you for years. Benefiting people, they will follow you...

See such a thing. You told the person about your business. What will he do after he talks to you? I would go to a search engine and read reviews about this miracle business. Any ordinary, adequate, not naive person will do the same.

As you know, the better the product, the more it is criticized, so here, I don’t think that a person will not find negative reviews about your business on the Internet. Yep, how to find it. Read and get scared. BUT!!! Who will he believe?

People who write all sorts of nasty things or you? Think about it! I think if you once helped a person from the bottom of your heart with something, then he would rather believe you than negative reviews. Is not it?

Okay, I'm done with the article. Hope it was helpful for you. I would like to hear your comments on this. I write what I think, so I hope for your understanding. If someone does not agree with something, write. Thanks! I wish success to you networkers and beginners of this wonderful world of Internet business!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

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